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Bloomberg Bucks Reduce Crime Rate – Without Gun Control!


By Pascal

story from CNN is lays out the challenge facing the Crescent City as well as others around the country: “New Orleans’ top priority: Cut its murder rate”. And the rate there is down, per the story, “2013 brought a 19% reduction in the murder rate from 2012, and the number of murders in New Orleans was the lowest recorded since 1985. Additionally, in the neighborhoods specifically targeted by NOLA FOR LIFE, there were 37% fewer murder victims and 33% fewer shooting victims in 2013.” Somehow — magically — it was all done without new gun control legislation . . .

The money for these efforts addressed the following:

1) “The majority of murders in New Orleans were committed by a small and identifiable set of people in a few neighborhoods as the result of petty disputes” Duh. Go after the trouble makers — why is this so hard or it takes some big analysis to figure out?

2) “Through several extensive studies, we found that 52% of African American working-age men in New Orleans don’t have jobs. So we are implementing an Economic Opportunity Strategy to connect disadvantaged job seekers with some of the region’s largest employers and anchor institutions.” As has long been said by many People of the Gun, solve the socio-economic problems and that will fix the other things. Prosperity, pride in work and one’s self mean you are probably not thugging in the streets.

3) The effort in New Orleans was funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies with a $3.7 million grant. It seems that all that money used during the mid-terms on pointless gun control could have been better spent. And there is proof. There is plenty of proof that gun control doesn’t work, but here we have something that DOES work? Why throw more money at bad ideas?

No gun control was needed in the Big Easy, no new laws were enacted and Bloomberg — yes, that Michael Bloomberg — actually spent his money on programs that really worked. As gun owners like to say, “we don’t need more stinkin’ gun control laws.”

It would seem that Bloomberg et al. could save more than a few lives without trying to pass new background checks — but hey, gun control feeds that massive Bloomberg ego. Philanthropies that have been shown to work give him almost zero press in comparison, which is too bad.

Maybe if the people who want to ban guns would take the lessons learned in NOLA and apply them to other places – I’m looking at you, Chicago — instead of further burdening the People of the Gun, they’d get more bang for their buck. So to speak.

27 thoughts on “Bloomberg Bucks Reduce Crime Rate – Without Gun Control!”

  1. I have a Dream…

    A Dream of a ‘Nawlins where anyone who wants and is willing to show up for a job can have and keep a job…

    A Dream of a ‘Nawlins so safe, Dirk and Shannon can finally have a date in peace and quiet…

    Ah, fvck it…

    “Maybe if the people who want to ban guns would take the lessons learned in NOLA and apply them to other places – I’m looking at you, Chicago — instead of further burdening the People of the Gun, they’d get more bang for their buck. So to speak.”

    Keep dreaming, Pascal.

  2. Amazing…. common sense solutions to common problems, go figure! We need this printed in all the major gun magazines, it’s just possible if we give bloomers some free press he’ll do more of this kind of social engineering!

      • It wouldn’t take a “big fatty check.” Send it to one of your peers to read and review. This could have been edited to be readable in about 10 minutes. It’s obvious that the author didn’t bother to have someone else read it prior to firing it off.

        • heh, if the worst thing TTAG was ever accused of was lousy grammar and/or spelling, then I am not not as sloshed as i could be.

  3. “Through several extensive studies, we found that 52% of African American working-age men in New Orleans don’t have jobs. So we are implementing an Economic Opportunity Strategy to connect disadvantaged job seekers with some of the region’s largest employers and anchor institutions.” As has long been said by many People of the Gun, solve the socio-economic problems and that will fix the other things. Prosperity, pride in work and one’s self mean you are probably not thugging in the streets”


    Someone tell CNN and Obama!! It’s not all about Whitey and gun control! If we want to improve the African American condition, we need not focus on strong arm thug who got himself shot, but on giving folks a job! – a chance to be prosperous. The ONLY people who do NOT prosper from improving the African American situation are the Race Baiters like Sharpton, so this is the last thing they want!

    • oh hush, last thing they want is your honest common sense. they would be out of a job if it was catching, and they know it.

  4. For some reason I can only think of snide remarks to make about Shannon Watts and her Demand Action Moms so I’ll just shut up…for the children.

    • Mandatory seatbelt laws were enacted in Florida while Bundy was on Death Row.

      An actual bumper-sticker read –

      “I’ll buckle-up when Bundy buckles-up”

  5. There is an obvious question with an obvious answer: If Bloomberry knows that these social programs work and that gun control doesn’t why is he still pushing it? The answer, of course, is because those in power are threatened by the average citizen who has an uninfringed right to bear arms.

    • i am sure, no doubt that if the average joe had any idea of half the crap Bloomy actually gets up to, and gets away with on a regular basis, he would be shot at on a daily basis. If our roles were reversed, I would probably be doing every anti gun item he is doing plus a few more.

  6. A less reasonable group of people might be inclined to use the data here to make a rough calculation of the number of lives not saved, as a result of money spent on gun control, by Mr. B. It wouldn’t be fair to do so, but its an interesting thought, none the less.

  7. Never, ever, ever trust CNN. Turns oug some of the Nola for life money comes from taxpayer money. And its doled out without transparency, despite open secrets law requirements.

    Thats with a 30 second bing check. (don’t be evil, boycott google)
    C’mon CNN. I know you said you were abandoning news, in favor of entertainment, but come on…
    Paid shill for the Little Nanny? Wow. MSNBC must be really kicking your A$$….

  8. actually I think the crime reduction is because all of the people committing the crime were evacuated/fled/relocated away from N’Orleans due to Katrina,

    • I feel confident I could reduce North Philadelphia’s crime rate subtantially if I could ship about 10,000 select people to Houston.

      Still, I think efforts to make violent ghettos better places to live should be admired. “Gun Control” is a loser. Improving work opportunity and community policing are winning concepts.

      • This is why my family approves of building a moon base: send the incorrigibles up there. It worked to build Australia.

    • The infamous 9th ward.
      As of the census of 2000, there were 14,008 people.
      As of the census of 2010, there were 2,842 people.
      Fewer people, fewer criminals, fewer victims

    • “actually I think the crime reduction is because all of the people committing the crime were evacuated/fled/relocated away from N’Orleans due to Katrina,”

      I recall Houston had a jump in crime with the Katrina refugees…

  9. Extensive study that 52% of men dont have jobs??

    What did that take, 250k and a 1 min BLS Google query to find the annual labor force participation raye they publish?

    • seriously, i need to get in on this extensive study gig. get paid to find a result they are looking for, my google fu is not super, but good enough for the crap they are paying for.

  10. It’s easy to reduce the murder rate. In the UK they simply changed the definition of “murder”.

    For the sake of crime statistics, murder is murder ONLY if the accused is convicted of murder. If they plead on a lesser charge such as manslaughter or aggravated assault, then the crime isn’t murder.

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