ATF headquarters washington, DC

By Joe Bartozzi

The dust has settled on President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw David Chipman’s nomination for Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). That’s got many, especially within the firearm industry, wondering what comes next.

The president has the responsibility to nominate a qualified individual to the position. The U.S. Senate has the constitutional duty to “advise and consent” on the president’s choice in order to consider that nominee and vote to confirm or deny that person to the role. That is exactly what happened with Chipman’s nomination. As messy as the process was, it worked. Just because President Biden didn’t get his first nominee confirmed, doesn’t mean the process is over.

The 5,000 men and women working at ATF have a difficult, and oftentimes, dangerous job. The ATF is responsible for enforcing and regulating the gun laws in the United States, which includes regulation of the firearm industry. That requires a director at the helm that is focused on fulfilling the mission of protecting the community from violent criminals, criminal organizations, the illegal use and trafficking of firearms, as well as arson, bombings, terrorism and regulating alcohol and tobacco.

That person must be true to the mission, focused on enforcing the law, not turning the bureau that regulates a lawful industry into a mechanism to overzealously push a gun control agenda. NSSF has supported nominees in the past, including the nomination of Michael Sullivan in 2007, when the position first required Senate confirmation. He was acting director and nominated for the permanent role by President George W. Bush. NSSF also supported the confirmation of President Barack Obama’s nominee, B. Todd Jones, who was confirmed by the Senate and NSSF supported the nomination of Chuck Canterbury in 2017. These were individuals who were focused on ATF’s mission.

Chipman wasn’t in the same company.

Validating Disqualifications

Chipman has been making the media rounds since his nomination was yanked. He’s thrown around accusations and allegations, including that NSSF purposefully misled the public on his record and even blamed NSSF for alleged death threats against him. That’s patently untrue. Still, no one should ever face a threat of harm because they’ve been nominated by the president to serve in a public capacity. At the same time, no one nominated by the president should be above a thorough examination of their record and qualifications.

Chipman’s rants are perfect examples of why NSSF led the charge to oppose his confirmation. He’s a gun control lobbyist, who is now back working for the Giffords gun control group. He railed at the same administration that nominated him for not defending him. He took no responsibility for his dismissive and denigrating comments of gun owners.

He could not explain what he defined as a so-called “assault weapon” but still advocated banning Modern Sporting Rifles (MSRs) or circumventing the National Firearms Act to severely restrict their ownership. He admitted under oath he was investigated for allegations of racially-disparaging remarks of fellow ATF agents, yet took no action to release his personnel records of nearly 25 years while he served at ATF.

His nomination was opposed by a former ATF Acting Director, The National Sheriffs’ Association and several agents with a combined 197 years of federal law enforcement and ATF service.

Chipman stood on his record, yet surprisingly – or not – he never produced it.

Mission-Focused Nominee

The next nominee put forth by The White House must be better. The nominee should be someone wedded to the ATF’s legitimate mission, not to a gun control agenda. That’s not just the firearm industry making that observation. That’s what others who have served in the top role as acting director – and nominated for the job – have also said.

“But the hard-working patriots who staff this vital law enforcement and regulatory agency deserve, and the public served by ATF needs, a less politically biased and more mission-focused director than the nominee,” wrote former ATF Acting Director Michael Sullivan in a Fox News column.

Sullivan came to the acting director job with the credentials of being committed to enforcing the law. Previous to his time at ATF, he was a former U.S. attorney and local district attorney.

It’s apparent the ATF leadership position – and even the ATF itself – has become a political football. That’s unfortunate, and it absolutely diminishes the vital service that the ATF provides. The only way to overcome this politicization is to nominate apolitical nominees. Those nominees should be individuals who are focused on enforcing the laws as they are written, not on twisting or creating them to appease a political agenda.

“ATF’s reputation is dependent on remaining an apolitical, unbiased and fair law enforcement and regulatory agency,” Sullivan added in his column. “That fair treatment and respect for fundamental liberties begins at the top. The agents and inspectors in the field deserve nothing less, and the American public – whether gun owners or not – deserve equal treatment.”

The White House has a responsibility to nominate an individual who is qualified to meet this mission. Trotting out gun control activists erodes the public’s faith in law enforcement. That damages more than just the firearm industry – it damages the entire nation.


Joe Bartozzi is the President and CEO of the National Shooting Sports Foundation



  1. No, Biden owe the country his, and kameltoe’s resignation, as well as the rest of the Dumocrat party’s

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    • Well, muck, it certainly will be abolished, if we don’t at least change the Congress or the Senate in the coming midterms. Otherwise, the current Communist-dominated legislature will become firmly entrenched, and all agencies will be consolidated under one general Agency:


    • I’ve heard that other agencies such as FBI and Secret Service would like to take over ATF’s responsibilities, no one wants to take their agents. Only TSA agents are held in lower regard.

  2. What part can’t anyone get yet of ‘there’s no way’ to appoint a Constitutionally Apolitical director in a Totalitarian administration where even the current AG is pro gun-control?

  3. Uh, no.

    BATFE is an unconstitutional, state sponsored terrorist organization that needs to be dismantled and any of it’s members that have made arrests, jailed for conspiracy against rights (18 US Code 241).

    • Definitely, some deprivation of rights indictments and prosecutions are needed for a lot of ‘agency’ ‘police work’. if you can find an honest, Constitutional Oath Keeping Prosecutor?

    • I dunno, looks to me as though it might just be OK Constitutionally, if you just remove the “F”. Maybe the “E” as well, but that’s not as clear. Explosives are used for a lot more than weapons, and government oversight of their use is not automatically a bad idea. I do not contend that government control over alcohol and tobacco is unconstitutional. Their personnel, however, really do appear to need 100% replacement along with rewritten regulations, etc.

    • The people in the doctor’s office waiting room are looking at me cross-eyed for snickering out loud…

      • Agreed, but the left will abuse their power while someone on the right (I assume) would operate more in line with the Founder’s intent.

        • If that were true they would prosecute more of the left.
          I believe both sides tell you what you want to hear and pretend to fight for you but get little to nothing done.
          Sort of a big game of “ask your mom, ask your dad, ask your mom….”

          Eventually I stopped asking.

  4. Biden owes the American people him at least remembering how to spell the word “Constitution”

  5. The agents in the ATF has a largely unconstitutional job to do.

    SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED is talking to them.

    Chapmn, Chipman, shipman or whatever his name I’d a spokesman for an anti-constitutional organization.

    If they can’t find a pro constitution person for the role to knock all the rough edges off and out of atf, it should be abolished.

    Pro Constitution would include enforcing the 2nd and 14th amendment against federal, state and local agents.

  6. Remember when Biden said he was going to put Beto in charge of taking our guns? Well guess what Beto gets the nomination to be the head of the ATF!! Just wait and see!! Oh yeah Beto wants to be Governor of exas and after he gets his ass handed to him watch what happens!!

  7. NO. Biden & the rest of US Govt TERRORISTS owe the American People TOTAL ABOLITION of an utterly UNCONSTITUTIONAL agency, that should’ve NEVER existed in the 1st place, along with TOTAL REPEAL of ALL GUN LAWS, PERIOD.

    This, has always been the problem with da FUDD normies. You simply don’t ‘get’ the REAL issue at hand. This is why you always fall into the gungrabbers’ TRAP of dickering over definition of ‘assault weapons’, keep reminding utter fascist-actual control freak authoritarians that semi-auto is not full auto, blah di dah. They DON’T CARE. You’re still playing according to THEIR rules, according to THEIR PRESET narrative framing, playing on THEIR playground.

    And you wonder why nothing’s changed in this realm. FFS.

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