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92 thoughts on “Black Arch Holsters Weekend Photo Caption Contest”

  1. How about that? Three gun buy backs and we still don’t know which one of these evil revolvers killed Colonel Mustard in the library.

  2. Following a decision by the firearms industry to cease selling to Massachusetts law enforcement the Federal government has been forced to equip the state’s police agencies.

  3. Men, ever wonder why kids should have all the fun? Well, no more!

    From the creators of Barrel of Monkeys, comes Box of Guns! The new sensation that adults love! Mix and match, shoot and trade! With plenty of guns to share, you and your friends will have hours of fun.

    Order now!

    For 1 or more players. Available in revolver and semi-auto. Please note that the caliber and barrel length of guns will vary and will be randomly chosen at shipment. Ammo sold separately. Not available in California. Box of Guns is a registered trademark of Hasbro.

  4. “A whole box of guns and not a single holster to carry them! What kind of a crappy present is this??”

  5. Hmmm…this one is the right caliber but wrong make. This other one is the right make but the wrong caliber. I could have sworn I left my revolver around here someplace!

  6. Fingers, guys. Look where your fingers are. No wonder our office has the highest rate of desk pops in the agency.

  7. Now that we have confiscated all the contraband in Chicago, lets make a pretty penny selling out the backdoor.

  8. “Today before the long weekend, the FBI released a series of documents concerning the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Among those documents was a photo of FBI agents preparing to execute an arrest warrant for Mrs. Clinton, prior to being recalled by the political appointees at the Department of Justice.”

  9. ATF Operation Fast and Furious: Back to the Future Edition.

    “Marty, we’ve got to get these guns to the Mexicans or you’ll never be born!”

    “This is heavy Doc!”

  10. “No, dummy! The gats are for us, the whips and chains are for J. Edgar.
    And just a tip, if he invites you to a party, tell him you’re busy…”

  11. “All these handcuffs… I need to hit Hobby Lobby for some fuzzy stuff and the wife and I are gonna have an interesting weekend”.

  12. “The FBI eagerly uncrates the very first shipment of the new Glock 17Ms and their DOJ-mandated Safety Locks”

  13. “please accept our meager offer of a .22 rimfire filled pouch in exchange for all of this hardware.”

  14. “Ladies and gentlemen of the press. We are experts from the BATFE. The current Admin in Washington would like for us to show you a prime example of an Arsenal Of Extra Deadly And School Kid Murdering Assault Weapons. “

  15. This was what was in the duffle bag thrown from Chris Brown’s window while the cops waited for the warrants.

  16. Honestly guys, this is just a fraction of the stuff Coolidge kept stashed around the White House. Somebody already beat me to the 1911s!

  17. Hurry! We gotta lock these things up before they sprout legs and start wreaking havoc! Don’t you guys know guns kill people?!

  18. “He not only escaped the irons and shackles, but grabbed our only production sample of the new j-frame”

  19. “See here, Smitty. No external safeties on these bad boys. If we ever switch to those plastic fantastics, I want ’em without any of those pesky safety switches.”

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