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British Royals Knight Michael Bloomberg

Sir Mike? (courtesy

During 18 years living in Britain, I gained considerable insight into the nation’s relationship with their Royal Family. Freedom-minded Brits (yes there are some) dismissed the Royals as nothing more than a circus sideshow. “They have no real power,” they asserted, erroneously. “Beside, they’re good for tourism.” Individual rights sacrificed on the altar of foreigners’ entertainment? No thanks. But that’s the way they like it (uh-huh uh-huh). What really gets my goat . . .

is the American media’s fawning coverage of the Royals’ movements. The U.S. mainstream media treats the British Royal family like uber-Kardashians, Only with respect. As Valley Girls used to say back in the day, gag me with a spoon.

Americans sacrificed blood to remove us from that self-same despotic monarchy. Our country was founded by [genuinely] freedom-loving men and women desperate to throw off the yoke of the English tyranny. Specifically, the monarchy and those that supported the inherently undemocratic, fundamentally fascist system upon which it was based. Is based.

So the fact that the Royals knighted former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire anti-ballistic bully boy who funds the unconstitutional crusade to disarm American civilians, is pure poetry. By wangling the knighthood, by accepting it, Bloomberg reveals his profound contempt for our Constitutional Republic. A betrayal that didn’t start with the knighthood, and doesn’t end with it.

Nor is Bloomberg alone in this disgusting display of treasonous sycophancy. Check this from

Mr Bloomberg is not the first American to receive an honorary knighthood, nor even the first mayor of New York. His predecessor, Rudy Giuliani, was knighted in 2002 for his leadership during the September 11 attacks.

Other American knights include Steven Spielberg, the director of Jurassic Park, and Ted Kennedy, the former US senator and younger brother of JFK. [ED: Also Vice President Joe Biden.]

Despite his estimated net worth of $34 billion, Mr Bloomberg is not even the richest member of the honorary knighthood. That title goes to Bill Gates, who was made a KBE in 2005 for his charitable and business work.

Proponents of civilian disarmament – the majority of Americans knighted by Her Majesty the Queen – claim that they support the Second Amendment but – Followed by a pitch for “reasonable regulations” and “common sense” gun control. Sorry, but it’s binary. “Shall not be infringed” or you don’t support the Second Amendment.

In the same sense, people knighted by the Queen are either proud Americans with a firm sense of their nation’s history, gratefully accepting a foreign monarch’s recognition as a symbol of our country’s excellence; or amoral, toadying sycophants with such little loyalty to their country that they’d betray the blood of patriots for a chance to inflate their already pneumatic egos.

Wait. Is that even a question?

[h/t NJ]

103 thoughts on “British Royals Knight Michael Bloomberg”

  1. Time to pass the Titles of Nobility Amendment is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution. It was approved by the 11th Congress on May 1, 1810, and submitted to the state legislatures for ratification. Its purpose was to strip United States citizenship from any citizen who accepted a title of nobility from a foreign country. On two occasions between 1812 and 1816 it was within two states of the number needed to become a valid part of the Constitution. As Congress did not set a time limit for its ratification, the amendment is still technically pending before the states. Currently, ratification by an additional 26 states would be necessary for this amendment to be adopted.

    • Of course they “can” keep him. 🙂 The question is: WILL they? Dang, we could load a hundred boats with such people and send them all to the UK. Can’t figure out how to do that myself, but it’s something to think about…

      • With the British tax code and socialist system nobody with any money and in their right mind, or even Bloomberg, would voluntarily move to Britain.

        • Britain’s tax code is in fact wonderfully favorable toward great foreign wealth. The entire issue came to a vote several years back and survived: A very rich foreigner can buy a mansion in London, or a nice pile out in the country…..and pay tax only on the amount of money he brings into the country each year. In other words, he qualifies as a resident, but is not taxed on his world-wide income.

          That, in today’s world is enough to induce oligarchs to buy in and live in London.

    • Well part of getting a knighthood is paying the Royal Herald to design your coat of arms – I’m going to recommend a no-gun sign quartered with a 16oz. soda and a burning Constitution, held aloft by to jack-asses rampant.

    • He is planning on running for mayor of London and this is step 1. I sort of wish this were a joke but at the same time, I am glad it gets him out of this country.

  2. Article I, Section 9, Clause 8:

    No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.

    Of course, I suspect they have little trouble gaining the “consent of congress” for these things…

    • MamaLiberty, it’s an honorary title, not a noble rank. It does not offend the Constitution, unlike everything else that the Little Emperor does.

    • Bloomberg doesn’t hold a government office, he can do what he wants (as long as it isn’t hold public office). Wish more of the gun grabbers would take titles so they couldn’t run for office as well.

    • You can be knighted and be granted titles otherwise, you just can’t use them her ein the states. I believe Bill Gates was knighted and he is prohibited from adding the KBE after his name.

    • If he donates $20 to each congresscritter’s “reelection campaign”, the vote will be really quick.

  3. The entire concept of Royalty is for children.

    Only a child or a fool would worship another human being as a King or Queen.

      • Bob, Dogs are the original undercover agents. Who is the real master and who is the slave in that relationship. Dogs are great but I doubt that we are really their “masters” as much as we like to think we are. More the other way around for most dog owners. I love my dog but my dog trains me as much as I train her.

  4. Joe Biden… a current Federal officer… holds title? Did he get that while he was in office? If so, did he get Congressional Approval? If not, why hasn’t he been removed from office under Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the Constitution?

    • Our feckless Senators and Representatives have not removed Biden from office for accepting a title because our Senators and Representatives are, well, feckless.

    • #MeRp, it’s not a title. It’s honorary. No difference than if he was made “Man of the Year,” just equally absurd.

      • Man of the year gets handed out, Biden accepted knighthood. Its like the exact thing the clause was put in to prevent. Things like this are why we can’t seem to manage rule of law in this country.

  5. My wife thinks the Royals are like a fairytale story. I said look up the history of the family it is brutal. She won’t listen.

  6. And you know that Royal Marine on the left of the picture is two seconds away in his imagination, from stomping on Sir Michael the Midget, Lord Bloomberg the Bombastic.

    • Stop teasing me Ralph. You have no idea how thrilled I would be if Bloomberg left the U.S. to become a British subject and mayor of London. The very fact that living there requires him to be a subject (to someone else) is probably what is holding him back. After all, the man declared himself to be fantastic in God’s eyes. Anyone with that much arrogance cannot easily bring themselves to be a subject of someone (or something) else.

      • Considering the off-the-charts level of violent crime in the giant gun-free zone that is London, I think it would be a perfect and ironic position for him to be their Mayor.

      • The very fact that living there requires him to be a subject (to someone else) is probably what is holding him back.

        Sir, I think you nailed it.

        • If he renounces his U.S. citizenship, he can only spend something like 10 days a year in the U.S., and he loses the right to own a gun. Nyuck, nyuck, knuck.

          • Will he be allowed to have his ARMED SECURITY as he does in a country with freedom for all, not just the rich? At least allegedly for all, or will he be decapitated at the tube (aka subway) .

  7. “… who funds the unconstitutional crusade to disarm American civilians …”

    To be fair, the anti-liberty crusade isn’t unconstitutional, and their right to denounce our constitution in favor of statism is, ironically, protected by that same constitution. What they want is clearly unconstitutional, but their efforts to achieve it are not.

  8. This gives me an Orwellian feeling of vice being honored as virtue. I’m not expressing it well, but you get the idea.

  9. The royals don’t, in fact, have any real power, just as our figurehead clowns don’t have any. And despite our War of Independence and the War of 1812, both of which included battles and skirmishes on the water I can see from my living room window here, we’ve been cuddled tightly with them in the same bed for decades now, making a stinky sandwich with the Israelis.

    They have a continuing bloodline of usurper “tigers” from the Middle Ages who run things there, and we’ve got our own version of that here. Meanwhile dopey Murkan derps love them some royal pageantry, royal soap opera buffa, and thieving rascals and brigands at the highest levels on both sides of the Atlantic.

    What does a knighthood signify when it is bestowed, after all, on germs like Kennedy, Spielberg, Bloomberg, Giuliani and Gates? About as much as the Nobel Prize for Literature, the Pulitzer Prize here, and any number of Olympic and major league sports “records,” all tarnished to hell and gone now.

    Knighthoods used to go to real, genuine men deserving of the honor, but that was long, long ago, and long lost in the distant mists of medieval European history. And the current crop are not so worthy as to clean the muddy boots of the more recent Sir Walter Ralegh, who would have sliced any of them from stem to stern with one stroke and laughed in their faces.

    • OK, you say no power.

      RF says:

      ” “They have no real power,” they asserted, erroneously.”

      What real power do the Royals have?

      Besides those “By appointment to the King or Queen” branding.

    • Knighthoods used to go to real, genuine men deserving of the honor, but that was long, long ago, and long lost in the distant mists of medieval European history.

      Mick Jagger, for example.

  10. Does this mean he can’t ever run for Congress? U.S. Con. Art. I Sec. 9: “And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”

  11. Dude, chill. This passage is ridiculous hyperbole.

    “Americans sacrificed blood to remove us from that self-same despotic monarchy. Our country was founded by [genuinely] freedom-loving men and women desperate to throw off the yoke of the English tyranny. Specifically, the monarchy and those that supported the inherently undemocratic, fundamentally fascist system upon which it was based. Is based.”

    The British monarchy has its flaws, but it is not fascist, nor was it fascist at the time of the American War for Independence.

  12. It’s not too late ! The Titles of Nobility Amendment is a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution. It was approved by the 11th Congress on May 1, 1810, and submitted to the state legislatures for ratification. Its purpose was to strip United States citizenship from any citizen who accepted a title of nobility from a foreign country. On two occasions between 1812 and 1816 it was within two states of the number needed to become a valid part of the Constitution. As Congress did not set a time limit for its ratification, the amendment is still technically pending before the states. Currently, ratification by an additional 26 states would be necessary for this amendment to be adopted.

    • As I understand it, and I am NOT an expert on British royalty even though I am related via Queen Victoria through a bastard child of the Danish royal line (long story), a Knighthood is not a title of nobility, but an honorary award that is not passed through inheritance.

      Dukes, Counts, Earls, Princess, etc., those are titles of nobility.

      • Well I agree it is not a peerage and the title is not inheritable but it is conferred by a king(queen). Worth a shot.

  13. They love him so much they want to make him Mayor of London

    A former New York City mayor is reportedly being persuaded to run next year in the London mayoral election by prominent government officials across the Atlantic.

    The Sunday Times of London, citing the former mayor’s friends, reports that Michael Bloomberg

    is “considering” running as the Tory candidate in next year’s election in London. The city will elect Boris Johnson’s successor in May 2016.

    Powerful Brits are apparently publicly backing the idea as well. Steve Hilton, a top adviser to British Prime Minister Cameron, is urging Bloomberg to run, the newspaper reported.

    “It would be an incredible coup for London if Mike Bloomberg could be persuaded to run for mayor here,” Hilton said. “His kind of pragmatic, problem-solving leadership is exactly what London needs.”

    • I’ve been trying to figure out how to vote in the London mayoral race. I figure, if he’s mayor there then they will keep him away from here. 🙂

  14. The other day when TTAG had that article about that British guy who called us crazy, I read a really funny post between an American gun rights supporter and a brit. It went something like this:

    American: You Brits don’t know what freedom really is. We can just go and buy a gun at the store – you guys have to ask the queen for permission.

    Brit: I don’t need to ask the queen because we don’t need guns -blah blah blah – elaborations on scary guns followed by statistics that somehow prove that guns are the problem.

    American: what did the queen say?

    Brit: Why don’t you go to the Palace and ask her – it has nothing to do with me.

    American: I don’t need to ask her. I just walk into a gun store and buy a gun.

  15. I’m not surprised. Brits (especially the government, but even the majority of their ordinary citizens) hate freedom / civil rights and no one in the US has done more to try and stamp out civil rights than “Mad Mike” Bloomberg.

  16. Tons of US Politicians have violated the Logan act participating in Bilderberg Conference and other nefarious globalist functions. I just hope all of the big talkers actually do something when the inevitable day of reckoning eventually occurs.

    • Yes, he lives in the land of delusion. It’s scary that an adult who still believes in an imaginary friend with magical powers is carrying a gun….

        • You figure that 95% of carriers believe in an imaginary friend with magical powers? Is that what you said?

          • I am saying that approximately 95% of people who carry believe in God. The choice of derisive description of God came from one of the more insecure of the remaining 5%, not from me.

        • Chip, don’t confuse saying “I’m a Christian” while never going to church, reading the Bible, or praying for the actual psychotic minority who ACTUALLY think it’s real. A lot of people are raised going to church and still call themselves “Christian” despite giving it all up once they’re an adult and are able to make their own decisions about going to church or not.

          Any adult who’s disturbed enough to think that shit is real needs to be in a padded cell.

          • I didn’t claim that 95% of people who carry claim to be Christian, or behave accordingly. I claimed that 95% of people who carry believe in God.

            And that you believe we should be denied our freedom merely for holding such belief not only places you in the most extreme of fringe minorities, it also further exemplifies our need to exercise our second amendment-protected rights.

        • Publius, the government should lock up people for their faith? What about the first amendment?

        • @Publius: I support your right to hold such views and to express them. It’s unfortunate, in my opinion, that you do see things that way but, that’s just my opinion. I was trained in the sciences and I am absolutely sure that my Creator is real. He saved my life as a child and I’ve had a close walk with him since. My family was not religious and, in fact, anyone expressing religious ideas were ridiculed in the households I grew up in. I learned and worshiped in private. To this day, I’m not an avid attendant of any particular religious services but I know what I know and that is, frankly, my Creator made me and truly loves me. However, I can appreciate that you don’t believe in something like that even if I think it’s more the pity for you.

        • @Juliesa

          “Publius, the government should lock up people for their faith? ”

          When you’re full-on delusional and actually believe that you have an invisible friend with magical powers, then you’re definitely not a rational human being and cannot be trusted to act accordingly. If someone runs around claiming that they can talk to the ghost of Abraham Lincoln, we’d be dragging them to a psych ward. If someone says that they can control the elements and move things with their mind, again – we call for a straight jacket. However, if they decide to call their delusions “religion”, then it’s somehow OK for them to be completely batshit crazy and believe in things that are not physically possible and no sane person would ever take seriously.

          Having a religion that is a philosophy for how to live is one thing, actually believing that fairy tales are real and that magic exists is completely different and a sign of mental illness in an adult. Just as I wouldn’t want a schizophrenic or someone suffering from multiple personalities to carry a gun, I don’t trust someone who thinks that their imaginary friend has the say over who lives and dies to carry a gun.

          • It’s “straitjacket” rather than “straightjacket” but that’s a common error nowadays, like “accept” and “except.” And using “homeless” as a noun. Easy to make.

            Less charming is your characterization of religious believers, Christian or whatever, as delusional, their beliefs as magic and fairy tales, and your linking of them to people with genuine mental illnesses and disabilities.

            I’d guess the majority of soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen would also be thus characterized by you and in need of straitjacket confinement and the confiscation of their guns. Can’t be trusted.

            What you’ve said several times here so far about this says far more about you than about any religious believers; you seem scared by them. Calm down, take a deep breath, relax, or “chill” as the kids say nowadays. And realize you’re in a very, very tiny minority in this world.

  17. the fact that the Royals knighted former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire anti-ballistic bully boy who funds the unconstitutional crusade to disarm American civilians,
    He is now funding holy crusades to shut down the coal power plants as well. He wants your guns and your electricity. Of course, he knows where a lot of the gun owners are located and that is the Ohio River Valley.

  18. King George III was all about Banning Guns. He got his butt kicked twice. The Royals can kiss my arse . . . or to quote Jerry Lee Lewis, the Queen can.

  19. Gee, I didn’t know Bloomers was into fancy titles. If he wants to come over to my “palace” , I’ll happily knight him and henceforth he will be know throughout the lands as Lord Dimwit!

  20. He ran both Burger King & Drag Queens out of NYÇ. Yet he has a Queen knight him. If he goes there to live (Lord willing) He has no right to either make a statement against this country or seek foreign office unless he renounces his citizenship. But as he is a treasonous jerk who thinks both the bill of rights & constitution are toilet paper. I wonder if he feels the same about Israel.

    • Yep, Knighthoods and Nobel Prizes. They ain’t like they used to be.

      Does Bloomberg eat his hot dogs with a knife and fork too??

    • City Kid #1: “The Queen tapped my uncle on the shoulder with a sword at the palace and made him a knight.”
      City Kid #2: “That’s nothing… A mugger tapped my cousin on the head with a shovel in an alley and made him an angel!”

      (A really old joke. :D)

  21. I did not realize that a ceremony took place in DC and the Vice President of the United States of America was in attendance. WTF

    Both Biden and Michael Bloomberg were attending a Washington ceremony at which Bloomberg was formally made an Honorary Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, according to the New York Post.


  22. Wow. This feels a bit heavy handed. Let them have their circus, haha.

    Though I do admit the US (and the worlds?) practical worship of the absolute worst of mankind is indeed troublesome.

  23. Sorry, but the idea that I must kneel and Present my neck to the sword of someone who, by virtue of birth, is my better?
    In a pig’s eye.

  24. Imagine if Bloomberg becomes Mayor of London, No guns, No salt, no large Sodas, No problem just don’t try and take away a British Pint of beer!

  25. A perfect match. A dictatorial fascist being honored by a legacy of oppression, brutality, and authoritarian violence. Haters of freedom honoring their biggest champion from across the pond.

    I agree about the US media’s royalty worship. Royalty used to be a thing for girls watching Disney movies to fantasize about, but then they grew up and realized the harsh truth of monarchy.

    The founding fathers would puke in disgust if they saw what constitutes America today.

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