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BREAKING: CA Senate Votes to Ban All Semi-Automatic Rifles With Detachable Magazines

California compliant AR. But not for long. (courtesy

After Connecticut upped the anti ante, The Golden State Senate is doing its level best to reclaim its title as America’s number one slave state. To that end, “The California Senate on Wednesday approved a package of seven gun control bills, including background checks for people who buy ammunition, introduced in response to the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.” Well, the would say that wouldn’t they? Not to mention burying the big kahuna in the tenth paragraph. “The Senate also approved a bill that would outlaw the sale, purchase and manufacture in California of semiautomatic rifles that can accept detachable magazines. SB 374 also would require those who own such weapons to register them with the state.” Welcome back my friends to the nightmare that never ends. More details in the morning.

169 thoughts on “BREAKING: CA Senate Votes to Ban All Semi-Automatic Rifles With Detachable Magazines”

  1. Ok. Time for san Andreas fault to push the hippy state into the Pacific! Sorry CA residents your awful choice in political elected officials is hurting us all.

      • Don’t get butt hurt. I was just saying how poorly the people’s republic of California have voted in these “senators” to represent. And if you don’t believe how easily bad laws spread then your an idiot. Sorry I hurt your “feelings” William but I don’t choose to live there.

      • Bill Ayers and the weather underground were Hippies and look at the dirt they helped produce, OBAMA. I agree Griz, let it sink its a burden…

        • We are not all dirty hippies here in Cali. I hate all those MFers as much as anyone else, but I cannot leave unless I want to never see my son. Or until I am able coerce my ex and her husband to leave Kalifornia. This state Effing blows, politically. Everything else is badass. But the politics are starting to outweigh the rest… Our conservative counties are awesome, like El Dorado County. Our Sheriff is standing up for our rights all the time. Trust me, I know these liberal communists suck colossal amounts of ass, but they weren’t voted in by all of us. Just the bloodsuckers voted them in.

    • I like the Griz comment, New York Areas too- Reality Check! They can’t seem to provoke a fight by staging violence and terrorist attacks, and Mass Murder and Genocides that everyone knows that the Government agencies, All, ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR, which hasn’t provoked the chicken-shits of LOL America, so they are definitely going to bring the fight ‘with guns’ not ‘over them’ to your doors and streets TO START the fight since there is no real resistance except for the ones that meet together and suffer Plasma Cannon Strikes and Practice Exercises where the pockets of real Patriots are neutralized- Universal Soldiers will be on ‘clean-up detail’ in a County, subdivision, Town or City near you soon- Maybe yours- Keep those feet up on the coffee table watching Fox and CNN or any Public Government controlled TV and just sip on a cool one while watching ‘Dancing With the Stars’ and don’t worry about one thing- It will probably skip over you and your Life- gwt

    • The all Californians are hippies is an annoying misconceived stereotype. A LOT of Californians are good conservatives. Just the la/sf are the places with influence.

        • I am unfortunately a San Franciscan, and am completely appalled at these unconstitutional legislatures. there aren’t many, but there are a couple conservatives left in SF

      • +1 on this! I came into CA and found that most of the people that I talked to here are actually more pro-gun than the supposedly pro-gun state I came from… I’ve seen pro-gun bumber stickers and even firearm advertisements on the radio… I think that the voters here have just given up on a state that seems to be hopelessly defunct, and vote liberal democrat like some nervous tick.

    • These politician are what happened after the last illegal amnesty passed. The state was conservative before that. If the NEW amnesty bill passes, whatch your state do the same. NO AMNESTY, NO WAY!!!

  2. Everyone outside of California can complain and point fingers all they want, but a SCOTUS decision that declares semi-auto firearms as protected isn’t going to come from Arizona or Texas. What we (Californians) lose in legislation, we gain back in the courts.
    Stay and fight, for this is the front line.

    • It’s hard to win an election where the dead vote and your opponent is the Zombie King

      • Heller came from DC. McDonald came from Chicago.

        What has Texas or Florida done for the Second Ammendment recently?

        • Yes, and both Heller and MacDonald showed that SCOTUS won’t even THINK about taking a case that would limit what guns a state can ban and what onerous requirements that they can put on ownership / carrying, as long as technically you can own a gun.

          As for the Texas and Florida comment? That’s again thanks to the corruption of SCOTUS, where people not living in Soviet states aren’t allowed to challenge the constitutionality of such laws.

    • “The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.” – Samuel Adams

    • Yup.
      That about sums it up.
      I moved north from there in ’79.
      I am SO glad I did.

  3. The article:,0,4224140.story

    The bill banning semiauto rifles:

    This bill would, instead, classify a semiautomatic, rimfire or centerfire rifle that does not have a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept no more than 10 rounds as an assault weapon. The bill would require a person who, between January 1, 2001, and prior to January 1, 2014, lawfully possessed an assault weapon that does not have a fixed magazine, including those weapons with an ammunition feeding device that can be removed readily from the firearm with the use of a tool, to register the firearm by July 1, 2014.

    As I read it, this would make the M1 Garand the only semiautomatic rifle legal in California…I can’t think of any others offhand that wouldn’t be in violation of this law.

      • Maybe…there are detachable magazine versions of the SKS, but in its original form I don’t think it would be illegal under this bill. Now that I think about, the FN-49 might still be allowed, as well as the Gewehr 41 (if you have $4K to drop on one).

        Can’t have a Ruger 10/22 though. That would be defined as a dangerous assault weapon. (roll eyes)

      • I predict that M1 Garands, SKS’s and FN49s are going to be very popular in the People’s Republic.

        Until they’re declared illegal in the next couple of years, of course.

        • They specifically stated detachable magazines…the 60 is a tube mag. You sure the 60 is included?

        • I believe it is included, unfortunately:

          This bill would, instead, classify a semiautomatic, rimfire or centerfire rifle that does not have a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept no more than 10 rounds as an assault weapon

          If it holds 14 rounds, it does not not have a fixed magazine of no more than 10 rounds, making the Marlin Model 60 an assault weapon, as absurd as that sounds.

      • The Ruger scout rifle might remain legal,
        as long as they don’t ban the magazines themselves.

  4. This is what you get when you live in THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF COMMIEFORNIA. They voted for the COMMIE morons and now they’re screwed.

    • Little hitch in your theory, Joe. I live in California and I did not vote for these clowns. I am still an American and the constitution does not end at the state line. For those of you that argue states rights, California, New York, Conn., Mass., need I go on. Either we have rights for all or all have no rights.

      • Until/unless you kill, deport or exile enough moochers to get them below 50%+1., there isn’t much to do except hope the hippie circuit court overturns anti freedom laws.

        In the meantime, your tax dollars go to strengthen and support those that would destroy your freedom.

        • Moving is not an option for me. All the people I care about with only 1 real exception are here. I’m just going to have to keep fighting from here.

        • I’m in a similar boat here in Colorado, not that the situation here is nearly as bad as California. I care for both of my elderly parents, and they have no desire to move. As long as they’re around, I’m staying here.

          Luckily, I’m able to largely circumvent the Colorado ban on normal capacity magazines by simply purchasing my supply of mags for the next 10 years in advance before the ban takes effect on July 1st (they’re grandfathered).

      • Don’t blame us because you choose to live in a Soviet state. That’s like you moving to China and then whining to the US that they need to end oppression there – you know full well what you’re going to get by staying and you make a conscious decision to stay there.

        • It must be nice to live in a cave with no attachments to anyone but yourself. I chose to live in America, or rather I was born to it, and I expect the same rights as any American. Or did your buddy that got railroaded by the cops, as you say, chose his misery by his place of residence?

        • JWM, no one is making you do anything. You’ve known for decades that you live in an anti-Constitution state, yet you willingly choose to stay. That’s like a kid growing up and finding out that his parents are murderers and willingly helping them dispose of the bodies. You could claim ignorance and thus innocence at first, but then you actively became complicit in the act.

          Don’t blame others for your CHOICE.

        • I keep hearing all this, “moving is not an option” malarkey.” I BETCHA if the state started to sink slowly into the Blue Pacific, moving would miraculously and suddenly BECOME an option for you excuse-makers!

          OF COURSE IT’S AN OPTION! If you’re not incarcerated, IT’S AN OPTION.

        • @William: Newsflash, people can’t uproot their lives, abandon those who care about, and abandon everything that is home to them, simply founded on gun rights. Yes, I’m sure guns are important to everyone on this blog – myself included – but you’ve got to draw the line somewhere. Lives can’t always revolve around the 2nd amendment, impossible as that concept may be to you.

      • Sitting back and waiting yo see what happens, has allowed Californians to now see what happens. Activism is the only way, activist moved things in this direction and activism can move it back… #1 action, deal with the minority problem. Minorities vote Democrat because they are to stupid to understand for them selves, they believe whatever they are told. I’m speaking namely of MEXICANS, they are so stupid they come here for freedom and vote to give it away. They are brain dead. Stop feeding them. They are like pigeons, through a crumb and you will have thousands. Noe you know why the scum in the big white house welcomes stupid Mexicans. This post is certainly not Politically correct. Because politically correct is incorrect. The truth hurts. If you are offended… Tuff S**t

        • Uggh…there’s so many things wrong with this statement, it physically hurts.

          If the GOP wasn’t absolutely moronic regarding immigration and didn’t alienate more than half of the population maybe this bullshit WOULDN’T be happening! Blacks, women, gays, Mexicans…Minority by minority, the GOP shoots itself in the foot. Anybody who isn’t an older Christian white man who most likely owns a business and is either in the upper-middle class or filthy stinking rich is automatically alienated. BAM, the one major party that had a chance of winning the last election, or the one before, which would represent our rights relatively well, lets us down.

          OH, and to make it worse, they would’ve betrayed us too. Mitt Romney supported a SHIT-ton of gun control measures.

          So the next time you want to rant about the Mexicans ruining everything…consider keeping your mouth shut.

          • Just how do they alienate half the population…? And I don’t mean the progressive liberals. There is no common ground there and they can’t be reasoned with.

  5. Good. Stuff like this wakes the FUDDs up and shows the non-gun-owning moderates that the gun-grabbers are not looking for “common sense” regulations.

    Let’em pass it and have the courts overturn.

    • I don’t think this will wake up that many Fudds. As draconian as this ban is, I suspect most Fudds will either:

      a) Not be affected by it (I can still have my Wiinchester Model 70, so who cares!) or

      b) Be only slightly affected by it (Ok, so I can’t buy a .22 LR CZ 512 semiauto…I’ll just get a CZ 455 bolt action instead!)

      As for the courts overturning it (assuming it’s signed into law): I certainly hope you’re right, but I’m not optimistic.

  6. Yeah this can’t stand up @ the SCOTUS, the whole common use thing screws California. Too bad there are no real penalties like revocation of all federal funds for pushing this garbage.

  7. Doesn’t moving from severe restrictions to complete banning of the most owned firearm in the country move this bill into Heller territory? The AR is the most popular firearm in the country, how is it not “in common use”?

  8. Every rifle can be defined as an assault weapon in California if SB374 passes the assembly and is signed by the governor:

    (a) Notwithstanding Section 30510, “assault weapon” also means any of the following:

    (C) A shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles, the barrel that allows the bearer to fire the weapon without burning the bearer’s hand, except a slide that encloses the barrel.

    Even if the CA DOJ ignores that section, the Ruger 10/22 becomes an evil assault weapon that kills babies.

    • “(C) A shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles, the barrel that allows the bearer to fire the weapon without burning the bearer’s hand, except a slide that encloses the barrel.”

      How the hell does that even make sense?

      • All rifles would become illegal due to having a stock… Slide action? Does this mean pump action shotguns only?

        • read it closely, the mention of slide action is so they don’t accidentally ban handguns.

          Calguns pointed out that this bill, in its orginal form, banned everything but revolvers. So the writers fixed it.

        • unfortunately, the language wouldn’t even matter if it was changed. Microstamping already bans all semiauto handguns.

  9. If the SCOTUS doesn’t strike this or the SAFE Act down then god help us all. Our right will be a state granted privilege. Gotta love their reasoning though, “since it doesn’t ban all firearms it’s constitutional.” That’s what they think of the 2A though. But can you really blame them? These are the same people that for the majority of their lives said that the “the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” didn’t protect an individual right to bear arms; how can we now expect them to believe that “the 2A protects weapons in common use at the time for lawful purposes” means it protects the most popular and best selling guns in the country?

      • “read it closely, the mention of slide action is so they don’t accidentally ban handguns.”

        Which is ALL the same people were trying to ban, thirty years ago!! Imagine that.

  10. Semiautomatic handguns are covered by Heller and McDonald, but the Court never looked at rifles. And I don’t think it will. Which means that CA district courts and the 9th Circuit will be the courts that rule on this issue. Doesn’t that give you the warm and fuzzies?

    We need to stop looking to SCOTUS to save us from our bad decisions. It won’t do that. If elected officials are scvmbags, it’s up to the voters to unelect them. Period.

    • Well the common use test is what will apply. Over 4 millions AR15’s in legal hands and many more non AR type rifles exist. This should be struck down easily by the “common use” standard but for some reason I’ve never seen or heard of any lawsuit making past the filing in Ca. What’s going on there? No one seems to be standing up to this thuggery.

    • I couldn’t agree with Ralph more. When arguing with my more liberal friends who think I should feel “comfortable” after Heller, I ask them if the possibility of Roe being overturned influenced their Presidential votes for decades after it was decided. All admit that it did. Well, the Supreme Court didn’t address abortion again until 13 years after Roe was decided. If you think the Supreme Court is going to jump on another 2A case any time soon, that is some very wishful thinking. VOTE your conscience and quit praying the courts will save us.

      • That’s just IT. My conscience fails to embrace any candidate that has a prayer of winning. And the ones it embraces are not going to be winning any elections in my lifetime.

        So what should I do with my conscience next?

    • Yikes. People still think Heller was a win. We are now saddled with the common use bullshit.

    • Double nah. They got the idea from the last Bond movie, but that does not mean that the technology exists. This law has a caveat that the tech to produce the handguns must be available before the law takes effect. On the down side, the law about microstamping said the same thing, and although that kept the banners at bay for a number of years, the DOJ has now proclaimed that the tech is now available unencumbered by patent, and therefore all new semiautomatics introduced here must have microstamping tech. So unfortunately, semiautos aren’t safe here either. Before long, we’ll all be buying Uberti clones of Colt SAAs.

      • um no, if that law takes effect, no handguns would be legal in this state unless they had that owner authorized technology. I expect all handguns to be banned within 5-6 years when they decide that the tech exists, much like microstamping.

  11. 2014 elections . . . . if Barry can’t keep the senate, then shit is gonna get real

  12. It will get struck down by the first federal appeals court, as per Heller you can’t ban a whole class of firearms that are in common use.

    (That’s assuming they do their job… I know.. hoping for a lot there)

    • Oh they can and may very well uphold it by citing dissent alla Heller 2 v DC. In Heller 2 the judge said that since all guns weren’t banned that it was constitutional. You know, the same logic that the SCOTUS struck down in Heller 1? Like Ralph said above, doesn’t it just give you the warm fuzzies knowing these judges are out to kill the 2A? 😀

      • An I can tell you right now that the federal district courts are unlikely to invalidate these laws if they are ultimately enacted. In fact, a district court refused to declare unconstitutional a San Francisco ordinance that (a) banned hollow point ammo and (b) required all handguns in your home to be in your personal possession or locked up. The judge concluded that this was not to much of a burden on the exercise of 2A rights, no matter what Heller had to say about the matter. (Case is on appeal, awaiting scheduling of oral arguments some time in the dim and distant future.) Not to be outdone, one of the bills passed in the CA House requires that you must secure your firearms in your home whenever you are not there–even if you live alone.

  13. The end result of this ban might be really good things in the courts, especially for Alan Gura’s wallet.

  14. I’ll help fund the court fight against these infringements, and serve as the test case if necessary…

    But tonight my money is going towards (at least) three more AR lowers that will be owned by an NFA trust. Thank goodness there are actually lowers available to buy at decent prices.

    Might even stretch the budget (ouch!) to include a 7.62 lower…

    • Also: fsck all of those hoplophobic idiots in the CA senate. Ugh. So mad right now.

      Possible silver lining: if they do their usual bang-up job writing bad legislative language, those of us grandfathered in may effectively be exempt from all restrictions on features since we will own “assault weapons” registered with the state. Sure would be nice to run full-cap mags with a standard grip, adjustable stock, and no fscking bullet button…

      • +1 For grandfathering.

        But the *real* possible win here, is in this somehow goes to the Supreme Court, and not only is the law struck down, but many other of California’s unreasonable regulations.

        • Agreed. My feeling is the tide has turned now that the Dems have proven they are out to get all our guns. 2014 is going to show them the folly of lying to moderates who believed them…

  15. Absolutely incredible. I really hope that we can pull together and vote the idiots out of office!

  16. California makes Massachusetts (the shithole that I am unfortunately stuck in) look like the Land of Liberty. I hope David Linsky (aka Douche Bag) doesn’t read the LA Times!!

  17. I’m in CA and I Dont care.

    They can only tell me what they’d LIKE me to do, it takes boots on the ground to actually MAKE me do it, and I *KNOW* all the boots on the ground, and they ain’t coming to confiscate SHIT. 🙂

    • To bad you won’t be able to go to a public ranger without the chance of being “swatted” because you brought your Ruger 10/22.

      • Well, to be fair, why does anyone need a rifle with the word “Takedown” in the title… or worse, “Tactical”?

        /Sarcasm off

  18. So, they didn’t actually ban all semi-auto rifles, then. Come on TTAG… you’re better than this, and your readers deserve better than dumbed-down, exaggerated headlines like this one.

        • Yes, any semi-auto with fixed capacity more than ten rounds. A semi auto with any fixed capacity 10 rounds or fewer, which (I assume) does not have any of the spooky features listed in the old ban would still be legal. That would be very, very few rifles.

      • Oh please what? Some of us have an odd dedication to facts around here. Aren’t you a truther? Yeah? Well, I understand why you wouldn’t understand.

  19. Don’t forget that SB 374 categorizes RIMFIRE semiautos with detachable mags as assault weapons….

  20. “As I read it, this would make the M1 Garand the only semiautomatic rifle legal in California…”

    This rifle has already won one war against fascism. Time to take up the arms of the arsenal of freedom and recover that which God has granted man, and frauds have conspired to steal from us.

    “In our observances this Memorial Day, we honor the brave Americans who paid the highest price for their commitment to the ideals of peace, freedom, and justice. Our debt to them can be paid only by our own recommitment to preserving those same ideals.” – Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan’s First Inaugural Address On January 20, 1981:

    Each one of those markers (At Arlington National Cemetery) is a monument to the kinds of hero I spoke of earlier. Their lives ended in places called Belleau Wood, The Argonne, Omaha Beach, Salerno and halfway around the world on Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Pork Chop Hill, the Chosin Reservoir, and in a hundred rice paddies and jungles of a place called Vietnam.

    Under one such marker lies a young man—Martin Treptow—who left his job in a small town barber shop in 1917 to go to France with the famed Rainbow Division. There, on the western front, he was killed trying to carry a message between battalions under heavy artillery fire.

    We are told that on his body was found a diary. On the flyleaf under the heading, “My Pledge,” he had written these words: “America must win this war. Therefore, I will work, I will save, I will sacrifice, I will endure, I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the issue of the whole struggle depended on me alone.”

    The crisis we are facing today does not require of us the kind of sacrifice that Martin Treptow and so many thousands of others were called upon to make. It does require, however, our best effort, and our willingness to believe in ourselves and to believe in our capacity to perform great deeds; to believe that together, with God’s help, we can and will resolve the problems which now confront us.

    And, after all, why shouldn’t we believe that? We are Americans. God bless you, and thank you.

  21. Ronald Reagan’s First Inaugural Address On January 20, 1981:

    Each one of those markers (At Arlington National Cemetery) is a monument to the kinds of hero I spoke of earlier. Their lives ended in places called Belleau Wood, The Argonne, Omaha Beach, Salerno and halfway around the world on Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Pork Chop Hill, the Chosin Reservoir, and in a hundred rice paddies and jungles of a place called Vietnam.

    Under one such marker lies a young man—Martin Treptow—who left his job in a small town barber shop in 1917 to go to France with the famed Rainbow Division. There, on the western front, he was killed trying to carry a message between battalions under heavy artillery fire.

    We are told that on his body was found a diary. On the flyleaf under the heading, “My Pledge,” he had written these words: “America must win this war. Therefore, I will work, I will save, I will sacrifice, I will endure, I will fight cheerfully and do my utmost, as if the issue of the whole struggle depended on me alone.”

    The crisis we are facing today does not require of us the kind of sacrifice that Martin Treptow and so many thousands of others were called upon to make. It does require, however, our best effort, and our willingness to believe in ourselves and to believe in our capacity to perform great deeds; to believe that together, with God’s help, we can and will resolve the problems which now confront us.

    And, after all, why shouldn’t we believe that? We are Americans. God bless you, and thank you.

  22. In Lexington and Concord Mass, neighbors are reporting a strange turning sound from the graves of Continental Army Soldiers. God Help America!

  23. Can someone please invent a time machine and sneak back in time and help our founding fathers make the bill of rights very clear? Oh and put a clause that if attempting to mess with the rights can be considered treason?

  24. Right wing conspiracy theorists claim that the reason why guns are being banned is because the governments know that when they begin to collapse under their own socio-economic weight, that’ll be the only way to maintain law and order; trying to remove guns from the poor “have-nots” (and as many people in general) because they’ll be ones doing all the rampaging and rioting…

  25. It won’t ultimately pass. They also passed SB-47. That bill amends, in conflicting ways, the same section of the penal code. 1, the Assembly is less likely to pass either (less being a comparative term), and May 31st was the deadline to pass out of house of origin. The Senate Dems may feel by providing SB 47 and SB 374 to the Assembly, it allows the Assembly Dems to appear to take the middle road (between ridiculously draconian and less ridiculous draconian) and pass 47. Alternatively, if both pass the Assembly, the governor has to veto one and sign the other (I mean that is a given fact, they amend the same section of law of conflicting ways.) So, considering Gov. Moonbeam isn’t big on gun control (not that he is gun friendly either, just doesn’t like dealing with gun control), and has vetoed some of the same bills last year that they are passing this year, and effectively killed SB 47 when it was SB 249 (he made it clear it would be vetoed), they could be offering him SB 47 (which is SB 249 warmed over) with SB 374, so that they can offer him the chance of appearing to strike a “balanced approach”, as he tried last year vetoing many gun control bills, but signing others.

    If the Dems were confident in both passing and having SB 374 signed, they would have withdrawn SB 47. They did not. They feel the need to hedge bets. So let us not be defeatists when the enemy is not 100% confident in victory themselbes

    • Christ almighty someone with half a brain in this thread. I’m sick of people trashing my residence. “Yeah guys! vote with your feet.” That works in municipalities or if you are a business moving to another state. Doesn’t work with state politics. Especially in this one.

      It still has to pass the assembly and the governor. Who, while nowhere near pro-gun, is at least pro-not doing stupid things and expending political goodwill on relatively minor things when he’s trying to deal with the rest of the issues this state has.

      • We are trashing California because it is run by retards. Furhtermore, you are completely delusional if you think you have the right to keep and bear arms in California. YOU DO NOT AND YOU LEARNED THIS WHEN THEY BANNED OPEN CARRY.

        Your continued residence in California means you passively support gun control since YOUR state taxes fund these efforts.

        Your continued stupidity is becoming my problem as the “Commiefornia” mentality creeps into other states. Get off your ass and get out and help a state like Arizona resist the influx of retarded Californians.

    • Good link. Recommended.

      Seems to me that the retroactive mag ban will go down in flames as a violation of the takings clause. Regardless, I fully intend to ignore that one if it passes, trips to public ranges excepted.

      • Not only that, it’s an ex post facto law.

        Expressly forbidden by clause 3 of Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution.

        Not that it will affect this messed up state.

  26. “Learn to swim, I’ll see you down in Arizona Bay!”

    Hey look, more stuff I can’t take with me back to my native state. Shocking.

  27. About every 25 years or so, the democratic party destroys itself. And when it does, its usually over gun control.

  28. Finally, enough of this pussy-footing nonsense. Just come right out and go for the gold!
    Let’s hope these untold masses of Cal gun owners who just keep accepting each one of these turns of the crank as the “new normal” finally realize their at war, and they’ve lost control of the field.

    So, at what point do the rest of us in the AI institute the “LA Airlift”, and get our guys and gals out of there?

  29. TTAG should have a link for blood pressure medication. I wonder what the laws will look like here in the next 5-10 years. I’ll fight these laws while I’m here, and leave as soon as I can.

    Hopefully these bills crash and burn.

  30. I was having a nice, mellow evening. Then I read this. Now I feel like punching babies. In the neck.

  31. Interesting. The last time the California legislature demanded gun owners register a specific rifle, they banned that rifle a short time later. I wonder if California gun owners still think they can win?

    • CalGuns Foundations is the largest pro-gun rights group in CA. If you are planning or thinking of supporting the residents like myself in CA in fighting these elected officials, CalGuns and to name a select few.

      Like many who have stated here on TTAG, I cannot leave this state, I will stay and fight till I am too old to voice my rights.

  32. Divisiveness helps the anti cause, folks.

    Yes, it sucks that there are states becoming slave states. It sucks that we have a man in the White House hell bent on infringing your rights as well, but despite our best efforts, he retained his seat.

    According to the logic of some, any of us law abiders that pay our federal taxes are supporting the current lib regime. Obviously, that’s stupid.

    California, NY, and a litany of other states are starting a trend that we can’t ‘retreat’ from. Surrendering those states now just moves the border of the battle. Yes, it’s pretty much impossible to imagine pushing the battle in those states hard enough to see them start adopting the correct, protective attitude toward all of our rights, but giving up those states legislatively and attacking the remaining citizens willing to continue the fight is a slow, certain means to the death of our 2nd Amendment rights.

    Sure, there are states that are passing laws that outlaw any new laws against the RKBA, and dismiss Federal laws that counter their own, but how long can less than 10 states hold up against pressure from the other 40? Worse, if the divide between gun rights and gun control continues to deepen, and those of us that fully believe in the “Come and Take Them” slogan are forced to resort to violent means to uphold our freedoms, how stupid would it be that we allowed the geography of state lines to determine where we were forced to live ahead of time? We’re the next breed of Native Americans getting herded to our reservations, except there won’t be any concessions about not paying taxes nor will our rights be indefinite on those reservations.

    Many of the living room tacticool types are regularly saying that they’ll be ready when the SHTF, and that they *know* that civil war is inevitable. I’m nearly 100% certain that all of us still capable of being rational would rather it never get to that point, and I’m nearly 100% certain that all of us could do more to prevent it by HELPING the cause, regardless if it’s federal legislation or even in a libtard controlled state, rather than abandoning the ‘tough’ fights in those states now and allowing those that are intent upon disarmament dictate where we as Americans are allowed to defend ourselves.

    • The entire problem lies on just a few groups. Deal with these groups and you dealt with the problem’s.
      #4 PUSSIFIED MEN, WHEN THE WOMEN OF THE HOUSE IS THE MAN OF THE HOUSE. You have rose colored glasses.
      #5 lazy Americans, when all you care about is food cartoons and beer. You have no right to complain.

  33. I escaped CA. But anyone wanting my guns better bring their own, because I will not be going peacefully…

  34. I think it is wrong thinking to tell people to vote with their feet and leave these states. It is the wrong way to do it. How much power to control the federal government do you think we will have if we all move to one of three states. Sorry to tell you three states will not have any power when it comes to votes at the federal level. So everyone moves to texas, great, now we can control texas, but the feds can do whatever they want. You need to realize that at some point you need to stand up for yourself in these states. All gun owners packing up and leaving is giving them exactly what they want, you are kidding yourself if you think they care about your money leaving, they will just make the ones who are left pay more. Personally I think the pro gun people who can should all move to california just long enough to get residency and take the state over.

  35. That just leaves one question… How do they do it? Magic?

    Go full retard after having gone full retard several times before, and never gone back since…

  36. The entire problem lies on just a few groups. Deal with these groups and you dealt with the problem’s.
    #5 lazy Americans, when all you care about is food cartoons and beer. You have no right to complain.

  37. Dam we need to euthanize ,fienstien,brown,bower and the rest of democruds in Ca.- as they act like rabid,crazed animals. They serve no use to mankind what so ever

  38. The politicians in the state of Ca need to be weeded out, and no pun intended….They all need to go…..this state was already in serious trouble and now it is out of control.

  39. Its time for the gun manufacturers to stop all sales to California government agencies. The gun owners need to engage in massive non violence civil disobedience by refusing to register banned guns. The state would have a massive problem trying to jail thousands of the non compliant with their prisons and jails overflowing, unless they choose to release violent felons. Its time to make a stand or eventually the state of California will be the first state in the union to totally ban the private ownership of firearms.

  40. way past time being nice to the liberal assholes that run calif…….as far as voting goes…the gop has sold out to the illegals RAZA…so republicans will never win another election as soon as amnesty is provided….the rino party needs to go does the liberal dems party…a third party is vital if we are to have any trust in the voting process..if not,,,,,, then…..detachable will be essential……NEVER give away your private property…NEVER……imho

  41. If you live in CA and voted libtard (democrat) you are worthless and should die.
    You should also not complain about the grabbers (cuz da weed, big gov taxes, and two dudes ‘marrying’ was more important).
    All the Cali duelers who did not vote libtard have my sympathy.

  42. People don’t kill people…..GUNS DO!!! Why I Personally saw this Ruger 9 millimeter leave the protection of its holster and its owner, walk into a store and rob it!! What we have here is a very pathetic knee jerk reaction to the latest violence by weak minded Law Makers who only seek to cater to the hysterical among us by acquiescing to shrill demands to “get rid of the guns”!! What they apparently fail to realize is that human nature is the problem. If we ban all firearms, people will just resort to rocks, knives, sticks etc to accomplish what they used to with guns. We live in a society that seeks to place blame for all its troubles on everyone and everything…..except itself. We demand that our leaders fix all of our problems while absolving ourselves (We The People) of any responsibility for our own welfare. We elect officials because they “sound good”. Law Makers have learned to tell us what we want to hear in order be elected…..of course they rarely keep their promises to us, but then deep down inside, we already knew that. On another note, one of the first acts of a Despot planning to beat society into submission and crush any and all opposition to whatever agenda he might have is to “confiscate” the only means of resistance the population has, by disarming as many of the people as possible through trumped up Laws backed up by armed force designed to accomplish his wishes…by any means. He will use any incident to capitalize on his agenda….if an incident isn’t available, he will often invent one of his own in order to frighten the electorate into going along with whatever scheme he’s managed to cook up. Its a very old story and has been used countless time in countless societies. One would think we’d learned by now…..

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