armed black business owners
Courtesy Twitter

video of a group of armed black residents in St. Paul went viral on Thursday. The video shows armed black men standing in front of a store. The person who is recording says that the business they’re protecting is black-owned. A black gunman can be seen in the background of another video featuring civilians protecting a store.

The armed civilians aren’t just protecting property. They’re also using their Second Amendment rights to bolster their First Amendment right to protest.

– Zuri Davis in Black Civilians Arm Themselves To Protest Racial Violence and Protect Black-Owned Businesses


    • But I bet they, at least, know the difference between “sighted” and “sited.”

      • “But I bet they, at least, know the difference between “sighted” and “sited.” ”

        Maybe you are thinking “cited” (as in a ticket/citation for a violation of some regulation) ?

        • or maybe Gina Paligonia: means SITED: ” to exist or be built in a particular place”, surely you can look up a word if you are not familiar with it, right?

      • Little Peeps pick on little things. REALLY….that’s all ya got??? Guess none of you Little Peeps have ever mis-typed anything???? Get off RV6DRIVER’s a$$.

        • You are missing the point. It’s not the “sited” vs. “sighted” that is the ridiculous thing here, it is the overt, blatant racism.

    • Hmm gee, I can’t imagine why you’ve formed this really, really stupid and baseless opinion. Wonder if it’s because they’re black. No? Then please, elaborate or learn to spell. It’s ‘sighted,’ not ‘sited’ dumbdumb.

      • “Then please, elaborate or learn to spell. It’s ‘sighted,’ not ‘sited’ dumbdumb.”

        That would render his comment:
        “But I bet they, at least, know the difference between “sighted” and “sighted.”

  1. That man sounds like he knows how to barbecue….. call me and we will talk seasonings

    • vector pistol with brace non-nfa, AR carbine non-nfa, draco pistol, and a ~7″ barreled AR and you can’t see if it has a brace or stock.
      Your comment has a lot of racism peeking out, which is funny because apparently those young black men know gun laws better than you do.

      • He was referencing the caption above the picture that said they were holding automatic weapons ya ding dong.

      • Yes…because every jokey comment on the report they were “automatic rifles” is now racist.

  2. Semi-Automatic rifles. Please report accurately. It matters. Anti gun groups misrepresent firearms as automatic when they are not.

  3. I bet the Antifa soy-boys passed right on by those stores. After soiling themselves, of course.

    • Notice how that one single security guard with only a handgun not only disarmed two looters holding ARs, but cleared the area. One guy with one handgun dispersed an entire crowd. The looters are nothing more than opportunistic cowards with mob/her mentality.

      • It hit my little shit city last night, much to my surprise.

        Confrontation with the cops, burning vehicles, and cops tear-gassed them.

        The county declared an emergency, announced a curfew, and here’s the weird part – ordered no gasoline sold or transferred in any way. They must have been expecting Molotov cocktails :

        Take a look at these pictures – Looks like an Antifa in Black Bloc uniform with the tan backpack, just like in the other cities with riots and burning.

        This shit is organized…

        Oh, and the Leftists did us a solid yesterday – When Trump declared Antifa a terrorist organization, the ACLU got all snotty and claimed there is no mechanism for declaring Americans as terrorists. OK then, that means Leftists cannot declare the NRA a terrorist organization, like what they claim they want to… 😉

        • “…that means Leftists cannot declare the NRA a terrorist organization…”

          Oooo…nicely done. 🙂

        • I can’t imagine that Grady Judd is going to put up with a whole lot of that bullshit.

          Pretty sure Chris Nocco won’t either.

        • That was LPD, not PCSO, Klaus.

          I would *love* to see them try to pull that crap on Sheriff Grady “Because they ran out of bullets” Judd… 🙂

        • I’m in Volusia county, nothing that stupid up here, YET…. That didn’t even make local news where I am, something about Lakeland but no video, looks pretty intense… Good luck..

        • Organized? Surely you jest. Everyone knows that this is “jUsT LoW IQ dArKieS lOoTiNG liKe dA criMiNalS Dey aRrZ!”.

  4. Everyone of the gutless and I do mean gut-less looters and arsonists need to found and prosecuted.

    After the democRat Party concocted laws from the end of slavery to Jim Crow that specifically dened Black Americans their Second Amendment Right it is good to see Black Americans exercising their Second Amendment Right to Protect and Defend their hard won Constitutional Rights. One poor store owner in Dallas tried to defend his business with a sword and was disarmed and nearly beaten to death. Perhaps if he was armed properly looters and arsonists would be on the receiving end. The law needs to be swift and certain for looters and arsonists and should include those who provide cover for the perps.

    Gun Owners no matter their race face discrimination daily from underhanded schemes and backdoor policies such as refusing financial help for gun related business or individuals wanting to sell legitimate gun related items on certain internet auction sites, etc.

    Enough is Enough. Pompous Gun Control Zealots who want to dictate what kind of weapon and how many rounds a law abiding citizen can possess can go to hell. Gun Control is rooted in racism and genocide so these pompous Gun Control ratbassturds need to justify their racist and nazi based gun control agenda or stfu.

  5. Golly our business is black owned-by my WIFE. Would these “militia” dudes protect HER business?!?

  6. I’m glad to see those men armed and protecting the property. They do not need sulky, spoiled white brats to show them how to be men.

  7. Everyone of the gutless and I do mean gut-less looters and arsonists need to be found and prosecuted.

    After the democRat Party concocted laws from the end of slavery to Jim Crow that specifically dened Black Americans their Second Amendment Right it is good to see Black Americans exercising their Second Amendment Right to Protect and Defend their hard won Constitutional Rights. One poor store owner in Dallas tried to defend his business with a sword and was disarmed and nearly beaten to death. Perhaps if he was armed properly looters and arsonists would be on the receiving end. The law needs to be swift and certain for looters and arsonists and should include those who provide cover for the perps.

    Gun Owners no matter their race face discrimination daily from underhanded schemes and backdoor policies such as refusing financial help for gun related business or individuals wanting to sell legitimate gun related items on certain internet auction sites, etc.

    Enough is Enough. Pompous Gun Control Zealots who want to dictate what kind of weapon and how many rounds a law abiding citizen can possess can go to hell. Gun Control is rooted in racism and genocide so these pompous Gun Control ratbassturds need to justify their racist and nazi based gun control agenda or stfu.

  8. Hopefully after this they will use their status to teach our fellow Countrymen the Beautiful Freedoms delineated in the Constitution, given to us by our mutual Creator.

  9. That one fellow is wearing body armor. I need to quit fucking around and get a vest.

    My wife has said in no uncertain terms that I cannot hide behind her and use her as a bipod. I think she’s being selfish.

    • Probably feels that you should sacrifice that fancy little scooter of yours first, sounds pretty selfish to me but women do not think along the same “rational” lines as men… Keep at it, when the time comes maybe she will surprise you, try getting her a vest with level III plates for her birthday and toss in a nice set of earplugs… You never know…

      • Scooter? People in Oregon and Washington have scooters. We Californians, to include JWM, are proud harty folk…. we have Prius’.

        • JWM and I have had conversation about the little multi-colored scooter in his Avatar… And in case you missed the memo Prius is like 2019… Elon Musk’s Tesla is now the hottest selling car in California, period…. Just Sayin’

    • “My wife has said in no uncertain terms that I cannot hide behind her and use her as a bipod. I think she’s being selfish.”

      That’s women for ya’. Always thinking about themselves. “Does this Ma Duce clash with my shoes?”

  10. Here comes the TTAG sjw brigade to remind us all they’re not racist again and reprimand our spelling…..

    • TTAG sjw brigade to remind us all they’re not racist again

      While YOU remind us that there ARE racists here… Why else would you assume that those black men had not bothered or lacked the ability to sight in a red dot… They may have just come from military service and could be just as proficient with firearms as any white guy…. As for the spelling, drop or mistype a letter that’s misspelling, drop two letters changing the entire meaning (is sited even a word? of course it is ” to exist or be built in a particular place”) hmmmm…:
      Anyway a couple of white guys guarding a store, EH, a couple of black guys with dreaded “automatic weapons” are suddenly “black militia”? Did anyone ask if they were militia? Maybe they are just everyday American citizens, that happen to be black, exercising their 2nd amendment rights….

      • Yea whatever dude… Just remember they don’t like you and I don’t blame em. You’re probably the type of guy that goes outa their way to take a picture with your arm around a black guy and post it on social media.

        • Actually you won’t find me on any stupid fucking social media… That’s right I never bought into that shit, don’t need a bunch of strangers knowing every time I take a shit and if I FRIEND someone it takes years of personal interaction and trust building.. On the other hand I don’t rush to judgement or make assumptions about intellect or abilities of a man based on the color of his skin…

      • I’m in Orange County. Small world… Would you like to meet up in person for further dialog? Let’s split the difference and I’ll buy ya breakfast Sanford….. 🤣

        • Sure, why not, if there’s anything left over there when this is over… Haven’t been to Sanford in awhile… See how this shit shakes out…

      • When what’s over? Are they rioting in Sanford? Only thing I saw so far was cops blocking a few exits on the 408 expressway around Orange Blossom Train and Pine Hills in Orlando. I guess the “protesters” we’re trying to block the expressway.

        • Don’t know, local news doesn’t seem to be too hot on shit… Sanford, Longwood, Lake Mary could all be on fire… Volusia’s clean, saw something about Orlando protesters.. Sanford has it’s own problematic areas…

    • “Here comes the TTAG sjw brigade to remind us all they’re not racist again and reprimand our spelling…..”

      Hey RV6DRIVER, is it opposite day where you are?

      The “sjw brigade” is the VERY definition of racist, Zoomer clips is a textbook example of a SJW.
      Do yourself a favor, stop defining those who approve of ALL responsible Americans exercising their 2nd A rights as SJWs, it just make you sound stupid. Or did you sleep thru your public funded socio-prog education (re-education?), causing you to TOTALLY miss the definition of SJW?

    • At least you came out behind your anonymous name and exposed your personal racism for everyone here. That’s something I guess.

      • You got me all wrong Dev… I think everyone is equally worthless….

        Good Lordy. I say someone’s red dot isn’t “sited” and I’m the Antichrist…. There’s much worse on here, even in this comment section that doesn’t get an ounce of effort.

        You guys need to lighten up…..

  11. So the signs read “Black Owned”. What if these businesses were not Black Owned but White Owned? Would it then be OK to loot and destroy those businesses?

    • That bothers me too. Heard a guy on the radio, a protester, said tell your white friends and your white business owners to hang up or display pro BLM on your business, it was said as a warning.

  12. Zoomer clips sees….”Black militias are guarding black owned businesses with automatic rifles”

    I see proud American citizens guarding the economic engines of our country with legal firearms that are protected by the 2nd A.
    Just as our Founding Fathers intended.

    Hey Zoomer, pity you view the world through racist filters, and identify semi-auto firearms as “automatic”.

  13. I Effing hate the media. First they said us black folks making proper use of their second amendment rights is some kind of radical concept. Now using my guns to fend off looters makes me a militia member. I”m tired of being called a black gun owner instead of a gun owner, an African American instead of an American, and all the other sh!t they call me on the evening news. I’m so tired of the extra adjectives.
    I’M A PATRIOTIC GOD FEARING AMERICAN who happens to be black!!!!!!!!!

    • I never did like all those labels and classification of people either. They act like we are a bunch of auto parts on a shelf or something.

    • Exactly. Just the simple statement “black lives matter” is racist. Human lives matter. I’m (half) second generation German, do not claim to be “German-American”. Why does a 10th generation African immigrant refuse to be an American?

    • I watched that Twitter post a little further on, and when The Man mentioned Thomas Jefferson and not Malcolm X, it brought a smile to my face.

  14. That don’t confront me none. Good for them. But what would happen and how would it get reported if White men armed with modern sorting rifles were protecting White owned stores? Something tells me the Lame Stream media would not be happy about that.

    The other question is exactly what do they think they are going to do with their weapons? Do they intend to use lethal force to protect property? Do they intend to use lethal force against people who are using non-lethal force? While I don’t have a problem with the show of force, let us not fool ourselves into thinking there are not some major legal issues that can arise.

  15. I don’t expect the MSM to show law abiding blacks with guns protecting their private property. Thanks to TTAG , The Gun Feed, and surprisingly Reason Magazine. For telling the truth.
    This is why Black Guns Matter was created. When we all have guns we are a more polite society. I say Machine guns for everyone.

  16. All have proper trigger discipline. They know something. Guy on the left is a lefty. I’m a lefty. Does that make us pals. Actually I’m a righty with handguns and a lefty with long guns so I can’t be accused of being a lefty or a righty.

  17. I see this kind of article as part of the problem. Wouldn’t it be better if it just said “American Gun Owners – Armed Civilians Protect Both the First and Second Amendments”? We make too big of a deal over their being black and the store owner is black. It was completely unnecessary to use the word black anywhere in this article. This just exacerbates the problem and is in and of itself racist.

    Maybe if we discontinued journalistic segregation and started treating everyone as Americans in writing/reporting we could eventually write that they are there to protect their neighborhood instead of just a subset of it.

    • I misunderstood the entire thing. Thought the article was about owners of black guns.

      No, we shouldn’t be focusing on “race”; All Guns Matter !!

    • They do it because the liberals must always make race an issue when they want to stir the pot.
      And as we can see from the rioting and looting, it works.

    • the only time the media refuses to make the distinction is when they they vaguely describe a perpetrator, sometimes as a victim.

      • @tsbhoa.p.jr

        Here’s the thing, we shouldn’t care what race the perp/victim was. That we, and I’ve caught myself doing this, want to know is racist. We need to stop putting race above all else or even considering it part of the equation.

    • I would bet money that just recently, there have been armed black men protecting white-owned stores, and armed white men protecting black owned businesses. *All* media, to include TTAG, should be carrying coverage of the protection and allowing the photos to inform as to who was what color, because most of us do not care.

      • @Larry
        I was attacking the author. She clearly did care and her article was, in fact, racist. The photos were all that mattered. She did not need the word “black” in that article as if to say blacks are only protecting blacks and, in doing so, imply that the opposite is also true.

        If you think her way helps that’s your choice. I just respectfully disagree.

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