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From Brownells . . .

Brownells will take a stand for freedom and declare support for the Second Amendment by donating 2% of sales on American-made products from June 22 through July 4, 2021 to the Firearms Policy Foundation.

The Firearms Policy Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization that supports the charitable legal, research, and education programs of the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) and FPC Law, the nation’s first and largest public interest legal team focused on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

“FPF and FPC have been effective partners in the defense of freedom,” said Brownells Chairman of the Board Pete Brownell. “Freedom is never free, and over these 13 days, your purchase helps defend our gun rights.”

“We are honored to have the Brownell family and Brownells team standing with us in this incredibly important and pivotal time,” said FPF Chairman and FPC President Brandon Combs. “Their generous support of our work to defend the rights of the People and expand liberty evidences their resolute commitment to the fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms and will allow us to apply critical resources to issues that affect millions of law-abiding people.”

The FPF is a key contributor to many important pro-rights efforts, including a Second Amendment challenge to California’s ban on so-called “assault weapons” (Miller v. Bonta) that resulted in a post-trial judgment and permanent injunction against the challenged regulations, the first such victory in United States history, as well as recently filed challenges to Nevada’s new confiscatory ban on home-built firearms (Palmer v. Sisolak) and Illinois’ ban on handgun carry by law-abiding adults under the age of 21 (Meyer v. Raoul). 

To learn more about how to support the restoration and expansion of freedom, liberty and gun rights, visit the Brownells “Take Action” page.



    • Cool! I need to order something from them. I like their down to earth YouTube channel…

      • Umm, wouldn’t 2% of ” backordered / out of stock” amount to….umm, let’s see…carry the one… oh yeah – ZERO percent !!

        • 2% of “Sales.” Back orders and out of stock is not the fault of Brownells. I.E. There was not 1 Criterion AR 5.56/.223 Barrel available on the Criterion site, Other than Fulton Armory Brownells was the only source we found and first choice chrome was out of stock and realizing beggars cannot be choosers we went for their nitride offering or it was nothing at all. You can find some Ballistic Advantage and some Wilsons but not direct from their sites and maybe some on GB, JoeBobs, etc. Brownells were even out of stock with Aluminum Black and so was the Birchwood Casey site. Went to eBay for some Jaxs brand, if it doesn’t work someone said to try diluted battery acid.
          On top of it I spent time searching for Brownell coupon codes and entering bunches of duds during checkout and out of the blue Brownells sent me a code for $20.00 off. What Brownells is doing to help is great.

        • I addressed out of stock and backordered items not only at Brownells but other sources and posted praise for Brownells effort and received an awaiting moderation…for what I dunno.

      • Key words people probably are missing in this “offer” is that the products need to be American (US, I assume) made. I wonder what percent of the entire inventory (that is usually out of stock as of late) is actually made in the USA?

        Larry Potterfield and Midway have a better deal all of the time if “donations” is a reason for you to buy,

  1. Good for them but the reality is I decide on where to buy based on price, availability and country of origin.

  2. They ALL (including TTAG) need to start posting Country of Origin. OR “Chicom” “Not Chicom”

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