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BREAKING: Mass Shooting Reported in Dordrecht, Netherlands

A mass shooting — reportedly with three dead and more wounded — has been reported in a suburb of the Dutch city of Rotterdam.

According to Google, that translates as . . .

In a shooting incident on the #heimerstein in #Dordrecht, several victims were killed. We are present with many people and investigate what has happened

From the Associated Press . . .

Police in the Netherlands have tweeted that three people have been killed and one other person has been seriously wounded in a shooting in a residential neighborhood in the city of Dordrecht.

Police spokesman Wim Hoonhout has told The Associated Press that “It seems like a family incident.” No further details of what happened Monday have been immediately released.

Photos from the scene showed a large police presence in a residential neighborhood and at least one ambulance parked in a street as people stood in the street looking on.

Dordrecht Mayor Wouter Kolff tweeted that it was an “extremely serious shooting” and said he would visit the scene later in the evening.

We’ve been told that mass shootings don’t happen in other countries. That this is a uniquely American problem. That it’s attributable to widespread civilian gun ownership.

It’s still very early and virtually none of the facts in this case are known yet. But it’s probably only a matter of minutes before the first Twitter sage attributes this to the National Rifle Association and/or white supremacy. Somehow.

104 thoughts on “BREAKING: Mass Shooting Reported in Dordrecht, Netherlands”

        • Come on, guys. Save the jokes for the lower-tier stuff. People are dead today. At least respect their families and the grief they’re going through by being serious about this particular discussion.

        • The dead are Eurotrash who look down their noses at us “uncivilized” Americans who bitterly cling to our guns and our religion. I will delight in the delicious irony even if the carnage is not as spectacular as the truck attack in Nice France.

        • @ James,

          You’re an adult and can comment however you wish. But as you “delight in the delicious irony” of the “Eurotrash dead bodies”, you’re manifesting the same delight that any mass shooter has. That puts you squarely into the realm of not only trash yourself, but suspicion of your character. Either a troll (not likely), or a 20s-ish basement dweller (much more likely). It’s so easy to speak blithely of innocent deaths from the comfort of your keyboard.

          Details on the incident are still breaking. What if it turns out that children are among the dead? Are you going to celebrate that, too, because Eurotrash?

          But suit yourself. The more you (and the others above) write, the more the rest of the room can see you for what you are and treat you accordingly.

        • Agreed, Haz. James’ comment is distasteful and disturbingly similar to the Mass Shooter mindset. Possibly a legitimate candidate for reporting to Dan Zimmerman for subsequent review. Maybe even a Red Flag law situation? For all we know, openly praising the actions of a murderer is a precursor to additional copycat actions by that person as well.

          James, your comment was not only immature, it was dumb from an OPSEC point of view.

        • Sigh, as revealed here, the emotional maturity of the average TTAG poster has declined to around age 12.

        • Come on TTAG posters, people are dead.
          It will be interesting to hear from Vlad how the lax US gun laws and/or Tump are responsible for this.
          The Netherlands has among the toughest gun laws on the planet.
          Come on Sig pic Vlad, we need you to respond from your mom’s basement, or is she giving you a sponge bath?

        • A clarification.

          I delight in the delicious irony, not the deaths.

          Having had considerable interactions with the inhabitants while traveling through Europe, I can attest to their Anti-American bigotry.

          Pay attention to the editorials published by Europeans in response to mass shootings and more common murders in America. The Eurotrash become giddy with excitement as they congradulate themselves on allegedly not having this problem.

          Do not get me started about how the Eurotrash falsely minimize their homicide rates by not accurately counting young children who are beaten, bludgeoned, burned, strangled and stabbed to death by their mothers, mothers’ boyfriends, stepndathers and fathers. These child murders simply do not count in Europe.

        • James Crawford,

          As a fellow Californian, I recommend that you appreciate the irony, but don’t celebrate it when an innocents are slain.

        • Yup. Turned out the two dead innocents are children, aged 8 and 12. Do you still dance and delight at their deaths?

          Nice going, James (Crawford). Now you’re officially an asshole.

          What, nothing from SmarterThenYou, either? You’re both not worthy of the TTAG forum.

        • The dead are Eurotrash who look down their noses at us

          You don’t know that.

          I’ve been to Europe, talked to people, had meals with them… and what I found is that there is a lot of love for America among the normal people.

          Yeah, the elites might feel that way, and the media class clearly does not, but it’s not like the elites or the media types in the US are perfectly representative of the average folks. There is a similar sort of disconnect going on both here and in Europe.

  1. Socialism is a costly and bloody failure. The stress it puts on families no doubt leads to a lot of tragedies.

    With Europe sinking further and further into 3rd world status we will see this more often.

    • So here we have it, the first to politicize this killing is a member of the TTAG forum.

      Blaming socialism for domestic violence is tragically hilarious, most stressors placed on families involve finances or medical expenses.

      But sure, don’t let a crisis go to waste when you can blanket blame socialism without any evidence to support your claim whatsoever.

    • It has nothing to do with you or America, it appears the killing was another case of toxic masculinity.

      An estranged wife, two kids and an angry husband, I’m sure many of us have seen it before and will see it again, it has nothing to do with politics.

      The husband was a police officer, a good guy with a gun… right up until he wasn’t.

      “Dutch police say the policeman, named as Wendell C, was the suspected gunman. It was believed to be a “family drama”.

      The 27-year-old mother died in hospital on Monday night. The shooting happened in the city’s Heimerstein district.

      The children – reported to be Wendell C’s daughters – were aged eight and 12. The policeman was aged 35. The city is about 20km (16 miles) from Rotterdam.”

      No harm done, after all as James says those two little girls were nothing but euro trash.

      Personally, with that attitude, I don’t think James is psychologically suited to own lethal weapons.

  2. Impossible. Gun control and Barack Obama tell me these don’t happen outside of the USA.

    Wait!? What!? You mean liberal gun-haters lie?

  3. Humans seem to enjoy killing other humans for absolutely no reason. Been that way for for hundreds of thousands of years. Rocks, fire, bullets or bombs, makes no difference, dead is dead.

    • Hard to find any at the moment, there was a shooting today. I think they’re all in their safe spaces playing with their crayons and petting their support bunnies.
      Won’t be seen until after milk and cookies, then nap time.

    • As Dan said at the end of the article, details are still fresh and incoming. Might increase.

  4. The term “mass shootings” as it’s used these days doesn’t really carry much weight with me. A handful of bodies vs several hundred or several thousand dying on a Pacific island beach during WWII is what I consider a “mass shooting”. Or other thousands dying in battle in Korea and Vietnam. We’ve got a population of fuzzy kittens in this country these days that have no clue what the real world is capable of. They need to get grip on reality.

  5. Doing nothing is not an option, something needs to be banned or restricted, some law to be passed while the blood is still fresh.

    • Yep.

      Just like how the government of New Zealand forced internet providers to scrub the video of the massacres at the mosques to conceal the fact that shotguns were the primary weapons because they wanted to exploit it as a pretext to ban “assault rifles.”

      • Sorry, I watched that video, and a shotgun was the first but not the primary weapon used. He dumped it as soon as he emptied it after gaining entry at the first site. He used two AR-15 style semi-auto rifles inside the mosque, dumping one after it appeared to have jammed. Many many boolits fired.

        • Mark, thank you for the clarification. Unfortunately, many on this forum will be upset because you made clear that A.R. 15’s were involved in this mass killing.

  6. The Netherlands may seem like precisely the kind of place where mass violence doesn’t happen…especially with gun laws that are extremely restrictive and no right to use a gun in self-defense. But here are just three recent examples of mass violence in that quiet little nation.

    The 2009 attack on the Dutch royal family occurred on 30 April at Apeldoorn, Netherlands, when a man drove his car at high speed into a parade which included Queen Beatrix, Prince Willem-Alexander and other members of the royal family. The driver deliberately drove through people lining the street watching the parade, resulting in eight deaths and ten injuries.

    In 2011, six people were killed by a gunman who entered the Ridderhof mall in Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands. Using a rifle, a 24-year-old shot several people and then killed himself, reportedly with a different firearm. There were seven deaths and 17 wounded, making it the deadliest attack in the Netherlands since the 2009 attack on the Dutch Royal Family.

    In March 2019, three people were killed and seven others injured in a mass shooting on a tram in Utrecht, Netherlands. The suspect, a 37-year-old Turkish man, was arrested later that day following a major security operation and manhunt. He admitted carrying out the attack and was charged with “murder with terrorist intent.”

    • What? But they have some of the strictest gun ownership laws on the planet. Are you trying to tell us that deranged monsters who are hell-bent on taking human lives DON’T follow the EVER more restrictive firearm laws?
      Someone might want to tell the anti-gunners in the US about this “just breaking” news. I wonder if MSNBC and CNN will cover this latest trend in criminal behavior (not following laws).

  7. Wow, a whole three people? Sucks, but mass shooting my ass. And, it was family related dispute and happened at a private home. But, the media will sure make it seem like it was at a public place like a mall or a school, of course.

    • per FBI definition of a mass shooting is three or more people. Unfortunately three are dead over some stupid crap probably. Again, we cling to these little tidbits of info, but never get the whole story. Someone was shot, sucks, but again, not the guns issue.

  8. “It’s still very early and virtually none of the facts in this case are known yet”

    Coulter rule is in effect. Do we know if it was Muslims yet?

  9. Breaking everywhere but on US Leftist propaganda,aka the media,nothing so far but crickets but then they also over looked the mass knifing in China last week.

    • You might’ve noticed a phrase in the article you were commenting on:

      The associated press is reporting…

      I’ve also read news reports from both CNN and the independent as well as ABC about the shooting and they correctly identified as a domestic violence situation where the murders were perpetrated by police officer.

      You know, a good guy with a gun.

  10. It was a family dispute. Let’s see how their media portrays the event before we get all crazy. Calm down, no need to rush to judgements until the media here says anything, then its game on.

    • Husband and two kids dead, wife seriously injured. Pretty much a typical domestic case here. If there hadn’t been a gun, it would have been a knife. This stuff is just an every day part of the human condition. Violent little beasties, we is. Doesn’t stuff like this account for about 20% of the homicide rate in the US?

  11. A good example why strict gun control doesn’t work. This was a cop so he had gun clearance status, the problem is that he’s still human and has human flaws, if the Netherlands had a 2nd Amendment like the U.S.A does then the opportunity of someone using the same force could have stopped the carnage. This is plain common sense and logic. If criminals don’t follow laws and mentally ill people don’t follow laws then it’s up to a well armed man of courage and a healthy mind to stop the threat.

    • As it is in the US also.
      Law abiding citizens are punished for the actions of the criminals. You just CAN’T have nice thing in todays society.

  12. Maybe the Netherlands should try some type of gun control. You know like banning so-called ‘assault Rifles’, a gun registry, a limit to how much ammo a person can own, a limit to how many firearms a person can own, a limit to how many firearms a person can buy in a month, etc. What, they already have most of that? How is this possible? Maybe someone should let the Dem President Wanna Bes know. There is only one form of gun control that stops bad people: using both hands to aim when necessary.

  13. If the Democrats in this country try to tie gun control with money to keep the country running they will demonstrate they don’t want to do gun control with thought and bipartisanship and show they are the bottom of the pond scum I think they are. From water that in no way can be purified. Pelosi says if the Senate doesn’t do something about gun control there will be Hell to pay. I guess she wants everybody to suffer in the same way Frisco now is. I use Frisco because people who live there don’t like it being called that.

    • Referring that left coast cesspool San Fran as Frisco gives the town by that name (next to Plano) in Texas a bad name. I actually shoot at the Frisco Gun Club a few times a month.

  14. We do not know all the details yet. It could have been a domestic fight between husband and wife, a robbery etc. etc. Three people killed is not even considered a mass murder in the U.S. as that happens almost daily in the U.S. and now the Far Right are dancing in the blood of the European victims singing a sick song of “It told you so”. Sorry your not telling us anything of substance or anyone else anything because we do not have all the facts.

    The FBI defines mass murder as murdering four or more people during an event with no “cooling-off period” between the murders. A mass murder typically occurs in a single location where one or more people kill several others.[3][4]

    Typically our mass murders involve far higher body counts so that even a person not familiar with what is the official number that qualifies it has no trouble identifying it as a mass murder.

    The facts remain the mass murders in Europe are infinitesimal compared to the daily slaughter in the U.S. If the 4th person dies in this European shooting it will make only 3 mass murders in the last 2 years. Below is our obscene and horrific count.

    From Wikipedia. As of August 31, 2019, 297 mass shootings have occurred in 2019 that fit the inclusion criteria of this article. This averages out to 1.2 shootings per day. In these shootings, 1,219 people were injured and 335 died (for a total of 1,554 victims).

    Again all this proves European Gun Laws work far better than our total lack of any meaningful laws that let nut cases and criminals buy all the second hand guns they want 365 days a year non stop. That is irrefutable. And yes there is a gun show loophole and anyone who cannot find a gun show, can find a chat site on a web site on line or an add in even the local paper and arrange a meeting with no questions asked except “Hand me the bloody cash and I do not know you nor do I want too either”. I might add guns are sent by mail, UPS and Fed Ex to people from adds and discussions on chat sites as well.

    Still think you Far Right Wingers have something to crow about. Sorry try again you did not even make it to first base.

      • Notice how vlads response TOTALLY avoided the possibility of an armed citizen STOPPING this psycho? That would have been a possible outcome if the country allowed citizens to carry?
        Keep that narrow focus vlad, it makes you MUCH easier to ignore in future comment sections.

        • So you think an armed citizen could’ve stopped this psycho?

          This was a domestic violence situation, a husband shooting his wife and two daughters.

          What, the armed citizen should be just hanging around in their living room, waiting for an argument? Fascinating.

          You must be smoking some good dope.

    • To be fair I have never made it to first base either every time I try it is another restraining order or sexual assault charge.

      • Don’t be so hard on Sig pic Vlad, his mom told me he once managed to go down on the family dog, so he has that going for him.

        • Spot and I were in love and we were going to get married but daddy caught us and he only had one bullet for his shotgun and just like that Spot was just a spot.

          -The Real True Original Vlad Tepes

    • You know, I have a hard time time taking you seriously. Especially from someone who’s handle is a reference to Vlad III Dracula. Brutal, opressive bloodthirsty warlord who killed thousands of his own people. Precisely the kind of ruler that makes me glad that we have a right to keep and bare arms.

    • Glad Vladdy Boi is here to tell me how gun purchases work here on the US. From his description he had OBVIOUSLY never purchased one. All wild theory, with ZERO actual knowledge based on experience. But that has never stopped him from spewing his garbage before.

      • Ah, Crawford still using the “Eurotrash” term. You do realized that the two dead bodies you were “delighting” in and calling Eurotrash yesterday were young children, yes?

        • All of the dead un-Americans will vote democrat that is for sure and all of the un-Americans sneaking across the border into California will vote democrat like they always do.

          – The Real True Original Vlad Tepes

      • Hey Crawfish

        If you are White that means your ancestors came from Europe so therefore you just called yourself trash. Or is this getting to complicated for you. Another scorch out you did to yourself.

        • If it were not for “the REAL Vlad Tepes” on TTAG, I would have changes to “Gabriel Van Helsing” weeks ago you loser vald.

        • Well this is just great ever since I got mad and broke my new tricked out meth pipe I have been using an empty soda can and now I scorch myself all the time.

          This is not complicated it is simple logic I am white and I know deep down in my heart of hearts that I am trash so everybody else who is white must also be trash. You fail to understand. Why must you even try?

    • Hey Sig pic vlad (you will be lower case going forward, because you are sub-human IMHO).
      A true measure of ANY commenters worth is in the ability to respond to posts that contradict their positions. It’s called debate, also discussion.
      You, on the other hand, come here, avoid post like the one from Lance (see below),and lay out your BS (with ULTRA narrow copy paste supporting those positions, most ALL written by anti-gun hacks) and tell everyone they are wrong.
      Why not comment on the following…….

      “The Netherlands may seem like precisely the kind of place where mass violence doesn’t happen…especially with gun laws that are extremely restrictive and no right to use a gun in self-defense. But here are just three recent examples of mass violence in that quiet little nation.

      The 2009 attack on the Dutch royal family occurred on 30 April at Apeldoorn, Netherlands, when a man drove his car at high speed into a parade which included Queen Beatrix, Prince Willem-Alexander and other members of the royal family. The driver deliberately drove through people lining the street watching the parade, resulting in eight deaths and ten injuries.

      In 2011, six people were killed by a gunman who entered the Ridderhof mall in Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands. Using a rifle, a 24-year-old shot several people and then killed himself, reportedly with a different firearm. There were seven deaths and 17 wounded, making it the deadliest attack in the Netherlands since the 2009 attack on the Dutch Royal Family.

      In March 2019, three people were killed and seven others injured in a mass shooting on a tram in Utrecht, Netherlands. The suspect, a 37-year-old Turkish man, was arrested later that day following a major security operation and manhunt. He admitted carrying out the attack and was charged with “murder with terrorist intent.”

      This is a tiny sliver of the reality YOU claim doesn’t exist. Like I stated prior, lower case “v” from now on putz.

      • Sorry you caught yourself in a lie. My statement said in the last 2 years. You quoted incidents back beyond 2 years except for one.

        Sorry try another lie and deception.

        And also you failed to mention the U.S. 297 incidents this year and still counting.

        Really do you have a complex that forces you to keep making a fool of yourself.

        • I have a complex that forces me to keep making a fool out of myself. And I have serious daddy issues if my daddy or anybody else in my family found out it was me posting all my garbage I would be in real trouble.

          -The Real True Original Vlad Tepes

        • I made NO statement in regard to timelines, so the FAIL is all on your side of this exchange vlad.
          Nice attempt at pivoting the discussing, nice and lame, as usual.

    • Bullshit argument is bullshit. Per-capita Europe has far more mass public shooting casualties than the US.

    • “Again all this proves European Gun Laws work far better than our total lack of any meaningful laws that let nut cases and criminals buy all the second hand guns they want 365 days a year non stop. That is irrefutable.”

      I refute that.

  15. Only three people killed, and this is breaking news? In Baltimore, three people killed in gunfire is called “the weekend.” Well, actually more like just “Saturday”, but I didn’t want to rub it in.

  16. Stop using the anti gun buzzword “mass shooting” and catering to the propaganda machine.

    It’s murder. And should be followed by the no-doubt long list of mental disorders that the perp likely had with all the red flags that failed to get noticed by the institutions in charge of “public safety”.

    There are no “mass shootings”. Just costly examples of massive failures of process and societal responsibility for allowing highly erratic and mentally ill people to go untreated and the continuous failure of government policies to “protect” the people.

    Hint: you only “need” the police when you as a society refuse to police yourselves.

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