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According to the most thinly-sourced CNN report of all time – and that’s saying something – police have responded to a report of shots fired at a Sparks, Nevada middle school. ABC News (who posts an actual photo of the school) reports that the suspect “has been neutralized.” Which means he’ll be described as a slavering, blood thirsty, card carrying Tea Partier and NRA life member. At least initially, until someone who actually knows something talks to the press. Here we go again.

UPDATE: reports,

A gunman at Sparks Middle School was killed along with a second unidentified victim, reports. The two victims hospitalized are described as two male minors, a Renown Regional Hospital spokeswoman told the paper. An earlier report identified one victim as being 12-years old.

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  1. That CNN report makes me long for the days of print media, when somebody couldn’t just say, “Screw it, hit Post! At least we had it first!”

    • If YouTube comment sections have shown me anything, it’s that nobody likes the asshole who tries to post FIRST.

      • Are you familiar with at all? They instituted a thing back at the very beginning, over 10 years ago, to combat that shit. Anytime anyone types “first post” for any reason, even if they’re not the first post, gets the words “first post” changed to “boobies” and the timestamp on their comment is set forward anywhere from 12-24 hours.

    • You know, it seems like most of these shootings happen at public schools… Therefore, we should ban public education, because it’s just too dangerous.

      • It was a teacher who died trying to save their students. But then teachers are public sector workers and according to some on this site all public sector workers are parasites and scum. Hopefully they will reconsider using such dehumanising and unchristian language.

  2. Ahh, Middle School. That time where you look at your life and wonder ‘How much would getting hit by a schoolbus hurt?’

  3. A friend who lives in Sparks says:

    “a latino shooter (and likely latino victims, given the part of town)
    likely Norteno vs Sureno gang war”

    • Its a sad commentary on the state of the US when middle school children are involved in gang wars. That being said, I wouldnt be shocked if this were true…

    • If that is the case, expect a cover-up. There is no gang problem, there is no border problem, there are no problems in Mexico, go back to sleep, we are at war with the Middle-East, we have always been at war with the Middle-East.

  4. It’s amazing that all of these happen when Obama’s out giving speeches about some disaster. Maybe we should ban the president from addressing the public.

  5. Criticizes CNN reporting, posts link to NY Daily News…..

    Journalism is dead. We should just give those jobs to monkeys slapping keyboards.

    • Hold up on your righteous indignation there for a sec. The link to nydailynews was only to show where the video came from, to give credit where it’s due.

    • Id read something written by a monkey slapping a keyboard. Cant be worse than the final books in Dean Koontz “Frankenstein” series.

  6. I have a strong feeling that Nevada is going to become the next gun rights battleground after Californian “progressives” cross the border.

  7. They are already here sadly. If not for a veto from Governor Sandoval, Nevada would have a universal background check law.

  8. The report I am getting is that a student shot a teacher that saw him with the weapon, then he shot two other students before capping his own brain….

  9. 30 years as an EMT and ER nurse and never, not even once did the press report what I’d seen with my own eyes. I never could figure out how the official reports were derived from the facts. The body count is all you can believe.

    • Come on now Paul, why report the truth? Our proffesion isnt as exciting as shows like Third Watch and ER. Well not for me anyways.

      I dont know if any of our brothers delivered any babys while simultaneously giving mouth to mouth to a nun at plane crash today. I took people to dialysis…

    • Yep.

      “The unthinkable has happened yet again, this time in Sparks, Nevada,” Nicole Hockley said in a statement. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, their families, and the children of Sparks Middle School, who today came face to face with violence that no child should ever experience. It’s moments like this that demand that we unite as parents to find common sense solutions that keep our children — all children — safe, and prevent these tragedies from happening again and again.”

      Cue Barry fake tears in 3…….2……….1…….

  10. Reading the CNN report makes me wonder if they FINALLY got tired of having to apologize for spreading misinformation….

    Oh, sorry, I forgot. This is CNN. They just let the misinformation hang out there. My bad.

    • CNN is propaganda pure and simple. Remember they admitted to changing their reporting for Saddam Husseins PR hack in order to get first access? They’ve only gone downhill since then.

  11. Of course the only sane response is to immediately draft an EO confiscating all firearms coast to coast. Anything less would be a compromise.


    “Kyle Nucum, 13, said he witnessed another student shoot his teacher at Sparks Middle School Monday morning.

    “Nucum said his teacher saw the student with a gun and ran to the student to tell him to put the gun down. He was then shot.

    “The Reno Gazette-Journal is trying to independently verify the teacher’s identity.”

    “Two people have died, including the shooter. Two people are in critical condition at Renown Regional Medical Center.”

    “Sparks City Manager Shaun Carey tells the RGJ that one student was transported to an area hospital and that the shooter is dead by a self-inflicted gunshot wound.”

    I am sure more details will become clear…

    • Looks like the kid fired and then the teacher tried to intervene (unarmed apparently):

      “We heard a pop, like a loud pop and everyone was screaming, and then the teacher came to investigate,” Nucum said. “I thought it was a firecracker at first, but the student was pointing a gun at the teacher after the teacher told him to put it down, and then the teacher fell and everybody ran away.”

      Read more:

    • “11:50 a.m. update:

      Angela Rambo, spokeswoman for Renown Regional Medical Center, said the two shooting victims who were brought in this morning were upgraded from critical condition. One is in fair condition, and the other is in serious condition. The patient who is in fair condition is conscious and his vital signs are in normal ranges.

      Officials at the latest news conference said one of the victims underwent surgery, but Rambo said she could not confirm which patient that was – the one in fair or serious condition.
      11:22 a.m. update:

      A student at Sparks Middle School shot and killed a teacher and wounded two other students Monday morning before fatally turning the gun on himself, police said.

      Two unidentified males were wounded in the shooting and were taken to Renown Regional Medical Center in critical condition, a spokeswoman said. The Reno Gazette-Journal is trying to confirm the identity of the shooter and the teacher, who was reportedly a popular math teacher there, according to eyewitness accounts. Police said the teacher who was shot was trying to protect students.

      Police said the shooting happened at 7:15 a.m. and students were evacuated to nearby Agnes Risley Elementary School and then to Sparks High School, where parents picked up their children.

      At an 11 a.m. press conference, officials said of the two injured students, one was out of surgery and the other was doing well.”

  13. Guns have a habit of telling people to load them, point them, and shoot them. The guns are living beings, duh.

  14. If it wasn’t for the NRA, no child would ever contemplate committing a murder/suicide! How can a young person go on when the gun lobby is opposing universal background checks!?!

    • It’s pathetic that some people actually think this way (I’m assuming your comment is sarcasm, at least I hope so for your sake). As if no child ever committed murder or suicide prior to the NRA existing. BTW what do people think the NRA does to influence this behavior? Yeah if we had universal background checks it would have prevented this shooting because I am sure this kid purchased this gun at a gun show or had it delivered directly to his door from an internet order. LOL dumb ass mentally challenged progressives.

  15. Without reading anything about this event, I’m just going to go ahead and conclude the NRA shot another kid. Is that right? Do I win anything?

  16. Anyone see the story about the guy that shot a potential mass shooter at a party in Glendale? Hmm it is almost as if the media has an anti-gun agenda!

    • Just looked it up. Not much detail, but what there is suggests it’s a perfect antidote to the anti-gun industry’s “only police can use guns” meme.

      Sadly, we’ll probably never know more about it, and the general public will never hear about it.

  17. According to a Yahoo news report, between 150 and 200 police officers responded from as far as 60 miles away. Does that strike anyone else as extremely odd? I wonder if they were expecting a repeat of the Beslan School massacre?

    • If that’s true, then yes, to me that’s stupid. From the descriptions I’ve heard, the event would have been all over by the time someone from 60 miles away would have made it there.

    • How big is Sparks? I mean is it big enough to warrant 200 cops from a 60 mile radius all responding to the same call??? Or is it the only town in the county?

      • Sparks is about 90k people and its a pretty ghetto area just outside of Reno. Fyi, the shooter was a 12 year old.

  18. My heart goes out to the family that lost there father.

    The only thing I learned in my CCW class was to get up in the morning and say, “I WILL do whatever it takes make it home to my family.” Because it’s my responsibility to keep them safe, and not just from BGs.

    Why do I carry a gun? Because if a 12 yr old can take out an ex-marine, I don’t stand a chance.

    The more stories I read like this the more I think it’s better to berserk an active shooter than play it cool. Courage, like cowardice, can be contagious. Still, I’d rather shoot the shooter in the back from 10 yds away, behind cover.

    You only have that split second between when the BG says, “Stop, back off!” And when he remembers that he doesn’t care about your life, to act. Be violent. I pray I make the right choices if I’m in a similar situation.

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