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Booth Babe: Shilen Rifles’ Chelcee Juricek

Silen Rifles' Chelcee Juricek (courtesy The Truth About Guns)

Shilen Rifles makes custom rifles in the $3200 to $3600 range. Yes well, barrels and triggers are their go-to gunsmithing gig. Shilen can make your Ruger rimfire more rad, your AR-15 fitter or your Savage, uh, savagerer. Nick’s up for some T&E. Substitute an “a” for the “e” and that’s my job. Which is sad.

18 thoughts on “Booth Babe: Shilen Rifles’ Chelcee Juricek”

  1. Nothing against the pictured girl specifically, but her parents annoy the shit out of me. People should give their children normal names, generally, and unusual names, if they if they really feel it necessary, but people, do not give your children uncommon spellings of common names! It does not make them “special” or “unique.” Teach them to be special and unique in other ways, but not with their friggin’ name! You are dooming them to a life of having to not just spell their name, but having to correct and re-spell their name for everyone they’ll ever come in contact with professionally and administratively. Don’t do it!

    • +1

      Know this from being a foreigner in Norway, having to spell your name every friggin time is a bit…..Annoying.

    • Matt in Florida, I am sorry I annoy you. I guess I really didnt think about everyone else on the earth when I decided what to name MY daughter. If you hate her first name, her middle name will drive you over the edge. Anyway, I did not spell her name different to try to make her different. I spelled it the way I felt it should be spelled. But you know what, come to think about it, maybe people should name their kids with more interesting things in mind, instead of common ordinary names like John, or Dick, or MATT. lol! No worries though. I have never really cared about what other people think about my choices.

      • Andea, you should do as you think is right. That said, when I read “Chelcee” I laughed out loud. I was laughing at what seemed to me like an idiotic “stripper name” spelling of a common name. I think Matt may have a point that the name could be a burden for some. It may be a relative inconvenience that she has to spell it out whenever she gives her name, but that’s minor. What may be a real disadvantage is when people read her name and attach preconceived prejudices to it and make assumptions about who Chelcee is. I’d like to know what Chelcee thinks.

  2. Hey guys…im the person pictured here. im NOT a “booth babe”. I actually work for Shilen in the factory. Im not there just to “look pretty”. I know my rifles..and my name is not what makes me special haha but thanks! i know what you mean!

  3. Matt in Florida, I am sorry I annoy you. I guess I really didnt think about everyone else on the earth when I decided what to name MY daughter. If you hate her first name, her middle name will drive you over the edge. Anyway, I did not spell her name different to try to make her different. I spelled it the way I felt it should be spelled. But you know what, come to think about it, maybe people should name their kids with more interesting things in mind, instead of common ordinary names like John, or Dick, or MATT. lol! No worries though. I have never really cared about what other people think about my choices.

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