Joe Biden angry point gesture
(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

The White House issued this press release this morning . . .

Today, in Monterey Park, California, President Biden will announce an Executive Order with the goal of increasing the number of background checks conducted before firearm sales, moving the U.S. as close to universal background checks as possible without additional legislation. The Executive Order will also keep more guns out of dangerous hands by increasing the effective use of “red flag” laws, strengthen efforts to hold the gun industry accountable, and accelerate law enforcement efforts to identify and apprehend the shooters menacing our communities. President Biden is also encouraging the Federal Trade Commission to issue a public report analyzing how gun manufacturers market firearms to minors.

President Biden is traveling to Monterey Park to grieve with the families and community impacted by the mass shooting that claimed 11 lives and injured nine others in January. Monterey Park is part of a growing list of communities all across the country that are forever changed due to gun violence—not only mass shootings, but also daily acts of gun violence that may not make national headlines.

Last year, President Biden signed into the law the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the most significant gun violence reduction legislation enacted in nearly 30 years. When celebrating the Act’s passage, he called on Congress to seize the bipartisan momentum and advance additional commonsense steps to reduce gun violence. Again and again, he has called for Congress to act, including by banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, requiring background checks for all gun sales, requiring safe storage of firearms, closing the dating violence restraining order loophole, and repealing gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability.

As he continues to call on Congress to act, President Biden will do everything he can to reduce gun violence and save lives. That is why, over the past two years, President Biden has taken more executive action to reduce gun violence than any other president at this point in their presidency.

The President’s new Executive Order to reduce gun violence includes the following additional actions, all of which fall within existing executive authority and outside of the right protected by the Second Amendment:

Keeping guns out of dangerous hands

The Executive Order directs the President’s Cabinet to:

  • Increase the number of background checks by ensuring that all background checks required by law are conducted before firearm purchases, moving the U.S. as close to universal background checks as possible without additional legislation. A large majority of Americans support background checks and agree it’s common sense to check whether someone is a felon or domestic abuser before allowing them to buy a gun. The President will continue to call on Congress to pass universal background check legislation. In the meantime, he is directing the Attorney General to do everything he can to ensure that firearms sellers who do not realize they are required to run background checks under existing law, or who are willfully violating existing law, become compliant with background check requirements. Specifically, the President is directing the Attorney General to move the U.S. as close to universal background checks as possible without additional legislation by clarifying, as appropriate, the statutory definition of who is “engaged in the business” of dealing in firearms, as updated by the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. This move would mean fewer guns will be sold without background checks, and therefore fewer guns will end up in the hands of felons and domestic abusers. The President is also directing the Attorney General to develop and implement a plan to prevent former federally licensed firearms dealers, whose licenses have been revoked or surrendered, from continuing to engage in the business of dealing in firearms.
  • Improve public awareness and increase appropriate use of extreme risk protection (“red flag”) orders and safe storage of firearms. 19 states and the District of Columbia have enacted red flag laws, allowing trusted community members to petition a court to determine whether an individual is dangerous, and then to temporarily remove an individual’s access to firearms. However, these laws are only effective if the public knows when and how to use red flag orders. President Biden is directing members of his Cabinet to encourage effective use of extreme risk protection orders, including by partnering with law enforcement, health care providers, educators, and other community leaders. In addition, President Biden is directing members of his Cabinet to expand existing federal campaigns and other efforts to promote safe storage of firearms.
  • Address the loss or theft of firearms during shipping. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) data indicates an over 250% increase in the number of firearms reported as lost or stolen during shipment between federally licensed firearms dealers, from roughly 1,700 in 2018 to more than 6,100 in 2022. President Biden is directing the Secretary of Transportation, in consultation with the Department of Justice, to work to reduce the loss or theft of firearms during shipment and to improve reporting of such losses or thefts, including by engaging with carriers and shippers.

Holding the gun industry accountable

The Executive Order directs the President’s Cabinet to:

  • Provide the public and policymakers with more information regarding federally licensed firearms dealers who are violating the law. Gun dealers violating federal law put us all at risk by increasing the likelihood that firearms will fall into dangerous hands. The President is directing the Attorney General to publicly release, to the fullest extent permissible by law, ATF records from the inspection of firearms dealers cited for violation of federal firearm laws. This information will empower the public and policymakers to better understand the problem, and then improve our laws to hold rogue gun dealers accountable.
  • Use the Department of Defense’s acquisition of firearms to further firearm and public safety practices. The Department of Defense buys a large number of firearms and other weapons to protect and serve our country. The President is directing the Secretary of Defense to develop and implement principles to further firearm and public safety practices through Department of Defense acquisition of firearms, consistent with applicable law.

President Biden is also encouraging the independent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to issue a public report analyzing how gun manufacturers market firearms to minors and how such manufacturers market firearms to all civilians, including through the use of military imagery.

Additional steps to make our communities safer and support communities impacted by gun violence

The Executive Order will direct the President’s Cabinet to:

  • Help catch shooters by accelerating federal law enforcement’s reporting of ballistics data. The National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN) allows federal, state, and local law enforcement to match fired cartridge casings to the guns from which they were fired, making it easier for law enforcement to connect multiple crime scenes and catch shooters. In order to maximize NIBIN’s effectiveness, federal, state, and local law enforcement all have an important role to play in ensuring timely submission of ballistics data to NIBIN. Today, the President is directing all federal law enforcement agencies to issue rigorous requirements regarding NIBIN data submission and use of this tool.
  • Accelerate and intensify implementation of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA). BSCA is the most significant gun safety legislative accomplishment in nearly 30 years, and the Biden-Harris Administration is treating it as such by making the most of every opportunity it provides to reduce gun violence. President Biden is directing each agency responsible for the law’s implementation to send a report to him, within 60 days, on progress toward full implementation of BSCA and additional steps they will take to maximize the benefits of the law, including by increasing public awareness and use of the resources made available by BSCA.
  • Improve federal support for gun violence survivors, victims and survivors’ families, first responders to gun violence, and communities affected by gun violence. When a hurricane overwhelms a community, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) coordinates federal, state, local, and non-profit organizations in order to assess and meet community needs. However, when a mass shooting overwhelms a community, no coordinated U.S. government mechanism exists to meet short- and long-term needs, such as mental health care for grief and trauma, financial assistance (for example, when a family loses the sole breadwinner or when a small business is shut down due to a lengthy shooting investigation), and food (for example, when the Buffalo shooting closed down the only grocery store in the neighborhood). The President is directing members of his Cabinet to develop a proposal for how the federal government can better support communities after a mass shooting, and identify what additional resources or authorities the executive branch would need from Congress to implement this proposal.
  • Advance congressional efforts to prevent the proliferation of firearms undetectable by metal detectors. In recent years, we’ve seen the rise of technology that allows guns to be made with polymers and other materials that are increasingly capable of avoiding detection by metal detectors. President Biden is directing the Attorney General to help Congress modernize and make permanent the Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988, which is currently set to expire in December 2023.


  1. Of course he will. And it will likely survive the first round of lawsuits. The idea is to make it as expensive as possible for POTG to fight this. The gov’t resources are unlimited.

    • The government’s resources aren’t unlimited.

      The limit is set by the aggregate resources of the citizenry as a whole; or the amount said citizenry is willing to let the government take, whichever is lower.

      • Jim Crow Gun Control democRat Joe’s penny pinching economy sunk some banks so right away he blamed POTUS DJT and now joe shifts attention to Guns…Your Guns. Never mind the Criminal Misuse of firearms, bricks, bats, feet, fists, knives, vehicles, etc. Clearly truth and reality do not fit the Rat Party narrative.

        They beat their Gun Violence Drum so the entire world can hear it. On the other hand those with the megaphone who are supposed to be on point Defending The Second Amendment are as quiet as a gnat fart in a football stadium when it comes to Defining Gun Control as a history confimed agenda rooted in racism and genocide. As Sgt. Carter would say…I CAN’T HEAR YOU.

        Failure to define Gun Control according to its history of rot is what gives joe and company the upper hand and clearly puts the 2A under their thumbs…if you cannot see that perhaps your head is up your behind.

    • President Biden is also encouraging the Federal Trade Commission to issue a public report analyzing how gun manufacturers market firearms to minors.

      In other words, he’s spoken to the FTC, and made it clear they need to author a connection between gun manufacturers and minors.

      • Query to the FTC: How is marketing to minors distinguishable from marketing to adults? What does it mean to “market to minors”? Does it mean that if a minor finds an ad interesting, it is being marketed to that minor? You know what this is of course, the first step in a ban on advertising by gun manufacturers, similar to the ban on cigarette marketing.

        • So anytime you see an ad with a father and son hunting with a firearm, the BIDEN DICTATORSHIP, will “SPIN” this is advertising to minors!!!!

      • B B B B b b bbbbuttt..waitaminit.
        SInce MINORS cannot BUY guns, who can anything be MARKETED to them? Are Ford and GM marketing cars to minors?How? Why, since they can’t BUY them and DRIVE them?

        If Dopey Joey didn’t make nonsense he’d not make any sense at all.

        • The JR-15 mini AR (.22LR) is the go-to example for the Left. I bring to your attention our own CA Gov Newsom, who specifically mentioned it in a recent anti-freedom video ad.

    • “The idea is to make it as expensive as possible for POTG to fight this.”

      We currently control the government’s purse strings…

      • No we don’t. While it is true that all spending bills are SUPPOSED to originate in the House, the reality is that each spending bill is carefully crafted by both houses in a mutual backscratching arrangement. We have NO say in the matter. We never will.

    • Well it appears my much to the point post was moderated to the trash can, knowing that possibility exists here I made a copy to send up the ladder to orgs who for rhyme or reason say and do just enough to keep stringing along not so bright Gun Owners.

  2. I feel safer already. Will he also issue tax free double barreled shotguns for everybody to shoot out the backdoor? Maybe we could appoint Hunter as our gun safety czar.


    • Unfortunately this creep is causing our slow and painful demise. All because of a blind hatred of Trump they foisted this cretin on us.

    • This morning I was absolutely shocked when my wife, raised by Democrats and a life long Democrat herself said that even she doesn’t like Biden any more.

      • The larger shock would be if she realizes Biden’s only the stage puppet, and she denounces the entire Democrat Party.

    • So he’s making a big deal about requiring FFL Dealers to FOLLOW THE EXISTING LAWS! Just like they have been required to do since 1968. Don’t you feel safer?

  4. “The Department of Defense buys a large number of firearms and other weapons to protect and serve our country. The President is directing the Secretary of Defense to develop and implement principles to further firearm and public safety practices through Department of Defense acquisition of firearms, consistent with applicable law.”

    Just what in the hell does that mean?

    • Likely to be part of the bulk purchase contract to not sell that or those weapons to the public. Cuts off the supply.

      • Yeah that’s what I was thinking…”hey SIG, you know, we are buying the M17, M18, and M7 Spear so you need to, you know, make it LE/MIL only, or we are going to buy Glocks and Colts…” or apply other pressure along those lines.

        • To do that, the government would have to reopen the trials and bidding process, rendering the previous exercises a waste of time and money. The only entity being punished is the taxpayer.

      • Michael,

        And any savvy manufacturer is going to do EXACTLY what all the AR manufacturers did with the original “Assault Weapons Ban”, make the military weapons, then design a specific, civilian version to mimic it, without selct fire (and change hardware enough to avoid any idiot limits like folding stocks or forward grips).

        Besides, I’m not interested in a pu**y-@$$ M4, I wants me a Ma Deuce AND an M240 (since I don’t like paying upwards of three buck a round, but sometimes you just need that sweet, sweet .50BMG).

    • It means the government will be subjected to a background check for every gun it buys, which it will fail for its record of crimes against humanity.

    • What they will try and do is pressure manufacturers and basically say, choose between selling firearms to the government or selling them to the civilian market. Expect these companies to sue the federal government if they decide to try this tactic.

      Firearms companies in the United States make way more money selling guns to the civilian market than the government.

      • Or they pull a Barrett and refuse to sell to the government until the government backs the hell off. A national boycott might just do the trick, at least for small arms.

    • The government loves to bully the private sector. I can see them putting no civilian sales requirements on contracts. And if you don’t oblige a 3 letter agency will turn your nice little company inside out.

  5. So, the quick translation of all the Authentic Beltway Gibberish listed above:

    -We’re going to use ill-defined rules and statutes to trip up and harass FFL’s and lawful gun owners.

    -We’re encouraging teachers, doctors, and so on to become spies and snitches.

    -We’re going to add some pork spending handouts and call it “increasing federal support for gun violence survivors.”

    -Annnd, last but not least, we’re unearthing that 80’s-era myth about undetectable firearms just to add a bit more fearmongering to the mix.

    Did I miss anything?

    • Don’t think you missed anything, but the various Cabinet Secretaries will likely add their own flavor to all this.

    • Yes, they are going to keep yanking the FFL of lawful gun dealers if they have even the slightest hint of an issue, zero tolerance, no redo, you’re done, out of business.

      Meanwhile, they are going to say some magical small number of sales of your guns or parts, that they won’t really objectively define, pushes you into the “in the business” category, meaning you should have an FFL and run background checks.

      Except they don’t want you to have an FFL, especially if you’re a “kitchen table” type with a hobby more than a business, so with zoning and other means you CAN’T become an FFL… but you also HAVE to be an FFL. “Get a license or you’re breaking the law…also… license application denied!’

      • Well worst case can always see if your local unlicensed street pharmacist is also a urban FFL. More ill defined noise and bluster that will just seek to reduce the flow that is already irreversible.

  6. “….through Department of Defense acquisition of firearms,….” Government arming up for what’s coming. We’ve got enough guns, hoard ammo for the looming TRE…..

  7. You got to love Qualified immunity. These clowns can do and pass anything they want, and there’s NOTHING we can do legally to hold them accountable other than vote them out. There is no reason for them even to concern themselves with any repercussions.

    • Don’t underestimate the importance of voting them out.

      The Left and establishment Republicrats like Joni Ernst, who voted to dangle Fed money carrots in front of states in an effort to encourage them to enact ERPOs, are also bad on many other Constitutional issues besides the Second Amendment.

      It’s up to gun owners to educate themselves on these other issues and form alliances. Denying, restricting and removing God-given rights is wrong and must be resisted, regardless the right or subject. Too many firearms owners are used to hunkering down in their basements or hanging only with their small group of buddies. We’re also prone to wanting all or nothing, as we’re seeing in Florida, even though our rights and livelihoods have been chipped away at for decades.

      There are things that probably need/needed to be reintroduced incrementally, like “shall-issue” CC, suppressors, permitless/Constitutional carry, etc. Restoring these practices and articles has done nothing to decrease safety nor increase crime and we must constantly press these statistics at every opportunity that becomes available. To do so, we must continue to stay current on issues besides the 2A.

  8. “all background checks required by law are conducted before firearm purchases, moving the U.S. as close to universal background checks as possible without additional legislation”

    huh? all background checks required by law are already conducted before firearm purchases. its already law, has been for many years.

    most if not all his rule by decree order specifically intended to bypass congress has already been in place for many years.

    its a BS publicity stunt.

    • Exactly. It’s a distraction from all of the current failings. They want to change the subject. It’s also something to brag about because he’s “doing something.” As usual, they’re ignoring gang violence in favor of “mass shootings” for maximum emotional appeal, and to avoid addressing the bulk of the actual problem.

      • And the VERY LAST thing that Biden (and every other politician) will ever discuss is the ~80% fatherless rate of black youth.

        • First term Obama and old school Don Lemon were the last prominent dems I noticed mentioning that. They wouldn’t touch that topic now if their life depended on it. Democrats only exist by ignoring reality. It’s no wonder the trans ideology took off so fast. Their constituents love being lied to as long as they’re being told what they want to hear.

    • Reminder: If you have a state issued CCW/LTC many states do not require a NCIS check to be performed. Fill out 4473, drop cash or card, pick up your firearm and walk out the door. 4 minutes tops….

      • Bullshit: start naming them, NCIS is a Federal requirement, and unfortunately the state cannot overrule that… Oh I get it, YOU’RE being SARCASTIC!!

        • I have yet to wait for a NICS check since getting my LTC in Texas.
          Texas is not a point of contact state for the NICS. Texas has no law requiring firearms dealers to initiate background checks prior to transferring a firearm. As a result, in Texas, firearms dealers must initiate the background check required by federal law by contacting the FBI directly Federal law does not require dealers to conduct a background check if a firearm purchaser presents a state permit to purchase or possess firearms that meets certain conditions. As a result, handgun license holders in Texas are exempt from the federal background check requirement when purchasing a handgun.

        • YOU said MANY, I don’t know TX, I know FL, how many more, TX is a big state but it’s still not MANY…

        • Okay, here ya go. Sorry that Florida is a gun unfriendly state.
          ( my source > )

          States With Permits Which Qualify as Alternatives to Background Checks. Permit must be valid and have been issued within the last five years.
          Alaska: Concealed weapons permits marked NICS-Exempt
          California: Entertainment Firearms Permit only
          Hawaii: Permits to acquire and licenses to carry
          Iowa: Permits to acquire and permits to carry concealed weapons
          Kentucky: Concealed Deadly Weapons License (CDW) and Judicial Special Status CDW issued on or after July 12, 2006
          Louisiana: Concealed handgun permits issued on or after March 9, 2015
          Michigan: Concealed Pistol Licenses and licenses to purchase a pistol
          Mississippi: License to carry concealed pistol or revolver issued to individuals under Miss. Stat. Ann. § 45—9—101, not security guard permits issued under Miss. Stat. Ann. §97—37—7
          Nebraska: Concealed handgun permits and handgun purchase certificates
          Nevada North Carolina: Concealed handgun permits and permits to purchase a handgun
          North Dakota
          Ohio: Concealed weapons permits issued on or after March 23, 2015
          South Carolina
          South Dakota: Gold Card Concealed Pistol Permits and Enhanced Permits to Carry a Concealed Pistol issued on or after January 1, 2017
          West Virginia

        • A CCW does nothing for us here in CA. MB stated above that many States allow for FFLs to legally bypass the 4473 if a purchaser holds a valid CCW/LTC.

          CA laughs at this and still requires its pound of flesh for every purchase. Heck, Newsom and Bonta are actively and publicly working to diminish the legitimacy of our CCWs ever further.

        • Even in FL a BGC is required for every purchase but the waiting period is waived if you have a carry permit… Glad I got out of CA when I did (1985)…

        • @I Haz A Question “States allow for FFLs to legally bypass the 4473”

          NO, 4473 still requirement, but FFL’s do not have to contact NICS or FBI, the advantage of a CCW/LTC is that 4473 remains in possession of the FFL, not the ATF or FBI unless the FFL surrenders it’s license and goes out of business. In other words, if you have a CCW/LTC the goobermint has no idea what guns or how many you own.

    • I think what it really means is that more sellers will be deemed to be “in the business” and required to do background checks on private sales in those states that permit private sales.

      • need a license to do background checks….except they won’t give you one…we’ve seen all this catch-22 before…

  9. “allowing trusted community members to petition a court to determine whether an individual is dangerous”: Every communist/socialist state that has ever existed has used these types of individuals to do the state’s authoritarian bidding. These people should be mocked and ridiculed for the traitorous scumbags that they are. So-called red flag laws are extremely unconstitutional and should be struck down by the courts. Funny how the left wants convicted felons to vote but not regain their 2A rights.

    • the whiles, these same wonks are making it more and more difficult for anyone to COMMIT a felony, and those few that DO manage to get charged get it pled down to a misdemeanour. More guns in more hands of more criminals that way. So they get MORE CRIME involving the use of guns, this tweaks their stats to they can go on yet one more whinge for more “gin control”.

      The looney bin hath sprung a massive breach and the crazies are not only out on the loose they are now running the assylum

  10. “The President is directing the Attorney General to publicly release, to the fullest extent permissible by law, ATF records from the inspection of firearms dealers cited for violation of federal firearm laws. This information will empower the public and policymakers to better understand the problem, and then improve our laws to hold rogue gun dealers accountable.”

    Anti-gun industry will now have access to local gun store inspection results and will use the information to harass them via the coporate media and legal system.

  11. A ‘back door’ maneuver from the democrat party?!?
    I shan’t believe it, sir. No, I shan’t.

    • I will NEVER believe Biden got 81 million votes. NEVER!

      The other side of the coin is worse. What if Biden did get 81 million votes?

      • What if Biden did get 81 million votes?

        Looks like we’ll get the chance to find out in the rematch…

      • JohnPaul,

        “What if Biden did get 81 million votes””

        It would mean that there were at least 80,999,998 people out there as stupid as MinorLiar and dacian the demented. Unfortunately, there probably are.

        • I have no doubt that Braindead actually got 81 million votes, the problem lies in the number of voters who were deceased and those votes that were “harvested” and replaced with the “right” votes.. We know half his votes came from a few Blue states on the east and west coasts, we also know that the key wins were measured by just hundreds to a few thousand votes, easy numbers to manipulate…

  12. Gee, I must have missed the part where they direct the mayors and d.a. s of the large democrap cities to do something about the totally overlooked/ undercharged perps that are actually DOING the majority of the shooting

    • It will never get past the Oregon Legislature, and passing Congress is even more unlikely. If it were easy, I would be living in the State of Jefferson. What it comes down to is pure politics: the states that would lose territory–and most importantly population–will never agree to a reduction in the number of its representatives in Congress.

    • correct. no one outside of federal is obligated to follow an executive order. they do not have force of law. in other words, those not actively federal employees (all non federal civilians, non federal public, non federal law enforcement, etc…) can ignore it as can those retired from federal service.

      • But they wont, theyll jump all over this executive order. Laws only apply to people who are not paid to enforce the law. If your a cop or fed agent you can do as you damn well please. Off to Prison American Satans,,,,

      • .40 cal,

        ” . . . no one outside of federal is obligated to follow an executive order . . . “.

        Just so we’re all clear, Representatives, Senators, and federal judges are not bound by them, either. They are free to tell Senile Joe to go pound sand. One place (perhaps the ONLY place) where federal legislators and judges are happy to support “separation of powers” and “checks and balances”.

  13. •”Address the loss or theft of firearms during shipping. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) data indicates an over 250% increase in the number of firearms reported as lost or stolen during shipment between federally licensed firearms dealers”.

    The increase in thefts has been going on for over a decade now and the BATFE has shown little interest. The thefts are 95% with UPS employees which are also stealing tons of other things. UPS knows in most cases which employees are involved because of the tracking of packages. UPS is afraid of terminating the employees because of their union. The theft has to be reported by the shipping dealer, that’s where they document as the crime location when in reality the theft happens in the middle or most often at the delivery end of the shipping.

    •”Help catch shooters by accelerating federal law enforcement’s reporting of ballistics data. The National Integrated
    Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN) allows federal, state, and local law enforcement to match fired cartridge casings to the guns from which they were fired, making it easier for law enforcement to connect multiple crime scenes and catch shooters”.

    NIBN has been around for awhile now, you don’t hear much about because the BATFE has very few successes stories to attribute to it. Don’t expect this to change.

    • kinda tricky to pull unique striations from a squashed lead chunk.
      but at least it’s a palindrome! draw, o coward!
      and by the by, a palindrome of bolton would be notlob; it don’t work.

      • “but at least it’s a palindrome! draw, o coward!
        and by the by, a palindrome of bolton would be notlob; it don’t work.”

        Are you channeling the Marsupial One again? 🙂

        • “no, no. this isn’t bolton, this is ipswitch.”
          “well, that’s inner city rail for you.”

  14. “Improve federal support for… first responders to gun violence”

    so the next time I am forced to shoot a bad guy with a gun shooing at me I can expect federal support. how about the ones I’ve already been forced to shoot, the ones that had been released from jails or with no bail or simply not arrested ’cause left wing liberal ‘we ❤ you criminals’ policy’s, do i get federal support for those?

    how much $$$ federal support fo i get and where do I sign up for that?

    • Say what you will about Barry Soetoro but he sorta “knew” the limit’s of executive order’s. THIS senile oldman doesn’t. I sense a”teachable moment”🙄

      • stop.
        you think his brain penned any of this?
        whoever’s yanking his tonsils from behind only offers this as smoke, while sillycone valley gets a half trillion bailout.

        • …Which we will pay for in the form of continued inflation (the real Puppet tax plan) and a crappy economy with no end in sight. As a matter of fact, they’re making it worse. They love bailing out the rich. Then they distract the shallow sheep brigade with talk of taxing the rich. “Don’t you worry! They’ll pay their fair share! Here, have some more welfare. Good boy! Who’s a good boy?” *maniacal laughter*

  15. Maybe I’m missing something but that all sounds like empty rhetoric that won’t do anything but cost money.

    Will be funny as hell though if the FTC starts going after shows, music and games that glorify guns to kids. Will make the Clintons war on music and cartoons seem like child’s play.

    • all of it are things, or already required by existing law, that have already been happening for many years.

      it’s a BS publicity stunt

  16. “encouraging the independent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to issue a public report analyzing how gun manufacturers market firearms to minors and how such manufacturers market firearms to all civilians, including through the use of military imagery.”

    So, they are going after Hollywood? Hollywood is the biggest promoter of firearms than all the gun manufactures combined.
    And more than a few gun manufactures have a LE/MIL division that has military imagery using their products. One of FNHUSA biggest customers is the DoD.
    Of the past few gun periodicals I have purchased, with the exception of one featuring a 11 year old girl shooting long range, I do not recall seeing ads featuring minors. Not to say they do not exist, but they are a rarity.

    • They don’t have to feature minors to be “appealing” to minors, therefore constituting “marketing” to minors. This is the ploy used to go after Remington for the Sandy Hook case, where it was argued that Bushmaster’s use of military images made their firearms appealing to mass murderers.

  17. This was done to try to pacify the radicals that were pissed when he signed the drilling in Alaska. His order will be declared unconstitutional in a month or two. In the mean time, this will probly help them with their data base build.

    • You mean the drilling in Alaska that might net $8B in profits over the next ten years? Pacify THAT concern? He also turned down existing leases elsewhere that would have produced far more oil. It was all Vaudeville act to detract attention away from creating a new bureaucracy that gave away a half TRILLION in one day to silicon valley donors whom are showing huge losses in investments due to the federal debt and runaway inflation. This new executive “dis”order is just more Sideshow Bob distraction.

  18. its a hand waving “Look at me look at me” BS publicity stunt.

    every bit of it is already law or policy actions that has already been in force or happening for many years already.

  19. Expect the BATFE to buy a firearm from a private party at a gun show and arrest them for “Engaging in the Business” and also for not running the background check.

    If they are bold they will do the same thing on Arms List or Gunbroker.

    Completely outside the law and designed to oppress people who are in compliance with the law, that they don’t like. Drag someone into court and make them prove they are innocent of a non-crime.

    Look at the Auto-Key-Card case where they drew a picture on a metal business card and are prosecuting two people for possession of a machine gun, even though BATFE said these weren’t machine guns in the past.

    When agents of the government knowingly violate the law, they should be held civily and criminally liable under civil rights laws.

    • Agents of the government DO NOT VIOLATE THE LAW.
      This wrong think of yours must be modified.

  20. All I see is a list of Blah-blah-blah… Blahblahblah… Blah-blahblah-blah… Nothing that really means anything, a lot of noise from a braindead senile old man…

    • Yes, this exactly.

      Jobrak O’Biden is running a distraction to take eyes of the real story today.

      See my link above.

      • Biden paid by the Chinese communist party looks like…

        the democrats are probably having collective heart attacks …

        but yeah… this is the real news today. maybe not the way the guy in your video is talking about it…but no matter how he talks about it, its really a thing.

  21. “all of which fall within existing executive authority and outside of the right protected by the Second Amendment”

    That’s what you say, but that doesn’t make it true. the courts will decide in litigation.

  22. Why??

    President Biden is also encouraging the independent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to issue a public report analyzing how gun manufacturers market firearms to minors and how such manufacturers market firearms to all civilians, including through the use of military imagery.

    Using the military as a marketing gimmick, or specifically marketing guns to kids is not against any laws… Why waste time and effort on legal marketing??

  23. I’m voting for President Joseph Robinett Biden again.
    Hes going to get us into WW3 and then all his stupid shit really ain’t gonna matter anymore.

      • Hopefully they’ll bring it to us this time, Braindead has no control over how the civilian population defends itself against a foreign aggressor, “what rules of engagement?”… Ain’t no fukkin rules…

      • WW3 will be a all out war that will come to the home front. Potassium Iodide will benefit the initial survivors for a short time.

  24. “Advance congressional efforts to prevent the proliferation of firearms undetectable by metal detectors.” Since when are polymer handguns undetectable by metal detectors? Bullets are metal, barrels are metal, firing pins, hammers and the like are made of metal. Whose idiotic idea was this? Sure, a polymer frame by itself is undetectable, but that frame (except to the ATF) is not a firearm under Federal law.

  25. More illegal rules pressed on Americans by a, cough, President, that bypasses the legal ways of changing laws.
    This is a joke.
    Biden is a Joke.

    Our country further spirals down and our rights continually stripped away.

    If you’ve never read the Paroble of the frog, you should. You’re the frog!

  26. “…he is directing the Attorney General to do everything he can to ensure that firearms sellers who do not realize they are required to run background checks under existing law…”

    Seriously, what FFL doesn’t know this?

  27. “The President is directing the Secretary of Defense to develop and implement principles to further firearm and public safety practices through Department of Defense acquisition of firearms, consistent with applicable law.”

    WTF does this even mean…. and when/where will the DoD find the time, funding and manning for this f#@&tardery?

  28. “Help catch shooters by accelerating federal law enforcement’s reporting of ballistics data.”

    Translation: Backdoor registration.

    Also “ballistics data” has long been known to be utter crap, fit only for bad media fiction.

  29. “Advance congressional efforts to prevent the proliferation of firearms undetectable by metal detectors. In recent years, we’ve seen the rise of technology that allows guns to be made with polymers and other materials that are increasingly capable of avoiding detection by metal detectors.”

    Everyone keep an eye out for those porcelain GLOCK 8’s…..

    Utter Bull$#!^ from a senile ass#@!*.

  30. “President Biden is also encouraging the independent Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to issue a public report analyzing how gun manufacturers market firearms to minors and how such manufacturers market firearms to all civilians, including through the use of military imagery.”


    Jesus wept, he’s literally going Full-Fascist.

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