Supreme Court Gadsden flag scotus
Courtesy Jeff Hulbert
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In the late 20th century, however, a new Supreme Court took a radical turn. Starting in 1995, a 5-4 majority suddenly threw out all or parts of three modest federal laws in five years: the Gun-Free School Zones Act in 1995; the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act in 1997 (that law was passed after President Reagan was shot and his press secretary, James Brady, disabled for life); and Violence Against Women Act in 2000.

The Supreme Court’s new tack energized gun zealots and the gun lobby. In this new landscape, gun extremism became a rallying cry, indeed, a crusade. If gun restraint had been difficult before, it became almost impossible by the early 2000s. …

Make no mistake; the Supreme Court’s 30-year string of ruling for guns, plus its invention of false doctrine — the “prologue” theory — has endangered “the security of a free State” — just the opposite of the Second Amendment’s command. The Supreme Court has helped normalize the use, and misuse, of guns, bringing high-powered weapons from movie screens to our streets and schools and every public and private place where security, not danger, should abide.

But if Supreme Court justices think Second Amendment rights are so broad, why do they have a metal detector to keep guns out of the Supreme Court building?

— Orville Vernon Burton and Armand Derfner in Who Else Is to Blame for These Mass Shootings? Don’t Let the Supreme Court off the Hook


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  1. You are brain dead you can’t have a free society without gun rights. Orville how bout you come and take them.

    • RE: “But if Supreme Court justices think Second Amendment rights are so broad, why do they have a metal detector to keep guns out of the Supreme Court building?”

      Well burton and derfried with Gun Control being Rooted in Racism and Genocide common sense says there is no telling what to expect from insane desperate Gun Control zealots like you two eggheads.

  2. Translation: “Because the Supreme Court has been nullifying gun laws since the 90s, the Supreme Court is responsible for the trend in murders [which has been steadily decreasing since the 90s].”

    OK, thanks.

      • Yep

        “In the late 20th century, however, a new Supreme Court took a radical turn”

        Took a radical turn BACK toward the original condition, they did. But that is the commie/prog/Tory/dim way of talking – always pretending their early to late 20th liberal bs is the REAL original condition…

        • Well yes the Federal reserve, income tax, and New Deal activism is what was originally envisioned.

  3. {Pulled from the link}

    “For almost all our country’s history, courts understood that the amendment creates no personal right, only a right to bear arms in connection with state protection.”

    If that’s correct, why are the other 9 rights in the Bill of Rights clearly understood today to be limits on what the government expressly cannot do to the people?

    It makes zero sense to have a ‘top 10 list’ of rights, and yet one of 10 magically isn’t a limit on government power?

    “The Supreme Court has helped normalize the use, and misuse, of guns, bringing high-powered weapons from movie screens to our streets and schools and every public and private place where security, not danger, should abide.”

    Hollywood, eh? And, exactly who runs the Hollywood studios?

    Clue – They ain’t Trump supporters. If guns on a movie screen bother you that much, tell Hollywood not to glorify their use. Make only movies where guns are used by evil people. Problem one is, no wants to see movies like that. They want the hero to save the day and get the girl, and correct injustices.

    To the fascist Leftist Scum ™, a woman raped and murdered is more virtuous than the woman with a dead rapist at their feet… 🙁

    • EDIT – “The Constitution authorizes Congress to organize and arm a militia, and the Second Amendment backs that up by providing that “a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.”

      There are 2 classes of militia, the organized, and the unorganized. In order to know how to shoot straight, there must be no impediment for the unorganized militia to practice…

      • he second Article of Ammenemdnt dores jot “provide” anything. It only states the OBVIOUS fact that the “security of a free state” is the responsibility of a free PEOPLE, nd thus those FREE PEOPLE retain always their right toarms. Remeber theearly definition f Militia”? It is simply thePEOPLE, armed and trained together thus enabling them to provide for “the security of a free state”.
        Since the steta IS the people, the PEOPLE must protect and defend the state. And bear in mind tha tword “state” does not refer to political entities like Massachusetts,Marylnd Pennsylvni… “state” means a political society. Stop thinking “capital letter state” and start thinkng small letter state, as in a collective of individuals agreeing to act together for theor owncommon cause, good, protection, propsperity.

    • “If that’s correct…”

      And of course it is NOT correct. The CORRECT way to describe this history is that nobody ever DOUBTED the fact that the Second Amendment PROTECTED the individual’s right, until infringing gun control laws started showing up on the books around the country in the early and mid 1900s!

      SCOTUS will never rule to maintain a Status Quo. It was not until the gun-haters started infringing the Second Amendment’s guarantees that they FINALLY had to get involved and make the corrections.

      DON’T let them get away with rewriting history!

      • In other words, we had a solid 150 years of minimal infringement because everyone understood what the 2A meant. Then 50+ years of increasing infringement as progressives looked for ways to “legally” undermine the constitution. Now, a short 30+ years of slowly undoing the damage in fits and starts. This is not the story of a radical 1990’s supreme court. It is the story if radical leftists working to undo the American experiment and coming darned close to succeeding (despite recent victories, the issue is still in doubt).

        • This entry in the mental gymnastics competition is going for the gold in the oppression Olympics. And much like the Olympics there are a shitton of events and entries.

        • As always, I blame Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, the worst president this country has ever had, with the possible exception of her husband.

      • until infringing gun control laws started showing up on the books around the country in the early and mid 1900s!

        Yup. tm Sullivan corruptocrat Governor f New York City enacted his first gun control lw in 1911. Sullivan’s Law. A quick take and slight modification if the old Jim Crow “knee grows can’t have gunms” laws from Reconstruction era deep south. Enacted by Noathunnahs to keep a certin cultural group “under control” and subjugated.

    • “This law turns virtually every otherwise law-abiding citizen who chooses to carry a handgun for self-defense into a federal criminal, unless they choose to beg for a state-provided permission slip.”

      I also left out, the GFSZA literally invalidates EVERY state-to-state reciprocity agreement. If you rely on reciprocity to carry in another state, you are virtually CERTAIN to violate the GFSZA.

    • >“The Supreme Court has helped normalize the use, and misuse, of guns, bringing high-powered weapons from movie screens to our streets and schools and every public and private place where security, not danger, should abide.”

      I love the projection. As if guns are only “normal” because of Hollywood, and not things that have always been common in America.

      The writer seems to think gun owners are all as impressionable as they are.

      >Clue – They ain’t Trump supporters. If guns on a movie screen bother you that much, tell Hollywood not to glorify their use. Make only movies where guns are used by evil people. Problem one is, no wants to see movies like that. They want the hero to save the day and get the girl, and correct injustices.

      Fun fact; Jamie Lee Curtis supposedly forced the filmmakers of the new Halloween movies to feature older, less scary, non-semi-auto guns, because she associates semi-auto guns with mass shootings.

  4. “three modest federal laws in five years: the Gun-Free School Zones Act in 1995…”

    “Modest!?!?” Utterly absurd!! The GFSZA (which was very slightly modified to utilize the universally exploited “Commerce Clause” to “fix” the “flaw” in the original version) is arguably the most HEINOUS Federal law on all the books.

    This law turns virtually every otherwise law-abiding citizen who chooses to carry a handgun for self-defense into a federal criminal, unless they choose to beg for a state-provided permission slip.

    This law applies even in the new wave of “Constitutional Carry” states, and others where either concealed, open, or both forms of carry are allowed without a permit.

    It is virtually impossible to go about one’s every-day life without encroaching to within 1,000 feet of any school property, many times without the citizen even being aware of such encroachment.

    This law needs to be high on the list for gun-rights organization to have thrown out under Bruen.

    • Haha, yeah:
      Three Modest Proposals For preventing the Freedoms of Poor People From being a Burthen to Their vapid neighbors or Nannys, and For making them dependent on Benevolence of the Publick

    • When I frst startted getting serious bout owning and using firearms (beyond .22 plinker and a shotie) and looked into the GFSZA I realised that I was thereby forever entrapped in my home neighbourhood. There was NO ROUTE by which I could leave my hoe and get on to any access to the Interstate near me without coming within 1000 feet of some gummit skewl. The only safeguard I could find was to get a Mother May I Card, which provided an exemption fir casual passing of a school when a gun happens to be in my car or on my bicycle.

  5. The foundation for the 2A (and other parts of the Constitution) was laid down in the Declaration of Independence. One cannot understand the Constitution while ignoring the principles put forth in the Declaration and that are the foundation of this country. Without a foundation a building, or a Nation, cannot stand. The authors obviously (and studiously) are ignoring the foundation.

  6. “…bringing high-powered weapons from movie screens…” Where’s my damn phased plasma rifle in the 40-watt range?

    Yup, Hollyweird brings us the likes of Alec Baldwin and his superlative knowledge of firearms.

    • M41A Pulse Rifle
      I wanna introduce you to a personal friend of mine. This is an M41A Pulse Rifle. Ten millimeter, with over-and-under thirty millimeter pump action grenade launcher.Cpl. Hicks, to Ripley (from Aliens)

  7. I’ll translate: “Our long term goal of disarming Americans in order to shove communism down their throats has failed because of the Supreme Court. Wah. Wah. Wah.”

    • That might be the goal but it isn’t the result. As they push harder, there are MORE guns. To the point now that there are more firearms across this country than ever before in it’s entire history. What all these efforts are actually doing is amplifying everyone’s anger, frustration, depression, angst, and will to fight (on both sides).

      • Good. Come what may this will not be a nation of open slavery. The propaganda and predictive analytics re marketing on the other hand will be an insidious threat for generations to come.

      • Not to mention little things like the Summer of 2020, when lots of people learned Dem politicians weren’t going to protect them.

  8. “ But if Supreme Court justices think Second Amendment rights are so broad, why do they have a metal detector to keep guns out of the Supreme Court building?”

    This question s a perfect example of a lack of critical thinking skills.

    • It’s someone desperately trying to find a “gotcha”.

      It also assumes SCOTUS judges all want that metal detector. And that it’s only for finding guns.

      I don’t think it’s hypocritical for someone to say they support general gun rights, but don’t want guns in buildings they control.

    • Oh, their thinking isn’t skewed by drugs – it’s caused by a rapidly spreading form of brain cancer one contracts from other socialists, and for which there is no cure.
      Soon, it takes over all critical thinking and turns its victims into rambling idiots such as Miner Irritant and lil ‘d.

  9. “the “prologue” theory — has endangered “the security of a free State” — just the opposite of the Second Amendment’s command.”

    These bastards think the security of a free state means government keeping total control of it’s citizens. Screw them!

  10. “But if Supreme Court justices think Second Amendment rights are so broad, why do they have a metal detector to keep guns out of the Supreme Court building?”

    Might be due to the fact there are certain left wing radicals who would like to kill conservative Justices.

  11. “The Supreme Court’s Radical Turn in Favor or Gun Rights Endangers ‘The Security of a Free State”

    As far as I’m concerned, if you don’t behave like a fascist, I won’t treat you like you are a fascist…

  12. Makes sense that these people would conclude the BoR applies to the state and not the individual.

    Something has to protect the state from us peons.

  13. From the ratification to the Reconstruction Amendments it was common knowledge that the 2A was an individual right. No matter how they try to spin it, lie about it or conflate criminal use with lawful use, it is an individual right.

  14. If the Founding Fathers felt that the Prologue of 2A:
    “A Well-Regulated Militia, being necessary for the security of a Free State, …”

    secured the Government’s ability to arm the militia such that it could never be infringed, then why do we need the portion of Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution that states part of the US Congress’s duties include:
    To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia

    It would seem that the Government, in Article 1, Section 8, has been given the Power, by The People, to Arm the militia to the extent necessary. Thus, 2A can only be interpreted as an individual right to keep and bear arms, independently of being part of a Militia.

    Which the US Supreme Court has said repeatedly – and not just since the 1990s.

  15. Thank god for President Donald Trumps pick to the federal courts.
    Now go suck on my bump stock that I lost in a boating accident. The Communist Chinese government is flooding the United States with “glock switches”. Now show me the 200 well written opinion pieces from the “Second Amendment community” supporting the use of Glock switches in the general civilian population.

    There aren’t any.

    Because the gun Community does not support the widespread ownership of machine guns in the general population. They are all quite comfortable with only the police and military being allowed to openly carry machine guns.

    And the Communists can get away with these things because the Three L’s support open borders. It’s why the Chinese are attempting to flood the United States with fentanyl. Just like the British flooded China 200 years ago with opium.

    The Communist Chinese have even made several attempts to ship in thousands of select fire AK-47s into the United States. Using their communist government-owned shipping businesses.

    Crime is going up because Libertarians liberals and the left support the early release of criminals. And they support not prosecuting crimes at all. All because they say there are too many people locked up in the United States. They say compared to other countries.

    Complaining about the courts is just a distraction because they will never admit it’s their social policies that have caused this huge rise in crime.

    • They have to exclude Russia, China, and North Korea because the countries are prisons writ large.

      Here’s a hint. Don’t do the crime and you won’t do the time. Although lately the time is minimal at best.

    • Because the gun Community does not support the widespread ownership of machine guns in the general population. They are all quite comfortable with only the police and military being allowed to openly carry machine guns.

      WHO paud you ti write this? The gun communty? Hh!! You talk as if that s someorganised centrally managed club, like the Boy Scouts or PETA.
      We ALL would rather FedGov not try and mandate any restrictions n firearms, at any level. There WERE in actual fact “high capacity” (40 round) magazine semi-automatic rifles available and in use prior to the war for Independence. and ANYONE who wanted one and could afford to buy it could have and use one.

      I’d LOVE to have a Barrett Fifty semiauto but can’t afford one. Hah, I couldnt even afford t FEED it.

      Mybe stop assuming YOUR peabrain deas are universally held.

    • Chris:
      “All because they say there are too many people locked up in the United States.

      You don’t have to be a lefty to know that there is a lot of truth to that. There ARE too many of the wrong people locked up in the United States. And… the reason (partially) is because of the faulty language of the 13th Amendment, which provides an excuse for captive SLAVERY in prisons. Worse yet, we now allow prisons in some jurisdictions to be RUN BY CONTRACTORS, whose only interest is in keeping the prisons full of PROFIT-MAKING SLAVES. To me, this practice is a national disgrace, which should be eradicated from the face of the earth. Finally, prisons should be reserved for dangerous felons and thieves, who are a menace to society, not for people who are imprisoned due to violation of unfortunate laws that should not be on the books in the first place.

      For a rundown on how this prison system victimizes the poor, I commend to your reading the book, Our Class by Chris Hedges, which goes into this in more detail than I can provide here. You will find it a revelation.

      Oh, and thanks for giving me the opportunity to vent on this subject.

      • You are an insincere person. Deceitful, and the reason why I find so many of the Libertarians liberals and the Left to be not trustworthy.

        Because all of you totally support the Welfare Industrial Complex. You totally support replacing the father with his love and discipline with a government check. And you support replacing the father’s guns with the guns of a big city police department.

        Nearly, all of you disagreed with a Christians when the Christians said a father is necessary in the home. A father whose love and discipline that will guide his children and keep them out of trouble. And teach them the things they need to know, to better their lives. And avoid the mistakes that possibly he made, or that others made.

        You are quite comfortable with the rising crime rates. Crime rates caused, by the millions of children who grew into adulthood, who are fatherless in this country.
        Just as there were millions of fatherless children at the end of the Civil war. And those criminal children back then cause much suffering.

        Didn’t Billy the Kid murder five or six people by the time he was 17 years old? Perhaps somebody can look that up for me? I don’t remember the exact number.

        You would much rather have the atheistic, s o c i a l i s t Pr0gressive, Welfare Industrial Complex. Instead of the religious-based, private welfare system, that we used to have in this country. That required morality and self-control. In all actions, public and private.

        I totally support a prison system that requires criminals to work “for free”. In order to pay back to society the destruction that they caused.

        If they can’t learn to change their ways when they are released? Then they should be shot dead on site by the property owner who they violated.
        It’s people like you who support child molesters running around.

        The last time I checked Chris hedges had declared himself to be an atheist. And as far as I know he much prefers government welfare, to private religious charity. And I believe he is anti-civil rights.

        Show me a link proving he supports the second amendment.

        You are welcome and thank you for responding.

  16. These two see the Bill of Rights as a list of commands from gov to people instead of the limiting check on gov power it was written as. This line of thinking is the end result of 100 years of preaching marxism, and other foreign ideologies alien to liberty, in higher education.

  17. I am growing incredibly weary of Far Left Pr0gre$$ive True Believers.

    Their standard playbook:
    — Give yourself over to hysteria and bask in it.
    — Deny responsibility for self.
    — Make everyone else accommodate you.
    — Disparage, denigrate, silence, and punish “others”.
    — Right-versus-wrong is a function of your identity.

  18. So did the 1775 Patriots have the proper “license” to bear arms or revolt?
    If they did, then we need such “licenses” now I guess.
    But if the 1775 Patriots did not need or have the proper “licenses” to RKBA THEN, THEN WE DON’T NEED ONE NOW FOR I DO NOT KNOW WHEN THAT INALIENABLE RIGHT, CEASED TO EXIST.
    All rights, constitutionally and lawfully exercised, are ETERNAL AND ABSOLUTE.

    • I am looking at another one, my wife says my Henry needs a pistol for company. I added to the Feb numbers. Priority is reloading materials now and learn the art. Start with .357 and then see what I need after.

      • A revolver is a good choice to start reloading for, and 357 is probably the best of the common cartridges to learn on. Set yourself up with an electronic scale/ dispenser and a single stage press with a carbide die set, and don’t start out with nickel plated cases even if they look pretty, they can be hard on dies. If you discover that you like doing it, you can move to a progressive scale, but resist the urge to start out on one unless you have someone to show you the ropes, you’ll just make more mistakes faster.
        And resist the urge to think you’ll save money on reloading common stuff like 9mmP, not when you can buy it for under a quarter a pop again. Finally, resist the urge to load everything up to the max… if you do, work your way up to it and stop where the loadbook says stop.
        Hopefully you’ll find a new and useful hobby that you’ll enjoy for a long time.

        • Sturdy metal surface, appropriate sized punches, hammer, small hook, and priming compound. Not ideal but gets about 80%w which is likely more due to my lacking technique and still way better than strike anywhere match tips.

  19. “But if Supreme Court justices think Second Amendment rights are so broad, why do they have a metal detector to keep guns out of the Supreme Court building?”

    Leftists. That’s why.
    They don’t believe in inalienable rights, like the right to life or the means to defend it with words or action.

    And saying that securing a right that shall not be infringed that helps maintain a free state, instead endangers it, shows us how far the woke types have gone calling good evil and using words as if they mean the opposite of what they have many many centuries.

    If they weren’t so dangerous, they would be a joke.

  20. Orville Vernon Burton and Armand Derfner, two of the “usual suspects”, “cosmopolitans”, one a shyster, both “academics” and “elites”, each learned their trade (Anti-Americanism) in Communist-controlled ChiCongo

  21. “bringing high-powered weapons from movie screens to our streets…”
    The high-powered weapons from movie screens don’t exist.
    On the movie screens, every black rifle is fully automatic, every 30-round magazine can fire 99,000 rounds without reloading, bullets make bright sparks whenever they hit something, one un-aimed burst (shooting from the hip without aiming) can kill 20 attackers with no rounds going astray, shooting guns out of people’s hands is easy, head shots are even easier, silencers make the gun have a whisper-quiet “pfffft,” guns always make a “clickety-clack” sound when you aim them at someone, you can rack the slide repeatedly without a round ever being ejected, if a rifle has a scope you don’t have to actually look through the scope to hit a target (just point the scoped rifle, no need to sight through the scope!), etc.

    Hollywood crime labs can take a deformed slug from a murder victim and trace it to the exact gun that fired it, with 100% certainty, without even testing the gun — unless it’s a “Ghost gun,” then the bullet is untraceable even if the crime lab has the gun!

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