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Sure, it may have taken him a while, but the Empire couldn’t pull the wool over Admiral Ackbar’s widely spaced piscatorial eyes. We can only hope the few actual gun rights supporters in Connecticut’s state legislature are at least as vigilant. As we mentioned recently, Connecticut is considering an extension of the registration deadline for “assault weapons” and frighteningly long magazines due to the dedicated public servants at the USPS shutting down early on new year’s eve. Civilian disarmament stalwarts Connecticut Against Gun Violence have noticed and sense an opportunity. While they oppose an extension, they’d be happy to see one enacted in exchange for repeal of the Nutmeg State’s pre-1994 grandfathering of scary black rifles. Here’s hoping whatever pro-2A rebels left in Connecticut can resist the pull of the dark side.     [h/t Tom K.]

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  1. So they want a amnesty for people who are in the United States illegally so they can drain the welfare state and make legal potential terrorists or people carrying illnesses that were eradicated in this nation. But they are against amnesty for legal residents who were screwed by the postal service and their own government.

    Good thinking.

    • That’s about the size and shape of it. Welcome to the left, my friend. Don’t think about it too hard or you’ll just get pissed off.

      Besides, I deal with illegals all the time, and let me tell you that they really commit much crime other than DUI and driving unlicensed. And without insurance. Plus the occasional hit and run. Maybe a coupla murders, no big deal. There’s barely any strain on the educational, welfare, and health system due to illegal immigration. Any negative statements against illegal immigration, just like statements against the prez, are just racist.

      So just be a little more *tolerant* and everything should just sort itself out naturally.

      • It’s not such a hard thing to understand when you consider who generally votes for who. The people of the gun generally vote one way and the sneakers across the border when legalized will most likely vote another way. Easy as cake, piece of pie!

        • So, you haven’t heard about the Mexicans who decided enough was enough when it came to corrupt government, have you? Any idea where they got those absurdly radical ideas like, you know, justice and liberty from tyranny?

          Or that most Mexican people are decent folk like you and I who want to work for a better life and that there’s always jerks of every flavor who mooch the system? Invite the good folks in with open arms and teach them the best of our ways like the good people you are under that Faux News hypnobabble. That’s what this country is about – making things better for all involved. Or did I miss something?

          Glad to see you’ve got your OFWG filters on the shades today. Small-minded conservatives, refusing to think outside the box and snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, since … Well, you know.

          Too bad, ’cause there’s some things (like sensible i.e. non-grabber gun policy) that conservatives usually do right.

          / in b4 sh!tstorm

    • They have apparently deflected attention from the whole idea that PA13-3 should be struck down, as it is 1. ineffective at what it was officially created to do, and 2. it was enacted as a corrupt law.

      CT is that great!

  2. Aren’t the legislature and the governor already behind the extension? If they are, who gives a shit what CAGV think, or whether or not they’re in favor of the extension?

    Phrased differently, if the extension is likely to happen with or without their support, why would anyone offer them anything in exchange for that support? That’s like offering my neighbor free beer so he’ll let me go to the grocery store. It’s nonsensical.

    • The bill that passed was, more or less, written by and implemented for CAGV. It would be foolhardy to dismiss the influence they have over things in CT.

    • Matt, what CAGV had done is say “Sure, give those poor folks a minor extension to the registration period but while you are at it, repeal the bit of law that upheld the exemption for pre-1993 AWs. So allow several hundred who were a wee bit late and do away with the concept of exempted pre-bans. Nice swap from a gun taker’s perspective.

      • I understand, and I see why they would like it. But my question is, is their support even necessary? I kinda got the feeling that the extension was something that everyone thought was A Good Idea, and therefore it’d probably pass even if CAGV stood against it. Was I wrong in that understanding?

        • You are wrong in the understanding that the folks who would actually pass this, are in favor of it. Malloy and his underlings have flatly refused to “change the law” because, you know, that would be bad. A compromise from CAGV though? That is a win-win. Fuck the people of CT harder, look good for “doing something for the children” at the same time.

          The biggest backfire is if they offer an amnesty and get silence. Then it becomes very, very clear that the piss poor registration numbers weren’t a mistake. It is a bold sign that the registration numbers were an act of defiance.

  3. If I remember correctly, Cali had an SKS controversy where the registration deadly was extended. Then they sent out confiscation letters to the late registrants.

    • That’s correct. The devil is in the details. The ruling was that the state AG’s office had no authority to unilaterally extend the registration period – the law was the law. Of course, once they had the late registrant’s info it was an easy fix: Mr. and Mrs. California SKS-owner, turn ’em all in.

  4. Noooo! NOOOOO! Nooo, F^ck you CAGV! Those poor people imprisoned in your state have compromised ENOUGH.

      • Especially since in this case, resisting just means doing nothing. Just leave the AR and standard capacity mags in the safe, don’t go to the .gov, and wait and watch as the tards realize how stupid they’ve been. Its a win-win.

    • What about the ones who sent in late registrations? They’re screwed if they don’t take the deal.

      • Yep. Yes they are. And as with the CA SKS debacle, any amnesty needs to come through the legislature, amending the actual law – not as some ruling that can be overturned.

        Of course, the ones who registered on time are also probably screwed, it’ll just take longer to get around to them. After all, they now have a list of people they can screw with, just to prove they are “doing something.”

  5. Why, when I picture the CAGV offices, do I assume it’s strewn with empty paste jars?

    CAGV Enployee: “My this paste is delicious. It’s really fixed those lucid, rational, tolerant thought problems I once had.”

  6. I love the absurdity of it all. The antis get a law passed that very few follow so they decide to give those people another chance to not follow it in exchange for a worse law. The derp is strong with this state.

  7. A “compromise position.” Uh huh.

    I almost stroked out when I read the CAGV press release, talking about “compromise.”

    Apparently “compromise” means pass a horrible law, and when people don’t comply, give them more time to comply with the horrible law and pass another horrible law.


  8. We can know simply by the way time unfolds that several hundred years ago someone was the first to say, “Couldn’t we just start shooting the British?” He was probably ridiculed and called a bad citizen. Someone probably told him to watch his mouth. Someone probably said that it’s the King’s men he was talking about. Someone probably said he was a danger to society. But some colonial was definetely the first to say, “If they refuse us our rights couldn’t we just shoot them? Let us settle it that way if no other alternative exist!”…..think about it.

    • @ Marine – excuse me while I adjust my tinfoil hat for a moment.

      I dunno if you’re trying to play agent provocateur or what, but if you’re still in the service (or just out of it) I’d recommend that you be damn careful about those flavors of words. Awful close to black bag territory, that could be construed to be. Last time I checked, citizens can get cleared hot too.

      I hope you’re running some serious internet anonymity protocols if you’re willing to consistently post up stuff like that here on a rather high traffic and visible public website. I mean, I’m not, but my interest in firearms and their bearing to our shared world isn’t illegal (yet or ever, if we’ve got anything to say about it).

      The rest of you, don’t not think about it.

      Reverse reverse psychology. Fools ’em … well, more often than it should.

      • I didn’t break a single law in my post. Just speaking about the history of our first revolution. And that’s black bag stuff to you? Sad. I remember something about freedom of speech. Again, what law was broken? Read the post again carefully and contemplate how stupid your warning was. Black bag indeed! “Someone probably told him to watch his mouth.”

        • I actually happen to agree with you, but the combination of pervasive, widespread surveillance by our beloved overlords and any sort of serious future problems (forgien or domestic) will mean that the tallest trees are the first to be cut.

          We’ll need critical thinkers and long term planners that aren’t on seventy lists already.

          Oh, the “A tax on tea, stamps, gunpower, sugar, and forcing neutral colonials to billet British soldiers” revolution? Pretty sure I heard ’bout that somewhere too.

          An aside: No matter what we might disagree on or one might recommend to the other;

          Thanks for your service. Even some of us damn pinko liberal hippie commie terrorists appreciate it.

          • If you won’t take his word for it, will you take mine? They’re different people, with different email addresses, using different ISPs, and their IPs resolve to cities 1300+ miles apart. Is that good enough?

            We really don’t have a big issue with people using sockpuppets around here. I can really only think of one that did it with any frequency in the 2+ years I’ve been posting here.

        • @ Matt in FL

          Thanks for confirming.

          I mean, theoretically I could use dedicated proxies and throwaway emails, but if that was the case and I was putting that kind of effort in … you bet your bippy it wouldn’t be to make comments on a gun blog.

  9. Anyone and everyone who voted for the AWB has already lost my vote. Local elections are the best place to effect change since the numbers are smaller.

  10. Having been convicted of a felony involving a firearm, stripped of my rights, lingering for years, and eventually gaining an expungement that returned me to full citizenship, gun rights, concealed carry and all I think I have a perspective that is insightful. I should first say that what I did was be caught in a bar with a gun in Ohio before we made that legal. Second that I have been to jail and I know what that’s like. Third, it was the first and only criminal case I’ve ever faced in my life before or after and fourth, the ONLY crime I was committing was being in a liquor establishment with a gun, if I did the same thing in Ohio today it would be completely legal.

    Given all that, if I were a resident of Connecticut (or NY) today I would be so gone so fast that unless I got pulled over on the freeway on my way out they would never even now I’d left. They really will put you in prison for silly things that don’t seem to make sense or even matter. They will threaten you with so much prison time then offer probation for a felony plea that even the best lawyer will tell you to take it. They will lie, plant evidence, steal and every horrible thing you can think of to put you away. Cops and Prosecutors get kudos for arrests and convictions, not upholding the law or the constitution, not for common sense or good judgment.

    Get away from places like CT as fast as you can legally drive even if you have to couch surf for housing at your destination. Midland Texas has a huge jobs boom and it’s the same in parts of the Dakotas. Get out of there before you end up a felon. The only other response is to fight when they come for you and you’ll not only loose, we wont be coming to help. We’re already in places where liberty is mostly intact, where the gun laws let us have all of what we need and most of what we want, where we carry concealed on permits easily obtained. There will not be an uprising when local and state police come to take you away in CT, CA, NY and the like. The forces you need will be peacefully and mostly comfortably residing in states that respect their liberty

    No general uprising will occur unless there is a federal confiscation. You’re cut off and on your own in the states that pass such laws and remaining there your only reasonable options are to submit to tyranny or get out. If you cannot exercise your liberty of bearing arms exercise your liberty of travel and just get out.

    I’ve heard every argument against leaving these states that I can bear: If we don’t fight here it will spread. (Not if you move to a pro 2A state where your vote will count.) I have family here. (Leave and offer them a room to stay in until they can establish themselves in a free state.) My kids are in school. (They are being indoctrinated against the values you hold dear, all the more reason to flee.)

    Armed revolution isn’t going to save you in the states that have devolved into tyranny and if you can’t make the effort it takes to leave I seriously doubt you’ll risk property, liberty and life to resist. You surely can’t expect the rest of us to make the ultimate sacrifices when you won’t simply move out of state?

    I’m ready for the counter arguments because they are hollow. If money or not displacing your family or anything but liberty is dearer to you then you are already lost. You simply will not do what it takes to be free and thus assume the chains of tyranny with at least acquiescence, if not willfulness.
    However if liberty is what you most admire then moving is your first priority. Come to where you can be free and join us in fellowship and in voting to keep our states free for all of us.

    Note, anyone who has not already been checking out schools and jobs in a free state can save their blustering; your priorities are off, or you’re fooling yourself, or you’re in fact a fool.

    • I find this very hard to argue with. Your last line makes me wonder, how many people who talk about it being “too hard to move” have actually done even the first bit of investigation into actually doing so?

      One of the tenets I live by is “You get nothing in this world if you don’t ask.” Whether that’s a job you want or a pretty girl you want to date, if you don’t ask for it, you’re not likely to get it. Well, researching the possibilities of a move is no different. If you don’t take the first step, you’re never going anywhere. For the vast majority of people, it’s not like someone in a free state is just going to call you up and invite you to move down there and go to work. You have to put in at least a little effort to get the ball rolling.

      • I want to be clear that I’m not trying to abuse our friends behind the wire, and I receive plenty of negative feedback whenever I point something like the above out. However when one looks at what people have done before in other places ,or in the same places in different times, in pursuit of liberty such a simply act as undertaking a free and legal move to a less tyrannical place seems like a reasonable act that any interested person would undertake. The founding fathers certainly undertook much more; wealthy men all and suffering under restrictions of their liberty that were trifling compared to the current situation in some states, they undertook a violent revolution to secure their liberty at great risk to property, liberty and life. They did not balk at the risk to their wealth arguing that their current positions enriched them to a point that they would rather sacrifice their liberty than risk their income. Instead they launched an all nothing revolution with the only outcomes either securing liberty or being hanged. I don’t currently support violent revolution, I don’t think the situation calls for it. However I can’t understand how anyone could speak of it when they will not undertake a peaceful and legal action that would free them of the worst of their bonds; moving beyond the borders of tyranny.

        New York and New Jersey are already ceding masses of people to places like Florida. While this is probably more about taxation than freedom it proves the point that people will leave a bad situation for a better one, it’s not as if the concept were insane. Also, one must have priorities, those for whom money motivates flee due to the taxes, those for whom liberty is paramount flee due to the infringement of their liberty. Those who stay bolster the very thing they despise by paying their taxes, being counted in the census and, perhaps more importantly, by implying with their presence that such things as the SAFE act or the situation in CT are acceptable or normal. I don’t intend that they should hop on a bus and leave tonight (though I might do just that), but surely in a month, or a year, or 5 years one could find a comparable job in a state where their rights are respected.

        • McVei didn’t come to help the gun rights people that were slaughtered, he did politely tell the government that burning women & children wasn’t acceptable. My only bitch with your posts is you seem to feel there will be no consequences for human rights abuses, Randy

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