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CAA Creates a GLOCK “Smart Gun”

Sec-ubit (courtesy

The good folks at CAA have created a device that slots into your GLOCK’s grip that records the exact date and time of any shots fired, the time between shots (split time) and the rate of fire. The information is easily downloaded onto an Android smart phone or PC. CAA’s press release (after the jump) pitches the Secubit GSC Gun Shot counter as a helpful training device for shooters who want to “maintain a complete record of shot counts for pistol maintenance and personal performance levels.” The obvious, unstated application: police accountability. What are the odds the Boys in Blue will agree to implement this technological advance? On the other hand, how long before New Jersey makes them mandatory with a fine for tampering? . . .

Tullytown, Pa. (May 2015) – CAA USA is proud to unveil the ultimate upgrade for GLOCK shooters who want to improve their time between shots, increase accuracy and maintain a complete record of shot counts for pistol maintenance and personal performance levels.

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The Secubit GSC Gun Shot counter is a miniature counting device that records the number of shots fired by detecting gun vibration and shock. It is capable of recording up to 500,000 shots. The device records the exact date and time, the time between shots fired (split time) and the rate of fire so as to provide the shooter with the necessary data to improve accuracy. The GSC can be used in all GLOCK  Gen 1-3 pistols including the models 17, 18, 19, 22, 23  and others . . .

The GSC fits into the grip pocket of the GLOCK pistol without affecting grip ergonomics or comfort. Made of durable polymer with a slide in lock for a secure fit, the GSC contains advanced software that automatically collects and stores gunfire data which can be extracted through an Android device or a PC platform through a USB cable. It also includes a user-replaceable CR1632 battery with a 2-year life.

GSC Gun Shot Counter Specifications:

Height:                 2.25 inches

Width:                  0.81 inches

Depth:                  0.25 inches

Weight:                0.32 oz.

MSRP:                  $99.99


35 thoughts on “CAA Creates a GLOCK “Smart Gun””

    • It could be useful as an addition to police service guns. iirc, HK has an RFID thingy similar to this as an option in the P30.

      • My understanding is that an RFID chip is circuitry and an antenna, it broadcasts an identifying signal but does not do any recording.

  1. Give me gen4 and Bluetooth 4 to connect with charging by microusb and we’ll talk.

  2. I am sure the Brady group would like to make that mandatory as long as they add a GPS tracker to it as well.

  3. Can I get one converted for use with my pocket jack knife, that will count the times I stick an assailant?

    • I could see people buying it to do a round count and check their “double tap” ability.

      In an ideal world where we didn’t have to worry about a nosy hoplophobe influenced government, this could be a useful device. As it is, we don’t live in that world, so it’s a net liability.

      (Serial numbers would be useful too, as would engraving your name on your gun–but again, in our actual hoplophobe-infested environment, they are both net negatives now.)

  4. Maybe not exactly that, but I’d like something on a new handgun that would record how many shot’s I’ve fired with it. Just so I can look and remember, because it’s interesting. Sometimes if you shoot a lot or you shoot sporadically (like me) you can’t really remember how many rounds have been through your guns.

  5. Only if it records trigger pull and recoil in 3 dimensions so you could see improvement based on grip technique or maybe measure round average power. Then you could call it a training tool, but not this..

  6. I like New Jersey; with no sales tax, I can get two for the price of one on my favourite perfume from compared with the high street price here in the UK, and that’s even after accounting for the shipping costs from USA.

    • That seems like a rather silly response.

      Glock didn’t design/build this, another company did. If that company starts building them for other pistols, will you add those pistol companies to your “will never own” list as well? An item this small would almost certainly fit into any revolver grip, and most auto pistols with replaceable grips, too; Glock was just “lucky” enough to be the first choice for initial production (probably due to their popularity, combined with an easy-to-access space in the frame behind the magazine well).

      Some people…

  7. The same company who makes plasticy grips you can barely hold onto and chintzy magazines that barely work is suddenly producing a complex piece of data-recording electronics built to survive firearms recoil?

    Seems Legit ..

    • Probably just a shock sensor and a timer/counter program; could even be an off-the-shelf chip repurposed from another use (might be a stripped-down version of the same chip they use in shot timers).

      It will be interesting to see how well it works. I’m thinking that something like this MIGHT have a tendency to give “false positives” (record a shot being fired when there wasn’t a shot fired from that pistol). Bang your holstered pistol into a doorframe or tabletop while walking around (who hasn’t done that once or twice?). Thump!; shot recorded. Stand too close to the guy firing the .460 at the indoor range? Every time his gun goes Boom!, a shot might be recorded for your pistol. Same thing for a centerfire rifle with a muzzle brake; lots of shock waves flying around when those get fired.

      It might be fun to test one, just to see how sensitive it is.

      • Or every dry fire.
        Or every time you rack the slide.
        Change a mag with a firm smack.
        Lots of wys this could fail.
        We shall see..

  8. I wouldn’t get a bee in my bonnet over this, especially since it was designed for one of the most popular competition pistols around.

    26 comments. Try better bait?

  9. I don’t like Glocks, but if it were available for the M&P or CZ-75 I might consider snagging one to track my performance at the range.

  10. I spent more for a shot timer back in my USPSA competition days in the mid-90’s. If I had been shooting a Glock, and if this existed back then, I would have bought one for practice.

  11. The little holes in my mag let me know how many rounds I fired and my phone can record the time, date and time between shots already.
    This is not a “Smart gun”.
    A tracking point rifle or remington 20/20 is a smart gun. It records audio/video,laser range finder, date, time, air temp, barometric pressure, compass heading, cant, elevation and bullet choice.
    Those are awesome rifles. It streams live feed of scope’s HUD view to iPad, phone etc. Very useful for training or documenting.
    They want the definition of “smart gun” to mean the Hollywood biometrics the sword from “blade” has.
    Doesn’t exist, and honestly I think the light saber will exist before the “smart gun” the grabbers think we should all line up for will.

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