Biden Texas School Shooting
President Joe Biden speaks about the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
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President Biden delivered brief comments this evening on today’s shooting at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. The shooter, reported to be 18-year-old Salvador Ramos, allegedly shot his grandmother before opening fire in the school, killing 18 children and three adults. Ramos was reportedly shot and killed by a Border Patrol agent who was wounded in an exchange of gunfire with the shooter.

In his remarks, Biden hit the same notes he’s hit time and time again. After stating that he’d hoped he’d never have to do this again and calling for prayers for the family members of those who were killed and wounded, he proclaimed that “There’s a lot we don’t know yet [about the Uvalde shooting], but there’s a lot that we do.”

He said, “As a nation, we have to ask when in God’s name we’ll stand up to the gun lobby, and do what needs to be done?” He then fell back on the same talking points he’s used to inveigh against gun makers for years.

“What do you need an ‘assault weapon’ for except to kill people? There are no deer running around in Kevlar vests. But gun makers aggressively market them because they make them the most profit.”

To be clear, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has reported that the Uvalde shooter used “a handgun and possibly a rifle.”

After saying that he wondered why similar shootings don’t happen with the same frequency in other countries, Biden asked, “Why do we keep letting this happen? Where is our backbone to stand up the the lobbies?”

Biden then said that “We have to make it clear to every elected official that it’s time to act. And to let those who block common sense gun laws know that we won’t forget.”

He then closed with a call for prayers “for those parents lying in bed, wondering if they’ll be able to sleep again, what to say to other children, what will happen tomorrow.”

While delivered under the worst possible circumstances, Biden’s comments tonight weren’t substantially different from those he’s delivered dozens of times before, with the same tropes, talking points, and misinformation sprinkled in.

Because he said nothing new, they’re unlikely to satisfy those on the anti-gun left who have used similar horrific shootings to push their agenda of stricter gun control laws…none of which would have done anything to prevent the shooting in Uvalde today, or the Buffalo grocery store, or the Taiwanese church in Orange County.




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  1. FJB owned by Chyna anyone who supports Democrats is a traitor undeserving of being called an American.

      • Unfortunately many parts of Texas even supposed Conservative parts are anti gun. As one person put it; All hat and no cattle. When Texas passed open carry one of my coworkers made no gun signs for his church. His fulltime job is a police officer.

        • I take it since you’re not legally-required to obey that unconstitutional sign you ignore it and protect the flock anyways? 🙂

        • Geoff, I would use mine to protect my family only, the rest of flock have the right to do the same…. Im not getting shot to save an anti-gunner

          BSon how typical of a cop…

      • Does anyone still take Biden seriously? Doesn’t everyone on the face of the earth believe him to be a combination of incompetent, corrupt, senile, and just plain stupid? There is a reason he is called president sock puppet.

        • Quote: “Does anyone still take Biden seriously? Doesn’t everyone on the face of the earth believe him to be a combination of incompetent, corrupt, senile, and just plain stupid? There is a reason he is called president sock puppet.”

          bitme is all of the above. It was obvious he is a sock puppet for a long time. I just wonder who all is pulling the strings.

    • Did any of the democrats ask why the shooter did it? Nope. Not a single one. Yet they are so inclined to stop this problem. And their manner to stop it? Never question why he did it. Instead, go after the guns.

      • Kinda hard to ask the shooter when he be dead. Anything we might say right now amounts to no more than pure speculation.

        • “Kinda hard to ask the shooter when he be dead.”

          They often leave signs in doodles on schoolwork and F*ceBook pages.

          The Leftist Scum ™ *love* to loudly proclaim how mentally-ill people are no more dangerous than anyone else.

          We warned them this would happen when the Leftist Scum ™ closed the asylums (and they *celebrated* when they did it), let’s weaponize it against them…

        • There are plenty of shooters in these situations that don’t die. Did they question why they did it? No. They just went after the guns. Because they are bigots towards gun owners. They hate us, and they want us to be like them.

      • That’s because the Left orchestrates, instigates these shootings. They distract, deflect and serve to further the Lefts gun control agenda, which further serves to tear down America.

      • We need common sense MSM control.

        Seriously though, if they would stop setting up a shrine to these turds every time they do this there would probably be a lot less of them.

      • There’s no need to ask the shooter why he did it. It’s the guns. The gun grabbed this innocent boy, and forced him to the school, and forced him to witness the carnage that the gun needed to unleash. And, finally, the gun killed the boy.

  2. Thanks for taking a bullet(pun intended)for me Dan. I turned it after 2 minutes of poopy pants diatribe. Off to buy something gunz related tomorrow…

  3. If he had any shame, he should ashamed! The victims aren’t even cold yet and he’s beating that tired old drum! Just once I’d like to hear them call out the real problem…….the generation of crazy people they’ve created and refuse to deal with!

    • They refuse to take any of the blame of setting up a godless, evil society. They do rush in to pile up the warm bodies of the poor victims and bloviate their Marxist B S to try to further destroy our country. Amoral people have no shame. I wonder if this killer was on the psycotropic drugs that the others were on.

  4. As predicted Jim Crow Gun Control joe popped up on TV polluting America with his knee jerk Gun Control. Ironic those who survived namely the police had guns.

    Jim Crow Gun Control joe and his ilk cannot stop themselves from supplying defenseless soft targets for land sharks who run around using anything from firearms to vehicles to kill and mame unarmed men, women and children. The only thing that stops land sharks cold is vigilance and good folks with “Weapons of War.”

    Horrific tragedy any armed good guy or gal would have not tolerated…joe.

  5. Hey Sleepy Joe, although you want to be the great protector there are evil people who are not going to be stopped when they want to inflict harm on others. Guns, knives, vehicles, bombs, or arson are methods used.

  6. This despicable SOB never fails to live down to expectations. Truly one of the most vile, evil political hacks that ever drew a breath.

    Our Country is immeasurably worse off for his father not spilling his seed on the ground.


    • Bidet spouting the same old BS. But then he’s bullshitted his way through all of his almost 50 year political career.
      It’s a sad day that this stupid lying POS is President. What have we become that we allowed this guy ever to became President?

  7. Until the good guys figure out how to neutralize the bad actors somewhere in the process of them losing respect for human life, we have our hands full. The relatively few bad guys are going to cost all of us big time. No one will like what this country becomes then.

    • Typical dim rhetoric. Sharks don’t feed in Orca territory. Sigh.

      But the active killer fuck nugget wasn’t killed by a gun. Shit stain was killed by CBP with guns. Hmmm.

  8. There hasn’t been a mass shooting in Connecticut since Sandy Hook. Why? Because the state enacted one of the toughest tightening of gun laws in the nation ASAP afterwards. Is this the wake up call Texas needs to finally get its own Assault Weapons and High Capacity Magazine ban in place? The way to stop these mass shootings is to get the ban back on a FEDERAL level. President Biden, with the help of the Democrat majority in both house and senate, maybe this time will finally be it.

    • CT law allows the possession of “assault weapons” and “large-capacity magazines.”

    • How long have you been a “Big Gov” Statist Commie Hog? Where in Hell did you get the idea these bans on Sporting Rifles and standard mags would do squat…except lower law abiding citizens ability to protect themselves from criminals and Statist goons like you. And NO, there will be know Dem majority in the House and Senate under old Commie Joe. Wise up, chump!

    • david hoggwash breath…You may allow the actions of a small number of deranged individuals out of millions of law abiding Americans to dictate what you can own to defend your life, home and family but do not think you can apply your stupidity to the lives and homes of others. Frankly you busy body pos, in your own way you are just as f-up as the perp who shot his defenseless grandma, the teacher and those children.

    • Hey hog
      Just how many “mass” shootings were there in conn. before sandy hook?
      What weapons were used?

    • Just ignore that Buffalo happened in state with the most restrictive gun laws in the country.

      Could it be that criminals and crazies just don’t follow the law? Even though it is illegal?

      Time for buzz cut girl to pull the strapon out of your behind. It’s affecting your brain.

    • Since mass shootings are statistically quite rare it’s not unexpected for a state with a very small population to have not had one for a while. Just give it time, it’ll happen again up there despite the new and useless laws.

    • David Hogg, NEW York State has the strictest gun laws in the country and we had a mass shooting in Buffalo.
      Take your strict gun laws and stick ’em. The idea of a “gun free zone” creates opportunity for violent people.

  9. Same old lies, just a different day. It seems like it never fails, whenever the anti-American left is calling for more “reasonable “ gun control, read that as right’s elimination, that there is another suspicious shooting, often where the perp is killed by an amazingly convenient government sponsored thug, or dies from a self inflicted gunshot from a gov agent type sig sauer 9mm.
    And isn’t it just amazing how these usually unemployed nut jobs can afford the weaponry and equipment that they have.
    No, not suspicious at ALL!

  10. “There hasn’t been a mass shooting in Connecticut since Sandy Hook. Why?”

    The gun violence archive states there have been 30+ mass shootings in the state of Connecticut since 2013.

  11. Evil Commie Joe invoking the name of God to remove a sacred right given to us by that same God. Hahahaha

  12. Biden was correct in blaming the Gun Lobby and the firearms industry pushing the advertising and sale of assault weapons, the weapon of choice for mass murder. WHAT BIDEN DID NOT DO IS COME RIGHT OUT AND SAY IT WAS REPUBLICANS WHO HAVE BLOCKED COMMON SENSE GUN LAWS. HE SHOULD HAVE CALLED IT LIKE IT WAS I.E. REPUBLICANS HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS.

    Yes Republicans have turned the U.S. into a shooting gallery with piles and piles of dead children lying in pools of blood and carnage. But Republicans will say “Who cares because losses can never be too high and we like the NRA money that fills our corrupt pockets”.

    Biden did tell the truth when he said that Congressmen are more concerned about being re-elected than saving the lives of hundreds of innocent children from gun violence.

    • Biden was correct in blaming the Gun Lobby and the firearms industry pushing the advertising and sale of assault weapons, the weapon of choice for mass murder.

      The Virginia Tech shooter killed 37, yes, 37, with a glock 19 handgun. So no. It doesn’t matter. The Stoneman Douglas High School shooter killed 17 with nothing but 10 round magazines. No. What you are proposing will do nothing, will solve nothing, doesn’t address the root cause of these massacres, and will only end up restricting gun owners that have no intent to harm people. And that is mostly what it is about. Bigotry. Towards guns owners. Towards people different from you.


      More nonsensical rhetoric. I’ve been hearing the “blood on their hands” cliché for over a decade now. Blocking bad policy that doesn’t solve the problem, and punishes people with no intent to harm, is not “blood on your hands.” It’s reached comical levels now. You can’t even have a honest conversation with these kinds of people, because they are so possessed by slogans and phrases that are so nonsensical.

      Yes Republicans have turned the U.S. into a shooting gallery with piles and piles of dead children lying in pools of blood and carnage.

      No they haven’t. Murdering people with guns is illegal. How many more laws are you going to create to try and make it more illegal? Why are you not seeking out the root causes for these murders, rather than getting fixated on the method they were murdered? I mean – is the problem here the murder? Or gun ownership?

      But Republicans will say “Who cares because losses can never be too high and we like the NRA money that fills our corrupt pockets”.

      Again, we can’t have an honest conversation, ever, if you are going to mischaracterize the other side continuously. If you want to play this game, then we will just not cooperate with your legislation, filibuster it if needed, and cold shoulder you while you spend your entire lives pointing the finger at republicans and never addressing the root cause of these problems. You’ll be on your deathbed complaining about republicans while they still cold shoulder you. If that is the outcome you want, we can make it happen.

      Biden did tell the truth when he said that Congressmen are more concerned about being re-elected than saving the lives of hundreds of innocent children from gun violence.

      Another obvious plea to “do something” at the congressional level. This is a complicated problem, that needs proper analysis rather than just bigotry towards gun owners.

      • To Anonymouse

        quote—————-Another obvious plea to “do something” at the congressional level. This is a complicated problem, that needs proper analysis rather than just bigotry towards gun owners.———–quote

        Same old right wing bullshit, “Lets do nothing and hope the problem goes away” meanwhile the graveyards are overflowing with the dead bodies of innocent children but according to the Republicans “losses can never be to high” (Hitler’s favorite saying)

        Quote————-More nonsensical rhetoric. I’ve been hearing the “blood on their hands” cliché for over a decade now. Blocking bad policy that doesn’t solve the problem, and punishes people with no intent to harm, is not “blood on your hands.” – ——–quote

        What horse shit. Other countries like Britain had just one god damn school shooting and they put a stop to it. Gun laws work, history has proven it. Britain now for decades has not had another mass school shooting and other countries have done the same. I could name dozens including the model gun legislation of Japan , the list is actually endless.

        quote————The Virginia Tech shooter killed 37, yes, 37, with a glock 19 handgun.——–quote

        More right wing horse shit. Again and again if we had strict gun laws that demand mental tests, and thorough vetting on all gun purchases, just not new gun purchases, and safe storage laws much of the mayhem would be eliminated. No law works 100 per cent of the time but to have no common sense gun laws only caters to the paranoia of the right wing lunatic fanatic’s who want zero gun control. No other civilized country permits such lunacy, none.

    • From this side of the pond this is probably the most sensible entry I have read on this site. If you travelled around the UK this is the kind of reaction you would get from the vast majority of UK Citizens [and I have no reason to think thatv the UK is any different to most of the civilised world.
      I would remind readers that the is NO OUTRIGHT ban on most firearms in the UK but the licensing requirments are so Draconian and non-compliance so heavily penalised that ilklegal use or even a thret with a REPLICA can earn you a very substantial prison sentence That’s why Firearm crime is, in spite of some lurid headlining, a rarity in the UK and accouts for perhaps no more than a dozen serious incidents per annum. Even a single incident will with a good [ ie non fatal/ non injurious and I include the use of REPLICAS]] outcomes as indeed the vast majority are will make National Headlines.
      The truth is that even before the outbreak of WW1 when there was practically no restrictions on the ownership of firearms in the UK there was not a gun owning society neither GUN CRIME or Gun Ownership was commonplace and the Poolice were unarmed.
      I cannot see how anyone can not see that the number of Firearms, especiallly automatic long guns and sidearms does not have a relevance to mass shootings.
      If the GUN OWNERSHIP FRATERNITY cannot Police itself far better and the fireames industry staret taking somne responsibility then general Society would be, lacking in responsibility if it did not.
      That other great manufacturer of KILLING MACHINES was forced into accepting some responsibility, the FOOD and DRINKS industry and the AIRCRAFT Industry likewise. So why not the Firearms Industry??

      • Automatic long arms? How many shootings were there where the shooter used an M-16?

        Illegal armed violence tends to get the perps a carceral sentence here too. Are you truly that willfully ignorant, even as your own people use illegal knives on the regular to carve each other up like Christmas dinner?

      • If the GUN OWNERSHIP FRATERNITY cannot Police itself far better and the fireames industry staret taking somne responsibility then general Society would be, lacking in responsibility if it did not.

        The “general society” here is the “gun ownership fraternity” Albert.

        If you travelled around the UK this is the kind of reaction you would get from the vast majority of UK Citizens [and I have no reason to think thatv the UK is any different to most of the civilised world.

        Nope. The UK is not the USA and vice versa. We are definitely different Albert.

        The truth is that even before the outbreak of WW1 when there was practically no restrictions on the ownership of firearms in the UK there was not a gun owning society neither GUN CRIME or Gun Ownership was commonplace and the Poolice were unarmed.

        Yep. The UK is different from the USA. Guns have always been here. From the very beginning, and in mass circulation. Mass shooting were not commonplace however. There were virtually no mass shooting in the 40s, 50s, 60s, and even 70s. They were an extreme rarity. In fact, they really didn’t take off until the 90s – when the USA was rife with 1st world problems like, obesity, entitlement, lack of striving, etc. Then the problem wasn’t surviving, it was equality. Then all the weak beta males came out with their guns to get revenge at school. Go through the list:

        Nikolas Jacob Cruz – loser who was bullied at school by the LGBT crowd.
        Seung-Hui Cho – loser incel who couldn’t make friends or get a girlfriend.
        Adam Lanza – loser who had no friends and was perpetually made fun of.
        Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold – two losers nobody liked who were bullied at school.
        And now this guy. I’m guessing the story will be similar. But yeah – the guns are the problem here. The guns made them do it. It’s all the guns.

        That other great manufacturer of KILLING MACHINES was forced into accepting some responsibility, the FOOD and DRINKS industry and the AIRCRAFT Industry likewise. So why not the Firearms Industry??

        Why not the firearms industry? Because these aren’t accidents Albert. This isn’t a safety issue with the machine, or an ingredient in some food. It is intentional misuse and intentionally performing illegal activity (murder). If somebody kills someone with a kitchen knife, do you go after the manufacturer? No you don’t, because it’s ridiculous, that’s why, Albert.

        • to anonymouse

          quote—————-Then all the weak beta males came out with their guns to get revenge at school. Go through the list:———-quote

          You have certainly proved you are not a product of higher education. And if you somehow did manage to pass college courses you shouldn’t have.

          Your putting the blame of mass murder on young males because they do not measure up to your warped sense of masculinity is not only totally ignorant but sick, sick, sick as well.

          The break up of family life with its out of control divorce rate and the total stagnation of wages for the working class while the upper 1 % have increased their income by an astonishing 920% is a large part of the problem. Couple all this with a lack of affordable health care which includes mental health care and you have FAILED NATION AND SOCIETY.

          Again claiming young men are not “tough enough” is ignorant, sadistic , laughable and right out of Hitler’s Book Mein Kampf.

      • London is the only first world city that I’ve first hand witnessed a fire fight between cops with MP5s and bad guys with AKs (and, separately, followed blood trails from shooting victims around the main part of downtown) …given how large my sample size is, that’s saying a lot.

        Apparently having to jump through mounds of red tape to get the crown’s permission to buy a break open shotgun didn’t stop criminals from getting machine guns.

        Loic’nses and bans don’t work there and won’t work here. It’s just a power grab to ensure the government has a monopoly on force.

        • And apparently it doesn’t even do that as the criminals continue to get guns anyway. It creates a duopoly of force between government and criminals with decent people caught in the crossfire.

    • For the most parts the bloodied bodies piled high in the US are young black men who simply can not stop killing each other so no one really cares all that much. Take black on black killings out of the stats and suddenly the US has one of the lowest murder rates in the developed world.

    • Banning the sale of so-called “assault weapons” won’t stop mass shootings and anyone with any real common sense knows it. Ruger Mini-14’s lacking all the scary assault cosmetic and ergonomic features (so much so that most were never on the 1994 ban list) have been used in mass shootings, and if someone could snap their fingers and disappear all “assault weapons” in an instant, firearms like the Mini would go back to being used in mass shootings in short order. Rifles aren’t needed at all, pistols and low capacity bullet quantities can and have been used in mass shootings (in fact those are the REAL weapon of choice in mass shootings, thanks to the anti-gun lobby inflating the number of those shootings to include as little as four people wounded – then acting like double digit fatality incidents are the norm).

      The AR-type firearm has been available to civilians for nearly 60 years (the first third of which allowed civilians to buy factory new select fire variants, even), what you now call ‘assault weapons” have been available for even longer (paratrooper folding stock M1 carbine) and semi-auto longer still. Mass shootings of this severity are a more recent phenomenon though, so ask yourself what else has changed when the firearm effectiveness has for all intents and purposes remained constant.

      Maybe stop trying so hard to coddle, understand, and include mental illness when the place for it is institutions dedicated to trying to make this suffering it more normal. Maybe demand the government close the holes in its existing reporting requirements between agencies so individuals flagged get the attention they should. Definitely stop worrying about trivial nonsense like racial equity among prison populations in favor of putting and keeping violent people away. If you want common sense reform, there you go. Taking guns away and monitoring everyone to the n-th degree because social degeneration has been encouraged, not so much.

    • No, my Communist friend, it is the left who has blood on their hands. How many Michael Myers type shooters have been created by the WORTHLESS COVID mandatory mandates on healthy young people. And good luck telling the law abiding citizenry that they have to hand over their guns after watching Antifa/BLM Communists burn down and loot the cities..ALL while attempting to (and partly succeeding in) DEFUND THE POLICE! Hahahaha. No good comes when you remove God, national pride, individual pride, fathers from young mens lives. Now go to Hell you evil Big Statist devils.

  13. Only thing that would have stopped this would have been better security at the school. Looked like a low-income community and the school security seemed to reflect that. Open layout, easy access. Schools in the district that I work in are single point of entry only, fully fenced and gated, with multiple security guards and ROs (fully armed) on duty at all times. Security cameras at every juncture and access point. If we can send billions in aid to Ukraine (which I believe we should), we should be able to spend millions to make schools secure across the board. People say schools shouldn’t have to be that secure, but this is what it’s come to. Heartbroken for the friends and families of these kids. Scared of the copycats that might happen next. Dang I hate this crap.

    • PG13, this is why we have to get our precious children and grandchildren out of schools. My solution is to disband all public indoctrination centers and allow everyone to home school or send to private school their children with attendant changes to taxes. Tax money follows the child. There can’t be a public school shooting if there are no public schools. Additionally, all staff in your family’s home school can be armed as well as some of the students. All home school gatherings would also be heavily armed. Problem solved and it doesn’t cost any extra. Plus, the children get a better education. I wouldn’t let a child go to public school if I could prevent it these days.

      • which children get a better education? the ones who can pay for private school? how is a family with two working parents going going to home school their kids? your comments are nonsense

        • Compared to what passes for public schooling these days, no schooling would in many cases be an improvement.

    • A couple of weeks ago, I went to a high school graduation in rural Illinois. Everyone was shoulder to shoulder in a packed gymnasium. There were two sheriff deputies interacting with people as they obviously all knew each other. I was from out of town, but it was nice to see people there to send their kids off to bright futures and no one had to worry about anything other than the rain running to the parking lot. We need that America back again. God help us get there.

  14. Uvaldee School District Firearms Policy

    “ place. A person, including an employee, who holds a license to carry a handgun may transport or store a handgun or other firearm or ammunition in a locked vehicle in a parking lot, garage, or other district provided parking area, provided the handgun or firearm or ammunition is properly stored, and not in plain view. To ensure the safety of all persons, employees who observe or suspect a violation of the district’s weapons policy should report it to their supervisor or principal immediately”

  15. Democrats turn the country into an insane cesspit, and then wonder why nutty people commit violence. As I said on the other article, smart people will buy more firearms and ammunition and get their children out of public schools, if they haven’t already.

  16. I’ll be like “Sure I’ll pass laws to make this less likely to happen. None of them will be related to gun control though”.

    Mass shootings like these seem to be politically motivated in some shape or form, mental health be damned. Also, is it not a coinsidence shootings like this happen when politicians start drumming up gun control?

    • The puppet dosen’t think. It just regurgitates what that bitch susan rice writes down.

  17. Everybody who has posted thus far, besides one poster, is angry at Biden and trotting out conspiracy theories and finding faults with existing gun control laws or attempts. Nobody is saying squat about dead children or teachers or offering an actual solution to gun control. I’m a proud gun owner, but I would happily give up my entire collection if we could prevent just ONE of these ridiculous episodes. Shame on the rest of you for allowing yourselves to be brainwashed by the gun lobby.

    • ” … offering an actual solution to gun control. I’m a proud gun owner, but I would happily give up my entire collection if we could prevent just ONE of these ridiculous episodes.”

      OK, you’re up. How?

    • Little Johnson, we (most of us) are talking about old Commie Joe and the leftist, Big Gov dems attempts at taking our God given Constitutional rights from us while exploiting a tragedy. What the Hell are you talking about? You wont give up your “collection” because you know it wont prevent ONE event. And your last statement saying we are “brainwashed by the gun lobby (whoever THEY are) makes it clear you are an anti-gunner shill for the left. We see you Leopard.

    • So which law, or combination of laws, would have stopped this incident from happening?

      Remember that people such as today’s perp don’t follow laws.

      Feel free to give up your firearms. You think you cannot be trusted with them so therefore no one else can be trusted to own them either.

      • “So which law, or combination of laws, would have stopped this incident from happening?”

        Perhaps we should have listened to the warnings when the insane asylums were shut down in the 60s and early 70s.

        “We must never stigmatize the mentally-ill, those people are no more dangerous than anyone else!” they foolishly proclaimed…

    • Criminals don’t follow laws. Understand? Criminals don’t follow laws. Let me say that again. Criminals don’t follow laws. Didn’t hear me? Criminals don’t follow laws. One more time. Criminals don’t follow laws.

    • Do we know for sure that all those kids were killed by the bad guy? I heard he was being chased into the school by law enforcement after he had killed his grandmother. Every cop in America has an assault rifle in their car. They knew he was armed and knew he was willing to use the gun. Maybe they brought all their firepower to bear on him and the buildings around him.

      A lot of kids got killed very quickly. This wasn’t a hostage standoff. wonder what the autopsy’s will tell us?

      • yes, all the kids and the teachers were all murdered by the bad guy. no, the good guys did not shoot the children. of course if the good guys did shoot the children that would be an interesting counterpoint to the argument for arming more “good guys.”

    • Would you give up your other rights if it could prevent just one death from a terrorist attack?

      • Government tend to willfully tread on them far more than citizens willfully hand them over. Remember how 4A has been treated these last 21 years.

    • Goddamn, Sir or Ma’am!

      That’s a hell of a non sequitur that you’ve created. So large it can be seen from the ISS.

      You need to up your trolling skills. Try Reddit, it’s more your speed.

    • “Nobody is saying squat about dead children or teachers or offering an actual solution to gun control.”

      Ah, a little slip there, isn’t it? Because you aren’t looking for solutions. You are looking for gun control.

      Get that whole “I’m a gun owner but…” BS out of here. No one buys your little rhetorical device.

    • We find fault with all the gun control laws because none of them work. They do what they were intended to do, they just weren’t intended to do anything about crime. I recommend you move to the UK where you can be happy that you aren’t allowed to have any guns and where damaging the criminals the government turns loose will get you prosecuted.

    • So you would seek to have your own tongue chopped out if you were told it would prevent one case of perjury, slander, or incitement?

    • Go give them up now then asshole, you know for the next one that you can stop by doing so.

    • The solution has been suggested many times. Armed teachers and staff in the schools. I don’t like the alternate suggestion of more cops in schools. You’ll see more of those Cruz kid shootings, where cops observe ‘protocol’ and wait outside the school for backup, while the shooter kills another fifty kids.

      • And there’s the problem! (All parents)“We need to protect our children at school” (liberals) “yes ban all guns” (conservatives) “Who will stop criminals who disobey that law? I mean guns didn’t just disappear” (Conservatives) “Why not train and arm teachers” (liberals & teachers) “Oh we didn’t sign up for that” (conservatives) “Ok how about using a portion of the millions of dollars of untouched Covid relief funds to fortify schools, install ballistic glass , and hire private security? (Liberals) I don’t want our children feeling like they are in a prison or war zone🧐 and what if this ends up in a student being shot by these security forces? (Conservatives) you’re not really interested in trying to save childrens lives are you ? (Liberals) you racist pig

  18. Crime happens, its tragic. If it happens to you and yours, its a catastrophe, but it happens every day, everywhere. The exact nature of the crime changes from location to location. In England its knives, in the sandbox its bombs and guns, in china its the government.

    Evil exists everywhere.

  19. Absolutely. If people were armed at this school this most likely could have been stopped. They will never learn.

      • You have to have enough of them especially for those that cannot arm themselves. Having enough of them is common-sense. By the way … how’s this gun-free zone bullshit working out for us?

      • Well, if they stand at the door, half asleep in condition white, then they aren’t going to be very useful, no. They are going to be the first targeted. It would be better if they were inside the school in plain clothes, and the student body didn’t know their exact role. Then when the shooting started, immediate action against it could be taken. Yeah, one or two might die, but it’s better than 20 or 30.

  20. The 54B$ package to Ukraine would pay for approximately 1 MILLION cop years of coverage which would cover approximately 10 years for every school in the USA.

  21. The safest and most heavily guarded schools in the United States, we’re the two elementary school’s were Amy Carter, a public school. And Chelsea Clinton and the Obama daughters, all three at a private school.

    So yes it’s just fine to have lots of guns guarding school children. As long as it’s the children of selected connected rich people.

    The carter’s were the first presidential family to send their child to a racially integrated public school. And that public school was heavily guarded.

    And the staff and students never saw the guards guns. But they did have them on their person. All day long.

    • “And Chelsea Clinton and the Obama daughters, all three at a private school.”

      Sidwell Friends :

      Oh, dear, it’s run by those Satanic, mass-murdering Quakers.

      *snicker*… 🙂

      • Yes, it’s no surprise that people with money send their kids to private schools:

        “Trump enrolls son Barron, 15, in $34,800-a-year Florida school founded by his campaign donor William Koch: Parents told ‘small contingent’ of Secret Service agents will be patrolling grounds
        By Melissa Koenig For Dailymail.Com
        04:23 24 Aug 2021, updated 16:34 24 Aug 2021“

        *snicker*… 🙂

        • The difference between Trump iand the others is that Trump supports all children being guarded by guns. And you Miner 49er are comfortable when children are shot dead in their classroom.

        • Chris T, all for the Marxist cause.

          BTW.. Have you noticed I have TDS something fierce?

          Trump is my first thought in the morning…

          ..who I think about all day…

          …and who I dream about at night.

          Is this healthy?

    • The safest and most heavily guarded schools in the United States, we’re the two elementary school’s were Amy Carter, a public school. And Chelsea Clinton and the Obama daughters, all three at a private school.

      No surprise.

  22. I believe the Liberals and the Left want children killed. They are comfortable having children shot dead in their classroom. The two L”s are dangerous to the future of the USA.

    And children are the country’s future.

    • It’s just a *slight expansion* of their “threshold rule”.

      [The “threshold rule” suggesting that a woman can “choose” to “keep” the baby or not up until it crosses the threshold into her home. It was briefly mentioned in public about 10 years ago before the pro-abortion folk realized that perhaps openly advocating for legal infanticide wasn’t a political winner. You’d think they’d say, that after the baby was born the mother would then have the option of adoption but they either forgot about this or just love killing kids. This is probably part of why Northram didn’t see anything wrong with his “keep the baby comfortable” comments.]

      • to strych9

        As a kid I was a regular reader of the columnist Nat hentoff. When his column appeared in the Sacramento Bee newspaper way back in the 1970s. I came to believe that he was very different then most of the atheist leftists that I would see in the news media. I didn’t agree with every stance he took. But I came to believe that he really did actually believe in Liberty. And the responsibilities and consequences that go along with it.

        I don’t remember his name. But decades ago the Surgeon General of the United States stated the best way to prevent the transmission of any sexually transmitted disease was to use a condom. And he was absolutely correct. Condoms were never developed for the purpose of birth control. They were developed for the prevention of passing on diseases from one person to another.

        And the Left fell in love with this guy.

        But then they fell out of love with him when he came out in support of banning abortions. Because he as a doctor had actually operated on embryos 6 or 8 weeks into their development. In order to fix birth defects prior to the child being born.

        And because of these surgical procedures the children were born without the birth defects.

        “WASHINGTON — Pro-lifers mourned the death of Nat Hentoff, 91, who died Jan. 7, as a rare combination of Jewish atheist, political liberal and pro-lifer.”

        “As an atheist, Nat took much heat from his fellow liberals and rigid fundamentalists among the ‘free thinking’ crowd for standing against abortion,” said a Jan. 7 blog posting by Wesley J. Smith for the National Review, and himself a past winner of Great Defender of Life award.”

        • Not a commentator I’m familiar with but he seems interesting.

          I’ll have to pull some of his articles. Thanks.

    • Look I’m no fan of liberals, Democrats and most Republicans. But none of these people want dead school children.

      • I’ve personally witnessed Leftists, on multiple occasions, talk of gun control as a means to mass murder of their political opposition. Usually with guns, ironically enough.

        Some of them certainly do want dead school children, provided it advances their agenda. Most? No. Some? Absolutely. Anything to advance that ball.

        • Sadly, I have to agree with you. ALL AMERICANS are deemed by them to be fully expendable for their cause.

        • “Some of them certainly do want dead school children, provided it advances their agenda.”

          When MLK was shot, Jessie Jackson took off his shirt and bloodied it.

          That’s where “Wave the bloody shirt” came from… 🙁

        • to strych9

          I have not personally seen them. But I have watched plenty of undercover video of liberals and leftists who make excuses for the violence perpetrated by the people they associate with. And there have been many instances where these people will state their support for violence on an open debate platform. All in front of a live audience. That is usually clapping and applauding in agreement with them.

          Some of this video has been on CSPAN over the years.

          I agree with you that most liberals and leftists are not violent. But some of them are. In fact after the year 2020, I would say that thousands of them are violent. And unfortunately the ones that are not actually violent people. Support the actions of the violent ones. They make excuses for the violent actions of the people in their own group

          They use the term “mostly peaceful” has private property is burned to the ground. And innocent people are attacked and killed.

        • @Chris:

          The current level of censorship on YouTube and other Google properties came to my attention ~2016.

          There’s an old video of Piers Morgan talking the way that I suggest. He says, in a nutshell, that AR-15 type rifles should be confiscated and, once this is accomplished, the previous owners of such things should be machine gunned. Ironic, no?

          That video made the rounds on YT for several years before being scrubbed.

          The thing that struck me about the people I’ve seen say this in person was how calm and matter of fact they were about it while simultaneously expressing a sort of distain for the “work” itself. Clearly, the actual killing is to be done by underlings.

          They discuss it the way one might discuss having their gardener take care of a large anthill or something. Pleb work to be sure but, ultimately, of no real consequence. Like moving a few crumbs off your place at the table after you finish a roll or something.

          As you said, most are not like this. But many of them, particularly in the “higher ranks” are (provided they don’t have to get their hands dirty, of course).

          As I’ve pointed out before (long before CNN ran a segment on this) the video below should worry everyone.

      • The left wants dead children all day, every day.
        See Planned (Un)Parenthood.

      • If it takes some dead kids to exact their bigotry out on gun owners and ban guns, I think they would be okay with it.

        In general, no, I don’t think they like it. But the usual democrat response is:

        1) Take no personal responsibility whatsoever and immediately hand it to the government to be handled by them.
        2) Advocate for a reduction of freedom in exchange for more security, larger government, and more of the government taking care of you, and “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
        3) Feign moral superiority and virtue signal endlessly while proposing policy demonstrating your bigotry towards those you don’t like and those you perceive are the problem (gun owners).

    • The core of their belief is that humans are bad and shouldn’t be here. Unless you own a private jet. There’s nothing they speak of or propose that would make be believe they don’t want more dead everyone let alone the children they so gleefully abort.

      They are a death cult.

  23. Seriously, I completed a 4473 today for an AR receiver. When I was completing the form I kept on asking myself; HOW DID HUNTER COMPLETE ONE OF THESE”? This was late this afternoon after I had first heard about the shooting. I have to ask how it is the CORNPOP JOE & THE HO want to keep the USA from possessing certain firearms when their own family member(s) are those that will never obey the laws anyway?

    This is far too coincidental we have another horrendous, lunatic shooting of an elementary school after a racial shooting at a grocery store that basically suffered a failed anti-gun narrative that backfired horribly on the USA paranoid communists party of false flags, ON THE DAY OF RUN-OFF ELECTIONS IN TEXAS, AFTER TITLE 42 WAS UPHELD, ON THE EVE OF THE ANNUAL NRA CONVENTION BEING HOSTED IN TEXAS AND A DAY BEFORE THE NEXT COMMUNIST TYRANT TO RUN THE ATF IS CONFIRMED.

    Indeed the timing of all this was too peculiar in my opinion. Folks keep your eyes and ears open the next several days as we’re possibly going to see far more weird and too coincidental events happen.

    There is no coincidence this is more proof of Democrat gun control failure. They’ve been told since Columbine to hire experienced, tried, and competent heavy security for our public schools yet to no avail we’ve got the communist Soetoro Party, et al, whining the same complaints and doing nothing but pushing for more paranoid, globalist-minded, domination and control gun eradication. They ALL need to move elsewhere, renounce their US citizenship, then focus on ruining their next perceived utopia.

    • I agree. Weird shit is happening, at the behest of nefarious people. None of this is coincidence. Call me crazy, I don’t care.

    • Hunter Biden completed a 4473 with lots and lots of lying. He was approved because his last name is Biden.

      • I’m sure that’s actually how POTUS CORNPOP got the ruinous gun-free zone laws passed too. Nothing but a family of TURDS.

  24. “Obama was the best gun salesman in history.”

    Biden: “Hold my Sparkling Rosé and watch this”.

  25. Same bullshit different day. Always using dead kids/adults for political gain. Never works luckily but they still try.

  26. Hopefully the transmission in transition was using a very short barrelled, break action, sawed off shotgun, just like at Columbine High School.

  27. Three out of four residents of Uvalde are Hispanic. I wonder how many of them are illegal aliens? How about the shooter?

    • Elmer Fudd – That link has nothing to do with mass shooting, that link is a memorial to an officer killed in 2008 in Washington state.

    • I like how we have to immediately focus on what kind of weapon he was using, as if that is the real problem here.

  28. “What do you need an ‘assault weapon’ for except to kill people?”

    Disarm your secret service detail, then we’ll talk.

  29. Which lobby do we blame for the tens of millions of dead children who never got a chance to get to school because they never got out of the abortion clinic alive?

  30. For the most parts the bloodied bodies piled high in the US are young black men who simply can not stop killing each other so no one really cares all that much. Take black on black killings out of the stats and suddenly the US has one of the lowest murder rates in the developed world.

    • Along those same lines, now we have a “white Latinx” murdering a bunch of mostly, I presume, Hispanic schoolkids being splashed 24/7 on MMS… if I were a parent in Chicago, I’d be outraged.

  31. Joey’s party imports 50m people into our, now overpopulation nation and then wonders why the frequency of crime increases.

  32. The dems have done nothing to harden the soft targets..sadly they love blood dancing because it pushes their propaganda..they want these kids to die because it could potentially cause America to be disarmed….The Dems only want their Big Satanic government to control ever aspect of our lives…Our guns are the only check on that… when the guns are gone, THEY WIN..

  33. Nice emotional speech. Filled with the usual lies that come from this man. For over 48 years as an elected official he plagiarized, lied, and stumbled thru his duties. Comparisons of the USA to other countries is an obfuscation as no country on earth has the dynamics, history, and culture that the USA has. It is time for a paradigm shift to reality. We need to stop blaming the instrument that was used by the evil person and allow our most precious resource, our children, to be given the same protection as our elected officials. Yes, I am talking about allowing trained and armed security on to school campuses to protect our kids the same way we protect our elected officials.

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