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Boxer Tactical Daily Digest 6.1.16: Softball Questions, Kids With Guns and Another Rapper Goes Down


Pelosi grilled by San Francisco middle schoolers on guns, Trump –  “The visit to the Mission neighborhood private school capped the students’ yearlong civics project about gun control, which included producing a newspaper, a website and a 1,000-signature petition delivered to Pelosi’s local office supporting a range of legislation, including requiring background checks for gun purchases across the nation. ‘Your activism is really very, very important, and I thank you,’ the House minority leader told the students. ‘The future is yours, you are the future. You have to take an interest in it.’” Really? Grilled? Maybe by the standards of the questions she typically gets from the compliant media . . .

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‘Plastic Toy Guns Are Not Dangerous Weapons, It’s the Officers’ – “With his finger on the trigger of the .38-caliber service revolver he carried, George cautiously climbed the stairwell. Simultaneously, Heyward Jr. and the three “robbers” energetically hopped their way down the steps with their old, 18-inch, brown and black Western carbine-styled toy guns in tow. They were ready to get the “cops” and win the game.”


Who says guns don’t save lives? Neighborhood kids use water guns to save West Fargo man from fire – “When firefighters arrived, they found the remains of a planter that had caught fire. The flames had extended into the siding and wood decking adjacent to the planter. The fire was already out, however, and it was later determined that five neighborhood kids saw the fire, alerted the occupant, and then used their water guns to control the blaze before firefighters arrived.”


Leupold & Stevens, Inc., is partnering with EraThr3 and Follow Through Consulting to offer up a very limited edition rifle, optics and training package, with the proceeds going to U.S. Marine Corps charities. Along with the EraThr3 rifle and Leupold Mark 6® 3-18x44mm riflescope, each purchase comes with three days of precision rifle instruction from Buck Doyle of Follow Through Consulting. Most importantly, $1,000 from each rifle will go to one of the Marine Corps charities with which Doyle is involved. Click here for details.

Another rapper arrested on a gun charge. Who saw that one coming?

Nevada prisons no longer using birdshot – Switching to less lethal.

26 thoughts on “<FONT COLOR="#00aeef">Boxer Tactical </FONT> Daily Digest 6.1.16: Softball Questions, Kids With Guns and Another Rapper Goes Down”

  1. “– “When firefighters arrived, they found the remains of a planter that had caught fire. The flames had extended into the siding and wood decking adjacent to the planter. The fire was already out, however, and it was later determined that five neighborhood kids saw the fire, alerted the occupant, and then used their water guns to control the blaze before firefighters arrived.”

    Local school officials quickly opted for a 2 week school suspension saying, “Unfortunately these students haven’t learned that we don’t need water guns to put out fires. That’s what the fire department is for. I mean, what if the fire got a hold of their guns?!”

  2. the students’ yearlong civics project about gun control

    Ah, the Obamajugend. They’re so cute when they’re brainwashed, aren’t they?

    • Ralph, you do know the only civics text approved by the San Francisco school board was written by Karl Marx, right ?

    • Half of ’em when they hit twenty will rebel and buy a gun with their first job…

      • One can only hope, but as a former denizen I can offer that the group-think and social pressure is amazing when it comes to guns.

        Just sayin’…

        • Not just about guns, at least in my experience.

          It’s all about freedom of choice and expression, until your choices and expressions disagree with what’s approved. Then, prepare to be shamed, shunned and silenced.

          But, at least some of the kids are going to understand that they only way they can pass this class and graduate is to toe the line and say and write what the teacher wants to hear. If they know that know, and understand what it implies, they’ll be fine eventually.

        • That’s why it’s so important for us to take non-gun people to the range as much as possible. If you grow up in an anti-gun environment and never have the chance to try it for yourself, it’s easy to stay locked into that mindset by default and never question it. Without any personal experience, there’s nothing to counter the anti-gun narrative.

          But put a .22 in their hands and get them knocking cans around and ringing steel, and you’ve planted a seed of doubt that often leads to an about-face on the topic.

          Sure, the hyper-indoctrinated social justice warriors are beyond help. But the majority of people with “anti-gun” attitudes in anti-gun locales are just running on autopilot with the garbage they’ve been fed. A positive, fun, safe experience shooting is like an inoculation that strengthens their immunity to that social pressure and groupthink. It may not convert them to arsenal-owning ammunition hoarders overnight, but it starts the process.

  3. So, who’s going to petition the local school board start a student project to implement Constitutional carry and eliminate gun-free zones?


    • Geo-scientist are saying CA is long overdue for a large earthquake, let us all hope when it comes it swallows up Pelosi et al and does not spit her back up. My other wish is that it takes out the Facebook building.

      • “…CA is long overdue for a large earthquake…”

        I have seriously wished for mass-scale catastrophe to hit the major Progressive population centers.

        Really. I’m not kidding.

        Upon reflection, that would only make the problem *worse*.

        If a nuclear strike or a 10+ Richter scale earthquake hits San Fran or L.A., *millions* of survivors will pour out of the disaster zones and be re-settled in the surrounding rural, conservative areas and pollute them with their toxic Progressive political philosophy.

        Imagine beautiful upstate New York infested with *millions* of ‘NYC New Yawkers’.

        There’s just no escaping those corrupt wastes of viable protoplasm. The only way to exterminate them is a nasty contagion, and there’s no controlling that.

        We’re truly doomed…

        *sobbing pitifully*

      • The resulting tsunami from the Pacific Plate portion of California sliding into the ocean should take care of the Hawaii problem.

  4. I wonder how these kids would feel , if they were told . They needed a background check and wait ten days. To exercise their first amendment right of petition.

  5. “EraThr3”? They know that you can name your company anything you want, and it doesn’t have to be inscrutably compressed to fit on a license plate, right?

    • Poor kids. I learned to be somewhere else when “my” elected officials stop in to give a talk. They don’t get that choice.

      I learned such after Stabenow visited a plant I was working in and I got to hear how much she supports our second amendment right to hunt.

  6. We’ve seen how Pelosi reacts when she converses with people other than brainwashed adolescents. Go easy on her… she’s special.

  7. Poor kids. I learned to be somewhere else when “my” elected officials stop in to give a talk. They don’t get that choice.

    I learned such after Stabenow visited a plant I was working in and I got to hear how much she supports our second amendment right to hunt.

  8. Heaven forbid the teacher splits the class in two and makes either side have a different stance for learning both sides of an issue. It might actually lead to learning instead of indoctrination.

  9. The picture with Pelosi should have caption that reads ,”Indoctrination , Do it for the children”

  10. It’s super easy to write off a state and suggest we “wall them off”. I say it sometimes, even. But if anything, TTAG’s own Sara Tipton is a great example of someone who is POTG, but was behind enemy lines.

    I know plenty of people in New York, as well, that due to this thing called life, ended up there, despite being pro-gun. Family commitments, job, etc. The best we can do is help them fight back, and/or get out.

    The issue is the cities. The bulk of the population lives there, even though the states themselves are huge. So you have people crammed into a small portion of the total area of the state, dictating policy for the rest of the state.

    I’ve often thought of maybe having population centers in excess of say, a few million, become their own states, but then I’d actually be “proper f–ked” since I live in Miami. South Florida leans a little left, and the only thing that allows us down here to enjoy our gun rights is that the rest of the state presents a viable bulwark towards the wretched excesses of the banana republic politicians down here. For the most part – yes, I’m looking at you, de la Portilla.

    If SFL were to become it’s own state, I can easily envision California-style taxation and gun control being the norm.

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