Founding Fathers

Republicans won’t vote for gun control legislation for three main reasons: They receive hefty campaign contributions from NRA and gun manufacturers. They’re afraid of being voted out of office by their gun-loving constituents. They honor Second Amendment rights above all other Constitutional rights.

…The Constitution was written at a time when there was no police force. There was no National Guard. It stands to reason citizens were given the right to keep and bear arms; if threatened, they were the militia. Today, if we need protection, we call the police. If government officials determine a crowd is getting too threatening, they send in the National Guard. They don’t call on individual citizens to come out and lend help with their guns.

Doing nothing about gun violence is unacceptable. There have been 130 mass shootings just since Jan. 1. The number one cause of death of American children and teens is gunshot wounds. Sixty-three percent of Americans want more gun controls. Republicans always fall back on the excuse that gun violence is a mental-health problem; which by the way, they don’t fund adequately. They call for more security to barricade children inside their school buildings. Republicans’ lamest excuse for inaction? “We’ve already done about all that can be done.” …

The idea that guns are carried openly on the streets in several red states is obscene. Iowa doesn’t even require a permit to open carry. I saw a photo recently of a guy with an AR-15 strapped across his back while standing in line to buy a can of pop at a convenience store.

This is just sick.

— June Bower in Column: This Is a Republican Problem


  1. Thomas Paine, writing to religious pacifists in 1775:
    “The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The balance of power is the scale of peace. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside. Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the world deprived of the use of them; the weak would become a prey to the strong.”

    • By her own words the Gun Control driven june bower is too stupid to own a firearm which leaves her defenseless. No different than the nitwits like her who left a TN school totally defenseless resulting in the murders of 3 children and 3 adults.

      june bower hopes readers are ignorant enough to fall for her Gun Control Rot; rot history confirms is rooted in racism and genocide. Frankly if the sick batch called 911 for help 911 should hang up.

      • The Nashville school principal was NOT one of these Nitwits. I knew the principle.

        The attacker was well prepared, attacked quickly, and with surprise.

        The school had a response plan that worked pretty well. There is a reason you see the shoot on camera looking for victims but are unable to find them. But like any other plan, the plan does not always survive first contact.

        Here is what is not being talked about/advertised.

        The school had several teachers who carried on campus as part of the plan. In a weird quirk of horrible luck, ALL armed teachers happened to not be on campus when the attack occurred. No one knows if the attacker knew this or if it was pure bad luck.

        Here is the thing. Even once we harden targets, it does not mean attacks won’t happen. It also does not mean those attacks will fail. Some will succeed no matter how we prepare.

        Even when we carry as individuals, having a gun does assure we will win a fight, only that we will have a chance.

        Bad things will happen.

        • “Even once we harden targets, it does not mean attacks won’t happen. It also does not mean those attacks will fail. Some will succeed no matter how we prepare.”

          “You have to be lucky every time, we only need to be lucky *once*.”

          Omar Abdel-Rahman, AKA, ‘The Blind Sheik’, responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing…

        • “”The school had a response plan that worked pretty well.””
          2 sets of GLASS doors when there should have been 3 in MINIMUM THICK wood or even better STEEL…say other wise that the “plan” even COULD WORK!

  2. But the police are all racist and the national guard is an extension of a white supremacist military. Or so I’ve been told everyday for the last 12 years or so.

  3. Yeah, you can really depend on the cops, those guys in Uvalde were there to save the day faster than a teacher could draw a gun from a holster!

    This idiot can trust his safety on the good will and competency of the cops. I am my family’s first line of defense.

    • Rusty – Always Carry – Chains,

      I had the same thought.

      I wonder to what extent the likes of June Bower are demonstrating “magical thinking”. (That is the psychological term for young children who buy into magical notions which are contrary to obvious reality–such as believing that money can grow on trees.)

      While we normally envision young children as being the only age group who actually buy into magical thinking, it is obvious that many teens and even adults buy into magical thinking as well. Does anyone have any effective strategies on how to convince said teens and adults to abandon magical thinking and embrace reality?

      • “Does anyone have any effective strategies on how to convince said teens and adults to abandon magical thinking and embrace reality?”

        Experience is the best teacher. Military trainers have the same problem in training troops for combat. They can simulate all day long, making them crawl under barbed wire with live machine gun fire zipping overhead and through bloody pig entrails, but it takes seeing the real thing (people being blown apart) before the lesson sinks in.

        “Hard times builds strong people. Strong people builds safe times. Safe times builds soft people. Soft people makes hard times.”

        The trick is to survive the soft people being in charge… 🙁

      • The new word is ‘kidult’; a person with an adult body, a child’s mind.
        Firmly convinced the socialist democrats and their useful idiots wake up each morning and wonder ‘how can I out stupid yesterday?’
        Constitutional Carry 26 and counting.
        Even without the new ‘feelz’ math 26 is more than half of 50.
        Still no streets running red with blood.
        But violent crime does seem to be down.

        • awaiting moderation?
          Might want to get caught up on the ‘urban dictionary’ and caught up on the new math.
          Even Breitbart accepts ‘kidult’ as a proper word.
          Or are we just too behind the times here?

        • The problem is that even in states with Constitutional Carry there is that federal law that one cannot carry within 1000 feet of a school. There are only small slivers beyond those distances from schools in my community, and others are even more densely packed that that. So one STILL needs a carry permit even in Constitutional Carry states. That 1,000 foot rule needs to go. No school shooting is stopped by that, someone bent on murder is not going to stop at that 1,000 foot mark so it once again only risks legal trouble for those of us who would never harm school kids or anyone else for that matter.

  4. We don’t need guns because we have police?!? This guy ever call the cops and have to wait around for them to show up? I once came home to my front door ajar. I wondered if I’d left it unlocked or something and the wind had opened it. Searching my house revealed missing money and documents. I called the cops and it took them 30 minuets to get to me.

    If I’d been home and the intruder had insisted on coming through my door, no amount of some asshat telling me I don’t need a gun because of police would have saved me.

    • “Today, if we need protection, we call the police.”
      – June Bower

      Um, yeah, sure. Those of you here who have been on TTAG for a while may recall me telling my own story from a couple of years ago in which three strangers walked to the end of my cul-de-sac street and literally started target shooting at the hill next to my house. There were several adults and children outside as we chatted and barbequed. The adults scooted the children indoors as I immediately called 911. The dispatch operator actually caught the audio of the final volley of shots on the call’s recording and expedited it to the nearest LASD Sheriff station.

      Deputies didn’t arrive until more than half an hour later and clearly couldn’t care less. Of the two vehicles and three Deputies, only one spoke with me while the other two remained to the side laughing about some personal joke. The first one asked me if I was sure I had heard actual gunfire and not fireworks (fireworks in Autumn?), and if I had any video of the incident. When I stated we did not have video (but we *did* have multiple eye witnesses, detailed descriptions, and the believed location of the men), the Deputy nonchalantly put away her notebook and said she’d let me know if they found anything. Note that she didn’t write down any of the information I told her up to that point.

      Gunfire. Children nearby. Residential. Muzzle reports caught in the 911 recording. You’d think that would warrant a heightened response. But nope.

      Nowadays, placing a call to 911 for LE response is not reliable. It’s only a legal formality.

    • In the rural areas of my county of residence, in fact all of the surrounding counties (which are mostly rural) a police response is typically an hour or more away, and that is a single deputy sheriff. There was a case a few years ago where a man (who was prohibited from possessing arms), went over the edge and went on a rampage with a home made AR. He killed his wife, his two neighbors, and then drove down the one main road shooting at every car going the other way, stopped at a school and shot at that when he couldn’t get passed the gate, and then continued down the road until the police response, thirty minutes later, finally put him down. Where he lived there are no local police–they are all at least half an hour away.
      Then let’s add in defund the police efforts, resulting in low morale, and many vacant positions. Some departments are therefore not responding to minor traffic accidents or burglary calls at all unless there is an injury or a road blockage.

  5. I think Ms. Bower deserves some kind of award for packing that many fallacies into one article.

    • I think “Ms” (am I “misgendering shim/sher/shit?) Bower deserves to become a violent crime statistic only then he/she/shit might realize that “when seconds count police are hours/minutes away” and officers are for all intents and purposes “reactive” (even more so these days when being “proactive” is frowned upon) thennand only then ze/zer/zim might (slim chance) come to understand the necessity for law-abiding citizens to arm themselves.

  6. Ms. Bower has the perspective of a middle aged “Karen” that resides in a rural Iowa town with a population of 7,5000 which per the most recent census is 98% “white” with nearly no violent crime and served by both a police department and sheriff’s office.

      • You beat me to it.

        A supermajority of Congress, plus the President’s signature, and then 38 States to repeal.

        All that’s needed to block is 13 States.

    • Think again. The Bill of Rights are “pre-existing god-given rights” that are merely enumerated as powers the government NEVER has the power to infringe on.

      The consent to govern given by The People to the Federal Government is predicated on the Bill of Rights being extant because the original states would have not signed on to the Constitution if they were not there and enumerated.

      Removing any ONE of them makes the document as a contract NULL & VOID and the consent to govern given by the people is withdrawn.

      Repeal of any of the original Bill Of Rights that were included with the original signing of the Constitution makes the Union instantly dissolved. It is all or nothing and amendment process is moot when considering these pre-existing rights.

      Some things are NOT up to a vote nor are they amendable.

      • Okay when you stand up for those rights and none of the rest of us do you just get turned into the nut job prepper down the street Katern says thank god the se aye yay cought him before he bombed a basketball court with cement floors and chai link nets
        Com on Biden show me Freedom is.
        And I’m not buying I do not have to wipe off spil from the windshield as freedom. Freedom is to chase the buffalo across the great plains.
        And If any one is interested I really despise with extreme prejudice Our “acting” president Joseph Robinett Biden. com on, I said com on,,,, I had the met lab , Grand pappy ran the stil, ,,,,PAW he grew the weed and I guess he always willl. Didnt make much mone y but it damn sure got us by, living in a broke down trailor ,smashed out windows gnat and flies. …

      • Umm, wrong. The Constitution was ratified before the Bill of Rights was added. The Bill of Rights was added by amendment to the Consitution and not ratified until 1791.

        • Also, the pre-existing right encompassed within the Second would continue to exist, but the guarantee that the federal government could not infringe upon it would be gone if the Second was repealed.

    • Even if they pass that, what are they going to do..They would be wiped out within weeks by people how will not give them jack shite…that would be WAR..

      • Not worried about it, since 3/4 of the states will NEVER EVER agree to a repeal, even assuming you could get the amendment through Congress, which in and of itself is unlikely.

    • No article in the Bill of Rights is subject to repeal. Repeal is a fallacy and fantasy of the Left. The Bill of Rights does not confer to the citizens any “rights”; It acknowledges God-given rights that are inherent to all free men.

  7. Ask Gadsden Flag what good police are really for. He said he was a reporter(fellas if you tell him something he gets it dead on 309 years later on)[love yah bro]
    No one needs guns today,??, what robotics and AI have got that covered?
    Its only a given the more crooks get gunms the more crooks will by gunms to get shot. ,,,,Wait I’m not a crook,,,,, do you own a gunm and do you believe in constitution rights?— YES your a crook. Hide or pride, I’m a peaceful possum. I saw something tonight I ain’t even going into, but really, 5 cop trucks searching two old wemon is a bit much. Go Billly,,,oh that’s offa song about meth, sht just pops into my head sometimes. Its Billy Crystal. But not the singer.
    I dont need gunms cause cops and national guard has it covered ,, ,,,bwhahahaaha. Okay.
    And I been drinking all night popping xanax and damn that Grace Steven’s is cute, I just dont care what I say at this point but shes soooooo pretty, smart, but what gets me is her skin, I went ot collage and took photography and we learned about skin, shes is very photogenic.
    Where was I ??? Oh yeah, I despise Joseph Robinett Biden and anyone associated with IT.
    Remember what you daddies told us, “they” take this country without ever firing as shot.
    Your government is now as giverment they work for them and use monopoly money (Nixon) wich controls we the people, 40 acres and a mule.
    I’ve got the answer, but if I say it on social media I’ll dissaper
    United We Stand, Divided We Fall
    Race is division, We all are Citizens of The United States of America.
    I hate that nnnnnnnga, dirty spik
    Raceism works.
    I’d like to go into how I prevented a riot behind bars but told, it was about equality of race when we all we all have our necks deep in shit.
    Go Billy, Go Billy, Billy’s on the corner with that cccccc crystal meth.

    • Get an Exorcist, Biden took over Possums mind. Possum, show us on the doll where he sniffed you.

  8. Um….. Someone is conveniently forgetting that the Supreme Court of These United States has ruled that law enforcement has no duty or obligation to protect and defend citizens.

    • Yep! My local po-leece sucked when BLM invaded. Mostly they collect fines from hapless motorists. They react but rarely prevent crime. I am my 1st responder!!!

      • “Yep! My local po-leece sucked when BLM invaded.”

        Mine arrested a number of the rioters, including one antifa in ‘Black-Bloc’ battle garb.

        (It helps having sheriff Grady Judd around when ‘protests’ like that break out. He got on TV and very pointedly mentioned Polk County citizens own guns, and know how to use them… 🙂 )

    • Gonzales v. Castle Rock

      SCOTUS found that the police do not have a duty to protect the public and can not be sued for damages for failing to protect.

  9. It must be rough being a brain dead liberal living in the heart of MAGA country.

    • Yea – Creston Iowa = embarrassing to have such a nitwit in the area. We generally keep them in Iowa City.

      • Ya gotta put them somewhere and the larger cities generally work better. As an upside, they are more inclined to limit their own growth as a subspecies through self limiting things like gangs, ab0rti0n, and LGBT membership.

        • “As an upside, they are more inclined to limit their own growth as a subspecies through self limiting things like gangs, ab0rti0n, and LGBT membership.”

          Even better, they are more inclined to believe bullshit like overpopulation, and self-limit their reproduction. Meanwhile, the immigrants pouring across the southern border are having lots of kids, and have zero interest in being a hyphenated-American. They want to be seen as Americans, period.

          The Leftist Scum ™ may have cut their own throats with their preferred border policy. The folks coming over have staunchly *Conservative* family values, and want safe communities…

      • I’m pretty convinced most of the libs in Iowa City are originally from NE Illinois.

  10. As with all these petulant foot-stampers, believes that any of the proposed restrictions actually would prevent any “mass shootings”. Faith-based school security at its finest.

    Suppose they could get their wish and make all those awful scary guns go away, so would-be mass murderers would have to resort to other means?
    “Although almost two-thirds of all mass murders were committed with firearms, non-firearm means resulted in significantly more casualties per event.”

    • Serpent_Vision,

      There is an aspect to spree killers using firearms that no one ever seems to consider: firearms are LOUD and using them alerts everyone in the spree killer’s vicinity to his/her violent attack. That enables people in the area to vacate, hide, and/or prepare to engage the spree killer which thus reduces the casualty count.

      If a spree killer decides to use something much quieter like knives, swords, archery, poisons, or even vehicles–and does so with a modicum of discreetness–he/she can easily rack-up a huge casualty count.

      For the above reasons, I am not convinced that somehow restricting or eliminating firearms will reduce the number of casualties from spree killers.

      • Thats actually a pretty good point. They could Lock folks in a room somehow and just have their way with them all day long.

        • Movie theaters are perfect for that use, especially during a violent movie. Good soundproofing and loud sounds of gunfire and screaming… 🙁

  11. There’s another solution. Defend and disband the police. Let the people take care of business.

  12. The only June Bower listed in Creston, IA is an 82 y. o. woman with a history of Obama love. This is my shocked face…

    • Lots of (D)’s among the octogenarian and vicenarian sets. Kids and dementia patients living in a fantasy world. I know my neighbors are all (D)’s over 80. They’re pretty racist too. The (R)’s further down the road are in their 30’s and work in various trades. Have no idea if they’re racist because they don’t come up to me when I’m doing yard work and ask if I “saw that black guy walking by yesterday?” like the (D)’s have done.

      • I found that as people get really old (70’s and up), weaker, and more arthritic, etc. they become fearful because they cannot defend themselves from violent crime, which in turn leads them to become more racist/suspicious since most of the crime being reported to them is committed by blacks.

        • That’s true. The older one gets, the less Left they tend to vote. Over time, people begin to see the lies easier…

        • So the real question becomes, how many more “muggings” must our country endure before it begins to tip back towards conservative?

  13. That fool probably also believes that there’s no need for an individual right of freedom of press, because 1A was written in a time before Voice of America and Al-Hurra TV.

  14. Right – because cops can be everywhere and protect everyone at all times.

    A six year old can see the flaws in these arguments. Does the left actually believe this stuff?

    • Yes. At least most of the do. Those that don’t are just after political power. Both are fundamentally tyrants, but with different motivations.

      “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

    • zerofoo,

      A six year old can see the flaws in these arguments. Does the left actually believe this stuff?

      Yes. See my comment above where I reference the underlying psychological dynamic called “magical thinking” which applies to all very young children–and somehow occurs in a significant number of teens and adults.

      (“Magical thinking” is accepting, as fact, magical notions which are contrary to obvious reality–such as believing that money can grow on trees.)

      The question (which I posed in my previous comment above) is how do we persuade people to abandon magical thinking in favor of reality?

  15. “The Constitution was written at a time when there was no police force.”

    Well, that’s a lie right there by being disingenuous. We did have ‘police forces’, we just didn’t call them that. We had a collection of, what today we call, sheriffs and constables (by power, not always by title), and others called upon to handle law breakers and failing to have one of those each town or village had a designated ‘peace keeper’ type function that took care of ‘law breaker’ type (criminals) and sometimes this function resided in the ‘mayor’ or body of ‘elders’ designated as such. Back then the lines were blurred, and in some cases a local ‘militia’ type function composed of volunteers or designee took care of ‘law breakers’. While the British were still in power here, they also provided the ‘police forces’ function with their military troops.

  16. If no one needs guns today then why does the police and the national guard have them? Why send so many of the the Ukraine? Why continue to force manufacturers into prioritizing governments via contract? If they are no longer needed then why not get rid of the 2nd Amendment? Why does Antifa, BLM, and the drag queen story hour need them?

  17. “They honor Second Amendment rights above all other Constitutional rights.”
    Here he makes a general statement without supporting evidence. If so then why are POTG attacking his opinions rather than his 1st Amendment right?
    The Rookie correctly stated the truth, “I think Ms. Bower deserves some kind of award for packing that many fallacies into one article.”

  18. Democrats won’t vote for gun rights for three main reasons: They receive hefty campaign contributions from Bloomberg and other gun grabbing groups. They’re afraid of being voted out of office by their gun-hating constituents. They believe in no Constitutional rights.

    There, I fixed it.
    If you go to the actual article, this idiot makes mention of magazines that hold hundreds of rounds. Like all gun grabbers, they have no clue about the topic of which they write.

    • They also undercut their whole argument by noting that 40% of the population owns 400,000,000 guns in the US and, at least, 16 million of those are ARs. This in a piece that is attempting to blame the claimed 130 mass shootings this year on the quantity of guns. If it is the number of guns that causes the shootings, why does it take over 3 million guns to get one? (400,000,000/130 = 3,076,923) Even if all the mass shootings involved an AR, you would need 123,000 of them to have enough for one of the shootings.

      All this whining about the quantity of guns is ridiculous and becoming tiresome. I have a young man who works for me, I own ten times as many guns as he does, I have a friend who owns about 25% of the number I do, I have another friend who owns about twice as many as I do, we have each killed exactly the same number of people.

  19. “Today, if we need protection, we call the police.”

    This person is delusional. Police are an ‘after the fact thing’, they are not there ‘during the fact when its happening to you’ – police arrive AFTER its happened or started, not when you need the protection the most when it happens or has started. That fact of calling the police and waiting for their response is why more people are killed or injured during a mass shooting, because it gives the mass shooter on average a minimum of 3 minutes target zone dominance and a lot of people can be killed or injured in 3 minutes. But if we compare engagement of the mass shooter by an already on scene ordinary law abiding armed citizen we see that 3 minutes of dominance time is denied the mass shooter and fewer people are killed or injured than waiting for police to show up. Even in Nashville, those brave police officers still took 14 minutes from receiving the call to taking down the shooter, and during that time, in the first 3-5 minutes of the attack most of the victims were killed and during that time the police certainly were not there to protect them or at any time when the victims were killed (not being critical of the police in the Nashville incident, just pointing out the fallacy of “if we need protection, we call the police” .

    NO! You want protection then its really up to you to provide it. Police time and time agai9n have asserted they have no duty to protect you, the SCOTUS and courts say they have no duty to protect you. And actually that applies to the National Guard and regular military too, their duty is to protect and defend the constitution and obey the orders from those appointed over them, they do not have a constitutional duty to protect individuals. If police do happen to protect you, its not a duty but rather something they chose to do. You are the only one that a duty to protect you.

    You are your “protection” ‘during the fact when its happening to you’, you are your only true first responder. Yes, you need a gun.

    • The police only have a duty to protect those they have in custody, criminals get ‘duty to protect’ from police and not the ordinary law abiding citizen.

      June Bower is a delusional person, sick, wrapped up in the anti-gun mental illness delusion. Her whole, basically, rant is full of the typical disingenuous deceptions of the anti-gun agenda.

  20. what should scare good and decent folk all over america the most about that statement is that:
    1 there are actual people out there that are actually dumb enough to believe it
    -we call those people democrats-
    2 they vote in every election

  21. Between the BLM riots and all the school shootings where the police have stood by I don’t know that I have much faith in the veracity of this claim.

  22. 16,000,000 AR15s in circulation is a gross undercount; simply looking at production numbers over the last few years.

    The toothpaste is out of the tube at this point. These are common use self-defense firearms.

  23. “POLICE” as ATF, FBI, IRS, USPS and 100 other fed agencies? (most/all utterly corrupted by the demtard progs).

  24. Does she know that the Police have no duty to protect individual rights? They show up after the fact and protect Society at Large. It’s already been tested in Court.

    • Just a heads-up about lil’ d’s diatribe posted below : SSDD and TLDR pretty much covers it. It’s like you cleanup barf, microwave it, and have it again for dinner.

  25. All other civilized nations have extreme restrictions on buying and owning firearms except Capitalvania where life is considered cheap and expendable.

    None of the industrialized civilized nations put up with the gun insanity and mass murder that currently is tolerated in Capitalvania.

    If guns made Capitalvania safer it would currently be the safest nation on earth to live in, not the evil hell hole of chaos with the streets running rivers of blood that is currently the reality of living in a nation gone completely mad. At what point will the madness of the Far Right claim we have reached the point of weapon saturation hat will make us all safe(sarcasm)

    I have walked the streets of some 3rd World Countries and been far safer than walking even a small town street in Capitalvania after dark. Could it just be that their tough gun control laws and Social Safety Net Programs resulted in a much safer and civilized country to live in?

    No sane person can argue with the paranoid nut cases of the Far Right, as they are totally incapable of rational thought due to their advanced and sick paranoia and their racial hatreds reminding one of living in Nazi Germany in the late 1930’s

    The Far Right even scream that the “body count” of children is not high enough to justify any safe storage laws or extreme restrictions on weapons of mass destruction used to slaughter children at school on a daily basis.

    When a society fails to protect its own children its a clear indication that the society in question is disintegrating into chaos.

    All great nations have throughout history had a rapid rise to power and influence, a plateau of international dominance and finally a sudden or even gradual descent into madness and self destruction. What President Lincoln warned us about in regards to self-destruction is already here. What President Eisenhower warned us about the Military Industrial Complex destroying us from within is already here.

    History has once again repeated itself and we have already gone the way of the Roman Empire. At least the Roman Empire lasted 1,000 years proving how much more civilized and successful they were compared to Capitalvania which has only lasted since 1776.

    When we have the Far Right Lunatics supporting a would be dictator like Herr Drumpf who came perilously close to establishing a self appointed life long dictatorship and a one party State we can see how far down the path of self-destruction the Nation has already taken as most of the Far Right Fanatic’s support a dictatorship of jackbooted stormtroopers and the complete destruction of the 1st Amendment.

    Its chilling to compare Hitler’s beer hall putsch of 1923 and Herr Drumpfs beer hall putsch of 2020, as well as the Charlotteville Trump/Nazi torchlight parade. The purpose of Hitler’s torch light parades and Herr Drumpfs were one and the same.

    Hitler relaxed the gun control laws of Bismarck and Herr Drumpf supported the radicals in the NRA.

    Hitler and Herr Drumpf both ran political campaigns based on extreme racism and hate of minorities and immigrants. The Far Right has changed not one iota since the terror of Adolf Hitler and his gang of Nazi thugs, they simply came to the U.S. after the conclusion of WWII with the help of the O.S.S. who gave them new identities so the evil could survive and live among us and spread in the U.S. The Far Right in the U.S. are he result of this U.S. secret government program.

    The Far Right do not deny they want weapons to take over the government and establish a one party all white state and liquidate all minorities or at the least make them into second class citizens and of course outlaw all immigration and ban any admittance of any refugees and of course blow up the Statue of Liberty to smithereens.

    • None of the industrialized civilized nations put up with the gun insanity and mass murder that currently is tolerated in Capitalvania.

      I beg to differ since Ukraine is “tolerating” (not true of course) the past 12 months of mass murder in their nation.

      If guns made Capitalvania safer it would currently be the safest nation on earth to live in …

      As I hinted above, Russia had no qualms invading Ukraine and killing 10s of thousands of Ukrainians. Why would Russia have had any qualms since the populace was unarmed and unable to resist Russian attacks? Had Ukrainian citizens possessed millions of handguns, shotguns, “deer” rifles, and semi-automatic “battle” rifles (with corresponding billions of rounds of ammunition), I don’t think Russia would have invaded.

      So, yes, our citizenry possessing 400+ million firearms DOES make us the safest nation on earth. It only depends on whether or not you include foreign invaders in your threat profile.

      • To No Common Sense

        quote————-Had Ukrainian citizens possessed millions of handguns, shotguns, “deer” rifles, and semi-automatic “battle” rifles (with corresponding billions of rounds of ammunition), I don’t think Russia would have invaded.———–quote

        Wars and even battles are not won by small arms they are won by artillery and air power.

        Just one of many examples:

        During the battle of Khe Sanh in Vietnam NVA forces vastly outnumbered U.S. forces and during the entire war North Vietnam had 3 million soldiers and another 1 million guerilla fighters as opposed just 1/2 million U.S. forces when they were at their peak. Yet the U.S. defeated a vastly larger Vietnamese army at the battle of Khe Sanh with a much smaller force of men though mostly air power. Small arms ment little or nothing otherwise the Vietnamese would easily have won.

        quote————It only depends on whether or not you include foreign invaders in your threat profile.———-quote

        The U.S. has a weak neighbor (Mexico) to the south of us and a friendly neighbor (Canada) to the north of us. Separating us from Europe we have the Atlantic Ocean and in the west we have the Pacific Ocean yet far right clowns were convinced that during the Vietnam war their troops would swim the Pacific Ocean with bayonets between their teeth and storm ashore on the beaches of California. In other words the idea we need guns to fight off an invasion by a foreign nation is about as silly as thinking Trump made a good President. I might add artillery pieces do not float on the ocean very well either.

        • Khe San was a battle. Who won the war?

          What makes you believe a modern war to rule America will be fought army against army?

      • This idiot likes to compare people in the US who own guns to natsees and then goes on and on about how “unsafe” we are. Well, if we take a bit broader view of death with firearms than he does and include in our analysis say, the twentieth century well, then, hmm. Over, let’s say the last 125 years, where have more people died at the end of a gun? In the U.S. or in oh-so-civilized Europe? Gee, I wonder if there were any significant events in Europe during the 20th century that cost a lot of people their lives?

      • To No Common Sense

        quote————-Had Ukrainian citizens possessed millions of handguns, shotguns, “deer” rifles, and semi-automatic “battle” rifles (with corresponding billions of rounds of ammunition), I don’t think Russia would have invaded.———–quote

        Wars and even battles are not won by small arms they are won by artillery and air power.

        Just one of many examples:

        During the battle of Khe Sanh in Vietnam NVA forces vastly outnumbered U.S. forces and during the entire war North Vietnam had 3 million soldiers and another 1 million guerilla fighters as opposed just 1/2 million U.S. forces when they were at their peak. Yet the U.S. defeated a vastly larger Vietnamese army at the battle of Khe Sanh with a much smaller force of men though mostly air power. Small arms ment little or nothing otherwise the Vietnamese would easily have won.

        quote————It only depends on whether or not you include foreign invaders in your threat profile.———-quote

        The U.S. has a weak neighbor (Mexico) to the south of us and a friendly neighbor (Canada) to the north of us. Separating us from Europe we have the Atlantic Ocean and in the west we have the Pacific Ocean yet far right clowns were convinced that during the Vietnam war their troops would swim the Pacific Ocean with bayonets between their teeth and storm ashore on the beaches of California. In other words the idea we need guns to fight off an invasion by a foreign nation is about as silly as thinking Trump made a good President. I might add artillery pieces do not float on the ocean very well either.

    • In Parador, according to my wife, the term used to describe a traffic jam translates into English as a diarrhea of cars. dacian, there are treatments available for your diarrhea of words. I know it’s embarrassing, and you can’t help it, but you got it bad…

    • So much excrement in one post. Nothing to debate in the post because the claims are so far from reality that a debate would legitimize the complete ignorance you displayed.

    • Hitler was directly responsible for the deaths of *MILLIONS* over a period of about 6 years. How many people did Trump murder? Your moral equivocation is patently ridiculous. US Domestic deaths due to homicide for the entirety of the 20th century and the 21st thus far, pale in comparison to what occurred in Europe during the first half of the 20th. Really, mostly, during about 10-15 years of that half century. Those “civilized” nations caused the end of around 80 million lives during WWII alone. WWI kicked in about another 40 million dead. Tell me again how our cousins across the pond are the civilized ones. Get a new shtick, idiot.

    • Hitler did not relax gun control. He banned gun possession and confiscated firearms. Just like you would like to do.

  26. What a fool. Making that claim is like saying you don’t need freedom of speech because you can turn on CNN.

  27. “There was no National Guard. It stands to reason citizens were given the right to keep and bear arms; if threatened, they were the militia.”

    We weren’t “given” the right to keep and bear arms you stupid bitch. It is nice to know that you know we are the militia. Keep talking and keep digging you ignorant bastards.

  28. Man standing in line with a rifle and Iowa isn’t a S%$thole….Hmmmmmm could there be a connection?

  29. As others have mentioned, the Uvalde police response has put paid to the idea that the police will protect you. Not only did they do nothing to protect children in a school but they actively prevented parents from trying to save their children. They would have had to shoot me in the back to keep me from rescuing my children in such a situation. I really don’t know how the police inside that school and those that didn’t enter because they were afraid can live with themselves.

  30. My comment was placed ‘in moderation’ then deleted.
    I knew this site was lame and full of fudds, but now I have proof positive.
    The ‘moderators’ are some serious behind the curve thinkers, unable to stay in tune with the modern world, as are many of the posters.
    And I’m well into my 7th decade, if I can keep up, why can’t you?
    TTAG, the place where the modern world goes to die.
    To the moderators…stick it in your headwarmers!
    For this and other reasons, I seldom post here.
    This site is no longer worth the waste of my time, DELETED!!!

  31. I am endlessly amazed at some people’s total inability to comprehend plain English. How do the People “regulate” the State, and its minions, the militia? BY BEING ARMED! Saying you can only be armed if you’re in the militia is like saying we have civilian control of the military if you can only vote if you enlist. The Second Amendment is there to protect the People from the State. If the militia answers to the State, then the People need protection from it. Why is this so hard to understand?

  32. Finally some truth from you. I believe you have “walked the streets of some 3rd world countries”. Was your butt sore afterwards?

  33. The small town where I have a couple houses is about as safe a place as you can find anywhere. The few murders that have happened were either domestic issues gone bad, or drug related crimes. And most of those didn’t include the use of firearms, but knives or blunt objects/fists/feet.
    Me being me and armed as I usually am, I would not fear to walk down any city street at any time. Funny how many of the usual miscreants in the big cities fear the crazy white guy.
    Been in many of those so called civilized countries 1 of our regular fools loves to tout as being so much better than the US. Best watch your back and have a care because while they may not shoot you, a knife into the kidney or under the ribs will do just as well and makes less noise.
    As for the idiot claiming he has been in third world countries, I have my doubts. Much of his screeds read like the fever dreams of some soiboi living in Mommy’s basement scrolling through social media feeds and trolling the interwebs looking for cheap thrills and game cheat codes.
    Our rights to keep and bear arms, along with the rest of those spelled out in the BOR and Constitution are non negotiable. Try to remove any of them and the second civil war will start moments later.

  34. “They don’t call on individual citizens to come out and lend help with their guns.” Oh? Maybe not the National Guard, but police officers can, and refusing to assist is a crime.

    Check out:

    Check the list for your state, then check the current state laws to be sure just what your/our obligations are, if any. (Note that California did away with their requirement in 2019.)

  35. I like his assumption that the National Guard are apart from ordinary citizens…

  36. I don’t accept lectures on rights from people who don’t understand the concept of rights, the source of rights, or the difference between rights and privileges.

  37. No one gets smallpox anymore. Besides, we have doctors and hospitals. Let’s do away with mandatory vaccinations.

  38. since we have fire departments we don’t need to have fire extinguishers any more.

    so when your home is burning down call them, and like the police they will show up after the fact.

    that does wonders, not.

  39. Men and women are different. Some men are more like women and vice versa, but in general this is true. Women act differently than men. Women will be (when I say “women will”, I mean that a large majority of women will act in the same manner) passive. They will not be aggressive, and they will expect a man (father, brother, husband) to protect them. Here, June is reprising the female standard: a man -in the form of government- will take care of her.
    Women’s suffrage has produced a government with more charitable characteristics, but this woman illustrates why I sometimes think the tradeoff has not been worth it.

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