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Porno actor Stephen Clancy Hill (a.k.a. Steve Driver) jumped to his death, after an LA SWAT team chased him to a cliff. According to the passive construction loving, misplaced pronoun-wielding reporters at, Hill “went on a rampage last Tuesday and was on the run after being accused of murdering a co-worker named Herbert Wong. The actor [Hill] who also tried to kill five other colleagues with a samurai sword, jumped off a cliff and died after a stand-off with the police over the weekend.” In 1999, Hill was convicted of assault-with-a-firearm for threatening to kill one of his college instructors for not giving him an A. Anyway, why in the world did the SWAT guy shoot Hill at virtually point blank range when the physically-gifted performer was about to “escape” off a 50 foot cliff?

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  1. Other news outlets say he was tasered, but maybe a lasso would have been a better idea.

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