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BREAKING: NRA Cuts Ties to Clinton Supporter and Gun Writer Jorge Amselle


Jorge Amselle (above right) has the right to vote for whomever he wishes. But when he starts touting his support to others for Hillary Clinton for President – and using his influence to effectively campaign for her election – the People of The Gun sit up and take notice.

Jorge did just that and the POTG have responded. And now the NRA has chimed in as well. Jorge was a freelance writer at the National Rifle Association and listed that in his Facebook bio.


He should probably update that. Chip Lohman, the Deputy Executive Director of NRA Publications, had this to say this afternoon via email. “He was a contributor to American Rifleman. He is not a current contributor.”

91 thoughts on “BREAKING: NRA Cuts Ties to Clinton Supporter and Gun Writer Jorge Amselle”

  1. GOOD. Free speech and political freedom is a paramount liberty. But I can’t exactly support anyone that actually supports an obvious and documented enemy of liberty. And for all his faults Trump has never been even within range of Hillary Clinton on this one.

    • Agreed. He’s entitled to his opinion and candidate of his choice. In return, I’m entitled to loathe anyone actively working to strip me of my civil rights. I expect he’ll be made a poster child by the Clinton campaign and anti-gunner groups. Good riddance to rubbish.

      • Go ahead, eat your young. The most that will be gained is more bad press. A poster child for clinton is nothing preaching to the left choir. Excommunicate an NRA member and even more bad press will follow…with good reason.

        What, am I the only one who remembers when Bush 1 dropped his NRA membership due lines being crossed.

        • I don’t see how this would result in bad PR unless it’s more lies.

          Nearly no company or organization would print or post material from someone who publicly supports a political candidate openly hostile to the company or organization and no company or organization should be expected to do so. This isn’t just that Clinton is anti-gun. It’s that she has publicly and repeatedly attacked the NRA and it’s members in ways most foul and has used that as a central theme in her campaign.

          Do you think that, if I ran for public office and viciously attacked HuffPo and it’s readership on a regular basis, that they’d take “freelance” articles from a guy openly supporting me? Trust me, they wouldn’t.

          Further, he’s not being “excommunicated”. I don’t think they will pull his membership (if he has one) they simply won’t run articles from him in the future. Either way his problem is that he went ahead and did something colossally stupid.

          He fucked up and fucked up badly here. I have no problem with him paying a price for that.

        • “Excommunicate an NRA member and even more bad press will follow…with good reason.”

          Yeah? Well, all the so-called POTG who disagree with anything I say are just a bunch of rat-fink, red diaper doper babies. And shouldn’t be allowed to own guns !


        • Mainspring you can’t help but be a subservient left winger can you? It’s ingrained into your biological DNA to tell others what they should do contrary to popular opinion while being a hypocrite yourself isn’t it? Well you’re part of the problem with the US, you can’t have it both ways.

          You don’t get to dictate terms to others just because it disagrees with your progressive ideology. Welcome to freedom of speech and being held accountable for your words and actions. I have to admit it’s probably a foreign concept to one such as yourself, but to others who still have some integrity they understand. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

        • Bush 1 is a gun grabber who betrayed his NRA membership pledge, his oath to defend the Constitution and the USA, and the American people. He signed the first “assault weapon” ban after the Stockton massacre (banned imports by decree), thus immediately paving the way for the California AW ban, then the NJ ban, then the national ban. He should’ve been *expelled* from the NRA, as should every politician who supports gun control.

        • Aw, no, you aren’t the only one that remembers. In fact, it’s too bad you did — I was dying to throw the “it’s all Bush’s fault because he did it first” meme back at you.

  2. The First Amendment enumerates your inalienable (well used to be anyway) right to speak freely, it does not shield you from the consequences of such speech. especially when he lies and say his support of illegal immigration as his primary issue is not “single issue” voting. What a laugh.

  3. Did anyone notice the NRA used the amorphous word “current”, as opposed to “any more”, or “no longer”, “The NRA severed all relationship with…”?

    RF….please query your NRA contacts and determine if Jorge will be allowed to publish ever again on/in and NRA publication, or forum.

    I’m just suspicious of public affairs statements.

        • I wouldn’t. It’s the same NRA crew that pulled out all the stops to keep Bloomberg-collaborating gun-grabber-endorsing open-immigration Left “Liberarian” Islamophile Grover Al Nor’Qu’ist on the NRA board.

          I’m not surprised at the squishy wording, and won’t be surprised to see Jorge back eventually, once the Bloomberg-Nor’Qu’ist cultural terraforming and takeover of the USA by invasion and deluge legal immigration is fully in place.

  4. Man that was quick. Maybe he can get a gig at Huff poo…? Has Dick “let’s talk limits” Metcalf popped up anywhere?!?

    • HuffPo, aka PuffMo, aka MuffPo.

      As if Mike Puffington & Aereola Muffington were ever real Republicans or ever had a real marriage

  5. “Studied Joe Mama at the University of Maryland”?

    Who the hell would have hired this guy in the first place?

    • In fairness, he really knows a lot about Joe Mama.

      I’m guessing the HR director at the NRA doesn’t recognize juvenile double entendre when they see it.

  6. I’m sure some left wing publication will ask him to write an article about how the “racist gun community” kicked him out.

  7. Good. Now they need to cut ties with the people who endorsed the NFA, GCA, LEOPA, UFA, Duty to Inform and all the other “compromise”.

    • Not sure what you mean about John.

      However, there are plenty of writers and other qualified NRA members who haven’t betrayed gun owners. Of course, LaPew & Cox would have to go, and Grover Al Nor’Qu’ist, and everyone who backed him.

  8. I disagree with this. The NRA should not have let the guy go for the reasons stated in this article. Freedom ain’t free it cost him a job.

    • He publicly aligned himself with someone who has made smearing the NRA and it’s members a plank in her campaign platform.

      He has freedom of speech but the NRA also has freedom of association and not associating with someone who supports a candidate that’s openly hostile to the organization just makes sense from the organizations point of view. The 1A doesn’t mean that a private organization like the NRA has to give you a platform to trash said organization.

      • I’m not basing my opinion on the Bill of Rights. The NRA is an inclusive organization. They say they have members of all parties. They should not start excluding based on political party alignment. That should be the same for their employees. He himself was not degrading or trashing the NRA with lies.

        • “They say they have members of all parties. They should not start excluding based on political party alignment.”

          If you can’t see the difference between being open to pro-gun Democrats (or other party affiliations) and openly and publicly endorsing Clinton in this election, based on what she has campaigned on, well…there simply is no getting through to you.

          The first step is applying actual logic to the argument.

          They did not ‘can’ him just because of his party affiliation. They canned him (if they did at all..the statement seems a bit wishy-washy to me) for openly and publicly endorsing the ONE candidate in this election that has declared political war on the NRA itself.

          It would make ZERO sense for them to keep him on as a writer. Good grief, man, what do you want the NRA to do?

          If nothing else, their readership would NOT be interested anything he writes. Why should they PAY someone to write something they KNOW is, at BEST, going to just royally piss off their members?

          Think about what you are saying.

        • They’re not excluding unless they’re kicking him out in terms of membership.

          There’s no “inclusive” argument to be made about paying someone to write articles while at the same time shit talking your organization which is effectively what this guy is doing.

          At that point you’re taking money from dues paying members and sending it to a guy who’s effectively supportive of trashing them with public slander and going after their rights. The NRA’s membership would and should be pissed off if the NRA does such a thing.

        • Nice try. Inclusive doesn’t mean people who betray gun rights, the Constitution, and the USA. You don’t get a special privilege do that because your name is Jorge or your skin is a certain color. This guy made it clear that he will sacrifice gun rights and the USA for his other priorities, including the cultural terraforming and takeover of the USA by subversion, invasion, occupation, amnesty, and suicidally excessive legal immigration.

  9. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. This is complete B.S. that we’re crucifying this guy. Look, I hate Hillary, but I don’t like Trump. He’s a democrat in republican clothing, a terrible human being and an embarrassment to the GOP and quite frankly he makes us all look bad. Jorge is Hispanic. I’m not personally, but I do have Hispanic acquaintances and I don’t know of any them who are voting for Trump. Trump has effectively alienated an entire ethnicity. Great job, Trump! For me personally, I live in the reddest state in the union so I have the privilege of voting for whoever I want and it not changing the outcome of the election one bit and I sure as heck am not voting for Trump and I’m not voting for Hillary either. They’re both terrible and I refuse to gag on either option. This year I’ll be choosing none of the above and voting for a yet to be determined third party as a protest vote.

    Persecuting Jorge because he chose to state his political views is completely hypocritical. This is exactly what the liberals do to anyone that disagrees with them. Except with Jorge its a form of conservative political correctness B.S. that is being used to shame him for daring to speak his mind. The “stay with the herd mentality or get out!” is a dangerous thing regardless of whether it’s coming from democrats or liberals.

    • You should probably chill out a bit.

      This guy stepped in it and he’s paying for that.

      He chose to publicly support someone who’s spent the better part of the last two decades bashing the NRA and it’s members with vile slander. It’s not that she’s anti-gun it’s that she’s openly hostile to the NRA and it’s members.

      What this guy decided to do was basically tell everyone “Hey, I’m going to vote for this lady who calls you babykillers and wants to take away your rights. You should vote for her too. To that effect, your money should go into my pocket so I can tell you how great the lady who hates and slanders you is!”.

      Sorry, I’m not going to have any amount my money pay for this guy to cheerlead for a lady who thinks I’m Satan and is willing to abridge the 2A, 5A, Article 1, Section 9 and probably other parts of the Constitution to come after me. I mean, at that point why not just pay the guy to come over to my house and kick me in the dick?

    • Don’t just vote in protest, vote for someone who has shown that they could do a really good job if elected. Just my personal opinion, but the Libertarians have by far the best presidential ticket in this race.

      I’m with you in thinking all the outrage is overblown and mostly crap. Jorge Amselle can do whatever he wants, and it’s none of our business.

      But if the NRA wants to take him off their writing roster for publicly supporting someone who’s very publicly campaigning to destroy their organization, that’s their right. (Would they have done it without the public outrage? Did it need to be done at all? That’s a different can of worms.)

        • 1.) Is it a “Bit coin “?
          2.) A Libertarian party candidate?
          3.) Whats left of the libertarian party.
          4.) A Hillary ” @ol ” Clinton email message fragment?

        • A leppo is a fine product, I’ve owned several over the past decade. The important question here is how can we subsidize it, promote it and tax the consumers for using it?

        • “What’s Aleppo?”

          I would be more impressed if a candidate actually understood and followed the US Constitution and the BoR over their knowledge of geography.

          Without googling it can you name the 5 liberties in the 1st Amendment? I would bet money that you can’t because most American’s cannot either, don’t even get me started on those who refer to the USA as a “democracy”. But because someone knows about “allepo” you think that they are “more qualified” to be POTUS? That’s nothing more than an absurd regurgitated talking point. And no, I am not for Trump, Killary or Johnson.

        • Dana King: “And no, I am not for Trump, Killary or Johnson”

          Jiminy Christmas. Are you really that obtuse or just pretending to be? You’re for Hillary. The race is between Trump and Hillary. You’re promoting not voting for Trump therefore you’re working for Hillary. Man up and put the Hillary sign on your lawn

        • Stinkeye says:
          September 28, 2016 at 22:03
          Q: What’s Aleppo?

          A: The amount that the lepp borrowed, plus interest.


          Q: “Hey Gary Johnson, do you like poultry?”

          A: “Yes, I love poultry, but why do you ask?”

          A: “Because my cock is foul.”

      • Are you out of your mind, or just an ignoranus? The phony “Libertarian” presidential ticket is a gun grabber ticket. Anyone considering voting for these clowns should have their eyes tied open like the thug in A Clockwork Orange and forced to watch the following video over and over again:

        “Gary Johnson Is A Compete Idiot”

        Then they should be forced to bake cakes for gay weddings and line up for mandatory injections.

        Even if Johnson-Weld weren’t gun grabbing phony-libertarian LINOs, their suicidally subversive immigration policies would destroy gun rights and the USA even faster than Democrats. They are unfit to serve as president and vice president, since they openly support the invasion-occupation of the USA, and the subversion of our immigration laws, contrary to the oath of office.

        • I’d say that’s pretty rich coming from someone who actually believes Donald Trump, but I don’t want to assume.

          • Can you do anything other than evade, like a cloward?

            Did you watch the video? Are you going to help elect Hillary so you can vote for that idiot traitor?

    • If speaking the truth alienates a group, that group is not fit to be a part of our nation nor cast a ballot in our elections.

      More over mass immigration has nothing but transplant Latin America into America writ large.
      If you want millions of low IQed, welfare voters voting away your rights for what ever leftist degenerate promises them more of your wealth and to limit more of your rights then move to CA and tell me how it has worked out.

    • Nonsense. Cut the hysteria. He’s not Jesus Christ and we’re not crucifying him.

      You should be ashamed of yourself for pandering, appeasing, and sabotaging the causes in which you allegedly believe.

      Also, I know plenty of Hispanics, Blacks, minorities and women who are voting for Trump. He has not alienated all Hispanics. Just the ones who think Hispanics should have a special right to invade and occupy the USA, and steal citizenship.

      By encouraging people to vote for anyone other than Trump, as you’re doing here, you’re helping elect Hillary. So who are you voting for? Let me guess: This clown?

      • “By encouraging people to vote for anyone other than Trump, as you’re doing here, you’re helping elect Hillary.”

        Not so. Electoral college votes are awarded on a state-by-state basis, with ALL of the state’s electoral college votes going to the winner in that state. If you’re in a state where the race is really tight, then voting for Trump to stop Hillary might be a reasonable tactic — but for most of us, that’s irrelevant. If one candidate leads by 10%+ in your state, then your single vote won’t help or hurt anyone, unless you count padding the numbers by .001%.

        So vote for whoever you want. Just don’t try to tell me I have an obligation that clearly doesn’t exist.

        • Nice try. You have a moral obligation not to betray your fellow citizens. You know you’re voting for traitors and gun grabbers who can’t even take the Pledge of Allegiance without lying. You really think people here can’t see your evasions? Who do you think you’re kidding?

          Don’t be coy, it just makes you look stupid.

        • “You know you’re voting for traitors and gun grabbers who can’t even take the Pledge of Allegiance without lying”

          As opposed to people planning to vote for Trump, who HOPE they’re not voting for such a person, but don’t really know either way.

        • Henry: To elaborate, what you say is very true. But Trump didn’t just inch over a phony smidgen to the right during the primaries, make the usual phony noises every RINO chamberboy makes on gun rights & border control, then move hard left for the general. Trump came WAY over, with landmark positions, and he stayed hard even after winning the nom, when RINOs always move hard left.

          Trump’s statements have been more pro-gun than any R nominee in 100 years. More immigration sanity than any R nominee since Eisenhower — who was the last to honor his oath to defend our most critical national defenses — our borders & immigration controls.

          Trump called for civilian carry, loudly, after every massacre. He didn’t have to do that. Trump identified real causes – Islamic immigration exacerbated by “gun free” zones – instead of scapegoating gun owners to hide those causes. His gun rights positions in that regard are more loyal to 2A than the NRA’s positions. The NRA is primarily responsible for the Orlando nightclub and other massacre spots being “gun free zones” — which LaPew supports. NRA could’ve ended “gun free” zones in Florida decades ago, and it put those zones in the law in the first place. It could’ve ended its own “gun free” zones in Virginia long before the Virginia Tech massacre, and again, the NRA itself put those zones in the law and fought to keep them there for many years.

          Read the position statements on Trump’s website. To the extent Trump is weak in some areas (e.g., no fly during the debate), you can also thank the NRA for that, since it’s the NRA’s position. The NRA has long supported all sorts of “prohibited person” status without constitutional recourse to trial by jury, and no fly no buy is just one of them. NRA collaborated with gun grabber Carolyn McCarthy to pass her “Veterans Disarmament” bill (GOA’s name for it), which has already turned 200,000 veterans into “prohibited persons” without trial by jury.

          Similar story with Obamacare, which GOA exposed as a vehicle for progressive gun prohibition and confiscation. NRA could’ve easily killed Obamacare had they opposed it as a gun control vehicle, since it passed cloture by one vote. NRA had a dozen “A” rated & several “B” rated pet Democrats who can’t survive in pro-gun states like Montana without phony A ratings from NRA. They could’ve easily been forced to sustain filibuster. Instead LaPierre worked with his “pro-gun champion” Harry Reid to “fix” Obamacare and help it pass. Remember that when we end up being stuck with government medicine forever.

          It’s unrealistic to expect Republican candidates to take stronger gun rights positions than the NRA, SAF, CCRKBA, NSSF, SAAMI, and other appeasement, collaborator, betrayal groups. You want to stop gun rights betrayals, then de-fund and de-member those groups. You’re never going to get control of them because they are run by beltway vampires.

          That said, I do plan on being betrayed, but I expect to be betrayed a lot less by Trump than I KNOW I’ll be hosed by Hillary. And he may well address some problems that badly need addressing, like the invasion-occupation-takeover of the USA.

          Or you can vote for Hillary directly, or indirectly vote for Hillary by voting for someone even worse for gun rights and America, the phony “Libertarian” presidential ticket, Johnson-Weld.

  10. I have no problem with the NRA giving this guy the Boot ! And I don’t own any firearms, but support our 2nd amendment !

  11. The NRA is a single subject organization. He decided to have other priorities and tell people that so the NRA told him that they had other priorities as well.

  12. Excellent. Now they need to cut ties with Grant Cunningham & Rob Pincus, who are totally in the tank with Jorge Amselle. They ad hominem smeared David Codrea on Facebook for even mentioning the issue, basically calling Codrea irresponsible and a libeler, and then in the most cowardly fashion, blocked replies so Codrea couldn’t defend himself. This after they knew Codrea was spot on and the report was true. Jorge is a traitor to gun rights and, let’s be real, the USA, and these guys tried to bury the story and shoot the messengers. See today’s War On Guns blog.

  13. Good for the NRA. A pro-gun, private organization has every right to sever ties with anyone who allies himself with an anti-gun candidate. Heck, our government should be severing ties with anti-gun organizations given the content of the 2nd Amendment. With this administration, that doesn’t happen. Obama has been quite cozy with a number of anti gun and anti freedom organizations, while being openly hostile to the NRA. There is no reasonable cause to believe anything different would happen under a Clinton administration. If anything, Clinton is even more hostile to the 2nd Amendment than Obama.

  14. Trump is the only candidate who supports 2d Amendment.
    NRA is the only organization that stands for our cause.
    Vote accordingly. Anything else is disastrous.

    • Or so he says. Agreed that Hillary is the enemy, but Trump has yet to be tested on any 2nd Amendment issue. So far all we know about Trump is he is riding the wave of about half the country’s discontent. Not even sure how much of that was by design, and how much was just luck. Vote your guns but plan for a betrayal.

      • Actually, that’s not all we know. We know Trump didn’t just position over a phony smidgen to the right during the primaries and make the usual phony noises every prick RINO makes on gun rights and border control, then move hard left for the general. Trump came WAY over, with landmark positions, and he stayed hard even after winning the nom. More pro-gun than any Republican nominee in 100 years. More immigration sanity than any R nominee since Eisenhower — who was the last to honor his oath to defend our most critical national defenses — our borders & immigration controls. Trump called for civilian carry, loudly, after every massacre. He didn’t have to do that. He identified real problems – Islamic immigration and lack of carry – instead of scapegoating gun owners to hide those problems. His gun rights positions in that regard are more loyal to 2A than the NRA’s. The NRA is primarily responsible for the Orlando nightclub and other massacre spots being “gun free zones” — which LaPew supports. NRA could’ve ended “gun free” zones in Florida decades ago. Read the position statements on Trump’s website. And to the extent Trump is weak in some areas (e.g., no fly during the debate), you can also thank the NRA for that, since it’s the NRA’s position. The NRA supports all sorts of “prohibited person” status without constitutional recourse to trial by jury, and no fly no buy is just one of them. It’s unrealistic to expect Republican candidates to take stronger gun positions than the NRA, SAF, CCRKBA, NSSF, SAAMI, and other appeasement, collaborator, betrayal groups. You want to stop gun rights betrayals, de-fund and de-member those groups. You’re never going to get control of them because they are run by beltway vampires.

        That said, I do plan on being betrayed, but I expect to be betrayed a lot less by Trump than I KNOW I’ll be hosed by Hillary. And he may well address some problems that badly need addressing, like the invasion-occupation-takeover of the USA.

  15. Jorge is the proverbial wolf in sheeps clothing. No one who supports a POTUS candidate committed to appointing liberal Supreme Court Justices who for certain will re-interpret the 2nd amendment can pretend to be pro-gun. The NRA and all liberty loving 2nd amendment supporters should completely shun this fool and his defenders by boycotting any publication or forum that accepts freelance contributions from anyone who supports candidates favoring gun control.

  16. This clown supports criminality. Thats what anyone who says they want “immigration reform” really means, because there is nothing wrong with the immigration system, other than its not being used according to the law. Just like with guns, there are already a gazillion laws on the books, its up to the administration to enforce them. Anyone who supports amnesty, open borders, etc…. supports criminality and is no different than a BLM thug.

  17. I am a gun owner, 2nd amendment supporter and hesitant Democrat. I also strongly believe in our right to Free Speech, and always vote… also my right.

    If I understand the intent of the Constitution, they mean we have the right to both gun ownership and free speech WITHOUT persecution for it. This means I should be able to own a gun without someone judging me for it, and say almost anything I want without judgement… especially in a democratic nation where we are supposed to be able to vote for who we want without persecution.

    I don’t like either Clinton (a lying puppet) or Trump (a clear psychotic), but I should be able to voice my opinion and vote for either without persecution. As both will likely continue to keep guns available on a global scale, neither are truly against gun ownership. Clinton simply wants some controls, such as slowing down gun purchases to allow for reasonable background checks. Trump, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to be able to keep his cool in any scenario. When I clean my gun, I check to confirm its unloaded first. Do we want a president that doesn’t check to see if his mouth is loaded before talking? Responsible gun owners take responsibility for their actions, as should responsible voters, or for that matter, politicians.

    Give Jorge a break… he is just exercising the rights he is granted in this great country. Vote for who you want, and let others do the same. Celebrate freedom in all regards!

    • hillary wants to keep guns away from anybody who isn’t one of her bodyguards. The background checks she wants will end fathers giving a son or daughter a rifle or shotgun for Christmas. Peopel will die wait for a gun for protection from a stalker. She has said she wants Australian pattern gun laws in the USA.

      Australia passed a law and confiscation, by force of law, tens of thousands legal guns “to reduce crime.” Crime and violence increased because the criminas kept their guns.

      The message is clear… Help stamp out freedom. Vote for anybody who supports gun control.

    • “….I should be able to own a gun without someone judging me for it, and say almost anything I want without judgement… especially in a democratic nation where we are supposed to be able to vote for who we want without persecution.”

      Ok, how do I gently say this….? W R O N G !!!

      The constitution only prevents government from restricting your freedom of speech. Businesses, churches, non-profits, everyone else, can evaluate your speech, and take whatever legal action this wish. You have no natural, civil, human or constitutional right to openly trash your employer and retain your job. You have no natural, civil, human or constitutional right to openly trash your chosen charity, then demand to be retained on the board of directors. Speech has political and personal consequences.

      Oh yeah, on this blog you have no right to expect to make any statement at all, and be free of comment, observation, derision, humiliation, etc. This is real life, my man. The fantasy world you are imagining is pure fiction peddled by Demoncrats, lefties and other entities wishing to control your every action, your every thought.

    • Who do you think you’re kidding? There’s no such thing as a pro gun Dem. Even the ones who vote the right way on the obvious bills still screw us whenever no one’s looking, like gun clauses buried in bills or by voting for cloture then casting a kabuki floor vote “against” when filibuster was the only way to stop a bill. Like voting for Obamacare which is a gun control vehicle. Like supporting anti gun leadership, and anti gun candidates (e.g. “Pro gun” Jon Tester backs Obama) and nominees (Sotomayor, Holder). And the all support the destruction of gun rights by cultural terraforming by way of deluge immigration and invasion occupation.

      Stop lying about your rights. You have the right to freedom of speech without government retribution, but you don’t have right to force people to act as if you didn’t betray us.

      If you vote dem, you’re betraying your fellow citizens and the USA.

      Now stop being a whiny puss, man up and admit it.

    • Gun Friendly Democrat you’re a fool if you can’t see what is certain to happen if HRC is elected POTUS and appoints just one additional progressive liberal Justice to the Supreme Court. That appointment along with the other two she likely will get insures a leftist majority on the Court for decades. If that happens, its game over for the 2nd amendment after the liberal majority reinterprets the definition and intent of these four words in the Bill of Rights; “A Well Regulated Militia”.

  18. He must have FAILED at the Antonin Scalia Law School. I wonder what the Gunney has to say about his politics and lack of political history studies?

  19. I have to speak out as a gun-owner and pro-2nd amendment advocate that supports Clinton.

    Guns are an extremely important issue to me. But they are not the only issue. I will never agree with any politician or party on every issue (and I have zero respect for anyone who does, they are unthinking stooges). Needless to say, on gun issues I vehemently disagree with Hillary Clinton.

    However, as a responsible American that is trying to make the correct long-term choice for our nation and our descendants, that wants above-all to see America continue to prosper as an entrepreneurial, pluralistic, and just country, to me there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that could convince me to vote for Donald Trump. He has possibly the lowest, most scum-filled personal character of any person I have every heard of, both in the real world and including any fictional person that has ever been conceived. He lies so much that you must begin to doubt that he can even recognize truth, his morals are so bankrupt that he has no qualms about slandering or inciting hatred against whole ethnic groups, and worst of all he’s simply a con-man: his “autobiography” is fake (he had zero part in writing it), his “university” is fake, his real estate business is fake (he doesn’t develop buildings any more, banks won’t finance him because he such a fraud, he only licenses the Trump brand name), he never pays any of his subcontractors, he never upholds deals with his customers. Frankly, Trump’s character and worldview is alarmingly reminiscent of some 20th century dictators who came close to destroying the world.

    I am extremely disappointed that people in the pro-gun community have so missed the forest for the trees. What good is your second amendment freedom when the country has nothing left worth defending? What are you imaging, exactly? That you’ll sit on your porch with your rifle, watching, as the police and national guard come to your neighbors’ houses and rip apart families as 10 million are deported back to violence-torn shithole countries? That your hunting rifle will be particularly handy when Trump gets America into a trade war that craters our economy and nobody can afford food anymore like in Venezuela?

    I don’t get it. Take off your blinders, people. There is more than one issue.

    • “I have to speak out as a gun-owner and pro-2nd amendment advocate that supports Clinton.”

      You’re a fraud right there. There is no such thing as a “pro-2nd amendment advocate that supports Clinton.” QED.

      It’s obvious your tirade is cover for your real priority: Open immigration. You think foreigners have the RIGHT to invade and occupy OUR country, steal citizenship and voting rights. You get all hysterical with flaming red herrings about door-to-door searches, which you know is total nonsense. Deportations will be done by

      * Stopping Catch & Release
      * As invaders are caught doing other things, such as traffic infractions and more serious criminal behavior.
      * While trying to enter kids in school at our expense, taking welfare, illegally voting, anything for which ID & proof of legal residency can be demanded.
      * Through e-verify, so they can’t steal jobs from Americans, which in combo with denying them welfare and government services will force many to self-deport.

      We won’t have a country for long if traitors like you keep pissing it away. It may already be too late.

      • @CarlosPerdue

        It seems that you’re afraid of third world illiterate peasants usurping your place in society! Is that the case, you have so few skills and are so helpless that the arrival of a few low-skill immigrants will make you obsolete? Who will hire poor CarlosPurdue if a mexican immigrant can suck cocks the same and cook delicious tacos too! If I might project your motives onto you as you have done to me.

        I don’t know what planet you people are living on. America is exclusively a nation of immigrants and their descendants. Unless you’re a native american, but in many ways being a native american is less “american” than being the descendant of one of the prominent immigration waves.

        Did the Irish, not long ago castigated widely in the media as “a half step above the negro race, if that”, ruin America? Did the “lazy, lustful” Italians? Did the “conniving, shifty” Jews? The “barbarian hun” Germans? The “slanty” Chinese and Japanese?

        And the immigration isn’t even the biggest issue to me, I already related the biggest issue: that Trump is the most despicable person, liar, bigot, demagogue, and fraud, that the world has seen in a long time. The idea of a person of such low moral character being President of the United States is unthinkable.

        Why do you even believe him that he’s very pro-2nd amendment or anti-immigrant? Did you not know that until last year when he started running for President as a Republican, all his statements on guns were actually PRO GUN CONTROL? Did you not know that his own company has, on multiple occasions, ILLEGALLY HIRED FOREIGNERS? Like I said, he’s a complete FRAUD! You’d be in for a rude awakening if Trump won, I’m telling you, Trump is pro 2nd amendment like George W Bush is a rancher or Barack Obama is a christian, except he wouldn’t have the discipline to maintain the
        lie as long (GWB hated his ranch and hated having to take all of his vacations at his ranch for PR reasons, he bought it right before his campaign and sold it immediately upon leaving the White house; Obama was never known by anyone to be religious and never went to any religious services before running for elected office).

        With regards to immigration, every single reputable economic study has found that our immigration rates not only improve the American economy overall, but actually improve the economic situation for either people of every single economic level, or in less optimistic studies, every single economic level besides the single lowest level. But you don’t seem like the type of person for whom facts and learning count much, so I only mention it as an aside.

        • BTW, the “immigrants” you are lauding came here LEGALLY !!

          Not that legality is of any import these days.

        • Nice try, strawman. I’ll just pass over where you use Bolshevik tactics and call everyone a racist who’s for limiting immigration to non-suicidal levels.

          I’m sure you can’t link to these studies that allegedly ALL show that unlimited immigration is peachy for the typical American citizen. Or are you one of these geniuses who think that nominal GDP = per capita benefit?

          For starters, more than 100% of jobs created since the year 2000 went to immigrants, and that doesn’t take into account the number of jobs that went to anchor Democrats who are now of working age. It’s actually worse than negative job opportunities for native born Americans, which anyone can see who’s not a Left “Libertarian” cultist.

          FACT is, for the last 50 years immigrants, and their kids, have, increasingly, leaned and ultimately voted overwhelmingly DEMOCRAT. Translation for “Libertarian” dunces like you: ANTI GUN.

          Now, here’s how together you Left “Libertarians” are:

          Gary Johnson is a Complete Idiot

          Gary Johnson tongues reporter

          Gary Johnson Is A Psychotic Clown from Uranus

          Gary Johnson Has Another Aleppo Moment

        • Nice try, strawman.

          Does that make you feel better about voting for Hillary? Because that’s what you’re doing, even if you’re voting for the phony libertarian ticket.

          I’ll just pass over where you use Bolshevik tactics and call everyone a racist who’s for limiting immigration to non-suicidal levels.

          I’m sure you can’t link to these studies that allegedly ALL show that unlimited immigration is peachy for the typical American citizen. Or are you one of these geniuses who think that nominal GDP = per capita benefit?

          For starters, more than 100% of jobs created since the year 2000 went to immigrants, and that doesn’t take into account the number of jobs that went to anchor Democrats who are now of working age. It’s actually worse than negative job opportunities for native born Americans, which anyone can see who’s not a Left “Libertarian” cultist.

          FACT is, for the last 50 years immigrants, and their kids, have, increasingly, leaned and ultimately voted overwhelmingly DEMOCRAT. Translation for “Libertarian” dunces: ANTI GUN.

    • “pro-2nd amendment advocate that supports Clinton”, now that’s what I call a mind boggling oxymoron from a moron.

  20. I agree with the NRA. Clinton, and even more than her, Kaine, is an avowed enemy of the NRA and all American’s Second Amendment rights. He was the worst governor we ever had here in Virginia and he had been a disaster as a senator who only got in because welfare recipients and wealthy Liberals in counties adjacent to Maryland and DC like Fairfax voted him in. He is an Obama brown nose and if Amselle supports those two, he is an enemy to your rights to own and bear arms.


    The NRA is right to do this.

    • Not to put too fine a point on it, the NRA took no action. Re-read their statement. All they said was this guy is not a “current” contributor. Whatever that means.

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