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BREAKING: King(R) and Thompson(D) to Introduce Background Check Bill in House

The designated token Republican from New York and a California “blue dog” Democrat (stop laughing) announced that they’ll be introducing the Manchin-Toomey background check measure as a stand-alone bill in the House on Monday or Tuesday, reports. Why does long-time gun controller Peter King think the bill can attract enough GOP votes in the House? You can thank Senator Toomey. “We’re not talking about a majority, but a significant number (of Republicans) realize we have to do something. Certainly having Pat Toomey involved, who was such a solid conservative, and when you see the polls saying 90 percent [of Americans are] supporting [background checks], many Republicans see that as the way to go.”

62 thoughts on “BREAKING: King(R) and Thompson(D) to Introduce Background Check Bill in House”

    • Again. The useless senators don’t even read the poll data. Maggots.
      I like this statement from the poll:
      “The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Virginia and the nation as a public service and for research.”
      Making me feel this poll is mostly taken from the new englander states and not the rest of us. After all, who cares about our opinions right?
      I like this question in the table:
      21. Who do you trust to do a better job handling – gun policy, President Obama or the Republicans in Congress?
      A whopping 82% were democratic who answered the question! I like how this poll reflects 82% of democrats but advertises itself as “all americans.”

  1. Are they really that stupid?? There is the Blue Card origination clause which would have made it illegal in the Senate. Now those idiots shot us in the back! WTF!!!

  2. Its more antigun propaganda to make gun owners whimper and shut up. House Whip McCarthy said there will be no rush to this and indicated the House Judiciary committee will either re-wright the bill (gut all gun control from it and make it a pro gun bill IE CCW reciprocity) or kill it. If it passes the Senate. Any bill can be written anytime in congress if it goes any wear is another matter. Think alot of this is propaganda wars to make caller not call anymore thinking we lost, DON’T do this.

    Keep calling. We are making a difference.

  3. There’s a huge difference between “we have to do SOMETHING” and “we have to do something… Meaningful”.

    These people need to learn the difference.

      • Not sure what you mean by that. My point was there are things you could do to make the country safer… Limiting the rights of law abiding people is doing “something”, but for the stated purpose of “safety” its not meaningful. Here’s an example…. If you put as much effort into improving the economy for the 90 million people who have exited the work force as you do in limiting the second amendment rights of law abiding people the country would be a safer place. For that matter…put as much effort just in the inner cities instilling traditional american values in people and just see what happens. Doing “something” for the sake of doing “something” is just stupid.

        • Do something? Like what? You have no idea what this scum in the White House will do with this, Your F***ing delusional.

        • I’m not delusional at all… I’ve watched this disaster unfold for the last 5 years. Harry Reid stated the other day that thay may debate this gun control stuff “for weeks”. So… Best case scenerio they debate it and it never passes. Worst case, it passes and does nothing but limits (or eliminates) the rights of law abiding citizens. In either case, it does nothing to limit “gun violence” or improve safety in this country as its proposed to do. The story above stated that a “significant number of republicans realize they have to do something”. If that something they do (expanded background checks, mag limits, etc) does nothing to solve the stated problem then they have contributed nothing meaningful toward solving the stated problem. Of course the end result is meaningful to us since we end up with restricted rights… But thats not the point i was going for. If the republicans want to do “something” to increase safety or decrease “gun violence” then why not…
          1. Instead of spending weeks debating limiting the rights of law abiding citizens they should spend the time repealing obamacare, lowering taxes and removing regulations that impede business growth. That will get economic growth from below 1 percent to the needed 5 – 7 %. Increased growth=lower unemployment=lower violent crime
          2. Federal constitutional carry, or federal law prohibiting states from banning constitutional carry.
          3. Firearms/self defense training as a required high school class. If you have a god given right to defend yourself then you should know how to do it. We require our kids to learn how not to get pregnant, what about how not to get dead?

          Weeks spent debating, and perhaps passing things along those lines would result in a greater decrease in “gun violence” then the current path. Again… I’m not delusional because I know this isn’t about decreasing gun violence and even if it were, none of these things would happen… Which is a shame on a monumental scale.

    • Meaningful for you and pertinent to politicians who want a middling platitude for election sloganeering are two different things.

      What, you want someone who legislates from principle? Last one that I saw who did that was Reagan.

  4. These politicians will buy and sell the public’s civil liberties for their own benefit. For some reason, I don’t think this assault on the 2nd Amendment is going to stop. The constitution is going to be continuously pissed on by these people. News media is reporting this as only strengthening background checks, without reporting all the negative consequences. As the old saying goes, the devil is in the details. The politicians may not be able to outright ban weapons, but they can make it a hassle to buy new ones or keep the ones you have.

  5. If 90% of Americans want Universal Background Checks, why do 90% percent of Americans not know what that means?

    And better yet, why would the same 90% be bitching if they were subjected to other’s will due to confiscation?

  6. They’re introducing it separately because the Democrats don’t like it. Toomey and Manchin, both very pro-gun, tried to sneak through a positive background check bill. It adds background checks for non-dealer gun show sales, but also exempts concealed carry card holders from background checks for gun purchases, brings back interstate sales of handguns and prohibits the establishment of any database of gun owners. The democrats want this to fail.

      • Unfortunately, they aren’t all like that. Fixing that problem is a part of the bill. I like the interstate handgun sales part – There’s a Cabelas just a few miles away in the next state over and it sure would be easier to buy a pistol there instead of having to get them to ship it 15 miles to a gun shop in my state and have to pay extra to do the paperwork there and pick it up.

      • But a 4473 still has to be filled out, which stays in the bound book, which then goes to defense contractor’s registry. What, it’s not the Federal Government that has a registry of all gun owners… No harm no foul.

    • What we need is complete federal preemption of gun bans and carry reciprocity. Add those as amendments, and I can swallow background checks as the net will still be a major step forward for freedom.

    • This bill does for firearms what previous federal bills have done for other areas of our life like education and transportation. Throws 400 million in dollars out there for the states and creates penalties for non compliance. Eventually the states give up trying to have their own policies that might go counter to the Feds cause they got to have that money whatever the cost to the citizens’ rights. Creates another end run around state control of an area that the federal government was never intended to have a role.

    • Redistricting, also known as gerrymandering, sucks! It’s like they picked your house up in the middle of the night & moved it to a different street. I was in Rep. Pete Wilson’s (R-SC) district then at the next election his name wasn’t on the ballot but James Clyburn (D-SC) was, who is the head of the congressional black caucus & couldn’t think his way out of a paper bag except or because he is 100% kneejerk liberal. I call Pete’s office or Trey Gowdy (R-SC) for their help against gun control.

  7. support background checks for the following also: !!!
    free speech,
    protection from search and seizure,
    freedom from excessive bail,
    trial by jury,
    freedom from slavery,
    voting rights,
    tax credits and deductions,
    consumption of liquor,

    what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

  8. Peter King is a filthy, loud-mouthed, blowhard neocon shill. I wonder who is lining his pockets and how much this is earning him. It’s people like him that ruined the Republican party, not the Rand Pauls and Teddy Cruzs.

    Karma is a bitch, Peter.

    • Ah, I was wondering where the hell he fit into the Republican Party. Neocon. Duh. I’d happily forgotten about them. You know, until I think about a couple wars we’ve had in the past few years.

    • It’s a major poll from a reputable organization (can’t remember which) asking if there should be background checks at gunshows. It does not ask if there should be “universal” background checks.

      Problem is, most non-gun folk don’t understand these issues at all. Background checks sound fine and dandy to them.

    • Nope. Not by a long shot. No more than the Revolution was over after the Brits took Bunker Hill.

  9. NOT TO BE INFRINGED ON! Any gun law or regulation to include the so call 500+ that are on the books are UnConstitutional. PERIOD!

  10. So, we are about to screwed again! If people have not registered to vote yet, Monday is not too soon. These people need to know they will be voted out.

  11. And 150 years ago, the majority of Americans were pro-slavery. I suppose that makes it right. Do you support slavery, King?

    By introducing this bill, the answer to that is obvious, actually.

    If this passes, I hope countless more infringements follow. I hope every single American has something they love taken away. I hope they all suffer as they so righteously deserve. Only then can they understand.

  12. We The People, should gather at the capital to file a grievance against the tyrants trying to change the Bill of Rights. It shouldn’t have to wait until 2014 election for us to show them who they work For. Its crap that they still use Sandy Hook victims to leverage this supposed discussion. It was horrible, we can All agree on that. But they use terms like common sense, but don’t seem to consider the mess it will create when they come to collect all those things they think they can ban. They are all liars, crooks, and thieves, and would sell out their own mothers to get ahead. They all need to be thrown out. Lets face it this country is so f**ked because of their actions. The only real way to fix it is take it back. Let the festivities begin.

  13. I’m going to have to side with the coolers heads, at least for once. This is propaganda, plain and simple, because Toomey and the boys know their bill won’t survive the NRA’s backroom breaking.
    I called Sen. Lee’s office today and told them “thank you” for at least giving the filibuster a shot, because it made these guys shoot their wad early just to get it to the floor. We’re not licked yet, not by a long shot. For the first time in my adult life, I’m proud of my state, and my senator. It sounds like he’s not going down without a fight, so I really can offer no less.
    I think we’ve still got a really good shot of this mess never leaving the Senate, and the House ain’t about to give Obama another victory, regardless on what its over.
    And if we somehow lose? Well, at least our “hobby” comes with its own set of recourses, built in from the factory. Could be worse, we could be stamp collectors….

  14. If Rand and Friends do another filibuster, I hope at least one of them gets up and says “Apparently many of the Senators here are unaware of what the Second Amendment says, so I’m going to read it to them…” and then just reads the Second Amendment over and over (saying “The right of the people to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed” in a much louder volume) for an hour or two.

  15. And for many years the ATF has showed how far you can bend a little law, a little here goes a VERY LONG way… NO MORE GUN CONTROLS , hold the line as is!

  16. The RNC called looking for money yesterday and I told them to (politely) FOAD. There are no more Republicans as we knew them (Rinos, yes, McCain, Christie, Graham…..) There are no more Democrats as we knew them. There was a time when the two parties, though with different views could occasionally work together and get something done. Now, not so much. They have morphed together into a congealed mass of bull$h!t!ng plasma that either knows major social and/or economic events are about to unfold or just don’t give the ‘old rat’s ass about the architecture of our basic configuration as a union. I’m an OWG and even I cannot align myself with the stand for nothing, fall for everything old guard of the so called Republican party.

    And as far as the D’s go, the use of a Sandy Hook mother to make the State of the Union Address this morning was beneath contempt. Chicago on the Pantomimic. Common sense gun control? Prosecute the law breakers, even if they might be high ranking officials. Demand existing laws be enforced as opposed to ignoring them to excuse passing new, more restrictive laws. As pointed out ad nauseam, laws and locks only stop honest people. Criminals do criminal things, and sadly, they will always be with us, with things getting worse as options for justified self defense are incrementally restricted.

  17. The RNC called looking for money yesterday and I told them to (politely) FOAD. There are no more Republicans as we knew them (Rinos, yes, McCain, Christie, Graham…..). And there are no more Democrats as we knew them. They have morphed together into a congealed mass of bull$h!t!ng plasma that either knows major social and/or economic events are about to unfold or just don’t give the ‘old rat’s ass about the architecture of our basic configuration as a union. I’m an OWG and even I cannot align myself with the stand for nothing, fall for everything old guard of the so called Republican party.

    And as far as the D’s go, the use of a Sandy Hook mother to make the State of the Union Address this morning was beneath contempt. Chicago on the Pantomimic. Common sense gun control? Prosecute the law breakers, even if they might be high ranking officials. Demand existing laws be enforced as opposed to ignoring them to excuse passing new, more restrictive laws. As pointed out ad nauseam, laws and locks only stop honest people. Criminals do criminal things, and sadly, they will always be with us, with things getting worse as options for justified self defense are incrementally restricted.

  18. I said it before, and I’ll say it again, Toomey is a no good, two faced rat bastard!

    • But enough about his good qualities, what about this pig do you REALLY dislike.
      Liberalism is a mental disorder.

  19. What REALLY makes anything dangerous going this route rather than an advancement of 2nd civil liberties directly from the senate?

    Fluff & Filler added later on & LINE ITEM VETO! This would only allow Obamma to keep everything he wants & throw out everything he doesn’t! This path is by far more dangerous! Stand up now! This must not go any further!

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