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CA Parents Protest School’s Active Shooter Sim

In my post Five Problems with Active Shooter Lockdown Drills, I pointed out that a really good sim would freak out some kids. Here’s the corollary, via San Diego, CA’s “A Sheriff’s deputy told 10News that a former law enforcement agent will pose as a gunman running through the campus, which has students ranging from preschool to high school. The agent will also fire several shots from a cap gun or starter pistol. [Tawnya] Pitman and her husband believe that’s where the drill goes too far . . .

“You don’t need to have someone running around the school with a gun” said Pitman, who learned about the drill in a voicemail from the Warner Springs School District. “What kid needs to see that? There’s enough drama in most of these kids’ lives, [so] why go to school and make it worse?” . . .

Pitman said she feels her 3-year-old is too young to be exposed to gunshots. “Hear gunshots? That can’t be a comforting sound.”

3 thoughts on “CA Parents Protest School’s Active Shooter Sim”

  1. Just curious if you liked the ACT instructor in the video Robert? Overall I thought he was pretty good…

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