Joe Biden
(AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
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From the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms . . .

“Joe Biden’s world-class hypocrisy is on full display, and it has taken a dangerous turn, in his trade of a notorious Russian arms dealer for Brittany Griner,” the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today.

Biden’s swap of Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout—known as the “Merchant of Death”—for Griner this week has brought expressions of outrage and astonishment. The jailed basketball gold medalist is one of two Americans who have been held by the Russians. The other is Paul Whelan, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran who was imprisoned four years ago on espionage charges, and remains in Russian custody.

“It is simply mind-boggling that Joe Biden could release the world’s most dangerous arms trafficker while at the same time continuing his crusade to disarm American citizens,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “The hypocrisy is staggering.”

Following the midterm elections, which will result in a Republican takeover of the U.S. House in January, Biden re-energized his call for a ban on semiautomatic firearms. He hopes to rush through legislation before Republicans take control, which will doom his anti-gun agenda, Gottlieb said.

“Joe Biden has spent his 50-year political career trying to disarm American citizens by eroding the Second Amendment,” Gottlieb stated. “Yet, to appease his far-left base, he just traded a true international super-villain for a basketball player who was prosecuted for having a controlled substance in her luggage. While it’s nice a U.S. citizen is free, the consequences of this trade could be horrendous.

“From this moment forward,” he continued, “the president has surrendered any semblance of credibility on the subject of guns, crime and gun control, so he can pack his sanctimony away and just drop the charade. Joe Biden is willing to sacrifice global public safety for political points.

“Biden is fine with arming the enemies of freedom while disarming the people who fight for firearms freedom,” Gottlieb said. “He should be impeached for violating our constitutional Second Amendment rights.”


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  1. Speculating, here, on the long game, regarding legislation to disarm the public (federal gun law currently under consideration, the long train to get here, and the likely intent).

    The Dims and Leftists are not stupid (well, the base is, but the real leaders are not). With the current bill underconsideration, and all the lawfare up to this point, national gun control is about crushing the supply of firearms for the populace.

    While any gun control law can be declared unconstitutional by the federal courts, we know the first steps will be to rule that infringements are permissible as “reasonable restrictions”, per Scalia et al., the under tone is to have so many laws in effect while appeals draw out, that firearm sellers cannot sustain business. Remember, there was a four year period, maybe 8/9yrs ago, where the SC took 4 free speech cases in three years, while Heller type cases were ignored.

    If a nationwide law essentially stopped the manufacture and sale of firearms for, say 10yrs during appeals, what would be left of “the firearms industry”?

    • “If a nationwide law essentially stopped the manufacture and sale of firearms for, say 10yrs during appeals, what would be left of “the firearms industry”?”

      I’ve been thinking of that, actually.

      What if we engineer a case and put it on a ‘rocket-docket’ to drop it in the SCotUS in-basket so St. Thomas can deal with it on a national level?

      • “What if we engineer a case and put it on a ‘rocket-docket’ to drop it in the SCotUS in-basket so St. Thomas can deal with it on a national level?”

        Thomas needs four other votes (three to accept the case). The SC has shown great restraint in reviewing 2A cases, re the time between Heller and Bruen.

        And the problem with Thomas, is betting on him surviving the next two, maybe six years.

        • Meanwhile it’s analytical business as usual from the courtroom drama do it for me crowd who sit on their butts and provide standing for Gun Control which of course history confirms is an agenda rooted on racism and genocide…

          So Sambo explain why the filth surrounding Gun Control is kept swept under the rug? Could it be anything that threatens profits from a tit for tat cliff hanging cat and mouse game be kept under the rug by those supposedly to be the tip of spear protecting the 2A? I mean if you are going to defend the 2A against Gun Control why not do it with a nuclear weapon instead of a fly swatter?

    • Why wait 10 years when they can just convince their friends in the banks and card processors to cut you off?

      Note that this is a small bank too, not a big one. 30 total locations.

      Sure, you can always get your total and go grab cash, for now. But currency goes digital and you can kiss that goodbye like Bruce Lee, with a quickness.

      But for now, they’ll pull the same shit they do with Twitter. “It’s not illegal because they’re a private company [working on behalf of the government in a purely fascistic manner]”.

      How many months of this sort of treatment can the gun industry survive and how long would it take for a court to unwind a “public-private partnership” and decide if it’s legal (which they might decide that it is for the first several rounds).

      • “Why wait 10 years when they can just convince their friends in the banks and card processors to cut you off?”

        True, using banks as attack dogs is a thing.

        The Leftists attack all along the line, all the time. The non-leftists respond, one crisis at a time.

        The Leftists/Statists/Authoritarians gots more billionaires than we do.

        And more governments.

        • They control the schools, that’s what really matters.

          But good luck convincing older Conservatives to attend a schoolboard meeting. I’ve been trying for 20 years and, mostly, they’ve called me the jerk. Now those same people are wondering why the school is teaching their grandkids to shove a “adult toy” up their own ass and how to choose between lube and spit.

          Maybe they’ll figure it out. Maybe not. Maybe it doesn’t much matter at this point because certain outcomes are now unavoidable. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

        • strych9,
          All the more reason to make your children sit in a family environment at dinner, as in at the table. One of the Pastors that I listen to has made it a rule in his household that everyone sits at the table during dinner and no electronics allowed. Ask your kids questions about how school is going, what they feel that they are being taught and get and listen to their answers. Unfortunately so many have their heads in their phones. Kind of like what I’m doing right now.

        • frank speak For your edification it’s not the “job” of the NRA to protect the firearms industry. The NRA represents its members.

  2. Why are we pretending that it’s a good thing for her to be out of Russian gulag? She admitted to doing the crime, she should serve the time. Never feel sorry for rich people.

    • Black lesbians are ‘special’, didn’t you hear

      I’ve decided I’ll self-identify as a black lesbian trapped in a man’s body, and there’s nothing the hateful racists can do about it… 🙂

    • If she were poor and did the crime then we need to feel sorry for her, right? The law is secondary depending on your income.

    • Its not really a “we”, its more ‘special interest’ amplifying it in such a manner to look like ‘legion’.

      But here’s the thing on this deal. Putin decided the terms, it was her for the arms dealer or nothing and Biden could not be seen as not willing to bring home at least one American especially a black pro-abortion liberal lesbian woman. If he had not agreed to it his base of the (pro-abortion mostly) women and liberal (woke) and the LGBTQ and Black community members which forms the majority of his voting, and democrat voting, base would sour on him.

      Basically, he did it for the votes and Putin put it right in his lap with no other choice. So Putin knew this probably, he wants Biden in office again on a second term and to do that Biden needs to keep his voting base to have a chance at that.

      • ” If he had not agreed to it his base of the (pro-abortion mostly) women and liberal (woke) and the LGBTQ and Black community members which forms the majority of his voting, and democrat voting, base would sour on him.”

        And then what? Further down you say his liberal base would “sour on him”.
        These idiot’s would pull the lever for him no matter what. Sad but true.

        • Not necessarily muckraker. Although they would probably still pull the lever for a ‘democrat’ in a major election if the democrats remain liberal enough to align with their views and there is not another choice that aligns with their views, they don’t necessarily support a ‘democrat’ politically per se’.

          That much was evident in the midterms, the only thing that got democrats to the senate majority was the liberal appeal to liberals (woke), and liberal pro-abortion to women and LQBTQ as the black community alone could not have done it. The democrats got what they did overall because, basically, there wasn’t another choice that supported the views of the liberals (woke), and liberal pro-abortion to women and LQBTQ as the black community.

          And the democrats barely did it for senate majority and loss house majority as well because some of that base had already eroded away for them being soured on the lack of action for their special interest. Just one seat for the senate and already some of their seat majority power is eroding as democrats are switching to independent or indicating not voting along party lines. The democrats, and Biden, can’t afford to lose support from the (pro-abortion mostly) women and liberal (woke) and the LGBTQ and Black community members leading up to the presidential in two years so expect more pandering/attention to these special interest sectors.

          If a stronger moderate republican came along, or even an independent, or even a conservative republican, that supported the views of even one third of that current democrat voting base, that base would erode further.

          Take a close look at the mid-terms. Its obvious the pro-abortion and LGBTQ and Black communities overall voted for the candidate that best pandered to their views and that was democrats. They didn’t vote politically for a party, they voted for the candidate that best pandered to their views and that was democrats. They are going to pull the lever for what ever candidate best panders to their views.

        • A bit of clarification for “If a stronger…”

          meaning one that would align their campaign platform (partially) along the views of even one third of that current democrat voting base.

          Its not that Biden was or is a strong candidate for president, he isn’t. And the reason he isn’t is because he has to rely on pandering to the collective numbers of (pro-abortion mostly) women and liberal (woke) and the LGBTQ and Black community members to maintain a voting base collectively large enough to change the voting ratio to have a chance. That’s how Biden did it, well actually, its how the democratic party did it because Biden himself is not strong enough in leadership character or offerings to do it.

        • correction for: “… that base would erode further.”

          should have been…

          … that democrat voting base would erode further.

        • They’ll just pump him full of chemicals to keep him going…even if that’s formaldehyde. Stand by for “Weekend at Biden’s” with a couple of well-placed schmucks to prop him up and keep him waving.

  3. He should be impeached for it but then, any politician campaigning on gun control should automatically be disqualified for office.

    I do find it interesting though that even with his entire career devoted to taking everyone’s guns, there are actually more guns in the hands of more people in America than ever before in history.

  4. RE: “Biden is fine with arming the enemies of freedom while disarming the people who fight for firearms freedom,” Gottlieb said. “He should be impeached for violating our constitutional Second Amendment rights.”

    Damn right he should be impeached and for much more than his insane Gun Control. It’s gone from a clown show to a disaster that only blind pathetic damn fools could vote for. At this point having the laughing hyena harris take the helm could not be any worse for decent people but may make things worse for the fools who voted democRat…they alone certainly deserve it.

  5. I hope she’s a CIA asset or something more than a pot-head sportsball player. There is no shortage of better things to do with our so-called diplomacy than trade a global arms dealer for some degenerate.

    Is it really more woke to free her than it is to keep a guy responsible for millions of African and Middle Eastern deaths in prison? Weren’t they brown enough to matter?

    • “Is it really more woke to free her than it is to keep a guy responsible for millions of African and Middle Eastern deaths in prison?”

      Politics is everything, everything is politics; celebrities represent more potential votes than does a military veteran.

      • Yep the Pentagon/CIA and other west INTEL Agencies used his services for years!!!

        How do you think Iraq military was armed under US OCCUPATION???

        • “How do you think Iraq military was armed under US OCCUPATION???”

          I think the bigger issue was how to get Iraqiis to wear boots with their uniforms.

    • Yes. She’s free over the other American because she’s an LGBTQIA+∞ BIPOC celebrity. They had a choice. We’re ruled by identity politics.

    • would seem so….how could Putin lose?….now he’ll know who to kidnap….would seem her sexuality was the trump card….

  6. Those “blind pathetic damn fools” are the free-shit addicted Government Plantation Dwellers. More being enrolled via Slo Joe’s student loan forgiveness program.

    • That’s a given…Flushing the democCrap between their ears needs to come from the Republican Party. I.E. According to the racist history of the democRat Party in the N, S, E and W a Black American belonging to the democRat party makes as much sense as a Jew belonging to the nazi party.

      Obviously the Republican Party has not stepped to the podium and stated the aforementioned and perhaps that’s the reason the democRat Party has managed to rewrite history and hang their racist neck collar on the Party of Lincoln. It is what it is until Republicans man up and put the racist collar back around the neck of the democRat Party where centuries of history clearly says it belongs.

      • repubs don’t like to upset the established order…for the dems, it’s their specialty….one group fights hard…the other makes token gestures…

  7. Just received 500 rounds of FMJ 223 (reman). Paid 39 cents per round with shipping. My wife saw it arrive, so, I expected the usual eye-roll and “More ammo?”. But instead she said, “Mike Adam’s is saying we should be stocking up on supplies, including ammo.”

    So, thank you, Mile Adams.

    If you are are not familiar with Mike, he is also known as The Health Ranger. He runs Natural News and is the founder of the Brighteon Network.

    • When you can go watch several public interviews with people worth billions, like the guy who built Blackrock as but one example, and they’re saying that the “best hedge for 2023” is stored food, you start to wonder if it’s about to get real because those people didn’t get that wealthy via pure myopia. When you glance at public policy across the West, you can see why they say this. Shit’s not gonna get better quick and once it’s forced to “revert to mean” the fixes aren’t fast either.

      Realistically, .govs across the West are preparing to force this shit down the peoples’ throats, not backtrack on insane policy choices. (See Germany and the UK spooling up special “elite” police units to deal with “protests” this winter because they expect the shit to hit the fan. Why not work to fix the problem? Maybe because they don’t see you starving to death in the dark as a problem, hmm?)

      I’ve been pointing this out in one manner or another since 2020. Historically, societies that go down the path we’ve picked don’t tend to fare well for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that people tend to go batshit under these circumstances. And the “topic of choice” to try to get compliance (fear of disease) was, from a psychological perspective, both the most effective and the most dangerous. Numerous studies and meta-studies tell you that amping up public fear of disease is one of the most dangerous games a government can play and that it usually ends poorly.

      Societies that take a path similar to ours (generally retrograde) tend to either go through a serious upheaval and come out the other side changed (sometimes for the better, usually not) or they simply collapse. The entire West is flirting with these potential outcomes in a serious way and has been for years. Currently, flirtation has moved rather openly, to some odd form of unwanted groping but that’s a slightly different subject.

      Given the historical facts, it’s best IMHO, to be in the position to carpe all the diems that you can. Especially given the exceedingly high levels of stupid this country has managed to produce/unveil in the past few years. Billionaires buying freezers, gennies and stuffing food in those freezers should catch your attention. I’ve been suggesting since 2020 that now’s probably not the time to shoot extra just as a fun hobby. If it ain’t serious training use, stock it.

      But, and this is half the problem, we’re not serious people. Just look at the power sub-station attacks in NC. Just now people are remembering Metcalf (because some enterprising journalist did a Google search, lol) and noting the other string of attacks in the NW. But, of course, nearly everyone just wants to blame their political opposition instead of actually thinking. It’s waaaaay easier to blame antifa/MAGAbillies than actually engage their brain and think about a bigger picture.

        • Yup, I’m so slow that I’ve linked all of this back to several hundred years of history and dissected the retrograde subsystems leading to eventual failure of the supersystem and explained it using the most recent iterations mixed with historical call-backs because even midwits tend to grok proximity, and that’s functional for explanatory purposes even when it’s only a crude proxy.

          Meanwhile conservatives are effectively doing what they’ve done for the past 60 years, trying to fix a busted cam by changing the oil because they have zero clue what the actual fuck they’re doing.

          1000 pardons for going out of my way to avoid effective gish galloping with the TLDR crowd.

      • how is a power- outing in a place like North Carolina going to change anything?…do it in a large urban area and i’ll take notice…..

  8. @Debbie W.

    You might be onto something, but I can’t actually follow your comment.

    One point: it doesn’t matter that gun control was born in racisim. I.E. it aint got that swing. The intended audience (people of color) don’t care. They have other priorities, and so long as government provides (or appears to provide, or promise) the other things of importance, the source of gun control isn’t of interest; it is the hoped for result (unwarranted perception of safety) that matters.

    And, indeed, everyone operates the same way. There are non-negotiables, and everything else. So long as we get the non-negotiables, we will accept whatever goes along with it.

    • Correction sambo…History Confirms Gun Control is rooted in racism and genocide…That fact means your silly finger pointing and broad brushing Black Americans is nether here not there. You twinkle toes and everyone on this forum and across this land have an obligation to see to it such History does not repeat itself.

      I suggest wandering omni directional people like you who enjoy courtroom drama to cut the chase and present the History of Gun Control as direct Center X evidense against lilly white Gun Control democRats.

  9. I was upset until I realized until I heard the so called MARINE received a bad conduct discharge for thievery and conduct unbecoming issues…LET HIM ROT!…They should both still be there…

    • It’s purely coincidental that negative information blackening Paul Whelan’s name hit the net after two days of criticism of the Biden administration’s trade of the “Merchant of Death” for the WNBA star Whassername.

  10. Why are we negotiating with terrorist? Seriously, whether or not Russians are terrorists or not, what is to stop them conveniently imprisoning more Americans whenever they need a bargaining chip. Biden has incentivized the behavior by trading a dangerous arms dealer for a pot smoking basketball player. I’m glad for Griner she is home, but I wouldn’t have made that deal. If you travel internationally to unfriendly or backwards countries with drugs or even firearms, you get what you deserve if you’re caught. Life is tough. It’s tougher if you’re stupid.

  11. @strych9
    “But good luck convincing older Conservatives to attend a schoolboard meeting.”

    We gave up on school boards over 40yrs ago; sent the kids to private school. Required to full-time incomes to do it, but even back then, we learned that school boards are a government unto themselves, and the serfs and vassals had no buisness bringing matters before the throne.

    The ending is tragic: all three of the better educated children of ours are quite happy with their off spring in government education gulags.

    • That scenario strych9 mentioned above about introducing children to shoving “an adult toy up their own ass and how to choose between lube and spit” happened recently at a $40k/yr private school.

      • “That scenario strych9 mention above about…”

        Yes, elite school. We couldn’t afford anything elite (actually middle son wanted to go to an elite school. We took him to orientation. Two hours later, we left. Middle son said he didn’t want to attend a school with the kind of kids he met that day.

        If parents are just paying the fees, and not interested in the actual courses and political leanings of a school, then they deserve to be robbed of their money, and their children.

    • We gave up on school boards over 40yrs ago; sent the kids to private school…

      The quoted line and paragraph fragment following it amount to long way of saying “We surrendered without a fight decades ago but won’t admit it”.

      If you want a functional society and a working “country” your business isn’t to approach the throne and grovel, nor is it to make haste for the hinterlands. It is to take the throne, hold it and showing grace, use the power judiciously and magnanimously while still holding to core principles.

      Not because you want to but because you have no other choice. It is Conservatives’ absolute refusal to admit this reality that keeps me from joining their ranks. (Well, that and their consistent arguments about things they know exactly fuck-all about as some sort of impetus for action that makes no logical sense. Odd to watch people who are right so often make so many silly choices and lose so many easy fights because where they are right they don’t know why.)

      You will win this battle or you will most assuredly lose the war. It really is that simple. And honestly, you’re perilously close to the line of no return as it is. That line’s been getting closer for 200 years but in the past three we’ve set a course right for it and gone to flank speed.

      • “The quoted line and paragraph fragment following it amount to long way of saying “We surrendered without a fight decades ago but won’t admit it”.”

        Kinda diasppointed in your assumption; not like you.

        We saw the price our kids were paying in public school, recognized that the battle would result in them having to endure a hostile environment. We didn’t surrender, we made a tactical retreat to protect the children.

        The battle over school boards is actually fought by the students, not the parents; we are on the ineffectual perimiter.

        Useless Banzi charges didn’t change the course of the WW2 war in the Pacific. It won’t change the course of the war over the classroom.

        The more people who go private, the greater the harm to the public schools. Different tactics. High diddle diddle, right up the middle, is for when you have overwhelming power on your side.

      • stynch RE: “Odd to watch people who are right so often make so many silly choices and lose so many easy fights because where they are right they don’t know why”

        They are called, “Stupid Smart People.” Generally they cannot see the forest for the the trees.

    • Depends on where Victor can get more supplies. Most are probably earmarked for Mobiks in Ukraine.

      • Yep he will be dealing in NATO/US weapons that is entering the black market from Ukraine!!!!

        I expect much of the US/NATO equipment still in Afghanistan will be moving soon!!

  12. Biden isnt nauseating, he’s hot stuff, just look at the way 7 year old girls flock to him.
    What a fine representation of Commander in Chief to The United States of America.

  13. @muckraker
    All the more reason to make your children sit in a family environment at dinner, as in at the table.”

    Agree. That was how we handled it, but society is not supportive. Our kids are grown men now, and they see no value in keeping their kids out of public schools, and see nothing disrespectful about constantly consulting cell phones during any family occaission.

    Maybe, one day, our “kids” will come to understand how Mark Twain’s father became so smart in four years.

    • Gee whiz wally…you think your herd may be checking cell phones and such because family gatherings just don’t have that swing? There’s a disconnect somewhere.

      Speaking of a disconnect…On one hand there are the Blacks you assume not to care about Gun Control being born in racism while on the other hand there are the “caring” Blacks who start a war dance over the sight of a noose.

      Obviously there is an information disconnect between nooses, slave shacks, Jim Crow, the kkk and Gun Control when history confirms Gun Control walks hand in hand with most all race based atrocities.

      Therefore it’s not about Black Americans not caring, it is 110% all about way too many Black Americans with that swing not knowing a damned thing about the History of Gun Control. Don’t ya think?

      • “On one hand there are the Blacks you assume not to care about…”

        So very simplistic.

        Yes, the POC have shown (as with all Dims), that they have priorities well above self-defense. And note, in my comment, I stated that “we all” have a priority list, a list of things we value way above self-defense. Thus, if we get most of the things on that list, we will accept restrictions on firearm ownership.

        I grew up in the Deep South. Pretty sure POC were well aware that gun control was racist based. Cannot imagine they did not pass that knowledge along to their children, and grandchildren.

  14. To strych9
    I remember when conservatives were attending school board meetings. And they raise their concerns about sex education classes being introduced into the schools. And they were laughed at by people. Called ignorant. When they said, “they” the sex education advocates, would want to introduce h0m0s3xu@lity and other sexual practices into the classroom.

    So the real conservatives pulled out of the public school system and began home schooling their children. And in turn the atheists and the “establishment” attacked home schoolers making fun of them and ridiculing them.

    The people who want to take your civil rights away will always call you a h0m0ph0be. And to me at least that’s OK. Because I have a thick skin. Because I know the history of these people in the state of California. They have always been anti civil rights.

  15. So Biden wants to condemn me for being a good citizen based on the fact that I am a gun owner, which is my right. How are his comments not hate speech? He condemns law abiding citizens based on his hate for something I own. Hating me because of my lifestyle? How is this not racism?. This is what we need to repeat every times he opens his pie hole.

    • Not racist; elitist.

      He and all the others that campaign for gun control (democrat politicians; Mike Bloomberg; many celebrities; Obama; Stacy Abrams – who has millions of dollars donated to her to pay for her 24/7 armed security and [obviously] keep her feed trough full; the Karen in charge Moms Against Critical Thinking or whatever it’s called; et al), have round-the-clock armed protection.

      Note that they do not campaign for the confiscation and destruction of the arms that protect them and their families, just the arms that protect us, their opposition.

      This is because they are better than us, more important; worth protecting. We, on the other hand, are expendable.

  16. @The Tito
    “We will be lucky to make it through his term.”

    “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;”
    – – W.B. Yeats

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