What’s the weirdest thing you can imagine turned into a shotgun slug? How about breakfast cereal?

Ammo tester extraordinaire TAOFLEDERMAUS filmed a few test shots with cereal used inside a shotgun slug. Strange? Yes. Impossible? Never.

Not if TAOFLEDERMAUS has anything to say about it, at least. See more of his videosĀ here and on his YouTube channel.


  1. Jesus, stop. What is with this strange insertions fetish?

    Next week: What happens when you fire a gun out of a shotgun shell?

  2. Lots of folks shoot Cream of Wheat (or analogs of) to fire form brass. How could this possibly be considered breaking new ground? Whoever writes the text of WOS-T posts is the epitome of a really annoying and bad internet marketer. It is so, bad I often imagine that they are doing it tongue in cheek.

  3. If there could be a dumber article than this, there probably will be, and everytime I see this shit my interest in this site is fading. To whom it may concern…… Please shake your head and come too ! What a waste

  4. If there could be a dumber article than this, there probably will be, and everytime I see this shit my interest in this site is fading. To whom it may concern…… Please shake your head and come too ! What a waste What’s next Twinkes stuffed in an AK to see if it functions ?

  5. End this pseudo scientific masturbatory exercise. Just fill a shell with baby batter and be done with it.

  6. One more of these lazy video links and im done with TTGA. I have had you guys favorited for some time now and the site had degraded in the last few months. There are plenty of products, new firearms and just everyday innovations in the industry that there is no need for this lazy journalism. I have enjoyed your site on a daly basis so please stop with the childish are marshmellows deadly if I shoot them upside down in drag videos.

  7. You would need over 13 rounds of 00 buckshot to get the same nutrition as just ONE round of Total.

  8. Cheerios used to be shaped like teeny tiny Frisbee’s, until TAOFLEDERMAUS started shooting. I really hope he’s never around when I’m eating breakfast. I don’t need any help shooting off my mouth!

  9. Depends on the cereal, I’d say. Puffed wheat makes for a good non-lethal round, while Captain Crunch is probably capable of taking down a grizz. I mean, seriously, have you ever eaten a bowl of that stuff without the roof of your mouth being scratched to hell?

    I left out Grape Nuts, btw. Because I’m pretty sure that’s just gravel in a box, not actual food.

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