Home » News » Broward County Sheriff Capt Jan Jordan ‘Removed’ Following Parkland Shooting Revelations

Broward County Sheriff Capt Jan Jordan ‘Removed’ Following Parkland Shooting Revelations

Dan Zimmerman - comments 66 comments
Broward County Sheriff Captain Jan Jordan Removed Fired Replaced Bungled Parkland

It’s been almost four months since the spree shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Seventeen people were murdered that day. In the aftermath, it was revealed that the shooter had been a problem for the school and local law enforcement (including two reports to the FBI) for years. He’d broken a number of laws on school property, but was given slaps on the wrist and shunted off to another school rather than being dealt with in the legal system so as not to affect the school’s disciplinary record.

In short, the shooter had thrown up more red flags that a Soviet Union May Day parade.

And then there were the disastrous decisions by law enforcement in responding — or not — to the shooting. School Resource officer Scot Peterson stayed outside the building, listening to the sounds of gunfire as students and teachers were being murdered inside. Peterson at least had the decency to “retire” when that was revealed.

And then there’s Captain Jan Jordan who was in charge of the response that day when law enforcement arrived on the scene. She was the one who ordered the officers to form a perimeter around the school, rather than going in to stop the shooting. That tactic contravenes all police training on how to minimize loss of life in an active shooter situation since Columbine.

Then it was revealed that, in addition to holding back the police officers, she refused to allow EMTs to enter the school building, even after the shooter had been arrested. That delay no doubt cost lives as victims bled out waiting for help.

Now, at long last, the accountability hammer is finally beginning to fall.

In a statement, Parkland City Manager Bob Payton said he has asked BSO to replace Capt. Jan Jordan with a commander who holds the rank of major as part of a series of changes to the way Parkland is policed.

Payton is staying very diplomatic when asked about the change.

“In coordination with this comprehensive public safety evaluation process, I have proactively requested that Sheriff Scott Israel provide three recommendations to fulfill the upgraded role of Major,” Payton said. “Capt. Jordan has provided great leadership to the City of Parkland and I am truly thankful for her service.” …

He declined to comment specifically on how Jordan handled the shooting and would not say whether the city’s decision was in part tied to her performance, pointing to the ongoing state investigations into law enforcement’s response.

“This wasn’t one person,” Payton said. “There were multiple failures.”

Hard to argue with that. Especially since Marjory Stoneman Douglas principal Ty Thompson still has his job. Broward Schools superintendent Robert Runcie still has his job. And somehow the clown-like, responsibility-dodging Broward County Sheriff, Scott Israel, still has his job.

I think that this is probably the first of many changes that we’re going to see as far as public safety in this area,” Broward County Commissioner Michael Udine, who represents Parkland, said. “When you have what you had on Feb. 14, there’s got to be accountability.”

You’d think so. The only question is, what’s taking so long?



  1. Where’s The outrage against this:

    “she refused to allow EMTs to enter the school building, even after the shooter had been arrested. That delay no doubt cost lives as victims bled out waiting for help.”

    • It’s much easier for one to blame an inanimate object than to blame individuals who one may have had a hand in getting a job.

      Who knew the role of police officer would come with the possibility of danger?

    • She should face criminal charges. This seems like a case of gross negligence leading to multiple deaths.

      Why does Sheriff Israel still have his job? The buck should stop with him. As Sheriff, he is also accountable for the actions of his deputies.

      • Why does Sheriff Israel still have his job?
        Sheriff is an elected position, but there are a few ways to get rid of him. He can be fired, but only by the Governor and we know what a coward he has been. Recall election if permitted in Florida or do not re-elect him but he was elected in 2016 with over 70% of the vote, so numbers may not be there. Voting him out is still 2 years away. Many want him to resign, including police union.
        This is not the 1st time his office has come under fire, the handling of the Ft. Lauderdale Airport shooting was an issue, also.

        • The freaking District Attorney or County Attorney can find a valid reason to CHARGE the SOB. This will force him from office (or to a nice paid popo vacation).

          • He was investigated by IA at least 10 times in a previous position got off every time. By now he may be too good at covering his tracks to expect a criminal investigation to turn up anything.

        • John Y – Yes, I know that Sheriff is an elected position, and that is why Israel still has his job.

          I guess what I meant was something along the line of:

          Why hasn’t there been sufficient public outrage and scorn heaped on the man, forcing him to resign in shame?

          Israel needs to go.

      • I declare that we need a new felony criminal law EXPLICITLY for government employees whose actions or inactions cause major damages (loss of money/property), injury, or death.

        Off the top of my head, I am thinking of calling that new law something like “breach of the public trust causing major damage, injury, or death”.

        Any other thoughts on this concept or the specific name of such a law?

        • If you think that the courts are slow now, wait until you clog the system with all those that should be under indictment for “breach of the public trust causing major damage, injury, or death”.

      • The contrast between South Florida and Texas could not be greater. Even if Texas don’t actually conform to the heroic image others may have of us, I’d much rather live here than there.

        • What is the difference between the two? Fl has hordes of NE libtard retirees (and Cubans). Tx has hordes of Midwest retirees (and Mexican/Central Americans)

    • +

      For the damage done to the country and the attacks on the Constitution alone, Broward County (and residents past and present) need to be bulldozed into a sink hole.

      F FL

    • Sheriff Israel wouldn’t fire Peterson after all Deputy Peterson had to be rewarded and allowed to retire with his full pension for covering up Israel’s son anally raping a male freshman with a baseball bat.

  2. They’ll get generous pensions…little to no reprimand…probably be hired as consultants for twice what their old pay was.

  3. Democrat town run by Democrats. No one should be shocked at their massive corruption and incompetence. This is Debbie Wasserman Anwan IT Schultz’s district after all.

  4. I’m wondering where the Hoggster is with all of this. Why isn’t he shaking dow…I mean why the silence with regards to all of this?

  5. And despite all the current and future declarations of wrongdoing, or at least poor decisionmaking, on the part of various officials, the solution to preventing events like this is still to disarm me, you, and millions of other gun owners. Because gunz.

  6. minimal or no penalty for guber-mint incompetence/non-performance of duty. same as irs, etc.

  7. This woman should be fired for incompetence, ie. her duties as stated by the department SOP.

    Instead she gets to keep her job but only will loose her position in the department.

    Why is she so special? Is she married to or date the right person? Is she part of a private group that gets to keep her job even when she F#cks up and gets innocent people killed???

  8. as bad as it sounds, it seems like Petersen was following orders. if she told everyone to form a perimeter then he isn’t at fault. its easy for us to Monday morning it, but he may have thought she had information he didn’t which he surmised is why she gave that order. I know if there is chaos at the top then its going to be 10 times as bad on ground level.

  9. Proof that when the chips start to fall the government protects it’s own as long as they can until it starts to worry that it might just be replaced. Then they act and only enough to make it look like they are finally doing something.

  10. U.S. Cops get the least training in all of the industrialized world. In 2015 U.S.Cops gunned down an appalling 1,500 people while the German Police who get 3 years of intensive training only shot a mere 12 people and China with 2 1/2 times the U.S. population only shot 4 people.

    • How many millions of Chinese citizens did the Communist government kill during the “Great leap forward”, and “Cultural revolution”?

      • quote——————How many millions of Chinese citizens did the Communist government kill during the “Great leap forward”, and “Cultural revolution”?——————quote

        Nice try to try and save face for the U.S. but dodging the subject i.e. Police training has zero to do with a revolution and zero to do with the subject of police training right now in the present.

        • Let’s not try to save face for the US You called it, comrade cisco. The US, according to you, is a socialist nation.

          And becoming a shithole is part and parcel with socialism. Until we run socialism and its minions out of here we will not get better.

          Fortunately things are looking up for November.

        • Hey Troll, “Japanese society is 98.5% Ethnic Japanese.” CIA Library, “The World Factbook.

    • We don’t bother comparing ourselves to shitholes.

      We also don’t bother letting people (excuse me, shithole MFrs) from shitholes compare us to shits from shitholes.

      F em all.

      • quote————————We don’t bother comparing ourselves to shitholes.

        We also don’t bother letting people (excuse me, shithole MFrs) from shitholes compare us to shits from shitholes.

        F em all.——————–quote

        THE WORLDS LEADING SHIT HOLE INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRY IS THE U.S. BAR NONE. Its the worlds fastest disintegrating industrialized Nation and we are only a few steps away from becoming a first class 3rd world country of the haves and the have not’s.

        When our Moron in Chief called everyone from Africa members of shit hole countries our leading Universities revealed some of the best and brightest students came from guess where? It is Africa. So Herr Drumpf our Racist Nazi in Chief had 3 fingers pointed right back at himself when he pointed the finger at Africa.

        The Unwashed here in the U.S. shout their ignorance when they make hill jack statements such as “I do not want to hear about how other countries do things”. Maybe if they studied “how other country’s do things” we as a Nation could actually move into the 21 Century. Just because we always used to shit in the out house does not necessarily mean its the best way to take a shit.

        • “When our Moron in Chief called everyone from Africa members of shit hole countries our leading Universities revealed some of the best and brightest students came from guess where? It is Africa.”

          Yeah, and why did they come here if Africa is so great? Could it be because most of Africa is a shithole where a rocket engineer would have a hard time finding anywhere to work?
          Offer people around the world a US passport and a plane ticket and I bet the vast majority will take you up on that offer.

        • To nickle plated brains

          Quote————-Offer people around the world a US passport and a plane ticket and I bet the vast majority will take you up on that offer.—————-quote————-

          Yes in poorer countries they have nothing to lose by coming to the U.S. but its a different story in the advanced Industrialized Countries as I have talked to Europeans and they laugh their ass off when I ask them if they would want to come and live in the U.S. Many have told me they would feel unsafe to even come here on vacation let alone live here and with our almost complete lack of social programs they said they would never even consider coming here to live.

          As an addendum back in the 1970’s a large number of Russian people came to settle here on the East Coast and after just 5 years over half went back to Russia because they quickly learned that in the dog eat dog of Capitalvania when you lost your job you lost everything and there was zero social agencies to help you when you needed help the most. In short they found that the American Dream Life was a myth and had more disadvantages than advantages,

        • If a potential immigrant’s consideration of a move to the US includes any facets of our “social programs”, we don’t want the slug, tell him to stay the hell where he is. We want people who plan to take care of themselves.

    • Of course we can believe the Chinese numbers because it is such a trustworthy government. Do I really need the sarc tag?

    • Hey Troll, “Japanese society is 98.5% Ethnic Japanese.” CIA Library, “The World Factbook.

  11. “Is she part of a private group that gets to keep her job even when she F#cks up and gets innocent people killed???”

    Was that a rhetorical question? The group is called “police”.

    (Caveat being that if they justifiably kill some scumbag, and people start rioting based on completely fabricated information, then the cop is screwed.)

    • Yep. Even the most cursory examination of police personnel issues will show that cops are routinely given passes for behavior that would quickly get you a ruined career or fired outright. Cops who have even the most sordid history of doing bad stuff are kept on, hired at other departments, promoted and/or praised for their advanced “leadership” skills. I’ve always wondered how good cops can stomach working around people like that or, even much worse, being supervised by people like that.

  12. By allowing the shooter to have a clean criminal record they are complicit in the shooting. This is on top of the EUNUCH Peterson running around like a chicken with its head cutoff OUTSIDE THE BUILDING. Then you’ve got this so called commander who is afraid to make an obvious decision about the paramedics (who had their own security BTW) to get into the building and save lives. What a cluster F***. This was not a hostage situation (Obviously). Their response to this shooting was a classic hostage situation response. There is an old adage when the S*** hits the fan you revert to your level of training. So you can tell the level of training in the Sheriff’s Office for this type of Emergency. They thought it can’t happen here and 17 people paid the ultimate price

  13. “Hard to argue with that. Especially since Marjory Stoneman Douglas principal Ty Thompson still has his job. Broward Schools superintendent Robert Runcie still has his job. And somehow the clown-like, responsibility-dodging Broward County Sheriff, Scott Israel, still has his job.”
    The head of school security still has his job, and was next to Peterson on the ride over. He harasses students with the wrong political views, now.

  14. Numerous individuals need to lose their employment. The sheriff and all of the deputies that did not go into that school should be terminated. Deputies should have defied Jordan’s orders and entered that school anyway.

  15. One thing that I’d like to point out is that, perhaps without intent, the Broward County Sheriff’s Dept. has, through it’s negligence in training and execution, succeeded in offering a real-to-life case for limitation of the rights of law-abiding citizen-gun-owners under the 2n’d Amendment.

    That’s quite a travesty, a less than delicious irony and an example of how easily the rights of citizens under the 2nd amendment ultimately can be curtailed.

    Pity that. I’d never realized before that school shooting that our rights were so fragile and that they could be so easily attacked and sacked.

  16. Mark my word..this will be just like Waco, Ruby Ridge, The financial meltdown, Clinton’s email server…I could go on an on. Not a SINGLE government employee will suffer ANY consequences whatsoever…none…nada..zip…zilch.

    In a sane world(or in the private sector) a fudge up of this proportion would have heads rolling from the CEO on down…but not in the public sector. They will all keep their jobs and cushy pensions. Government workers protect their own. You won’t see the Sheriff firing anybody….you won’t see the County Commisioners firing people…you won’t see the Governor removing anybody.

    And where the hell are the PEOPLE of Parkland and Broward County? Why aren’t THEY showing up at county commission meetings DEMANDING somebody being held responsible?

    Of course…even if they did nobody would still be fired…the powers that be will argue that they have to follow union rules, protocols…there must be endless investigations and arbitration before anything can even be considered. And of course that will take years and by that time they hope everyone has moved on.

  17. The “Best and the Brightest”, the people in Broward County should be so happy with the government that they wanted.

  18. “He declined to comment specifically on how Jordan handled the shooting and would not say whether the city’s decision was in part tied to her performance, pointing to the ongoing state investigations into law enforcement’s response.”

    Nice accountability to the taxpayers. NOT! As usual, the police are trying to make themselves look good and stiff as many questions as possible.

  19. Does this fit the crime?
    Unfortunately she probably skates on the ‘intent’ part. Even if it fits, how would you ever prove it?

    843.21 Depriving crime victim of medical care.—A person who takes custody of or exercises control over a person he or she knows to be injured as a result of criminal activity and deprives that person of medical care with the intent to avoid, delay, hinder, or obstruct any investigation of the criminal activity contributing to the injury commits:
    (1) If the victim’s medical condition worsens as a result of the deprivation of medical care, a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
    (2) If deprivation of medical care contributes or results in the death of the victim, a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

  20. Just when you think you get the bottom of this perfidy…

    So far we know:

    -2 calls to the F.B.I. warning them of the dirtbag’s intention to stage a massacre

    -At least 45 visits, or at least calls, to the dirtbag’s home for incidents of domestic violence and felony level animal cruelty, all of which if he had been prosecuted and convicted would have been enough to keep from passing a background check

    -almost daily death threats to 3 school students a month before the massacre

    -online threats made on Youtube, saying he was “going to be a professional school shooter”

    -S.R.O. assigned to the school cowered behind a concrete barrier during the massacre

    -3 Broward county deputies who arrived were ordered NOT to enter the school and set a perimeter instead

    -2 Miramar SWAT officers were suspended for entering the school

    Did I miss any items?

  21. No one who screwed the pooch like that should be employed as a police officer- even a do-nothing administrator.

    But I guess the Sheriff doesn’t want to fire everyone who screwed up because the buck might start going up toward him.

    • When an employee earns you a (potential/probable at this time) multi-million dollar lawsuit, you keep them on the payroll until the suit is resolved, in order to maintain operational control over his/her mouth. Then when the suit is done, you fire the idiot who got you sued.

  22. “principal Ty Thompson still has his job. Broward Schools superintendent Robert Runcie still has his job. And somehow the clown-like, responsibility-dodging Broward County Sheriff, Scott Israel, still has his job”

    Broward County is getting all the venal, incompetent government that it deserves, and getting it good and hard. You can search the world over and not find a bigger bag of d!cks anywhere, with the possible exception of San Francisco.

    • Ralph you’re going to far when you dis LA, Chicago, Philly, NY, etc etc. The league has many contenders for the crown. Don’t be pushing your “favorite” child.

  23. The people of Broward co. need to Fire/Retire Sheriff Scott Israel as the blame falls directly on his shoulders.

  24. Since Capt Jordan did an excellent job, she should be promoted to Major and take the new position. Look at all the benefits – spending more money in the department, promoting a female into upper management, promoting a transgender into upper management, promoting an incompetent employee into upper management. This is truly virtuous.

  25. Steve Israel needs walking papers. He can join Scott Pederson in retirement but no check.

  26. Peterson didn’t have the decency to retire. He quit before they could fire him and take away his $8000/month pension.

    • A $96,000 /year pension, $8000/month comes to that per year. How the hell does that come to pass? Someone mistyping numbers here?

  27. I suppose now we’ll hear how the NRA was responsible for the LEO’s pathetic response.

    • Obviously, someone else was/is at fault/to blame, so why not the NRA. Anyone or anything other than on scene parties aka Officialdom, aka Officialdumb.

    • Pathetic Response, talk of being damned with faint praise. How about criminally negligent or cowardice in the face of the enemy.

  28. She should long since have been “removed”, that being a euphemism for exactly what? By the way, regarding “removals”, how about the good sheriff himself?

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The Truth About Guns provides news, reviews, and insights to help you stay informed on the latest trends in gun culture, legislation, and industry developments.