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BREAKING: President Obama Responds to Police Shooting in Louisiana and Minnesota

(courtesy Facebook)

From President Obama’s Facebook page:

All Americans should be deeply troubled by the fatal shootings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota. We’ve seen such tragedies far too many times, and our hearts go out to the families and communities who’ve suffered such a painful loss.

Although I am constrained in commenting on the particular facts of these cases, I am encouraged that the U.S. Department of Justice has opened a civil rights investigation in Baton Rouge, and I have full confidence in their professionalism and their ability to conduct a thoughtful, thorough, and fair inquiry.

But regardless of the outcome of such investigations, what’s clear is that these fatal shootings are not isolated incidents. They are symptomatic of the broader challenges within our criminal justice system, the racial disparities that appear across the system year after year, and the resulting lack of trust that exists between law enforcement and too many of the communities they serve.

To admit we’ve got a serious problem in no way contradicts our respect and appreciation for the vast majority of police officers who put their lives on the line to protect us every single day. It is to say that, as a nation, we can and must do better to institute the best practices that reduce the appearance or reality of racial bias in law enforcement.
That’s why, two years ago, I set up a Task Force on 21st Century Policing that convened police officers, community leaders, and activists. Together, they came up with detailed recommendations on how to improve community policing. So even as officials continue to look into this week’s tragic shootings, we also need communities to address the underlying fissures that lead to these incidents, and to implement those ideas that can make a difference. That’s how we’ll keep our communities safe. And that’s how we can start restoring confidence that all people in this great nation are equal before the law.

In the meantime, all Americans should recognize the anger, frustration, and grief that so many Americans are feeling — feelings that are being expressed in peaceful protests and vigils. Michelle and I share those feelings. Rather than fall into a predictable pattern of division and political posturing, let’s reflect on what we can do better. Let’s come together as a nation, and keep faith with one another, in order to ensure a future where all of our children know that their lives matter.

93 thoughts on “BREAKING: President Obama Responds to Police Shooting in Louisiana and Minnesota”

  1. No mention of guns. Color me surprised.

    Also no mention of the fear-mongering training that police receive that drills into them a draw-first/shoot-first mentality. Not so surprised there.

    • So, when should they draw, after the other person, or do you think they can clear leather faster that the other guy?

        • But they aren’t trained to draw fast or shoot straight. Read Greg Ellifritz’s comments ( on the pitiful state of LEO training.

        • “They are paid to draw last.”

          No they aren’t. Not sure where you get such a dumb idea.

          They have the same standard of “self defense” the rest of us do.

          The only thing they get paid to do that is different is to put themselves into situations where self defense is not only possible, but probable.

          Cops are under no more obligation to “draw last” than you are.

        • Same laws as us…well not true but if it was, then yes they are supposed to draw last (if it’s a gun, a knife, whatever). Where did you get the idea that the best defense is offense?

        • they’re not under the same laws as us. officially, qualified immunity. unofficially, the blue wall/departmental solidarity/having each others back, or as I like to call it institutionalized corruption.

        • You are misunderstanding “qualified immunity.”

          Qualified immunity means that in the course of doing their (lawful) duty, the reason to be IN a potential DGU situation is “immune” from judging THAT de decision.

          Qualified immunity is not (supposed to be) carte blanch to commit murder. It has certainly been abused in recent years; no doubt. I won’t argue with that.


          You guys that are saying the law is different for them compared to us need to study up on the applicable deadly force case law. The LAW itself is one thing; how it is applied by prosecutors is something else.

          For any deadly force encounter, the standard of IMMINENT threat of death or serious bodily injury is applied…cops or us, and that standard must be applied in a way that meets “Objective Reasonableness.”

          Now, what gives the ILLUSION that the law is different is how “imminent threat” gets interpreted, but that’s not specifically a qualified immunity issue (or at least, not always).

        • If I break leather to have a discussion because I feel uneasy, I would be charged with brandishing. The laws are different. I have to draw last as a private citizen to claim self defense.

        • Wrong! They’re paid to take down bad guys and protect the public’s investment in them. Once some thug starts resisting all bets are off. They have the right to be sure they go home to their families every day of every year.

        • They have the same standard of “self defense” the rest of us do.
          Sure they do.
          I’m sure if some friends and I shot a guy 50+ times in NYC, we’d get a paid vacation and a commendation…
          Or if we fatally shot a guy in the back, because he was walking down the streets of Seattle whittling…
          Or if we fatally shot a guy who was reaching for his wallet–in a situation where reaching for a wallet is the normal activity, after saying he had a license to carry…
          Incidentally, I’m curious why you put self defense in quotes. It’s like you subconsciously realize that many of these police shootings are not at all defensive.

          A cop is subject to the same self defense standards as the rest of us about as much as Hillary Clinton is subject to the same standards for classified document security.

        • “Incidentally, I’m curious why you put self defense in quotes. It’s like you subconsciously realize that many of these police shootings are not at all defensive.”

          No, nothing like that. Quite the opposite in fact. I put it in quote because we don’t usually call police shootings “self defense.” It was a way to emphasize that they are, in fact, exactly that, even though the language is not used.

          “A cop is subject to the same self defense standards as the rest of us about as much as Hillary Clinton is subject to the same standards for classified document security.”

          I hate to burst your bubble, but the heinous abuses you described are just that…abuses.

          AND, they infuriate me as much as the Hillary bit does. BUT..that does not change the FACT that cops are all the time held to the same standards of deadly force you or I would be held to…ability, opportunity and jeopardy of an imminent threat must be met (legally).

          So, some prosecutors failed at their jobs to prosecute criminal cops. I agree 100% that’s a problem, and I have argued against qualified immunity here on this site many times. But…that those prosecutors were corrupt does not mean others don’t do THEIR jobs and prosecute cops that shot someone illegally.

          The problem, and the frustration all of us feel on this topic, is that the number of the bad occurrences is (or seems to be) on the rise, while the number of cases where the system works as it is supposed to is under-reported in the MSM.

          But, in the last 11 years, there have been 54 cops prosecuted for unlawful deadly force, so it does happen.

          The case law, however, is clear: the legal standards for a cop using deadly force to defend his life or the lives of others is fundamentally no different than for the rest of us…a threat must be imminent and with ability, opportunity and jeopardy.

          The beef we all have is how some prosecutors choose to interpret “imminent threat.” But again, that does not change the fact that that’s what the stated standard is.

    • Well lest we forgot, police are the only ones who can be trusted with guns. We’d all be better off if the only guns in the country were in the hands of police, military, and other government law enforcement entities. With questionable shootings or outright murders of people by police — who have always been convicted of felonies at approximately the same rate as the rest of the population, mind you — this is an ideal time to consolidate even more power into their hands and reduce the ability of the population to fend for itself.

      • Reminds me of the liberal logic 101 poster with the hippie girl: “All cops are racists/ thinks only police should have guns”

      • The reason cops shoot people is because of affirmative action. Lower the standards for minorities, you get lower standards for white cops as well. Not up on your intellectual game, clear holster cause managing people is not a strong suit of stupid people clothed in blue and issued a badge.

        Highjack the melting pot theme lowering the standards for getting into this country, net results is more crime and murdered citizens. 30% of federal prisons are filled with illegals.

        Thank you UniParty.

      • This. The Issue isn’t guns with cops. The Issue is to federalize all police forces.

        • Agree. It should be resisted by all legal means. Once the feds have their hooks in local gov at any level, it’s very difficult to go back. E.g., the public school system.

  2. Is this the same AG’s office that just let Hitlery walk on a bunch of felonies?
    Good shoots or bad. Those officers are toast.

    • Yep. Toast. Not because they’re trigger happy (although they might well be) but because “racial disparities”, in the words of the President.

      While it might be easier for black males to get themselves killed by cops, they don’t have an exclusive on that.

      I recall last winter, a 17 year old white kid got shot standing up for what he thought were his rights. In his shoes, I would have bet my life that the traffic stop was BS, but as it turns out what the kid did behind the wheel really was a violation of traffic laws (blinking his high beams at somebody he thought was driving at him with their high beams on, the killer even admitted that many drivers had “flashed” his new squad car previously).
      The cop escalated a verbal disagreement into a physical one, when he probably could have gained compliance easily by simply explaining the facts to the kid. When physically attacked, the kid defended himself. Finding himself on the losing end of a fight which he stupidly started, the cop drew his sidearm and killed the kid. (think Zimmerman/Martin, if Zimmerman had jumped Martin instead of the other way around)

      Legal shoot? It looks like it, unfortunately. Definitely 100% within policy for the department in question.
      Unnecessary shoot by a jackass who should never again wear a badge? Looks like that too.

      • add to that the story of Cody Jack Franklin. None of you have heard of this one because it was just two white cops tazing a white guy to death in a jail cell in rural franklin county ar. Just happened a month ago. You can google it, but you won’t find much. Just a local newspaper story that says ASP will investigate. Nothing else.

        • Facts are , these things do happen all the time , to all colors of people , of all races , and all walks of life . If your a millionaire and drive around town in a clunker with a bad tail light , expired license plates or a cracked windshield , your chances of getting pulled are greater than if you are in your GMC Yukon Denali , black or white . If you are a black man in a Yukon Denali driving around a Detroit ghetto neighborhood or a white man driving in the same vehicle in the same neighborhood you may raise red flags too . If you look like trouble or act in a way that draws attention to yourself then you are susceptible to a greater degree to being detained for suspicion .Yes there are rude police and polite police that have bad days , there are bad police who have especially good days and will bend over backwards to be helpful . There are bad people of all walks and types and good people of all walks and types that have bad days . I do not know what it is to be a black man , a black man will not know what it is to be a white man , but we will both know what it is to be a man and we will neither one know what it’s like to be a woman , these are issues that must be worked through outside of race and politics . These are departmental issues and there are resources in place already to deal with the mistakes , bad cops or deeper internal local corruption .
          Obama needs to steer clear of saying anything about these situations and wait for all the smoke to clear before he even makes a determination in any direction , unless it is as plain as the nose on his face , which it is not . The riff grows deeper by the day between police and civilians , between blacks and whites , between statist and constitutionalist , between those who have and those who want and between religious and secular . These riffs will not bear any eatable fruit and will eventually spoil all the good fruit that we as a society have worked for 200 years to cultivate with sweat and blood .
          Take a breath and walk easy , watch our steps and use all the senses God gave us .

        • Don’t forget Jose Guerena: a Marine Corps veteran shot and killed by cops executing a no-knock raid based on bogus evidence. After shooting him, they refused to let paramedics in for over an hour while Guerena bled out.
          They claimed he shot at them with his AR-15, but the safety was still on, and it’s possible they planted the gun on his body.

    • Came here to post that same thought.

      “I am encouraged that the U.S. Department of Justice has opened a civil rights investigation in Baton Rouge, and I have full confidence in their professionalism and their ability to conduct a thoughtful, thorough, and fair inquiry.”

      What a joke.

      Though I must say that at this point, I’m not sure what troubles me more…that all this is happening or that he can say this stuff with a straight face AND many Americans buy into it.

      Orwell would be so proud of how his predictions have come true…

  3. Obama quote “I am encouraged that the U.S. Department of Justice has opened a civil rights investigation in Baton Rouge, and I have full confidence in their professionalism and their ability to conduct a thoughtful, thorough, and fair inquiry.”. Just like they did in the Hillary probe. It’ll be they did bad but they didn’t mean to kill anyone, so they get a pass.

    • Also,

      That’s how we’ll keep our communities safe. And that’s how we can start restoring confidence that all people in this great nation are equal before the law.

      unless you are one of the pigs that are more equal

    • Prediction: The cops will be cleared of wrong-doing, but the inquiry will find “systemic racism” in the Departments. With or without supporting evidence (at best, they’ll find someone e-mailed a racially insensitive joke). The departments will then be placed under supervision by the feds, under threat of further action by the DOJ.

      Chicago style. If it were a private business, they would be required to hire a $250,000/year diversity officer, usually a friend or crony of Jessy Jackson or Al Sharpton. I don’t know if that is usually imposed on police departments after an analogous shake-down by the DOJ, the primary goal of which is to get some strings attached to the police department in question rather than to get their loot on. Though, in the mean time, there will be some Soros money to be had for the professional agitators who collaborate with the DOJ.

      Damn, I’ve gotten cynical.

  4. Interesting that the convicted felon gets a federal inquiry, but the guy legally concealing with a family, job, and no record gets nothing.

    • I thought that for a second, then realized that it was probably because the Twin Cities shooting just happened and the Louisiana case happened a day or two earlier.

      Louisiana looks questionable. Minnesota looks like murder.

      • Ah, you are correct. I’m guessing Falcon Heights investigation will be coming shortly.

  5. Thanks for the update, State Senator from IL. Now do a little fishing…for your your next job, perhaps the UN where you can screw citizens in other countries.

  6. While the Louisiana and Minnesota incidents appear to be deeply problematic, I found this example of UNBELIEVABLE RESTRAINT in Ohio. An Ohio (State?) police officer stops to chat with a man walking down the shoulder of I-75. At just after 1:30 in the video, the man pulls a big knife and starts toward the cop to stab him. The cop puts one round into the guy’s abdomen and then spends the next few minutes backing away and repeatedly telling the dude with the knife to lay down while the dude with the knife (and a gunshot wound) continues advancing toward the cop yelling “kill me”. Eventually, the man lays down without any more gunfire and additional cops who arrived on scene were able to handcuff him.

    Had the guy kept advancing on me, I would have put more rounds into him … especially given the fact that this took place in the middle of the traffic lanes of I-75 and the guy with the knife eventually makes his way to some of the stopped cars.

    NOTE: there is PROFANITY in this video that is NOT suitable for office environments or where young children can hear.

    • How did he NOT shoot him again? I wouldn’t have been able to do it, that could have turned worse at any second. I am glad that the officer didn’t have to deal with a “suicide by cop” though.

    • That’s impressive.

      Coming from Dayton dude had to walk a LOOONG way to get out of the construction on I-75…

      • Ye Gods!

        Is that fucking construction STILL going on? It’s been a decade at least.

  7. These cases are distinctly different from each other but lets just say that the one guy would probably still be alive if he had been serving the rest of his sentence.

  8. Let Comey handle the investigation. I’m sure that he’ll be fair and thorough and come to exactly the conclusion that POTUS wants.

  9. if i had an uncle…if i had a son…..dude your whole family is getting smoked…

  10. “But regardless of the outcome of such investigations, what’s clear is that these fatal shootings are not isolated incidents. They are symptomatic of the broader challenges within our criminal justice system, the racial disparities that appear across the system year after year, and the resulting lack of trust that exists between law enforcement and too many of the communities they serve”

    The obfuscation is migraine inducing. Even a cursory look at national crime statistics will tell you why racial disparities exist. When you have communities that commit a grossly disproportionate amount of crime, no kidding they’re going to have an adversarial relationship with law enforcement.

    • His comment can also be translated as “Regardless of what the investigation uncovers, in our march for political correctness and social justice, communities who feel marginalized are totally justified in protests and rioting.”

  11. I think it’s amazing no one has mentioned the fact the two cases are about as different as you can get.

    I am the son of a (fairly prominent, let’s say half-a-somebody) career police officer who was a long-time “commander” in a half-a-prominent department. I am as pro-police as anyone, and surely so is he. But he has come a long, long way in 10 years of retirement, and is now the first person to point out bad policing or problems/crimes/etc. from law enforcement.

    The first shooting and second shooting could not be more different. Let me state again: The cases are not remotely similar!

    In the Baton Rouge police shooting, there was a 911 call stating someone was brandishing a gun menacingly. The “victim” was a convicted felon, with prior gun charges, in illegal possession of a firearm, who was actively resisting arrest. Whether you like it or not, there is not a legal recourse for resisting arrest. You HAVE TO DO WHAT THE POLICE SAY, you do it, and deal with it later. You can sue, press for internal or departmental charges, try to get criminal charges pressed, but AFTER THE FACT. You can’t just tell the police “Naw son I don’t feel like getting down” or “Nope, I ain’t pulling over today, so don’t even bother anymore, don’t chase me.” That is not how it works. Getting back to Baton Rouge, the one police officer clearly states on video “he’s going for his pockets … HE’S GOT A GUN!!!” where the second police officer draws his weapon (which was until-then holstered) and says something like “Hey bro, if you (sounds like Fuck with us or Fuck with me or Fucking something or other) I SWEAR TO GOD….” and a second or so after, the other officer (who is also not holding his weapon but still actively trying to subdue the suspect with his arms and body) HE’S GOING FOR THE GUN!!!” —- AND THEN the police fire. What were they supposed to do, wait for the guy to draw the gun? Shoot one of them? This is going to end up a ‘clean shoot’ in the end.

    The second case, last night, was MUCH WORSE. It sounds truly like the case of a jumpy (perhaps young) cop messing up. If truly the man said he was a legal permit-holding CCW carrier, and told the police such, and was then asked to produce his license, and was shot for reaching for his license, *with his wife and 4 year old in the car* — this will be charged as murder.

    They could not be more different other than the fact they happened so close.

    • Based on info released so far, I’d tend to agree. In the MN base, the BEST spin that one can put on it (again, based on facts released so far) is that it was a tragic mistake.

      But let’s not pretend that this only happens to black people, because it happens to folks of all races. And making the focus solely on racism (1) alienates potential allies and (2) makes it harder to focus on systemic failures of training and doctrine.

      • It happens with all races, but it seems to happen with some much more often than others.

        Furthermore, controlled studies have shown that there’s a definitive unconscious bias present when officers are making the decision on whether someone is a threat or not – they identify blacks as threats more often, and the decision takes faster to make. That translates directly to faster draw-and-shoot reaction to any minute perception of threat, which in turn translates to more innocent people killed by cops who got spooked.

        So, yes, it is a race problem, in addition to a gung-ho Rambo wannabe cop problem. Both have to be dealt with, and swiping one under the rug for the sake of the other is unethical.

    • The LA situation is watered down with the really bad record the guy had and the fight with Cops was obvious. Minnesota is a decent guy with a real job who probably had a clean record to get a permit. He didn’t fight with cop or have it in his hand. That cop needs a lawyer bad.
      My heart goes out to the girl and the daughter. She didn’t deserve to be cuffed and dropped like that. A few million dollars should be sent her way along with the cops badge.

    • You are absolutely right, and that’s why BLM is doing such a disservice. The law-abiding citizen who (almost certainly) committed no crime is being lumped together with the lifelong criminal sex-offender who fought the cops while illegally carrying a firearm – because both are black. For the BLM narrative to work, the differences between the circumstances and the decedants have to be ignored, and the actual problems – criminal behavior in one case, abysmal training in the other – can’t be addressed.

  12. blah, blah, blah, more of the same, more of the same.

    did i git that ’bout right?

  13. What a racist. There is no data yet to prove that it wasn’t a justified shooting. For this asshole to come out and state that we “should be deeply troubled” by the Sterling shooting means he has come to the conclusion that it was a bad shoot. It’s not possible to determine whether it was a bad shoot or not based on the publicly available information that is out now.

    Obama is a racist. He proved it to us with his statement.

  14. I bet Obama is really happy to be talking about something other than the many failures of Hillary. With that said, I credit him with a narrative that at least sounds plausible. Yet if I stop and think for a moment, the narrative remains the same:

    1. Trust government.
    2. Trust government to investigate other parts of government
    3. Only government can have guns.
    4. If government f$cks up, they are “doing the best they can.” Either recommend no charges if they can help the Obama campaign / future/ “legacy” or throw them under the bus if they can’t.

    I sure wouldn’t want to be either of the cops involved in either shooting. One might be justified and one might be very bad, but I haven’t seen all of the facts yet.

  15. Wow Bury Soetoro sounded semi-reasonable. Must be a brain fart. BTW just saw 7 minutes of the Minn. murder(on Inside Edition)-it looks BAD-REALLY BAD. The trigger happy cop came off as a complete lunatic. And how you force the gal(who had a 4year old with her) on her knees after YOU murder the black dude for the “crime” of reaching for his ID……………..astonishing.

  16. My question goes way back to the first “let’s have a beer” incident…but…

    Why in the HELL is the POTUS even commenting on ANY of these things?

    (A) Doesn’t he have more important things to occupy his attention?

    (B) Aren’t these incidents in LOCAL jurisdictions? If anything, they MIGHT “go State level,” but how do they rise to the level of a POTUS statement/butting in?

    (I get the “Civil Rights” angle, but even in that case, shouldn’t they wait until someone claims their Civil Right have been violated to “get involved?”)

    (C) There’s so much wrong with this, and not the least is feeding into a VERY childish mentality that “The President will make it all ok” that many people have. Reminds of that dumb twit that actually thought she was going to get a new car or some such after Obama got elected the first time.

    • No way he wrote that. It’s too focus group tested. Let’s see him say that on camwra.

      • He could not have written that. He wouldn’t even be able to read it without being trained to do so.

        The guy is a useless idiot.

  17. Years from now, I’m sure lots of blacks will wonder why racial relations went downhill so far and so fast after they enthusiastically elected Obama.

        • Faithful leader must be feeling sick… He did manage to inject race into the argument but no mention of the nra? Maybe the race baitter in chief has checked out?

      • Yea, they keep trying to do that.

        Trouble is, it ain’t working quite that neatly. Zimmerman in Florida – he wasn’t white.

        The Freddie Gray case – there were six officers arrested, three white and three black.

        As hispanics become the “biggest minority” cohort, there’s going to be more hispanic officers involved in shootings of black suspects.

        Sooner or later, the whole “white man got it in for us” trope ain’t gonna hold much water.

  18. Got to be blame on both sides, I was stopped last week at night for speeding. I pulled over as far as i could onto the shoulder, turned on my Hazard light, and turned on my Dome light. pulled out my wallet and placed both hands on the wheel. when the officer approached i was very polite and when he asked for my license i gave him my DL and my Carry permit. He then asked for my insurance card. I told him i needed my reading glasses . and asked if i could retrieve them from the center console and he said to proceed. LONG story but the Moral here is whenever someone with a badge and a gun has you pulled over you damn well better tread lightly as if on ice. I did not get a ticket and he was very Polite.

    • It happened to me too few years ago in Austin. Since I was a foreigner, I didn’t really knew at the time how it would happen… I was speeding at night, it was entirely my fault. I parked the car, open the window (because of the tainted window), turn on the interior light (for the police officer to see me), grab my ID and International Driver License (I didn’t had my Texan Driver License yet) and put my hands on the wheel. When asked for the insurance, I notify the officer it was in my glove box and ask if I could get it. Of course, it was my first (and only) wrong doing and I was not proud of myself, but I was calm, didn’t try to do anything that would scare the police officer… and he was calm and polite. He did what he had to do and he did remind me it was careless from me to drive fast few days before christmas in dense traffic, etc… and I told him he was right. He gave me my paper back with a warning and then I was on my way home with my tail between my legs but glad a simple traffic stop didn’t turn bad and happen how it should always happen. Polite, professional and respectful from both side. I know it’s easier to be a keyboard warrior about it now and we don’t know what did happen, but I think that keeping your hand on the wheel and not move without informing the officer of what you want to do and why and be sure to have confirmation from him that you can do it… might be a safe way. It’s better to ask twice and be sure than assuming it’s fine and be confronted to a happy trigger young cops. My 2¢

  19. The common thread in these cases is carry. One legally one illegally. They will soon start telling us we’d better not carry if we don’t want to get popped.
    The Louisiana cops will get off, the Minnesota cop is a toss up, depends on whether they believe the girl or the cop.

    Now if you’ll excuse our King he needs to campaign on behalf of the Queen.

  20. The Minnesota governor jusy ignited racial tension by saying this wouldn’t have happened if the victim was white. Instead of trying to calm the situation, find facts and make the necessary changes he’s starting a race war. Right before the RNC cconvention too, what a strange coincidence!!

    • They want the black vote on board with gun control. Carry permits run counter to that approach. They have enough to deal with homosexuals arming themselves instead of calling for OFWGs to be disarmed.

  21. I think doing away with police depts. and police chiefs would be a great start. I see no real problem with law enforcement being done by elected sheriffs who are actually accountable to the communities they serve AND LIVE IN.
    I’ve spoken with 20-30 year cops (many of them SWAT) who absolutely cannot stand the thoughts ideas and attitudes that many of these rookies are leaving the academy with. Local officials like mayors, sheriffs councils Unfortunately judges should lean on these institutions and let it be known in no uncertain terms that what they are teaching is wrong and it’s not what we need. Unfortunately were still stuck with the last crop of idiots for the next 30 years.

    • I believe it’s time to go further. Disband all police departments. And return to constitutional ideas. All LEO’S need to be disarmed. Only lawful US citizens have the right to keep and bear arms–not government agents. Only unarmed ” Bobby’s”, town guardsman…Limited authority…Another place to start, Full Independent civilian review boards for all rank and file LEO’s….De-militarization of all police departments, state police, etc….Defund police departments, and remove profiteering motives from *special town/city revenues generation by ticket infraction schemes, and unlawful property seizures….*

  22. The one thing you won’t hear this scum bag say is the real reason why Baton Rouge is one of the most dangerous cities in America. Hint: it’s not the climate, water supply, tainted soil, or the police who are charged with patrolling the hell holes within the city.

  23. obama: Blame America and shill for global tyranny, same as always.
    One thing we can always count on — if obama says it, it’s wrong.

  24. Mr. Obama:

    We’ve had to listen to your bullshit for eight years now (including your ’08 campaign, so I think it’s long past time the American people said:

    Oh, just shut the fuck up, already.

  25. I really doubt that he recognizes some of the anger, resentment, and grief that some of us others are feeling.

  26. Rather than fall into a predictable pattern of division and political posturing, of which Obonzo is master of.
    Let’s come together as a nation, and keep faith with one another, in order to ensure a future where all of our children know that their lives matter.
    With Obonzo and Hitlery, that statement is a cruel joke.

  27. Why don’t you respond this quickly to ISIS and radical Islam Barry? Crickets…….

  28. But not deeply troubled by all of the shooting and killings that happened in Detroit over the weekend? Or maybe that just doesn’t fit into your theme of more gun control equals less crime?

    What a farce this guy is

  29. I notice a lot of division here. Some people mixing “apples and oranges “. Especially on various political fronts…While our codified Bill of Rights is shred like the Magna Carta. Lot of you folks better get organized, or *they* will win through divide and conquer. Globalization–The biggest killer of individual freedoms…..

  30. There is a systematic issue in the way officers are trained. That and people fear things. Some people just should not be cops. It takes a confident person that is not fearful and is willing to put other lives above their own for the benefit of society.

    Some white people fear blacks more than other whites. Just as I’m sure other races fear other races more than people of their own race. People fear things they don’t know. I’m not saying it’s racism, it’s human nature.

  31. I could give a rats behind what that weasel thinks or says in response to anything. Look up “Looser” in Websters Dictionary. Its a pufture of that big eared sumamabitch staring at you with that stupid blank expression om his face. Got Dipshit?

  32. Really nobody could give a rats behind what that Dipshit that nksvor says. After 7.5 years its ibvious even yo those thst like him thatbhe is just a mouth piece, an amature, for thosecwho pull his strings. Got Dipshit?

  33. Hmm. The equality under law argument rings hollow with this one, it does.
    — An anonymous Jedi Master

  34. “Although I am constrained in commenting on the particular facts of these cases, I am encouraged that the U.S. Department of Justice has opened a civil rights investigation against Hilary Clinton, ”

    Fixed it for you.

  35. There are a good number of comments here about how Obama is stupid, useless, clueless, a waste, or whatever. While it may be satisfying to make such statements, reflect a moment on what this country was like in the years before he stated his intention to “fundamentally transform” the nation. Looks like he has been pretty successful. Discounting how dangerous he can be might not be the most informed approach. You can count on 8 more years of fundamental transformation under Hillary. It will not matter a what what our opinions are, it will not matter how stupid, useless, clueless, ignorant, or whatever, we declare she is.

    Obama has been enviably effective in achieving his goals. We miss the entire movie when we judge Obama’s success against what we believe is the correct course. He did it all in spite of our efforts.

  36. You know, this is probably one of the very few things that Obama has ever said that I agree with. And I’m a law enforcement officer. Usually when he opens his mouth about law enforcement its some race baiting BS that really pisses me off.

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