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A male student at Noblesville West Middle School in Noblesville, Indiana is reported to have pulled a gun and opened fire in a classroom this morning. Initial reports — which are frequently unreliable — indicate that the student’s gun was swatted away by the teacher in the room. The shooter is in custody.

(Indiana State Police spokesman Sgt. John) Perrine said via Twitter that two people were being transported to hospitals. But hospital officials said at least three people, including one adult, were being treated. One student had an ankle fracture.
The school was on lockdown, said Jackie Chatteron, a receptionist for the school district.
The Indy Star reports that one adult and one student were hospitalized. The extent of the injuries to the two isn’t known. More as details emerge.

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  1. How about making sure guns don’t get into the schools in the first place by having metal detectors?

    And alarm the emergency exits…

    • Metal detectors need someone to man them, and that someone needs to be paid. Plus how they detect METAL instead of just guns (loose change, belt buckles, jewelery, plus, you know, the phones and other small electronics everybody has these days) mean you have to manually sort EVERY student now. Just being a bottleneck slows people down further. Unlike the TSA, somebody is actually going to catch hell when students miss the start of classes due to this. The most obvious solution is pairing them, but that (also obviously) doubles the costs.

      Plus if someone just wanted to kill as many students as they could, the long line at the metal detector actually makes things easier on an attacker, not harder (Reminds me of that article questioning if the TSA thinks terrorists want to destroy airplanes instead of kill people). Even if the detector operator is armed the attacker knows exactly who and where he is and will have no issues eliminating him first (unlike armed teachers, where the attacker has no idea where an armed threat will be). Metal dectors aren’t as good an option as they seem.

      • The TSA has nothing to do with security of the planes or the passengers on them. It has EVERYTHING to do with conditioning to public to submit to a search at a checkpoint because they were told to. We ARE tolerating our children and grandmothers being molested in the name of security. The conditioning is working, except that it isn’t. Eventually, there will be a small group who simply will not submit. That’s when Liberty will be restored, or made extinct. There are bloody few Americans left in America and they are rapidly being stigmatized and criminalized.

      • This school did not have metal detectors as some do.
        Plus if someone just wanted to kill as many students as they could, the long line at the metal detector actually makes things easier on an attacker,
        Entrances prior to school start up time have SROs and multiple Deputies in the parking lots at some of the schools around here.
        Hardening schools will not stop Seal Team 6, but if it screws up kids like Adam Lanza, then the body count might be kept to a minimum.

      • Cops, armed RSO or armed staff and metal detectors mean have less murder, less rape, less knife assaults and less violence.

        if your metric is “you can’t stop all of them” this is akin to saying fire extinguishers don’t stop all smoke and fire fatalities so there fore we don’t need them, or even thou civilian gun owners stop 10x as many crimes as committed with guns, since they don’t stop all, no one should have a gun.

        The issue is not a binary of spending trillions or not; or looking like a prison or nothing.

        Single guarded entry helps make a building and its occupants more secure, metal detectors do as well. Basic research into the best ways to take steps in different configuration buildings helps as well.

    • Our school tried locking the exterior doors. It lasted three days. The reasons:
      1. The school design required people to go outside. There was no interior routes to the gym and other areas.
      2. The students that worked in the office delivering notes and such, bitterly complained about locked doors. This caught the attention of the administrators.
      3. Students would open doors for ANYBODY. Come up, knock, and someone would open the door for you.
      One issue is numbers. There are about 100,000 public schools in the US. Since Columbine twenty years ago, there have been 10-12 school shootings where 4 or more people died. (That’s a Parkland or Sandy Hook shooting.)
      My classroom had windows that looked into a common area and interior hallway. At a lock down I was to take scrap paper, stand in front of the windows and tape paper over them. When I tried to get curtains or blinds, I was told it was “too expensive.” They counted the number of schools and the number of blinds that would be required.
      There’s also a shelter in place bulletproof classroom shelter. At $20,000 each, the 30 classrooms at my school could be protected for $600,000.
      This is one reason we hear so much about gun bans and gun control. The odds of a school shooting are very low and taxpayers don’t want to have significant increases in their taxes.

      • Why not surround existing multi entrance/exit schools with a good fence with one main, guarded entrance and multiple emergency only exits with alarms? New schools can be designed for security, but something needs to be done with existing schools designed more for fire exit safety than limited access.

        • Don’t forget the barking dogs and machinegun towers.

      • I agree with your analysis. We can dream of making every school a Ft. Knox; it won’t happen. Whatever we propose it will need to be inexpensive because it will need to be implemented in those 100,000 schools.

        Arming teaches, administrators and custodians would be relatively cheap. How effective it would be we can’t know until it’s been widely implemented for a long enough time to make valid statistical inferences. Since we are studying rare events, it’s going to take a very long time.

        One additional measure that occurred to me is to “arm” some students in every class with pepper-spray. Try to avoid publicizing which students have pepper-spray.

        Whoever tries to mass-school a classroom or entry won’t know who is armed. If school staff are authorized to concealed-carry the shooter will target the school staff first. (They don’t need to know which staff are armed/un-armed; simply assume the adults are apt to be packing.)

        Regardless of whether the shooter first targets an adult or a kid, there will be other kids drawing down on him with pepper-spray. That will throw the shooter off-his-game opening the way for the jocks in the room to take-him-out.

        I don’t see down-sides to this kids-with-pepper-spray idea. No guarantee it will work; but, there is no guarantee that ANYthing will work, no matter how expensive. Pepper-spray is cheap; the training should be cheap. It should serve to limit casualties. There isn’t much danger to user-error.

    • A 13 and 11 year old figured out how to defeat that in 1998 in the Jonesboro, AR shooting.
      1) set up a weapons cache overlooking the emergency exit
      2) pull fire alarm
      3) wait for students to exit and the door to close behind them and lock
      4) fire on group that is trapped in the open without cover

      If you make people line up for metal detectors, you just move the vulnerability. You have a fairly stationary group of targets waiting for screening. I don’t know why terrorists haven’t detonated a bomb in the middle of a TSA line yet. They did it in Brussels in 2016.

  2. You read all sorts of stuff in the ‘fast breaking news’ that doesn’t make sense:

    Jowitt said a secondary threat was received at Noblesvilles High School. He called it a “communicated threat.”…

    Students were being taken to Noblesville High, where parents can pick them up, the state police said.

    Yes, let’s take all the kids out of the school where an attack already happened, and bus them to the school where an attack is currently threatened.

  3. If this is true, Holy shit. Lucky teacher.

    What the hell has happened to kids and schools these days where kids are in such a state where they would want to kill their fellow classmates, and where schools don’t take appropriate measures to keep the kids they have inside safe.

    Back in Middle School 5 years ago, I was bullied. A lot. But I NEVER had thoughts of violently killing or wounding those who bully me.
    I had easy access to guns or other weapons. I played violent video games.
    I guess I never thought that radically because I had a great home life, and great friends.
    Don’t demonize the weapons the person used, and in some cases don’t even demonize the person who did it to some extent. Look into who or what caused them to do it. Maybe we can get somewhere in finding out how to know who these people are before they do anything.

    I believe that giving teachers the option to arm themselves is a great idea, and putting metal detectors and armed guards outside isn’t a bad idea either.
    We all hate the TSA stations at airports, but to keep kids safe, we may have to do that in schools as well.
    Just thoughts from a High School Senior.

    • What’s the plan when the school shootings just relocate to the school yard where kids congregate or to the buses where there’s nowhere to run? After all, airport shootings have relocated to the areas prior to the security gates.

      • I see your point. I ain’t no expert on this kind of thing. Just putting ideas out there.

      • What if they move to the street near the school? Oh wait, that would be like Chicago’s South Side neighborhoods where one can be shot in lots of places.
        Yeah, schools need to be hardened. Metal detectors are a bit extreme since zippers, rulers, and many other objects are metal too. Need multiple layers, like anywhere else where security is taken seriously. Don’t have dozens of unprotected entry points around a school (we don’t want pedophiles hanging around schools either), lock the only door during school hours and have it opened by buzzer with a camera and intercom. Have a school resource officer on duty with a gun and good marksmanship skills, trained properly. Have some teachers who are willing to carry concealed be allowed to do so. For underage kids, parents do need to be responsible for any weapons left out for a kid to take to school and commit a crime. Those would be some “common sense” measures, not determining whether an extra couple of bullets in a magazine can make one a felon while shooting paper at the range.

      • As much as I hate it, having a single entrance with metal detectors (then, playgrounds would have to be fenced in) would make it harder for students who want to shoot up the school. It wouldn’t of course stop them from attacking from outside the fencing.

        Regardless, this isn’t a viable full or long term solution. As many have said, kids have had ready access to firearms in the US for pretty much all our history. I had shotguns, rifles, and ammo in my room, under my full control, by the time I was 12, and I wasn’t terribly unusual. We also had wide open campuses with open layouts and very little fencing. Nobody shot up the school. Anyway, these school shootings are a symptom of a broader problem. Hardening schools will actually help a bit (as opposed to attempted civilian disarmament, which will not), but you are right that this won’t fix things. Still, in the short term, such measures could save some lives.

    • TSA styled security just makes the GOV the bully. Zero tolerance of fighting in schools is part of the problem; kids can’t learn how to settle things the way they should be settled. The WHOLE point of the U. S. of A. is that the GOV stays the hell out of the way. Why are we still debating this?!?! The Feds need to go pound sand! Secure the damned schools by hiring 3 or 4 local veterans, pay them what the job is worth, give them the budget they need and simply commission them with keeping the kids safe; the kids would indeed be kept safe. School shootings would cease to be a thing in the U.S. Furthermore, anytime someone shoots at other people, make them disappear, not famous. Don’t just not say their names, but upon conviction, erase them. Delete their credit history, their social media history, go to their family homes and burn any pictures of them, destroy their birth certificate and scour published media for any mention of them and remove it. Make them the opposite of famous, make them an unperson.

    • Kalvin in MI
      I’m glad you posted.
      Many of us were bullied in school. The fact that you didn’t think of murder sounds like a normal response.
      The breakdown of families, dysfunctional and abusive. Many children only know violence as a response.
      That Is no excuse to disarm the law abiding.
      Nor is it appropriate to further restrict our rights.
      In this instance a VERY lucky teacher stopped it. Don’t think for even a second that it would be repeatable.

      • These incidents are starting to happen now at a frequency that, especially with the shooters surviving that I think a profile pointing to a common cause is going to become fairly visible, it’s just not going to be a popular one.

    • I am going to wager you weren’t raised to believe you came from monkeys? For generations kids have been raised to believe we are merely animals and that the law of tooth and claw is what reigns supreme. You get what you pay for.

  4. Something is definitely wrong with kids these days
    Poor socialization and coping skills
    Lack of empathy, bullying etc

      • That, plus teachers spewing hatred for boys. You can’t tell half your students that they’re awful because of the genitals they were born with, that everything bad in the world is their fault, that they’re all rapists, that they need to be like the opposite gender, etc for 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, 9 months a year for 12 years and then act surprised when some of them snap.

        • treating boys as if they were defective girls, medicating them if required to make them comply, seems like a very likely contributor.

    • “Observe, as I administer my patented clinical behavioral modification treatment to this unruly child;”
      *WHACK!* “Sit down and study!”

  5. Mob dynamics is one theory. Once someone throws a brick through a window, then someone else will join them, until “everyone else” is doing it, and then you will have people who wouldn’t DREAM of doing that stuff participating.

    How do we stop it? Not a clue. Queue kids up at a metal detector in the morning, and that’s where the carnage will happen. Arm the teachers is the only mitigation I cN see.

    • That where I see it.
      “Hey, it worked for Whats-His-Name and now he’s famous (but also killed himself), so if I want to die that must be the right way to do it!”
      In that case, the solution is to show them routine failures. Arm the teachers. Shoot back and stop the attacks. Maybe capture a few alive and show the entire world what fools they were for even attempting something like that. SHAME THEM. And when kids start to see one attempt after another fail spectacularly in a hail of teachers bullets, they will think “welp, that was dumb. I’ll try something else.”

  6. Nobody died and the shooter was stopped. People won’t be talking about this in a week.

    • But they should be. And why?

      Because attacks like this are inspired and encouraged by the 24/7 news media’s constant ghoulish attention and turning school killers into instant celebrities.

      • If you wanna be an instant celebrity, you have to kill a lot of people.
        This one didn’t earn celebrity status, so his lack of fame will only serve to show the next guy that it’s his job to actually kill people if he wants to be famous.

  7. There’s one everyday now. This leads me to conclude two possibilities, not exclusive from eachother:

    1. The media has effectively caused school shootings to become the new “thing” you do, when your agnsty. It’s the new version of suicide, cutting, or crack use. They’ve created an entire subculture of potential mass shooters, the same way they did with serial killers. This very well could be an active goal of the main stream media.

    2. It’s actively being orchestrated by a hidden group, either inside or outside of the government.

    While the second possibility is more far fetched, I see it as possible. But I am quite certain of the first one.

    • One doesn’t need to assume that extensive media coverage is motivated by a desire to cause more. It’s very clear that they have a political agenda by the way they spin the coverage, as well as which incidents get extensively covered and which do not. It’s also clear that it’s hot copy that will get clicks, ratings, and sell papers (to the extent people still buy those). But these two factors are sufficient to explain without invoking conspiracy.

      • They don’t have to *want* to cause more to actually cause more. The simple fact is, they ARE effectively causing more of these things to happen by conferring fame on the perpetrators.

        • Exactly. Virtually every human, especially high school age ones, have some feelings if insignificance. Most kids fantasize scoring a winning championship goal, saving a drowning child, winning the prom queen etc.

          The science shows a small minority, often with mild autism spectrum disease like Aspergers (Breivek, Lanza and many others) cant differentiate between fame and infamy. Infamy is better and easier.

          anyone in the press who has looked at the science on this knows that the wall to wall broadcast, print and net coverage of their face, their story, their diabolical deed is the key element in achieving the infamy.

          the press is causing these copycat killings.

          It reminds me of former neighbor I had who was works at the WaPo saying to me on 9/11: “Don’t they know this won’t make people sympathetic?” it amazed me how doltish that reporter was. The 9/11 attackers were not looking for sympathy, empathy from us! We were not the target of their message — the moslem world was the target of their message and the fame for high lethality of innocents was exactly what they wanted

  8. I think most media is garbage. They do tend to cover murders and murderers as long as possible. That might be a small part of inciting these acts, but the media also doesn’t cover a lot of relevant events and they happen over and over again. Like DGU’s. People will kill other people given the current means. First sticks and rocks, then bows and arrows and sling shots, now firearms. It cannot be stopped no matter the measures. Making it more difficult to happen is the correct response, notice I didn’t say stop it all together. That can’t be done. Now that we are all on the same page, schools should be hard targets. Resource officers are one step and they’ve proven themselves on many occasions, but they aren’t always enough.

  9. Swift and public execution of mass murderers will deter most of them. Especially these “fad killers” that are still in the public school system. Fifteen minutes of fame, Coddling them and sentencing to a nice cushy mental facility only encourages the next one.
    Why can’t they just go back to eating tide pods? That was the thing a couple of weeks ago.

    • Swift and PRIVATE execution. Do it where no one can see, then delete every reference to that person’s life, including their birth certificate. Remove every opportunity for fame, make them disappear forever. Make them the opposite of immortal. Turn their bodies into chum somewhere in the middle of the ocean.
      Make it as if they never were…

      • Exactly. Give them no recognition for their actions, nobody will be inspired by their actions.

  10. Good on that teacher…not much else on the “news”. If I hear one more sissy whine about “bullying” I’ll scream. Never an excuse for murder…😧.

    • If your eggshell is already cracked, It doesn’t take too much outside force to make you spill your yolk.

    • The problem is not the bullying itself it’s the fact that the feminazi purple hair brigade has shut down every effective means for dealing with it.

  11. Wasn’t there a thwarted attack in Indiana just a couple of weeks ago? Third times will be the charm I guess. I need to get a chin strap for my foil hat. Shits getting wacky.

  12. Mental Health … No boubt adout it; no short term patch or resolve available.

    ‘* doubt about it *’ for the college grads.

  13. Well, The only way to stop this kind of thing from happening…Is send to YOUR kid to private school instead of public schools…The Liberal Social DemoCommies have ruined that with Social Engineering projects! You WON’T FIND THIS KIND OF SH!T-HOLE Behavior in the Schools of the ruling class…Like the one’s where the Obama kids and the Bush kids went to school! Also, DON’T forget to thank the Liberal “news” Media for making dreams come true for budding, young, Serial Murderer Copycats, And The 10 minutes of fame seekers!

  14. I don’t know about some of the men in here as I can’t imagine I’d be alone on my thoughts, but I wouldn’t just “swat” the gun away! That “student” would have skull fractures after I repeatably bounced his skull off the closest hard object, like the floor.
    If the shooter wants to be the big man and shoot people, that’s the consequences of getting dealt with.

  15. You know, like the SJWs/DemoCRAPS/Socialist Marxist news media keep talking about taking away Liberty/Repealing the 2nd Amendment/or “Amending the entire Bill of Rights for a more modern age…” If this is some kind of hostile passive world 🌎 takeover by a NWO/Globalism/Marxists..Then were definitely playing into THEIR hands by practically “imprisoning” our kids in public school…What does it say to the untroubled kids about Liberty 🗽, Freedom, Life, and the Pursuit of Happiness…When a lot of the people are suggesting creating ” Child Internment Camps” for their safety…There has to be a better way…We all know the root causes…One is the Liberal Pathogen that has invaded these areas of education….Look what it’s done…Compare that to the schools of yesterday…

  16. Welcome to the weekly school shooting.

    More and more students simply take their parents guns who are not required by law to keep them locked up. Severe penalties for non-compliance and surprise inspections are what many countries already have and it has been a resound success in Japan. In Germany guns must be locked up and you need to be an active member of a gun club as well. Germany had a school shooting years ago and the resulting legislation certainly seems to have been successful. There accidental child shootings are lower and their rigors gun training certainly has resulted in less adults also getting accidentally shot both by gun owners themselves and by the police who get 3 years of intensive training unlike the Hill Jack U.S. of Hay that sometimes only gives Cops 4 weeks of training before handing them a high capacity 9mm and telling them go settle every problem no matter how minor with a hail of bullets because the corrupt U.S. Courts System will protect you even with horrific video evidence. After all we cannot let WWII Nazi Germany be better at unjust laws and murder by out of control cops.

    School security certainly does have to be improved but the skin flint school boards do not even pay teachers a livable wage let alone do they fund anywhere the amount needed to beef up security.

    One school did do something about security but it cost them several million dollars and being a rich school they had the money and spent it on a super security system. All tied into law enforcement. They had cameras everywhere so they could actually watch a shooter walking down a hallway and flood the hall way or even a room with blinding smoke to make it impossible for him to pick out targets to shoot at.

    Now of course the Federal Government that just spent 1 trillion dollars on just one Naval Warship will not fund any money to save children as they are considered expendable. The Military Industrial Complex gets top priority because that is how the corrupt Congressmen make millions by investing in it. It was what President Eisenhower warned about after WWII and it went into full greed monger operation with the obscene, immoral and unjust Vietnam War and has been going full throttle ever since leaving no money for schools, teachers, school security, Medicare, Social Security, National Health Care, road and bridge repair or a high speed rail system to name only a few of the reasons the U.S. has become one of the most rapidly developing 3rd world countries with child mortality rates higher than some African 3rd World counties which are doing a better job than we do even though Herr Drumpf called them all “shit hole countries”. I think our head Shit Head Herr Drumpf did not realize that by pointing his finger at African counties he had 3 fingers pointed right back at Capitalvania U.S.of Hay.

    • Germany. OK so you want no right to trial by jury, no right to cross examine, double jeopardy, hearsay allowed, virtually no warrant protection — NATIONAL” Stop and Frisk.”. Also you want sharply lower freedom of speech and press.

      So we should be shredding the first, second, fourth fifth and sixth amendments so we can be like — Germany?

      By the way the US had a bigger decrease in murder rate the past 25 years than Germany had. And Germans commit plenty of mass murder. German Andreas Lubitz murdered 150 people in one mass murder in 2015.

      • To CC who sees a fantasy world

        quote———————————-Germany. OK so you want no right to trial by jury, no right to cross examine, double jeopardy, hearsay allowed, virtually no warrant protection — NATIONAL” Stop and Frisk.”. Also you want sharply lower freedom of speech and press.

        So we should be shredding the first, second, fourth fifth and sixth amendments so we can be like — Germany?————-

        By the way the US had a bigger decrease in murder rate the past 25 years than Germany had. And Germans commit plenty of mass murder. German Andreas Lubitz murdered 150 people in one mass murder in 2015.——————————————————————quote

        Ok lets take the easy one first, Lubitz was an air pilot it had absolutely nothing to do with guns. Try again your making a fool of yourself.

        And there are European Nations that have more personal freedom and more freedom of the press than we do. The U.S. ranks 20th in personal freedom and a shameful 45th in Press Freedom. Germany ranks 15th. Its tough when you make an absolute fool of yourself is it not.

    • “Now of course the Federal Government that just spent 1 trillion dollars on just one Naval Warship will not fund any money to save children as they are considered expendable.”

      NCVS and CDC data show guns are used to save hundred of thousands if not millions of kids and families fromm crime victimization per year.

      Why Everytown, Moms need action etc consider children expendable is something you have to ask them.

      As far as accidents the US accidental gun death rate fell MORE the past 40 years than the German one has fallen.

      • to cc who sees nothing

        quote——————————————–As far as accidents the US accidental gun death rate fell MORE the past 40 years than the German one has fallen.——————————-quote

        Wrong. The deaths per hundred thousand from accidental shootings put Germany at only .01 while the U.S. is rated at .15

        Try again Genius.

        quote——————————NCVS and CDC data show guns are used to save hundred of thousands if not millions of kids and families fromm crime victimization per year.——————————quote

        Nice try but your quote has zero to do with the Gangster Criminal Republicans refusing to fund money for armed guards and security systems in schools and their recent Tax Rape Law that actually lowers money spent for mental health treatment.

        Try again Genius.

    • And yet we had another vehicle attack, this time in Portland with 3 injured with 1 critical.

      We need motor vehicle control.

    • Once again, Crisco the Nazi toutes German superiority in one of his anti human rights rants, filled with hatred, ignorance, and racism. You must want the Klan to murder innocent black families as they try to get to the nearest gun club where their weapons are stored when they’re under attack.

      • The kid touts Europe as a model while he supports open borders thereby making us less and less like his beloved fatherland. Want to bet he was outranged when President Trump referred to MS-13 as “animals?”

        • to touched in the head

          Quote———————-The kid touts Europe as a model while he supports open borders thereby making us less and less like his beloved fatherland. Want to bet he was outranged when President Trump referred to MS-13 as “animals?”———————————quote–

          This is way to easy. Germany took in more refugees than any other European Country and they totaled more than 1 million. We pledged to take in only 100,000 and to date have taken in less than 10,000 under the jack boot of Herr Drumpf and his Nazi Regime.

        • You have really gone off the rails here. It is widely acknowledged that these refugees have brought a wave of sexual assault and other crimes to Germany. Not only that, it is no longer safe to be a Jew in Germany once again, a fact acknowledged by the Chancellor.

          So who is the Nazi, Donald Trump who is the most pro-Israel President in 50 years with his Jewish daughter and son-in-law, or the Cisco Kid who touts the entry of anti-Semitic Muslem immigrants as a positive thing?

          The question answers itself.

        • to touched in the head

          quote———————You have really gone off the rails here. It is widely acknowledged that these refugees have brought a wave of sexual assault and other crimes to Germany. Not only that, it is no longer safe to be a Jew in Germany once again, a fact acknowledged by the Chancellor.————————quote

          Again you mouth directly from Right Wing Hate sites which shows your ignorance and lack of education as to what is going on in Europe. The violence against Jews in Europe has been coming from white racists just like you not refugees going to Europe and all of the fake news on mass rapes when traced down have again come from fake news sites run by white racists just like you. Its a growing problem in Europe on the net just as its been a growing problem here with all of the Right Wing Hate sites vomiting out fake news. I am sure you also hang out on David Dukes hate site as well and scream from the roof tops it must be true if David Duke said it was. Giver yourself a break and check into a mental institution.

  17. You subhuman GOP TH UGS deserve to have your children murdered in front of you. You must all be purged so we can usher in the Superior Future.

    • “you deserve to have your children murdered”

      “We’re on the RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY ™!”

    • Hey Bill, the entire elevation of US murder over international means occurs in about 60 out of the 3,000 US counties. 2% of US counties are nearly 3/4 of US murder, Every single one of those 60 are Democrat run.

      Studies in Maryland and Missouri show 94% to 91% of Murder perps are prior criminals, about 80% have 10 or more arrests. Criminologists call then super predators . Democratic run jurisdiction and Democrat judges sentence violent criminals about 25% shorter sentences insuring they are on the streets to murder people .

      Let’s face this, everyone knows when it comes to violent crime it is the policies and politics of the LEFT that cause it — and persons on the left who commit the vast majority of it.

      • to CC who sees nothing

        Quote————————————-Let’s face this, everyone knows when it comes to violent crime it is the policies and politics of the LEFT that cause it — and persons on the left who commit the vast majority of it.———————————-quote

        Wrong its the Gangster Criminal Republicans that have refused to fund enough for job retraining, refused to fund free higher education, have been supported by big business who ships more and more high paying jobs overseas. No jobs and no skills means more crime as we now have had as many as 4 generations of inner city people who have never had a decent paying job like they had back in the 40’s and 50’s and 60’s.

        • You should have stuck with your anti-gun talking points instead of giving us editorial comments from the Daily Worker.

        • To Touched in the Head

          quote————————You should have stuck with your anti-gun talking points instead of giving us editorial comments from the Daily Worker.———————–quote

          Hitler is dead you fool and he cannot hear you. Republicans have de-funded even Public Radio and TV because they fear and educated populous and ditto for their refusal to give free education as all other industrialized nations have. An educated populous would mean the end of the Publican party which counts on the “unwashed” for support in the elections and then they screw the very people that voted for them far worse than the people who did not vote for them.

    • He said while weighing 500 lbs and emitting so much natural gas that it effects the ozone layer, thereby increasing climate change.

  18. Open fire in the middle of the class is unforgivable for the student, I think he should be deservedly punished, for other students it should be a lesson and should be fully focused on the learning process, I can recommend them an excellent website where they can find a good essay, this quite easily and simply and clearly save you time.

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