BREAKING: Multiple Victims Reported in Shooting at University of Nevada-Las Vegas

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Multiple victims have been reported in a shooting at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas today. Authorities report the shooter was shot and killed by police and the number of killed and/or wounded isn’t yet clear. Here’s a brief report given by campus and local police . . .

From the AP . . .

It wasn’t immediately clear how many people were shot or their conditions. Sheriff Kevin McMahill did not say whether any victims had been killed.

“There are a number of victims that have been transported to area hospitals,” McMahill told reporters. “So I don’t want to give you false information and tell you how many victims that we have. But we will be providing that update very, very shortly.”

We repeat this every time we report one of these incidents and we’ve never been proven wrong. Early reports in these situations are frequently wrong. There’s always a lot of speculation about the shooter and his or her motives. The number of victims is also frequently wildly inaccurate. We’ll wait until more and better information before commenting further.

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    • This can’t be…

      “UNLV prohibits guns on its campuses. The school’s policy website points to a state law–NRS 2o2.265–which prohibits firearms on campuses, and the university policy mirrors that statute.”

      • And yet here we are, AGAIN!!!…Another GFZ and another “fuck the law, I’m gonna kill something”… At 5:30 ET the reports say 3 injured, 1 (the shooter) dead…

        • “Another GFZ and another “fuck the law, I’m gonna kill something”

          The old white guy did not choose a GFZ to commit his crime because it was a GFZ, he specifically targeted the school because they refused to hire him.

          Any word on why the white guy went on the shooting rampage in Texas? I think the current death toll on his escapade is 6 dead.
          Not one in a GFZ so there goes that theory.

        • “The old white guy did not choose a GFZ to commit his crime because it was a GFZ, he specifically targeted the school because they refused to hire him.”

          He targeted the school that refused to hire him, knowing that he wouldn’t have any opposition because his victims were unarmed and that he could kill more people. Otherwise he could have gone directly into the HR office and killed specific people there, or just saved us all the trouble and committed suicide.

          “Any word on why the white guy …”

          Neither shooting has absolutely anything to do with race. Why are you specifically emphasizing the race of the shooters? (Of oucrse, we know why.)

          If you compare the characteristics of numerous recent mass shooters, you’ll note something — a white perp is not the typical profile.

          And yes, there’s “word” on the motivations of the TX shooter. Read the news; you might learn something. Or just read Nikita’s post below, which was made on this forum just yesterday.

          “Not one in a GFZ so there goes that theory.”

          No one said that 100% of mass shootings occur in GFZ’s — just the overwhelming majority of them. Deny the facts and show your ignorance.

        • This is the same sheriff that with held the real truth about the mandalay shooting, wonder what he will hide here.

        • MINOR49er, so that justifies this “professor’s” demented actions? Did you ever think before you type?

      • The entire time I was in college. My EDC was a handgun and a long gun. My handgun at the time was a beretta 21a in 22LR.
        And because this channel is “monitored”. I will not say what long gong I carried. Nor will I say how I was able to carry it concealed. From from one classroom to the next.

        Don’t limit your imagination to the firearms that you are willing to carry.

        • Chris,

          No one needs to know which long gong you carried. Honestly, it seems like you are bragging somewhat. Most men I know don’t really disclose the size of their gong.

      • to Sid
        I’ll give you a hint. The long gun I carried from classroom to classroom. Has been reviewed on TTAG before.
        In fact both the long guns I conceal carried, have been reviewed on TTAG.


        • Several years ago. A university chemistry professor in india used his handgun to fight against two terrorists with AK 47s. He was successful because nearly two hundred students were able to escape to safety. Both he and another student who also had a hand gun delayed the attack. Unfortunately they both died as a result.

          I don’t know what handguns they had. But we do know the kinds of handguns that are available, to civilians who qualify for a gun in india.

          And your legal choices are. An 8 shot 45acp 1911. A 13 shot semi auto in 32acp. And a couple of 32acp 6 shot revolvers.

          You can hide a lot more than that. Under a long white lab coat, as a chemistry professor. But you’re not allowed to carry a long gun on school grounds.

          The Indiana Jones guns???

  1. Just another target rich environment where citizens aren’t allowed to protect themselves. Wonder if they will release the shooters motives. Unlike the Trans shooter last summer.

      • They aren’t crazy…Just Evil. I know several crazy people, certified with paperwork. Not one of them has ever had an evil thought or intention in their entire lives. Using mental illness as an excuse is just another way for the medical industrial complex to gig the system. For 100s of millions of taxpayers hard earned $$$ and the Gun Grabbers to prey on the Rights of people ‘They’ claim are crazy. Beware of the crazy diagnosis and who is allowed to make it. There is a good chance that that person may have an ideological reason to make it and not necessarily a justifiable one.

        • You saying that walking into a crowd of strangers and trying to see how many you can kill before the cops show up is NOT the result of a mental illness? Sorry, but I MUST disagree with you…

        • @MADDMAXX disagree all you want. It’s still has nothing to do with mental illness and everything to do with Evil. Just like with the rest of the criminals preying on innocent citizens. Crazy is the excuse lawyers use in an attempt to get the clients off or reduced sentences. It’s about choices and society must destroy Evil at every opportunity. Nothing more…Nothing less.

        • You can absolutely be both and saw that more than a few times. But yeah it is not always a co-occuring issue. Most crazy is just normal people who have altered grips on reality that can range from pleasant to asshole depending on perceived stimulus. Evil+crazy is a whole other issue and what makes me glad I never worked in our security hospitals (ie maximum security mental ward) as some of the shit they got/get up to is downright vile.

        • “It still has nothing to do with mental illness and everything to do with Evil.”

          Mental illness isn’t the sine qua non of “Evil”. Millions of people – maybe tens of millions – are mentally ill to some degree and in some way. Yet, they aren’t all violent criminals. Not even mostly violent criminals.

          A psychiatrist friend – also a gun guy – told me that most violent shooters are not technically mentally ill. Rather, they have a personality disorder. Personally, I think a personality disorder is a form of mental illness. But I’m not a psychiatrist; my friend is. So, if a fine point of technicality, it seems that if he is right on his definitions, it’s not “mental illness” as defined by the experts that’s the issue. It’s something distinct from that designation.

          In any case, these people need to be treated successfully. And success in treating mental illness isn’t very high. Success in treating personality disorders seems even lower.

          In the meantime, the rest of us need to protect ourselves.

        • Isn’t that something. The shooter has yet to be publicly identified, the mainstream media is dropping the story (google it and you’ll see, the last articles are nearly a day old) and yet the democrats are already saying “we have to do something!!” “Fix this now!!!” We literally don’t even know what exactly happened and why, except that it was likely a room full of defenseless people due to a zero tolerance weapons policy on campus. But as solace to the deceased, I’m sure they appreciated those little rape buttons on the quad…

      • can we please use the correct derogative terms? the left wingnuts are socialist.. it’s the far right that are fascists. they are all nuts but dont confuse them.

        • In the historical analogs of political systems, our entire spectrum is on the left as compared to theocrasies and monarchies. Whether one is left or right is largely irrelevant. Fascism and Socialism/Marxism are very similar, if not in theoretical definition, then in implementation. Dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy (i.e. big, nanny government), militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, subordination of individual interests for the “greater good” and strong regulation/regimentation of the economy.

          Our current national-level Democrat party have taken the worst of the Marxists and the worst of Hitler-esque Fascism and blended them into what they are trying to achieve.

  2. Update: Three fatalities. Unclear if that includes the shooter. Police still searching to determine if there are other victims.

    • One of my lifelong best friends is an RN who works at the hospital down the street from UNLV. She texted me as it was in progress and stated everything – including the hospital – was in lockdown for a time. Local news circulating is total 20 deceased. I hope that’s not the actual total.

        • That’s the Texas shooter.

          This article is about the Las Vegas shooter, who has already “passed Go” and proceeded to his just reward.

        • This scumbag was in jail previously and was bailed out by a Progressive democrat social justice group. Had he still been in jail. These people would still be alive.

      • The Texas shooter was a known wakadoodledandy and was on an electronic lease which he promptly cut then killed his parents before going out and shooting a bunch of folks he met in the street and while breaking into their abodes.

        This guy should have been locked up behind bars -not on some virtual time-out.

        The LV shooter had a couple of undergrad degrees an MBA, and a doctor’s of philosophy. 67 years old and never had a real job in his life other than indoctrinating kids on college campuses. Maybe we need to lock all these piled higher & deeper degreed people up too. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Put them all away.

  3. Clarke County Sheriff means at least 6 months of investigation concluding that Yeah, somebody shot some folks, but it appears that the shooter was abused as a child and was easily enticed to carry out this terrible act by a smooth-talking firearm… Wonder if the Polls showing Trump kicking Braindeads ass in Nevada had anything to do with it? Then it’s Trumps fault… Another indictment?

  4. Why I don’t enter “gun-free LOLOLOL” zones. They should be called “target rich zones.”

    • “Why I don’t enter “gun-free LOLOLOL” zones. They should be called “target rich zones.” ”

      If people would stop bringing guns into gun free zones, those locations would be pretty safe. In fact, if you take away the shootings in gun free zones, they prove pretty effective.*

      *An update on former N’orlens Mayor Ray Nagan, who posited that if you don’t count all the crime in N’orlens, the city is pretty safe.

  5. All gun free zones should carry warning signs advising people that they are entering a sitting duck zone and should expect that murderous unhinged persons find such places to be irresistible.

  6. And the school told everyone to “run/hide/fight” while good advice, what on earth do they expect folks to “fight” with… in a gun free zone

    You can’t fix stupid

    • “…what on earth do they expect folks to “fight” with… ”

      Erasers, clipboards, iPods, cell phones, notebook computers, backpacks, shoes. You know, the classic weapons of personal defense.

      • Fire extinguisher, pretty much fuck anything else unless you have time to take apart a large paper cutter.

    • you’d be amazed at how quickly a shooter will become incapacitated after you shove a broom handle up their ass.

      I’ve also discovered that utilizing a ball peen hammer to literally peen someone’s balls is an extremely effective method to incapacitate them.

      • Broomhandles and hammers have an extremely limited range, though.

        Target’s gotta be within swingin’ range.

        • Elmer — then why aren’t more mass shooters disrupted or stopped by someone swinging a broom or hammer? Has any mass shooting incident been stopped by someone within arm’s length of the shooter, even unarmed?

        • Alien – I think the answer to your question is FEAR. It takes a certain amount of fortitude, as well as preparation and training, to actually go up against an active shooter. A lot of people lack the fortitude, and even more lack the preparation and training. Let us not forget that there is an alternative to the ‘fight or flight’ response, which is to ‘freeze’. And, yes, I’ve frozen a couple times in my life, looking around, trying to make sense of a situation that didn’t really make sense. Looking at the sky, trying to figure out what that noise is, until some old veteran dragged my ass to cover. The second time I heard a rocket, I KNEW to take cover!

        • Alien, have you been in the typical educational institution in the last twenty years? Can you imagine any of those people with enough aptitude for the requisite amount of violence to stop a shooter at knife distance’s?

        • The killer in the Pulse gay nightclub shooting was taken out at arm’s length by an unarmed vet. Of you only brought your fists to a gun fight you do what you gotta do or at least go down swinging.

    • Already happened. Schuumer was on the national news this evening pushing for an “assault weapons ban.” I wonder how he’s gonna get all those fists, feet, rocks, 2x4s, knives, and aspiring rap artists off the streets?

      And the *Resident was pushing the same, criticizing Congress for not acting — while he has taken more time off the job than any previous Resident of the White House.

    • In the Grand Scheme of things,
      revolvers and single shot pistols are “Assault Rifles”. In the end, they want to give it to us in the end.

  7. Once again. If you can’t conceal it??? The caliber doesn’t matter. Always train with what ever you are carrying.

  8. Look at the time line. Its over 30 minutes before he she it was put down. Sad no one stepped up beforehand. Oh wait no guns allowed. Got it.

  9. 67 year-old career college professor.

    Another “I’m gonna kill a bunch of people to prove guns should be banned” genius or maybe just somebody not happy with their pension.

    • Yeah, this doesn’t fit the profile for sure. 67 is a bit old for a school shooter, even a little old for an MKUltra candidate. Kinda like that other mass shooter in Las Vegas.

        • Didn’t include pronouns in his bio, got rejected as a result. Yeah plausible but hopefully not what actually happened as that is more typical up my way.

    • @Jimbo

      “Right after the senate killed the AWB too. How convenient.”

      And what does the act of a mentally ill killer have to do with the senate killing an outright attack upon the constitutional right of law abiding Amercians?

      Yes, it was “convenient” the senate killed this AWB move, for a number of reasons but among these are: First being there isn’t any such thing as an ‘assault weapon’ that was included in this bills purpose as its only purpose was to remove a constitutional right to firearms that are simply normal firearms in common use by law abiding citizens – so the bill was falsely put forth to begin with and was a lie by the use of such a term. Second, It was not only ‘required’ constitutionally that this bill not succeed because the Constitution (in the Bill of Rights) issues an unqualified command ‘order’ of ‘shall not be infringed’ but it was also required to uphold the Constitution and the inalienable right.

      So, on second thought it was not ‘”convenient” the senate killed this AWB move … it was a Constitutional necessity and requirement and preserving act to do so.

      • My take on Jimbos’ comment: the Derp State needed someone to stir the pot after their beloved ban went down. So it’s “convenient” that there’s a strategically-timed mass shooting to bring the issue back to the fore.

        You saw how fast SloJoe and Schuuumer ran to the cameras to push for a ban — it was within hours of the shooting.

        • “strategically-timed mass shooting“

          And we see here how the mentally ill begin deluding themselves with claims of ‘conspiracy!’ as they ramp themselves up to violence.

        • So you can diagnose one’s psychological profile over the internet by reading one forum post?

          No. No, you can’t. Fuck off, asshole.

  10. Biden Admin WAVES OFF Accusations They Usurped Democracy By CANCELLING Democratic Primary. (and basically rigging election in Florida too by DNC deciding that only Joe Biden’s name can appear on the ballot – which is basically in effect election fraud and/or rigging and/or tampering)

    • “which is basically in effect election fraud and/or rigging and/or tampering“

      More double standards, it’s “election tampering” if the Democrats cancel a primary but you don’t have any problem when the Republicans do it:

      “JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — Republicans in Idaho and Missouri will have to attend caucuses to make their presidential picks next year after the two states’ GOP-led legislatures canceled their presidential primaries and then missed a deadline to reinstate them.”

      So there you have it, republican legislatures in both Idaho and Missouri canceled primaries, in your words it’s “election tampering”.

      So thanks for pointing out the proof of Republican politicians tampering with the 2024 election, from your lips to the prosecutors’ ears.

      • Say, Liar, is there going to be a Democratic primary election in Florida?

        Florida Democrats Cancel Primary Election, Automatically Handing Biden the State’s Votes — Townhall

        It’s my understanding that, legally, each party makes its own rules concerning their internal election procedures; I’ve been told by Donks that there’s nothing wrong with changing their internal procedures (such as blocking candidates — hello, Bernie Sanders — or cancelling primaries). But it’s “election tampering” if the Repubs do it?

        “from your lips to the prosecutors’ ears.”

        What’s legally actionable about it?

        If you didn’t have double standards, you’d have none at all, Liar.

        • To protect democracy the elections must only be between approved candidates.

          Some people just can’t be on the ballet to protect democracy.

          Sometimes to protect democracy elections cannot be held.

          To protect democracy.

        • “Election tampering” is legal when it concerns the internal workings of a party’s nomination process.

          What do some Donks think about it?

          Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN.) took to social media to express his fury with the Democratic Party, vowing to challenge “this absolute nonsense.”

          “What happened in Florida yesterday is a tragedy and a travesty. The Florida Democratic Party – just a handful of people – decided to disenfranchise millions of Democratic voters in Florida by saying, ‘We’re not gonna have a presidential primary,’” Phillips said in a video. “I’m running for president; there are others running for President as Democrats, and this is the kind of stuff that happens in Tehran, not in Tallahassee. We’ve got to do something about this.” — Townhall

        • Those terrible Florida Democrats, making decisions about the internal functions of their party, how dare they!

          At least they’re not the Florida Republican leadership, involving themselves in bisexual three-ways like the chair of the Florida GOP:

          “Police then interviewed Bridget Ziegler, according to the affidavit. She told detectives she knew the alleged victim through her husband and confirmed having a sexual encounter with the alleged victim and her husband “over a year ago and that it only happened one time.”

          On November 2, detectives interviewed Ziegler with his attorney present, the affidavit states. Ziegler admitted to having sex with the alleged victim, but said the sex was consensual and that he recorded the encounter. “Christian said he initially deleted the video, but since the allegation, he uploaded the video to his Google Drive which we have not been able to locate upon a digital extraction.”

          Yep, that ‘family values’ rap is all bullshit, the cofounder of Moms for Liberty against LGBT issues is herself a muff diver, how typical for the closeted conservatives.

          “The rich irony of a Moms for Liberty co-founder caught in a Florida sex scandal

          “Who knew ‘traditional values’ included setting up a ménage à trois,” writes columnist Daniel Ruth”

        • Good news for Minnesotans is that Phillips wont run again after his term expires, deciding it will be more fun to spend his family’s alcohol distilling and distribution company’s fortune than working a couple of months a year. He already has a coach bus provided by donors to utilize after he drops out of the prez race, so off on a road trip he’ll go.

        • “Those terrible Florida Democrats, making decisions about the internal functions of their party, how dare they!”

          Yet you take issue with Republicans doing the same thing in Idaho and Missouri.

          Here’s the big difference: ID and MO voters will still have the opportunity to choose the Republican nominee from those who qualify for the ballot. Florida Donks have been denied any say in choosing their party’s nominee.

          “At least they’re not the Florida Republican leadership, involving themselves in …”

          … unproven allegations that have yet to be tried in a court of law, if these supposed events are even subject to legal action.
          But that doesn’t matter to you, Liar. You dismiss allegations against Donks even when there’s evidence, but you accept any allegation of wrongdoing on the part of Repubs without proof.

          Oh, and did I mention that you’re a habitual liar?
          Proven time and time again on this forum.

        • Sorry Eileen, you need to read the original post that I was responding to:

          “Biden Admin WAVES OFF Accusations They Usurped Democracy By CANCELLING Democratic Primary. (and basically rigging election in Florida too by DNC deciding that only Joe Biden’s name can appear on the ballot – which is basically in effect election fraud and/or rigging and/or tampering)“

          40 ounce was complaining about Democrats deciding not to have a primary, so I pointed out that Republicans do the same.

          “unproven allegations that have yet to be tried in a court of law“

          No, it seems that the Sappho lover admitted the truth to the police:

          “Police then interviewed Bridget Ziegler, according to the affidavit. She told detectives she knew the alleged victim through her husband and confirmed having a sexual encounter with the alleged victim and her husband“

          Yep, just like Melania Trump, hubby and her were cuddling up with another woman, making spit babies.

          Which is worse, Jerry Falwell Jr. having the pool boy bang his wife while he watched from the corner, or Mom for Liberty lickety-split?

          They are all conservative Republicans doing what conserve Republicans do…

        • “[.40 cal] was complaining about Democrats deciding not to have a primary, so I pointed out that Republicans do the same.”

          And I pointed out that the Donks’ cancellation of the FL primary is, in effect, legal “election rigging” since they’re denying their voters the chance to select their nominee, while the Republicans still have a process in place where the ID and MO voters will choose. The situations are not analogous.

          “unproven allegations that have yet to be tried in a court of law“

          I’ll stand by that one, as you haven’t proven me wrong.

          Take your “L” and move on, Liar.

        • MINOR49er, I see you have a problem with someone cricizing your beloved DEMONcRAT “Party” when it is not a problem for you to criticize Republicans. Where I come from, we call that duplicity, but then you have been one of the most duplicitious hypocritial guys, we have had the misfortune to come across.

        • “the Republicans still have a process in place where the ID and MO voters will choose. The situations are not analogous“

          Yeah, right. The fact is, the Republican plan is to flood Idaho and Missouri with a plague of Republican shills from across the United States in a blatant election fraud conspiracy.

          Unfortunately, the knucklehead DeSantis family just can’t keep their mouth shut about the Republican election fraud plans:

          “We’re asking all of these moms and grandmoms to come from wherever it might be, North Carolina, South Carolina and to descend upon the state of Iowa to be a part of the caucus, because you do not have to be a resident of Iowa to be able to participate in the caucus. So, moms and grandmas are going to be able to come and be a part and let their voice be heard in support of Ron DeSantis,” Casey said, in a side-by-side interview on Fox News with her husband ahead of a “Mamas for DeSantis” event in West Des Moines.“

          So much for your bullshit story that the Idaho and Missouri voters would pick, the Republicans have a plan to usurp their votes.

        • MINOR45er. Where do you get this crap? It’s you Leftists who are famous for having dead folks vote in elections. How about the town where there were 700 total voters and the guy who won, a Democrat, won with 1100 votes.

          We do not need to flood the polls where elections are held fairly.

        • “How about the town where there were 700 total voters and the guy who won, a Democrat, won with 1100 votes“

          How about you do a little research to find out the truth of these claims:

          “However, the discrepancy was the result of a temporary reporting error by Marcia Parkhurst, Columbia’s town clerk, who explained the situation in an email to The Associated Press on Tuesday. She miswrote 106 votes as 1,106 votes, causing a temporary reporting error that has been corrected.

          “Apparently when I was transferring the results from one copy to the copy that I was going to send to the SOS, I wrote the ‘1’ twice,” Parkhurst wrote. “Obviously with only 309 votes cast, there couldn’t possibly be 1,106 votes for one person.”

          Parkhurst said that when she became aware of the error Monday morning, she immediately called the New Hampshire secretary of state’s office. That office had already been receiving calls noting the issue.

          “Unfortunately, I’m human and make mistakes especially after an almost 15 hour day,” Parkhurst wrote. “There was no “voter fraud” as people are talking about.”

          Republican Don Bolduc is hoping to flip the Senate seat currently held by Democrat Maggie Hassan.
          The secretary of state’s office issued its own statement on Monday, explaining that “the original figure entered was a simple typo.”

          “The reported number far exceeded the number of ballots actually cast in the town,” the statement said. “The Secretary of State has confirmed with the town clerk of Columbia that Senator Hassan only received 106 votes on election night.”

          Election results posted on the secretary of state’s website on Tuesday showed the correct vote totals. Statewide, Hassan beat Republican challenger Don Bolduc by more than 56,000 votes.“

        • MINOR49er, Prove your “facts(sic)” with something other than a Leftist Lame Stream Media “outlet” (should read propaganda source”). NBC is hardly a reliable unbiased source…
          How convenient that the ‘clerk” claims that she misreported the number.

        • “Tell us why you object to a National Audit of elections?“

          Strange, I’ve never read anything in my copy of the constitution about a national audit of elections, is that in the special double secret republican constitution, the one where President Trump is still in the office and has complete immunity to shield him from any consequence for his criminal behavior?

        • MINOR49er. NICE TRY! Read this and WEEP! “Article I, Section 4, Clause 1: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.”

          It specifically says the “manner of holding elections shall be prescribed in each state by the State Legislature”. An audit could well be interpreted to include an audit. Now answer the question, Leftist. Tell us why you object to a national audit of elections.

        • “An audit could well be interpreted to include an audit.“

          May I respectfully suggest you seek professional assessment and treatment. Seriously.

        • MINOR49er. So to avoid the QUESTION, you resort to personal insults? Seems you need a education as well as a psychiatrist.

  11. 24hrs later where is the endless infomation about the gunman. College prof indicates is sure to he a flaming prog of the Dimwit49er ilk.

  12. Note to people who wonder if they should CCW in a ‘Gun Free Zone’ — would you rather be tried by 12 or carried by 6? The math is pretty simple to me.

  13. This story will go away soon. The shooter used a handgun which doesn’t meet the narrative of the liberal media. They will drop it. very soon.

    • Our “journalists” are so corrupt that when some maniac that utilizes a President Biden recommended, 12 gauge shotgun loaded with “harmless” buckshot and slugs to massacre dozens of people, there would be no coverage because it doesn’t fit their political narrative.
      Of course the choice of weaponry used by mass shooters has morphed so dramatically in recent years so that the AR-15 is so overwhelmingly the weapon of choice. This trend demonstrates just how much these mass shooters are inspired by journalists and politicians. If not for the steady drum beat of anti-gun propaganda to inspire and incite crazy people, there wouldn’t be nearly so many mass shootings.

  14. The News reported he was a Far Right Nut case that had been refused employment at other Universities. He believed in the usual Far Right Conspiracy theories that he posted on the internet. Naturally no University in their right mind would hire him so he then went on a killing rampage of revenge.

    The police did prevent him from further murders as he was headed for another department when they arrived and he chose to then commit suicide by cop. Good riddance, another Right Wing Nut case will not be around to vote in the next election. Go Blue for a civilized society.

  15. The alleged perp is a white male. Summary judgment these days. Except that was preempted. God’s mercy on him. (Don’t bet on that.) Meanwhile, I’m clinging to my f’arms more than ever.

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