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Budweiser Sponsors SHOT Show Press Room

The National Shooting Sports Foundation has inked a new two-year agreement once again crowning Budweiser the official sponsor of the SHOT Show press room. As usual, The King of Beers gets space in the press room to “demonstrate its support for hunting and shooting and its Conservationist of the Year Award.” Woo-hoo! “Budweiser has long been a good friend to our industry and hunters and shooters across America and a champion of wildlife conservation,” said Chris Dolnack, NSSF’s senior vice president and chief marketing officer. “Budweiser belongs at the SHOT Show God dammit.” I added that last bit; Chris doesn’t swear. At least not in official press releases. Anyway, alcohol and firearms. Where are the cigars?

1 thought on “Budweiser Sponsors SHOT Show Press Room”

  1. I know it’s been said many times before, but BATFE (and really big fires) should be a convenience store, not a government agency.

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