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Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: The Trace Reckons Good News is Bad News

Robert Farago - comments 34 comments

NYC murder rate

“This data-driven story [Ted Cruz Was Wrong on Murders in New York, but Perception Is Hard to Shake] comes on the heels of a Gallup poll showing that Americans’ concerns about crime and violence are at their highest level in 15 years, despite murders falling by an average of 8,000 killings per year over roughly the same period. Here at The Trace, we’d note that while the country as a whole may be safer, the U.S. remains an international outlier for its number of fatal shootings, which present a constant threat for the residents of embattled urban neighborhoods.” via The Trace email blast



    • The progressive masters who run those cities with those embattled urban neighborhoods cannot allow that. Given recent election result for my state’s bug city, I’d also posit that those residents don’t care because when given an opportunity to make a change, the reelected the same pols that only pay lip service to crime in their neighborhoods.

  1. “…a Gallup poll showing that Americans’ concerns about crime and violence are at their highest level in 15 years, despite murders falling by an average of 8,000 killings per year over roughly the same period.”

    And why is that? Could it be the 24 hr news cycle’s obsession with pushing their narrative? Could it be the media fanning the flames in places like Ferguson and Baltimore?

    We live in modern Rome, but instead of the Colosseum, we have the TV… and certain people today still have the same blood lust, they just happen to congregate in the media and the “progressive” movement.

  2. Hmm…so a rising concern with being a victim of crime while killings continue to decrease. Sort of makes one think that if one is more situationally aware, takes preventative actions and is armed, then they are less likely to be a victim. It’s not surprising that writers and readers of The Trace would still claim it is not safe, and cite crime rates in NYC. Maybe if they moved out of their elitist, liberal, progressive paradise(s), they wouldn’t feel in such danger? Or stay there, that’s fine too, just don’t mandate how the rest of us choose to defend ourselves. “It is unsafe where I live, so Swilson and his ilk can’t have black rifles or CC.”

  3. The anti-gun, MSM rags can’t win for losing.

    Like an outclassed and winded fighter, who knows they cannot win a decision, they are just throwing haymakers and hoping to connect.

    • Inner city killings are about social anarchy cause by the collapse of the most important components of civil society especially the family. Drugs are a sideshow. America’s inner cities are essentially ungoverned areas. We consider incidents like the Brown-Wilson confrontation as the equivalent of the “Blackhawk Down” incident in Mogadishu.

    • Those same drugs are just as illegal in the suburbs, exurbs and rural areas as they are in the inner cities. Yet, vastly different crime rates. The difference isn’t geography. It’s culture.

      You could legalize every drug, just like you could ban every gun, tomorrow. Bangers are still going to bang. You have to kill them and destroy their culture, or else nothing will change. America doesn’t even do that anymore with foreign enemies. They’re not going to do it with domestic enemies.

      • You can add that drugs are or have been illegal in virtually every advanced country and they have lower murder rates as well.

  4. From my point of view the big story here, and we’ve seen data showing it before, is that media manipulates and a not insignificant number of people are living in a false reality. People who push for regulations, policies, people who vote, people who march around and hold signs.

    It’s quanitifable proof that the terms of my reality are being dictated by a greater population that isn’t simply uninformed but are intetntionally misinformed.

    I’m a dog and my masters are morons. Sure, I can get out of the fence once in a while and do what I really want to but they always wrangle me back in. The best I can hope for is that their stupidity doesnt result in harm.

    • I appreciate your metaphor and now feel bad for my puppy who is at home now while I work.

      Hopefully the masters stupidity doesn’t result in my harm or that of my puppies, or in the masters own self destruction, leaving me relatively trapped in this fence.

  5. “which present a constant threat for the residents of embattled urban neighborhoods”

    And what, pray tell, could be the common denominator amongst these urban neighborhoods?

  6. Here at The Trace, we’d note that while the country as a whole may be safer, the U.S. remains an international outlier for its number of fatal shootings…

    Why count shootings? Why not count homicides? Just because a gun was used, doesn’t mean that if the gun wasn’t in the picture – there would be no homicides. A different method could have been employed.

    …which present a constant threat for the residents of embattled urban neighborhoods.

    Ok. So the Trace acknowledged that the vast majority of these homicides occur inner-city? When are they going to put it together that it is gang related? License and register gang members today!

    US homicide rate: 3.8 / 100k

    And for the violent urbanites voting democratic: (Lets face it – big cities vote democratic – be honest)

    East St. Louis, MO: 101 / 100k
    Stockton, CA 49 / 100k
    Camden NJ: 43 / 100k
    Detroit, MI: 45 / 100k
    Baltimore, MD 34 / 100k
    Wilmington, DE: 38 / 100k
    Oakland, CA 20 / 100k
    Chicago’s current trend
    for 2016: 20 / 100k
    Alexandria, LA: 19 / 100k
    Memphis, TN 21 / 100k

    • East St. Louis is in Illinois. The population there is only 27,000, but 98% of it is a certain demographic.

      • Thanks for that – you are definitely correct. I saw “St. Louis” and “Missouri” just incorrectly filled in the gaps.

  7. So, the rest of the world is worried about gun violence in the US? Hmm, like Brazil, France, Venezuela, Iran, or Mexico? Sorry, but I will take the 2nd amendment over that….and fight to the death to protect it.

  8. “…which present a constant threat for the residents of gangbangers slinging drugs in embattled urban neighborhoods.”

    Fixed it for you.

  9. New York as a whole might be safer, but if you go neighborhood by neighborhood, there’s upward trends in some of them. The Trace needs to get out of their gentrified little sinkhole and see the real world for once.

    • That’s due to the progressives working to undo the positive gains made under Rudy. They haven’t got the murders back to ’94 levels yet, but they’re trying.

  10. Hilarious.

    We just wanted you to know that despite the NRA’s lying fear-mongering, you are safer than ever. BUT! America is just the worst scariest place ever. Because guns.

  11. This reinforces my point that gun-grabbers are going to spin anything no matter what the facts are, no matter what the statistics are, no matter what we say or do not say, no matter what we do or do not do.

    Don’t let gun-grabbers define the narrative. Speak your mind clearly and succinctly.

  12. I find it hard to believe a graph that says in 2001 there were less that 800 murders, in New York when I know there were several thousand in 1 day.

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The Truth About Guns provides news, reviews, and insights to help you stay informed on the latest trends in gun culture, legislation, and industry developments.