Biden: Hamas Terrorists ‘Gotta Learn How to Shoot Straight’

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President Biden told reporters Wednesday that Palestinian terrorists have “gotta learn how to shoot straight” — one day after an explosion outside a hospital in the Gaza Strip.

“I’m not suggesting that Hamas deliberately did it,” the president said at Ramstein Air Base in Germany en route back to Washington after visiting Israel earlier in the day.

“It’s that old thing: Gotta learn how to shoot straight,” Biden went on.

— Steven Nelson in Biden says Palestinians ‘gotta learn how to shoot straight’ after hospital blast that killed about 500 people

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    • Perhaps deadeye joe and his crankie sidekick jsled can stand on a balcony and show hamas how to shoot straight.

  1. Why is this on TTAG? Because he used the word “shoot”? Even though he’s not talking about guns?

      • The people who voted for Joe Biden or not the stupid ones.

        Anyone who provides support, aid or comfort to Donald Trump, is not only stupid but a traitor to America.

        And just as I predicted over one year ago, the Kraken has proved to be a hermit crab, scuttling for cover.

        “Desperate to win back the Trump supporters, Fox News and the Fox Business Network turned at least a dozen times to a pro-Trump attorney named Sidney Powell who, when pressed for evidence, forwarded a memo entitled “Election Fraud Info” to Fox anchor Maria Bartiromo. Bartiromo hosted Powell on her Fox News show the day after receiving it.

        ‘Like time travel in a semi-conscious state’
        The author of the memo in which Powell and Bartiromo put so much stock offered detailed and utterly false claims of how Dominion Voting Systems helped rig the election for Biden. She also shared a bit about herself, writing that she gains insights from experiencing something “like time-travel in a semi-conscious state.”

        Now Sidney Powell has pleaded guilty to multiple felonies, and will be testifying against Donald Trump, the greatest traitor to America in the history of our nation:

        “Former Donald Trump attorney Sidney Powell has pleaded guilty in the Georgia election subversion case, one day before her trial was set to start.

        As part of her guilty plea, Powell is admitting her role in the January 2021 breach of election systems in rural Coffee County, Georgia. With the help of local GOP officials, a group of Trump supporters accessed and copied information from the county’s election systems in hopes of somehow proving that the election was rigged against Trump.”

        • You consider Trump a traitor and I consider biden a traitor. There appears to be no peaceful resolution to this argument.

          Why don’t we hang both of them and start over?

        • That sounds like they’re being prosecuted for improperly collecting evidence during an investigation. High treason!

          Remember that time they impeached Trump for daring to investigate the Puppet’s dealings in Ukraine?

        • “they impeached Trump for daring to investigate the Puppet’s dealings in Ukraine?“

          No, he was impeached because he attempted to coerce the leader of a foreign country to announce a sham investigation of his political rival.

          “Why don’t we hang both of them and start over?“

          Donald Trump orchestrated a hub and spoke conspiracy to obstruct the lawful certification of our presidential election in order to maintain power as a corrupt chief executive.

          All you’ve got on Joe Biden is that he sometimes stumbles and has trouble speaking.

        • “No, he was I impeached because he attempted to coerce the leader of a foreign country to announce a sham investigation of his political rival.”

          What did he say, exactly, to that leader? How was it a sham investigation? The Puppet is literally on camera admitting that HE coerced the leader of a foreign country to fire the person investigating the company that was paying Hunter. You really don’t think these things through, do you? When they say jump, you ask how high.

        • “Donald Trump orchestrated a hub and spoke conspiracy to obstruct the lawful certification of our presidential election”

          By “lawful certification” you mean stolen right?

          No one seems to have a reasonable explanation for the outright fraud documented by the movie 2000 mules.

        • So, in other words, miner. You’re not interested in an honest discussion. You’re an hard core operative for the fascist left and either it is your way or no way.

          hillary brought up deprogramming. You appear to be a candidate for the treatment.

        • Miner honest?

          He is a hit and (when his argument collapses) run artist.


          Miner49er October 18, 2023 At 15:01
          “Fascinating to watch you hating on jews“

          Please cite a single incident on this list where I evidenced “hating on Jews”.

          I have pointed out that neither side in this middle East conflict has clean hands, both have committed atrocities and human rights violations.

          It’s just another clear example how human religions are the source of a majority of suffering and war on this planet.

          Jews against Muslims, Christians against Jews, Protestants against Catholics, Hindus against Muslims, etc.

          You will never hear an atheist advocate going to war to “retake the holy land for Jesus!” or “slay the infidels!”.

          Religion has provided a handy excuse to mankind for thousands of years to oppress, enslave, murder and steal the property and possessions of your family, friends and neighbors.

          avatarjwm October 18, 2023 At 15:14

          What religion was mao? stalin? And do you really think the conflict in the middle east would end with removing religion?

          You hate on the jews when they’ve done the same thing you have. Do not tell me you’re the only european that has legally bought his lands from the native Americans. Or do the jews with titles to their settlements have the same legal standing as your deeds have?

          You’ve become a bad parody of yourself, miner.

          Miner’s answer?


        • MINOR49er. On the contrary. we consider you are traitor as you do not support the Constitution of the United States.

        • “The Puppet is literally on camera admitting that HE coerced the leader of a foreign country to fire the person investigating the company that was paying Hunter.“


          “The claim: Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion from Ukraine to assist his son, Hunter Biden

          While former Vice President Joe Biden oversaw foreign policy in Ukraine, his son Hunter Biden served on the board of Burisma Holdings, the largest gas company in the fledgling democracy.

          Despite a recently concluded investigation by Senate Republicans that found no wrongdoing by the Bidens, claims to the contrary have continued to circulate on social media.

          It’s true that Joe Biden leveraged $1 billion in aid to persuade Ukraine to oust its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, in March 2016. But it wasn’t because Shokin was investigating Burisma. It was because Shokin wasn’t pursuing corruption among the country’s politicians.

          As European and American diplomats pressed Ukraine to clean up its corruption, they focused on Shokin’s leadership of the Prosecutor General’s Office, which he took over in February 2015.

          Mike Carpenter, who served as a foreign policy adviser to the then-vice president, told USA TODAY that Shokin “never went after any corrupt individuals at all” and “never prosecuted any high-profile cases of corruption.”

          If you disagree with this info please provide evidence to support you position.

        • “No one seems to have a reasonable explanation for the outright fraud documented by the movie 2000 mules”


          “In taped testimony, Barr says he watched the film with an open mind, but it failed to deliver on those claims, even chuckling when he brought up the movie.

          “My opinion is that the election was not stolen by fraud, and I haven’t seen anything since the election that changes my mind on that, including the ‘2000 Mules’ movie,” the former attorney general said during his testimony.

          Barr called the analysis of the data in the film “singularly unimpressive.”

          “The premise, if you go by five boxes or whatever it was, that that’s a mule is just indefensible. The photographic evidence was lacking. It didn’t establish widespread harvesting,” Barr said.

          “If you take two million cell phones and figure out where they are physically in a big city like Atlanta or wherever, just by definition, you’re going to find many hundreds of them have passed by and spent time in the vicinity of these boxes. The premise that’s a ‘mule’ is just indefensible,” Barr added.”

          If you disagree with this info please provide evidence to support your position.

        • Shitdiggingidot,
          “If you disagree with this info please provide evidence to support your position.”

          J-6 prosecutions.

        • “What religion was mao? stalin? And do you really think the conflict in the middle east would end with removing religion?“

          Well, Stalin did attend seminary to become an orthodox priest but that’s really immaterial to the discussion.

          You can’t change the fact that millions of humans have been killed over thousands of years all in the name of various and sundry religions.

          Roman polytheists against Jews, Jews against Christians, Muslims against Jews, protestants against Catholics, Catholics against Wiccans, etc.

          And you still haven’t cited a single instance where I posted any messages “hating on Jews”.

          I must say, I find it fascinating there’s so many of you evidence so much support for the socialist abortion capital of the Middle East:

          “According to the report, the Health Ministry’s pregnancy termination committee had received 16,591 requests to terminate pregnancies, meaning 7.7 out of every 1,000 Israeli women between the ages 15-49 had sought an abortion throughout the year, same as in 2020.

          Abortion requests in Israel have been on the rise since the late 1980s and jumped sharply in 2020, perhaps due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and consequent lockdowns.“

        • “MINOR49er. On the contrary. we consider you are traitor as you do not support the Constitution of the United States.“

          Then apparently you consider Donald Trump a traitor as well:

          “Trump tells court he had no duty to ‘support’ the US Constitution in bizarre legal defence
          Mike Bedigan
          October 12, 2023·3 min read
          Donald Trump has sought to have a lawsuit filed against him in the state of Colorado dismissed, by arguing that, as president, he was not required to “support” the US Constitution.

          The bizarre legal defence, put forward by the former president’s attorneys, comes in response to a suit filed by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), which seeks to have him disqualified from the ballot in the state under the 14th Amendment.“

          Really, you people clueless about the actual facts of current events.

        • “It’s true that Joe Biden leveraged $1 billion in aid to persuade Ukraine to oust its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, in March 2016. But it wasn’t because Shokin was investigating Burisma. It was because Shokin wasn’t pursuing corruption among the country’s politicians.”

          And how do we know that? Prove it. You’re trying to tell me it’s only a weird coincidence that Joe had the prosecutor fired who just happened to be investigating a company for CORRUPTION that just happened to be paying his son? Hunter admitted that the only reason they gave him that do nothing position is because of his dad. He knew nothing about the business or Ukraine. They were buying influence. That may not be illegal, but it’s HIGHLY unethical, something you only care about when Republicans are involved.
          Not only were they paying Hunter big bucks for a do nothing position, they gave both Bidens $5 million each! They brought Hunter on board when the company was facing corruption allegations. VP Biden was heading up Ukrainian relations at the time.

          The corrupt Biden family is everything they pretended the Trump family was. You turn a blind eye because you never care about right and wrong. You are the most morally corrupt person I’ve ever come across in my life. You only care about taking the left wing position, no matter what it is. You’re a left wing drone. This is a serious question, Miner. What does that do for you?

          Per FBI document:
          Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of natural gas company Burisma Holdings, told the FBI informant in 2016 while meeting at a coffee shop in Vienna, Austria, that “it cost 5 [million] to pay one Biden, and 5 [million] to another Biden,” according to the redacted FD-1023 form.

          “Zlochevsky made some comment that although Hunter Biden ‘was stupid, and his (Zlochevsky’s) dog was smarter [LOL],’ Zlochevsky needed to keep Hunter Biden (on Burisma’s board) ‘so everything will be okay,’” the June 2020 document says.

          Miner said: “If you disagree with this info please provide evidence to support you position.”

          There’s my documented proof. Now it’s your turn. You failed to answer my questions. Recap: What did he (Trump) say, exactly, to that leader? How was it a sham investigation? (Look what they discovered.)

        • Your interpretation of that Republican investigation has NO AUTHORITY to prosecute. It only has authority to propose new laws encompassing your idiot’s conduct or to expose it which they did.

        • Bringing Sydney Powell as a prosecution witness may actually exonerate Trump. He’s not a lawyer and never claimed to be. He hired Sydney Powell for legal expertise and had every reason to believe that the advice he paid for was legal, as well as credible. Now, the lawyer has pled guilty, meaning the advice taken was a scam, and that she lied to Trump. She also led the media charge during the attempts for recounts. This should clear up any questions.

          Add to this the fact that Alan Dershowitz is on record as saying that he, as Al Gore’s legal advisor, gave exactly the same advice and pursued identical paths in trying for endless recounting of votes to turn the election to Gore, yet there was no push back.

          Pop some corn and watch. It’ll take a long time but my money is on DJT being found not guilty or charges being dropped. Also on him securing the ‘24 republicrat nomination for POTUS.

        • “No, he was impeached because he attempted to coerce the leader of a foreign country to announce a sham investigation of his political rival.”

          WRONG, actually. He was charged (impeached) with this but not found guilty by the Senate. Try being honest. Not being found guilty wipes your entire premise of wrong doing.

        • miner. Your religion is big .gov. And how many people has that killed without any need to call on a deity?

          As for hating on jews. You just did it again. You love abortions. You are a backer of said abortions. But here you are trying to stir feelings up against the jews by running the israeli abortion stats through the comments.

          Deny being a racist fascist if you want. But your comments say otherwise.

          We need a Nuremberg 2.0.

        • I provided documented proof, as requested. It’s been over 24 hours. I have to assume Miner ran away. Again. What do you expect from a “man” who reneges on a bet he came up with?

  2. Last time I spoke to my Sister-in-law I asked her how she was liking her choice for President. Haven’t heard from her in awhile, can’t imagine why!

    • Every day I wake up and have a bottle of Malört and thank the sky daddies that the man whos name I can not say will soon be behind bars.

      • @Miner49er

        “Every day I wake up and have a bottle of Malört and thank the sky daddies that the man who’s name I can not say will soon be behind bars.”

        while you cheer on the man who is now in office called Biden who has actually funded hamas and has become a ‘mass murderer’ (by prox), and want to disarm as many innocent law abiding people as possible and do away with constitutional rights and cheer for hamas.

        I suggest you stop having a bottle of Malört every day, only alcoholics do that but it explains your delusional take on things and your mental illness obsession with trump and you not knowing what context means.

        • People describe Malört as “citrus-flavored gasoline,” “the regional prank beverage,” “burnt vinyl car-seat condensation,” “the vile flower liquor,” “pure peer pressure,” “the bad thing,” “hipster virtue-signaling juice”… and those are the “nicer” comments from Chicagoans home of that nasty shit… At 20/30 bucks a bottle I doubt that Minerva has a “bottle every morning” but it would explain the delusional world in which he/she/it seems to live…

        • Thank goodness I can only afford Kentucky Delux.
          I don’t know what Marlort is but I sure dont want to be an alcoholic.
          (I’m guessing Marlort must be some expensive whiskey if Miner is bragging on it.)

        • Apparently Minor does not understand that when the dictatorship of the Purolator, er, I meant proletariat is established, the cadre must be suppressed. I doubt he will have Malört to help through that process.

          So even if he wins, he loses.

      • I look forward to the day when Trump wins a second term, even from jail and beats your boy who can barely even make a coherent sentence.
        Just read that Cher is now saying she will make good on her promise she made in 2016 about leaving the US if Trump wins in 2024.
        You going to do us all a favor and leave too?

        • I look forward to the day when you folks on TTAG are actually cognizant enough to realize fake minor is trolling you.

          But that’s not likely to be anytime soon, after all you folks are the ones who believe in Italian space satellite stealing the election so I really shouldn’t expect much discernment from y’all.

        • It’s always funny when liberals think they can just up and leave the US… just because the US doesn’t enforce immigration law doesn’t mean that other countries don’t. They do, as any traveler can tell you… you won’t get far, and you damn won’t overstay your visa in most/all desirable countries (ones with a high standard of living). Mexico, for a while, as long as you keep paying the bribes. England? Dream on. Maybe if you’re rich. But for middle class folks, you’re getting kicked out. Thailand, maybe. But English speaking? Maybe the Phillipines, but definitely not NZ, Australia, England or even Canada. Or India. It’s a nightmare immigrating there.

        • Overstay your visa in Oz and you’ll have an extended tropical vacation in Nauru or Manus Island. The turquoise water looks beautiful through the razor wire.

  3. The Far Right maniacal hatred of Biden gets very pathetic when they try to twist his statement.

    In reality sane people who can think clearly because their minds are not consumed by hate realize that Biden was clearly denigrating Hamas not making a statement to make light of the tragedy of many people losing their lives.

    Thank God we do not presently have the incompetent and deraigned Jackboot Herr Drumpf still as president. It was truly frightening when the top U.S. Generals met in a secret meeting and decided they would not let Herr Drumpf attack China with Nuclear Weapons. Now let that one sink in for a moment. The MSNBC interview with a top recently retired U.S. General was really mind blowing as to how dangerously depraved Herr Drumpf had become. I will take Biden, even with his slight stutter, over the reincarnation of another ranting deranged Hitler (Herr Drumpf) anyday.

    • dacian the DUNDERHEAD “Maniacal hatred of Biden”? JBOL! The man is more of a buffoon than you are. If that is possible. Both of you tell lies like it is going out of style and you are trying to keep it going.

      It seems you have things just a tad backward, not that that is unusual. You are forgetting that jackbooted tactics of your beloved Sleepy Joe when she had the FBI “raid” (sic)Trump’s home over a dispute of what was Trump’s property and what “belonged to the government.” Your “top U.S. Generals” you refer to are a bunch of WOKE ninnies who are/were afraid of their own shadow. Much like you I might add.

      Do yourself a favor and shut up while you still have whatever is left of your brain.

  4. The Puppet went over there to disrupt Israel’s invasion and give Hamas $100 million, IN ORDER TO PROLONG THE CONFLICT. The USA enables global conflict. Then that idiot said the money was for the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, not for Hamas. Then that senile fool said Hamas doesn’t represent Palestinians. That is LITERALLY the opposite of the truth. They are the elected governing body. Furthermore, we no longer have to wonder if Palestinians support Hamas. The Palestinians (and Leftists) scattered around the world are celebrating the terrorists! Democrat voters must be the dumbest group of people on the face of the planet, unless they’re Nazis. Then it all makes sense.

    • “The Puppet went over there to disrupt Israel’s invasion and give Hamas $100 million, IN ORDER TO PROLONG THE CONFLICT.”

      Yep. Goes back at least as far as Carter. Always dancing around the fact that the core barrier to peace is Islam.

      “Moderate Islam” is an artifact of total military defeat – and will evaporate like morning dew when the balance of power permits speculation within the ranks of the Faithful that there is hope of manifesting the Last Day. Anytime the population starts to hover around 30%, look for trouble to start.

      It is a system well-designed to accomplish its goal. A core issue is that radicals have the promise of Paradise, while moderates are vulnerable to indictment for capital crimes. Another is that the rule book is Perfect, and cannot be changed or even questioned – except temporarily for tactical reasons…

      “Islam reformed is Islam no more.”

      • XZX,
        A study of the Quran leads one to the realization that the ‘rule book’ CAN be changed, and is evident by later ‘revelations’ taking precedent over earlier ‘peace oriented’ writings.

        ANY time someone says Islam is a religion of peace, they are referring to earlier writings that More-ham-head put in the book to gin up new converts.

        They don’t want to talk about the later writings that COMMAND the adherents of Islam to WIPE OUT the unbeliever…

        jihadwatch(dot)org has a bunch of research available on the chronological order of Moes’ ‘revelations’ and which ones are in force NOW.

        • They don’t want to talk about the later writings that COMMAND the adherents of Islam to WIPE OUT the unbeliever… “

          You mean verses like this?

          Deuteronomy 13:6 – “If your brother, your mother’s son or your son or daughter, or th e wife you cherish, or your friend who is as your own soul entice you secretly, saying, let us go and serve other gods … you shall surely kill him; your hand shall be first against him to put him to death”

        • Shitdiggingidiot
          Note Old Testament vs New Testament, while you’re at it, as the subject was a reformation of Islam, or did you forget that part?

        • “Shitdiggingidiot
          Note Old Testament vs New Testament“

          So you’re suggesting that your god didn’t write the old testament?

          Because it sure seems the author of the old testament is all about killing unbelievers, even those in your own family.

          What a dick that Jehovah is.
          Just about as bad as Allah who requires the death of unbelievers as well.

          I am sure glad they are both imaginary, and I will be even happier when the rest of humanity realizes that fact as well.

        • Shitdiggingidiot,
          The topic was REFORM of ISLAM, as in Old Testament vs New Testament, but you have a habit of ‘lying by omission,’ don’t you?

        • You found a “let’s all just get along” section of the Koran referring to Jews?

          Whatever, it can’t be changed…

        • What a dick that Jehovah is.
          Just about as bad as Allah who requires the death of unbelievers as well.

          Oh Minerva… They are BOTH one and the same… Allah, God, Jehovah, Elah, I Am, Yahweh, Elohim, and many others throughout the various religions around the planet… ALL refer to the same “One true God”, but being the biblical scholar that you are, you already knew that. RIGHT?

        • “The topic was REFORM of ISLAM”

          Miner has a list of select verses from the Torah that he constantly copies and pastes because he thinks they cast Jews in a bad light. It’s his anti-Semitism shining through. Nazis gonna Nazi.

      • It, sabotaging Israel, goes farther back than Peanut Boy. Richard Nixon When president ordered gravel-voiced Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a Globalist Jew, to replenish Israel’s tank and artillery shells during wartime after Israel had been attacked (the IDF had exhausted their supply) and in the counterattack vrossed the Suez Canal driving so far into Egypt they could see the lights of Cairo in the distance. Kissinger in order to force Israel to the negotiating table disobeyed Nixon and held up on resupplying Israel which then was forced to negotiate an end to the war, another useless “ceasefire” which leads us to where they, Israel, are today ie. fighting for their very existence though not againsy Egypt who as of late under Al-Sisi seem to be on the same side fighting radical Islamists). Without Egypt’s support the Gazastinisns/Hamasocrats would’ve been defeated decades ago before Sadat (killed for making peace w/Israel), Mubarack, and now Al-Sisi, Morsi, Obama’s pal in his short reign betwern Mubarak & Al-Sisi restored weapons support to both Hamas & the PLO prior to his ouster & imprisonment. Kissinger should’ve been charged, tried, convicted, and stood up against a wall for his disobedience. And why we charge the U.S. State Department even today with fulfilling arms orders I’ll never know as that cabinet department has been rife with traitors long before Nixon and Whitaker Chambers exposed that limpwristed traitor and Communist agent Alger Hiss. All arms /weapons deals should go through the Dept of Defense at least then when one disobeys a direct order they’ll face the death penalty.

    • “The Puppet went over there to disrupt Israel’s invasion and give Hamas $100 million, IN ORDER TO PROLONG THE CONFLICT.”

      Yep. Goes back to Carter, at least. Follow the money.

  5. Is it weird that the MSM ran with pro-Hamas/anti-Israeli news (hospital) without verifying it? Remember these are the same people who pushed the Russia Hoax (knowing it was a lie) in order to support the soft coup against the US president. The news media is the enemy of the people.

    • Old adage. If it bleeds, it leads.

      If it can put Israel and/or the USA (or “the west” in general) in a bad light, doubly so.

    • Jews/Israel for decades were the cause du jour of the “news” media but not anymore, they’ve been supplanted by more trendy minorities ie. the blacks, LGBTQ-ers, illegal aliens, and of course moslems which is curious seeing as to how those of the Jewish faith own, run, or are employed by the biased “mainstrream” media outlets. The self-hating Jews are easy to spot all one need do is watch CNN/MSNBC/NBC/ABC/CBS/PBS/CBC/BBC, listen to NPR, or read the NYT, WP, LA Times, Boston Globe, Chicago Sun Times, Boston Globe, Orlando Sentinel, Miami Herald et al.

    • If you have an open mind about Jewish Epstein not killing himself- why do you support us sending billions of dollars to Israel? How does that help us? How does that help you?

      I would rather pay less tax and no have my money go to Israel or Ukraine.

      • *or Hamas, Iran, Afghanistan, etc. We’ve been sending billions abroad down the toilet for years. Where have you been? Your timing is highly suspect.

      • Its monopoly money.
        They use every excuse to keep We The People poor and under their thumbs.
        A government can not be 13,22,400, whatever, trillion in debt and send everyone a $1,200 stimulus check or billions to some country to fight wars.
        Broke is broke, dont ask me if you can borrow coffee.

      • It’s like hiring a hitman, why do the job of eradicating those (radical moslems) that seek to harm us when you can have someone else do it for you as former members of ISIS/Al Queda have flooded the Hamasocrat ranks and will eventually come here if not “neutralized”.

        As to the money, I hate our tax dollars going anywhere but unlike Ukraine the nation of Israel pays for nearly EVERYTHING in military aid they get from us it’s a far different relationship than we have with other supposed allies. And in case you didn’t know just a few months ago Joe Bribem refused to sell reloads for the “Iron Dome” Patriot missles systems we sold them in the first place. Bribem did it to cripple Israel and force Netanyahu from office all this while Israel’s scientists/tech industry created/perfected a new control system which made our Patriot missiles more accurate and were approached and signed an agreement to sell the updated technology to the U.S. Marine Corps.

    • So help me to understand exactly what rocket/warhead does Thomas have that could kill 4 to 500 people with one strike?

      Even the AJC isself admit Thomas does not have that level of munitions:

      “Hamas primarily uses a variety of locally manufactured rockets as well as munitions and rocket components that are smuggled in. These rockets are often relatively simple in design and have been known by names like Qassam rockets, Grad rockets, and other improvised models. The range and payload capacity of these rockets can vary, but they are generally less advanced than the missile systems used by well-equipped national armies and often lack any guidance system.”,rockets%2C%20and%20other%20improvised%20models.

      • I never said Israel OR Hamas set off that explosion because I don’t know. What I mentioned is that it’s very telling that the Western corporate media immediately and unquestioningly pushed pro-Hamas/anti-Israeli news. Their source was Hamas. The New York Times changed their published story yesterday with less of an anti-Israeli slant. Why would they do that? As I’ve already commented, Rep. Omar also walked her statement back. Why would she do that? These things shouldn’t be ignored.

        From the link you provided, Miner:
        A misfired Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) rocket caused the deadly blast in the Gaza hospital.

        In a statement, the IDF says that “from an analysis of the IDF’s operational systems, an enemy rocket barrage was carried out towards Israel, which passed in the vicinity of the hospital, when it was hit.”

        “According to intelligence information, from several sources we have, the PIJ organization is responsible for the failed [rocket] fire that hit the hospital,” the IDF adds.

        • miner is just hating on the jews. Its his thing. He’s likely this dude talking about his tax dollars going to Israel.

          fascism and miner walk hand in hand.

        • “In a statement, the IDF says that “from an analysis of the IDF’s operational systems… “

          Yep, we’ve investigated ourselves and found out we dint do nuthin’.

          That’s about as funny as when the police department internal affairs division investigates claims of police brutality.

          “miner is just hating on the jews“

          Again, you failed to cite any instance when I have made a post “hating on the Jews”.

          “Or do the jews with titles to their settlements have the same legal standing as your deeds have?”

          Very careful wording there, a failed attempt to prove your point.

          The problem isn’t the settlements where the settlers have a clear title, the problem is the areas of Palestine that the Israelis have forcibly evacuated the folks who live there, bulldozing their homes and stealing their land to build a new ‘settlement’.

          You hide behind the euphemism ‘settlement’ as if it somehow provides cover for the unlawful actions of Israel.

        • MINOR49er Knock that chip off your shoulder.

          You couldn’t investigate a dripping faucet. For your continued edification, Internal Affairs of most Police Depts. are very reliable in investigating all kinds of police misconduct. Your vaulted unsupported opinion not withstanding.

          Any reference you have made to Israel proves positive that you are anti-semetic.

          The fact is that the Israelis have won the land by right of conquest. I am sure that is a novel theory to you. Homes that were bulldozed were bulldozed because the owner was an Arab terrorist or supporter.

        • “Yep, we’ve investigated ourselves and found out we dint do nuthin’.”

          Miner, that was from the link YOU provided above. Are you now refuting your own comments LOL? Who has a better history of being truthful and accurate, Hamas or Israel? Hamas has a long history of accidentally bombing their own region. They also have a long, documented history of lying. Hamas claimed Israel targeted a hospital and killed more than 500 people. The news media and left wing loons immediately “believed it” (they don’t really care about the truth) and ran with the story because it fit their narrative of “poor, oppressed Palestinians” (Hamas is their actual oppressor, but you’re too dumb to notice that). Then the NY Times had to alter their published story to back down from the claims. Then noted anti-Semite/pro-Hamas Rep. Omar had to walk back her statement. And her you are (as usual) trying to push the old, debunked talking points when people in the know have already moved away from it. You aren’t very bright, are you? Don’t you ever get tired of being a sucker? The NY Times confirmed a report from US intelligence that, “satellite and other infrared data showing a launch of a rocket or missile from Palestinian fighter positions within Gaza.”
          Early U.S. and Israeli Intelligence Says Palestinian Group Caused Hospital Blast

      • Oh Miner you are still alive.

        Funny you forgot to reply to jwm’s last comment.

        The one where you arguement again collapases.

        Allow me to help you remember;

        Miner49er October 18, 2023 At 15:01
        “Fascinating to watch you hating on jews“

        Please cite a single incident on this list where I evidenced “hating on Jews”.

        I have pointed out that neither side in this middle East conflict has clean hands, both have committed atrocities and human rights violations.

        It’s just another clear example how human religions are the source of a majority of suffering and war on this planet.

        Jews against Muslims, Christians against Jews, Protestants against Catholics, Hindus against Muslims, etc.

        You will never hear an atheist advocate going to war to “retake the holy land for Jesus!” or “slay the infidels!”.

        Religion has provided a handy excuse to mankind for thousands of years to oppress, enslave, murder and steal the property and possessions of your family, friends and neighbors.

        avatarjwm October 18, 2023 At 15:14
        What religion was mao? stalin? And do you really think the conflict in the middle east would end with removing religion?

        You hate on the jews when they’ve done the same thing you have. Do not tell me you’re the only european that has legally bought his lands from the native Americans. Or do the jews with titles to their settlements have the same legal standing as your deeds have?

        You’ve become a bad parody of yourself, miner.


        • “You hate on the jews when they’ve done the same thing you have“

          False, I have never bulldozed my neighbors home, and forced them off the land at gunpoint.

          And if I did, I wouldn’t be surprised when they came back and tried to kill me and my entire family… That’s why I’ve never bulldozed my neighbors home.

          Apparently, some folks are still learning that lesson in the 21st-century, amazing.

        • Shitdiggingidot,
          I suppose the Israelis should have just kept all the land that they took over after all the Arab states attacked them. There wouldn’t be a West Bank or a Gaza Strip, and Israel would be a MUCH larger country today.

        • MINOR49er, when you are attacked by people living in your own country and they are intent on the overthrow of your government, you have every right to bulldoze their house and eject them from your country.

        • “False, I have never bulldozed my neighbors home, and forced them off the land at gunpoint.”

          Are you saying that if you own land, you aren’t allowed to evict squatters? Palestinians SOLD land to Jews. Then Palestinians lived in some of those places rent free for years. Do you believe in property ownership? Oh wait, you’re a commie. It’s all fun and games until the state forces you out of your home at gunpoint. If you sold it to them, then that’s your fault. If you supported commies, then that’s also your fault.

        • miner. You got your land the same way. Only somebody in the past did the heavy lifting. Deny all you want. A real social justice warrior would donate his ill gotten gains to the benefit of the native American population and then return to which ever European country his ancestors hailed from.

          It just triggers your anti semitism when it happens in Israel.

        • “You got your land the same way.”

          Except the Jews were native to the land, not Palestinians. Palestinians are the “settlers” and “colonizers.” That land has been conquered many times by various tribes, but the Jews kept coming back and retaking it. Palestinians were homeless Arabs who used the name the Romans gave the land when they conquered the area. Romans called it Palaestina because that is how Greeks and Romans had referred to that region, or nearby regions, for many years. Why would they keep a Jewish name after they conquered them? Miner doesn’t really care about “stolen land” or native tribes. He only cares about being a dutiful follower. It must give his life meaning.

        • “Most of these settlements were established either on Palestinian lands from which the owners had fled as a result of the 1967 War or on common lands.”

          Right, the people flee because the Israelis attack in 1967 and now you call these lands ‘abandoned’.

          Yep, free for the taking…

          And that’s how you get a war.

          One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.

        • “Most of these settlements were established either on Palestinian lands from which the owners had fled as a result of the 1967 War or on common lands.”

          Right, the people fled because of the Israelis attack in 1967 and now you call these lands ‘abandoned’.

          Yep, free for the taking…

          And that’s how you start a war.

          “On the morning of June 5, 1967, Israel launched a preemptive strike against Egyptian forces in response to Egypt’s closing of the Straits of Tiran. By June 11, the conflict had come to include Jordan and Syria. As a result of this conflict, Israel gained control over the Sinai peninsula, the Golan Heights, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. Israeli claims on these territories, and the question of the Palestinians stranded there, posed a long term challenge to Middle East diplomacy.”


        • Look who showed up to sling more Shiite on the walls. Why did you abandon the other conversation you were so interested in? So now terrorists who murder and rape children are freedom fighters? It’s actually sad to see someone as far gone as you are. I’m not even kidding. You don’t understand the difference between right and wrong. Miner, Israel ABANDONED the Gaza Strip nearly two decades ago! Israel provides them with water and electricity. The only oppressor in this situation is the governing body, Hamas. Explain to me how the people in Gaza will be “free” by murdering, raping, and kidnapping children, women, and the elderly? You are the most morally corrupt person I’ve ever interacted with. It’s scary how people like you justify that level of savagery.

        • Okay, Miner. Let me make sure I understand where you’re coming from.

          You think Hamas is fighting for their freedom by opening fire on a peace concert.

          You think they’re fighting for their freedom by raping babies.

          You think they’re fighting for their freedom by murdering babies.

          You think they’re fighting for their freedom by raping women.

          You think they’re fighting for their freedom by murdering unarmed families in their homes.

          You think they’re fighting for their freedom by kidnapping the most vulnerable.

          Who rules over the Gaza Strip? Does Israel control it? No, you idiot. They pulled out nearly two decades ago! Hamas rules over the Gaza Strip. You don’t even understand basic facts.

          Then you claim they are fighting for their freedom by avenging an attack from 56 YEARS AGO! That was the best you could come up with? Did that really make sense in your little brain before you typed that? I knew you were slow, but I had no idea it was that bad. Palestinians didn’t control ANY region when that attack took place! That was against Egypt, Syria, and Jordan!

          Let’s go with your fighting for freedom by avenging an attack from 56 years ago theory. Israel’s borders were created by international law after WWI and the defeat of the Ottoman Empire. What happens when land is conquered? Historically colonies are created by the victors. Why do so many of Africans speak French? Why do we speak English? Why do most countries south of us speak Spanish? Get it? Instead of creating another colony, the victors decided to create borders and establish sovereign countries. Why would they do that? They believed in self-governance.

          Mandatory Palestine was created by the League of Nations. They also established borders for Syria, Iraq, and Jordon. The Ottoman Empire was gone. It was called Palestine because that was the name the Romans gave it when they conquered the region. Europeans continued to call it that. Jews wanted their own country because there was a growing anti-Semetic movement. They needed a place to live without persecution. Too bad. There were too many Arabs living nearby. Arabs couldn’t tolerate living near Jews, so they began terrorizing them simply because they were Jewish. This happened throughout the 30s. The Nazis even supported these attacks due to their hatred of Jews.

          After WWII, European Jews needs a place to go and be free from persecution. Again. The allies were ready to send 100,000 Jewish refugees, but everyone was concerned about the Arabs revolting due to their hatred of Jews. So the UN came up with a partition plan. That way the Arabs could rule over their own region without having to look at Jews. Go look at the map. It was VERY generous to the Arabs. The UN voted in favor. The Jews agreed. The Arabs did NOT. Why didn’t they agree, Miner? Have you figured it out yet? This was a sign of things to come. They didn’t agree because they didn’t want Jews to exist. You are on the same side as the Nazis. You are on the same side as the bigoted, savage terrorists. You explain away the raping and murdering of children. You aren’t just complacent. You cheer it on. I always wondered how Nazism existed. Now I know. It happened because of people like you.

          The borders were already established by international law with Mandatory Palestine. The British were ready to wash their hands of the conflict. The Mandate expired in 1948. Jews renamed the country Israel. The U.S. recognized them as a sovereign country. That’s when the intolerant Arab community attacked. Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Transjordan, and Egypt attacked Israel since the British were no longer there to keep the peace. The Israelis ended up controlling most of the Mandate area. Jordan controlled the rest. So there you go. Boundaries were first established by the Mandate. Then, VERY generous (to the Arabs) boundaries were proposed, but the bigoted Arabs rejected it. Then the entire region of Arabs tried to take the Mandate by force. They lost. Israel controlled most of it.

          Now could they live in peace? No. Why not? Because the Arabs refused to acknowledge that Jewish people a right to exist. At this time, Jews lived in several countries in the Middle East. They no longer do. Have you figured it out now, Miner? They can’t live there because their existence isn’t tolerated by the bigots, like you. You’re a violent terrorist in your own mind. The only difference between you and the child-murdering rapists is that you’re too cowardly to act on your own convictions.

          That 1967 attack that you’re referring to was in response to Egypt blocking Israeli maritime passageways. Egypt did this AFTER signing the 1949 agreements to end the previous conflict. Why couldn’t they live in peace with their neighbor, Miner? Do you get it yet? What happens when a bully blocks your exit? Israel has as much of a right to exist as any other country. Who controlled the Gaza Strip at this time, Miner? The “Palestinians?” No, Egypt controlled it! Who controlled the West Bank at this time, Miner? The “Palestinians?” No, Jordan controlled it! Both countries were hostile to Israel. And once again, Syria joined in to attack Israel. Why does this keep happening? Do you get it yet? This is when Israel took control of the regions that were hostile to it. Gaza Strip (Egypt-controlled), West Bank (Jordan-controlled), and Golan Heights (Syria-controlled). Where are the “Palestinian” controlled areas, Miner?? There weren’t any! Do you get it yet? I doubt it. I used to think you played dumb. After conversing with you, I’ve come to the understanding that not only are you history-illiterate and downright evil, but you really aren’t that bright.

      • “The fact is that the Israelis have won the land by right of conquest.“

        Just like Adolf Hitler with Poland and Joseph Stalin with Ukraine.

        Yes, you have completely confirmed that you are a conservative fascist.

        “Palestinians SOLD land to Jews“


        “This study on the Jewish acquisition of land in Palestine shows that there were several stages in the dispossession of the Arabs and that this was effected despite the objections of the international community, which had recommended in General Assembly resolution 194 (III) that Palestinian Arabs wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so.
        The history of the acquisition of agricultural land in Palestine and of the land cultivation system before partition will give the reader same idea of the disparity between Jews and Arabs with respect to land ownership in Palestine. The State of Israel has perpetuated this disparity, mainly through the confiscation of land belonging to the Palestinian Arabs and its policy of Jewish settlements, which is also discussed in this study.“

        • Here are some quotes from your reference, Miner.

          “1968 was a year of great expansion, although the main thrust was in the area of the Golan Heights, which it had already been decided unofficially not to return to Syria.” Notice how it didn’t belong to Palestine.

          “Most of these settlements were established either on Palestinian lands from which the owners had fled as a result of the 1967 War or on common lands.” Israel decided to develop and settle abandoned property which Jews have historically resided in. Then the U.N. and the rest of the anti-Semites cry about it.

          “Palestinians’ abandoned land and other property was simply seized by the Jews.”

          “The Land Acquisition Law also authorized the State of Israel to take over abandoned land and property, which had not been the practice before this law was enacted.” Then the Arabs suddenly want it back after Israel develops it? Cry harder Nazi.

          “Really?” Yes, really. They sold land to Jews, then cry to the international community that Jews stole their land. Maybe if their government cared about them, they wouldn’t be so poor and desperate. Arabs living in Israel have it much better.

          Jews have historically lived in the West Bank area (Judea and Samaria) since ancient times. Why do you want to steal land from the natives, Miner?

        • MIN0R49er, You also forget that your Arab (there is no such thing as a Palestinian) abandoned the land when the Grand Mufti in 1948 told his Arabs to leave so that the Arab Legion could roll over the Israelis. That did not quite work out so well for them, did it?
          As to using the UN as a source, they are anti Israel. They are about as useful as a source as you are.

  6. >20 min after attack Israel’s Digital Media head came out and said they bombed a hospital harboring terrorists and it was unfortunate
    >Quickly deleted tweet
    >Later posts old footage from 2022 of hamas rocket salvos
    >IDF posts clip from an hour after and claims it was the video of the rocket falling, also being incorrect
    >Sound of bomb coming in sounds exactly like previous IDF airstrikes and a GBU style bomb dropped by aircraft
    >Sound of bomb coming in does not sound anything like that of a typical Hamas rocket
    >IDF comes out and shows how big the craters are from their bombs and that it couldn’t have been them
    >Completely ignores the fact that bombs set to airburst produce very minimal cratering
    >Likely a low collateral BLU-126/BLU129 low collateral JDAM set to airburst based on the fact that the explosion is much bigger than a typical Hamas rocket and there appeared to be minimal fragmentation
    >Tops of cars in vicinity of the blast have their roofs caved in, something you don’t get with impact munitions off to the side
    >Some shrapnel impacts on buildings that have their line of sight obstructed by other things to the impact crater
    >Actual video of the bombing that does show Hamas rockets firing appears that they not being launched very close to the hospital, as the audio posted by the IDF suggests
    >Same video shows 3-4 lights quickly appear and disappear in the sky near the hospital in a line, completely consistent with flares from an aircraft
    >Israel has already bombed 10-11 medical facilities/hospitals since oct 7

    It amazing how people who know the media lied about COVID now just trust them with the absurd claim the Palestinians bombed their own hospital.

    Anyone who responds to me needs to identify themselves as Jewish or not. If they don’t, assume they are Jewish.

    • “I don’t want my tax dollars going to Israel”

      But you’re fine with your tax dollars going to Hamas. Your man just gave them $100 million. Why aren’t you upset about that? Gee, I wonder.

      Noted anti-Semite and pro-Hamas supporter Rep. Ilhan Omar had this to say about the hospital news:

      Our office cited an AP report yesterday that the IDF had hit a Baptist hospital in Gaza. Since then, the IDF denied responsibility and the US intelligence assessment is that this was not done by Israel. It is a reminder that information is often unreliable and disputed in the fog of war (especially on Twitter where misinformation is rampant). We all have a responsibility to ensure information we are sharing is from credible sources and to acknowledge as new reports come in.”

      She walked back her previous outrage over the attack because she previously believed Israel did it. But I’m sure an internet troll like you is more familiar with the international situation than an anti-Semetic congressman. BTW, ANY Palestinian casualty going forward is the direct responsibility of Hamas. That’s what they wanted anyway. The strategy was to provoke Israel into giving them some nice CNN coverage of dead Palestinians while shattering Israel’s aura of invincibility. They want to rally the Muslim world, bleeding heart liberals, and raging Leftists against the “colonizer” Israelis. It isn’t like Hamas can take them on alone. They know that.

      • “ Your man just gave them $100 million.”

        Bro- I am not left wing or a Biden supporter. I am alt-right. I don’t like Biden or Jews because they push porn and divorce and gun control.

        I am against giving anyone $100 Million.

        I’m just tired of the light switch brain lugenpresse convincing us that helping Israel is somehow good for us. All the people pushing gun control in the US: Feinstein, Bloomberg, Soros, et al. are Israeli dual citizens.

        • Judging Israelis, or all Jews, based on the actions of Feinstein, Bloomberg, Soros, et al. is silly, also known as prejudice. I’m for a 100% overhaul of the State Department and our philosophy of pouring money into foreign countries. The difference between me and you, is that I don’t wait for an historic attack on Jews to state my position.

        • I’m for a 100% overhaul of the State Department

          REALITY is. After watching our “Government” DYS function for the last couple of years I have determined that we need to burn the WHOLE fucking thing down and start over… Fire everyone, especially those assholes (on BOTH sides) in congress that believe it is their job to “LEAD” the American people… There are so many redundant agencies, laws and offices that NOONE knows what anyone else is doing anymore… Burn the volumes of feckless Executive Orders, dump he IRS, DOE and DOJ and drop a bomb on the Library of Congress… ” Cause there’s a Monster on the loose, it’s got our heads into a noose”…

  7. I agree with Senile Sock Puppet President Biden. The Palestinians obviously need to not only learn how to shoot straight, they need to be more cognizant of the Four Laws of Gun Safety. It isn’t enough to be certain of your target and what is beyond it. You need to be certain of any potentially vulnerable people between you and your target. This is absolutely necessary when firing primitive , improvised rockets that have an unfortunate tendency to either misfire or rupture. One would think that firing over a hospital that might have fuel, tanks of pressurized Oxygen or worse yet liquid Oxygen stored in the courtyard would be an obvious no no. A suddenly Oxygenated, local environment would massively increase the combustion rates of gasoline, diesel and just about any organic materials as well as many metals. You would even have spontaneous ignition.

    Of course an interesting possibility is suggested by the recent decision by Israel to deploy their IRONBEAM system. Deploying defensive lasers near targets to intercept projectiles in the terminal phase seems obvious. However; it is far more effective to deploy laser weapons near the launch sites so that they can engage the rockets in the boost phase. The solid fuel rocket motor cases are under extreme thermal stress and pressure (a few hundred psi minimum). Minimal energy input is needed to cause the rocket motor cases to loose structural strength and rupture. Video released by the IDF actually documents the structural failure of a rocket motor casing.

    The IRONBEAM system would be able to engage Palestinian rockets in the boost phase if they were deployed on ships just off shore from Gaza. An added bonus is that the rockets that are intercepted would fall on Palestinians rather than Israelis. One has to wonder how many thousands of Palestinians would have to be killed by rockets fired by HAMAS before they understood that allowing terrorists a free reign in their territory isn’t a good idea.

    • I love the idea and technology of the “Iron Beam” because it proves Rep. MTG was right, Israel does have “Jewish Space Lasers”. She might be inarticulate but she was correct and the Fake News will never apologize to her.

    • This is absolutely necessary when firing primitive, improvised rockets that have an unfortunate tendency to either misfire or rupture

      You mean the primitive, improvised “rockets” built from pipe that was purchased with “AID” money for “infrastructure”?

      • True story: Hamas oppresses Palestinians. They blame their misfortune on Jews, raising their children to hate them. It’s similar to the way Democrats treat black people. Democrats are the real oppressors. They blame all misfortune on white people (who aren’t “allies” AKA “anti-racists” AKA Democrat voters). They’re pushing propaganda to instill racial division among children. “Don’t look at me. I’m your friend. Look over there. Hate those people.” In other news, propaganda still works.

  8. “I’m not suggesting that Hamas deliberately did it”

    Oh no, don’t want to offend hamas.

    • Not like they did anything to prevent such an accident either. The inshallah method. If $deity didn’t want that rocket to hit the hospital, then $deity would have stopped it.

    • don’t want to offend hamas.

      Good thing, cause there’s most likely enough of them in the US by now to hunt you down and make you regret it…

      • When John Wesley Hardin was shot thru the head, the judge said, “If he was shot from the front, that was good marksmanship. If he was shot from the back, that was good judgement.”

        If hamas accidentally blew up the hospital, that was fast-acting karma. If the Israelis did it, that was certainly a notable and regrettable act of vengeance.

        War is hell.

  9. Weapons grade double standards.

    IF a rocket from Israel, aimed at an ammo dump, were to miss by a couple dozen feet and hit an empty office building, they would be demanding war crimes.

    Biden had the gall to “admit,” “Based on what I’ve seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team…”

    As if this were some backyard game of horseshoes.

    This administration could not be more disgusting if they tried.

  10. I like President Trump under his leadership. We had $1.35 a gallon gasoline. No new wars. Peace treaties signed with Arab countries and better relations with North Korea. A near full national employment. 11,000 New oil worker jobs. The US replaced Saudi Arabia as the number one oil exporter.

    But that’s not good enough for the libertarians liberals on the left.

    They like war as long as they can get their, Legal butt, sex and drugs.
    Along with some “free” condoms. “Free”abortions, “free” sex change operations and a “free” government doctor.
    To monitor them in the government Injection Centers. So they don’t overdose and die on the drugs. That they voluntarily put into their bodies.

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