Joe Biden, America's most anti-gun president.
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By Mark Oliva

President Joe Biden’s campaign is waking from its slumber and vowing he will “finish the job” on gun control as a central pillar of his pitch to stay in The White House for another four years.

The Biden-Harris reelection campaign is circulating memos and reaching out to friendly media to make the case that President Biden will use a second term to usher in gun control’s radical unconstitutional agenda. That includes banning America’s most popular-selling centerfire rifle, the modern sporting rifle (MSR). That also means defying the will of Congress.

White House officials are playing up bipartisan efforts, but are making it clear that they are willing to strike out unilaterally if Congress doesn’t knuckle under to their demands. “The president demonstrated that he can get things done, working across party lines when necessary, on our own where we can’t,” White House Deputy Chief of Staff Bruce Reed told The Messenger.

‘Finish the Job’

President Biden has already made clear he’s not listening to American citizens when it comes to guns. An NBC News national poll indicated that the majority of Americans live in a gun-owning household for the first time. The Biden-Harris reelection campaign, though, will lean on the political favors they’ve delivered for special interest gun control – specifically the deep-pocket donors who expect a return for their campaign donations.

President Biden continuously calls for Congress to re-enact the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban, which even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported had no effect on reducing crime.

“Who the hell needs an assault weapon that can hold, in some cases, up to 100 rounds?” President Biden said just last month. This is the line of attack that he’s coupled with veiled threats of using U.S. military force against its own citizens.

“If you wanted or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons,” he said in 2021.

Weaponizing ATF

President Biden has made his attacks on the firearm industry central to his administration, starting with calling firearm manufacturers “the enemy” to most recently halting U.S. firearm exports without explanation. In between, he’s pushed the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to punish the firearm industry through a “zero-tolerance” policy that has seen a sharp increase of federal firearms licenses revoked or surrendered for minor clerical errors.

Kamala Harris
(AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)

President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris promised they would use the ATF as a blunt force instrument to hammer the firearm industry – simply because they don’t agree with Second Amendment rights. The ATF has published Final Rules – one to redefine frames and receivers and another to ban pistols with attached braces. Both have faced legal headwinds with various courts deciding that the ATF overreached its authority to write criminal law without Congressional input or approval. It is the responsibility of Congress to write law and for the Executive Branch to execute that law. Both Final Rules created criminal penalties without a vote in Congress.

ATF Director Steven Dettelbach
Courtesy Harvard Crimson

Most recently, ATF Director Steven Dettelbach spoke to Harvard University where he doubled back on a pledge to U.S. Senators that he would “use the tools Congress gives” and instead advocated for increased gun control. He told the audience he agreed that the administration should pursue an MSR ban and also push for universal background checks. Both would be Constitutionally specious.

The U.S. Supreme Court held in Heller that the U.S. Government cannot ban an entire class of firearms and in order for universal background checks to work, it would necessitate a national firearm registry. That’s still forbidden by federal law.

Scaring Voters

President Biden isn’t just sharpening his attacks on the firearm industry. He’s scaremongering voters too. His reelection campaign circulated a memo titled, “Trump’s America in 2025: More Guns, More Shootings, More Deaths.”

“A Donald Trump presidency will mean more guns in schools and more guns in the hands of criminals, all because he thinks being pro-gun makes him look tough,” Biden campaign spokesperson Seth Schuster said in a statement, according to The Hill. “But his refusal to stand up to the gun lobby to protect our kids makes him weak and a coward.”

cartoon woman anger fear horror scream

The Biden-Harris campaign counts it as a feather in their cap that they caved to gun control special-interest demands to create an Office of Gun Violence Prevention that’s stacked with gun control lobbyists. While they blame others challenging them for unsubstantiated claims that gun owners had carte-blanche access to the Oval Office, the Biden administration literally gave gun control lobbyists an office in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on The White House grounds.

Biden-Harris campaign staffers are scaring voters that the same protections they enjoy on those protected grounds would create chaos should similar protections be afforded to schools and private citizens. It just doesn’t make sense. Criminals – especially violent criminals – have shown time and again that posting “gun-free zone” signs doesn’t deter crime. Meanwhile, investigations have shown that violent criminals sought soft targets where they knew they wouldn’t be confronted by armed security or private citizens protecting themselves with firearms.

President Biden’s pledge to “finish the job” means the end of Constitutional rights. The presidential election is less than a year away and the primary means of preventing these efforts is through the ballot box.


Mark Oliva is Managing Director of Public Affairs for NSSF, The Firearm Industry Trade Association. He is a retired Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant with 25 years of service, including tours in Iraq, Afghanistan, Haiti, Albania, and Zaire.

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  1. “But his refusal to stand up to the gun lobby to protect our kids makes him weak and a coward.”


    For cripes sakes, you guys keep putting them in ‘Gun Free Zones’ that does nothing but attract mentally ill killers, and then you and your merry band of idiots endorse them being sliced-n-diced to be put together as an opposite gender as young as age 6. Trump isn’t doing it, the gun lobby isn’t doing it – you are doing it you fool.

    To protect our kids, we need to start with getting you and your socialism/communist woke out of office so we can protect them.

    • He’s not campaigning, because he won’t be the nominee. Thats why he hasn’t entered some early primaries. He is only parroting what he is told to say.

      • He’s been doing that the whole time he’s been in office. Obama’s shoulder parrot is what he is (in addition to being the PEDO POTUS).

    • It will be Hillary again. Dorothy forgot to throw a bucket of water over her at the end of the last movie.

  2. Dementia Joe is nothing more than a Manchurian Candidate, doing as he is told. Even after he is gone the attacks on the 2nd Amendment will continue. The Democrat leadership and the $$$ behind them are the problem. As long as they are allowed, they always will be. Biden will not be the Democrat nominee for President. That will be bestowed on Gavin Newsome. Which is why he is acting Presidential, by visiting president XI of China for 2 weeks. As well as with several other world leaders. Also why he is debating DeSantis on Fox News, Thursday night. The Liberal Media will swoon all over him, regardless of his performance and will shortly there after anointed. The next savior of the Democrat party, along with Liberalism.

  3. President Biden’s pledge to “finish the job” means the end of Constitutional rights.

    Guess he didn’t get the memo on the millions of NEW gun owners his bullshit policies and his lies have created… Keep it up Braindead the SCOTUS awaits your next ignorant assault on the 2nd amendment you fucking corrupt moron… Xi must be leaning pretty hard on somebody’s ass, he wants the citizenry disarmed so he can make his move on us… Must have been SOME meeting in San Francisco, Obribem must have got his ass chewed royally… OBTW: Pretty sure MY IQ is higher than yours EVER was Braindead…

    • Remember who he in put in charge of the Anti Gun Violence office? Who’s responsibility this will be. Kackling Kamala. Who also won’t be the Democrat nominee for president. That will be Gavin Newsome and if elected will nominate her for AG or when an opening occurs, Supreme Court Justice. As a payoff for being a good little soldier and staying out of the campaign.

  4. President Biden’s pledge to “finish the job”
    Yep, from a man who can’t finish up in a bathroom; but, he sure can stink it up.

    • He has people to do the wiping and disposing of his diapers. They get him cleaned up and dressed and aim him back at the cameras.

  5. Let’s go Brandon!

    Buy guns, buy ammo, buy armor, buy shelf stable food, store lots of drinking water and fuel and a means of preparing the food and heating your homes.

    Winter is coming.

  6. “A Donald Trump presidency will mean more guns in schools and more guns in the hands of criminals, all because he thinks being pro-gun makes him look tough,’ Biden campaign spokesperson Seth Schuster said in a statement, according to The Hill. ‘But his refusal to stand up to the gun lobby to protect our kids makes him weak and a coward.”

    None of which is true, not because its Trump but that it simply is not true. But while on the subject of protecting kids – how about those ~70,000 immigrant children, yeah, the ones that crossed ya’lls insecure border, that ya’ll can’t seem to find or care about after they got sold into sexual and labor slavery? How about those kids?

    The greatest single human source of child slavery and endangerment in America in American history is a called ‘President Joe Biden’.

  7. So the guy saying he’s going to “stand up to the gun lobby” is not saying that to “look tough”?

    Politics is so stupid. Each partisan side doing the same Bernaysian marketing and saying the other side is bad for doing it.

    Because saying “Hey, tough guy. You’re just trying to look tough. Tough guy.” is somehow not trying to look tough yourself.

  8. This fool’s “administration” can’t even stop telemarketers. He’s been slapped unmercifully by the SCOTUS. He’s the Class of 2020 clown. He’s the second time Obama has failed at gun control.

        • It’s a little sad that Mark insists on putting “Breaking News” on the thumbnail of EVERY SINGLE VIDEO he makes. He makes good videos but I think he forgets that Breaking News is throwaway media and once time goes by people are less likely to click on a video that claims to be breaking news because it is OLD news by then.

          That’s a shame because just about every video he makes is s self-contained tight argument for our gun freedoms and anyone on the fence who actually watched any of them with an open mind would be moved by his well-reasoned arguments. But instead he belittles himself by labeling his videos as ‘breaking news.”

    • Gasp! a mass machete’ing, attacking children, one of hundreds of non-firearm weapon attacks upon children every year in school gun free zones … and not a word about it from anti-gun soooo interested in ‘think of the children’

  9. I totally agree that it’s time to finish the job on gun control. We need a couple of nationwide, binding, permanent injunctions from SCOTUS, nullifying unconstitutional state laws pertaining to:
    “Assault Weapon” bans
    Magazine capacity limitations
    Sensitive place ban overreach
    Pre-Purchase licensing
    May issue/shall issue shenanigans
    1st Amendment violations on gun marketing and advertising

  10. Biden and the entire left wing need to be removed from office. vote them out because if you don’t they are going to end up killing you or your kids.

  11. “Who the hell needs an assault weapon that can hold, in some cases, up to 100 rounds?”

    Israeli citizens (as proven on October 7th) and probably US citizens as Biden has an open door policy at the southern border allowing all sorts of terrorists to enter the country.

  12. He has a year until the election. Why would he wait to finish such an important job? Oh, this is like the pay off the student loan thing, isn’t it? There’s a sucker born every minute…

  13. I believe it’s a misnomer to refer to theBiden as President.
    Our country is in dire straits and that has nothing to do with the proliferation of gunms.
    Open boarders, city’s turned to slums, factories and farmland owned by foreign entities.
    This is America?
    Ride that Gunm Ban train for all it’s worth Mr. Not President.

    • Defaulting on credit is rising the fastest since the Great Recession. That makes perfect sense when you realize this is Obama’s third term without him having to take the blame for anything. (Obama unleashed)

      Don’t look now, but it appears that the Youcrane war was all for nothing. Now that the West is in a MUCH weaker position, they’re ready for peace talks. Really? How many lives were lost? How many people were displaced? How many families were destroyed? How much destruction did that entail? Don’t worry! We can (and will) embezzle more billions to clean up that completely unnecessary mess. A select few will become even more wealthy, as per usual. The really amazing part is how quickly the media managed to manipulate all political sides into cheer leading MOAR war. People got mad at me for pointing this out from the beginning.

      • Bribems brother has already put in his bid for rebuilding Ukraine, guarantees the same quality and cost consciousness that he displayed in rebuilding Iraq… And not to worry Hunter has been named point man to oversee ALL the reconstruction across the entire country and we know how much Hunter “LOVES” the Ukranian/Russian people (women) and how much he loves to contribute to their financial well-being and the success of their entrepreneurial spirit…

      • FJB’s donors got paid well with uke war contracts and the FJB crime family raked in big kickback cash. The American taxpayers are already out more money in the uke than they lost in the 2 decades of the Iraq/Afghanistan wars that FJB turned into a giant loss in the end anyway.

        see a pattern? All we got for it was some crappy Hunter “artwork” that isn’t fit for FJB to put on the fridge.

        • I’m not for funding Israel or Palestinians either (we fund both, directly and indirectly). Foreign aid is so corrupt. We could have permanently fixed the southern border for half of what we’re giving Israel this year. But they told us we couldn’t afford to do that during a period of relatively low inflation. More lies. Now imagine what we could do with all of the money the Pentagon disappears.

    • I believe it’s a misnomer to refer to the Biden as President.

      Not that long ago you were singing his praises as the greatest president ever… Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

      • Bless me Father for I have sinned.
        For my penance I must pray theBiden.
        President Biden is the greatest president America has or ever will have.
        President Biden is the greatest president America has or ever will have
        President Biden is the greatest president America has or ever will have.

  14. Not that it matters anymore but, “A Law repugnant to the Constitution is void.” In Marbury v Madison, Chief Justice Marshall the Supreme Court for the first time declared unconstitutional a law passed by Congress and signed by the President.

    Unfortunately, our ruling class elites believe their wants, desires, and morals trump the Constitution and that they’re not bound by it – except to pay it lip service. In the immortal words of Rep. John Conyers (D): “The Constitution means what WE say it means.”

  15. Good now add “free” condoms and “free” abortions. “Free” medical marijuana, “free” STD/HIV AIDS treatment. And you get a “free” government doctor. To monitor you in a “free” government injection center. So you don’t overdose and die, on all the drugs you voluntarily put into your own body.

    Are those are all great reasons for libertarians liberals and the left to vote democrat.

  16. The more gun control they do the more firearm sales go up. Maybe the plan is drive sales up so high there won’t be enough firearms to sell?

    • “The more gun control they do the more firearm sales go up.”
      I wish, but Ruger’s stock price (NYSE: RGR) is near a 52-week low.
      I thought after Ruger bought the Marlin brand, their sales would soar, but instead their profits have nosedived. Maybe they just can’t build them fast enough or cheaply enough to make a profit. Or maybe Biden’s tactic of attacking gun manufacturers, gun stores, and small FFL dealers is hurting gun industry profits after all, judging from Ruger’s stock price nosediving ever since Biden took office.
      Obama was good for the gun industry (the best gun salesman in history), but Biden has managed to screw up gun industry profits somehow.
      Even Gavin Newsom couldn’t possibly be any worse for POTG than Biden, could he?

      • I don’t know, I see a “here, hold my beer” with Gruesome Newsome. He could end up turning the entire country into California, and then multiplying that to the Nth degree. What a thought.

        • What else did he have to talk to Chairman Pooh about for a week? Oh, that’s right he discussed “climate issues” with the world’s most prolific polluter…

  17. In the first instance, I think the chances of Senile Joe being re-elected (assuming he is even the Dimocrat nominee) are slim and none, and Sslim just left the building. So there’s that.

    In the second instance, I don’t see HOW, in any universe, you can reconcile an “Assault Weapon Ban” with Bruen (not that the Dims won’t TRY, but, still).

    Third, I think this is a losing issue; the MAJORITY of gun buyers over over the last couple of years were first time buyers, and a majority of those were women and minorities (two cohorts who overwhelmingly vote Dimocrat). I’m not sure Xiao Bai-den can even (ASSUMING he is “re-elected”) muster the votes to get the legislation passed.

    I hear there is a terrible new venereal disease sweeping the Dim party, called “Gonorrhea Lectim”, that causes the sad victims to mindlessly vote for senile idiots. The Dimocrat Party is apparently counting on this disease to push the senile meat puppet (who was an idiot before he was senile) over the finish line. But, then, they also think Stacey “Tank” Abrams is the legit governor of GA, too.

    • Biden is deciding nothing as regards Dimwitocrat agenda/legislation; he is just a document signer and talking head, not the leader. So, it isn’t Biden who will get legislation done, it is the Dims and Rinos who control that. And, once again, even a scorching by the SC on gun issues serves to energize the base, and add voters (who really don’t matter because it is who/what counts votes that matters). For Dims, even a loss is a win.

      Today, on the radio, I heard one of the arch conservatives declare that the Republicrats have their internal squabbles over govt funding because Repubs don’t vote lockstep, like Dims (the implication being that Repubs are more respectable than Dims because Repubs welcome all opinions (even if they consistently lose because of it.)

    • theBidens gunm thing is subterfuge. There are deeper problems in this country then gunms.
      America is going broke.
      Most Everything is imported and what isnt imported is owned by a foreign country.

  18. Last night it was Cowboys a great John Wayne movie, tonight it’s Clint Eastwood’s The Outlaw Josey Wales, good but not as good as Unforgiven…Antenna TV = money for ammo, etc.

    • Me too. Watching it now.
      The Unforgiven is a favorite, however Josie Wells has some pretty good lines.
      At the sawmill me and a friend would fill or mouths with Redman and say skits off the movie but instead of spitting we would just let the tobacco juice run out. All over our shirts and chin. It made a collage part time guy puke, that just reinforced our behaviors.

  19. Translation to the rest of us: Buy more guns and ammunition. The Democrats always were great salesman for just such items.

    • I’m beginning to think theBiden has invested $$$ in some of the gunm companies.
      It’s the old Glass of Water trick.

      • No, gun company stocks have been nosediving ever since Biden took office. There are only two gun companies you can invest in on the stock market, S&W and Ruger. Not sure about S&W, but Ruger’s stock price (NYSE: RGR) is near a 52-week low.
        I thought after Ruger bought the Marlin brand, their sales would soar, but instead their profits have nosedived. Maybe they just can’t build them fast enough or cheaply enough to make a profit. Or maybe Biden’s tactic of attacking gun manufacturers, gun stores, and small FFL dealers is hurting gun industry profits after all, judging from Ruger’s stock price nosediving ever since Biden took office.
        Obama was good for the gun industry (the best gun salesman in history!), but Biden has somehow managed to screw up gun industry profits.

  20. That would not surprise me in the slightest, Possum. Makes you wonder what the rabid, anti-gun nuts would think, if they found out O’Biden was doing such a thing? Oh yeah, blame someone else.

  21. Biden IS a coward! That isn’t news. His cowardice is why he erected a fence around the White House at the start of his administration.

    Trump isn’t the one keeping guns in the hands of criminals. It’s Biden doing that. No one in the Democrat party has any desire to prosecute criminals. They all purposely choose to go after those that support Trump.

    The idea of ‘guns in schools’ is the wrong things to be worried about. The Democrat left refuses to deal with the very thing that truly IS the problem. They will infact do everything they can to make the problems worse. Domestically and across the globe.

    They have this thing so backwards and it’s costing lives and large amounts of wasted money.

  22. Since Christmas is approaching, and some one out there will be getting or buying a gun safe’ for ‘safe storage’ of their firearms…

    A reminder: Contrary to the anti-gun ‘safe storage’ BS, these portable small gun safes are not ‘secure storage’ and do not actually keep someone from getting to the gun if they really want to do so (plus, because they are small and portable thieves simply don’t bother to open them then but rather just take them and open them later and yes criminals use the internet too and know exactly what these look like). Anti-gun doesn’t understand the difference between their ‘safe storage’ and ‘secure storage’, do not buy into their ‘safe storage’ claims or requirements or recommendations. Its two different things and these small portable ‘safe storage’ safes overall doesn’t stop kids from actually getting to the gun if they try a little bit and can even find out how to circumvent these safes on the internet. In other words, anti-gun wants you to have a gun safe for ‘safe storage’ when in reality its not ‘safe’ at all because its not ‘secure storage’ if its one of these small portable safes especially the ones pointing out for ‘safe storage’ by anti-gun interests – or in another aspect, anti-gun is making another of their regular ignorant contributions of stupid that actually makes people less safe with their ‘safe storage’.

    So whats the difference? These small portable ‘safe storage’ gun safes are intended for a more ‘temporary’ measure for the sake of ‘quick access’, They do not have the means to overall actually ‘secure’ the gun from unauthorized access because they do not have the size or structure, and frequently the means, to not have their ‘security’ features easily circumvented either by brute force or easily circumvented locking mechanisms. ‘secure storage’ gun safes do not have these pitfalls.

    Some are obvious and some are not, for example: The popular ‘Fortress Quick Access Safe’ with a biometric lock is not ‘secure storage’. Its biometric lock is easily circumvented – the default position for this safe is to be unlocked. If someone other than the person with the safe registered fingerprint attempts to scan their fingerprint the scan fails but instead of keeping the safe locked it unlocks the safe. There was a recall on this safe and in most brick-n-mortar stores they were removed from the shelves, but these safes can still be ordered on line through places like, for example, Ebay and Amazon and Walmart and other on line retailers. I’m sure at some point Fortress will probably correct this, but even then the safe is easily and quickly opened by brute force methods as most if not all of these small portable ‘safe storage’ safes can be and some of them can be opened by simply using a fork (yes, that thing you eat with).

    And yes, there will be some of these small portable safes advertised in such a manner as to imply or state ‘secure’ storage. In reality none of these are actually ‘secure storage’.

    • clarification for : “Contrary to the anti-gun ‘safe storage’ BS, these portable small gun safes are not ‘secure storage’ and do not actually keep someone from getting to the gun if they really want to do so…”

      “keep someone from” means an unauthorized ‘someone’ … e.g. another adult or a kid or a thief

    • clarification for “If someone other than the person with the safe registered fingerprint attempts to scan their fingerprint the scan fails but instead of keeping the safe locked it unlocks the safe.”

      If someone other than the person with the safe registered fingerprint attempts to scan their fingerprint the scan can fail but instead of keeping the safe locked it unlocks the safe … meaning an unauthorized person can open the safe by simply having the fingerprint scan fail with a fingerprint that is not the safe registered fingerprint or in other words an ‘unauthorized’ person. This is a documented issue and Fortress is aware of it and a recall was issued, but there are still plenty of these safes out there being sold on line through various places and still a lot out there already with consumers.

  23. That campaign pledge should be enough to stop any gun-owner who believes in the right and need to be able to defend oneself from voting D next year.

  24. 52% or more of households own guns! Probably more like 75%! With over 300 million known owned, bet there’s more like 400 million!!!

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