Given the trends in the vote counts — and whatever chicanery may have or is currently still taking place — the Associated Press has called Pennsylvania for Joe Biden and declared him the winner and President-elect.

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., 77, was elected Saturday as the 46th president of the United States, defeating President Donald Trump in an election that played out against the backdrop of a pandemic, its economic fallout and a national reckoning on racism. He becomes the oldest president-elect and brings with him a history-making vice president-elect in Kamala Harris, the first Black woman and person of South Asian descent to serve in the nation’s second-highest office.

The Republicans have filed lawsuits, challenging the counts if a number of swing states. How successful those will be is anyone’s guess.

What does this mean for gun owners and their rights? Nothing good, although the full extent of the threat won’t be known until all of the Senate races are decided. Tom Tillis still has a narrow lead in North Carolina with 98% of the ballots counted. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler face runoff elections in a few weeks for the two Georgia seats.

If the Republicans can hold onto control of the Senate, much of the worst parts of Biden’s anti-gun agenda can and should be blocked. However, if the Senate flips and Chuck Schumer becomes majority leader, Americans will brace themselves for the biggest attack on their gun rights in history.

For those who aren’t familiar with candidate Biden’s agenda for rolling back the right to keep and bear arms, it includes the following:

  • Ban the manufacture and sale of “assault weapons” and “high-capacity” magazines
  • Regulate possession of existing “assault weapons” under the National Firearms Act
  • Buy back civilian-owned “assault weapons” and “high-capacity” magazines 
  • Outlaw the sales of firearms, gun parts and ammunition via the Internet
  • Repeal the PLCAA, allowing attorneys to sue gun makers into bankruptcy
  • Ban “ghost guns” by requiring background checks on sales of gun kits or for downloading 3D parts code
  • Limit gun buyers to one gun a month
  • Enact a federal universal background check law, ending all private gun sales
  • Ban gun ownership by anyone convicted of a “hate crime” misdemeanor
  • Expand the time limit for completing a NICS background check from 3 to 10 days
  • Incent all 50 states to enact “red flag” confiscation laws
  • Incent all 50 states to require licensing for gun ownership and purchases
  • Enact a federal “safe storage” law
  • Enact a federal law mandating “prompt reporting” of lost or stolen firearms
  • Prohibit the use of federal funds to train teachers to shoot and carry firearms

If the GOP’s lawsuits are unsuccessful and the current result stands, Biden won’t be inaugurated until January. In the mean time, gun owners and those who care about Second Amendment rights will be closely watching North Carolina and Georgia. And the demand for firearms, parts and ammunition will increase even beyond the record-breaking pace we’ve already seen through most of 2020.

Buckle up. It’s going to get very bumpy.


    • The Sting Operation Will Put The Whole Democrats’ Ballot Fraud To An End

      Just as both parties in the US are entering the judicial process over massive voter fraud, and just as people worry about whether the CCP’s 3F plan of bringing the US into chaos has succeeded, social media is exploding with a huge bombshell.

      On November 5th, Mr. Owen Shroyer posted an exclusive video on his “War Room With Owen Shroyer” entitled: “Intelligence Insider: President Trump Setup Democrats In “Sting Operation” To Catch Them Stealing Election!”

      Dr. Steve Pieczenik came on the interview and claimed that the official ballots across America were watermarked, and the Democrats would get caught if they attempt to cheat! A similar story had already caught on Twitter and in the Whistleblower circles earlier that same day but was not officially reported. Perhaps the news was too good to be credible.

      Dr. Steve Pieczenik is by no means a nobody. He served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Bush administrations.

      In this video, Dr. Piechenick said he had just been allowed to speak out about it. It turns out that in 2016 President Trump and a group of honorable figures in the US military, intelligence community, and government understood exactly how corrupt the Democrats’ machinery is and their intention to steal the country back in the next election. In preparation for this, they have secretly arranged this undercover “Sting Operation.”

      The Trump administration had the Department of Homeland Security printed an isotope watermark on all legitimate ballots. This technique is called radioactive QFS water chain inscription code. The technology stores records of unique signatures that are added to the watermark so they can verify the hash information written on the blockchain (master record). This watermark cannot be swapped, making it possible to track down each individual. The U.S. Postal Service filed a patent for the QFS blockchain voting system in August 2020. (

      Someone has put online a memo with a message from DHS claiming there will be undercover surveillance of the election. According to guerillastocktrading’s website, while they’re not sure if the memo is real or not, they do know that the watermarked ballots, which cannot be easily copied, have been prepared well before the 2020 Election.

      The August 2 issue of Law & Justice, published by the White House, entitled “President Donald J. Trump is Strengthening the Security of Our Elections,” reported that the President made it clear that his administration would not tolerate foreign interference in our elections by any nation state or other malicious actors. Furthermore, on May 3 and July 27, President Trump chaired National Security Council meetings to receive updates and discuss whole-of-government approach to election security that is being implemented under his direction.

      According to The Hill, back on August 22 of 2018, the DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen called on election officials in all 50 states to ensure that the ballots used during the 2020 presidential election are auditable. Nielsen wants “all state and local election officials to make certain that by the 2020 presidential election, every American vote on a verifiable and auditable ballot.” “Our systems must be resilient. We must be able to demonstrate that the votes count and that they are counted correctly,” she added. By “verifiable and auditable,” she could mean the ballots with a radioactive isotope watermark.

      In the last few days, we have repeatedly heard the President refer to “illegal ballots” and “late ballots” as different forms of fraud. It’s reasonable to assume that when the President says “illegal ballots,” he’s referring to those fraudulent ballots. No wonder President Trump appeared confident and announced his victory as early as the first night of November 3. According to Sunzi’s the Art of War, as Mr. Piechenick further described, you pull back and allow the enemy to come out, manipulate the system, make all the mistakes they can make, and then you make the final kill.

      It seems that this huge “Sting Operation” was not just a rumor. The whole legal proceedings with the Democrats were part of a giant fishing expedition in the swamp. It looks like the enemy can’t get away with it this time.

      As the old Chinese proverb goes, “While mantis is hunting cicadas, a yellow sparrow is behind.”


      Just as both parties in the US are entering the judicial process over massive voter fraud, and just as people worry about whether the CCP’s 3F plan of bringing the US into chaos has succeeded, social media is exploding with a huge bombshell.

      On November 5th, Mr. Owen Shroyer posted an exclusive video on his “War Room With Owen Shroyer” entitled: “Intelligence Insider: President Trump Setup Democrats In “Sting Operation” To Catch Them Stealing Election!”

      Dr. Steve Pieczenik came on the interview and claimed that the official ballots across America were watermarked, and the Democrats would get caught if they attempt to cheat! A similar story had already caught on Twitter and in the Whistleblower circles earlier that same day but was not officially reported. Perhaps the news was too good to be credible.

      Dr. Steve Pieczenik is by no means a nobody. He served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Bush administrations.

      In this video, Dr. Piechenick said he had just been allowed to speak out about it. It turns out that in 2016 President Trump and a group of honorable figures in the US military, intelligence community, and government understood exactly how corrupt the Democrats’ machinery is and their intention to steal the country back in the next election. In preparation for this, they have secretly arranged this undercover “Sting Operation.”

      The Trump administration had the Department of Homeland Security printed an isotope watermark on all legitimate ballots. This technique is called radioactive QFS water chain inscription code. The technology stores records of unique signatures that are added to the watermark so they can verify the hash information written on the blockchain (master record). This watermark cannot be swapped, making it possible to track down each individual. The U.S. Postal Service filed a patent for the QFS blockchain voting system in August 2020. (

      Someone has put online a memo with a message from DHS claiming there will be undercover surveillance of the election. According to guerillastocktrading’s website, while they’re not sure if the memo is real or not, they do know that the watermarked ballots, which cannot be easily copied, have been prepared well before the 2020 Election.

      The August 2 issue of Law & Justice, published by the White House, entitled “President Donald J. Trump is Strengthening the Security of Our Elections,” reported that the President made it clear that his administration would not tolerate foreign interference in our elections by any nation state or other malicious actors. Furthermore, on May 3 and July 27, President Trump chaired National Security Council meetings to receive updates and discuss whole-of-government approach to election security that is being implemented under his direction.

      According to The Hill, back on August 22 of 2018, the DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen called on election officials in all 50 states to ensure that the ballots used during the 2020 presidential election are auditable. Nielsen wants “all state and local election officials to make certain that by the 2020 presidential election, every American vote on a verifiable and auditable ballot.” “Our systems must be resilient. We must be able to demonstrate that the votes count and that they are counted correctly,” she added. By “verifiable and auditable,” she could mean the ballots with a radioactive isotope watermark.

      In the last few days, we have repeatedly heard the President refer to “illegal ballots” and “late ballots” as different forms of fraud. It’s reasonable to assume that when the President says “illegal ballots,” he’s referring to those fraudulent ballots. No wonder President Trump appeared confident and announced his victory as early as the first night of November 3. According to Sunzi’s the Art of War, as Mr. Piechenick further described, you pull back and allow the enemy to come out, manipulate the system, make all the mistakes they can make, and then you make the final kill.

      It seems that this huge “Sting Operation” was not just a rumor. The whole legal proceedings with the Democrats were part of a giant fishing expedition in the swamp. It looks like the enemy can’t get away with it this time.

      As the old Chinese proverb goes, “While mantis is hunting cicadas, a yellow sparrow is behind.”

      • If he was not associated with a nutbag who runs a site called infosomethng or other maybe your blast of text would have been interesting reading. But the little I read makes me ask, any chance you write Borat’s movie scripts?

      • Dude – you need to do some research. DHS doesn’t print ballots. The feds don’t print ballots. Each of the 51 jurisdictions within the United States are responsible for their own ballots. And, each of those jurisdictions gets complicated, because each county may need it’s own ballot. 4 years ago, my ballot was different than any other county in Arkansas, because we had an initiative to turn our “dry” county “wet”. We also had local elections – sheriff, a judge, etc.

        • Truth. In Mississippi we had two questions regarding making medicinal marijuana legal and one question to vote on our new flag.

          Honestly, I dont care how logistically complicated it would be, there should be TWO/three ballots. One pertaining to federal, not that I trust them but created by the feds. Another pertaining to state matters, including state reps. A third in municipalities that have local businesses.

      • Too many words, did not read. I prefer pictures. All my morning briefings are done for me in pictures. Some in crayon.

        The voting has not been fraudulent. The counting has been on the up and up. It’s been closely watched by observers from both parties. The only people who claim otherwise are the idiots ignoring that their side already has observers on the inside.

        Just to raise a shit storm over imaginary conspiracies.

        I lost you, deal with it already.

        • “closely watched”?….in Philadelphia they kicked them out and put cardboard on the windows!…..

        • If they were all kicked out, who took the photo from inside???

          Amazing how people are willing to accept without question the most spurious claims, just because they want them to be true.

    • “As someone here recently said it isn’t over until the BBW sings.”

      Thank you, that was me. (*blushing*)

      Doesn’t she have a great set of pipes? 🙂

      • I don’t know (not my job)…but with a little research “you” should be able to find out IF they voted or not. Who voted is public record

        • Operation Scorecard; deploys “Dominion.” (Also called “Project Hammer”)

          The video below is direct evidence of ELECTRONIC VOTE FRAUD captured in REAL TIME on CNN on election night, November 3, 2020. Electronic vote fraud researcher and expert Russell Ramsland dissects the criminal fraud, evidence for which the mainstream media claims does not exist. #TheHammer #Scorecard

    • I had to look up the term “BBW”…

      Anyone who accepts the results of a clearly fraudulent election as valid, is the enemy. Anyone who accepts it as valid is as guilty as those who committed the crime. If that is you, damn your hide to hell.

      • “I had to look up the term “BBW”…”

        Then you know what it means…


        BBW (Big, Beautiful Woman).

        The fat lady ain’t sung *yet*…

      • “damn your hide to hell”

        Now you wait just a gosh darn minute bushwhacker, them thar is fighting words!

        By thunder, fill your hand partner!

        All geez, not that, you must be some kind of pervert, put that tiny little Republican tally Wacker back in your pants!

        Now get serious, you know what I meant!
        Now slap leather! Oh no, that’s not what I said, you stop that in front of these womenfolk!

        Tarnation, all you Republicans is as perverted as that Dennis Hastert!

        • That’s it, miner! Yosemite Sam! Your posts always bring to mind Yosemite Sam!

    • “Dewey defeats Truman”…

      I heard the press conference this morning. This is the media getting out front of the fraud to push a narrative to try to make it harder to turn around and delegitimize Trump if he can pull it off.

  1. they can call it all they want but it is not over yet too much has been uncovered to let it go besides they are just a bunch of Trump-hating asswipes that do not count

  2. Bull Trump won the night of voting and the Supreme Court needs to stop this illegal sent in ballots they are illegal and we all know it the night of the election Trump Won he is the real President we can’t allow these communist in our government

    • What I am hoping is none is stupid enough to post threats against either the president elect or others.
      Threats against him more than likely will be followed up on. We can diss him to our hearts content.

      • I have repeatedly threatened both of them with harsh words. Both are idiots, with Trump being the less dangerous of the idiots.

        • At least Trump is the American middle class’s idiot and not China’s idiot. Trump is his own worst enemy, but what he has accomplished is for the good of the country. Anything done by any president since Nixon opened up China has been for the business of selling Red Chinese manufactured goods, replacing American workers.
          The U.S. needs tariffs to protect our industries for the good of the country. We also should not allow foreign companies to bid on U.S. government contracts. Their profits pay little tax to our government and do not employ enough(if any)American workers.
          Thank you, Trump for showing us the way. Make sure to keep writing to your representatives in Congress to keep these protective tariffs.

      • Why would we threaten poor old Mr. Biden when he already has Chancellor Harris standing behind him?

        For his sake, I hope his Chinese buddies can send over a security detail for him. Maybe some airplane inspectors, food tasters, geiger counters, drone emp and whatever else. It’s a long time until January 20th and an even longer 4 years after that.

    • Good luck with that!

      TTAG commentors often seem to be lacking in 2 things. 1) critical reasoning skills and 2) sufficient facts to make an informed decision.

    • If the Republicans keep the senate Republicans have 2 years to work on the gun owning demos to stop gun control. If they fail in these two years you can expect federal gun control of some sort because the politicians on both sides want it.

      I don’t have hope they will ever change, just like the NRA never did. If they continue and lose it all, I don’t mind going someone less dumb.

      • “If the Republicans keep the senate Republicans have 2 years to work on the gun owning demos to stop gun control.”

        Unless 1 or 2 heinous mass-shootings happen. But you knew that. And the Left has historically used firearm murder for political purposes. So there’s a good chance that may happen.

        “If they fail in these two years you can expect federal gun control of some sort because the politicians on both sides want it.”

        Not so fast – Incumbents historically lose seats in the lower houses at mid-terms. But again, you knew that… 🙂

        • When is the last time a president lost his reelection? How many times has that happened in history? Do you really believe things are the same as it was 2 years ago?

  3. Everyone has called it at this point, and why wouldn’t they? The votes are in. Media outlets have to assume all counted votes are legitimate or they could never call anything. Trump’s only path is to prove that multiple state totals aren’t valid.

    P.S. Media outlets should reevaluate how they call close elections while people are still standing in line voting. That could actually change the outcome.

    • “or they could never call anything”? Are you serious? The MSM has spent the last 4+ years promoting the Dems agenda!

      • Oh, I know. I’ve commented about that extensively. Check some of the previous posts on this site. I’m only saying that the media has to assume that the vote totals are legitimate, or they could never declare a winner. It’s solely on Trump’s legal team to prove some votes were illegally cast. At this point, it would require flipping multiple states.

        • “At this point, it would require flipping multiple states.”

          That may not be as hard as it seems. So far in Michigan 1 county (out of 47 that used this software) had to do a recount by hand of the ballots because the count was suspiciously off normal expectations. The recount found approximately 6,000 of the 17,327 votes had been erroneously given to Biden instead of Trump. That is over 35% of the votes. Trump had won the county with 56.5% of the vote and not the 21.2% they had originally given him. 47 (out of 83) counties in Michigan used the same glitch prone software and will surely called to hand count now that the problem has been identified. It is also unclear where else in the U.S. this same software was used, but rest assured this will be looked into.

        • This is being investigated as the highest levels!

          President Trump has put a crack investigator, Inspector Clouseau, on the case, he’ll be working in tandem with trumps veteran team of investigators who have been researching Obamas fraudulent birth certificate for the past eight years. The report is due out soon.

    • For there to have been such a level of fraud would require more than half of America to be in on it. The only logical way that could be the case is if the machines are programmed to flip names on totals that were close. So, if Biden had 10 votes and Trump had 7, the machine would flip the names to Biden having 7 and Trump having 10.

      Republicans are being sore losers with no logical argument and zero evidence. Judges have thrown out most of the suits for not having any evidence and being solely a made up story. For some reason Trump fanatics can’t believe that independents, Libertarians, Conservative Republicans and Democrats didn’t like Trump.

      Trump was one of the most disliked people around. He is the 3rd person in history to not get reelected and the second Republican. He made so many people angry. I already explained in others posts why he was going to lose. If Trump wasn’t Trump Republicans would have won against Biden. People voted to kick Trump out of office, they didn’t vote for Biden because they wanted him. If Democrats nominated another candidate, the victory would have been even larger than the new record Biden set.

      I did tell Republicans Trump shouldn’t be the nominee for 2020 if they wanted to keep control. But tradition is a hard thing to break. Now you have to live with 8 years of Kamala and Trump’s executive power he gave her.

      • “For there to have been such a level of fraud would require more than half of America to be in on it.”

        That isn’t true at all. I’m not saying that there’s fraud, but let’s not pretend that it isn’t a possibility. Multiple states are being won by several thousand votes. All but one of those close states had Trump leading election night. It isn’t beyond the realm of possibilities that a handful of political operatives could have checked to see which registered voters didn’t vote and cast a ballot for them. That wouldn’t take many people. There could also be isolated incidents of fraud where people are working alone for the cause. For instance, a postal manager told employees to change the postmark date on ballots.

        • I heard that audio. Sounds like the postal worker was told to put the proper post mark on the ballots so they can be counted as the law requires and the supreme court ordered. The ballot was already on its way, thus it counted. It was not an illegal vote.

        • Chief,
          As a postal worker, you don’t have to be told to put the proper postmark on something. That’s your job. They were told to change the way they normally conduct business, which is why the worker came forward. Who knows if anything will come from it, but there’s no reason to dismiss it outright.

      • Hey Chief, Google “Antrim County software glitch.” It didn’t take half the country to f’ up a software program to steal votes (to the tune of 35% of the votes cast in the county)

      • “Trump was one of the most disliked people around.”

        He was so hated, he made massive gains in the percentage of Black, Latino, and the Gay and Lesbian votes he got. Like nearly double, in some cases.

        And the Leftists are spitting mad they were “betrayed” like that… 🙂

      • Trump’s vote total was huuge!….curious what other republican could have accomplished that?….or what democrat beside biden could have won?…..

    • MSM doesn’t call an election. The Electoral College gets it’s vote, and things proceed from there. MSM can publish anything it likes, but that doesn’t decide the election. President Dewey will back me on that.

      • Yes. Absolutely. The press does not get to certify an election or call a winner. This is the role of the electoral college process that goes on until January.
        For the press to presume to call an election, and for this arrogance to not be ridiculed and challenged, is to miss an opportunity to affirm there is a legal and understood process that remains in place.
        It is dangerous to allow the press to wrongfully ascend in perceived authority in the minds of many who are under its sway.
        Also worth noting, just like fiat currency is printed at a whim, the press may now clearly understand how to use its influence to print voters.

    • ” Media outlets have to assume all counted votes are legitimate or they could never call anything ”

      Who the hell gave the media any authority to call anything? Their job is to report what is happening. The most they should be doing is reporting the tally as it comes in and maybe tell us if a state is leaning red or blue. And then it stops there. The only ones who can call an election is the state elections board.

  4. Right wingers: Biden is an enfeebled mind corpse.

    Also right wingers: bIDEN iS tHe hEaD of A mULtiNationAl cRimE fAmiLY and tHe bRAins BehiNd tHe bIgGeSt ballOt haRVestIng sCandal iN tHe HisTory oF tHe wORld!!!

    BDS is awesome; enjoy the next four years keyboard warriors 🤣🤡!

    • LOL. Literally almost no one says that Biden is the brains behind anything. Front man for the borg cube, corporate, HR department, but not brains. Ageing crime boss at best.

    • No, he WAS the brains behind enriching himself and his family using his office to do so. Like most politicians. He isn’t the brains of anything anymore due to his dementia problems.

      “Well, I tell you what. I uh — my dad was a modelbile man. I got through uh — school, and we got through uhhh — being ableduleadt after we lost a job up in Scranton, Pennsylvania, eyadda move down to Delaware Because uh, by cause it’s Ellen General Motors products— and so uhhh, I’ve known and my state — used to have the largest percentage of auto workers of any state in the nation,”- Joe Biden

      If this is the man the country voted for en masse, then we have more serious problems than a Harris presidency.

  5. Now watch magazines do a disappearing act.

    Bought a few Glock oem mags including 33rounders the other day when this looked imminent to either sell or lose inna boating accident.
    Executive actions and ATF douchebaggery inbound

  6. I hate to say but Biden will more than likely become president, if they were somehow to get those couple thousand votes back in GA there’s still PA that nagging the GOP. Thankfully I feel the seat swaps will go in favor of Republicans, at least we got rid of Doug Jones here in Alabama, he only won last time cause it seems the people here drink the kool-aid and believed Roy Moore was a rapist. I hate to say it as a refugee from Virginia but I think the majority of Alabamians aren’t well educated, when I moved down from VA I felt like a genius in comparison, dating women turned into a conversation of “what does that mean”, Thankfully we have phones with internet assess.

  7. And now the news is saying GA is set up for a runoff, as Trump’s healthy lead in that state (along with all the others in question) on Tuesday has somehow miraculously evaporated to give Biden the lead today. This will allegedly determine the Senate to possibly remove another seat from Republicans, resulting in a 50/50 split that would put Kamala as the deciding vote.

    So let’s recap:

    Trump had all the support and energy from millions of supporters over a weeks-long demonstration of rallies and impromptu “Trump trains”. Biden couldn’t fill a high school auditorium. Trump had a healthy lead in all the Famous Five battleground states at the end of Election Day.

    Then the counts were inexplicably stopped, against normal procedures, in all those five states. Not the rest of the country…just those five states. And by the next morning Biden was miraculously up, up, up, and now somehow won four of them? An excellent article (reposted on ZeroHedge) by a financial auditor stated how this is statistically impossible, and would be perfect fodder for a full blown investigation of fraud in the corporate world. But somehow the Dems just poo-poo our objections and tell us we’re fascist racists.

    A Biden presidency will quickly evolve into a Harris presidency. And Harris is a documented Communist, judging by her career relationships both personal and organizational. She has openly stated that “systemic racism” will be a top priority for eradication, including reparations for “people of color”, as well as full blown gun control via EO. Plus, she vocally supports Black Lives Matter, an org that expressly supports Marxism by the leaders’ own words.

    However, she may not need EOs, as the House remains under Democrat control. And the Senate looks increasingly like it will lose its Republican control as well.

    Buckle up, people. We’re going to see prolonged challenges to this seemingly “stolen” election, and conservative leaders (Mayors, Sheriffs, Governors?) denouncing the results and declaring themselves as sanctuaries from Leftist legislation, all to protect the Constitution. Organizations will join (if they haven’t led the efforts already), and millions of people will begin joining and supporting sides.

    We are witnessing a Marxist coup unfolding before our eyes. Something nobody would have believed only a year ago. Something our grandparents and great-grandparents fought against in WWII, and subsequent generations guarded against in the Cold War with the U.S.S.R. Something that McCarthy fought against (albeit harshly) from within our own Congress only two generations ago. And now…those very Communists have managed to wrest control and are ready to transform our beloved America into their vision of Marxism.

    Patriots, guard yourselves. Today we become Minutemen.

      • Is that the best you have? Are you so overjoyed at a Biden ‘win’ that you will gladly sacrifice any integrity of our election process? One way or the other, we are seeing the complete delegitimization of our government, and all you have is snide, childish remarks. People like you wonder how we got where we are, yet all you do is egg the situation on.

        • What, do you think we should take this drivel seriously?

          “We are witnessing a Marxist coup unfolding before our eyes.”

          I like the nonviolent approach of ridicule, it seems appropriate in this case.

  8. I voted for Trump only because I dont want Kamala Harris (and Beto O’Rourke) to run the show, for obvious reasons. This election had little to do with the senile hair-sniffer, they might as put him in a resting home because his usefulness has just expired.

  9. No lowlife son pimping democRat who colluded with Russia, China and Ukraine for monetary gain will ever be my President. Who in their right mind would trust a democRat to run a fair election after 4 years of their drama queen concocted schemes and lies? These ARE the sentiments of millions of people who cast legitimate votes to reelect DJT.

    Piss on democRat joe and the ho.

  10. Last I heard from an authoritative source, God says Trump wins, just a matter of time.
    Time to fully expose and prosecute the total Democrat corruption. God is giving them the slack in the rope needed to hang themselves. Recall Haman and Mordecai, today it is Biden and Trump. We the People win because those who know God humbled themselves and prayed. Buy stock in Hemp, they are going to need a lot of it. 18 U.S. Code § 2381. Treason , 18 U.S. Code § 2382.Misprision of treason, 5 U.S. Code § 3331. Oath of office (rebellious Officials lying), 52 U.S. Code § 20511. Criminal penalties (election officials) and that’s just a start. This will be the purge of corrupt officials in both parties. AG Barr is really busy.

  11. I’m sorry, but my copy of the US Constitution seems to be missing the passage where it says “self-chosen elites in the mass media shall be the ones to determine the outcome of national elections…”

      • Wrong…. the rats cheated…. and will pay the price for trying to steal the election….
        Typical though, ghetto thieving pos

      • The media may report.

        The media do not decide elections, validate them, or seal the results. I’ve worked in elections and I’ve got my signature on poll books in three states. The media decide nothing.

        Until something is decided, they can shut up and await more facts.

  12. So when does the shootin’ start in this new Socialist Republic of the Communist States of America?

    • I been saying it the last 4 years, but you guys yelled at me. Arizona and Nevada are blue states. It was only a matter of the youth starting to vote. It’s been decades since some of these now blue states were blue.

      Texas is also going blue. It was about 6% away from turning over. That’s only a few elections until switching over to blue. It could easily happen in 2 years if the motivation is there. The Zoomers will make it happen.

      Oregon, Washington and Colorado had went blue just like California did. New Mexico is right there too. I am hearing from people in Utah that it’s also turning blue, but I highly doubt it will turn blue any time soon.

      The older crowd doesn’t understand that their kids or their grand kids are most likely blue. The demos show that to be the case and they were proven correct this election. You can see the youth are out in the streets dancing with joy, while the older crowd is waving their Trump flags. There are so many of them on the internet watching streams from “communists” with glee.

      You have these capitalist “communists” with tens of thousands of young viewers… AOC and friends had over 400,000 viewers before the election. They were very motivated to vote out Trump to spite the boomers. The boomers act as if America isn’t already socialist to an extent, they can’t explain why 70% (and growing) of the youth are.

      The boomers live in a safe space bubble.

      • “they can’t explain why 70% (and growing) of the youth are [socialists].”

        I’m not a boomer, but I can explain it. It’s called ignorance and indoctrination. Just like previous generations, some will grow out of it once they get some life experience under their belt.

    • Donald Trump’s disgusting attacks on John McCain, a real American hero, cost him the Arizona vote, plain and simple.

      Most on this list are beneath the spit John McCain used to shine his boots.

  13. Adding numbers is literally the primary thing computers are supposed to do. How does software “glitch” to add numbers wrong? Demand the source.

    • There are practically infinite ways software can glitch to add numbers wrong. But none of them would do what it’s been claimed this one did. You either get big negative numbers or unhandled exceptions that usually won’t even compile, and always cause a crash if they do. Incrementing a different integer than the one you were supposed to can only be the result of a complete and utter QA failure (i.e. they didn’t test the supposed update,) or malice. Full stop. There’s no actual “glitch” that could possibly do this.

  14. Well fellow POTG(& retardatrolls) this BS AIN’T over. Remember(if yer not a teenage slug living in mommy’s basement) ALGORE claimed victory 20 years. Besides Trump isn’t going away…when Republitard’s had POTUS,the Senate & the House whut did they DO for gun owner’s?!?

  15. All social media platforms along with MSM are cometely controlled and censor every attempt to present the truth. The Big Lie is the New Normal. Trump tweeted this morning that he won the election, big time. I stand with President Trump. Let the obiden apologists and troll squeak.

  16. Just because the media says it, does not make it so. The fraud was massive and need to be investigated, and NOT by the FBI, but by DHS. Hide’n Biden is not president until he puts his hand on the bible, and takes the oath of office on Jan 20, 2021. Until then Trump is president. What happens when DHS proves massive fraud from ballots printed in China but missing the isotope watermark? Lets see how this plays out. Until then stay calm.

  17. Joe Braindead won’t last 6 months in office before Nancy Uglosi,Kami the Commie Hairy@zz and Marxist minions have him put out under the 25 th. amendment.Kami the Then it’s president Kami the Commie Hairy@zz .

    • I am laughing at the people who are bitching about spending money on recounts and demanding evidence. what against trump in the last 4 years has actually been evidence based?

  18. I learned an important lesson during the last four years from the Left that I’m going to adhere to….

    I’ll repeat it here for the benefit of everyone.


    • The PA Sec of State had already given that order. When Alito found out he was just duplicating what had already been done by the state itself, he was pissed off about his time being wasted.

  19. Biden is a corrupt Red Chinese owned political family crime boss. His election was bought and paid for by the Red Chinese and a handful of Big Tech oligarchs.

    F him. I hope he fails.


    • “corrupt Red Chinese owned political family crime boss”

      No, that would be Elaine Chao, Republican Mitch McConnell’s wife and Chinese communist agent / trump cabinet member

  20. Dear AP:

    Harris is not black, she is Indian. Wait, what was that? They all look the same to you? Right. Gotcha; spoken like a true lib.

    • Impossible with a Dem House. They can, however, appoint a special counsel to look into the Biden family matter which could implicate Joe. Keep in mind, with Biden gone, that means Harris would be the prez. Heck, dems are probably down with that plan. She could appoint Pete as her VP since they’re grooming him to be the future president.

        • Trump controls the DOJ for at least a few more weeks. They could only stop it by Biden’s DOJ ordering an end to it. That might look bad, but the media would likely look the other way.

        • DOJ not gonna look into the new boss. They will do what they always do, sweep things under the rug. People have short attention spans, they will be filling the news with investigations of Trump. Now, if in investigating Trump, they find something damning against the Klan of Biden, that investigation will take a different course. Revenge will be the order they follow.

        • Good Lord, you guys are hilarious!

          Trumps DOJ has had four years to investigate the Bidens, zero, zip, zilch.

          The same for Hillary, Obama, etc.

          Is the simple answer still eluding your intellect?

          I’m surprised Q anon has not provided the answer, certainly it’s time now for him to act, right?

    • The NY prosecutors will be busy indicting Trump once they have his financial documents.

      The DoJ will want to pursue Trump over income tax fraud, but that’s real iffy as Biden already spoke against it.

      Various private lawsuits for sexual assault, improperly taken up by the DoJ will now be able to move forward without the interference of a criminal in the White House.

      Impeach Biden? Nope. Folks be too busy chsing the scumbag on the run.

    • Hey there Jaybird, in the spirit of reconciliation I wanted to express my sincere appreciation.

      I know you spent many long hours, composing your comments to post to this forum.

      I think it is important that you know we all appreciate the hard work you put into getting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris elected, and we will never forget your assistance.

      Of course you know what’s next, the UN ‘Peacekeepers’ will round you up and take you to the abandoned Walmart where you will be imprisoned in the underground tunnels, and made to kiss the Koran in a same-sex wedding ceremony.

  21. If Biden is chosen to be president, either by electors or the House of Representatives, and/or the senate flips then we need to put massive pressure on the states to nullify any anti gun laws passed or executive orders issued. If the federal government punishes a state by withholding funds then the states need to direct all federal income taxes collected / paid to be sent to the state instead of the federal government. Anyone who breaks these state laws should be arrested.

  22. Meh, fraud, very little fraud. At this point you just have to let the legal challenges play out. I’m not sure where we got this idea that anyone in the media makes these decisions. (Oh, right, from the people who want to be the ones making the decisions. Silly me.)

    Realistically though the country is in for a rough ride. Dems were sold a “blue wave” story that was false and that story was sold in such a manner that whichever side loses a large percentage of them will believe the election was stolen from their side. (And why not? HRC has spent the last four years making this claim about 2016 and media on both sides prepped their side for the idea that the other would certainly cheat.)

    Part of the reason that the concept of “Rule of Law” exists is because it’s meant to create a situation where even when people don’t like the outcome they believe that the system is fair and will accept the outcome, that’s likely gone the way of the Dodo at this point.

    This has gotten so divisive that even Rod Blagojevich has given an interview in which he claimed that it’s fairly obvious to a Democratic Party insider that there was fraud in the major cities. Is that true or he promoting his podcast? Dunno. But there certainly was some odd behavior out of the Democrats this time and it was in key places. It’s like they’ve never heard the saying “Uxorem Caesaris tam suspicione quam crimine carere oportet” (usually translated into English as the proverb as “Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion [as well as accusation]”).

    And honestly, for me, the thing that I find most suspicious is the announcement that they in fact have “a list” of people they want to go after for “helping Trump” and they specifically mention judges, curious, that, as things are going to go to court in numerous states. It almost seems like a open attempt at judicial intimidation. This is eerily reminiscent of South Africa’s “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” idea, or that of a number of other Republics In Name Only. But the fact that they announce it now, and in the manner that they did, suggests they really do want to intimidate judges and with everything going to court in many places that’s just damned suspicious behavior.

    Regardless, if Trump wins then the Nazis corrupted the court system and Democracy is dead. You can’t really blame them after the bullshit from the media in the last four years.

    If Biden wins then it was fraud and the Republic has fallen. You can’t really blame them given the oddball shit that’s gone on with this election combined with the fact that if you even ask a question about behavior that literally no one argues didn’t occur you’re not bringing up a valid point but rather being a racist Nazi Trump supporting clown/bad person.

    I don’t really see a good way out of that situation when it’s vocal groups beating those drums constantly. Oh, and Pelosi’s claim that they have a “mandate” from a very close election (assuming Biden wins in the end)? WTF is that? Posturing to keep her spot in the House or the prelude to some serious jackassery?

    Personally this whole thing concerns me, not because of who might win or lose in the end but because essentially our entire electoral process is shot to hell at this point. We, as a nation, literally cannot run an election better than, say, Gambia. I mean shit, I jump in last night with a bunch of people who are totally anti-political vets on Discord and the ONLY thing they’re talking about is how fucked up this whole thing is and how the system has essentially been destroyed. Now they don’t believe the results but they also say they won’t believe ANY results without a do-over election. That’s not a good sign from a couple dozen (admittedly anecdotal) vets who avoid political talk at all costs.

    And then of course there’s the issues I’ve brought up before. Regardless of who wins the election those problems still exist and they loom LARGE. Can either of these guys fix them? Probably not, but the chances they manage to find a solution at all now are greatly diminished.

    So… no matter what happens “Welcome to the banana Republic”. Oh how the mighty have fallen. The sound you hear off in the distance is raucous laughter emanating from Beijing; The country that managed to convince the West to lock down repeatedly, and destroy our economies, while the folks back in China party at night clubs with no masks or distancing.

    • It’s all because Trump said for weeks that the election will be an entire fraud. Then he came out twice and said it was a sham election. He claimed victory before half the votes were counted. He spent about 17 minutes saying it was all a fraud.

      Trump is the one that cast doubt on the electoral process. Democrats didn’t say Russia stole the election for Trump, they said Russia interfered in the lead up. This time around Trump interfered in the election and afterwards he destroyed the faith in the US system with Republicans.

      I have been saying it’s the Democrats who have been defending the constitution in the last year or two. Republicans were constantly attacking the constitution. The parties were flipping. That’s why I started to use “Liberal Republican” to point that out.

      • Oh, bullshit. Both sides have played that up. HRC’s been essentially saying the same thing for four years.

        Just Monday she was whining that Trump stole HER Presidency and would do it again, and ALL she was doing was reiterating arguments she’s made for years. Plus, that’s in tandem with four years of “investigations” into “Russian meddling” that have now been shown to be manufactured but which everyone knew four years ago were, at best, the fever dreams of political operatives.

        Acting like all the blame for this nonsense is on one side just shows you have a partisan bent to what you’re saying and makes you appear completely unserious.

      • Nothing to be proud about with the Dems and Shrillery Clinton lost fair and square and due to her own incompetence.

        Yes, the Dems have done more during the Trump Error to defend the Constitution. They have also been woefully inadequate about it. Being on the right side of history and the Constitution doesn’t count for much when it is all about posturing, with real actions being about as spineless as a jelly fish.

        • Hammer and Scorecard

          Everyone asking how the pollsters, pundits, and news media got it all wrong about the odds for Biden to win election. The answer is those wanting Biden in office knew the race would be close, and used the ppm to get the word out to the public, the voters, Biden would be an easy win. They planned on using Hammer and Scorecard and needed a smokescreen, a diversion. The program, set at changing 3 percent of the vote, just wasn’t quit enough, therefore late Tuesday niight with Trump winning, they stopped the voiting in key states. Why? Come up with tens of thousands of democratic ballots, and get them into the polls.

        • Hilariously, YouTube removed that video in the past few hours.

          I wonder if they realize that just makes the argument stronger? When people talk stupid you ignore them or make fun of them. When you censor them most people wonder why you’d bother.

      • maybe what Trump was saying was…”I just secured a massive amount of votes…now watch them match..then surpass it”….he could see it coming….

    • “Personally this whole thing concerns me, not because of who might win or lose in the end but because essentially our entire electoral process is shot to hell at this point.”

      Yep, and any attempt to build a fraudulent-resistant election system will be fought tooth-and-nail by the corrupt (read, Democrat-controlled) cities and states.

      Ordinarily, we would be fucked because the constitution clearly allows the states to run their elections the way they see fit. On the other hand, as the Leftists love to quote, “The constitution is not a suicide pact” .

      There we may have some leverage with the SCOTUS in coming up with an election system both secure and transparent. Some have suggested a block-chain based system, but I don’t know enough about that technology to say either way if that’s the way to go or not.

      Either way, we must have a universal nation-wide election system standards, like numbered ballot boxes that cannot be ‘suddenly discovered’ if one side needs to push an election their way. No more games like driving election observers out of polling places.

      I think we will have a good shot at the SCOTUS in getting that done and declaring it constitutional.

      This ‘Banana Republic’ bullshit has to be stopped, but it will likely be fought tooth-and-nail by those who want to steal elections.

      Repeat after me, “The US Constitution is not a suicide pact” as many times as it will take to do this…

  23. The associated press is not empowered by the US Constitution to anoint the President. Trump has yet to concede. Trump is willing to appeal and litigate. Trump has lots of evidence of voter fraud to justify appeals and litigation.

    • The associated press is empowered by the First Amendment to say whatever the fuck they want. Trump has yet to concede. Trump is stupid enough to appeal and litigate. Trump has no evidence of voter fraud to justify appeals and litigation.

  24. Just goes to prove you can sleep your way to the presidency,by being Willie Browns willing willie warmer….

  25. My bold prediction is that when the tally is finally complete, Biden will have received 97% of the nationwide vote.

  26. IF Biden/Harris actually do win (either legit or by stealing the election), buy all the useless stuff you want to now. That Ronco Salad Shooter, that ACME square bowling ball etc. while Trump is in office!
    Then, on the B/H inauguration, stop buying anything except food, medical supplies, firearms, ammo and associated items. Obviously buy things you need like new brakes for the truck, washer if the old one goes beyond repair (still better to repair it yourself, but sometimes not worth it).
    Stop going to fast food places, or dining out at chain restaurants or ordering in from those chains. Make your food at home.
    Stop using Fakebook, Twitter, and all those other social media sites.
    Get ever single person who voted for Trump to do that, and the Biden/Harris admin will have an non-COVID economy induced collapse.
    What will get more news and attention than when half of the country stops spending on anything outside of the essentials?
    Let the Biden/Harris admin suck on 1 or 4 years of economic flat line.
    Boycott the Biden/Harris economy!

    • You act as if any of those things will be actual choices for most Americans if Biden actually does win this thing.

      LOL. People won’t stop going out because they want to withhold economic activity, they’ll do it because they have to.

      As has been pointed out by a few people “If you want $6/gallon gas, vote Joe Biden”.

  27. The Electoral College, which decides who wins a U.S. presidential race, don’t vote until (at the earliest) Dec. 14 2020. And it may be later due to legal battles. It may even need to be decided by the SCOTUS. Until then NO ONE IS THE NEXT PRESIDENT.

    WHO CARES what the MSM says?

  28. Biden’s wife shakes his shoulder and wakes him. “You won, Joe”
    He say good! What are we having?

  29. I believe if Biden attempts this he will go down in history and the second president to preside over Americas second civil war.

  30. 75 Million SANE people DID NOT VOTE to give a mental patient access to the Nuclear War Machine that can destroy the world a 1000 times over…

    No Election is safe! There always is cheating! Just not over half of the Country of Commies…they must be booted out…of the country ASAP!

    Of course they called the Theft of a Election!

    If we allow this we are no better than CHYNA,RUSSIA,N. KOREA,YEMEN,IRAN

    When u kill 70 million babies does adding & deleting a few ballots for the Leftist agenda seem so bad….not @ all…

  31. avatar IF the Military & Law Enforcement & Vets honor their oath it should not take long for Justice to prevail....

    None of the crying & hate in the country & this feed will solve anything by couch potato keyboard commandos …who will never stand up for anything!

    A March on Washington & Every State Capital to resolve the communist takeover would be a great start!

    We can’t allow a bunch of little punk ass crybabies in safe spaces to take over America!

    IF the Military & Law Enforcement & Vets honor their oath it should not take long for Justice to prevail….

  32. avatar Biden/Harris & the Dems have called to defund the police! Will the police carry out the Commie Dem orders or honor their oath?

    The Dems & Leftist hate the Police!

    Who will carry out their gun Confiscation?

    Biden/Harris & the Dems have called to defund the police & provided bail money & lawyers for Terrorist!

    Will the police carry out the Commie Dem orders or honor their oath?

    • No, Biden has said it over and over again the Defund the Police idea is a non-starter, he’s completely against it.

      Stop lying.

      • Go back to ur safe space DEM Commie Liar! Ur so dumb where u just a stain on the Mattress?? Ropes are coming!


        Biden is a brain Dead Puppet who can’t remember to take a breath without instructions like u!

        • Wow you really slapped him down in your mind. I notice it took a few minutes before you were able to come up with your next blast of put downs. Brain not up to snuff? Or did Mommy come down into the basement and you out of habit put up the fake game you use when cruising the porn sites.
          It’s hard isn’t it when you realize your hand is probably the only thing that will ever give you comfort.
          And when your thought processes resemble those of a turtle it makes it even harder doesn’t it?
          Here have some lettuce, you know you love it even though it has no nutritional value and just gives you diarrhea . Oh maybe that’s what happened above this post. You had diarrhea of the brain, or perhaps your brains just consist of shit.
          But do not worry, I know with a brain of shit that is easy to do so go with the flow. That’s it just sit on the pot and let real people dish out the put downs.

  33. If Trump wants a recount, make him pay up front, in cash, count it carefully and check for counterfeit bills.

    Remember, Trump is notorious for not paying his debts.

    If he wants a recount anywhere, it’s dollars on the barrel head or no deal!

    • Just take it out of the phony climate change 100 trillion dollar BROWN OLD DEAL!!

  34. Get ready for $100,000.00 a gallon fuel & outlaw of all combustion engines…it was a good ride….get right with GOD the End is near!

    Harris,AOC,Hillary will be POTUS after Biden has a Accident…it was the scamdemic plan…..suckers….

  35. I bet all the Fudds & Gun Owners & Freedom Lovers who did not vote are sorry now….

    Congrats u just away our country to PURE DEVILS IN HELL that will make Hitler look like a Angel…..hope ur proud..

    • “I bet all the Fudds & Gun Owners & Freedom Lovers who did not vote are sorry now…”

      It would not have mattered if they voted or not. The cheaters would have just had to “find” a few more ballots to cover the difference.

      • Ur right partly…..but, bigger margins in ALL STATES & RED STATES would of made it much HARDER!

  36. This goes out to all the Wasted VOTE 3rd party Voters & Voters who did not think Trump was progun ENUFF 4 THEM cuz bump stocks/machineguns/suppressors!!

    Ur about to get a wake up call…. SELF DEFENSE OUTLAWED!

    U won’t be allowed to own a slingshot or bb gun….

    BLM/ANTIFA Numbers grow by the Millions with Gov Funding!

    • Lighten up dummy.

      None of that shit is likely to do down. Biden has a weak win and a shit ton long list of great big real problems left untouched or made worse by me.

  37. Serious question here TTAG!
    I’m new posting here but have been reading for years.
    When are you going to stop the trolls from hijacking other’s names?
    I know the names
    I Haz a Question
    William J Le Petomane
    Manse Jolly
    Green Mtn. Boy
    Dyspeptic Gunsmith
    Debbie W.
    The Crimson Pirate
    Geoff “I’m getting too old for this shit” PR
    and of course these two assholes
    Chief Censor and Geroge Washington
    and I’m sorry for those I missed!

  38. Can someone please explain to me when the Associated Press gained the right to declare someone as President elect?

    • They get that right from the same place that Fox News, ABC, CBS, the BBC, Reuters, NBC and every news outfit you can name gets the right. All of them made the same call. In fact, Fox puts Biden’s Electoral Vote count total higher than the rest of them do.

      They got that from a little thing called “The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America”.

      You should read it sometime. Lots of truly wonderful stuff in there.

  39. avatar After the 70-90% tax/property robbery of the rich and Corporate America there will be no one left to sign the welfare checks then everybody loses like Venezuela!

    What is a sardine?
    A whale after ten years of socialism.
    The Seven Wonders of Socialism
    1. Everybody is employed.
    2. Although everybody is employed, nobody works
    3. Although nobody works, everybody fulfills the plan.
    4. Although everybody fulfills the plan, there are no goods.
    5. Although there are no goods, everybody has everything.
    6. Although everybody has everything, everybody steals.
    7. Although everybody steals, nothing is ever missing.
    8. After the 70-90% tax/property robbery of the rich and Corporate America there will be no one left to sign the welfare checks then everybody loses like Venezuela!

      • IF FACTS make u angry u have More Severe issues than ignorance!

      • Ur type believes in late term Abortions… please make a appointment!

      • Darn, and I was so ready to start using potato jokes about the U.S.

        A bear wanders into town from woods. Tpwns people are helpless and watch as beast slaughters men, women, and children. The mayors son visits one day from the army. Takes his rifle, and shoots the bear. the Townspeople are happy, praise Mayors son and celebrate with potato feasting. Shortly after the Son is executed for wasting ammunition.

        Should be easy to reuse Latvian jokes here in a few years.And easier too since I will not have to write in fake Latvian .

  40. It isn’t over….it is just beginning….and with Michigan showing a software glitch gave 6000 votes to biden that belonged to Trump, that race is about to be called back…….42 counties in Michigan used that “Software glitch.” Should Trump pull this out……it will be the sweetest F.U. to the democrats since the Republicans won the Civil War.


    Russian state media was thrilled over the undecided election, telling viewers to “get the popcorn ready” and hoping for American civil unrest.

    With tens of thousands of votes yet to be counted in the contentious U.S. presidential race, President Donald Trump falsely asserted election fraud and prematurely declared himself to be the winner Tuesday night—even though the final tally may take days to resolve, and even as Democratic candidate Joe Biden appeared to be surging on Wednesday morning. Meanwhile, the American election turmoil brought much joy to Moscow, with Russia seeing clear gains in its ongoing fight against democracy.

    State Duma deputy Vyacheslav Nikonov, the grandson of the notorious Vyacheslav Molotov, predicted to the state media outlet Vesti that, regardless of the final outcome, half of American society will see the result as illegitimate. Nikonov falsely claimed that both presidential candidates claimed to have won, although the campaign of former Vice President Joe Biden made no such assertion as the votes are still being counted.

    “This outcome of the elections is the worst scenario for America,” Nikonov concluded. He mockingly urged the Russians to buy lots of popcorn, due to the “uncompromising divide in the well-armed American society.” Russian state television started to announce upcoming TV movies by describing them as “the greatest show on earth, not counting U.S. elections.” Appearing on the Russian state media TV show 60 Minutes, Alexei Naumov from the Russian International Affairs Council said about the American presidential elections: “The greatest political thriller of the year is upon us. Watch and enjoy. Nothing like this will ever happen again.”

    Russian state media has long predicted civil war and mayhem in post-election America. In the run-up to the presidential elections in the United States, the host of 60 Minutes Evgeny Popov repeatedly asked pundits and experts, “Will there be blood?” Igor Morozov, a member of Russia’s Federation Council, replied, “Yes, there will be blood. There is no way there wouldn’t be.” Talking about the anticipated post-election violence between armed supporters of both candidates, Russian lawmaker Aleksei Zhuravlyov told 60 Minutes, “What’s not to like? It’s excellent, if you ask me… I love it!”

    Sergey Mironov, the head of Fair Russia political party and former chairman of Russia’s Federation Council, argued that chaotic elections and the threat of violence in the United States demonstrate that America has lost its moral authority and can no longer claim to be the leader of the free world. Appearing on 60 Minutes, Igor Korotchenko, member of the Defense Ministry’s public advisory council, argued that Russia should seize the opportunity to sell more arms to the countries trying to buck America’s global leadership, while the United States is embroiled in an internal political battle.

    While the undecided election and the possibility of post-election violence in the U.S. bring joy to the Kremlin, Russia certainly has a dog in this fight. Pro-Kremlin pundits, experts, and lawmakers are openly rooting for Trump’s re-election. Appearing on Russia’s state TV show The Evening with Vladimir Soloviev, deputy dean of world politics at Moscow’s State University, Andrey Sidorov explained, “We’re certainly not indifferent as to who wins, because if Trump is re-elected, the same politics of chaos in America will continue. The United States undoubtedly will not be able to consolidate their allies… For us, Biden is the worst scenario.”

    Appearing on Russia’s 60 Minutes one day prior to the U.S. elections, lawmaker Leonid Kalashnikov mockingly described the electoral choice hanging in the balance between Trump as “the Russian spy” and Biden as “the Ukrainian spy.” Host Evgeny Popov played along: “We’re for the Russian spy.” Kalashnikov concurred: “When something is good for you, don’t search for something better. Let our guy, Trump, stay. We know and understand him well.” Popov’s co-host and wife Olga Skabeeva noted, “The left and the Blacks are protesting against our candidate Trump.”

    Putin’s Russia did its best to help Trump win re-election, by disseminating the alleged sex-tape “kompromat” about Hunter Biden designed to harm Biden’s candidacy. State TV hosts and pundits expressed deep frustration that, unlike in 2016, in 2020 the American media didn’t fall for these disinformation tactics.

    Nonetheless, Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud and premature declaration of his own victory spell out a hotly contested electoral process. Russian state media channel Rossiya-1 predicted a “prolonged political crisis” in the United States, which is beneficial for Moscow. Co-host of 60 Minutes Olga Skabeeva explained, “We’re hoping that while they’re dealing with their own problems, they’ll have no time to impose any more Russian sanctions.”

    Yulia Makarova, the host of a news show on the state media channel Rossiya-24, echoed the same expectation: “There is hope that after elections, the Congress will focus on internal affairs, and not on sanctions against Russia.” Makarova said that the anticipated economic stimulus will weaken the U.S. dollar and echoed Bloomberg’s prediction that in terms of the strengthened ruble, Russia would be the biggest beneficiary of Trump’s re-election.

    State media outlet RIA Novosti noted that a Biden presidency would lead to increased pressure against Russia. Channel Rossiya-24 predicted that Biden’s election would increase the likelihood of new anti-Russian sanctions. On the other hand, the co-host of 60 Minutes, Olga Skabeeva, described Trump as someone who is trying to destroy the American system—which suits the Kremlin just fine. To help Russia’s preferred candidate and discredit democratic elections, Kremlin-controlled state media outlets echoed Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud.

    RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan even took to Twitter the day after the vote to spew the same complaints Trump has been making for weeks, if not months.

    “Neither free nor fair,” Simonyan proclaimed, capping off a Twitter thread in which she alleged “numerous violations” and “numerous reports of corruption” without providing any specifics. She also alleged “censorship on major media platforms,” apparently in reference to social media flagging many of Trump’s Election Night posts as “misleading” for his claims of a plot to “steal” the vote.

    Similar efforts will undoubtedly unfold via Russia’s underground disinformation channels, in anticipation of the final election results that may spell out trouble for Moscow’s favored presidential contender.

  42. avatar I hope every gun owner,freedom lover in Georgia VOTES!! If not We are Screwed! Bloombags is tossing millions in that race....and all the other Millionaires & Billionaires TOO!

    I hope every gun owner,freedom lover in Georgia VOTES!!

    Get all ur friends,neighbors,coworkers,family out to vote FREEDOM in the run off…

    Bloombags is tossing millions in that race….and all the other Millionaires & Billionaires TOO!

  43. “We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: they don’t want the truth to be exposed. The simple fact is this election is far from over. Joe Biden has not been certified as the winner of any states, let alone any of the highly contested states headed for mandatory recounts, or states where our campaign has valid and legitimate legal challenges that could determine the ultimate victor. In Pennsylvania, for example, our legal observers were not permitted meaningful access to watch the counting process. Legal votes decide who is president, not the news media.

    “Beginning Monday, our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated. The American People are entitled to an honest election: that means counting all legal ballots, and not counting any illegal ballots. This is the only way to ensure the public has full confidence in our election. It remains shocking that the Biden campaign refuses to agree with this basic principle and wants ballots counted even if they are fraudulent, manufactured, or cast by ineligible or deceased voters. Only a party engaged in wrongdoing would unlawfully keep observers out of the count room – and then fight in court to block their access.

    “So what is Biden hiding? I will not rest until the American People have the honest vote count they deserve and that Democracy demands.”

    Donald J Trump

    • “On Monday, Biden’s lead in Pennsylvania increased to 45,673 votes, 0.67 percentage points ahead of Trump, though the state is not finished counting votes and Biden’s lead is likely to increase.

      In 2016, Trump won the Keystone State by just 44,292 votes.”

  44. I’m not that big of a fan of conspiracy theories, but this election stinks of shenanigans. All thought out the night we have pretty normal voting trajectories, but in the middle of the night multiple battle-ground states sudden start finding tends of thousands of votes and their almost ALL for Biden? That’s sus A.F. on it’s face, but in half of those states you find extensive voting irregularities. Local areas casting thousands of more votes than there are registered voters, you have poll watchers being illegally blocked from doing their job, and you have people’s votes being changed after the fact for Biden, and you even have democrat partisans replacing peoples ball point pens with sharpie markers that ruin their ballets. And the grand icing on the cake is Nancy F-in’ Policie ADMITTING that there has been many problems with this vote but saying she’s going to propose a bill to fix these problems… next time.

  45. avatar How ignorance & lazy a$$es ruined the world!! Checklist: The Communist Manifesto! America meets 90% of Karl Marx’ demands for those still asleep who never opened a book!

    How ignorance & lazy a$$es ruined the world!

    Checklist: The Communist Manifesto! America meets 90% of Karl Marx’ demands for those still asleep who never opened a book!

    Little by Little they pushed down ur throats & u Complied!

    While the following article notes 10 Things America has already done to comply with Communist Karl Marx’s desires, you really need to read the entire 45 Goals of the Communist Manifesto as read into the Congressional Record way back in 1963.

    But, we know the whole world is to FING LAZY TO READ except on their FAKEBOOK PAGE WITH THEIR FAKE FRIENDS!

  46. avatar One Bright Light in the DEEP DARKNESS! After 4 years of POTUS HARRIS America may wake up if we survive... unless we get nuked by every country in the World!

    One Bright Light in the DEEP DARKNESS! After 4 years of POTUS HARRIS America may wake up if we survive… unless we get nuked by every country in the World!

    #Trump2024 don’t throw away ur vote on some BS Party that gets 1-5%.

    Just think if Trump had 5% more votes..u would not have Hitler 2.0 as POTUS!

    Nothing to see here just go back to ur 999999999 BIG MACS,FRIES,MILK SHAKES laying on the couch watching endless Oprah & Obama Movies on NETFLICKED..
    & cking on zuckerGRAM 4 ur fake likes…on ur stupid cat pics….OUT!!!


    Just ordered 10.91 Billion Rounds of ammo…gonna need all of it…..


  48. Don’t forget the 10,000% ammo & gun tax coming & the EO’s from HARRASS

  49. The machines were,. in fact, faulty to the tune of some 6,000 votes in one district. They were switched from Trump votes to Biden votes. Those same machines – from a company called “Dominion” were used in 47 districts in Michigan which is more than half of their districts.

    That same system is used in 28 states nationwide.

    The problems have been known for years which is why Texas refused to use them.

    There must be an audit of the jurisdictions using the “Dominion” counting system as they were all in the “swing” states. Just imagine if 1 in 10 votes were switched? That is a LOT of votes nationwide.

    Also – tinfoil hat time for this part – doesn’t it make a whole lot more sense now why Biden didn’t campaign, why he didn’t care about saying he was going to crush the oil and gas industry, why he could refuse to answer questions and thumb his nose at the foreign payoff scandals? The fix was in from the beginning, he knew it and he knew all of his campaign shortcomings including his own inhoherency literally didn’t mean a d@mn thing.

    • It wasn’t 1 in 10 votes switched in Antrim County Michigan, it was more than 7 in 20 (35+%). If they hadn’t gotten so greedy they might have gotten away with it (9% would have been enough to get Biden to 51%). But the numbers were so far off that one of the officials forced a recount by hand.

  50. Jesus Christ, with the trolling names and comments this isn’t even worth reading the comment section.

    • They have come out in force. Someone who is savvy in IP tracing could tell us if it is just one or many. Maybe even who they work for.

  51. Post-Mortem on America
    Firstly, I owe an apology. For decades, I’ve been deriding those who say, “My vote doesn’t matter.” Since I’ve been able to, I’ve voted in every election: special elections, primary elections, off year elections, and general elections. Since 1988, I’ve not missed an election, and I projected shame onto those who neglected to vote. I must now say, “You were right. Elections don’t matter.”
    When your favorite football team cheats, and gets away with it, you might smirk, and even cheer it. Sports don’t matter. This does. America has been built on the ideal of one person; one vote, and a government that is derived from us to our selected leaders. Those principles are no more.
    When one party can manufacture (out of the ether): five hundred thousand, six hundred thousand, eight hundred thousand ballots, in order to sway an election in their favored direction, we’re no longer citizens; we’re slaves.
    We’re to believe that, in a nation that is, as they keep saying, equally divided, Pennsylvania can find, in the middle of the night, two hundred thousand ballots, all for Joe Biden, and none for President Trump.
    We’re to believe that the city of Philadelphia is able to produce thousands more votes than they have voters.
    We’re to believe that Michigan is showing eighty eight to ninety percent voter participation (something that hasn’t happened in the history of elections).
    We’re to believe that it’s just a coincidence that thousands of votes are delivered in the dead of night, after poll watchers have been isolated one hundred feet away from counting tables, or simply kicked out of the building.
    We’re to believe that it’s a simple accident that Post Office employees have been caught, delivering blank ballots to political activists, moving ballots out of the country, or simply destroying or throwing them out.
    Our politicians know this is happening, and they’re burring their heads in the sand.
    Our law enforcement agencies are refusing to enforce court orders, and arresting certified observers who refuse to leave their post.
    Our media refuses to report it, because they support the attempts to steal an election.
    Our electronic media is actively hiding this from citizens. Citizens believe there is no controversy, because they’re told to think that.
    Our court system, which has inserted itself into every facet of American life, from birth control, to ballots, to wedding cakes, now says that this is none of their business.
    Our Justice Department is busy sending vague messages of flaccid support.
    If a political party can make an election result in whatever they choose, we no longer have a vote. If we no longer have a vote, we no longer have a voice. You may threaten to fail to support an elected official, but when they know they can print, or virtually create whatever result they want, your vote doesn’t matter to them.
    I’m sure there are plenty of people involved in this who feel they’re on the side of the angels. But, you know what you’re doing is removing the people’s voice. Do you think they will willingly relinquish this new power? Politicians no longer need to listen to or care what you think or say. They no longer answer to us. They won’t answer to you either.
    My vote doesn’t matter. You’re vote doesn’t matter. Elections don’t matter. In one week we’ve ceased to be citizens. We’re now slaves. We hope that our slave masters are benevolent, but make no mistakes, we’re all slaves to them now. I will no longer vote. Elections don’t matter.
    America is a large entity. She will twitch for decades, but she’s dead, and half of us are cheering her funeral; shame on you.

    John M. Memoli

        • “When your vote doesn’t count, you have no voice. If you have no voice, America, as an idea, is dead.”

          That’s why America went to war in the late 1700s with England. And the redneck hicks won that war. 😉

          If we have no voice in this country’s destiny, that’s a valid reason for Revolutionary War, v2…

      • enuf says “Consider leaving the country if you think America is dead.”

        Enuf is upset because his hate filled vote for Democrats is driving the stake through the Republic.

        enuf says “Shame you, you sniveling fucking coward.”

        Like every Democrat enuf accuses you of what he is doing.

  52. Not everyone voted in each state with turn out running about 68 to 70% of registered voters. But, it does look like Jo Jorgensen of the Libertarian Party took the most votes of a third party and enough votes away from Trump to give Biden wins in Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Neveda, and other states probably. With 19,000 to 70,000 going to the Libertarian Party in each state that Trump lost it is not nice to see our 2nd Amendment rights being tossed away by the Libertarian Party and other third party candidates that ran for President. Maybe they do not care about the 2nd Amendment and were not thinking of the ramifications their votes would make. The Libertarian Party votes has made the wrong difference in this case and this 2020 election.

    • Assumes that enough of those people would have voted for Trump rather than simply not voting for either of the abysmal major party options. No more well-based a claim than Democrats crying about Ralph Nader in 2000.

    • No different from 2016, 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000, and on back election after election. The candidates concede or give a victory speech as soon as the outcome is clear. The counting goes on for a week or two, sometimes there are lawsuits here and there and the certification is always much later under the laws of the many states. The final word is with Congress in January.

      No different than any other Presidential Election.

    • the implications of some of the things being said are huge….just wondering where we go from here…

  53. Listen folks, if you really though that Trump was going to be re-elected you were fooling yourself. His ego and arrogance came back to bit him right in the ass as I knew it would. Had he stopped Tweeting stupid crap, worked like a professional with folks like Fauci, not insulted people by calling them names and acted like a professional rather than just wanting people to further inflate his ego he would have been re-elected.

    • Until Covid, I thought Trump had a decent shot in spite of his (rathar obvious) flaws. By summer, though, I suspected he would lose. I’m sorry to be correct. I voted for the buffoon simply for his potential court picks. In that respect,, he certainly paid off for the last four years.

      Now, of course, if we lose both special elections on Jan. 5th we’re well and truly hosed.

      • I totally agree and I voted for him the first time for the same reason that you did. But the way he mishandled the whole Covid-19 issue and just went on whatever he wanted to hear got him tossed out. Had he handled the Covid-19 issue by actually listening to people like Fauci who have years of experience dealing with infectious issues he may have been re-elected.

        • Stfu you brainwashed moron…. there is no covid 19 you IDIOT…..

          Slow joe won’t be president long….
          Like the Russians said, get the popcorn ready…

        • “there is no covid 19 you IDIOT….. “

          Oh no, you found us out, it is all a big hoax, you are right.

          So don’t worry about wearing a mask, get out there and pack the pews tonight in church and your bar tomorrow afternoon at 5 PM for happy hour, all is well.

        • Fake Covid-19 scare was supposed to end 04NOV20 once the Denocrats didn’t need it to make Trump look bad, but their media cronies are still claiming 100,000 or more cases per day. Their inability to call off their hoax on schedule shows how incompetent they are.

        • Yes, when you see 1000 Americans die every day, those are actually crisis actors who are totally committed to their art and are willing to sacrifice their lives in order to fool the sheep into believing the COVID-19 pandemic is real.

          All true believers know that the Lord above will protect you from Covid, just like He protects your congregation from cancer, leukemia, heart disease, diabetes, strokes, etc.

  54. I find it ironic that many of the states whose so residents are all about their “2A Rights” voted for a guy who wants to wants to crush those 2A Rights. I guess free shit does win over freedom.

    • Some of us felt our rights less threatened under a functioning [even if barely] representative democracy with gun grabbers leading the executive branch than under a dysfunctional government controlled by a would-be dictator with a history of turning on anyone the moment they show disloyalty to him, and who’s implemented one gun ban by EO and expressed support for others.

        • Didn’t vote FOR anything other than an end to a corrupt, incompetent would-be autocracy and a Senate refusing to exercise its Constitutional responsibility of oversight. I doubt that any more than a tiny fraction of voters are actually FOR Biden-Harris.

  55. I knew… god, I knew… that if I simply remained patient, and just let this comment section develop… that it would metastasize into the greatest, most absurdly ridiculous, nutty buddy off-the-chain crazy town all-up-to-11 goofiness extraordinaire bingo bucket weirdness that has ever been seen on TTAG… like, ever. And I was not disappointed.

    So, thanks for being “who you are,” TTAG commenters… because it’s the only thing crazier than what has-happened-is-happening with this election, and it’s a much needed laugh in the eye of an somber, sobering, dead serious shit-show hurricane that we will all have to live with now… the consequences of which we can only hope are mitigated by the stupidity of the voters (alive and dead) that wanted this in the first place.

    We salute you all, and give you the finger some, and rejoice in the unique peanut gallery spectacle that is the TTAG comment section. Cheers.

    Be safe. Mort (actual-AZ… still at this writing, 10k or so votes from not being mortally embarrassed at my blessed state’s Californication… god, it’s a disease….)

    • I think most of the comments in this section are not the average TTAG folks. The election brought a few fruits out and a few leftists to attempt to paint us wrongly.

  56. Dementia ridden Joe Biden is headed to a nursing home or prison, NOT THE WHITE HOUSE!

    You are not gonna take my AR-14 Biden! 🖕🏿

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