Michelle Lujan Grisham
New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (AP Photo/Morgan Lee)

After an 11-year-old was shot and killed in Albuquerque on Wednesday, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham declared a “gun violence public health emergency.” Just what that would mean in practice wasn’t immediately clear.

As the Governor said in signing the declaration . . .

“Today, I join the family of an 11-year-old boy in mourning his violent death yesterday. And I mourn the loss of a 5-year-old girl murdered in her bed last month. These are disgusting acts of violence that have no place in our communities. As a mother and grandmother, I cannot fathom the depth of these losses, and their effects will be felt by families, friends and communities forever. I send my most sincere condolences to the loved ones of both of these children. 

The time for standard measures has passed. Today I am declaring gun violence a public health emergency in New Mexico.

After what Americans experienced in terms of limits on their rights during similar emergency declarations during the pandemic, it wasn’t unreasonable to expect the Governor would use this new emergency declaration as a pretext for a power-grab and to implement fresh restrictions on New Mexicans’ civil rights.

This evening Governor Grisham did exactly that, exercising the new powers she arrogated to herself the previous day by suspending the Second Amendment right to bear arms in Albuquerque and all of Bernalillo County for the next 30 days.

From kob.com . . .

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham says she is suspending open and concealed carry privileges in public spaces in Albuquerque and throughout Bernalillo County for the next 30 days.

Gov. Lujan Grisham declared gun violence a public health emergency Thursday, following the murder of an 11-year-old boy on his way home from an Isotopes game Wednesday night. That case, combined with several other violent cases involving children, sparked the decision.

The new public health order is effective Friday, Sept. 8. After 30 days, they will evaluate whether they should renew the order or make adjustments.

The public health order is a statewide mandate, but it only suspends open and concealed carry privileges in communities with extremely high violent crime rates and fire-arm related emergency room visits. Right now, that only includes the metro.

Note the jaw-dropping use of the term “privileges” when referring to the constitutionally protected right to bear arms in the media report.

The unabashed contempt for constitutional rights that’s necessary to suspend an enumerated civil right based solely on Grisham’s own say-so is breathtaking. The Governor’s tyrannical — there’s no other term for it — move will, undoubtedly, be challenged in the courts, likely as soon as tomorrow.

New Mexico law gives the state’s citizens the power to recall public officials. You’d have to expect that an illegal action like this, shredding the rights of law-abiding citizens, will be exactly the motivation needed to prompt a push to remove her from office. We can only hope that campaign is successful.

Michelle Lujan Grisham moms demand action
New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (AP Photo/Morgan Lee)


  1. “Privileges”. It’s right there folks. We let ourselves be taken when they stopped teaching civics. And I’m sure it is part of the plan.

    • So when you fill out a 4473 form and it comes back good to go .giv just gave you the privilege to purchase that firearmn.

      • As long as you feel that a person’s criminal history should not be a factor in ownership of that firearm then yes I would agree.

        But granting ‘permission’ is an arbitrary act and .gov has specific guidance as to what is a disqualifying factor that they must follow in order to deny the purchase.

        Otherwise, they must allow the sale to continue whether they personally disagree with it. That is not giving permission in the context that you claim.

    • She’d have to put herself in quarantine – which an aid would need to spell check since it’s kind of a tough word to figure out.

    • Is this another case of “Alex Jones was right”? Wasn’t this exact move already predicted and shouted down as another “conspiracy theory”. I think this idiot was chosen as a test case for this scheme since NM doesn’t have NYC, CHI, LA, etc etc. If it works in Albuquerque, it’ll work in all those other places.

    • With common core math that makes for “common” sense. Yeah this sounds familiar and we are still fighting it out in court re concentration…….erm “isolation” camps for the infected during the next pandemic.

      • Hmmmmm, DeSantis had that common crap banned in FL… Don’t know how kids manage to do math now but they’ve figured it out somehow…

        • “Hmmmmm, DeSantis had that common crap banned in FL… “

          Hmmmmm, how did that turn out?

          “Nation’s report card: Alarming, appalling losses in reading, math scores; FL kids not proficient
          Disappointing test scores in 4th and 8th grades could cast clouds over Monday’s debate between DeSantis and Crist
          BY: DANIELLE J. BROWN – OCTOBER 24, 2022”

          “A large majority of Florida eighth graders do not read proficiently and struggle with 8th grade-level math skills, according to a nationwide assessment of students in 2022 — an uncomfortable reality for teens unprepared for a rigorous high school schedule.“


        • “Nation’s report card: Alarming, appalling losses in reading, math scores; FL kids not proficient“

          Minor- name a state in the US where the public schools students ARE proficient and up to established grade level standards. (Hint: the answer is NONE)

        • Craig beat me to it NY is way below reading and math for most of it’s public schools and golly people still move to Florida over New York for some reason.

        • “A large majority of Florida eighth graders do not read proficiently and struggle with 8th grade-level math skills …”

          Because reading and math are racist, don’tcha know.

          Goddamn, Liar69er, that was a stupid remark.

        • Hey, Assminer, how do the gang infested leftist cities do in math by comparison. Hahaha I thought so. Such a demented turd you are.

        • Everyone has admitted that Common Core was a disaster. Even Bill Gates said so. Miner is late to the party as usual. He’s still trying to defend yesterday’s narratives which everyone else has abandoned. Tell us again how Trump really did collude with the Russians to hack the election.

        • @miner Before California implemented common core the black and hispanic high school students were ranked in the high 70th percentile for math after implementation it dropped to the mid 50s.
          You can blame the nation wide drop in student performance on the increased push of inclusion teaching by the teachers unions and woke school boards.

  2. I’d say that this is unconstitutional on its face. Then again, that’s common sense and it’s obviously not something that the governor understands.

  3. How’s that going to affect the already skyrocketing crime rate in a city where the motels all have gated parking lots to prevent theft?

  4. Heh, happened on the day I was down there. Strange, that.

    She’ll lose this in state court, at least as it refers to open carry. In a federal court she probably loses on both.

    She might have the legal authority to restrict CCW, at least so far as the state is concerned because that’s part of the law code promulgated under the Constitution of the State. I kinda doubt she has that authority, at least if the Fed Courts are involved, but under NM law and the NM Constitution, she’s on much firmer ground vis a vis concealed carry since she might have the authority to suspend a law passed by the legislature during an “emergency”.

    My main reason for doubting that she actually has this authority when all is said and done is because she only opted to do it for 30 days, meaning that without an extension, it’s over before a court can probably hash it out. And that’s what she wants to set the precedent for short-term “emergency authority” which can then be used for rolling extensions ad infinitum.

    New Mexico Constitution Art II, Sec 6.

    “No law shall abridge the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes, but nothing herein shall be held to permit the carrying of concealed weapons. No municipality or county shall regulate, in any way, an incident of the right to keep and bear arms.”

    Oh, yeah, and ‘Burque’s a shithole. Has been for a long time.

    • On the issue of it obviously being a setup for future “temporary emergency” issues and the recent pandemic related lawsuits I wonder if ending it to moot challenges will be acceptable to the judges involved at various levels.

      • “…I wonder if ending it to moot challenges will be acceptable to the judges involved at various levels.”

        We’ll have to see where a challenge is actually filed. In ‘Burque itself or Bernalillo County it’s going to come down to which judge you get.

        Up in a place like Santa Fe County, they’ll allow it as long as they can. Down South, in like Las Cruces, I don’t think they’d let an expiration qualify as a mootness claim.

        It’s statewide but only enforced in two jurisdictions, the city and the wider county. Challenges out of a place like Tijeras could be a thorn for the governor.

        It will be VERY interesting to see how they deal with the Canoncito Reservation, which is in the NW corner of Bernalillo County.

        This was clearly thought out to some extent.

        The major ‘burbs for ‘Burque are on the North side of the city. Rio Rancho and Bernalillo (the town), which are entirely outside the areas listed. It abuts the county but is not part of it. Both are in Sandoval County.

        In the case of a challenge brought to a judge in the County of Bernalillo, someone should take the judge for an unannounced foot tour of the area right around the MEPS station. That would pretty well guarantee this being shot down.

        • “It will be VERY interesting to see how they deal with the Canoncito Reservation, which is in the NW corner of Bernalillo County.”

          Effectively *zero* impact, since state and federal law enforcement is for all practical purposes non-existent on those lands unless something a lot more dire than a ‘permit’ is going down…

        • I wouldn’t bet on this.

          The real question here is how tight she is with the Tribal Police for that rez.

          As I said more times than I’d like to think about with the Alec Baldwin thing: You guys have zero fucking clue how much of a corrupt “old boys club” New Mexico is.

  5. The reason for gun ownership by citizens is to resist government tyrany wich is far more dangerous statistically than random crazy people. In the 20th century, governments killed 262 million of their OWN citizens. Not including war. That’s like 10 million school shootings, or 273 school shootings per day, every day for 100 years… data at w.hawaii.edu/powerkills

    • Nice stats we should see more like that. For instance thousands of crimes per year are prevented by the good people with a gun. You will never see that advertised in main stream media.

    • …….not trying to be disrespectful but have you been asleep the last 3+ years or just in Florida (or similar)?

  6. Makes me wish I lived in Albuquerque so I flip her the bird and carry, regardless of her unconstitutional rules.

  7. And all the straight-thuggin’ yoots cried in unison “awww man, I can’t murder nobody now”…

    ….is apparently how these idiots think this will work.

  8. They still haven’t indicted Alec Baldwin so they have to pick on the law abiding citizens instead.
    Time to throw these bums out. Nothing but a bunch of hypocrits.

  9. A few silly questions:
    Do other rights ever get temporarily suspended at the whim of an elected official or for expediency?
    Freedom of religion, speech, right to assemble, right to a speedy trial?

    I wonder if the ACLU will be interested in fighting this restricton of a civil liberty?

    • Yes, yes they do then you have to fight them in court and/or through collective bargaining. Ask me how I know.

      • The suspension of Habeas during the Southern Rebellion was during an actual shooting war involving a concerted rebellion against the United States. It was political, not criminal activity nor a “health emergency”.
        Get ready for it folks, the Bidenistas are fixing to try it again this flu season.

      • Ummm no state law or Constitution is allowed to remove a federally guaranteed right or United States Constitutional guaranteed right. It is called the Supremacy Clause in the Us Constitution and that is not a mere suggestion! Where the hell these Democrat Governors and President get off saying the Constitution is merely a suggestion apparently NEVER read the Federalist Papers where the framers clearly indicate the seriousness of not only the Constitution but also the Bill of Rights so that no political leader could just disregard the unquestionable God given rights as suggestions from government!!!

        These Dems clearly coordinated this with Biden and his DOJ so that it reaches the US Supreme Court where they are going to get another bitch slapping and lesson on Constitutional law!!

    • “Do other rights ever get temporarily suspended at the whim of an elected official or for expediency?
      Freedom of religion, speech, right to assemble, right to a speedy trial?”

      Well yes, they do.

      Freedom of religion, except no worship services in schools or other government buildings.

      Freedom of speech, except defamatory, libelous or slanderous statements. Or gag orders by judges during the legal process, or suspended during military service, etc.

      Freedom to assemble, sure… Except when it poses a danger to the public. That’s why you need a permit for a parade. And you just can’t call an assembly in a school or a government building. Don’t forget about quarantines and curfews.

  10. Oh heavens to betsy – it’s unconstitutional!

    Would be nice if more people on our side stopped pretending these tyrants could ever play by the rules and treated them like they treat us – the GD enemy.

    • The only surprise is they didn’t try it here but we currently have an illegal alien overflow crisis and school is starting so we may be short on ability to manage the damage.

  11. Obviously the shooters of the children was perpetrated by those with concealed weapon permits. While open carry is lawful, permit-less concealed is not.

  12. Can’t understand normal thinking.

    This same witch would slaughter the unborn until birth. Repeal the 19th already.

  13. What a laugh. I want to see how this turns out in the federal courts. Curtailing a constitutional right and state right from an emergency order signed by a governor. Lock up the criminals instead of subverting the constitution and the 2nd Amendment. Easy on crime is not the answer governor.

  14. New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan’s core constituents are back at it again. probably best to avoid the place.

  15. I have to wonder if this is a distraction in order to divert attention from something else going on locally or even nationally.

    • Always a possibility, could also be state level strongholds are dealing with too much to run this as a test balloon so had to float it in a blueish state that isn’t in multiple levels of crisis/litigation already to see if it is viable/build precedent for later use.

  16. People in Albuquerque need to OC in spite of her. And sue the hell of her and the city if arrested or harassed.

  17. you dont make this big of a move a mere 2 days after something bad happens
    they already had this planned in advance
    and were ready and waiting for this particular crisis to arrive
    so they would be in a better position
    to not let it go to waste
    and its not much of a stretch to say
    that in the absence of an adequate crisis
    they created the one they needed to happen
    right on cue

    • The evidence so suggests:

      So far, Albuquerque’s homicide count is under-pacing last year’s record-setting numbers. But will the numbers stay down?

      Last year – 2022 – the city saw 120 homicides, according to the Albuquerque Police Department (APD). The year before that, there were 110 homicides by the end of the year. So far, it looks like 2023 could bring fewer homicides.

      As of mid-June, there have been 46 homicides this year, according to APD. By this time last year, there were 56 homicides.

      • “As of mid-June, there have been 46 homicides this year, according to APD. By this time last year, there were 56 homicides.”


        Crime is dropping. Is there an election on the horizon?

    This is what the WHO Pandemic treaty is about. So the Communist Chinese can declare a Gun Violence Public Health Emergency in the U.S. via their tool Tedros and the WHO. Then the UN sends Peace Keepers to round up all the firearms.

    • John.
      Can’t speak for those in big blue cities and places like California, but those of us out here in flyover country might lose a fight, but it will be a very expensive win for the UN types.

      • Old Al,

        A short story by Matthew Bracken

        Scroll down the page a little.


        Copied and pasted of a few paragraphs from the near the beginning of the story…

        One of right-wing hate radio’s loudest and most poisonous voices was conducting an embarrassing public feud with our press secretary. The President had trapped himself in a seeming contradiction. The viral videos were both damning, and, one must admit, very funny—if one’s goal was to make the President look and sound like a liar and a fool. The YouTube videos were getting millions of hits; the TV comics were not letting it go. We had been knocked completely off message, the optics were horrible, and our favorability ratings were collapsing at a crucial moment. (It seems like an ice age ago when such trivialities actually mattered to me.)

        I said something offhandedly to Dennis. “I just wish we could get rid of those bastards, once and for all.”

        He stared at me for a long time, chewing on his second BLT sandwich until the Navy steward retreated from range, and then he said, “Actually, Jacinda, there is sort of a plan for that.”

        Hint: It winds up at the end referencing “Militias of One.”

      • Those blue UN helmets would make excellent targets. God help any UN “Peacekeepers” on US soil and God help any country that sends UN occupiers to this country, they may be nuked or even “bio-ed”. We do “invasion” poorly…

    • if they actullt think tthat will WORK, they are mentlly nstable, anddwelling in an alternate reality. Grounds for mental health detainments for tall the perperators.

  19. The only upside to this dopey b violating the law like this is hopefully this is the beginning of the end for these BS “state of emergency” declarations.

  20. I shoot matches in New Mexico(live near the border in Colorado)at least once a month. I’ve never concerned myself with gun laws. Carry in LA, carry in NY, carry in Maryland, etc. She doesn’t have a way to enforce this. Fack Tyranny

  21. If I lived in that city I’d be open carrying 24/7 until I was arrested. Then I’d sue them into oblivion. When comes the time though when we declare war on tyrants that directly steal our rights? Is it only when they have a British accent? Enough is enough.

    • HOW would this witch know who concealed carry??? Concealed means hidden. Unless the local gesta er po-leece are gonna stop n frisk. That’d be fun🙄

  22. Unenforceable. Unconstitutional. And I’m OK with anyone trying to enforce this scheme not making it home safely at shifts end

    • Yeah, that is how it needs to go. Of course the bitsh gonna enforce anything herself. She’ll depend on the schmoes on the street. If they are willing to abuse and harass the citizenry, they get what they get.

  23. I notice that Obergruppenführer Grisham was surrounded by Little Mikey’s “Harridans in Red Who Just Want to ‘Do Something’ “. The Hoplophobic Harridans used to call our home asking to talk to my spouse. I generally deflected the calls until one day Mama said “let me talk to them” and gave them What-For from the daughter of a first-generation child of lawfully immigrated parents…the Frustrated Busybodies of the Handmaid’s Tail have not called back in over three years…I think they got the message.

  24. there’s a lot wrong here, but the first question is was this shooting or ANY of the other shootings referenced committed by permit holders? going to take a wild guess and say no. soooo how would this help? if only there was a press to ask her such questions…

    • It helps if your arresting people with gunms.
      Now all the good guys ain’t got gunms and all the bad guys do.
      New Age Law Enforcement.
      there are no good guys with gunms

    • “there’s a lot wrong here, but the first question is was this shooting or ANY of the other shootings referenced committed by permit holders?”

      Why do people do this? This ‘permit’ thing.

      Its a constitutional rights thing, not a permit thing.

      Although a state can issue permits it does not mean the constitutional right does not exist without a permit. This is one of the nuances of Bruen, that the right exists at all times permit or not thus ‘may issue’ is not permitted because it subjects the right to the state deciding if they right exists or not to be exercised. The Second Amendment is an inalienable right, not a by-permission right.

      We need to stop doing this, relating the exercise of the right to that of those permitted. We see this in gun-related news all the time, both the 2A community and in the legacy media. For example, almost every time a gun if used in valid legal defense in the 2A community media we see this thing about ‘the victim had a permit’ (or similar) as if they are some way or another exercising a ‘permission’ like its an excuse. And then we let the anti-gun get us involved in these ‘debates’ and ‘political’ things about permits when its an inalienable right.

      • Cloarification and expansion for : “This is one of the nuances of Bruen, that the right exists at all times permit or not thus ‘may issue’ is not permitted because it subjects the right to the state deciding if they right exists or not to be exercised. ”

        There are ~200 years of SCOTUS decisions that say inalienable rights always exist no matter a government desire for them to not exist or desire to infringe them.

        This is what really pissed off the anti-gun, and one of the reasons Thomas said the Second Amendment is not a second class right.

        The assertion that someway or another the Bruen decision ‘expanded’ the the Second Amendment right is a false assertion. The right is inalienable, it was always there, part of us, there was no ‘expansion’ on it as it simply is and has been already from the very founding of our country, before our founding actually, its an inalienable right, and there are ~200 years of SCOTUS decisions confirming that inalienable rights always exist no matter a government desire for them to not exist or desire to infringe them.

        • Note: The right is inalienable. However, its exercise can be ‘suspended’ for, or denied to, those who commit ‘offenses’ of a certain nature (e.g. violent crimes) and this is not in dispute (generally). That ‘offense’ certain nature needs a decision by a court with constitutional due process adhered to in order to decide if that exercise suspension or denial is warranted.

  25. They’re paying tens of millions to BLM protestors who had their civil rights violated. I hope NM residents get a payday, and that Grisham can be held personally liable.

    If the population actually follows the order, I wonder if crime actually goes up with so many unarmed victims.

    It’s amazing that kids killed by a gun at home is being used as an argument against guns carried outside the home. Is she that stupid, or does she think her constituents are?

    What’s the limit on public health emergencies? How many automobile deaths are needed to shut down the roads? How many alcohol or marijuana related deaths are needed to ban sales? How many bullied kids need to kill themselves before we can turn off the internet? Can we shut down night clubs and dating apps to limit the spread of STDs (actual communicable diseases)?

  26. In other “blood in the streets” news, Shootings in Orlando are down 31% and gun related deaths are down 25%… Should have passed no permit concealed carry long ago…

  27. Wonder how many car/truck related deaths there were in Albuquerque in the past month or alcohol related deaths, abortions, medical malpractice, assaults with knives, clubs etc…

  28. she is suspending open and concealed carry privileges

    PRIVILEDGES? What IS she ON? Probably something illegal. A leastt, absolute power in her grubby fist.

    Back about two and a half centuries our forefathers and founders stood up against a binch of tyrants wearaing red coats over the issue of the right to go about in public armed, and to own and use firearms. It went very badly for those redcoats.

    Today governators like this thing are still trying to disarm us, and are surroundedby Red Shirts. Coincidence? I rather think not.

    Scotus aftr Bruen would shred this in about four nanoseconds. Just a little bit less time than it takes the ink to dry on their signatures.

    If this is not grounds for removal from office, I cannot imagine what would be. EVERY la abiding adult resident of New Mexico HAS the uninfringed RIGHT to keep and bear arms, even if they are in Albuquerque.

    • I think the founding fathers were more pissed about taxes then not being able to pack a rifle.
      America land of the Free.
      Theres nothing you can do in America that’s legal unless its taxed.
      I cant understand why, it’s not like the giverment needs tax money when it’s all monopoly money anyway.

    • CCW is a privilege, legally speaking, in NM.

      OC is protected by the NM Constitution and, obviously, the 2A.

      You can argue that CCW is also 2A territory, but you’ll need to convince a judge of that in terms of NM statutory law.

  29. It’s ok. She supports g@y marriage. And she supports replaced father with a welfare check. That’s why she got elected.

    • Joplin Missouri SWAT officers bullet kills two year old girl in Baxter Springs Ks. during a domestic disturbance.
      It’s okay, the cop has qualified immunity and will not face any repercussions.
      Why Ks called Missouri SWAT I’ve no idea. But anyway they got to kill some people and that’s all for the good.
      Soldier on.

  30. 1. A state governor can’t constitutionally suspend a constitutional right under any pretext of ‘public health emergency’.

    2. See # 1.

    The writ of habeas corpus, as specified in Article I, section 9, is the only provision of the Constitution under which the Constitution (including any the rights) which may be suspended and even then, only in “cases of rebellion or invasion” and then only by the U.S. Government.

    yes, I know, various states have said “the Governor may suspend or limit constitutional rights during a state of emergency” under their ’emergency powers’ laws but that doesn’t mean its actually constitutional. Over half the laws in states laws, if subject to constitutional review, would be found unconstitutional.

    For example, during the COVID pandemic that became a scamdemic that became a very fertile-breeding-ground-for-intentional-rights-infringement-demic… some areas of California closed gun stores and firing ranges as part of their ‘public health emergency’ claims. Of course there was a law suit and last year The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that two California counties violated the Constitution’s Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms when the counties forced gun shops and firing ranges to close in 2020 to presumably limit the spread of COVID-19 (using their ‘public health emergency’ claims).

  31. I daresay that open carry will drop off quite a bit. Finding the concealed carry firearms will be a lot harder without stretching the Constitution out of shape..

    • Finding the concealed carry firearms will be a lot harder without stretching the Constitution out of shape.. We’ve kind of already established that will not be much of a problem.

  32. The way this is written (“any person”, not just residents ) it also effects visitors and travelers, including long haul truckers. Might be a good idea to detour around NM if you have Red State plates.

  33. If we play this right, she might’ve just delivered us a present.
    With the coof, the supreme court was hesitant to take away the emergency powers.
    But one dead child abused and astroturfed to declare an emergency that isn’t real to suspend a constitutional right that is very real? This might very well become the court case to drastically limit emergency powers and 2nd amendment restrictions.
    Yes it sucks for now, and we need to play it right, but this amount of stupidity can be turned into a huge victory.

  34. She suspended a right eh? Thats gotta be an oxymoron or irony or something methinks. I thought rights were unsuspendable. Evidently these folks think they can do whatever they very well please.

    • They have learned they can.
      Law abiding citizens do not break the law.
      They think laws and lawyers and court rooms and justice.

  35. Another stupid tyrannical bltch carefully placed in office to erode our constitutional rights. She has no authority to override a SCOTUS decision. Replace her sorry ass from office and she’ll learn her lesson. She obviously isn’t even qualified to be in the position she’s in anyway.

    • ” Replace her sorry ass from office and she’ll learn her lesson. She obviously isn’t even qualified to be in the position she’s in anyway.”

      GRA, people like her do not learn any lesson, You are correct in that she isn’t qualified.

  36. Well of course it’s the guns ! They just up and walked out the doors of gun owners and just started shooting people , it has nothing to do with libturds soft on criminals policies and releasing criminals almost immediately after arrest!

  37. A right is NOT a “privilege”! If the Constitution(s) prescribes a right or duty, that is the law and no civil servant has the arbitrary ability to disregard said law or abolish it by color of law. If a civil servant defies his/her oath to support and defend the Constitution, he/she has committed an act of seditious treason for attempting to overthow a part of the/a Constitution – in this case, both the U.S. Constitution (Amendment 2) and the New Mexico Constitution (Article II, Section 6) which dictates:

    “No law shall abridge the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes, but nothing herein shall be held to permit the carrying of concealed weapons. No municipality or county shall regulate, in any way, an incident of the right to keep and bear arms.”

    Regarding the clause that makes “concealed carry” unconstitutional – New Mexico has since become a “shall issue” State and is thereby required to issue concealed carry permits to its law-abiding citizens. By doing so, it has declared that concealed carry is a constitutional activity. This renders the clause making concealed carry unconstitutional a nullity and it is thereby void. We therefore have a constitutional right to carry concealed in New Mexico. This makes NM a de facto “constitutional carry” State where citizens have the right to carry without a permit.

    As this article suggests, Lujan Grisham deserves to be recalled. I’ll go even further – she deserves to be prosecuted for the felonies of treason and depravation of rights under the color of law (18, USC, 242) and thrown into Leavenworth.

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