Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Orlando Shooting: Jesus vs. Mohammed">Previous Post
Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Here's That Gun Control Slippery Slope You've Been Talking About">Next Post

Wayne Root (courtesy

“It’s up to the citizens. Someone needs to stand up and tell you the truth. Only we can protect, defend and save ourselves and our country. That’s clear now. Clear as a bell. It’s time to arm like never before. That’s the ONLY defense against radical Islam. Our Muslim enemies must know in every American home is an arsenal of AR-15’s. It’s time to fight back. It’s time to admit our president is either mentally unstable or does not have our best interests in mind. It’s time for every American to arm to the teeth.” – Wayne Allyn Root in Why I’m Buying an Assault Rifle Today – And So Should You [via]


Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Orlando Shooting: Jesus vs. Mohammed">Previous Post
Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Here's That Gun Control Slippery Slope You've Been Talking About">Next Post


  1. I’d settle for not worry about getting arrested if I carried a glock 19 on the daily, but this is a good goal too.

    • Food for thought:
      Only violent criminals and terrorists, along with their sympathizers and supporters, want good peaceable people to be unarmed and defenseless.

      This begs the question, regarding your local police who will arrest you for having a handgun for self-defense: are they good, peaceable people on your side? Or are they violent criminals, terrorists, and/or their sympathizers and supporters?

      Last question: why would we cut any slack to violent criminals, terrorists, their sympathizers, and their supporters?

    • Mr. Root will be placed on the terrorist watch list as soon as Loretta Lynch finishes her cover up (redaction) job, and reads this. Mr. Root also should get ready to travel by car, bus or rail in the future.

    • Indeed.

      I’ve sent some links to some videos and quotes (for QOTD, for example) to no avail so far. I’ve been willing to assume that there are so many good (and important bad ones) QOTDs lately that they just can’t get to them all.

      Milo is a gold mine and incredibly articulate when he wants to be.

        • That kiss was fucking hilarious!

          Desantis Gunhide Question of the Day:
          Would you French kiss a homosexual if it meant all gun rights would be restored forever?

        • Arabic Twitter has threatened to bomb, decapitate and sodomize Milo. First, I can’t envision how that could work in that exact order. Second, if all Muslims are against homosexuality, isn’t the “sodomize” thing kind of inconsistent?

          To the question of would I French kiss a homosexual if it meant all gun rights would be restored forever? Yes, if I could choose the homosexual. I would choose Mia Tequila, former Penthouse model who just came out as a lesbian.

    • And on that note, it does seem that the #shootback is picking up some steam.

      Those rainbow Gadsden Flags with #shootback substituted at the bottom have been seen in the wild now.

    • Yeah, love the guy, politically speaking.

      But I first heard about him on Stefan Molyneux philosophy blog. Stefan is to philosophy as is a gun in the hand of a law abiding citizen confronting a human predator.

      His “Truth about the Crusades” post is a spot light of truth about the history of Islam, and how the crusades was really a reaction to Islam’s aggressive expansion into western Europe,

      Both are excellent resources in confronting the lies and the tyranny of the leftists/statists.

  2. Well, if he says I need more guns, who am I to argue? And after the sad canoeing accident, maybe I should replace all those firearms that are now on the muddy bottom of a river. Just hope there won’t be another canoeing or boating accident…

  3. First, our President hasn’t had the best interest of our country in mind, pretty much anytime in his adult life. Many, just not enough, have known that since he came on the scene.

    Second, the point of arming ourselves is crystal clear this morning with the news that the DOJ is sanitizing Omar Mateen’s 911 calls to specifically remove references to Islam, ISIS, and jihad.

    If that fact doesn’t show you that this administration is all about making the narrative lies the new reality and they won’t accept actual reality as it is, nothing will. This move is their most dangerous too date.

      • It is the most transparent. Barry hates America and with his cabal he’s in the process of trying to destroy it. And he’s not hiding his acts.

        hillary and bernie boys and never trumps are helping him.

  4. Well, that was certainly a breath of fresh air this morning. Gets right down to the “Root” of the matter.

    Kudos to Mr. Root for so eloquently stating the issues.

  5. Sarcasm or mocking? The situation where citizens need to be responsible for their own defense is correct. And government is unwilling and incapable to be effective against terrorists, with exactly one play in the playbook: gun control. Also correct. But come on, “assault rifle “? Don’t want or need one. My safe full of ARs suites me just fine. Is this guy ignorant or troll, you decide! If he is earnest, drop the “assault rifle” BS. You cannot get one!

    • We really must guard against eating our own. The anti’s are very good at ‘divide and conquer.’

      • Yeah, a little Hoo-Rah, but he does tell the truth.

        But I find that this whole Muslim terrorist plague is a symptom of the greater disease of progressivism/statism. After all, it is they that are opening the flood gates to a culture that is completely at odds with all of our beliefs, customs and traditional freedoms.

        It is they that enforce the mind/speech control of political correctness that can’t even say the words “Islamic Terrorism”.

        Yeah, fundumental Islamics are a danger, but not to lose sight of why they are even a danger in the first place is of absolute importance.

        • “But I find that this whole Muslim terrorist plague is a symptom of the greater disease of progressivism/statism. “

          I agree that they are both very dangerous.

          Fortunately, the solution to both was written down over 200 years ago: The Bill of Rights.

          Both groups stand for and actively seek to undermine the natural human rights outlined in the BoR.

          If only there were some protection codified in the BoR to protect against the tyranny of oppressive ideology, that’d be kinda cool. {/snide mode off}

          The anti’s like to sneer at our “2A protects against tyranny” while using only a very narrow definition of tyranny….that which accept as tyranny. Like everything else, they seek to control the narrative and the language used even for the very discussion one has with them.

          The Bill of Rights, and strict recognition of what it sought to codify, is the antidote to tyrannical oppression no matter where it comes from. The Second Amendment is a key component of that antidote, and thus it is no wonder our RKBA is constantly under attack.

  6. I agree! I SHOULD be buying an assault rifle today! Unfortunately I cannot afford a full-auto lower, so I’ll have to settle for a modern sporting rifle.

  7. This morning with the news that the DOJ is sanitizing Omar Mateen’s 911 calls to specifically remove references to Islam, ISIS, and jihad.
    This administration just cannot say the words Islamic Terrorism.
    Yeah, the shooting at The Pulse was actually a dispute over dance step routines by a Lutheran and had nothing to do with Islam. Yeah, that is the spin.

    • It occurs to me that it is the president who thinks these words are magical. I’ve seen little kids run down dark hallways with less fear of the boogey man.

    • “Yeah, the shooting at The Pulse was actually a dispute over dance step routines by a Lutheran and had nothing to do with Islam.”

      That was probably true if someone was proposing that they change the routine since Lutherans never change. (Badump, tish!)

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