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In 4 Seconds Until Impact, Bruce Buckshot Benning reveals that over the last three decades, attacks by large predators against humans have been skyrocketing in North America. It is not just a matter of reporting. Attacks by bears, mountain lions, wolves, and coyotes, have become expected, where they used to be rare or denied altogether. (Full disclosure: Hemming cites some of my work in the book.)

Hemming does an excellent job in summarizing the increases in large predator attacks. He offers a commonsense explanation as to why they are happening, why they are under-reported, and how they can be minimized.

I received a review copy of the book shortly after I returned from Australia. I started to read, and couldn’t put it down until I had finished. It took me four hours.

I was fascinated to learn that one of the major reasons there were no “documented” wolf attacks before 1943 is that an early pro-wolf researcher defined a wolf attacks as invalid unless the wolf was captured, tested and found to be free of rabies. There is a serious problem with that approach. Testing for rabies only became widely available in 1943. The definition used in the “research” simply defined any previous wolf attacks out of existence.

The book supports Hemming’s analysis with comprehensive lists of large predator attacks. Be warned: some of the photos are gruesome. 4 Seconds to Impact has much more detail on these attacks than is commonly reported. The author went to considerable effort to collect data and interview people who were attacked.

Particularly interesting is Hemming’s analysis of how many attacks aren’t currently reported. He gives details of how many missing hikers and hunters could have been victims of animal attacks. He explains that many people understand reporting an attack is an invitation to official and unofficial harassment and persecution, especially if the attacking animal was killed.

The book fearlessly avoids political correctness. Hemming offers clear and obvious reasons how and why the hunting of large predators can minimize attacks without endangering sustainable predator populations. The author offers data on the effectiveness of both firearms and pepper spray in stopping attacks and advocates for the use of both.

For anyone who is interested in large predator attacks, or for anyone who is considering how to protect themselves when in the wild, I highly recommend 4 Seconds to Impact.

The book is available at Amazon. $6.99 for Kindle, $18.99 paperback.

©2018 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.

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  1. I predict that in the end, they’re going to lose. And we’re going to win. You can quote me on that.

    • The photoshopped cover says it all.

      No facts, not glory. I live deep in predator country and the only fear I have is of misguided visitors caring more firepower than brains.

      • You get all that from. The cover. Wow! Pretty insightful! How about you actually read it then maybe people will take your opinion seriously?

  2. In Washington we just had one guy killed and another injured by a cougar. Besides the two doing everything wrong there is another reason. The animal rights activists got hound hunting outlawed. Right away there were problems with a couple of children being attacked in the Colville area where I shot a 180 cougar a few years ago. So the department reintroduced a hound hunting season but to please the AR idiots instead of calling it a hunting season they called it a safety period or some such PC nonsense.

    Before this BS there used to be a pursuit only season where the cougars were let go but learned to fear both dogs and humans. They feared dogs so much that a friend of mine treed one by howling like a Walker! Now they hunt dogs and kill them. It was only a matter of time before someone was killed. There have been numerous close calls in this state and several killed across the border in BC, one a tragic case of a mother who sacrificed herself for her children.

    You rarely see cougars but they are everywhere that there are deer, elk or mountain sheep and that is basically the whole state. They see you, you don’t see them. The first one I saw was in the rain forest. The last one I saw was last Dec. 23rd in the high desert. My puppy pointed him while chukar hunting. I was more than a little surprised when instead of chukars a cougar about the size of the one mounted in my living room (180 pounds) flushed. My brave dog hightailed it out of there. He’s no Lassie for certain but very brave when faced with a bird a fraction of his size. My dog would have been dead if I hadn’t come along. He did the right thing and kept looking at the cougar (pointing) and didn’t run until the cougar flushed. Instinct or stupidity, I am not sure.

    • I have personally experienced a cougar attack…i did not put up much of a fight and can honestly say that it was quite enjoyable.

    • That cat was likely the same one that ripped open my mother in law’s chicken coop in the middle of the night last week.

    • I bumped into a cougar cub in the Cascades a few years ago. Never ran faster in my life.

  3. “The Skyrocketing Attacks by Predators on Humans”


    Let me guess – The humans want to “see the animals” and then complain when the animals want to see them? Up close, as to see how they taste? Like the videos of dumb-asses in ‘safari parks’ that roll down the windows in their snazzy yuppie SUVs?

    This is my surprised face…

    • Hahahaha! Liberal Earth people are good protein for them. I say to the creatures of the forest floor, eat up and enjoy! There are plenty to spare!

      • All of these rich vegetarians building houses in cougar habitat must taste to cougars like grass fed steak 🥩 does to people.
        We keep building in the animal’s habitat then wonder why it attacks. Still, the attacks are exceedingly rare at only a few dozen or so per year. On the list of worries, you are more likely to get hurt on stairs.

  4. Well, we are encroaching into their territories at an alarming rate. No need to take my word for it, everyone knows how places that used to be in the middle of nowhere, perfect for plinking, are now housing developments or are too close to new buildings so it’s now illegal to shoot there. This, coupled with the incredible stupidity some people show towards wild animals, and it’s no wonder people get attacked. Animals are to be admired, but only from a distance. The obvious exception being hunters, but I’m not surprised people will try to get a selfie with wild creatures then get hurt or killed.

    If humans are suddenly on the menu for larger animals, again, I blame development for scaring off the natural prey animals. Either way, when it comes to animals vs humans, we are usually in the wrong.

    • Goid points and in my opinion you are right about a lot of that. I have read some biologist point out that population of many predators are above pre “white man” according to historical numbers.
      The fact that some are not hunted as much loosing there fear for human does not help.
      Just the last few days two people mountain biking where jumped by a cougar. One killed. Then a student studying grizzlies was attacked. Crushed her scull. Luckily She will live. Always be prepared for sure.

  5. So, pre 1943, if a wolf was on the attack, could you say, “Excuse me, Mr. Wolf, but do you have rabies? ‘Cause if you do, then please don’t attack, because it wouldn’t count.” No. I’m thinking if wolves were prone to rabies, then that should be part of the statistical tally.

  6. If I’m forced to shoot a threatening animal here in CA I’m going to shut up and never tell anybody.

    • So much for being law-abiding gun owner. You have the mentality of a criminal.

      • No he didn’t. In fact that’s exactly what you should do if your attacked by an animal. Why risk a BS charge and a liberal social media Shit storm and death threats to your family for having to shoot a rabid raccoon? Look, no department anywhere is going to waste the money to send out a forensics team on a random dead animal carcass someone finds.

      • Leftist gun grabbing murder enabling scum telling me I have a criminal mind. I take that as high praise.

      • After he burgled my house and took my guns with him.

  7. That looks like a good read. It’s on my list fo sure. …. I used to be not as tentative about the critters, but I’m getting old, can’t see out of one eye and blind in the other, I’m just a tad more cautious now. I used to fish the river bank alone all night with a kerosene lantern. I get a little nervous about snakes n shit now.

    • If you thought Agenda 21 was bad, wait until you get a load of Agenda 22.

      • How original, you have your thinking cap on this morning to come up with that all by yourself?

  8. Well I bought the Kindle edition and read most of the introduction before quitting. Nothing new in it at all and very poorly written. The writing style is that of a comment section or at best a blog. Sorry, but this book is a waste of money. He is preaching to choir. Hunters already know these things and no one else will read it.

    • I’m not a hunter and I haven’t heard any of this before. As far as writing standards go, what were you expecting? Shakespeare?

      • No, I was expecting somewhat literate writing after the glowing review. It sure isn’t. Have you read it? Well if you’re a gamer boy I suppose it will be enlightening but not to any hunter.

        • I read it. Most of it was not a surprise to me except for maybe the amount of black bear attacks. I knew there was a lot. But wow.
          But your right. Most of it will not surprise a hunter but hopefully enough non hunters will read it to at least get reality check.

    • I read the book and yes a lot of it is preaching to the choir but you must had not got to the parts where it Kay’s out good information for none Hunters. Especially hobby hikers.
      I was a little surprised by the search engine information but not shocked!
      I gave it to my non hunting friend and she was very surprised by a lot of the information and it made her go out and buy bear spray. As I have been telling her to do anyways.
      I agree it’s no Shakespeare but it gets the point across in a matter of fact manner.

  9. Benning reveals that over the last three decades, attacks by large predators against humans have been skyrocketing in North America.
    Well, he got that right, just not the large predators shown in his book.
    Most dangerous predators walk upright in urban areas.

    • That is completely besides the point. Why even comment like that when it has nothing to do with the subject?

  10. maybe if we stop invading their living areas this wouldn’t happen. just MAYBE.

    • We open our front doors and exit. Now we’ve invaded their territory.

  11. Read the book. Most avid Hunters will not be that surprised by the information. It seems to be geared towards the nonhunting hiking crowd that think the Disney animals act like that in real life.
    The writing could be better.
    That said, it does get the point across in a short blunt way which may help with the younger inpatient type?
    And it does back with evidence the growing predator problem us Hunters have known about and does give some good education on defending yourself and what best to use.
    However it will probably piss off a lot of anti hunting people that have been pushing the false “we need predators” “attacks are rare” “attacks are all the persons fault” etc, etc.
    It may even piss off a few Hunters that still believe the myth that predators somehow balance themselves or the ecosystem.

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