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Black Arch Holsters Weekend Photo Caption Contest – Win a Holster!


Last weekend’s photo caption contest was won by jwm. That means he’ll soon be toting his heater in a brand new Black Arch holster. You want one, too? Enter the best caption for this photo (from reader Dan Newman, center) in the comments by midnight Sunday and you, too could grab the glory.

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70 thoughts on “Black Arch Holsters Weekend Photo Caption Contest – Win a Holster!”

  1. I don’t remember whether I popped five or six roll of caps…so you have to ask yourself, do you feel lucky punk?

  2. Boy’s and their toy’s start’s really early, today they have an arsenal and both of them have two guns and a box of ammo. She participates in 3 gun.

  3. And so I told him “give me another and make this one 2%”. He thought I’d had enough, but eventually he came to his wits. Good thing too because if I didn’t get my milk I was gonna have to make him dance “pew, pew”

  4. Before they became famous, Frank and Jesse James had a few missteps when it came to developing their personal style.

  5. Seated on the right, a rare early picture of Donald Trump with his mouth closed!

  6. A spanking for shooting out the neighbor’s window only lasts a short while. The million dollars big brother promised us to cover for him will last forever.

  7. “Don’t antagonize the little fellas George, don’t you hear the banjo music?”

  8. Nobody knows exactly what happened, but one thing was certain: Bat Masterson lost his taste for guns after he, Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp stumbled into the little known hot tub time machine behind the Long Branch Saloon.

    • Family photos show that the “big stick” portion of Teddy Roosevelt’s ideology probably took root much earlier than the “speak softly” part did.

  9. This ain’t no Target Store mister. Your ain’t getting in that door to see our mamma.

  10. It’s not widely known, but Billy the Kid’s first victim was an ill-tempered Olan Mills photographer.

  11. “So then I sez..I don’t need no holster to take you Johnny Ringo…let’s do it.”

  12. Just’a good ol’ boys
    Never meanin’ no harm.
    Beats all you never saw
    Been in trouble with the law
    Since the day they was born

  13. Pictured: the good ol’ boys

    Left – Nancy Pelosi
    Mid – Harry Reid
    Right – Charles Schumer

  14. Anybody have any luck blocking the two TTAG home page pop-up videos on their iPhone?

  15. If not for the timely distraction by little Johnny’s sister, the Wright Brother’s inaugural flight would have ended very, very differently.

  16. You new to town? Be sure to pay your respect to them Newman boys. They run this town.

  17. Historians know that the O.K.-Corral was actually the disastrous first incarnation of a “daddy daycare”.

  18. If a pop tart chewed to look like a gun can get you a day off fom school I ought to be good for a week when I drag this one to class with me tomorrow. School starts at 8. I should be home by 9 and then it’s my time.

  19. Did you know, “BEFORE” the Government made gun a “bad word” and the 2nd Amendment was Honored and was a part of American life, 99.9% kids of all ages played with toy guns, owned REAL FIREARMS, were taught gun safety, went hunting with their parents and the crime rate was minimal.
    Times have changed, “GUN” is now a bad word, the 2nd Amendment is all but ignored, the Government is trying to “Translate it away”, guns are “Banned” in most cities and NOW- Violent Crime is climbing, kids do not know gun safety, there are shootings in schools, street shootings, shootings in homes, work place shootings and more robberies.
    Do you believe when the 2nd Amendment was honored, children disciplined, taught right from wrong, brought up by BOTH PARENTS (not grandparents or Foster homes), taught Gun Safety, allowed to handle guns, learn about guns, owned their own guns that America was a MUCH SAFER place to live…,
    Now that Guns are Taboo, Illegal in a large portion of America and kids (and adults) taught that guns (an inanimate object that can not think, move, do good or do bad on it’s own) should be banned, has VIOLENT CRIME Dropped or Risen Dramatically? Has the Government taken over America and the citizens or are Politicians continuing to Work For “WE, THE PEOPLE”?
    I believe the kids in the picture are thinking- “This is my gun, my property and my GOD given Right to own and Protect my land and Family, just as I learned from my parents, the Politicians of the day, my Pastor in my Church, the Police that it was Anti-American NOT to own a “tool” to Defend ourselves, our Family, Friends, Neighbors and our Country, “The Land of Liberty”

  20. When daddy left for work every morning the kids were posted up outside with instructions not to let the milk man, mail man, meter reader or the preacher in to see mommy.

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