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Count to three. Slowly. That’s how long Corporal Craig Harrison’s 8.59mm bullets were in flight before they found their human targets more than a mile and a half away. “Craig Harrison’s record breaking shots felled the insurgents [two Taliban machine gunners] with consecutive bullets,” The Daily Mail reports. “Even though they were 3,200ft beyond the official range of his rifle. The Household Cavalry veteran’s kills from a distance of 8,120ft beat the previous [Canadian] record by 150ft.” Harrison shot a British-built L115A3 Long Range Rifle (a.k.a. “The Silent Assassin”). “We saw two insurgents running through its courtyard,” Harrison tells the Mail. “They came forward carrying a machine gun and opened fire on the commander’s wagon. Conditions were perfect, no wind, mild weather, clear visibility. The first round hit a machine gunner in the stomach. He went straight down and didn’t move. The second insurgent grabbed the weapon and my second shot hit him in the side.”

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  1. I wonder if he had the suppressor on when he took the shot. If so, he should be able to go even further without it. Let's hope that the British Army doesn't chase him out of the military like the Canadians did to Furlong. Good shot and many more.

  2. Accuracy International, the designer and manufacturer of these AWSM (.338 Lapua Magnum) rifles, went bankrupt a few years ago. These kind of headlines will be good for business.

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