New York Brooklyn subway shooting
Emergency personnel gather at the entrance to a subway stop in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Tuesday, April 12, 2022. Multiple people were shot and injured Tuesday at a subway station in New York City during a morning rush hour attack that left wounded commuters bleeding on a train platform. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)
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By Karen Matthews and Michael R. Sisak, AP

At least five people were shot and injured Tuesday at a New York City subway station during a morning rush hour attack that left wounded commuters bleeding on a train platform and police searching for the shooter.

Fire personnel responding to reports of smoke at the 36th Street station in Brooklyn’s Sunset Park neighborhood at around 8:30 a.m. found at least 13 people were hurt, but — aside from the five shot — there were no details on what those injuries entailed.

According to multiple law enforcement sources briefed on the investigation, preliminary information indicated that the suspect who fled was a man wearing a construction vest and a gas mask.

(AP Photo/Kevin Hagen).

Photos and video from the scene showed people tending to bloodied passengers lying on the floor of the station and the air filled with smoke. Fire and police officials were investigating reports that there had been an explosion, but the police department tweeted that there were “no active explosive devices at this time.” Multiple smoke devices were found on the scene, said mayoral spokesperson Fabien Levy, who confirmed the initial shooting injury count.

At least 11 people were being treated at two local hospitals.

“My subway door opened into calamity. It was smoke and blood and people screaming,” eyewitness Sam Carcamo told radio station 1010 WINS, saying he saw a gigantic billow of smoke pouring out of the N train once the door opened.

(Will B Wylde via AP)

A bystander video shows people lying on the subway platform amid what appeared to be small puddles of blood, as a loudspeaker announcement told everyone on the smoke-hazy platform to get on a train. Inside a subway car, a person lay on the floor, encircled by others. Outside the station, a police officer yelled, “Let’s go! Get out of the way!”

Trains servicing that station were delayed during the morning rush hour.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ office did not immediately have more details. Adams was at the mayor’s residence Tuesday morning and was being briefed.

New York City Police Department personnel gather at the entrance to a subway stop in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Tuesday, April 12, 2022. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

The incident happened on a subway line that runs through south Brooklyn in a neighborhood about a 15-minute train ride to Manhattan. Local schools, including Sunset Park High School across the street, were locked down.

Danny Mastrogiorgio of Brooklyn had just dropped his son off at school when he saw a crush of passengers, included multiple wounded, running up the subway stairway at the 25th Street station in panic. At least two had visible leg injuries, he said.

In this photo from social media video, passengers run from a subway car in a station in the Brooklyn borough of New York. (Will B Wylde via AP) (Will B. Wylde via AP)

“It was insane,” he told The Associated Press. “No one knew exactly what was going on.”

Allan Lee was running his business, Cafe Nube, when a half-dozen police cars and fire vehicles suddenly converged on the block.

“Then they started ushering people that were on the block to the adjacent block and then closed off the subway entrance” near the cafe’s door, he told the AP. When he noticed bomb squad officers and dogs, he was certain it was no everyday subway problem.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul speaks at a news conference in the Brooklyn borough of New York. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Gov. Kathy Hochul said in a statement she had been briefed on the situation and said her office would work with the transit authority and police department as the investigation continued. President Joe Biden had also been briefed on the latest developments and White House senior staff were in touch with Adams and NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell.

Police officers were canvassing 4th Avenue, the station’s cross-street, asking witnesses whether they were on the train. A sea of emergency lights was visible from at least a dozen blocks away, where a police cordon was set up.

A gunman filled a rush-hour subway train with smoke and shot multiple people Tuesday, leaving wounded commuters bleeding on a Brooklyn platform as others ran screaming, authorities said. Police were still searching for the suspect. (Will B Wylde via AP)

The shootings come as New York City has faced a spate a shootings and high-profile incidents in recent months, including on the city’s subways. One of the most shocking was in January when a woman was pushed to her death in front of a train by a stranger.

Adams, a Democrat a little over 100 days into his term, has made cracking down on crime — especially on the subways — a focus of his early administration, pledging to send more police officers into stations and platforms for regular patrols. It wasn’t immediately clear whether officers had already been inside the station when the shootings occurred.


UPDATE: A gunman filled a rush-hour subway train with smoke and shot multiple people Tuesday, leaving wounded commuters bleeding on a Brooklyn platform as others ran screaming, authorities said. Police were still searching for the shooter.

Officials said the gunfire wounded at least 10 people, and at least 16 in all were injured in some way in the attack that began on a subway train that pulled into the 36th Street station in the borough’s Sunset Park neighborhood. Five people were in critical condition, New York Fire Department Acting Commissioner Laura Kavanagh said, but Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell said there were no life-threatening injuries.

Sewell added that the attack was not being investigated as terrorism, but that she was “not ruling out anything.” The shooter has not been identified.

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  1. New York, New York. If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. Highlander, Queen.

    • I came here to TTAG after reading of this earlier this morning on Zerohedge and FoxNews. A high percentage of the comments on those pages are centered around the (expected) sentiment of “hmm…only a day after Biden announces changes to ‘ghost gun’ rules and FFLs…”

    • you’d think, after all that has been happening there…that the cameras would at least be working…

    • For normal people yes absolutely re gun free zone. As to shooter could be that guess, could be loner, could glow, lots of options but likely not typical mass shooter for NYC.

    • If that’s even close to the truth the killer will disappear from the legacy media just like the DC/NY homeless killer…

      • Could fit that DC/NY profile as well and I would agree that would drop from the news faster than our Lt. Governor being arrested for all kinds of corruption today.

    • Police Commisioner Keevhant Sewell described the suspect as “a Black man, approximately 5-feet-5 tall and heavily built, who was seen wearing a gas mask, grey hoodie, and a green construction vest.”

    • My advice: Abandon NYC, and other large cities while you still can. Or stay there and die.

      • It happens everywhere. I live in New Albany, Indiana, a town of less than 40,000 people, and we’ve had 3 murders in the last month.

        • Had to do the math there but that was right around Wilmington (Delaware) murder rates when CNN did that Murdertown USA special on them. Was weird teasing the guys in the unit from that region about outdoing Philly per capita.

        • Nah more likely Atlanta Miami and related metro centers, you got more of our winter loving Karens from Upstate and Southern Tier along with a few wealthier ski junkies…….. well on the larger scale anyway impossible to tell by neighborhood.

        • Dixie. Deep red Dixie. The land of guns and ‘gators. We hung out a big NO VACANCY sign a couple years ago, but the ‘gators are gettin’ a bit hungry. Come on down. 🙂

    • I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the FBI.
      They’ve had a bad couple of weeks of being caught pulling shit. Realty is effectively one big COINTELPRO scheme at this point.

      • Could need a distraction from Russia and Ukrane going sideways, could need a distraction from the Lt. Governor of NY getting arrested for corruption related crimes, could be a push for the gun control, and could be a criminal being a criminal. In any case I doubt we will get a meaningful amount of facts anytime soon.

        • “Could need a distraction from Russia and Ukraine going sideways”

          But Russia and Ukraine IS the distraction. If they didn’t have that going, who would they blame everything on? Plus, those billions of dollars that our great-great-grandchildren will earn someday aren’t going to spend themselves.

      • yes we live in the matrix. george soros built it. lizard people run it. the deep state hides the democrat child abuse ring. trump will save us. the government puts microchips in vaccines. realty.

    • The shooter is the FBI, or perhaps some guy pretending to be FBI or Secret Service, a lot of that going on now.

    • Here let me fix that for you: “My predictions: The shooter WAS THE FBI”

      Once upon a time that would be crackpot conspiracy rambling… it’s a safe bet.

    • According to an article I just read, you are correct. Investigated and cleared by the FBI. Surprise, surprise, surprise.

    • I was right: Law enforcement told Newsweek the suspect was the previously known to the FBI, having been entered into the Guardian Lead terrorism monitoring system in New Mexico, and discharged in 2019

  2. Clearly a ghost gun.
    He could never have obtained any other sort of weapon as there are laws against that.

    • Why do I have the unshakable feeling that this is a false-flag operation where law enforcement will report finding the perpetrator stooge who is responsible–and will further report that he/she used, wait for it, a homemade firearm!

      • …. Far Right Trumper, anti-vaxxing Russian sympathizing white supremist , using ghost gun loaded with hollow point home built ammo stuffed into large capacity clip thingys, aiming at non binary and mixed everything victims. Did I leave out anything important?

        • I heard it weighed as much as TEN moving boxes, and has a thingy that flipped up. Shoots 300 rds in under one second too.

        • … did I leave out anything important? O. K., just off the top of my head – stolen election believer, global warming denier, precious metal hoarder, yadda yadda. Hey, at least he believes in masking

        • More like you’re nuts if you’re not paranoid. And why could I pick just from that list ?

      • It was a lizard person planted by George Soros (who is a holographic alien) to kill sovereign agents working to uncover a clinton-backed pedophile ring at an underground D.C pizzeria! But don’t work; Donald Trump will uncover this pedophile ring and free us all from zionist oppressors!!

        • I did my research and confirmed this too. There are forces at play. Laugh now but just you wait until Trump Returns and Saves us all!! Trump Saves! God Bless!

  3. We all await a report on the ghost gun, who is behind the mask, and of course precise self defined gender and genital status of the terrorist so that media can judge him accordingly. For the perpetrator’s sake it better not be heteronormative.

  4. Most likely a Democrat, with an anti-gun agenda, maybe even a FBI operation, coordinated with Biden’s “speech” by the DOJ.

    • Hey man put away the tinfoil. Our government would never take advantage of a tragedy to push freedom abridging legislation they wrote a decade prior let alone set up conditions favorable to some actors committing said tragedy that’s just crazy.

      • LOL … the hypocrisy i here abounds. As does the sarcasm but both are indeed entertaining.

        Don’t speak too loud or the snotball bastards will require background checks before purchasing tin foil.

        • I try to go for humor in the midst of reality, tends to be more enjoyable while still getting the point across.

        • Well that’s just impossible crazy people can’t own guns especially in New York we have gun control.

  5. Smoke bombs? We don’t see those in typical mass shootings. Someone planned this, he didn’t just spur of the moment start shooting. Maybe it was a hit on someone specific? He waited for some specific target to appear, knowing that the target used the subway regularly? I suppose that those rumors of incindiaries refer to the smoke bombs, no need to complicate things by suggesting that explosives failed to detonate.

    So, probably not a terrorist attack, or if it was, it was extremely low budget, poor planning, and dumb actors. I’ll go with a hit on someone, likely a gang member, until better info comes along.

    • Aurora had a few and some of the other mass killers attempted some stuff with pipe bomb type setups but their homemade variants had questionable levels of functionality. If they worked as designed yes something to look into further as that would suggest some more advanced experience even if it was just a they paid attention in college chemistry.

      • Holmes stuff was mostly traps built with the concept of starting a large fire that spread really fast.

        CSP’s investigation at the time issued a report that it was functional. He had the chemistry down.

        It took them forever to disarm that shit.

        • Holmes was a weird one at every level especially in that fine line of crazy/intelligent/functional.

    • Paul,

      The spree-killer who attacked people attending New Life Church in Colorado Springs back in 2007 set-off smoke bombs in the parking lot (to distract his victims) as part of his attack.

      Exceptionally ruthless spree-killers will go to such lengths.

      • I’m curious as to why it is that none of these people have made a few improvised frags.

        They’re not exactly hard to make and they’d be quite effective.

        After watching how long it took to get into Holmes apartment (I lived two blocks away at the time) I was somewhat surprised he didn’t do something like that.

        • Wild ass guess only but perhaps those inclined to try are either dumb/disorganized enough to blow themselves up or organized enough to focus on things that draw less attention. Dunno but glad its not as common as I have seen elsewhere.

        • Mental illness is generally characterized by disordered thinking, so for them it absolutely makes sense that they go the “easy route”.

          But several of these people have been quite sane, it seems. I dunno, maybe it just doesn’t occur to them.

          Regardless, I’m happy that they don’t do it. I don’t really want to spend a lot of time thinking about what a guy with a well planned attack and half a dozen improvised frag grenades could do, especially if they thought about how to create funnels inside a mall or something.

  6. Such terrorist acts succeed in stupid oppressive places were private ownership of firearms is all but impossible to wear for personal protection.

    While the SNOTBALL REGIMES in DC, NY, LA, and Chicago are worried about a few 80% gun frames and the responsible and lawful gun owners that build with them and enjoy criminals are unlawfully getting all the firearms and other weapons they ever need to carry out their despicable crimes. All these useless and treasonous politicians succeed in doing is furthering the agendas of criminals and terrorists and what’s worse is they ALL know this but they are able to use this to get in and stay in office and for those selfish scum that’s all that matters.

    • won’t even tell us the caliber of the gun…had to be casings lying around…their “press conference” told us they don’t know jack-shit….

  7. So obviously all done with AR15 ghost guns. I’m just patiently waiting to be told that those responsible for all this have a mile long rap sheet and were recently let out on a low bond. But it more likely tobe someone the FBI has known about for sometime and did nothing about.

    Personally, I’m betting it was a lone Canadian truck driver on his way to fight Russia with Ukraine. Probably carrying a trailer full of Kelley’s.

    All this huggamugga for what? Response to Biden’s ghost gun aspirations?

    If New York and whoever they want to call mayor want to save lives and fix all this then they need to stop so much focus on uselessness like ghost guns and stop locking up criminals.

      • I figured Kelley’s were the Canadian version of Karen.
        Bring a pile of them and sic em on the Russians.
        Wonder who would win a Karen or a pissed off Bábuška?

    • I could not agree more. Changing from a “may issue” to a “shall issue” state would also be a big help.

      • Don’t feed the troll. Tsbhoa.p.r is only here because he/she/them/they/thing/thing that like to have with other thing that looks like them but are not them/animal/fish with bow tie is only here to make gun owners look like racists. You know the only difference between tsbhoa.p.r’s penis and an ar15 trigger? The ar15 trigger is bigger and at least one girl has touched it.

        • My response was the troll one, when we call out the majority of anti asian violence in NY being black on asian in origin we get immediately shut down for promoting white supremacism which later was blamed for the root of the incidents. So no he wasn’t really trolling as much as posting statistical trends for NYC and I needed a sarc tag.

  8. Fake NEWS – New York has strict gun control, therefore “Gun Crime” is not possible. Must be a government false flag, etc.

  9. This is the very same place where grandma gets pushed into an oncoming train. Democrats used to scare the elderly into voting for them saying the Republicans were trying to kill your grandmother. They said Republicans were trying to steal and kill your babies too all while throwing parties over being able to kill children after they are born.

    I won’t discount the possibility of foreign terrorism here but I do find it interesting that this is the same city that brought us 9-11 (well and DC and the great state of Pennsylvania).

    You take your life in your hands when using the New York subway system. Perhaps just being in that city is enough.

    Where is AOC? Probably cowering in a corner putting up a Twitter video of how she almost got raped this morning.

    NYPD looks like a bunch of key stone cops wondering around.

    Who needs terrorists when there is a Democrat to take charge?

  10. Antifa? False flag? Give us a break with your kooky ideas. How about this: maybe the guy was crazy?

    I live a few blocks away.

  11. “BREAKING: 5 Shot in Brooklyn Rush Hour Subway Shooting”

    Not so surprisingly, not breaking in the news is that ~180 victims each hour of the day today across the United States will not be shot by criminals with a gun because the victims employed defensive gun use, and another ~110 victims each hour of today across the United States will not suffer serious injury at the hands of criminals not armed with a gun but some other weapon because the victims employed defensive gun use.

    But yeah, lets disarm the populace and get “Breaking: Several thousand across the United States were shot and otherwise seriously injured today” on the news. That’s sure to make the anti-gun freaks happy.

  12. Expect plenty more of this crap now that the brain dead dementia addled POS Resident in Chief has let so many cross the southern border. I want to curb stomp every effing douchebag idiot that voted this clown into office.

    • Yep. Thats another thing in itself. Not only are there going to be America hating killers, terrorists, and downright evil people come over the border but there will also likely be mental cases cross over too. Any one of which could cause all kinds of death. Particularly in places like New York, DC, Chicago, and southern California. But Democrats will sure blame anyone that owns a gun.

    • …and you wonder why your family laughs at you 🖕🤡.

      • What’s the problem? Couldn’t wait for the light of your life Lamp or Geoff to post your stupid drivel? Dance Spanky Dance!

      • muckraker,

        Our nameless, brainless, d***less troll has fantasies from watching “Brokeback Mountain” too many times . . . he just don’t know how to quit me. Or Geoff.

  13. I’m amazed that the police actually admitted that the shooter is Black.

    If President Obama had a bastard son, he would look like the New York City subway shooter.

    Then again, maybe Colin Ferguson has a bastard son?

    Just think of it as evolution in action.

  14. I smell a ghost gun!!!! Luckily New York bans high capacity magazines so this kind of thing can’t happen. 🙄

    • Golly no mention(yet!) of moose-lamb boo-lits. We’ll never known fer sure just what the dims claim. Keep yer powder dry🤓🙄

  15. Right on time!!…After that bumbling idiot’s hollerfest yesterday…the irony of it all..

  16. Very little information on a suspect. Secondly, the report I read on another site says he disappeared into the crowd and escaped. Subways are underground tunnels with limited exit points. Either the suspect was able to push through a crowd faster than most or had help.
    Not making any claims of some sort of false flag or government sponsored plot. Just thinking something seems a little off about this. While I understand news reports are still working with limited information, and the event just happened today, 1 would think someone would be able to give a decent description of the suspect, and his direction of travel.

      • As opposed to Biden’s propaganda machines? Honestly at this point the comments sections of the less censored boards are more reliable than anything news or governments put out.

        • okay void keep telling yourself that the comment section of “Russia Today” is a good use of your time and a source of truth.

        • Meh just not so different from CNN MSNBC ABC FOX and a few others honestly. Propaganda is propaganda but have fun hating russia because dementia man says so.

        • Propaganda means fake news published by the Government. The corporate news you cite is biased for sure but not Government run like “Russia Today.” So yea, it is so different.

      • You have missed the USS Maine, the Lusitania, Tonkin Gulf, incubator babies in Kuwait, Saddam’s WMD, Waco, Ruby Ridge, the Russia File, and the past two years concerning the China Flu? Just to pick a few cases of government propaganda fed to the American people.
        NBC just reported that the US intelligence community is knowingly feeding information it does not believe accurate to the US mainstream media for the American audience to consume.
        If it is in the media it is probably government propaganda.

  17. C’mon, guys- it’s just a “New Yawk State Of Mind”. And it’ll remain so until the violence providers are introduced to the sand type of fear they peddle.

  18. Good thing the gun laws are so strict there and nobody was carrying, otherwise someone might have gotten hurt…

  19. I’m hearing many thing but the ONE thing I’m NOT hearing is ‘who shot back’.

    I find it very telling when so many adults are asking how to stop this kinda thing from happening.

    • ……………well that was an interesting rabbit hole of what kinds of wild stuff is actually legal to own here somehow. Smoke, pyrotechnic based flash bangs (not the dd version) and some froms of CS dispersal. Add that to the flamethrower with chainsaw bayonet for mallninja kit loadout.

    • Folkloric story;
      Violent students made bombs in Czarist Russia. The government banned private purchase of dynamite, then all precursor chemicals.
      Saboteurs made more bombs. How!?
      They used wood ashes, electricity, and salt to make chlorate then mixed this with flour and oil. The Czars police realized that it was not possible to ban these.

  20. A former FBI agent talks about how people hear the gun shots thinking its fireworks. Saying that this is what happened at the Vegas concert shooting. He was asking when you’ve ever heard fireworks at a concert.

    The last concert I went to was KISS. They used MANY fireworks. For Those About To Rock.

    Granted…this was a subway but this is just an example of how clueless these people can be. Particularly in front of a camera.

  21. Just now brought my head up out of an isue at work…

    Wow! I thought NYC was gun free or something.

  22. Hmmm Sunset Park eh? No doubt the nubian was hunting Jews and Asians as the latter two are the majority in that area of Crooklyn. So what we have is black-on-Asian/black-on-Jewish “Hate Crime” no doubt “rev.”(?) Al “Get Those Diamond Merchants” Sharpton is celebrating with a bucket of the Colonel’s best and a 3 liter of grape soda.

  23. When you disarm the public like in New York State, only the criminals have firearms and no one can protect themselves.

  24. How did this happen?
    Didn’t anyone call 911 to prevent the crime?

    (This is me trying to be funny again)

  25. The chances are pretty high that this suspect was one of the thousands who was released earlier from prison. During the scam “Pandemic” panic in 2020 to 2021. Because people complain that the United States has too many people in prison.

    I wonder how many felonies he has on his record? And how many times has the DA pled down the charges against him?

    • But you have to deal with more burdensome rules and laws because criminals exist and the laws we already have aren’t enforced.

  26. In other news, Leautenant Colonel Alexander Vindman of impeachment fame has just been captured with a bunch of Neo-Nazis in Mariupol, Ukraine.

  27. Law enforcement told Newsweek the suspect was the previously known to the FBI, having been entered into the Guardian Lead terrorism monitoring system in New Mexico, and discharged in 2019

    • So that’s why they immediately said it’s definitely not terrorism. Either that or they couldn’t say he was the biggest threat facing this country (white supremacy). Hey, remember that dude that just happened to drive through a parade because he took a wrong turn or something (not terrorism!!)? They sure dropped that story fast didn’t they? He’s no Rittenhouse. Gotta push the narrative.

  28. So, this guy shot 10 people without a single life-threatening injury, he brought gasoline but didn’t use it. He left the keys to his getaway vehicle in the train car. This guy sounds like a real mess, like he just cobbled together disparate elements from half a dozen terrorist attacks in the news, with no clear idea how to make them all work together.

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