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BREAKING: Illinois House of Representative Passes Legal Suppressors Bill


The American Suppressor Association’s Facebook page reports that “Suppressors are one giant step closer to becoming legal in Illinois! We have been quietly working for two years to legalize suppressors in the Land of Lincoln. Minutes ago, the House of Representatives voted 69-46 to pass the measure to the Senate. Working to get it through the Senate before midnight.  Stand by for more.” Indeed we will. [h/t CRH]

14 thoughts on “BREAKING: Illinois House of Representative Passes Legal Suppressors Bill”

  1. Hell, if it passes the Senate someone like Rauner might even sign it… that sure would piss off a lot of people in Chiraq.

  2. Fantastic news!
    Let’s hope another state joins in with “common sense” “gun laws”.

  3. Senate President Cullerton has announced that the Senate’s business is done. He will not call the bill for a vote.

    • That’s the kind of legislative BS that I hate. Bills getting killed in committees, party leaders refusing to cede the floor, policies there for show at best, to only be used in punishing the opposition at worst.

      • Makes you wonder how many supported it, just to shore up their gun rights record, knowing it was never going to see a vote.

    • “Senate President Cullerton has announced that the Senate’s business is done. He will not call the bill for a vote.”

      Well, I *was* gonna congratulate Illinois, but it looks like not this time.

      So, is that it for this year?

    • It can still pass in extended session, but now it will need a super majority vote. I don’t look for any movement until the fall session, but by all means keep calling and writing. It’s going to happen, it’s just a matter of when I think.

  4. Oh yeah one-term Rauner will sign it. Let’s hope no anti-gun bills get through. CC would have passed years ago without Chicago and an azzwhole governor(Quinn the dim)…silencer not a priority for me but I’d like the option! And Stu-they already gerrymandered-why a republican can never win in congress in southern Cook County,Il.

  5. Smart move. Suppressors save ears. (R) This should protect Chiraqis’ hearing each weekend when the thugs start they blastin, thereby lowering medicaid costs for taxpayers.

    “They’re going to shoot each other. Wouldn’t it be nice if they didn’t send you the bill for their hearing loss, too? Support suppressor freedom in Illinois.” Paid for by Illinois Coalition for Healthy Ears

    • Except bangers would never use silencers anyway. Most of the guns they have are stolen economy guns from 15 years ago and wouldn’t be threaded anyway, not to mention they sure wouldn’t bother with the hassle of buying one themselves. They already get away with literal murder on a regular basis, they don’t care if someone hears them do it.

  6. “The American Suppressor Association”

    You mean the same morons that caused the ATF to enact 41F, and tried to blame posters in forums?

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