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In a contentious state-of-the-union address punctuated with shouting and lies, President Joe Biden on Thursday once again promised to push a number of schemes to curtail the rights of America’s law-abiding gun owners. And, of course, he once again said none of the proposals he supports would hurt gun owners.

“None of this violates the Second Amendment or vilifies responsible gun owners,” he insisted.

While it’s likely the gun issue will take a backseat to the economy and the border in this year’s presidential election, Biden nevertheless continued to push for banning popular semi-auto rifles owned by millions of lawful Americans and standard-capacity magazines used in those guns and many others. Both would, of course, violate the Second Amendment and vilify responsible gun owners.

“I’m demanding a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines,” Biden said during the speech. Thankfully, this time the speech writer forgot to put the “deer don’t wear Kevlar vests” line in the speech, a point the president has lamely made many times in the past.

He also called for so-called “universal” background checks. As most gun owners know, that’s a code phrase for a backdoor gun registry, something that violates current federal law but Biden has pushed for since his first day in the White House.

Of course, Biden’s gun-ban cronies from a number of anti-gun organizations were thrilled with his emphasis on what they call “gun safety,” but is actually anti-gun measures.

“It’s no surprise that President Biden made gun safety a priority in his address, because he’s made it a priority for his Administration from day one,” said John Feinblatt, president of so-called Everytown for Gun Safety. “Everytown is going all out to reelect the strongest gun safety administration in history and protect the lifesaving progress we’ve made.”

The organization Moms Demand Action was equally impressed with the nonsensical speech.

“President Biden and his administration have done more to address our country’s gun violence crisis than any other presidential administration in history,” said Angela Ferrel-Zabala, executive director of Moms Demand Actin. “And tonight only further emphasized their commitment to gun safety. Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action are going to do everything in our power to ensure that we have four more years with the Biden-Harris administration to deliver gun safety to the American people.”

On the other side of the now two-man presidential race, former President Donald Trump has already vowed to undo whatever gun-control measures Biden manages to put into effect during the remainder of his term.

“Every single Biden attack on gun owners and manufacturers will be terminated my very first week back in office,” Trump said in a recent speech at the Great American Outdoor Show in Pennsylvania.


Editor’s Note: If you’re having trouble falling asleep and need something to make you drowsy or if you want to go to the other end of the mental spectrum and get pissed off and feel angry (yeah, some of us old dudes oddly seem to enjoy that) then we’ve got the full nearly two-hour video posted below. Or, maybe you think President Biden is the best thing since sliced bread (as he actually was born only 14 years after the creation of sliced bread) and will enjoy listening to him paint his admin’s failures as successes. Watch at your own risk. TTAG takes no responsibility for how this video will make you feel after watching.



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  1. The political persecution of Trump in the courts, alongside all the “bail reform” and failure to prosecute favored criminals only underscore the objective of so-called gun control. Democrats want to ensure that only people who are Dems, or are friendly to Dems, can access guns. In effect, they want to disarm the political opposition.

    Their agenda might be a tiny bit more appealing, if they were going after Chicagoland gang bangers with the same zeal that they have gone after licensed gun dealers, veterans, and various other political targets.

    No one should be mistaken. The Biden’s agenda is to weaken and disarm all who oppose him, he doesn’t give a flip for inner city violence, gang warfare, or anything else that will make America safer.

    Biden has led a more effective coup against the will of Congress, the Supreme Court, and the American people than that pretended J6 “coup”.

    • “The political persecution of Trump in the courts“

      If you break the law, make false claims and defame innocent people, you can expect the courts to take judicial notice.

      Unfortunately for Donald Trump, he hasn’t confined his nefarious activities to just the United States, he is being held to account by some of our best friends in the world community:

      “Trump ordered to pay $382,000 after losing UK lawsuit over Steele dossier
      Orbis, founded by former MI6 spy Christopher Steele, compiled allegedly damaging intelligence on Trump in 2016
      Associated Press
      Thu 7 Mar 2024 16.09 EST
      Former US president Donald Trump has been ordered to pay a six-figure legal bill to a company founded by a former British spy whom Trump unsuccessfully sued for making what his lawyer called “shocking and scandalous” false claims that harmed his reputation.
      A London judge, who threw out the case against Orbis Business Intelligence last month saying it was “bound to fail”, ordered Trump to pay legal fees of £300,000 ($382,000), according to court documents released on Thursday“

      • MajorMistake,

        COOL STORY, BRO!!! Now do Senile Joe, his grifting brothers, and his crackhead son! The “Steele Dossier” was proved to be nothing more than bullsh*t, paid-for (by the Hillary Clinton campaign) “oppo research”. The Biden Crime Syndicate has engaged in grift, influence-peddling, and selling out America in the Ukraine, Russian, China, and Mexico.

        You need to make sure you wipe the evidence off your chin, when you fellate the Bidens – not a good look for you. When he was still SLIGHTLY mentally competent, Gropey Joe was still stupid, grafting, dishonest, racist (“poor kids are as smart as white kids”) POS. Now he is all of that, and a babbling, senile, drooling, ice-cream-eating wreck.

        At least TRY to peddle a more coherent bunch of lies.

        • “Now do Senile Joe, his grifting brothers, and his crackhead son!“

          Well, there’s been many investigations but so far no indictments or charges, much less trial, conviction or sentencing against Joe Biden.

          And you know, Hunter Biden never ran for office, never been elected to a government position, never been given a government nepotism position by his daddy like Ivanka and Jared.

          “The “Steele Dossier” was proved to be nothing more than bullsh*t“

          Donald Trump had his opportunity in court to prove the steele dossier was fabricated, as we see in the new reporting today he failed to present evidence against the allegations in the Steele dossier. Just like his 64 other lawsuits, Donald Trump lost in a court of law and now has been ordered to pay $382,000 for his frivolous lawsuit.

        • MINOR49er, For your edification, the investigations have been done by Congress. Congress has no authority to prosecute. IT is a good thing that Hunter has never run for office. He’s a criminal slug who has the protection of a crooked DOJ.
          As to the Steel Dossier, it has been proven to be Russian (GRU) misinformation on a multitude of occasions.

          So you are lying yet again. May God have mercy on your soul, assuming you have one.

        • “the Steel Dossier, it has been proven to be Russian (GRU) misinformation“

          And you offer as proof an opinion piece from five years ago?

          “What to make of the intelligence failure over the Steele Dossier?

          Or a 5 year old partisan claim from the Republican committee?

          “PUBLISHED: 08.09.2020
          Newly Declassified Document Indicates FBI Misled Congress on Reliability of Steele Dossier“

          So you cited an opinion article in The Hill that was 5 years old, here’s a bit more up-to-date factual reporting from The Hill:

          “Much of the Steele dossier hasn’t been disproved to date, but rather has gained greater credence based on Trump’s turbulent presidency. For instance, Trump’s imprisoned campaign chair Paul Manafort passed along campaign data to a Russian agent. Trump lied to the public about having no aspirations for deals in Russia when his team had been chasing a project in Moscow throughout his campaign. Most infamously, Trump undermined U.S. intelligence in Helsinki with Russian President Vladimir Putin by his side by agreeing with the dictator that he thought Russia had nothing to do with interfering with the U.S election. In this way, much of what the Steele dossier claimed about Trump being influenced by the Russians seems true. We still don’t have hard proof and may never have it.”

          Yep, those Russians are slippery bastards but more and more is being revealed about their connections with Donald Trump.

          Feb 18, 2023 –
          Politics & Policy
          GOP operative sentenced in scheme to funnel Russian money to Trump campaign

          “Jesse Benton, spokesperson for the Ron Paul campaign, speaking to reporters on Jan. 1, 2012. Photo: Robert Daemmrich Photography Inc/Corbis via Getty Images
          A Republican strategist was sentenced Friday to 18 months in prison for his role in helping funnel illegal foreign campaign contributions from a Russian national into former President Trump’s 2016 campaign, per the Department of Justice.

          Driving the news: Jessie Benton, a former senior aide to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), orchestrated a scheme to conceal the illegal foreign donation with another GOP political advisor.”

        • MajorLiar,

          EVEN THE (TAINTED) FBI has admitted the Steele Dossier is bullshit!! No, Hunter and Biden’s grifting brothers, didn’t get political jobs . . . where they would be subject to US laws and press scrutiny. They went off and pulled their grift in foreign countries, selling “access to the Big Guy” and kicking him back 10% – so it was a “win-win” for the Biden Crime Syndicate; Papa Joe, the serial child molester, could give those political sinecures to others (like Pete Bootyjuice) EQUALLY unqualified.

          Your pathetic attempts to cover up for the OBVIOUS criminal behavior of the Biden Crime Syndicate is almost as laughable as your pretense that Trump got ANY kind of “fair trial” in a NYC courtroom. Any bets on what happens to that so-called award, MajorLiar???? Boy, that Fani Willis is sure as heck gonna bring down the Orange Man, isn’t she???

          And, interestingly, all those actions against Trump are civil actions. Since you are ENTIRELY ignorant of law and procedure, it will interest you to know that there is a different standard of proof in civil court as opposed to criminal court. Civil actions only require a “preponderance of the evidence”, whereas criminal courts require proof “beyond a reasonable doubt”. Tell us why no one has, so far, pursued any of these “criminal violations” by Trump in criminal court, MajorLiar. They’ve gone to 90%+ Dimocrat juries, with ham sandwich indictments, and gotten an award from a judge who is a Biden campaign donor. Yeah, that’s impressive, alright.

          You remain a pathetic, lying, Leftist/fascist propagandist. I’ve agreed, all along, that Trump is a self-promoting loudmouth, and I. DIDN’T. VOTE. FOR. HIM. EITHER. TIME.

          But you can’t bring yourself to admit what’s OBVIOUS to everyone, that your Leftist “hero” Slow Joe the rapist and child molester, is, in addition to being nearly as stupid as you are, also senile and dishonest. Mental health professionals have a name for that kind of mental issues, MajorLiar. I’d say “get help”, but you are FAR beyond any help even the best psychiatrist could render.

        • MINOR49er. Trump’s “turbulent presidency”? Your political propaganda is working hand in glove with the Russian GRU and Putin. But then what else is new? There is NO credence to any of the STEELE DOSSIER except in the perverted eyes of your Leftists. I’m surprised that you are not supporting Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine and seizing their territory (the Crimea). But then your bud, Obuma the Phony did nothing when Russia seized the Crimea.

    • “Biden has led a more effective coup… “

      Not bad for what you call a senile old man who doesn’t know where he is or what day it is.

      • MajorMistake,

        Sure, if Joe, at this point, actually had anything to do with it, I could give him credit for being a half-@$4ed decent Austin Powers villain. But since that senile puppet hasn’t done anything but read the teleprompter, spouting what OTHER people wrote (do the names Barry Soetoro and Valerie Jarret strike a familiar note??), the only thing he gets credit for is eating his pudding, and collecting his “10% for the Big Guy”.

        You are SUCH a pathetic cheerleader/bootlicker, for SUCH a pathetic bunch of incompetent clowns, one could almost feel sorry for you, MajorMistake. Almost.

      • MINOR49er, when you have a bunch of corrupt DEMONcRATS and condescending RINOs, what you get is a senile old man with a lot of support by people pulling his puppet strings.

  2. No surprises here… this man has been anti-private firearms ownership his entire public life. The man has issues with an armed populace and is no friend to anyone who prizes liberty.
    His speech was punctuated with shouting and loud talking, sounding quite angry, reminiscent of his red fascist speech of several years ago. Biden seems to think that yelling and angry delivery makes him look strong and determined, whereas it actually makes him look like a blustering fool. No surprise there, either.

        • Bragged about number of corps registered in Delaware but failed to explain why… The Delaware corporate tax rate is well-known for being favorable for business owners. Delaware, dubbed the “Small Wonder,” is the second smallest state in the US. Still, it is home to over 60% of Fortune 500 companies, including Amazon, Alphabet (Google), and Tesla. Delaware is known for its business-friendly environment, which it has earned through lenient tax policies, reduced restrictions, corporate secrecy rules, and streamlined corporate laws.

        • “Ritalin and cocaine… “

          No, it was the Trump crime family that was illegally dealing opioids from the White House:

          “Washington, U.S., January 26, 2024. REUTERS/Julia Nikhinson/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights, opens new tab
          WASHINGTON, Jan 28 (Reuters) – The White House Medical Unit during the Trump administration provided prescription drugs, including controlled substances, to ineligible staff and spent tens of thousands of dollars more on brand-name drugs than what generic equivalents would have cost, a Pentagon report shows.
          The unit, part of the White House Military Office, did not comply with federal government and Department of Defense guidelines, the report, opens new tab, which was released on Jan. 8, found.

          Opioids and sleeping medications were not properly accounted for and were tracked using error-filled or unreadable handwritten records, the report said.
          The report presents the findings of the Pentagon’s Office of the Inspector General, which investigated the unit from September 2019 through February 2020 after receiving a complaint in 2018. It spans 2009 to 2018 and thus covers the presidential administrations of both Barack Obama and Donald Trump, but most of its findings focus on 2017-2019 when Trump was president.“

          Maddie, doesn’t it give you a funny feeling in your tummy when you realize you’ve been snookered by a New York City flimflam artist, how sad for you.

        • MINOR49er, An article by Reuters (which is decidedly anti-Trump and Left Wing) is your “proof”? JBOL!
          Since when can a news article be proof of anything about an accusation?
          We do have absolute proof that person or persons “unknown” did bring cocaine into the White House which was discovered right after a Hunter Biden “visit”.

        • The only sad thing here is that you keep pushing (and apparently believing) the same leftist bullshit without ever referencing an unbiased source… Have you never had a Dr give you a SAMPLE of a prescription drug without actually WRITING a prescription…The sleep aids were issued by the White House “medical unit” and primarily used during overseas flights so staff would be fully rested and prepared to keep up with Trump, who by the way can, has, does and WILL continue to deliver two hour mostly unscripted campaign speeches daily (sometimes twice a day) until the Nov election without the need for injections or pills unlike Braindead who can’t stay awake for thirty minutes or string together more than two consecutive, coherent sentences in a row on ANY given day… If anyone is a “Dupe” here it is YOU Minerva… TDS will rot your brain and it appears to be working on yours at an accelerated pace…

        • “the same leftist bullshit without ever referencing an unbiased source… “

          You are in denial of reality, and your empty words are meaningless.
          I did provide the source:

          “The report presents the findings of the Pentagon’s Office of the Inspector General, which investigated the unit from September 2019 through February 2020 after receiving a complaint in 2018. It spans 2009 to 2018“

          And if Reuters, or CNN, or whoever is printing false information, why haven’t they been sued by Trump?

          Oh look, it was your Fox News propaganda outlet that was sued and agreed to pay $787 million for defamation because they lied in their broadcast.

          And it was Donald Trump‘s attorney Rudy Giuliani who lost in court, when actual sworn witnesses and evidence was presented, and now he’s been ordered to pay $140 million for defamation.

          There will be a ‘great wailing and gnashing of teeth’ when reality comes crashing in on you delusional cult members.

          And I, along with many actual patriotic American citizens, will smile with satisfaction as ‘Justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream’.

    • Joe just wanted to show everybody he can still get it up…[figuratively, of course]

      • He’s like a vintage car. Only rallies a few times per year and even then has to be started by hand.

    • “angry delivery“

      That would be Marjorie Taylor greene’s angry outburst you’re thinking of, Joe Biden was laughing and joking, laughing mostly at the Republicans…

      Did you notice, all the congressional Republicans fled the chamber immediately after the speech, Joe stayed another hour receiving congratulations from his fellow Americans.

      • That’s only because he couldn’t find the door and no one could understand him when he asked how to leave the room.

      • MajorMistake,

        Bet you LOVED his Nazi-looking, “Reichstag fire” staged divisive speech a couple years back, too. DESPITE his teleprompter, he was nigh incoherent for much of his speech. His delivery was loud (a frequent symptom of senile dementia), off-point, had no flow or theme, and was mean-spirited, nasty, and spiteful . . . exactly what most of us expected. And you have the GALL to sniff and stick your nose in the air about Teh Donald’s “inappropriate” speeches?

        Yes, MTG did make an angry interruption – because that senile idiot of a lizard person HAS NOT PUBLICLY MENTIONED Laken Riley’s name since her foul murder, apparently committed by a criminal alien whose presence in the US is DIRECTLY attributable to the disastrous border “policies” of that babbling idiot and his puppeteers.

        The Republicans wisely left the hall ASAP, but the SMART play was Vance – don’t dignify that lying sh*tshow by acknowledging it.

        You continue to be too stupid to insult.

        • HAS NOT PUBLICLY MENTIONED Laken Riley’s name

          And when he did, he called her LINCOLN Riley… Must have had USC football embedded into one of his three functioning braincells… (Lincoln Riley IS the USC football coach)…

        • “a criminal alien whose presence in the US is DIRECTLY attributable to the disastrous border “policies” of that babbling idiot”

          Y’all talking about this Laken Riley?

          “US Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed that Jose Antonio Ibarra, the suspect in the death of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley, is a Venezuelan migrant who is not a United States citizen and was arrested in 2022 after entering the US illegally. CNN’s Isabel Rosales reports.“

          As a matter fact, this Venezuelan’s presence in the US is “DIRECTLY attributable to the disastrous border “policies” of that babbling idiot” Donald Trump:

          “Trump grants Venezuelans temporary legal status on his way out
          The U.S. will defer for 18 months the removal of certain Venezuelan nationals.
          Members of the audience wave Venezuelan and American flags as President Donald Trump speaks to a Venezuelan American community in Miami, Fla., on Feb. 18, 2019. | Andrew Harnik/AP Photo

          01/19/2021 09:24 PM EST
          President Donald Trump on Tuesday announced he will offer Venezuelan exiles protection from deportation, a move he has considered for years but refused to do until his last full day in office.

          Trump is using the little-known Deferred Enforced Departure program, or DED, to offer temporary legal status to Venezuelans fleeing the humanitarian crisis brought on by Nicolás Maduro’s regime. DED, similar to Temporary Protected Status or TPS, protects recipients from deportation and allows them to get work permits. However, it is granted directly by the president instead of the Department of Homeland Security.“

          Maddie and Lamprey, do you guys ever get tired of being played for a fool by Donald Trump and the Republicans?

        • MINOR49er, you are losing your grip. “Trump’s disastrous border policy”? Just tell us how Trump’s keeping the illegals on the other side of the border while they await their bogus asylum claims is “disastrous”? For your edification (which you already know) 99% of the asylum claims are economic and not valid asylum claims. The current Venezuelan gang problem is NOT attributable to Trump but Sleepy Joe. Sleepy lets everyone in.

        • The U.S. will defer for 18 months the removal of certain Venezuelan nationals.

          Yeah we’re talking about THAT Laken Riley, the ONLY Laken Riley to be SENSELESSLY beaten to death by a POS illegal alien in recent memory…
          Minerva, did you miss the word CERTAIN? Means a select group of Venezuelans that did NOT include those particular Venezuelans that have repeatedly committed crimes after they entered the US which IS the class into which that POS put himself on multiple occasions in different jurisdictions after he illegally crossed our Southern border… Do you EVER get tired of regurgitating those partisan left-wing talking points? OBTW that particular Illegal POS first entered the US in SEPTEMBER 2022 (there’s those pesky facts again) a full two months AFTER the 18-month Trump moratorium, funny you left THAT out…

      • stayed another hour receiving congratulations from his fellow Americans

        Just like a “trained” monkey that performs as expected will seek the praise and approval of its handler… Had to do something to kill time til the drug cocktail wore off…

      • MINOR49er. Not hardly, Lefty. Biden was lying like a run and you Leftists were using your bobble heads to second his lies.

  3. The citizens will determine what does or does not infringe on 2A rights. Citizens can either acquiesce by accepting LIbturds’ anti-2A BS, or we can implement the 2A for what our Founders gave it to us for. Decision is ours. Sadly, we’ve pretty much acquiesced, hiring scumbag lawyers to “protect” our God given, inalienable rights. Ever notice how the 2A is big business for both sides of the issue, just not for We The Little Peeps. Politicians, lawyers, union leaders are all the same. Trust them, pay them, acquiesce your authority to them. The play is always…..victim, bad guy, saviors. Saviors being the only ones ever winning.

    As for Trump, watch actions rather than words. Trump blew smoke up NRA members’ asses at multiple NRA Conventions about how he would protect 2A rights. The, he screwed all when he had all 3 government branches by failing us on National Reciprocity, Hearing Protection Act, sending warm tingles up FineStain’s leg with “Take bump stocks first. Worry about law later.” He’s a win at all costs business man. He’ll say whatever needed to get his objective.

    Like many of Trump’s Presidential business moves. However, he raised as much/more national debt than any other President. Does it really make any difference if the spender is R or D? America is still bankrupt. As successful as he has been in business, one would think he could afford an entry level speaking class. He’s is a HORRIBLE orator…..D- level high school class….can’t stand his presentations, usually turn off within 5 minutes.
    Listen to the FOX re-cap for details. Didn’t vote for Trump in ’16 or ’20, but sure as Hell voted against Crooked Hlllary and Slo Joe.

    • Hey smoke blowing biden lint licker…During his 4 years it was never clear sailing for POTUS DJT…was it? There were lots of concocted obstacles placed in the road for Trump. What POTUS DJT did not do is what biden has done and that is stated time after time what he clearly intends to do the Second Amendment. In other words you are blowing smoke about POTUS DJT on the behalf of Gun Control democRat joe. Take your trolling you democRat lint licker and shove it.

      TRUMP 2024.

      • It should not be just me who puts a trolling jackazz like stlpro2a in he/she/its place. The time to criticize TRUMP after years of democRat concocted slander and libel is now over and done. If a fence staddling politically inept azzhole wants to do more criticizing then do it after they man up and vote TRUMP 2024. They’ll have 4 years to criticize as much as they want but not one damned second sooner. The stakes are waaaaay too high to play games.

        • How TF is it “fence staddling” [sic] to put 2A ahead of personal loyalty to any politician? Do you have any facts that contradict anything he said, or are you just trying to diversify from your usual blather about racisses?

    • “As for Trump, watch actions rather than words.”
      yup. not much point in listening to any of them. he in particular did so many remarkable things to prioritize the u.s. that i consider him more effective than any other prexy in my lifetime.
      your actions, specifically not voting for him twice, negate the need for your tds screed words.

    • That’s the reality. People who get it never vote FOR anyone. Adults vote AGAINST the party whose agenda will do the most damage.

    • “Trump blew smoke up NRA members’ asses at multiple NRA Conventions about how he would protect 2A rights. The, he screwed all when he had all 3 government branches by failing us on National Reciprocity, Hearing Protection Act, sending warm tingles up FineStain’s leg with “Take bump stocks first. Worry about law later.””

      So, he screwed us with seating 3 SCotUS justices?

      You would have been happier with 3 Sotomayor or Kagen clones instead deciding on ‘Bruen’?

      What the literal fvck is wrong with you? 🙁

      • actually it was “take the guns first…worry about due process later”…in reference to red-flag laws…Finestain nearly peed herself!

    • There were never enough Republicans in the Senate to overcome the repeated Democrat filibuster. (It takes 60 votes, and the Republicans were usually at least short.) You cannot blame that on Trump, as there is no way any of the Democrats was ever going to be persuaded to jump ship. The bump stock thing was a bad move; political expediency overcame common sense. National reciprocity will never pass, and many of us think it is not such a good idea, as then the federal government will have a say in (and a record of) anyone applying for or getting a CCW.

      • Don’t forget the RINOs and never Trumpers severely limiting and undercutting the Republican majorities at the time.

    • but he did give us a revamped Supreme Court…which has aided our cause…one of his more notable accomplishments

      • “but he did give us a revamped Supreme Court…which has aided our cause…one of his more notable accomplishments”

        Trump nominated, Murder Turtle “gave” us the current SC.

    • “he raised as much/more national debt than any other President“

      And don’t forget, the trillion dollar tax cut for the wealthy folks that is a permanent drain on the national deficit.

      And those middle class tax cuts he crowed about? Y’all was snookered, that shit is about to end:

      “When 2025 draws to a close, so will many of the sweeping Trump-era GOP tax breaks established by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017. While the legislation made some tax cuts to corporate profit permanent, lowered individual tax rates will expire on Dec. 31, 2025, and will revert to pre-TCJA levels.“,revert%20to%20pre%2DTCJA%20levels.&text=Largely%20dependent%20on%20which%20party,the%20tax%20code%20are%20coming.

      • MajorLiar,

        COOL STORY, BRO!!! Now go look up total tax receipts to the US government for the three years of Senile Joe’s DISASTROUS “presidency”, compared to historical amounts. Oh, what’s that? We’ve been taking in MORE MONEY than ever before??? And a FAR higher percentage of the money coming in is coming from the “top 10%”?? The HELL you say!!

        Your economic knowledge is so pathetic, it would make a Keynesian blush. Now, given that we don’t know whether the Dimocrats will be able to repeat their 2020 voter fraud-a-palooza, nobody knows who is going to be in the White House, House, and Senate come January 21. But if it’s the Republicans, and they DON’T cut WAY back on stupid, useless, inflationary, “payoffs to donors” spending, well, they will deserve to be voted out.

        INTERIM spending bill just approved included almost $12BILLION of “earmarks” (yes, from both sides of the aisle). Don’t even date let the word “deficit” come out of your mouth (or fingers) you lying sack o’ shite.

        • Biden is currently spending one TRILLION dollars every three months against a tax revenue of about two trillion annually… Do the math…

      • MINOR49er, everyone got the SAME percentage of a tax cut under Trump. Even MINOR49er. The cuts in fact caused an increase in tax receipts. So again you are lying in furtherance of your Leftist agenda. IT seems that lying is what you Leftists do best.

        • “MINOR49er, everyone got the SAME percentage of a tax cut under Trump“

          Nope, read the articles I cited, your middle-class tax cut is expiring while the tax cuts for the wealthy 1% and big corporations are permanent.

          Walt, does it make you feel queasy when you find out how badly you’ve been played for the fool by Donald Trump?

        • MINOR49er, I haven’t been played but you have been played by Obuma the Phony and Sleepy Joe and his Hoe. Where do these so called experts come up with this? Show me in the law, not some Leftist’s opinion. Not to mention your so called “Affordable Care Act”. Remember? That law about 4000 pages that we could not see before it was passed, that has RAISED health insurance premiums in my case by 400%?
          And don’t refer to me by my first name. That privileged is reserved for friends and family. You don’t qualify.

        • Minerva is probably a member of that 57% of Americans that don’t pay ANY federal income taxes… That’s okay Minerva I got you covered, I don’t even mind because I was there once, doing MUCH better now…

  4. Mr. Potatohead strikes again.


    This Nation is bound to fail. We have the “leadership” we deserve. When in the course of human events…

  5. First of all, THAT was not a State of the Union Address, it was a partisan political campaign diatribe delivered by an angry old man… Must have taken an entire bottle of Ritalin and couple of lines from Hunters stash to keep Braindead going hours after his bedtime, bet you won’t see him for the rest of this week…

    • twenty unexplained (hamas supporters blocking motorcade?) minutes late, angry yelling, creepy whispering. leads off with ookra eena in a state of the onion address(?!?). at least there were some indecipherable gibberish blatherings- no disappointment there.
      a vote for him retains jarret. are you that stupid (not you, mmax)?

      • twenty unexplained (hamas supporters blocking motorcade?)

        But the father of a Marine killed during the Afghanistan debacle yells at him during his “speech” and gets arrested/charged for what? Disorderly conduct? WTF… Braindead dressed down the SCOTUS, continuously lied his ass off, spent more time talking about Trump than the country and totally dissed the military while “demanding” a ban on the mysteriously undefinable “assault weapon” and those dreaded high capacity magazines.. FJB!

        • Actually, charged with “DEMONSTRATING” (peacefully) which is a Constitutionally PROTECTED action delineated within the FIRST Amendment:

          “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    • Joe plagiarized his own past stumbling stump speeches with all the usual slurred word scrabble.

    • best reaction from the republicans came when he said “And, in closing”….they’ve heard it all before…

  6. Yeah we’re safe in ILLannoy with dims banning gats n gat dealer’s. The party beloved by gangbangers n undocumented “immigrants”🙄

    • is that dan z’s new site? the comments section is filthy with regulars from here.
      anyhow .40, shame on you. you’ve perpetuated the hysteria that that headline attempts to convey. it’s hardly sensational from an “unfettered full auto access for venezuelans” standpoint. military service does not confer privileges after discharge. they can send all the argentinians they want to ookra eena and tie one on. one way to rid us of them.

      • Perhaps but I am curious how many M4’s 249’s and other items grow legs compared to previous surge recruitments when we had actual gang members deployed rather often.

        • hang around the bars just outside Fort Bragg….bikers have been doing business there for years…or just join the guard or the reserves…sooner or later the opportunity will present itself

        • Use them for mine clearing, spearheading attacks, and rear guarding withdrawals.

          Or burning latrine pit contents, depending on their usefulness.

  7. If is very easy to ascertain that nonsensical stupid ideas of the hoplophobic Left of which Sleepy Joe is a founding member would be endorsed by such hoplophobic organizations as “Everytown (sic)” and “Moms”. I sincerely doubt if any of these people have a vague idea of what they are talking about. Much like the DUNDERHEAD and MINOR49er.

  8. I can not stand to listen to that angry senile old man. There is nothing he has to say that I am willing to listen to since there are folks (TTAG and others) that will do so for me and boil his spew down to the essence of what I need to know without having to listen to it.

  9. I listened to as much as I could of biden’s gibberish and having to watch giggles stand and sit like the female dog she is. How Mike Johnson kept from barfing is amazing. Nonetheless no one goes from sleepy joe to dictator joe without help from the pusherman. My money says democRat joe was fueled for the occasion.

    TRUMP 2024.

    • Johnson didn’t wear himself out standing and applauding….unlike that creature to his right

  10. Biden is a direct threat to our Constitutional Republic. Guns are a threat to ‘democracy’.

  11. theyre trying to get us to insurrect
    – for real this time –
    >not like j6
    our job:
    to not take the bait
    not right now anyway
    let it be known though
    that we are running out of election cycles
    to vote our way out
    of what the left has in store for us
    never ever forget:
    they walked out after seeing schindlers list
    not seeing it as a cautionary tale as it was intended
    but rather as a how to manual

  12. Since 2021 the #1 signal that someone is a commie/fascist

    is them saying they are ….”saving our precious democracy”

    The phrase nowdays makes me vomit in my mouth.

    • Makes sense you figure we have to accept gun control to save our rights. We have to accept information curation to protect free speech. We have to flood the country with seven million new people BECAUSE resources are going through a period of scarcity and inflation. We need to burn billions in some proxy war on the other side of the planet to keep us safe at home.

      Naturally locking up political opponents and stamping out unsanctioned speech protects democracy. Look how well it works in Venezuela. Their “democracy” is locked in and not going anywhere because they’ve done such a good job of protecting it.

      • It’s not a case of if the Democrats cheat in the next election but by how much.

  13. People who understand why prohibitions of alcohol, recreational drugs, gambling, prostitution, gay relationships, books and abortions fail somehow believe easily made, easily smuggled guns can somehow disappear. They think like children.

  14. Nothing coming out of a Liberals pie hole is any where near the truth. In fact it never passes the Pinnichio test.

    • “Nothing coming out of a Liberals pie hole is any where near the truth. In fact it never passes the Pinnichio test.”

      True, but the Libs won the culture wars.

  15. I have news for Biden. Any common hunting rifle will turn a Kevlar vest into Swiss cheese.
    It’s the velocity stupid, not the magazine capacity or operation mode.

    • well, come on now, Joe has explained all this before …. when you have 8 bullets per round in a clip that apparently can blow the lungs out of anyone that’s simply nearby and violate the laws of physics to travel faster than is possible and to so completely vaporize a person that not even DNA exists if for some reason Jill fires two blast annie oakely style from her shotgun through a door without even knowing who’s on the other side (could even be Joe 😁) or walks out on the balcony to make her self a good target as she fires a couple of blasts into the air to scare away deer wearing kevlar vests – see, with all that its no wonder they don’t realize its the velocity.

    • well, come on now, Joe has explained all this before …. when you have 8 bullets per round in a clip that apparently can blow the lungs out of anyone that’s simply nearby and violate the laws of physics to travel faster than is possible and to so completely vaporize a person that not even DNA exists if for some reason Jill fires two blast Annie Oakely style from her shotgun through a door without even knowing who’s on the other side (could even be Joe 😁) or walks out on the balcony to make her self a good target as she fires a couple of blasts into the air to scare away deer wearing kevlar vests – see, with all that its no wonder they don’t realize its the velocity.

  16. “Every single Biden attack on gun owners and manufacturers will be terminated my very first week back in office,” Trump said in a recent speech at the Great American Outdoor Show in Pennsylvania.” And then I will replace ObamaCare like I promised every two weeks for 4 years.

    • “And then I will replace ObamaCare like I promised every two weeks for 4 years”

      The past two weeks have seemed like eight years…

      And remember ‘Infrastructure Week’?


      “Vote for me, I’ll set you free!
      Rap on, brother rap on… “

      • MINOR49er, As you well know, a president can only introduce a bill to Congress, unlike Obuma the Phony he can’t make law (Obuma found that out 13 times when the Supreme Court threw out some of his EO’s.) In fact MINORliar, my premiums for my health insurance when up 400%. Affordable? To whom? You Leftists again, took from the pocket of the middle and upper class to give to your so called “poor” (those who refuse to get a job{there’s that dirty word again}.

  17. I was disappointed in the cameramans , they should have panned Jill more often. She was giving us some nice beaver shots everytime she stood up in that dress.
    Sold me.

    • Beaver shots for a opossum?

      Better watch out, then conservatives don’t go for that race mixin’.

      • Guess I’ve been doing it wrong then, having enjoyed the company of many women of ALL nationalities, races, religion and color around the world… Do NOT assume that you know all there is to know about everything there is to know about… Do NOT assume that you have the right to speak for ALL conservatives… Best just STFU, much easier to hide your ignorance that way… Miss me? Oops, missed one, never been with an Eskimo woman, only because the opportunity never presented itself…

      • MINOR49er, unlike you racist Leftists we don’t go for racism either White or Black. Remember your history? Margaret Sanger, FDR, Woodrow Wilson, and a host of other Leftist “heroes”.

        • Not to mention the Dems “military” wing AKA the Klan… Voting against Civil Rights and Voting Rights bills, passing welfare bill to keep them ni###rs voting Dem for the next hundred years…. Who’s the racist?

  18. Joe has the blood from every gun free zone attack that he enacted! Fact!
    This MORON of a country destroying president should be tried for treason! His whole family has been on the take for decades!

  19. Our idiot Prez keeps spouting off about climate change? it’s the economy stupid! If we cannot reduce the debt nothing else will matter. If the moron is re-elected, hold on, we will be in WW3, and that is just the start! Get ready for fuel and food shortages.

  20. Any bets what Dr. Morell injected Joey Obiden with in order to get him into that high of Thurs evening?

  21. Any bets what Dr. Morell injected Joey Obiden with in order to get him into that incoherent range high of Thurs evening?

    • I’m going with a massive dose of Ritalin and a couple of lines from Hunters stash, probably still flying high yesterday…

  22. Would Trump also undo HIS ban on bump stocks if he is re-elected?
    How about making it easier to buy suppressors like in most other civilized countries?
    How about prosecuting gun crimes with severe penalties instead of dropping the charges or offering probation and community service? Regardless of race/ethnicity.
    How about gun safety classes in schools?

    • He won’t have to, he appointed Supreme Court Justices and Federal District and Appeals Court Judges to take care of that..


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