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Set to publish tomorrow, but for some reason already public on govinfo (or download the PDF HERE), the January 31, 2022 Federal Register details ATF’s plans to finalize its rulemaking and regulations related to the definitions of firearm, firearm frame/receiver, complete weapon, complete silencer, and more, plus will publish its final factors for determining whether a specific pistol equipped with a pistol stabilizing brace is, in fact, a pistol or if it’s a short barreled rifle.

From the summary in the Federal Register:

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) ATF issues regulations to enforce the Federal laws relating to the manufacture, importation, sale, and other commerce in firearms and explosives. ATF’s mission and regulations are designed to, among other objectives: (1) Curb illegal traffic in, and criminal use of, firearms and explosives; and (2) assist State, local, and other Federal law enforcement agencies in reducing violent crime. ATF will continue, as a priority during fiscal year 2021, to seek modifications to its regulations governing commerce in firearms and explosives in furtherance of these important goals. ATF plans to finalize regulations regarding definitions of firearm, firearm frame or receiver, gunsmith, complete weapon, complete muffler or silencer device, privately made firearm, and readily, and finalize regulations on marking and recordkeeping that are necessary to implement these new or amended definitions (RIN 1140–AA54). The intent of this rulemaking is to consider technological developments and modern terminology in the firearms industry, and to enhance public safety by helping to stem the proliferation of unmarked, privately made firearms that have increasingly been recovered at crime scenes. Further, ATF plans to finalize regulations to implement certain provisions of Public Law 105– 277, Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1999 (RIN 1140– AA10), and to set forth factors considered when evaluating firearms with an attached stabilizing brace to determine whether they are considered firearms under the National Firearms Act and/or the Gun Control Act (RIN 1140–AA55). This second rule would make clear that all weapons that fall under the National Firearms Act, however they are made, are subject to its heightened regulations—including registration and background check requirements. ATF also has begun a rulemaking process that amends 27 CFR part 447 to update the terminology in ATF’s import control regulations based on similar terminology amendments made by the Department of State on the U.S. Munitions List in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, and the Department of Commerce on the Commerce Control List in the Export Administration Regulations (RIN 1140– AA49).

Here is the section on firearms, receivers, and silencers:

Final Rule
Stage 104. Definition of ‘‘Frame or Receiver’’ and Identification of Firearms
Priority: Other Significant.
Legal Authority: 18 U.S.C. 921 to 931; 22 U.S.C. 2778; 26 U.S.C. 5812; 26 U.S.C. 5822; 26 U.S.C. 7801 and 7805 CFR Citation: 27 CFR 447; 27 CFR 478; 27 CFR 479.
Legal Deadline: None.
Abstract: The Department of Justice proposes amending Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives regulations to provide new regulatory definitions of firearm frame or receiver and frame or receiver because they are outdated. The Department also proposes amending ATF’s definitions of firearm and gunsmith to clarify the meaning of those terms, and to add new regulatory terms such as complete weapon, complete muffler or silencer device, privately made firearm, and readily for purposes of clarity given advancements in firearms technology. Further, the Department proposes amendments to ATF’s regulations on marking and recordkeeping that are necessary to implement these new or amended definitions.
Statement of Need: This rule is intended to clarify the definition of firearm and to provide a more comprehensive definition of frame or receiver so that those definitions more accurately reflect firearm configurations not explicitly captured under the existing definitions in 27 CFR 478.11 and 479.11. Further, this NPRM proposes new terms and definitions to take into account technological developments and modern terminology in the firearms industry, as well as amendments to the marking and recordkeeping requirements that would be necessary to implement these definitions.
Summary of Legal Basis: The Attorney General has express authority pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 926 to prescribe rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of chapter 44, title 18, United States Code. The detailed legal analysis supporting the amendments in this rule are expressed in the abstract for the rule itself.
Alternatives: There are no feasible alternatives to the proposed rule that would allow ATF to maximize benefits.
Anticipated Cost and Benefits: The rule will not be economically significant; however, it is a significant regulatory action under section 3(f)(4) of Executive Order 12866 because this rule raises novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal mandates. ATF estimates that the costs for this proposed rule is minimal. The total 10- year undiscounted cost of this proposed rule is estimated to be $1.3 million. The total 10-year discounted cost of the rule is $1.0 million and $1.2 million at 7 percent and 3 percent respectively. The annualized cost of this proposed rule would be $147,048 and $135,750, also at 7 percent and 3 percent, respectively. This rule provides for updated definitions to account for technological advances, ensures traceability regardless of age of firearm, and makes consistent marking requirements
Risks: Without this rule, public safety will continue to be threatened by the lack of traceability of firearms.
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No.
Small Entities Affected: Businesses.
Government Levels Affected: None.
Agency Contact: Vivian Chu, Department of Justice, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, 99 New York Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20226, Phone: 202 648– 7070. RIN: 1140–AA54

Here is the section on firearms with a stabilizing brace attached:

105. Factoring Criteria for Firearms With an Attached Stabilizing Brace
Priority: Other Significant.
Legal Authority: 18 U.S.C 921 to 931; 26 U.S.C 5812; 26 U.S.C 5822; 26 U.S.C. 7801; 26 U.S.C. 7805 CFR Citation: 27 CFR 478; 27 CFR 479.
Legal Deadline: None.
Abstract: The Department of Justice is planning to propose to amend the regulations of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to set forth factors considered when evaluating firearms with an attached stabilizing brace to determine whether they are considered firearms under the National Firearms Act and/or the Gun Control Act.
Statement of Need: This rule is intended to clarify when a rifle is intended to be fired from the shoulder and to set forth factors that ATF considers when evaluating firearms with an attached purported stabilizing brace to determine whether these are rifles under the GCA or NFA, and therefore whether they are firearms subject to the NFA. It amends the definition of rifle in 27 CFR 478.11 and 479.11, respectively, by adding a sentence at the end of each definition. The new sentence would clarify that the term rifle includes any weapon with a rifled barrel and equipped with an attached stabilizing brace that has objective design features and characteristics that indicate that the firearm is designed to be fired from the shoulder, as indicated on ATF Worksheet 4999.
Summary of Legal Basis: The Attorney General has express authority pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 926 to prescribe rules and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of chapter 44, title 18, United States Code. The detailed legal analysis supporting the amendments in this rule are expressed in the abstract for the rule itself.
Alternatives: There are no feasible alternatives to the proposed rule that would allow ATF to maximize benefits.
Anticipated Cost and Benefits: The rule is a significant regulatory action that is economically significant under section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866, because the rule will have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more. The annualized cost of this proposed rule would be $114.7 million and $125.7 million, at 3 percent and 7 percent, respectively. This proposed rule would affect attempts by manufacturers and individuals to circumvent the requirements of the NFA and would affect the criminal use of VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:50 Jan 28, 2022 Jkt 256001 PO 00000 Frm 00111 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\31JAP2.SGM 31JAP2 khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2 5112 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 20 / Monday, January 31, 2022 / Regulatory Plan weapons with a purported stabilizing brace.
Risks: Without this rule, public safety will continue to be threatened by the criminal use of such firearms, which are easily concealable from the public and first responders.
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No.
Small Entities Affected: Businesses.
Government Levels Affected: None.
International Impacts: This regulatory action will be likely to have international trade and investment effects, or otherwise be of international interest.
Agency Contact: Denise Brown, Regulations Writer, Department of Justice, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, 99 New York Avenue NE, Washington, DC 20226, Phone: 202 648–7070. RIN: 1140–AA55

So sometime in June, ATF’s new definitions and regulations will go into effect for the receivers, silencers, and other categories, and sometime in August the rules will go into effect for pistol stabilizing brace-equipped firearms.

On that note I’d like to make something clear, because there is a lot of confusion out there: these new rules will not make pistol braces illegal. It will not ban them. In fact, it doesn’t apply to the braces, themselves, at all.

As ATF cannot directly regulate this accessory, because for them its legality exists in how it is or isn’t used. As a stand-alone item, it’s completely legal to make, sell, and buy, then. These new regulations apply to the configuration of the complete firearm on which a brace is used. ATF can’t rule on the brace, but they can rule on a complete firearm.

What will be restricted here is how you can accessorize a pistol that’s equipped with a brace. That whole ridiculous point system related to optics, bipods, weight, length, caliber, and other factors. ATF will look at the gun as a complete, as-configured unit and through these guidelines and through that points system, will determine if it’s a pistol or if the manufacturer or end user configured it in such a way that it’s allegedly intended to be a rifle (and, therefore, a short barreled rifle or SBR and subject to the regulations of the National Firearm Act or NFA).

For this same reason, the ATF stopped providing technical rulings on braces and similar accessories. A complete firearm must be submitted to the Technical Branch if a user or manufacturer wants ATF’s opinion on whether or not it’s a pistol or a rifle. And, because it’s the specific configuration that matters, if a manufacturer were to design a new pistol stabilizing brace and submit that brace to ATF on firearm X with optic Y and accessory D, ATF’s technical ruling would apply solely and specifically to firearm X with optic Y and accessory D and literally no other firearm in the world nor that same firearm with any change in its configuration whatsoever.

Effectively, it’s the points-based worksheet or the highway.

If you’re curious about each of those configuration categories, I detailed (and refuted) them extensively on TTAG HERE. We discussed and shared the points based worksheet HERE. And we joked about it HERE.

Of course, alternatives are already hitting the market. For instance, at SHOT Show this year Black Collar Arms announced its APS, or Adjustable Pistol Support. They say:

Not a shoulder stock, not a pistol brace, the brand new Black Collar Arms APS — Adjustable Pistol Support — is a height adjustable rest designed to support a precision pistol on a bench, ground, or other surface. It’s a brand new category of rear accessory for firearms and is ideally suited to large, accurate pistols.

The APS is not a pistol brace, as it isn’t designed to contact or brace on the user’s body at all. ATF’s brace-related restrictions are all specific to using the brace for its stated purpose: to support a pistol held one-handed and at arm’s length, which is why weight, caliber, eye relief of the optic, etc. are targeted.

The Black Collar Arms APS, however, is designed to provide a height-adjustable rear support for a large format pistol when used rested on a shooting bench, the ground, or any other stable surface. Benchrest pistol shooting and competition has been a highly popular recreational firearm sport many decades, and pistol hunting has become increasingly popular with more large format, accurate, capable pistols hitting the market and some states adopting lengthened or additional hunting seasons for handgun hunting. Now there’s a solid, lightweight rear support for these large pistols that easily travels with the pistol (no more sandbags or giant benchrest sled structures) and provides easy point-of-aim elevation adjustment without getting caught up in these pistol brace shenanigans.


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  1. I suspect that there will be moles, trolls and informants at the various ranges, shooting clubs, etc who will surreptitiously photograph the “criminal miscreants” and inform the ATF. Names, addresses. This is just one more nail in the coffin of the Bill of Rights.

      • So, the brain-damaged mentally-ill troll with nothing between its spindly-legs claims it’s “provably false”, and then fails to provide the proof.

        Wowser, he must be rilly, rilly, RILLY smart!

        No, he really is that fucking stupid…. 🙂

      • Hi, nameless, brainless troll! Actually, Mr. Crognale (learn to spell his name, you nitwit) makes quite a valid point. All of us who actually VISIT gun ranges (which would exclude YOU, you lying troll) are very familiar with the slow-but-constant dribble of various local and federal “LEOs” that cycle through any range or FFL of any size . . . but you’re too ignorant to be aware of that.

        Like dacian the stupid, you’re too stupid to insult.

        • “All of us who actually VISIT gun ranges … are very familiar with the slow-but-constant dribble of various local and federal ‘LEOs’ that cycle through any range or FFL of any size”

          they do? never seen one. where I am absolutely every single leo agency uses their own government range – they NEVER use public ranges.

      • No he doesn’t. Valid and great points made. He’s spot on in regards to almost everything he said, and everyone with any grey matter knows it.

      • You ain’t real bright, it seems. When was the last time the FBI solved a case that didn’t rely on an ‘informant’? The FBI doesn’t do police work, they hire criminals to give whatever testimony the FBI wants. You’re damned right they’ll pay these ‘informants’ to snitch on you if your rifle barrel is 0.01 inches too short, or your arm brace is used improperly, or any other silly infraction they can dream up. Better hope you don’t inadvertantly carry some ‘cop killer’ rounds with you, and this ‘informant’ spots them. The last guy to use a ‘cop killer’ round put 172 cops in their graves – with one round!

      • You don’t think there will be informants and trolls? This is an actual comment on a youtuber’s video who was reviewing the FRT.
        “Ah a Millennial. No wonder you can’t follow laws or act like a responsible adult. I bet you’re unemployed as well. No worries, I reported your “Not a machine gun” machine gun w/footage to the ATF. Got an email to send a clip and link about 25 minutes ago and obliged. 🙂 Hope you don’t have dogs. Per the nice agent, the FRT has already been deemed an MG and collection efforts are happening. Grow up, and pay for a transferable and a stamp if you want to play this game Jr.”

        Add in that Garand Thumb has mentioned on numerous occasions that people are constantly reporting his videos to the ATF for machine guns and SBR’s (which have always legally acquired) as well personally first hand seeing a fudd tell someone with a binary trigger that it was illegal and getting that person kicked out of a public range because the RO was an ancient Fudd who didn’t understand the difference between a binary trigger and burst.. and yeah, Crognale is 100% correct. No shortage of gun owners who will gleefully drop a dime on other gun owners.

        • TL;DR – The gun community, contrary to the stereotype, is actually a large group of suburban white liberal women that go by Karen and want to talk to the manager.

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

          “TL;DR – The gun community, contrary to the stereotype,…”

          Your wife thinks that she and you both should see other men for sexual satisfaction… 😉

      • And you are a foolish lemming if you don’t believe they will be watching and checking. The gun grabbing Bloomturd owned Bribedem regime is doing everything they can to take away all guns, except the ones that protect them, from the subservient peons. Wake up for they WILL be knocking on YOUR door to take your guns away if the demonRATS remain in office. The Constitution applies only to them, not the subjects.

    • Michael,

      I suspect you are correct. What the ATF intends and what it actually does can be widely different. “Hey, we have judged that firearm you are using to be an SBR. What? No stamps? Hands behind your back.”

      Yup, they can criminalize us on a case-by-case, firearm-by-firearm basis and it is up to each of us to spend gobs of money to prove our innocence.


      • It’s already at the point where several of us in my circle here in CA only take the gats that are absolutely irrefutable to our local range, and take the special toys (those that are legal elsewhere in Free America, or were once legal here but are now prohibido because feelz) out to the high desert to play.

        • heh. you should see what the reservation indians play with. they have lots of casino money and they buy the big stuff.

    • No doubt. There is no shortage of boot-licking, neckbearded nerds is the firearm community just waiting to jump out with their laminated points worksheet and throw down an “aaackshuuly what you have there counts to….”

      They’re the same assholes who keep writing the ATF for opinions in the first place.

      • The answer here is if you think it might be “iffy”, don’t go show it off at a public range on a busy day, use a private one.

      • I’ve had to deal with one of these idiots firsthand who was harping on me about having a “short barrel rifle” that was “illegal” because he didn’t understand my fake can was pinned and welded on the rifle and that it was legal

        These people exist, entirely, and it’s the reason why I own land in the desert to shoot on.

    • Proliferation this, shoulder that, with serial numbers without serial numbers yada, yada yada…At the end of the day History Still Confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter of form is Rooted in Racism and Genocide.

      You cannot talk your way out of what History Confirms is The Truth About Gun Control.

    • That’s already happening, Bro. If one manages to keep up with ‘all’ the deprivation of rights flanking maneuvers the G is constantly making with their overall disarmament agenda, you’ll notice things like fusion center reporting, the ‘rewards’ for info leads on the All-seeing eye’s site, recent efforts to have people reported and screened for potential ‘dangerous’ explosives by educating’ retailers, etc. on ‘noticing’ buyers of such. And of course, everything you ‘buy’ on line is ‘noted’ for easy-peasy cloud recovery anytime they feel like. And also don’t ever forget that virtually ever organization that exists for any potential political purpose, including the little sisters of the Poor, is infiltrated either by a sworn agent or a paid informant. To wit: The Jan 6 debacle.

      And the amount of Drones (and i don’t mean the little personal ones) StingRay, and other no- privacy- at- all “Public Safety aids” for Sherrif Departments across the country increased dramtically in the last year under Brandon. If your Sherrif isn’t Constitutional, your county is in trouble. you can go on line and see a Map of all the surveillance drones in your county.

    • Prudence dictates One should have a care when engaging in activities with a Firearm equipped with any device in which much misinformation exists.
      Which is why I only shoot my AR Pistols on the family acreage away from Nosey Nellys.


    • I’m a father/husband first, a citizen second, and a federal agent a far and distance third. If these fucking oath breaking losers come for braces or anything else the 2nd excludes them from touching, I will be violent. Period. These are not enforceable “rules” without the force of law. Keep finding FPC and others to fight. Make an attorney friend. Do not comply. Fuck these losers. They can’t write a decent warrant to save their asses. Refuse to speak with them. Deny, obfuscate, make counter accusations.

      Keep the faith.

  2. In all seriousness regarding the Frame/Reciever Rule Proposal;……Will AR-15 Uppers and Semiautomatic Pistol Slide Assemblies be considered completed firearms and need Form 4473 Fill Outs and Background Checks?

  3. I like how complying with the ATFs previous mandates/directives now means manufacturers and individuals are trying to “circumvent” law.

    F them. Don’t care what they rule, my pistols will stay as they are, and I won’t be doing one iota of work to try and comply. I already did that research, and spent my money based on their previous guidance. The end.

    Law enforcement will have to decide which side of the constitution they are on.

    • Well guess what my friend, you better have some important friends or stay out of the spotlight cuz LE will slit a child’s throat for that paycheck. Juz doin’ my job

  4. Ok, maybe I missed it, but excluding SBR’s which everyone seems all orgasmic about – what are the “updated’ definitions of firearm, firearm frame/receiver, complete weapon, and a personally manufactured firearm?

    • Word is that is likly to show up sometime in August, just in time to re-pi$$off all of us (other than the Trolls) and help motivate us to kick the worst of the swamp supporting a$$h0le politicians to the curb. Now is the time to find primary challengers to the worst of the Republicans.

      • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

        “…sometime in August, just in time to re-pi$$off all of us (other than the Trolls) and help motivate us to kick the worst of the swamp supporting a$$h0le politicians to the curb.”


        That why tactically, it makes no sense, dropping that big of a turd in the punchbowl right before the mid-term election.

        Gun owners vote their guns, and it’s just going to fuel our turnout…

        • Almost like they aren’t really afraid of losing the election. Kinda like the last time they weren’t afraid of losing. How’d that work out?

        • avatar Geoff "A day without an apparently brain-damaged mentally-ill demented troll is like a day of warm sunshine" PR

          “Kinda like the last time they weren’t afraid of losing. How’d that work out?”

          Substantial changes in how votes are counted are now in place in 3 of the states that were stolen last time.

          That’s why you’re hearing all the frantic cries of “Democracy is at stake in the mid-terms elections, and we will never have a free one after that!”.

          Their worst nightmare happened on election night, 2020. 4 years of constantly covering Trump as if he were literally Hitler resulted in at 10 pm, they realized he won re-election.

          And that scared the hell out of them. You’re starting to hear now them claiming the mid-terms will be stolen by *us*. They can’t wrap their head around the fact that slightly over 50 percent of America, with all that constant negative coverage for over 4 years, will reject them again. And they will flip the fuck out when it happens… 🙂

  5. The ATF should and needs to be disbanded. It’s employees fired. The head of the ATF should be brought up on charges of conspiracy, treason, and sentenced to and serve a looooooong prison term for his acts against We The People.

      • A good Trump project started was moving fed offices OUT of DC. Obiden has very quietly has been moving them back to the swamp. Not shocking.

  6. For pistol brace firearms, is it the same exact arbitrary points system or are they doing something new?

    • They’re doing something else now. They are removing the guidance, and they will examine each individual weapon and decide how they feelz as they lookz at it. Basically, if there is any question, and you aren’t on your knees polishing knobs, then it’s going to be illegal.

  7. Ragnar, is right, which is why we need to clean out Congress of all the anti 2A (including the “I support the 2A, but” brigade) and anti freedom jerks. Dump the SBR, and silencer silliness on the way to ending the NFA ’34

    • It’s not just feds infiltrating gun ranges. Some are run by retired cops and we ALL back the blue😎😟😕😟

      • Back the blue. Hey let me see that cool gun you got… As he makes a mental note to run the serial number and if all else fails check your tags on your car.

  8. I’m way past giving a shit about the continued well being of any and all who would enforce these infringements both the current and those on the near and far horizon.
    In fact we’re way past due for a mass, coordinated ” Fuck it. Fuck That. Fuck YOU. Now Fuck Off Already”and coordinated noncompliance.

  9. Nothing I like better then a government agency declaring what Rights you have .
    Makes a possum feel much safer.

  10. The ATF rules at 8:00 A.M. and it becomes law at 5:00 P.M. And of course the courts bless the new regulations (Laws). Same news just a different day.

    And by the way there have been plenty of arrests at gun ranges by undercover Feds and even local power mad Cops.

    And most gun ranges these days have security cameras so the undercover agents do not even have to even be there to see you and later arrest you. While you sweat or freeze your ass off at the range the undercover cops sit in a comfortable room miles away sipping drinks and eating cheese boorgers (Trump food) and writing down license plate numbers and posting your picture to local law enforcement cruiser computers.

    And do not laugh if you have your own private range. New computer technology can zero in on gun fire even from silencer equipped weapons and direct a camera equipped drone to get all the info it needs on who you are and where you are complete with pictures of the weapons you are firing.

    For Big Brother “Life is good”.

    • Apologies to the regular TTaG readers.

      New computer technology can zero in on gun fire even from silencer equipped weapons and direct a camera equipped drone…

      I reject the notion that a drone flying at 15,000 feet can hear a gunshot when the shooter has a suppressor on his/her firearm.

      And I am having a very hard time believing that various government agencies have the budget to purchase drones, maintain them, keep them running (e.g. fueled), and pilot them all over the place at all waking hours.

      • To Uncommon Sense

        quote—————And I am having a very hard time believing that various government agencies have the budget to purchase drones, maintain them, keep them running (e.g. fueled), and pilot them all over the place at all waking hours.———–quote

        You must live in an alternate universe. Even cities have enough money to employ this technology and they have been doing that. Now if a city can afford this do you think the Government who prints its own money cannot afford to do the same. Come on lets get real here, of course they can and do.

        I past years (this is not new technology) there have been numerous articles on all of this with the cities employing this gun sound technology.

        They even have cameras now that can look into your home as the cops drive by your home and spot a gun safe or gun cabinet.

        • No drones around my range. The National Guard doesn’t even fly over looking for Maryjahoochie plants any more.

        • Shotspotter does not seemed to have worked worth a dookee in Philly, Baltimore, Chiraq, LA, DC, Houston, or the other big blue stinking cities. By the time the Law gets there, the perps are gone.

      • When did the ATF or DOJ become a branch of government that has the power to enact legislation, define federal guidelines, and govern free men? This is just a Biden power grab to absolve his political debts! Hell no!

    • This is false. Not wrong to be paranoid, but your statements do not reflect the reality anywhere.

  11. My favorite part was the statement that the ATF have to regulate braced pistols because “public safety will continue to be threatened by the criminal use of such firearms, which are easily concealable from the public and first responders”. Oh, you mean like handguns, and knives which are commonly used in crimes? How many times has a braced pistol been used to commit a crime since they were invented? Concealing one is not a simple manner unless you’re committed to carrying a backpack everywhere. And most importantly, how does paying $200 to the Fed make a braced pistol any less concealed or dangerous??? Its attempting to ban them one step at a time, pure and simple.

    • “How many times has a braced pistol been used to commit a crime since they were invented?”

      -Which is why they need them gone. Before long, people will realize we don’t need the NFA.

      If you’re setting out to murder people with a small rifle/pistol, are you concerned about the legality of a brace or registering your SBR? It’s absurd.

      • Dud Brain your not only a Moron but delusional as well.

        quote———–Before long, people will realize we don’t need the NFA.—————quote

        When was last time Chicago shot up with a line of cars all filled with gangsters using Thompson .45 cal machine guns. Not since the NFA banned them. I would say the NFA outlawing the sale of new machine guns worked very well as well as the decades old previous ban restricting ownership of them through the NFA permit system. The NFA laws are working as intended and every well.

        And if you think the average person wants machine guns legal again or silencers sold over the counter you are living in an alternate, bizarre, deranged Universe. Only 37% of the public even owns guns anymore and they cannot imagine why anyone would want to own one and your telling us that 63 per cent of the non gun owning public wants to turn people like you loose on society with machine guns and silencers. Your bizarre rant shows you need to be put in the care of a mental institution and soon.

        Thank God you do not live in my neighborhood.

        • I understand I said people will realize we don’t need the NFA. I meant the SBR portion of the NFA since that’s what we’re talking about. The rest can be a conversation for another day.

          I imagine there have been millions of pistols sold with braces in the past few years. The world didn’t end. There wasn’t an uptick in violence that resulted from more short barrels in the wild without registration. THAT’S why they have to end it. We now have the data that demonstrates SBR approval, registration, and silly rules are not needed, and pose an unnecessary burden on citizens.

          Let’s say you can no longer buy a pistol with a brace. You can still buy one without a brace or stock. Any aspiring murderer can use that to kill without a brace or stock, or (I know this is crazy but use your imagination) they could illegally (gasp) add a rifle stock to it. Does anyone believe a murderer is going to worry about not complying with the ATF’s latest rules and definitions?

          Dacian, your homework assignment for the day is to look up the definition of rant. Then compare and contrast my original comment with your reply. See if you can figure out which one is a rant.

        • Yeah…

          Chicago has never been shot up by a chain of mobsters with tommy guns outside of a movie.

          The NFA didn’t ban new machine guns – it just taxed them, that was the Hughes Amendment tacked onto FOPA in 1986 by that fascist William J. Hughes.

          5.4 million people bought their first gun last year bringing the percentage of people that are honest about gun ownership in polls to 42% – no one knows how many have lied because it really is none of their or your damned business.

          He probably is your neighbor.

        • You’re awfully quick to resort to insults, name calling, and ad hominem attacks for people who you think say something wrong.

          Hey Dud brain, you’re not only a moron, but delusional as well. The NFA didn’t ban machine guns, it only taxed them. Your bizarre rant shows you need to be put in the care of a medical institute soon.

          Thank God you do not live in my neighborhood.

        • Chicago resident here, you are sadly mistaken. The gang bangers in chicago enjoy SBR and full auto firearms regularly. Plenty of footage showing this on a regular basis.

    • Because when they bust that meth house now they can bring NFA unregistered SBR charges so something “sticks.” Or a red flag sizure can turn into a criminal case, or at least a plea agreement to permanently give up your weapons in exchange for not going to jail. Or they can at least arrest you when searching your car if they find your truck gun and don’t like what you look like.

      In other words, broad latitude to pursue charges or leverage against drug dealers, domestic abusers, ex military, or Trump loving deplorables, because there will be lots of possibilities for getting caught on a point or two on your gun configuration. They don’t have to round up people at the range or go door to door, just bust you for something else minor and trip you up with it.

      Apparently our comments feel on deaf ears with this administration, now to wait for the lengthy case trials to kick off and wind their way through the legal system…

  12. The feds are going to shift the goal posts, what’s new? It’s not like they actually had Congress approve of this with the president’s sign off either……

  13. Am i reading this correct, in that i am deducting they have decided to make zero changes to the proposed rules?

    • Seems like it. I guess the answer to our comments is a big middle finger, “we only answer to Biden and co.” But then in even proposing the rules they were already doing exactly that, so I guess any expectation they would retreat was folly, they have everything to gain giving Biden a “win” in gun control sooner rather than later, regardless of how it ultimately plays out in the courts. And no guarantee on that outcome either.

      I guess we are in the “make up whatever regulations they like and see what sticks” phase, knowing that most court decisions will be too little, too late.

  14. Maybe someone more knowledgeable than I could look at the question of whether the ATFs’ new rule making /redefinition about lower recievers / uppers being firearms in and of themselves confirms the argument that some lawyers were making that as previously defined, no part of the receiver of an AR-15 type weapon was actually a firearm frame, which was the part required to be serialized. In several cases, the ATF dropped the charges rather than have a court decision go against them.
    In some court cases, “fixing” an error after harm is done can be seen as acknowledging that the error existed and was known by the erring party.
    This might result in many overturned convictions.

  15. Tim McVeigh Did Nothing Wrong
    Ryder truck of peace.
    All gun grabbing deep state globalists need to be physically removed with extreme prejudice.
    Terry Davis is a national hero.

  16. I downloaded the referenced Federal Register and did not find a section from the ATF. Also searched the whole doc and no “ATF” was found. Maybe they didn’t make the final draft?

  17. When did the ATF or DOJ become a branch of government that has the power to enact legislation, define federal guidelines, and govern free men? This is just a Biden power grab to absolve his political debts! Hell no!

  18. When did the ATF or DOJ become a branch of government that has the power to enact legislation, define federal guidelines, and govern free men?

    Sadly, Quite a long time ago

    Hopefully the SCOUS will define “Infringe” this spring.

    Just heard that the Dummiecrats, looking for any kind of “Victory” are now going after illegal guns in big cities. And yet they refuse to prosecute the people who use them.
    Sonny & Cher were right, The Beat Goes ON……….

  19. We need to disband the criminal ATF and end the NFA…

    Until then mass non compliance is the only way forward.

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