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BREAKING: Two Dead Including Suspect, Two Injured in Reno Hospital Shooting


USA Today is reporting that there was an incident in a Reno, Nevada hospital earlier today where four people were injured and eventually ended with the suspect taking their own life. CNN has just updated their count to two dead (including the gunman) and two others injured. Reports indicate that the incident lasted less than 15 minutes, and at this time the suspect is the only confirmed fatality. Make the jump for the info from USA Today . . .

Multiple shots were fired Tuesday at a Reno medical facility and at least one person is dead and another injured, according to police.

The shooting is at the Renown Regional Medical Facility campus, said Sgt. Albert Snover of the Reno Police Department.

Reno Police Department Deputy Chief Tom Robinson said person who is dead is believed to be the shooter.

The Associated Press reported that the gunman injured four people before killing himself.

Reno police say the man entered the Center for Advanced Medicine at Renown at about 2:45 p.m. PST with at least one firearm and began shooting.

Reno police Lt. Tom Robinson says the shooter turned the gun on himself before 3 p.m.

Robinson says one of the shooting victims is in surgery. Information isn’t immediately available on the condition of the others.

Details are still scarce, but we’ll bring you more information as it comes.

49 thoughts on “BREAKING: Two Dead Including Suspect, Two Injured in Reno Hospital Shooting”

  1. “the suspect taking THEIR own life”??? “The suspect” is singular, “their” is plural. You should know better Nick.

  2. Well he saved the tax payers of Nevada some money. Should be interesting to see how this works itself out. Was he confronted with a good guy with a gun?

    • “Well he saved the tax payers of Nevada some money.”… Your idea of `saving’ is warped…
      Whatever the `taxpayers of Nevada’ were saved in trial- or punishment costs by the gunman killing himself was more than offset by the costs of emergency medical care to all shot – the years or decades of costs that must be expended for the survivors for care & rehabilitation (and likely long-term unemployability), not to mention the permanent loss of an excellent doctor.

  3. Aren’t hospitals usually gun free zones? If so, let me get this straight: rooms full of drugs, and…

    • In Florida, they’re not gun free zones.

      I don’t know about Nevada, but I wouldn’t make assumptions.

      • Technically, it hasn’t been tested in court, yet. It could be argued that hospitals are medical facilities that treat mental illness and, therefore, are prohibited places. All in all, precedent hasn’t been set but who wants to be the test case, right?

      • Nothing in the Nevada code prevents carry in hospitals. The only exception would be if it was a public building, which basically means government owned, and I’m pretty sure it is not.

        • No, carry is not prohibited in a health care facility in Nevada unless it is a public facility such as a county hospital…and even then as Nevada Law reads (if i read it correctly) concealed carry is not prohibited even in a “public” building (other than a school) if the concealed carrier works in the public building. I do believe that Renown is a private hospital therefore concealed carry is permitted by those who have the proper certification either way.

    • A few years ago while taking my CC class we were told that in NC it was illegal to carry in any learning institution or school. The instuctor made the point that some hospitals were “teaching hospitals” and fell under this restriction even if it wasn’t clearly posted as such. Alas, we are tasked with so many things as gun owners, expert marksmen, safety inspectors, legal experts, and now clairvoyants…

    • In Texas they were gun-free zones by law until just about five years ago or so. Now they’re legally gun-free only if they post the official signage. Keep in mind, though, some hospitals are university-affiliated teaching hospitals, even if they aren’t on the university’s main campus. That could qualify as a gun-free school. Some other hospitals may have a designated wing for the local prison. Maybe that could count as a gun-free correctional facility? Of course, VA hospitals are federal facilities, so that’s another category. It all gets murky quickly, even before getting into state-specific laws.

    • Gun free zones or not, if you have the misfortune to get shot, you can’t ask for a better place for it to happen than in a hospital.

    • I was unable to find anything specific to hospitals in Nevada. I did find a couple forums where the answer was, similar to many other places, they can post signs, the signs do NOT carry the force of law, but you can be asked to leave, and you can be trespassed if you do not.

    • University hospitals are gun free. Public buildings are gun free. I can’t find a specific statute on private, not for profit hospitals, so I believe they’re not gun free killing zones. But they could be posted.

      In many NV gun-free zones, concealed carry is a no-no, but open carry is legal.

      • Correct on University Hospital as i believe that would count as an institute of higher education/school. There is an exception to the school law, if written permission is given by the “administrator” of the school concealed carry is legal.

        Public buildings are prohibited with some exceptions…notably if you are an employee of said public building, or have written permission from the “administrator” of the public building NRS statutes read that you may legally conceal and carry a firearm in that public building.

        Source: (links to publicly available NRS statutes provided on this site)

      • Nevada has preemption laws. If it is not Nevada code, it is not legal regulation. No city, county, or town can limit firearms. It is state level code.

        NRS 268.418
        NRS 269.222
        NRS 244.364

        They don’t teach that it the CFP class because north Vegas has stricter regulations, even though it violates Nevada code. I personally follow Nevada code only and am legally in the right. They also teach that Nevada requires you to inform an officer of your CFP on traffic stops. Again, there is no code that requires such, and thus you actually don’t.

        If you want to know the truth of your state’s code, you have to look it up yourself.

      • And 45% chance of mid-latitude geomagnetic storming []. Better indicator than the moon in my experience. Put the two together and the nuts will drop from the trees for sure.

  4. Hospitals are one place where there are always plenty of armed guards, usually off-duty police (in uniform, ‘natch).

    • Media jumps every time a story involving guns comes up. Truth is, violent crime is dropping every year and near all-time lows.

  5. I laugh: The left plays the racism card incessantly. Yet, when they want to work up an anti-gun fervor among their own voters, they cover every stupid shooting in the US involving….white folks. Usually, as it turns out, left-wing politically disaffected white folks. I look in the major papers for this month’s shootings in the hoods. Not much coverage is being given lately. Hypocrites.

    Just as an eye-opener, I think it would beneficial if TTAG, the NYT, and the networks would, just for a week, highlight these and only these incidents: People in the U.S. beaten senseless with blunt objects. 24/7 coverage. “Oh, no! Unbelievable!” Media focus across a population of 312,375,123 people can make anything look like an epidemic.

    A day late: Loved Weingarten’s listing of GGWG defenses which worked.

    • ‘Propaganda’ is the conveyance of selected, tailored information for the consumption of a captive, willing audience.

  6. ” … there was an incident in a Reno, Nevada hospital earlier today where four people were injured and eventually ended with the suspect taking _their_ own life.”


    • But “their” sounds so much more democratic. It’s like “they” decided to form a committee, submit data for consideration, and arrive at a consensus.

      It very progressive.

  7. “Reno police say the man entered the Center for Advanced Medicine at Renown at about 2:45 p.m. PST with at least one firearm and began shooting.”

    What’s the purpose of saying “with at least one firearm” other to imply there was more than one and sensationalize the story. If he was shooting then he had at least one firearm. Duh.

  8. Are these types of shootings happening more often or are they just being reported on more frequently now?

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