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BREAKING: Cody Wilson Announces He’s Now Selling His 3D Files

In what Cody Wilson describes as a national plan of action, the Defense Distributed founder and self-described crypto-anarchist claimed in a press conference today that the judge’s order preventing him from uploading his 3D files only prevents their free distribution. In order to get around that restriction and remain in compliance with the judge’s order, he’ll now be selling the files, either electronically (on DD thumb drives) or in printed form.

That presumably means he won’t be shipping them outside the US, which means he won’t run afoul of any potential claimed ITAR-type implications by the attorneys general who are suing him.

The files are now available for sale at his website, 3d gun files defense distributed cody wilson

He noted that his e-commerce distribution platform, which he calls Operation Integral Accident, will allow buyers to name their own price for the files. He said that the only thing that the judge’s order has restricted is the right to speak and disseminate information freely.

The files the judge’s order purports to block have, of course, been widely available for almost six years now. They’re also freely available for download here.

Wilson vowed to continue fighting the Washington State judge’s order in the Ninth Circuit. He’s made an appeal for supporters to help fund those efforts and contributions can be made here.

175 thoughts on “BREAKING: Cody Wilson Announces He’s Now Selling His 3D Files”

    • Absolutely. Rarely does someone have both the opportunity and fortitude to tell big govt to eat a dick in such a public manner, and he’s nailing it.

    • So long as he understands and is willing to accept the possible consequences of being in a cell next to Ross Ulbricht in Super Max(I know Ulbricht isn’t in Super Max per se). The government likes more that you commit violence against your fellows than it does you usurp the interstate commerce clause. The government will have their say, and get their cut no matter what, all of the time, forever. This is regardless of who you vote for or who is elected. You may think of yourselves as the cannibals dinners, being allowed to design the menu.

      • My impression is that he’s aware enough to know that prison is a significant risk, which just makes what he’s doing even more awesome in my book.

  1. That should be interesting, if it ever gets to market. IF the US Government does apply a Gag Order on the Product, to keep it from getting sold.

    • ” IF the US Government does apply a Gag Order on the Product, to keep it from getting sold.”

      It’ll make an interesting court case, considering “The Pedophile’s Guide to Love and Pleasure: a Child-lover’s Code of Conduct,” by Philip R. Greaves II” is not illegal to sell…

        • Yes, a new way of making your own firearm — something that has always been legal in the United States — is exactly the same as making a nuclear weapon.

        • It is *perfectly* legal to yell “Fire!” in a crowded movie theater, as long as there is a fire in that theater.

          If there isn’t, sucks to be you. You will get an education on the lesson of personal responsibilities, the hard way…

        • @ThisEndUp…”… a Cheap, Disposable, Untraceable Gun…” Cheap? Guns don’t get any cheaper than stolen. Disposable? Another free feature, just toss the gun after the crime is committed. Untraceable? Just how does tracing the original sale of a firearm in ANY way prevent it’s subsequent use in a crime? Silly me. Don’t let the facts get in your way.

          • Disregarding Hollywood and TV, the BATFEMOUSE adds to the confusion. The agency claims hundreds of “successful traces” each year. What the means is the original owner of the gun was identified. The success at tracing guns to a crime scene seems to not be a part of BATFE statistics.

        • @ThisEnd^

          Which has been, is, and will be perfectly possible in the future. Without 3D technology.

          There’s no justification for abridging anyone’s free speech rights. And trying to hang it on some kind of bogus national security fig leaf is laughable.

          Again, these files have been freely available for six years. Yet there’s been no crime wave, and no rash of assassinations by shady figures using scary untraceable guns. Your arguments don’t pass the reality test and hold no water.

        • Obviously we need to ban high capacity assault tongues that have the ability to yell “FIRE” over and over at any crowded theater in the country!!!

        • Wow….you need to do some research or take a course in basic logic.
          It is NOT illegal to yell FIRE in a movie theater. I’m so tired of this being trotted out whenever rights are discussed. You can yell FIRE all day long. IF you doing so results directly in a riot…or a stampede to the door that causes injury then you will be charged with the crime of disorderly conduct, etc. In other words, the direct results of you yelling this will be the crime..not you saying the words. It’s just like owning or firing a gun…it’s not illegal UNLESS you USING the gun causes damages. You don’t have your mouth duct taped when going into a movie theater on the chance you MIGHT yell FIRE and then the chance that doing so MIGHT cause a riot.

          This excellent read explains it better

          Also..publishing HOW to make a nuclear weapon is not illegal. SELLING nuclear weapon parts is.

          So back to Cody…..SELLING these types of guns online would be illegal for him since he is not a licensed manufacturer. Selling or giving the plans away is NOT illegal since making your own firearm in the United States in NOT a crime.

          And no….one conveying information on how to make something that then MIGHT be used in a crime(like yelling fire MIGHT cause a stampede) is not a crime. The person using that info to make either 1)an illegal product 2) a legal product they use in a crime is the person who is responsible for a crime.

        • because its easy to access enriched nuclear material amirite

          the strawman of the century, i swear

          • How do you think Iran got it’s Nuclear Reactor and the Enriched Uranium to Power It. President Eisenhower sold them to the Shah in December 1957…

        • Fire in a crowded theater was created by judges saying opposing the draft wasn’t protected by the first amendment.

        • Edward is correct.

          Anyone can make nuclear weapons, really its not that hard. The duct tape held a lot of it together.

          Its the material and equipment. You can’t sell material or equipment to banned countries. You CAN however, own your own here. Good luck acquiring everything, possible, but a long road.

          This is like saying full auto rifles are illegal.
          They are not, you just have to pay some extra money and some more paperwork.
          BUT not illegal.

        • Actually Yelling Fire in a crowded theater is protected by the First Amendment! If it could not be done, than think about those that might perish if it was not allowed and a fire did occur! To do so for a prank obviously may incur consequences, but nevertheless it also is protected. The real danger is when we allow those in government or elsewhere to decide what can and can’t be said, published or released. Than we ARE ON THE SLOPES OF A DICTATORSHIP! The lessons of 1776 SHOULD NOT EVER BE forgotten. Nor should the lessons of today where people cannot speak freely in the Middle East without losing their heads PHYSICALLY! The same was true for NAZI Germany. So whether you agree with what Cody is doing or not, YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to silence him! We have already seen enough with attempts by the far left, Democrats, liberals, Antifa, and others to silence everyone that opposes them through violence!

          • In WWII the United States had Censorship of the Press to prevent Public Panic. The West Coast was Attacked numerous times by Japanese Submarines from California to Washington State. And the German’s actually got a U-Boot into the Great Lakes (i.e. Lake Erie) during the Battle of St. Lawrence. Sank several Ships and Damaged the Training Aircraft Carrier IX-81 Sable…

        • ThisEnd^

          Censorship: it’s okay when it’s something we don’t like. – Modern Left

          Why is it that leftist shills like you always go to the most ridiculous arguments when it comes to guns? The whole ‘nuclear weapons’ argument specially. Disregarding the absolute absurdity of an individual being able to afford to not only buy but maintain a functional nuclear warhead, we already have a well developed legal structure of what and is not legal to posses and share in terms of weapons and data on those weapons. After all, the federal government chose to drop a case on that data when it became apparent that they didn’t have a legal leg to stand on. Which is why a collection of activist state level AGs decided to try to roll in with a 10th amendment argument to shut down this case and do an end run around the original case.

          Ultimately they know that this case has little to no chance meeting constitutional muster. This new case is nothing but a delaying action while the legislature can try and write a new law to ban this data, and that’s exactly what they have done by introducing a bill in the house by the name of H.R.6649 – 3D Printed Gun Safety Act of 2018. And even if that bill is ultimately rules unconstitutional it will be a vehicle for the activist anti-2A a-holes of the world to try to make Cody Wilson drop his case by forcing him to throw more and more money in legal fees fight it. It’s the same old same old toleration BS that bastards like you always try to push. But I tell you what cup-cake, we’re in this for the long haul. And we’re not going to stop pushing every-time you try it.

          • An the POINT of making an untraceable firearm serves exactly what purpose. Other than being Easily Mass Produced, Untraceable, Easy to Get Ride Of, and Sell to too Anyone willing to Pay the Price…

            • “An the POINT of making an untraceable firearm serves exactly what purpose. ”

              There doesn’t need to be a “point”. It is legal. EOS. It has always been legal in this country. EOS. Requiring a “point” to justify making a gun at home is not different from requiring an acceptable “need” for a firearm.

              But to be kind, the “point” of making a firearm at home is to make a firearm at home, because it is legal to make a firearm at home.

              • As I recall a Legalized Home Made Firearm requires a Serial Number and a Barrel Proof (Test Charge applied to Gun Barrel) of ~130% for Pistols and ~125% for Rifles…

              • “As I recall a Legalized Home Made Firearm requires a Serial Number and a Barrel Proof (Test Charge applied to Gun Barrel) of ~130% for Pistols and ~125% for Rifles…”

                There are two sets/levels of law that may be important: federal; state. Am not aware of any requirement to produce a safe gun for personal use. That is, a set of federal or state standards for producing a firearm that will work, if one is making the firearm at home, for personal use, and not selling firearms, nor allowing others to use your gun making tools in your home.

                If one allows others to use your tools and equipment and tools to make a firearm for themselves, you probably run afoul of a M-I-C-K-E-Y BATFE ruling that doing so makes you a “manufacturer”, subject to all sorts of requirements.

        • ThisEnd^

          Yeah, and? What in the hell makes you think it’s hard to make a legally purchased gun ‘untraceable’? And what the hell makes you think ballistic finger printing is that reliable? Chicago PD about all of a 6% solve rate for urban gun murders. And even if you just want to focus on the big boogie man of mass shootings, I’ll point out that so far most of them have been performed by people that purchased their guns legally. It’s not the lack of arms control that let’s them happen. It’s because no one gives a damn to try and help sick people before they pop.

        • Obviously we need to ban high capacity assault tongues that have the ability to yell “FIRE” over and over at any crowded theater in the country!!!

          ^This! Just like guns. If there are no guns, there is no gun violence! If there are no tongues, there are no “fire” in a theater threats!

          After all! All rights have limitations right? Your rights aren’t absolute! Ban tongues now!

        • How do you think Iran got it’s Nuclear Reactor and the Enriched Uranium to Power It. President Eisenhower sold them to the Shah in December 1957…

          Dude. The “he is making plastic guns!” equating to “the NRA wants to legalize nuclear weapons plans next” is sooooooo growing old.

          Yes, I can make an untraceable gun in plastic or metal in my garage and you won’t know about it. In fact, I can even make the bullets and ammo in my garage and you won’t know about it.

          But, to compare that to nuclear bombs is ridiculous. You need a multimillion dollar facility just to refine the yellow cake uranium. That means lots of employees, dudes with PhDs, and lots of expensive equipment. Lots of insurance too, in case some workers get radiated and die. In other words – it’s not a secret. LOL

          You are cracking me up.

          • And a Computer Program to produce a Plastic Gun using a Plastic Medium 3-D Printer, “Can’t” be used on a CNC Machine and/or “Sintering” Printer…

        • And the German’s actually got a U-Boot into the Great Lakes…

          LOL. That’s totally false. There was never any u-boat in the great lakes.

        • An the POINT of making an untraceable firearm serves exactly what purpose. Other than being Easily Mass Produced, Untraceable, Easy to Get Ride Of, and Sell to too Anyone willing to Pay the Price…

          It’s called privacy. Gun’s are by hobby, my defense, my right. And none of your business – haha.

        • As I recall a Legalized Home Made Firearm requires a Serial Number and a Barrel Proof (Test Charge applied to Gun Barrel) of ~130% for Pistols and ~125% for Rifles…

          Negatory. I can legally make a gun, and no serial number, barrel proof test, or any of the like is required. I’m not allowed to sell it to anyone. But I can make it and keep it for myself – completely legal. If I couldn’t – that would directly violate the 2A.

            • “Tell me how Stag Arms got caught producing Perfectly Legal AR-style Rifles without Serial Numbers then…”

              Stag Arms was/is a manufacturer of firearms for business/re-sale. An individual making firearms in the basement, firearms not for sale, is not bound by manufacturer regulations. Once the basement hobby bench becomes a source of firearms for sale, the individual becomes a “manufacturer”.

              • My understanding was that the Owner of Stag was trying to Recoup a Financial Loss in Profits. And this was his way of Bailing Himself out of a bind…

              • Don’t know what Stag Arms was trying to do, only that the BATFE hit them for unserialized firearms.

        • ThisEnd^

          No quite right. For some dumb ass reason they were assembling the AR-15s before the put the serial number on the lowers. They had 3,000 of them in inventory waiting to have their serial numbers placed on them when the ATF had a ‘surprise inspection’. They were never charged with selling them like that.

          Beyond that, it’s not illegal to own or make an unserialized gun. It’s nearly illegal to for a person to deface an existing serial number. And that hit Stag arms because, apparently, a manufacture can’t assemble a gun before putting the serial number. There was no intent to sell them like that, they just didn’t realize a manufacture can’t do that part last. No one was hit with a criminal charge, they just fined them and bar the owners from every running a gun business again. Which is SOP for the bastards at the ATF.

        • And you can Prove That with 100% Certainty…


          The one making the claim, or the accusation, etc, has the burden of proof. That means you have to prove it – not me.

          But for a quick refutation, just go to google and type in “uboat in great lakes” and read all the articles about how it didn’t happen.

        • It isn’t Privacy, when you actually use it…

          I can shoot whatever guns I own at my parents pasture, and nobody will ever know about it. If I want people to know about it, that’s my business. If I don’t want people to know about it, that’s my business.

          • How Talkative are your Parents! Or your Neighbors when they Catch you using it. Or you Friends after you tell them you produced one…

          • You can use your home-built firearm in any legal manner you like, even self-defense. Doesn’t need a serial number.

        • IF it IS a Legalized Gun.

          Murder is already illegal. Why on earth do we need to make guns illegal, other than to spread hate on gun owners.

        • Anonymous

          That’s not quite true. You CAN sell a homemade gun and it can be one that doesn’t have a serial number. It’s not directly illegal, but it’s not at all recommend. The ‘gotcha’ is that you sell homemade guns as a buisness. The problem is justifying it to the ATF if they decided to come after you. If it’s just one, you’ll probably never be bothered. But if you do it more than once or twice then they’ll probably start looking at you.

          Now that said, most FFL don’t like buying homemade guns. Especially if it was one that doesn’t have a serial number. But even then; not specially illegal.

        • Tell me how Stag Arms got caught producing Perfectly Legal AR-style Rifles without Serial Numbers then…

          Is that the reason that Stag Arms lost their Manufacturers License…

          That is because Stag Arms is “in the business of producing firearms.” If you are a manufacturer, in the business, to produce firearms for profit, then you must have a license. And yes, if you inadvertiently manufacture some lower receivers without the serial number, because some goofy employees didn’t follow instructions, then yes, you get raided and “temporarily” and for a short time, got their license revoked.

          They are selling guns right now:

          Me, making a firearm, for my own personal use, requires no manufacturing license, no serial number, no registration, no permits. Just the way it should be. It’s called “freedom.” I know – some people just don’t like it.

            • I can believe it if it were to be applied to One or Two Rifles. But a Couple Hundred is kind of a stretch in believablility…

              I can believe it. It’s important to note, that firearms without serial numbers didn’t leave their factory. During inspection, in the factory, the ATF found receivers without serial numbers. They were manufacturing the receiver then putting the number on it, rather than putting the number on it first, then machining the receiver out. A victimless crime, and a technicality. They complied with the intent of the law, but not with the literal words of the law. But they gave him a felony anyways. That’s what they do, ATF and the laws that rabid mouth foaming gun grabbers pursue – ruining lives, over nothing at all.

        • How Talkative are your Parents! Or your Neighbors when they Catch you using it. Or you Friends after you tell them you produced one…

          LOL – you must not be from around here. My parents, neighbors, and friends, would say – “hey! That’s bada**. Can you help me make one?”

          It really doesn’t matter if they know I have guns or even homemade guns. Because EVERYONE has guns. The question is how many, what kind, etc.

          And there is an etiquette around my family and friends. And that isn’t to run your mouth off about other people’s valuables.

            • Do you have Drinking Buddies! And HOW Talkative are you after a Few Rounds of Drinks…

              I don’t drink. And my friends don’t drink either. But it’s just a guess, that even if we were, we still wouldn’t be running our mouths on other people’s valuables!

              Regardless, there is a difference between who we want to know what we have, and those we don’t. I can tell my buddies, but telling the government isn’t a good idea.

              Don’t believe me? Just read gulag archipelago! With all the socialist pinko commie millennials we have right now – that is exactly where we are headed.

              • Donald Trump doesn’t Drink either! But then again, those that have worker For and/or With Him are having No Problems Spilling HIS Beans…

        • ThisEnd^

          I tend to never attribute malice to something that’s more easily attributed to pure stupidity. The ATF did look at them for trafficking, but couldn’t find evidence of it. If they wanted to sell guns illegally they could have just as easily done them only a few at a time and kept them unassembled, not 3000 of them in one haul. And they did confess to doing the engraving last, for some dumb-ass reason.

        • Donald Trump doesn’t Drink either! But then again, those that have worker For and/or With Him are having No Problems Spilling HIS Beans…

          Even if they spill the beans – what does it matter. It’s legal anyways. A non-story.

        • OK, dumbass (and I say ‘dumbass’ not as an ad-hominem, but as an accurate description because practically EVERY SINGLE LAST fact you’ve asserted here is false, and easily disproved with a simple Google search)

          Stag got nailed because they were being lazy. You see, there are these machines called ‘mills’ that produce firearm receivers. There are also machines called ‘engravers’ that engrave firearms. They aren’t the same, so in Stag’s production process, there is a period where the receiver exists, but is not yet marked. It may or may not be entered into their books under its serial number as well. Obviously there are reasonable accommodations to manufacturers for production realities, which gives them a small grace period to produce the gun, assign it a recorded serial number, and engrave the gun with said serial number. Stag employees & their bosses were lazy, the engraver went on vacation or something for two weeks, and the mills produced hundreds of receivers that were tossed into bins awaiting engraving and being entered into the books at some point in the future.

          These happened to be machine gun receivers, and that’s why the ATF really took issue with it. As you might imagine with such a half-assed system, they also lost some guns which had been sold of to law-enforcement, but were still on the books as unsold. In all likelihood they’d been warned previously about their lazy practices like these, and were on probation. Or maybe the scale of their operation combined with serious failures was enough for the ATF to shut the place down.

          Rather than shut the doors & fire everyone, the boss man agreed to a change in management, and a change in production practices, and now guns are engraved by the milling machine before they are completed, and the serial numbers entered into the books before the machine is run.

          But it’s so much easier to just spout off that they were producing Ghost Guns for the cartels or whatever as –presumably– part of Obama’s Fast & Furious…right?

        • ThisEnd^

          He didn’t really have to go court. The ATF has a huge amount of power to pull manufacturing license if they find someone in breech of the regulations. And besides the ATF is notoriously authoritarian against anyone with a license that doesn’t toe the line perfectly. And that’s when they don’t have a democrat as POTUS. Then they’ll send ‘informants’ to try and buy guns illegally. Back when I lived in Mississippi they used to send them into my favorite gun store all the time. Specially because they were a big seller of those Saige shotguns that they wanted to have banned. Luckily the guy taht owned the shop was a constitutional lawyer before he got into the gun business. He knew the law inside and out and knew what the ATF was trying to pull. Even so he had his shop ‘audited’ damn near yearly while they looked for a reason to shut hum down. Thanks Obama.

        • If that was true SIR, why did the Court Pull His Manufacturing Licence…

          Plea Bargain. Another hideous government invention. He (one guy, the owner) plead guilty to the crime. The factory workers kept their jobs. The factory workers didn’t go to prison. The factory didn’t close down.

          And he got a felony, all for a technicality. They put the serial number on after they completed the receiver, rather than before. That’s it. That equals felony, thanks to a leftist near you. These are laws they support. Victimless crime laws that ruin lives to make them feel warm, fuzzy, and safe when they go to sleep.

          But now, they can panic. And I hope they do. Because the reckoning is coming. Cody wilson made a funeral stone and put it under a tree near his facility. Written on the funeral stone it read “Gun control” and that was it.

        • Man this comment system sucks for multi-point refutation of trolls…

          “And a Computer Program to produce a Plastic Gun using a Plastic Medium 3-D Printer, “Can’t” be used on a CNC Machine and/or “Sintering” Printer…”
          Wrong. 3D printers –of all types– generally use STL files that are digital representations of the solid bodies themselves, and locally (as in, inside the machine) slice & dice those solid bodies into the cured/sintered layers.

          These aren’t CNC toolpaths that give machine instructions, they are literally a 3D image of the parts made with a wireframe of triangles. This isn’t even like trying to ban gun blueprints, it’s more like trying to ban pictures of guns (STL’s typically have some degree of loss as the source geometry is ‘tessellated’ by that web of triangles)

          • Correct me if I’m wrong, but Didn’t Cody Wilson construct a 3-D Printer without that Feature. And is willing to Sell that Type of Printer. If he can do it, I suspect a reasonably versed Skilled Machinist could do the same thing with an CNC or Sintering Machine…

        • ThisEnd^

          What the hell are you even talking about? The FBI wasn’t involved. The ATF had oversight over that case.

          You know at this point I can’t tell if you’re really trolling or if you’re just very very stupid.

          • Considering the ATF got involved in the first place. They probably assumed a possible Out Of State and/or County Sale, which would get the FBI involved…

        • “As I recall a Legalized Home Made Firearm requires a Serial Number and a Barrel Proof (Test Charge applied to Gun Barrel) of ~130% for Pistols and ~125% for Rifles…”

          Are you even American? This is completely fabricated nonsense with no basis anywhere in our country. Proof tests for homebuilds by law? Where did you get this stuff?

          The laws about background checks, serial numbers, and purchase records only apply to guns being sold in the course of business. Make it yourself, there is no legal argument for it to be any of Uncle Sam’s business. If you’re a prohibited person who is not allowed to even possess a gun, that’s a separate matter.

          We do have laws about gun configuration such as minimum barrel lengths, and of course full-automatic function is banned for new-produced personal weapons. But that’s the extent of Uncle Sam’s interest in the endeavor.

          Once the gun is created in a lawful configuration for personal use by a lawful creator, the gun can actually be resold –and here’s the pants-wetting kicker– without a serial number! Because serials are only required of licensed manufacturers, and a gun made for personal use isn’t manufactured! I’m sure that little “tyrant” gland in your brain is absolutely beating out “that’s wrong! that’s wrong!” over & over, but the fact is these laws apply to professionals, and a gun made by an amateur is completely outside the system, same as beer brewed for personal consumption.

          As all guns should be, but currently aren’t.

          • ALL Legalized Gun Manufacturers are required to preform a Barrel Proof prior to Shipment. And ALL Barrel Proofings are sent to a Barrel Proofing House for Data Collection. Located in Birmingham, Surrey, England. It’s been the Gun Manufacturer’s Guild requirement since the 1630’s…

        • ThisEnd^

          No, Wilson never sold a printer of any type. He does sell a specialized small CNC mill that was programmed specially to work with a few types of 80% lowers. So far the ATF have not said anything about that device, since it’s perfectly legal under current US law.

          And also no: the ATF has jurisdiction anywhere in the US inside of their legal purview. They never had to bring the FBI in to deal with the Stag Arms case.

        • “Correct me if I’m wrong, but Didn’t Cody Wilson construct a 3-D Printer without that Feature. And is willing to Sell that Type of Printer. If he can do it, I suspect a reasonably versed Skilled Machinist could do the same thing with an CNC or Sintering Machine…”
          Not sure what you’re referring to, but Wilson never produced a 3D printer for sale that I’m aware of. He made a (objectively impressive for what it is but still) pretty crappy lightweight ‘mill’ that was barely capable of finishing precursor firearm receivers (the “80%” things you may have heard about) by drilling a few holes & machining a rectangular pocket. It was ‘automatic’ but not much less work than using some jigs & a power hand-tool like a router. But that ‘automatic’ nature is what wets the pants of guys like you. Isn’t it? The idea that ANYONE can do something, that YOU would not be able to have any control or say about it?

          Now logically, you should be elated; now you can have ‘skill parity’ with someone far more mechanically inclined & industrious than yourself, and could produce a firearm just like them. But in the back of your mind, you realize that if a person like you could make a firearm, a person like you could possess a firearm…and then you get scared, because deep down you don’t trust yourself not to hurt & kill those around you. I’m not saying you *are* dangerous, since in all likelihood you aren’t a psychopath, but I have seen a pattern that people –typically white, well to do, or sub/urban-dwelling– who haven’t had to shoulder a lot of personal responsibility in their easy or sheltered lives, tend to not believe humans can be responsible on the whole.

        • ThisEnd^

          …. what? What are you even talking about? Why would a US manufacturing send a barrel to the UK to be proofed? Are you from the UK or something? that would probably explain why you don’t have a damn clue about what you’re talking about US firearms law or how the US federal law enforcement works.

        • “ALL Legalized Gun Manufacturers are required to preform a Barrel Proof prior to Shipment. And ALL Barrel Proofings are sent to a Barrel Proofing House for Data Collection. Located in Birmingham, Surrey, England. It’s been the Gun Manufacturer’s Guild requirement since the 1630’s…”

          Whatever depravity you Brits get up in your nation to is between you & the queen. Just because you guys can access Cody’s files, doesn’t make your hangups his problem. I suggest you guys wall yourselves off from the world like North Korea if you’re that afraid of outside influence. This is about American Law and American censorship and American liberty. Over here, we never had a problem producing high-quality guns without the feds breathing down our necks. In England, weapons manufacture has been tightly controlled since the fuedal days…but that’s not really something to be proud of.

        • “But This One in Plastic Form can be Melted Down and/pr Smashed Into Pieces very easily After the Crime…”

          It doesn’t sink when tossed in the Thames, so that right there makes it a hell of a lot harder to dispose of than a metallic gun. Are you saying that you aren’t as worried by the far more useful/lethal sintered metal printed guns than the plastic ones? Is this because you are afraid of them going through metal detectors?

          1) They don’t go through metal detectors; the ammunition is still metallic enough to trip sensors
          2) You don’t have nearly as many metal detectors as you like to think are protecting you anyway; hence all the stabbings with metal knives where they are equally as forbidden

        • ALL Legalized Gun Manufacturers are required to preform a Barrel Proof prior to Shipment. And ALL Barrel Proofings are sent to a Barrel Proofing House for Data Collection. Located in Birmingham, Surrey, England. It’s been the Gun Manufacturer’s Guild requirement since the 1630’s…


          I’ve built tons of ARs. Not a single barrel I purchased, was test fired, or proofed. Because they didn’t sell me a gun. They sold me a barrel. And a barrel is not a gun, it is an unregulated gun part. That means Surrey, England can FO.

          • And how many of them have you sold for profit. Barrel Proofs are required as a Safety Guarantee that the Gun won’t Exploded in your face…

        • “In WWII the United States had Censorship of the Press to prevent Public Panic. The West Coast was Attacked numerous times by Japanese Submarines from California to Washington State. And the German’s actually got a U-Boot into the Great Lakes (i.e. Lake Erie) during the Battle of St. Lawrence. Sank several Ships and Damaged the Training Aircraft Carrier IX-81 Sable…”
          Yeah, and FDR had Japanese put in prison camps without any charges for years & their property expropriated, and jailed journalists for printing the truth, and even made possession of gold illegal (ordered it be sold to Uncle Sam at a severe discount). He even had my ancestor’s livestock slaughtered & the carcasses poisoned with kerosene during the Great Depression so the cattle prices of commercial ranchers could be propped up.

          You can do a whole lot of evil things and still be remembered fondly when you have a good propaganda machine at your back. In reality, FDR was the greatest threat to freedom ever seen in America, and is likely single-handedly responsible for the degree of communist infiltration we sustained during & after the war up through today. In retrospect, the powerful leadership his abusive regime was able to provide to aid your nation was not worth the sacrifice. Within three generations you Brits now embrace fascist tyranny, conspire with other foreign powers against us, and work to undermine our very democratic system through your MI5 agency.

        • …. what? What are you even talking about? Why would a US manufacturing send a barrel to the UK to be proofed? Are you from the UK or something? that would probably explain why you don’t have a damn clue about what you’re talking about US firearms law or how the US federal law enforcement works.

          It’s called insanity. There is no requirement.

          “Every civilian firearm that is for sale in a CIP member country is required by law to pass the tests, whether the manufacturer or seller is from a CIP member country or not.”

          It is only if you sell that firearm in CIP member country.

          This person is insane. The US citizenry does not subjugate themselves to the whim of some group in Surrey England in order for US citizens to perform trade with US citizens. Comical.

        • “I would think a BBQ Pit would do the Trick Quit Nicely. Or even a Propane Blow Torch…”

          So they’ve banned pointy kitchen knives, but blow torches are good-to-go…

          You ever hear of something called a potato-gun? That blow torch can make a frighteningly powerful projectile launcher easily capable of killing a man.

          Blow torch is capable of melting a Zinc-based alloy called “Zamak.” One of the most popular ‘budget’ firearms in this country called Hi Point is principally composed of the alloy, and is far, far, far more useful (British translation: dangerous) than any 3D printed toy. There’s videos of people melting them into a puddle on their stove top.

          • I use to be a Certified Welder. I can Dispose of Virtually Any Metal that was ever made. A Blacksmiths Furnace can do the Same Thing…

        • “An the POINT of making an untraceable firearm serves exactly what purpose. Other than being Easily Mass Produced, Untraceable, Easy to Get Ride Of, and Sell to too Anyone willing to Pay the Price…”

          The purpose is entertainment, if you must know. Alien concept to the humorless British, I’m sure. You see, firearms are not some mystical black art in this country, forbidden to all but a select few royal mages. Because of this, there are a lot of people interested in knowing how they work, and this leads to a desire to make them as well. 3D printers require fairly little mechanical aptitude and skill (setting up the printers is actually deceptively difficult, but the newspapers never report on the hours of preparation/frustration involved) so some of these interested folks choose to enter the gun-building world thusly.

          Others, like myself, got into it by ‘kit building.’ That is, building parts from decommissioned, destroyed machine guns back into functional examples of history, as lawful semi-autos. That change from automatic to semi-automatic is generally very technical, difficult, and expensive, but the working end product is a joy in itself; much like working on vintage automobiles. So for guys like us that actually understand how guns and machine tools work, the terror over 3D printing is the shrieking of infant children.

          You gun banners have no idea about what guns are, how they work, how they are produced, how to control them, how they are used, what they are capable of, what law-abiding folks want to use them for, or even what they look like. Yet still you feel the need to speak an opinion on…ANYTHING pertaining to this subject from your position of abject ignorance.

        • So I should suspect that YOU don’t sell to a CIP Country then…

          Bingo. I’m not sending anything to Surrey, England. I couldn’t care less about European law.

          Gun manufacturer’s in the US, to my knowledge, test fire their firearms. Zero results are required to be sent to Surrey, England, unless they intend to sell those firearms in England, or other European nation.

          Individuals who assemble their own firearms, are not required to send anything to Surrey, England, or the US gov.

          • So you’re admitting to Producing Unregistered Firearms for Sale on an Open Discussion Forum. I remember someone doing that on “The Shooter’s Log” a few years ago. And with an Active FBI Agent on the Forum too. Can’t remember what happen to him, because the Blogsite went Quit Quite after that. Nice Talking too you…

            • So you’re admitting to Producing Unregistered Firearms for Sale on an Open Discussion Forum. I remember someone doing that on “The Shooter’s Log” a few years ago. And with an Active FBI Agent on the Forum too. Can’t remember what happen to him, because the Blogsite went Quit Quite after that. Nice Talking too you…

              LOL – nice scare tactic, but like I said 10 f***ing times already. It’s completely legal to make your own firearm, so get over yourself:

              And it is also legal to sell firearms unregistered. They need to be serialized, but they can be unregistered. Totally legal. Get over it.

        • “I use to be a Certified Welder. I can Dispose of Virtually Any Metal that was ever made. A Blacksmiths Furnace can do the Same Thing…”

          Wait, have you been facetious this whole time? Because there’s no way a professional welder could possibly fail to understand the realities of what 3D printing is, and isn’t, capable of. Take a MIG welder & a large spool of wire. Lay a fat, cool bead onto a welding bench so it doesn’t stick real good. Continue that bead around until you’ve completed a circle, and lay a new layer of bead on top of the first. Repeat ad-infinitum and that’s 3D printing. There’s actually wire-based printers that do exactly that.

          Now, imagine what sort of surface finish you get from such a process? Not much nicer than what you get from your blacksmythe’s hammer, right? (Are forges not also strictly regulated there? You could make swords for enemies of the crown, you know!) How are you supposed to make a working mechanism –a gun– from this, without a lot of followup work, and much of it requiring some skill. Flintlocks are extremely simple mechanisms, yet still required the best of the best craftsmen of their era.

          Some of the polymer printers can produce parts with a finish acceptable to use as-is in a very loose-fitting mechanism…but they won’t be cheap. They also won’t be producing anything close to strong enough for safe firearm usage unless you’re talking half-a-million dollars or so, and even then the result is going to be a single-shot low-power pistol the size of a grapefruit. You should be so lucky that criminals use these things over knives or real guns.

        • And it is also legal to sell firearms unregistered. They need to be serialized, but they can be unregistered. Totally legal. Get over it.

          It’s called a private sale. I know you don’t like it. I know you aren’t into privacy and all. It’s been legal for a long time. If the receiver was not manufactured by me, I can sell it no problem. If I made the receiver myself, a few extra steps must be taken, and one of those includes putting a serial number on it.

          Not that it matters. No criminal is going to follow all these steps if they are going to commit a crime. These steps really only affect the gun owner with no ill intents.

        • Just as Legal as selling Nuclear Weapons Technology! Or as Legal as Yelling FIRE in a Crowed Theater…

          You fail US constitutional law 101.
          1) publishing already public data on nuclear weapons is legal.,_Inc.

          2) yelling fire in a crowded theater is legal, It is only illegal if and punishable if someone is hurt as a direct result.

          3) Neither of those is analogous anyway. All the guns Wilson is publishing are already manufactured and publicly available.

          4) why did you change your name from “2ndASux”?

          5) when are you going to walk back your claim “US gun murder rates skyrocketed in the past generation” when in fact it plunged 50%?

        • @ Thisend
          Nothing could make anyone happier than to see how obviously massively triggered you are. 🙂

          Your hysteric and laughable blabbering comes directly from you KNOWING you LOST and that this puts a STAKE through the black heart of gun control.

          Your tears are sweet 🙂

      • Perpetrator: Fire!

        Leftists: (Heads turn in unison, eyes open wide like plates, lips pucker up) “We need to ban that! Need to ban that entire word. If the word “fire” didn’t exist, then people couldn’t be trampled in a crowded theater when someone yells it. If the word “fire” didn’t exist, then there would be no “shouting fire” violence. We need common sense tongue control. Tongue safety! Lets start crafting laws right away. No right is absolute!!”


  2. This guy is a giant middle finger to a court system that doesn’t respect the constitution. I really like this guy.

  3. Can someone help him make his site a little easier to support? Like click here to buy? Very little is linked or clear. I love what he is doing but make it easy for people to send $$

  4. If you were considering contributing to the legal defense fund, I suppose you could contribute via purchasing the files instead.

    Suggested Price: $10.00
    Name Your Price: $

    • Yeah I did notice how the price was only ‘suggested’. I imagine you can ‘buy’ it for free if you really wanted to.

      But hey, I do support him doing so and I hope it works out for him.

  5. The only reason Cody ran afoul of the Government was because of ITAR. ITAR rules applied because he did not restrict transfer of the data files to users in the US only like Phil Zimmermann did with PGP.

    • These files have no bearing under ITAR. In what way does a crummy, plastic, single-shot 32acp pistol the size of a large grapefruit pose a *strategic* risk to America, should this technology fall into foreign hands? That, in a nutshell, is the entire justification for ITAR, because otherwise it is a naked & arbitrary infringement on first amendment publishing rights. ITAR didn’t even apply to these files since small arms were exempted until Obama had them change the rule, AFTER the first injunction was wrongfully granted. Trump is supposedly reversing this change, and small arms under fifty-caliber will once more be unrestricted. Again, because no small arm can possibly pose a ‘strategic’ risk to our military (a risk, perhaps; a strategic risk is very different, and very specific)

      Love the username btw 😉

  6. The files are available, why is Cody Wilson spending so much money on something that people can already get? What is he trying to get the courts to make a law for?

        • The legislative branch formulates law. The executive branch makes the law official and enforces the law. The courts are supposed to determine the validity of the law per the Constitution and issue orders to the executive branch to enforce said violated law “per the Constitution”…they do not enforce anything and they have NO POWER TO MAKE new law.. That’s the way it is all supposed to work although you would have a hard time actually seeing in all go down in that fashion.

            • “A Super Majority Vote by Either the US House of Representatives and the US Senate will Override a Presidential Veto…”


              Two-thirds of both the House and Senate must override a presidential veto; not just one or the other.

              • The ACA was passed by the US House of Representatives by a Super Majority Vote. It passed the US Senate by a Simple Majority Vote. IT STILL HERE. Trump hasn’t Execetive Ordered it Away. And Neither the House and the Senate, both under Republican Control can muster enough votes to Super Majority Vote IT Away…

              • Agree.

                Passing legislation, and overriding vetoes are not the same. A law passed by veto-proof majorities in both houses makes vetoes rather silly, but not prohibited.

        • @ThisEndUp…Wow! You ARE capable of finding and legitimately using facts! A step in the right direction. But follow through and ‘splain how it’s ok courts are misusing their authority to further their individual, personal political feelz and enabling like minded AG’s in abusing our freedoms.

        • President can’t veto a SCOTUS ruling or any other ruling by the Judiciary. Amendments are the Constitutional means of overruling all branches of gov’t, but that process is no longer used. Congress only takes away rights and levies taxes and spends money in its current form and the President picks and chooses which laws he enforces.

          There is no law that states a person cannot distribute data or programs that are unrelated to US national security or defense except the AECA and that is up to the President the authority to enforce or not enforce that law, which he chose not to when he settled with Wilson.

          The judge that made the ruling overstepped his legal authority and should be impeached.

        • US House of Representatives make Laws, the Courts just Enforce them…

          You fail civics 101. When it comes to laws affecting the bill of rights the courts as often throw out hundreds of laws passed by legislatures. First, Second, fourth and fifth Amendment law have overwhelmingly been made by the supreme and other federal courts in case law moron.

          And the US house of representatives has made less than 5% of all law in the US, over 95% has been made by state and local legislatures and regulatory authorities. So you are wrong there as well.

      • The law the judge was using already states that it’s up to the President to dispense enforcement. The Justice Department settled with Wilson, they have all the authority to do that on behalf of the President.

        The whole case is bunk and of course it was a deplorable Seattle judge that did it so that when Wilson appeals, he has to go through the 9th Circuit, which will uphold and then go to SCOTUS and hope SCOTUS takes that case.

        When’s the big earthquake that’s supposed to destroy California going to hit? We need a 1000 foot tsunami to cleanse the Left Coast of the swarm that’s invaded it.

        • But GUNZ!!!1!

          We’d better pray nothing ever happens to California; they’re one mass-exodus into red states from permanently destroying the political balance of this country & hurling us headlong into oblivion. They’ve nearly achieved that even without a disaster driving them from LA & SF

    • Because it’s no longer about the files. It’s about his right to free speech and the attempts by 20 state attorneys general to infringe on that right.

      Plus, selling the files now will help him finance the cost of the legal work ahead of him.

    • Because courts making laws is unconstitutional, he wants the SCOTUS to slap those courts around and force them to STOP making laws. He has a couple hundred from me, y’all catch up.

  7. And may have crated and entire issue or product liability as this POS “Liberator 2” does not actually work. Or is the opposite of “work”.

    Some volunteer progs build, blow off their jerkoff hand and sue him for alienation of affection.

    • It works just fine. It does not work if made with inferior materials, made incorrectly, or used in a manner inconsistent with its purpose.

    • “..And may have crated and entire issue or product liability ”

      How? He isn’t selling the finished product, he is selling the plans. Is the architect liable if the contractor uses inferior materials to build your house?

    • Those jackasses can do what they always claim they have justification to do and sue the manufacturer; themselves.

      I’ve never heard of the Brady group trying to sue Eugene Stoner for inventing the damn things…even they aren’t that silly.

  8. Just saw him on the local “news” along with a giant dose of leftard editorializing. I wish him well…

  9. I suspect we’ll see a clarification from the judge to the effect that the “free” in “free distribution” was meant in the sense of “unrestricted”, as opposed to “gratis”.

    But the files are really a side issue now. This judge, by entertaining the AGs’ arguments, is simultaneously endorsing the kind of ad-hoc balancing test for Free Speech that the Supreme Court has explicitly rejected, and promulgating a radical new theory of state power that would allow a minority of states to dictate to the Federal executive how it must interpret Federal law. And he’s allowing all this based on a known counterfactual – the plans have been out for years, resulting in precisely no crime wave, and the court couldn’t put the genie back in the bottle if it tried.

    • Workaround would be just like the old social clubs; “join for a suggested donation & access private downloads”

  10. Have most of them already. Going to buy them just to help him out. Legal battles are expensive.

  11. To those commenting on the incorrect statement of not yelling fire in a movie theater.
    This is a myth. Much like separation of church and state and a need for arms.

    You can yell what ever you want to in a crowded movie theater. That is not illegal.

    If you create a false panic, much like Progressives do with fake shooting numbers and moronic views of the 2nd Amendment, you are held responsible for the after affects of the panic.

    If people leave the theater is a controlled manner, then there was nothing done except maybe a false statement. If people stampede each other, than you are responsible for damage and injury.

    Just another fake/false of something based off anecdotes.

    I will echo the statement from others that I too love everything about Cody. The Govt has gotten too big and too powerful.

  12. Dear ThisEnd^,

    Please learn English and try using it in your posts, because I am having a hard telling if you’re attempting to be sarcastic or you’re wearing a tinfoil hat.

    I hope you’re not stupid enough to believe the Germans (no apostrophe, dumkopf) put a uboat in Lake Erie, as they would have had to airlift it in via zeppelin (helluva cliff those damn Niagara Falls).

  13. I wonder what “freely” means… Only the courts could possibly know, and I think they will be explaining it to Mr. Wilson very soon.

  14. When the 1st person dies because of an undetectable weapon does that make the designer complicit in the crime? Or when a person is murdered because the gun wasn’t detected does it just mean you have blood on your hands Mr. Wilson?

    • It is already illegal to possess or manufacture an undetectable firearm. That was all settled when Glock first arrived, and panic among the clueless and uninformed set in about plastic guns not being detectable. Now, just so you know, I have never been able to get my all plastic soap container past initial screening without it showing as a blob (or now days as little rectangle) on the x-ray monitor.

      For any all-plastic gun to fire, it must have bullets (detectable if magazine of bullets is inserted), and a firing pin (detectable as any other metal part). There are no invisible guns available, or being made. Now, one can certainly put an all plastic gun in luggage, minus the firing pin and bullets, and assemble the gun somewhere else. This would also require being separated from the bullets. But one can also put metal parts to make a zip gun in luggage, and assemble it later.

      All this worry over invisible guns. When was the last time anyone tried to hijack an airplane with a handgun/long gun?

    • I’m sure you’ll never be burdened with such possibilities, since you’ll never invent or produce anything another human could possibly use for wrong.

      You do know, it’s equally possible a North Korean dissident could use the gun to dispatch a tormentor, or a single mother in a bad neighborhood a home invader (which is to say, none of these things, including your murder, are anything more than astronomically unlikely)

    • When the 1st person dies because of an undetectable weapon does that make the designer complicit in the crime? Or when a person is murdered because the gun wasn’t detected does it just mean you have blood on your hands Mr. Wilson?

      Guns are used to prevent 2.5 million crimes per year, 10x times as many as used to harm someone.

      And your assertion that someone who makes a knife is complicit in someone getting killed is absurd. In fact SPOONS are used to kill more people than plastic guns with plastic guns being around for 35 years.

      The blood is on the hands of the Democrats and groups like ACLU. over 90% of US murder is committed by prior criminals, over 80% by persons with ten or more arrests. Study after study shows left wing judges and left wing jurisdictions give out much lower sentences for violent repeat offenders. That is why more than 3/4 of all US murder occurs in less than 60 out of 3,000 US counties — every one of those Democrat run.

  15. There is soooo much wrong info in this thread stated by one person regarding firearms.

    Stag arms was in violation of the rules/laws for producing firearms for sale, under an FFL and the times stated to have firearms serialized.

    A homemade firearm does not require a serial number nor does it require a “proof” of any ballistic testing. This is about the dumbest statement I have ever read.
    A citizen making a firearm not intended for immediate sale does not require a serial number. And no manufacturer is required to submitting ANY ballistic testing to any Govt agency.

    The only time a serial number comes into play for a citizen is if they sell the firearm outside of their family.
    And FFLs will not allow transferring of firearms without a serial number, so state to state sales is illegal.

    A citizen can even make a silencer or SBR/SBS. All that is required is a serial number, marking showing who made it and the required NFA Form be completed and the $200 tax stamp paid and approved.

    Now, this moronic idea that a plastic gun can be “melted down” to avoid something after a crime happens. Please understand that ballistic testing is not 100%, and I can take a barrel out of a firearm, cut it up with a chop saw and produce the same basic result. Printing of a firearm takes what, 10-12 hours? And you can get maybe a couple shots off with 22LR. People can build out an AR in about 45 minutes from parts. Mill an 80% lower in about an hour.
    This is posturing by a Govt demanding control, fueled by an handful of useful idiots that are scared of an inanimate object due to their own insecurities.

    Man, I swear a few people just don’t look outside of the little box they have been sold by Anti-2nd idiots.

  16. The bump stock debacle and Cody Wilson are pulling the masks off of people revealing who really supports the Second Amendment and Liberty and who really does not. It is so refreshing to see it.

    My 2A enemies list has gotten much longer now.

  17. “And if you could get your hands on such a machine, would you buy one? Be honest! I certainly would…”

    @The fool who thinks a caret means up

    Of course, you would, because you have evidenced neither the skill nor the intelligence to complete an 80% lower otherwise. Would I? No, I wouldn’t. I can already do everything required to complete an 80% lower with the tools I already own, no need to purchase an overpriced “mill” to do that little bit of work. Further, if I were to so choose I have everything needed in my home shop to create a fully functional firearm for myself anytime I choose. Most home workshops do, whether the owners of those homes and workshops realize it or not. This is neither a new development nor a particularly remarkable one. It’s something that has been happening since the invention of gunpowder, and something that will continue on for as long as there are people, both “good” and “bad” find them desirable. Neither laws or regulations will stop the “bad” ones, because such laws and regulations only hamper the efforts of the “good” ones, the ones who obey such laws, and that leads us to an interesting question. Since such laws and regulations only affect the “good” who obey them, then such laws and regulations logically favor the “bad”, the criminals. If that is true, then are those who devise and enact such laws and regulations not aiding and abetting the criminals by disarming their victims? Does that not make them criminals too?

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