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Booth Babe: Gunsmoke’s Paige Wyatt

Paige Wyatt (courtesy The Truth About Guns)

The Discovery Channel recently cancelled American Guns, the “reality” show chronicling the Wyatt clan’s gunsmithing, internecine squabbling and love of mindless pyrotechnics. Paterfamilias Rich Wyatt is here at NRA Convention drumming-up business for his Gunsmoke gun store. Wyatt told TTAG that he’s looking at continuing the series (or something) on YouTube. Paige didn’t say much. Didn’t need to. But could have. Smart cookie that one.

11 thoughts on “Booth Babe: Gunsmoke’s Paige Wyatt”

  1. Uhhh, probably a good thing she didn’t say anything. Met the family Wyatt at a NRA dinner last year and while cute on the outside the fantasy is dispelled as soon as she opens her mouth…

  2. When you can see past Paige, I’d love for one of you guys to get Rich’s opinion on how the new Colorado laws are going to affect his business. I’m sure its going to put a kink in things. Wonder if he would ever consider moving out of the state.

    • I’m already seeing some effects. I’m running into on-line merchants who will not ship magazines with over 15 round capacity to CO residents, citing the pending implementation of the ban on July 1.

  3. Blond, and she’s keeping her booger hook off the bang switch. She’s already smarter than difi.

  4. I cant tell if she’s 15 or 25 but im impressed that she’s not pointing it at her head.

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