Biden Administration Now Pushing Gun Control As a Key Tool in Countering Domestic Terrorism

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Joshua Geltzer
Joshua Geltzer (Courtesy

Polarization. Misinformation. Bigotry. Racism. All fuel the growing threat of domestic extremism in the United States. But a top White House official says there’s one more key component complicating the administration’s efforts to thwart attacks: guns.

“Easy access to firearms — especially certain types of firearms — can make acts of domestic terrorism more feasible to undertake and more lethal once they happen,” JOSHUA GELTZER, the deputy homeland security adviser at the NSC, told NatSec Daily in his first on-the-record interview since assuming that position this month. “As this administration works … to address some of the challenges associated with the widespread availability of firearms in this country, we are doing so with the knowledge that that is a priority in and of itself — as well as one that relates to the stepped-up efforts that we’re undertaking to address domestic terrorists.”

— Alexander Ward in Easy access to guns makes domestic terror attacks harder to stop, NSC official says

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  1. They should crack down on the easy access of Molotov cocktails. But then that would only effect Democrats.

    • Didn’t a wannabe jihadi try, and almost succeeded, in attacking the Canadian government with a lever action rifle?

      Even a Fudd gun in determined hands is a threat.

      • That is the entire point, in a nutshell.

        ANY firearm can ‘make acts of domestic terrorism more feasible to undertake and more lethal once they happen.’

        From the viewpoint of a Disarmist, there is no reason to stop at ‘certain types of firearms’ when ALL firearms are capable of doing nasty things to babies, puppies, and minorities; If one is going to demand that one ‘certain type’ of firearm be banned, it is only a good first step in eliminating all firearms, at which time all violence will come to a screeching halt, and children can frolic all day on the cotton-candy grass as the smiling Sun beams down upon the gumdrop trees along the soda-pop rivers and everybody will be just so healthy, wealthy, and wise that they won’t know what to DO with themselves.

    • He Calls it “Domestic Terrorism” The Constitution and the framers of the Constitution called it A Response to TYRANNY. “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. (attributed to Thomas Jefferson) “One source attributes this quotation to Jefferson in The Federalist.4 The Federalist, however, was the work of Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, not Thomas Jefferson; nor does The Federalist contain the text of this quotation. This quotation is vaguely similar to Jefferson’s comment in an 1825 letter to William Short: “Some are whigs, liberals, democrats, call them what you please. Others are tories, serviles, aristocrats, &c. The latter fear the people, and wish to transfer all power to the higher classes of society; the former consider the people as the safest depository of power in the last resort; they cherish them therefore, and wish to leave in them all the powers to the exercise of which they are competent.”5 To date, however, the most likely source of this quotation appears to be a series of debates on socialism published in 1914, in which John Basil Barnhill said, “Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty.”

  2. By all accounts the Jim Crow Gun Control biden administration are the domestic terrorists. Everything they touch they destroy.

    • ‘Routers. Gotta get them routers!
      Routers. Gotta see them routers!

      Come on, Kelly, y’all erased that data on them…

      Routers. Won’t give up those routers!
      Routers. Gotta turn over some routers…

      Heeeey Wendy, we’re beyond all that now…


      These are the words of a deranged Dotard who doesn’t even know what day it is. Former President Trump’s cognitive decline is very apparent. Sad!

      • On another topic the above stalker pretended to be POTUS DJT speaking and now he stoops even further and plasters the same spew on this topic. A sure sign he/it does not know who or where or what he/it is just like Jim Crow Gun Control joe biden…Two lost in space peas in a pod.

        Following his/its previous router rant he/it obviously read my response and being as he/it is a gutless wonder he/it did not and could answer even a simple yes or no question. Below is my reply from that topic and what he/it clearly tucked tail and ran from…

        Routers or no routers had POTUS DJT “won” an election under the same sleazy vote count circumstances as Jim Crow Gun Control joe the democRat Party scum who concocted Russian Collusion and their smelly media cohorts would be having full blown non stop investigations to date. Ain’t dat right? Yes or No.

        Until each and every one of the so called biden votes are verified with a knock on the door name, address and SSN in the wishy washy states in question no one is going to roll over and buy your pasty mouth beyond all of that whitewash.

        What happened to POTUS DJT and his legitimate voters is nothing new. The democRat Party did the exact same thing to Black Americans running for public office or those running to hold onto public office. The democRat Party cannot stop using election fraud because it is in their nature and it’s a Jim Crow democRat Party Family Tradition. You bozo are just another one of their politically inept history illiterate pathetic worthless knee pad useful idiots.

        • “Hey guys…she’s single!”

          More ‘projection’, little boy. (A very little boy, if you know what I mean.)

          I really hate to break it to you, but you’ll never lose your virginity treating real women like Deborah that way.

          You will die alone in your mom’s basement by a heart attack, with your hand clutched to your (pathetically small) unit covered in Vaseline…

          *snicker* 😉

  3. “Polarization. Misinformation. Bigotry. Racism. All fuel the growing threat of domestic extremism in the United States.”

    Uh huh.

    And, pray tell, how did those polarized, misinformed, bigoted, racist people get that way in the first place?

    • you’re missing the point. he doesn’t think they became that way. he thinks they were born that way, that their parents were that way and that their children will be that way, by nature. and that his nature is morally superior.

  4. Yeah, easy access! All they gotta do is go to the rail yards with their crew and rip off the “legal” shipments before they even see the dealers. C’mon man, you’re not fooling anybody!

  5. Instead of always talking about unnamed, unidentified terrorists, let us know who these people are and lock them up of they are truly a threat.

    Show us the proof. Point to any murders, riots, destruction these ‘terrorists’ have caused. Show us the continuing threat to society these ‘terrorists’ pose.

    • I think that is what Pelosi is trying to do with her Jan. 6 “bi-partisan” select committee special investigation thingy.

      The Biden administration has made it perfectly clear who the “most lethal threat” is. Now they just need to put it into a pretty little package to be delivered just before the 2022 mid-term elections.

      • I agree. I just want more push back on specific people still out there that are considered a threat. Identify the ‘terrorists’ before you use them as an excuse to pass stricter gun laws.

        Every week we see hundreds of people shot on the streets. None are shot by trump-supporting-white-supremacist-terrorist-republicans.

        • Well, yeah, but if there weren’t Trump-supporting white-supremacist terrorist Republicans and systemic racism, inner-city Yutes of Color would instantly turn their lives around, become fathers to their various progeny, attend church, go back to school, eschew violence, tithe until it hurts, and build Habitats for Humanity when they are not walking old ladies across streets WITHOUT stealing their pensions.


  6. According to the U.S. government

    “Under Federal law, “domestic terrorism” is defined as “activities that involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion, or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.”

    “…“Easy access to firearms — especially certain types of firearms — can make acts of domestic terrorism more feasible to undertake and more lethal once they happen,” …”

    Almost 90% of “domestic terrorism” incidents in the last 100 years in the U.S. have been conducted by, or were planned, use of explosives, not firearms. This happened even with and without any “gun control”. Guns do not make “domestic terrorism” “more feasible to undertake and more lethal once they happen” – “domestic terrorism” makes “domestic terrorism” more feasible to undertake and more lethal once it happens”.

    • In other words, access to firearms is no more likely to “make acts of domestic terrorism more feasible to undertake and more lethal once they happen,” than having access to, for example, a vehicle.

      • If anyone knows about domestic terrorism that certainly would be b. h. obama’s close pal and long time mentor the communist terrorist “kill your parents” lily white bill ayers. Among many other not so nice things ayers designed a bomb that blew up killing his girlfriend and two of his like minded comrades. To make matters worse that bomb was intended for US Fort Dix Soldiers attending a dance with civilians.

        I wonder how many people who voted for obama/obiden actually knew about ayers and obama’s long time close working realtionship and knew obama launched his political career from the home of bill ayers? Who in their right mind would spend more than one second with a turd who advised followers to kill their parents?

        In other words the glasses wearing biden lint licker pointing his finger at Guns has no podium and he best pay attention to the filth in his own backyard.

        • “I wonder how many people who voted for obama/obiden actually knew about ayers and obama’s long time close working realtionship and knew obama launched his political career from the home of bill ayers?

          Practically none, including me. Before the 2008 election, I ran into a business associate at the post office. He seemed shocked that Obama was getting so much support. He told me Obama was an extremist and a socialist. I was thinking what is this guy talking about? Obama hasn’t said anything about that and neither has the news haha. Yeah I actually thought the legacy media informed me. This associate that I knew was a hardcore Republican that worked on a congressional campaign, so I chalked this up to partisanship. Little did I know…

    • The domestic terrorism definition perfectly describes the 2020 BLM-Antifa (AKA Democrat activists) Summer of Mostly Peaceful Fiery Destruction.

      • Eggsactly.
        But I think more like the armed insurgents that stormed the Whitehouse kinda terrorists.
        Those guys.
        Not the peaceful protesters burning cars and destroying private businesses.

      • When 0bama was asked about Ayers he stated he was ‘just some guy down the street who lived in the neighborhood’. 0bama forgot to mention that his political career was formulated in Ayers living room many years before. He failed to mention that Ayers was an unrepentant terrorist who proclaimed he wished had killed more people. 0bama failed to mention Ayers wrote his f**king biography!! He failed to mention Ayers wife Bernadine Dohrn was a Federal wanted fugitive for almost 30 years for domestic terrorism. And no mention of her contributions to the people murdered by Ayers and his friends. And don’t forget the 20 years he spent in the front row of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright spouting racism and hatred for white people. I could go on but who wants to read 3 pages of this.

    • Seems like their definition of expressly fits everything that happened during the riots last year. Part of why the news media attempted to portray them as “mostly peaceful protests” and on the other hand depict the capital occurrence as teRroRizm.

    • ‘\“domestic terrorism” is defined as “activities that involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion, or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.”

      Sounds like the illegitimate Biden administration is describing itself. And as several above noted, the definition fits antifa and BLM like a glove.

      No wonder they’ve got a 24/7 propaganda campaign aimed at us. It has to be pretty difficult to cover the activities of their bolsheviks and sturmabteilung, but the “progressive” left is doing its level best.

  7. Seems very bizarre: Tying easy access to firearms to domestic terrorism.

    First, there have been very few cases of firearms violence that seem to fit the “domestic terrorism” description. Clearly, the shooting at the “Draw the Prophet” art exhibit at the Curtis Culwell Center fits this bill. Arguably, the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. There must be a few others that fit just as well; but, not many.

    The more loosely one might define “domestic terrorism”, the more events could be cited. Still, in any case, we are a long way from showing a connection between “easy” access to firearms and “domestic terrorism”.

    Second, making access to firearms more – difficult – (difficult is the opposite of easy) seems a long and hopeless slog.

    Consider each of the proposed new gun controls: UBC; waiting periods; . . . None of these would stop anyone determined to commit domestic terrorism.

    Only the most ONEROUS rationing of access to arms as a privilege available exclusively to professional guards could have any effect on domestic terrorism. And, even that is doubtful as shown by the Pulse Nightclub incident where the shooter was a licensed security guard evaluated – and ultimately vetted – by the FBI.

    No such onerous rationing would ever pass either political or judicial muster in America. So, President Biden can’t be talking about any new gun control that could possibly have even a marginal effect.

    This appears to be merely “blowing smoke” in our faces. He can’t be serious. Or, if he is serious, it reflects poorly on his cognitive ability.

    • MarkPA said: The more loosely one might define “domestic terrorism”, the more events could be cited.

      That is why the definitions are being re-written. They continue to evolve. Anyone that reads the DHS NTAS documents or FOUO bulletins sent to FSLTT agencies, knows that the Federal government is laser focused on going after DVEs (aka, white, conservative, straight, male…). They just throw out the term “domestic terrorist” as generic word for the masses, but their true intentions have been declared.

      Before, “too many acronyms” from some here, please, do some research and learn what these letters mean. Your survival depends on it.

    • “Seems very bizarre: Tying easy access to firearms to domestic terrorism.”

      Not bizarre at all, Mark. The point is to smear gun owners as all being potential terrorists. Since they already have naked contempt for us, it’s an easy (and logical) reach to make us out as being necessary to be destroyed.

      It’s simple. They wish to declare war on *us*…

    • You look like a fool. Which means you are no doubt a fascist leftist planted here to make us look bad.

      • Stolen valor jwm is one of the many here who ‘make us look bad’. What a traitorous whelp ‘he’ is…

  8. While Biden talks about domestic terrorists…

    The Democrats give criminals free reign. Even Cuomo remains untouched. Biden and the entire democrat party look the other way.

    The way to fix this is NOT banning guns. It is bringing law to the lawless. What is refered to as ‘gun violence’ will only get worse as evil wickedness does not get punished. Keep the animals in their cages. Opening the jails like they did was the worst thing they could possibly do.

    • “It is bringing law to the lawless.”

      That isn’t happening anytime soon. The Left is only concerned with taking political prisoners. They’re electing DA’s that give criminals a plea deal that drops firearm charges or gives them a light sentence. There’s a reason they’re going after the gun stores, the manufacturers and the NRA. They’re going after political enemies.

      Blue cities and states are a lost cause. The only fight right now is for state level election integrity, a primary election purge of soft republicans, and focusing on turning purple states red.

  9. I put an N95 mask on my AR-15 and its much safer now. It prevents 95% of the viral videos from attacking it.

  10. The longer this goes on the more I see the statists as wanting gun control, not to disarm, but as a provocation for going after average citizens with force. There are so many guns in America that disarmament is a pipe dream. Some of the statists know this and the others are “useful idiots”.

    • “There are so many guns in America that disarmament is a pipe dream.”

      I’m old enough to remember five years ago when they told us we can’t deport illegals because there are too many of them. “We don’t have the resources to go after them, so let’s just give them amnesty and then we super duper promise to control it this time and not let any more in.” *Spongebob narrator voice* “Five years later…” Joe and Que Mala open the borders and usher in 1,000,000 illegals (and give them free hotel, flights, and healthcare on your dime) in six months. So if this keeps up, we’ll have an extra 8,000,000 people in this country that bypassed our immigration system within Joe’s first term. What do you think they’ll say then? “We don’t have the resources to go after them, so let’s just give them amnesty and then we super duper promise to control it this time. We’ll install cameras at the border. It’s really high tech stuff…”

      8,000,000. Let that sink in. What’s the population of your state?

  11. We can see where this is going by staying aware of how the political prisoners from the January 6 rally remain in solitary confinement, are being beaten, tortured, assigned public defenders who are ‘re-educating’ them, and are losing their jobs and even their homes. This is what the DemoCommie regime has planned for all of us.

    Patriots who own guns (please, forgive the redundancy) are in danger of being ‘false-flagged’, while left-wing anarchists and criminals are free to provoke, riot, and burn without hinderance from law enforcement.

  12. …. more unbiased reporting by a week-old stepchild of Politico. I printed it out and then used it to line a birdcage with…. the bird died laughing.

  13. Well spoken by the domestic terrorist(s) currently unlawfully occupying the WH.

    Every single ally of Beijing Biden H-A-T-E-S the USA and desires our total destruction. The tyrannical UN is pushing harder daily to accomplish that totalitarian and terroristic objective.

  14. What is most striking about his comments, to me, is not that they would use gun control to control domestic terrorists, but that gun control is an end in and of it’s self. Yes, they are coming for your guns.

  15. “Domestic Terrorism” is up because the Libertarians Liberals and the Left supported emptying the jails so criminals wouldn’t catch the Chinese flue. They created the problem now they claim they want to fix it???

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