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Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Tuscon to Tucumcari

Steve Kozachik (courtesy

“The gun lobby is pretty strong in Arizona, so the city of Tucson sticks out like a sore thumb. I’m willing to be that sore thumb.” – Steve Kozachik, Tuscon city council member, quoted in Arizona Politician to Gun Groups: Bring on Your Lawsuits; Tucson braces for legal battle in wake of new state law. [via]


40 thoughts on “<span style="color:#0489B1">Blue Force Gear </span style="color:#0489B1"> Quote of the Day: Tuscon to Tucumcari”

    • Fortunately for Mr SoreHead, it’s the taxpayers’ dollars getting hammered, not his.

      Oops, it sounds like AZ preemption has teeth, if Pwrserge is correct in his comment below.

  1. Gun lobby? The Constitution is the issue. Of course there are those who want us to believe the Bill of Rights clearly says killing children is legal while owning guns is not.

    • And yet they say things like “One child’s life is worth more than all the guns in the world” with a straight face.

      • Now we understand the evil of the Holocaust and the murder of over 10 million people that had survived the womb.

        Because of a human beings ability to dehumanizing another human being, a person can support the murder of over 50 million unborn “fetuses” out of convienience; but then say with all earnestness, they want a law passed “for the children.”

    • Well, no… HIS constituency is largely loons like him. But it’s time they learned they can’t continue to do what they want despite the clear law against it, without suffering real consequences from now on.

  2. “I’m willing to spend every last dollar in the Tucson city budget, bankrupt the city to press an invalid point.”

    • It’s for reasons like this I choose to not buy gun related items in state. I refuse to pay state tax to a Legislature that doesn’t support gun rights. Unfortunately, I still have to run a BGC and pay for it. $7 is all they get.

  3. “The people’s desire to protect their natural rights is pretty strong in Arizona, so the city of Tucson sticks out like a sore thumb. I’m willing to spend as much taxpayer money as I can to score some political points with Northeastern and Californian liberals who have relocated here.”

    Fixed it.

  4. The hilarious part is that the Arizona law allows personal liability. I bet he’s going to sing a different tune when he and all his fellow fascists are personally bankrupted.

  5. It could fix a lot of issues, but it still wouldn’t solve the overall problem…

    He didn’t vote himself into office.

    • “What would happen if the top 10-20 or so anti 2nd admendment people were shot?”

      It would solidify in many people’s minds that guns are evil, those that own guns/want to own guns are evil and that everyone that associates or self-identifies as NOT being “against guns” is a murderer.

      Those anti-2A types would most likely be martyred and such an act would light the fire (perhaps literally) against private ownership of guns.

      “I’d expect the 2nd amendment issue would be resolved for a generation.”

      Probably not, given who controls the public narrative at this point. Between saturation of old and new media, the politicians’ willingness to ‘sell out’ (even those that CLAIM to be pro-2A) and the media in the form of TV/Movies, etc, the lie could be sold that the 2A just enables excuses for murderers.

      “Why do people despise my posts against tyrants?”

      I doubt anyone here despises these posts, per se,, but they are worded in ways that do sound mighty close to specific threats. It comes off as either

      (1) Astroturfing
      (2) Trolling
      (3) Outright nuts

      No sane person, even the Founders I’d guess, WANTS to spark a shooting war. We all HOPE and many of us PRAY (in some fashion, if it’s not called that specifically) that 2A issues can be settled without outright warfare.

    • “Why do people despise my posts against tyrants?”

      Because you’re a troll who has yet to add a single worthwhile thing to the conversation?

    • JR_in_NC nailed it.

      Put another way, yr point that the bulk of this nonsense comes from 15-20 committed agenda-mongers (and Bloomie’s slush fund behind them) is bang on. We want to turn down their noise.

      BUT saying “shoot them” plays into exactly the story they push.

      It reads like yr planting false-flag fodder for the anti’s to quote later, and / or hoping to wind up the more foaming pro-ish folks, so they’ll do something the anti’s can use. Agents provaceteur have a long, effective history. You read like one.

      How about we discredit these 15-20 people politically. Usefully, they say and do stupid stuff all the time. As the knucklehead in this article did. And the commentariat here took him apart darn quickly.

      Now, add to that getting that critique out more widely, and dirtying him up a bit (per Alinsky) and he’s made himself more trouble than gain. (Same reason Piers Morgan is forevermore dubbed “Musket”.)

      To paraphrase a visionary – or so I’ve heard – political operator: Counterpunch twice as hard.

      Conveniently Councilman-My-Way led with his chin. So, he’s so sure he’s right that he’s gonna stand against the laws and preference of its people, against the country, against his oath of office and elected role, and use money extracted from people he disagrees with to do it.

      That’s quite the hissy-fit. It’s almost like he just hates them all.

    • Why do people despise my posts against tyrants?

      Maybe because you are a hypocrite.

      You admit to being banned twice, yet you come back–in spite of the fact that the owner of this site has told you you’re not welcome to be here.

      That makes you the biggest rights violator on this site–you’re violating RF’s property rights every time you post–and you have the nerve to prate about tyrants?

  6. The insanity here is that there appear to be a lot of places in Tucson where being armed is probably well advised. The only place in AZ in the last year where I truly felt threatened enough to openly carry was at a motel in central Tucson. The rooms all had outside entrances, with chairs by the doors, and I was outside, reading, after my wife went to sleep. A number of shady looking characters floated through there who were obviously not staying there. Much of central Tucson looks almost blighted in its poverty. Not a place I would want to live, and definitely not without both of us being sufficiently armed.

  7. I read the article

    Funny how so much of what is written about in disapproving tones – for instance using the cost of legal defense as a weapon to coerce legislative changes – has been championed as a great and noble way to get things done by and for the Left.

    Payback’s a bugger, ain’t it?

  8. Any pro-gun rights Democrat living in Tuscon who’d like to primary this guy next election?

  9. By “gun lobby” you must mean its citizenry. “Gun culture” in AZ is pretty strong here general. Yep, Tuscon sticks out like a sore thumb, alright.

    • You are so right. I recently moved to AZ. To say that the citizenry supports the 2nd amendment is an understatement. The only problem I see is Progressives moving into the state, mostly to Tuscon, from California. You know, the “California is screwed up, so we have to go spread the disease” crowd.

  10. Thanks for the Little Feat/Linda Rondstat allusion in the title.

    One of my favorite songs about drug/human trafficking and use.

  11. Because death threats hurt us as a movement a lot more than they help us. Cool the threats and then we can discuss.get along.

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