10mm auto ammunition

The 10mm Auto is a cartridge with an unusual history. It’s one of the few that has gained a reputation as both too powerful and not powerful enough for regular use by a variety of end users. In this article we will look at the 10mm Auto both in the past and how it sits today in the mind of the shooting public. We will also look at what it is and what it isn’t for the new shooter.

Mixed Beginnings

The 10mm Auto began life as the brainchild of the late/great Jeff Cooper. If you don’t know who Jeff Cooper is, you’re not an idiot, as many pompous gun people will claim, you’re just not reading the right books. Cooper was a man who embraced the effective and railed against the excessive in his writings. He’s best known for creating many of the modern pistol techniques we use today, and he developed the 10mm Auto round.

The cartridge was designed to offer better terminal performance than .45ACP and 9mm. There is more to it than that, but we don’t need to cover that here. In short, the resulting product was a rimless pistol round that fits into the frame of a standard automatic pistol (like a 1911) and produces power on par with some types of magnum revolver cartridges. In all, it was a very successful design that appeared in pop culture like Miami Vice, where hero Sonny Crockett carried it in a Bren Ten, and in the real-life hands of the FBI.

Unlike Crockett, many FBI and other law enforcement agencies couldn’t handle the excessive recoil produced by the full-house loads, resulting in ‘10mm Lite’ loads. That choice virtually killed the 10mm on the commercial and LE market. ‘10mm Lite’ spawned the red-headed stepchild of the pistol world, the .40 S&W. The .40 (still a 10mm, just a shorter case length) was heavily adopted across the country and world and the original 10mm Auto was largely forgotten, except in some small circles.

As .40 S&W began to die off with the advent of better and more advanced 9mm loads in recent years, the 10mm Auto began a surprising renaissance of its own. That just about brings us to today. The beginner should look at the 10mm Auto as it is now, not as it once was. Things are better than ever for today’s 10mm fans, although some caution must be used for the novice, especially handgun hunters who are new to the caliber.

Benefits of a 10mm Auto include:

Superior terminal performance That’s the big one, my friends. You can say the 10mm is powerful, but it has to be seen to be believed. Compared to the other three most common carry cartridges (9mm, .45ACP, .40 S&W), it offers a tremendous advantage in power and penetration at equal distances.
Relatively large magazine capacity The 10mm can squeeze more ammo into a gun of the same size than a .45 ACP, typically in the range of one to three rounds more depending on the model. A GLOCK 20 holds 15+1 rounds, the same as a 9mm GLOCK 19. Just be aware of capacity limits when hunting.
Powerful commercial ammo The 10mm’s resurgence has created factory options that meet or exceed the original specs Cooper intended.
New and solid guns The market for 10mm guns is currently growing. Solid and mature platforms such as the 1911, GLOCKs, and even revolvers, ensure reliability and accuracy.
Dual purpose use The 10mm is a popular hunting caliber that can be used on many game species including small black bear. (This also appears in the cons section, so don’t be surprised.)

Some cons for a beginner to consider:

Recoil Yes, there will be macho hombres in the audience who routinely do tough-guy stuff like benchpress 500 lbs, drink a liter of vodka while watching Roadhouse every night, and use unwaxed dental floss. For them, the 10mm’s recoil is like a morning breeze. The thing is, they didn’t start doing all those things on day one. Recoil, like Patrick Swayze, takes getting used to and the 10mm’s kick will, for the rookie, be a bit of a surprise.
Poor quality ammo There are lots of types of 10mm out there for sale, but not all are the real deal. Most of it is loaded to .40 S&W power, which isn’t why you bought a 10mm. Companies like Federal, Buffalo Bore, Hornady, HSM, and many other fine ammo manufacturers make full-power 10mm Auto.
Hunting isn’t a guaranteed deal Yes, I know that there will be some detractors in the comments here, as there always are, but pay no attention. I value animal life and try to hunt ethically, as should you. That means I try to take enough gun for the task to ensure I don’t commit the morally bankrupt and sadistic error of injuring an animal by way of personal folly. Injuring an animal by taking risky shots makes you a bad hunter, period. Taking long shots beyond your skill range makes you not only a bad hunter, but a generally immoral person, even if you miss. You owe it to your quarry to be responsible, not a braggart who takes unnecessary risks with something’s life. Are there better hunting rounds for pistols? Sure. Is the 10mm horrible? Not at all. Pick a gun meant for hunting and practice in a realistic hunting scenario, so no mag dumps out of your 10mm carry gun at 75 yards. Realistically, the 10mm is a fine cartridge for deer-sized game at bowhunting distances and you should be okay with it at those ranges, with practice.

Some great guns to consider for the 10mm cartridge include:

GLOCK 20, 29, 40, and 29SF These are good pistols that have excellent reliability. They boast high capacity for their size and caliber, but generally aren’t quite as accurate as the other guns on this list. Don’t let that discourage you, as they are still plenty accurate for general use.
1911 There are many, many options here in the 1911 category. You can find many good 10mm 1911 pistols from Ruger, Springfield Armory, Rock Island Armory, and Remington, among others. The 1911 pistols are legendary for their accuracy and most of the best hunting handguns in 10mm are of this design.
SIG P220 Hunter This is a relatively new offering from SIG and it’s designed with the handgun hunter in mind. It features a crisp single-action-only trigger and a camo finish.
Ruger GP100 This is a heavy-duty six-gun that offers revolver reliability with 10mm power and can load with full moon clips. (TTAG review coming soon)

The 10mm Auto is an interesting cartridge. It’s worn many hats over the years and is currently gaining popularity at the time of this writing. It isn’t for everyone, but it’s a good cartridge for the novice handgun hunter because it’s available in familiar, mature platforms that make training easier.

The 10mm offers good power in a generally light gun and can be carried in CCW pistols as well. For the outdoorsman who spends time in town between hikes, a good 10mm can be a nice balance between the two worlds.


      • Hmm… haven’t seen it. Does it have excellent(ly bad) dialog like, ‘I see you’ve found my trophy room, Dalton. (dramatic pause) The only thing missing… (another dramatic pause) is your ass!’?

        • And who could forget, “I used to f_ guys like you in prison.” (not filed under excellent (bad) dialog, just memorable)

        • It’s Australian, from about 1970, and it’s filled with bad dialogue… forgot the name of the actor who played Barry McKenzie but Dame Edna played his aunt.

  1. How could you leave out the Springfield XD-M? I’ve got a Glock 20 and a 29, and the XD-M is a far superior weapon. Much less felt recoil, threaded barrel, suppressor sights, and optic-ready, with a 5.25″ barrel to take full advantage of full-power 10mm.

    Seriously, it’s the best 10mm pistol on the market.

    (I’m well aware there’s a group of never-forget cancel-culture wokescolds out there who will want to demonize any Springfield product. All I can say is, I’m not into virtue-signaling to deny myself the best pistol on the market. I buy S&W and Ruger too, even though their 2A transgressions were far worse than Springfield’s recent idiocy. They acknowledged their grievous error, took efforts to rectify it, and that’s the end of it. )

    • I have a Springfield XDm 5.25 10mm.
      No threaded barrel. It is an excellent pistol. I’m comparing red dots for it. Haven’t found one yet but soon.

      • I run a Holosun 507, I prefer the circle-dot reticle. But if buying again, I would seriously consider the Primary Arms ACSS reticle version instead. It’s supposed to get you on target faster than any other red dot type of sight

        • Thanks Truth
          I’ll check them out. Have to hit Cabellas seeing as I wear glasses. Some red dots ghost on me so I can’t buy them without seeing them first. I like to purchase from my lgs because he’s been good to me.

    • I almost got a 5.25″ XDM 10mm instead of my Glock 20… the deciding factor for me was I liked the Glock grip better.

  2. 10mm makes a lot of sense if you want .357 magnum power (not .41 magnum) in a semi-auto pistol. The GP100 makes no sense to me unless you’re already committed to the 10mm and don’t want to add another cartridge to your collection. Technically when comparing full bore ammo the .357 is slightly more powerful although it shares the same ‘poor quality ammo’ (not really poor quality but lightly loaded) problem and many 10mm proponents seem to believe the full bore stuff doesn’t exist in .357. For hunting the .357 should get the edge for higher sectional density bullets but the larger bore of the 10mm might give it an edge for self defense.

  3. I realize they can’t cover everything, but carbines should have been mentioned. This isn’t just wheel gun ammo.

    • Hi-Point or Keltec make a carbine/rifle to handle the 10mm!
      Among others……………….

      • May need to handload slower burning powder to take advantage of the added barrel length otherwise 357 magnum comes out way ahead in carbine options.

  4. Have you watched the TV series called “Fortitude”? It takes place on an Island above the Artic Circle. In one scene, the Sherriff tells someone that the 9mm semi-auto handgun he is carrying will not stop a bear (we’re talking polar bears). The Sherriff, then, hands him a revolver and says “This, will stop a bear.”

    So, what caliber handgun will you take in polar bear country?

    • Whatever is good enough to cripple whomever I’m with so I can get away from the bear while he’s distracted.

    • Having gotten out of the snowdrift 25 years ago, I will likely never be in Polar Bear country. But, would carry, if forced to nothing but a handgun, the S&W 500. Otherwise, Either a pump 12 gauge slug gun or a 45-70 lever gun.

    • The only way I’ll ever be near a polar bear is if I get trapped in the polar bear enclosure at the zoo, and I’d probably be carrying something for hood rats.

    • Glock 20 just like the Danish Sirius Sledge Patrol. I don’t know what bullet they use but I would use the Lehigh Defense 200 grain extreme penetrator.

    • My Hamilton Bowen converted Super RedHawk in .475 Linebaugh. It’s already taken a few Alaskan browns in the 1000lb range.

  5. The reason why we have the 10mm is a convergence of stars, so to speak. There were lots of other efforts to create a more powerful pistol (ie, semi-auto) cartridge that flamed out and failed. We have the 9×21, the 9×23 Largo, the 9×23 Winchester, the .357 Sig, etc in the 9mm/.357 space, then we have plenty of efforts in the .40 to .45 bullet diameter range.

    The failing of all of them was that they never “caught fire” to a point where enough handguns were produced in these chamberings that would allow them to reliably function, and due to that, there was rarely enough brass (and sometimes bullets) available.

    There are several reasons why the 10mm caught fire where others did not:
    1) the huge PR move of the FBI adopting the cartridge, coupled with mainline pistol manufactures (eg, S&W) producing handguns in the round.
    2) then you have the origins of the cartridge, Jeff Cooper, who had made quite a name for himself with not only his ideas about an ‘ideal’ pistol, but also practical defensive pistol handling.
    3) ammo and brass makers were starting production, with the idea that not only the FBI, but also lots of law enforcement agencies would want 10’s,
    4) and then there was Miami Vice. We who deal in facts and objective evidence dislike the idea that a TV show could make or break a cartridge, but allow me to make a reinforcing example here: Look at the price of original Colt Pythons before and after the show “The Walking Dead” became popular. As a third example, look at how many S&W Model 29’s were sold after they were written into the Dirty Harry movies.

    Getting a new handgun cartridge off the ground is probably more difficult than getting a rifle cartridge off the ground. If you’re seeking a pistol cartridge that is “moar!” than a 9, .40 or .45 ACP, and you want to be able to get brass or loaded ammo, then you should probably look at a 10mm. Otherwise, you should probably be looking at revolver cartridges…

    • Thank you, sir.

      When I scan this site’s comments, I blow through them until I see one of yours. I read yours carefully, and twice.

      I like possum’s, too, but for a different reason. 😉

      • DG is a TTAG treasure.

        The Possum is a different critter, indeed. He’s a lot sharper than he seems, and has a deliciously wicked sense of humor that puts a *snicker* on my lips every time… 🙂

        • I regularly dine on possum meat. It is readily available and I often walk along the highway collecting roadkill possums.

          I scored big the other day with 4 possum finds, and only one was bloated. I ate that one first.

    • We should thank Glock for keeping it going when just about everyone else had given up on it. I think they’re the only ones left making .357 Sig pistols now. They’re good for something.

      • I have a Glock .357sig conversion I did. Quite snappy, I’m still not sure I like it or not.

        • Depending on the generation and model of Glock there are heavier buffers and grip weights that can reduce the perceived snappiness of 357 sig but will obviously give you a heavier Glock. Beware the money pit.

        • I find the 357SIG less snappy than the 40SW. I perceive more of a push than a snap in my P229. It’s a lot more pleasant to shoot.

    • Forgive the question, but wasn’t Detective Callihan’s gun a Model 69, not a 29? The 69 was “updated” in later production to 629.

      • No. At that time the only .44 mag Smith made was the 29. I actually preferred the Ruger Super Blackhawk in that caliber.

        • Whoops…you’re right. After checking, I now recall reading “29” long ago. I got the digits mixed up in my memory…

      • They still make the 69. 4.25 and 2.5 or maybe3″ don’t remember. All stainless 5 shot. Made on the L frame. Big but not 29 big. I really like mine and didn’t have to get new holsters, fits fine in the .357 leather I already had.
        Wish they made it in5 or 6″ though Ohio regs. say minimum 5″ to hunt deer.

  6. mention the GP100 and forget the S&W610?

    I like 10mm but that’s just me. But like everything else in life, the right tool for the right job. Some calibers are better at some things where others are not. Everything has it’s place. Some people will use it for self defense. I’m not sure I have a problem with that but it needs to be understood that it is powerful and does have limitations. Comparison to .357 might be good. For those that can handle it…more power to ya.

  7. Personally I’m thrilled that the 10mm is making a resurgence.
    When I bought my prized S&W 1006 back in ‘08, ammo was pretty scarce. I bought every round I came across at gun shows.
    Funny but I have no desire for any of the newer gun options available now.
    Granted, the 1006 is a full-size heavyweight you’ll never forget you’re carrying, but neither is a full-size steel 1911.
    When you shoot the gun, you really appreciate the platform. The only other 10mm I’ve fired is a Glock 20. Wasn’t super impressed. Higher capacity, but if you can’t do what you need to with 9+1 of full house 10mm, you’re in a tough spot. Hopefully behind cover to reload. And try not to lose that empty mag.

  8. I use a .40 S&W Glock model 22.

    Don’t find anything wrong with it. I’ve got 9mm’s & 10mm’s, but my main EDC is the glock 22 although some times I do switch off for a day or two.

  9. There is another potential advantage to a semi-auto handgun platform chambered in 10mm Auto: I believe you can even load it with .40 S&W cartridges. That is analogous to loading .38 Special cartridges into a .357 Magnum revolver.

    So, you could load a 10mm Auto handgun with stout loadings (and 200 grain hardcast bullets) for “woods defense” and then “load down” with .40 S&W for everyday carry and self-defense against humans.

    • I do this at the range with my Glock 20. My understanding is that a number of competitive shooters do the same thing and hold that shooting 40 in a Glock built like a tank for 10mm is actually safer than shooting 40 through a conversion barrel.

      For woods defense something like the Federal JSP if you can find it runs well. The self-defense loads of Gold Dot or HST are more “40+p” as opposed to full blown 10 but I suspect they’re more than adequate.

      Would I carry 40 in a Glock 20? Not under normal circumstances. But for drills at the range? Has worked for me.

    • Weeeellllll… yes and no.

      “Yes,” because the .40 S&W cartridge is nothing more or less than a cut-down 10mm, “no” because the 10mm and .40 both headspace off the case mouth.

      When you load a .38 Special or .44 Special into a .357 Magnum or .44 Rem Mag, all four of these cartridges are rimmed cartridges. They headspace off the front of the rim. When you load a shortened non-rimmed, non-shouldered pistol cartridge into a long chamber, the cartridge is held in place by the extractor. It isn’t headspacing off the case mouth because the shoulder in the chamber where the case mouth would need to be is well ahead of the shortened cartridge’s case mouth.

      Does it work? Mmmmm… most of the time. When it doesn’t, you might find that you need to push the case or unfired cartridge out of the chamber, because it slipped off the extractor.

      Why would it slip off the extractor? The extractor is designed to “extract.” That’s it. It wasn’t designed to hold the case under firing conditions. If a 10mm is fed a steady diet of .40 cases, the extractor will wear from this practice.

      Can you shoot .40 S&W out of a revolver chambered for a 10mm? Yes. The moon clips will hold the cartridge where it is supposed to be.

      What can happen if the cartridge slips off the extractor as the firing pin hits it in a semi-auto? Well, the primer could back out (even with a slide completely in battery), allowing high pressure gas to leak out of the primer hole, and you have an unpleasant shooting experience as the case vents into the interior of the pistol in your hand.

      TL;DR: You can get away with it – for awhile, until you cease getting away with it.

      • My Llama Extra in 9 Largo will shoot a 9 Luger, but will FTE about half the time, for the same reason (extractor losing purchase) and even when it does extract, will kick out the shorter casing at an unpredictable trajectory (from slightly right to straight up to even leftwards).

      • Dyseptic Gunsmith,

        Ah, yes, what you describe is a problem. I stand corrected.

        Pro-tip: ignore my previous comment and DO NOT shoot .40 S&W cartridges in a semi-auto handgun chambered for 10mm Auto.

        • Yes, but the advantage of the S&W 610 and the Ruger GP 100 is that they CAN safely fire the .40 short and weak using moon clips. However, as with the .38sp in .357 mag chambers, continued use of shorter cases in magnum chambers will result in a build-up of residue thus making chambering and extracting of the longer cartridges more difficult. Such shorter cartridge chambering in the longer chamber should only be used in extreme circumstances rather than as a regular practice. Certainly vigorous cleaning of the chambers will delay the problems but will not eliminate them with prolonged usage such as using .40 short & weak for sustained target shooting.

      • I built a Glock clone a year or two ago, and wanted a .40 caliber. Being blessed with my mother’s thriftiness, I considered getting the larger frame and building a 10mm but shoot mostly .40 for practice. Two calibers in one gun appealed to me. However, most of what I read fit what D.G. posted above. You can get away with it, but you are only getting away with something. So, I opted to get the medium size and build the .40, and get extra barrels for .357 Sig and 9mm. Three in one! Haven’t looked back.

        But now these guys keep posting articles about the 10mm and I’m getting hungry. I still haven’t told my wife about the left-hand AR I’m putting together for her (she’s a lefty), and that one’s to balance the AR pistol I’m also working on for myself. Aargh!

  10. Steinel, Underwood and Double Tap all make decent ammo and the hardcast is excellent from all three. My G40 doesn’t like the underwood but that may vary from gun to gun.

    • Stock barrel or non polygon aftermarket? I know underwood says their hardcast is hard enough for Glock barrels to not matter but…….

    • .45 Super is basically the same power/energy level as 10mm, but from an even bigger bullet. It’s kind of like .45 +p+p+p+.

      But there’s a huge gap between.45 Super and .460 Rowland. .460 Rowland is a HANDFUL, a true .44 Magnum level of power.

      • Not that bad, especially when most converts will have a comp. My FNX-T has about as much recoil as firing spicier Luger. If you haven’t seen it you should check out the v2 recoil assembly. Properly tuned, you can swap between APC, Super, SMC, and Rowland without even a spring change.

        But yeah, 1015 ft/lb in mag fed is no joke. There’s an old vid on YT up where crazy guy in a bear costume pops a (boiled unfortunately) polar bear skull with 10mm, then .460 using hard cast for both.

        10mm pens and was captured inside the skull. Rowland? Blew the back out all over the snow.

        • “……Properly tuned, you can swap between APC, Super, SMC, and Rowland without even a spring change…….”

          I purchased an HK Mark 23 for exactly this reason. The patented HK recoil system will run everything.
          Haven’t gotten the chamber cut 1/16″ deeper to accept 460 Rowland yet.
          Fitted it with a Lobo’s Ind rail adapter, SureFire X400U light/laser, a dozen mags, all w/+5 HK USA sourced mag bases (17rd mags), HK SOCOM style padded case.
          Over two months in on the tax stamp wait for a Rugged Obsidian 45 suppressor.

  11. I am not sure that “beginners” and “10mm” should be in the same article. This is not a beginners caliber. I know of several beginners who bought the .40 when it was popular and were quickly sorry they did that. There is a reason the 9mm is so popular today. My DIL has a Kahr .40 that I hate to shoot. She is petit and has low upper body strength. I don’t think she has every shot it again since qualifying for her CCL. I know .40 is not the 10mm. I shoot both in a 1911 I built and they are great in that heavy gun, but for a light weight CC, get a nine.

    • Dale Menard,

      You are not the first person to say that .40 S&W is a beast to shoot. Allow me to dispel that myth.

      I “trained” two women–one average size/strength and the other petite with below average size/strength–to shoot a “full size” semi-auto Smith and Wesson M&P 40 handgun which weighs 26 ounces. Before I “trained” them, they complained of the “excessive recoil” and their inability to put follow-up shots on target. (One of them shot one round, opened her eyes, and noticed that her elbows were bent and the handgun in her hand was pointing almost vertical due to recoil.)

      My “training” consisted solely of explaining how to grip that handgun properly. One of the women understood immediately and was able to blast away at a fairly rapid rate of fire–keeping rounds on target at distances of something like 10 feet. The other did not understand until I explained the grip again in terms of isometric strength training. She immediately understood at that point as was able to blast away at a fairly rapid rate of fire (and with acceptable “combat accuracy”) as well.

      Being able to handle a handgun–pretty much any handgun–depends about 80% on proper instruction/technique and about 20% on caliber/platform. Proof: I “trained” that same petite woman to shoot moderate power .44 Magnum loads out of a full-size revolver–which came with a huge smile on her face and request for another full cylinder!

  12. The SIG P220 Hunter is no longer produced, as all the 10mm P220s have been discontinued with the sole exception of a 10mm chambering in the full-size P220 Legion model.

    In fact, the entire P220 line has been getting downsized over the past few years. I just checked the SIG website and they only currently produce 3 other versions aside from the aforementioned 10mm Legion: the Legion, Equinox, and Elite, all in .45 ACP. And they’re all only full-size, the Carry models were all discontinued.

  13. Good Lord up above, save this young man from his lack of knowledge.
    No mention of Dan Wesson 10mm Bruin.
    Truly a crime against POTG.

    Your Honor, I rest my case.

  14. The EAA Witness 10mm was always the best 10mm pistol IMO. It’s a damn shame they stopped importing them.

    • EAA was the importer of Tanfoglio pistols and had gained a somewhat deserved reputation for shitty customer service. Italian Firearms Group has taken over the importation of the Tanfoglio pistols, which have been updated and will hopefully have better promotion and customer service than from the former importer.

  15. Any magnum revolver will give you better performance period. The 10 is a attempt to up the auto into magnum rounds. The 357 sig is the same idea. Revolvers will always own power, pistols own capacity.

    • This is 110% true. There is no semi-auto cartridge that approaches the sorts of energies of the big handgun hunting rounds available in revolvers, especially the heavy, single-action revolvers such as the Freedom Arms and Rugers.

      If someone wishes to doubt this, I recommend they go look up any of the .500 Wyoming Express, the .500 S&W, or the .500 Linebaugh.

    • “Any magnum revolver will give you better performance period.”

      Well… Yes and no. A .357 Snubbie isn’t going to compare to a 10mm handgun. But a .44, .454, .460 or .500, any of those are much much more powerful than a 10mm. 10mm has the bullet size of a .41 magnum, but usually doesn’t match the velocity, so in reality it sits about halfway between a .357 and a .41.

      In a full-size revolver with a 6″ barrel, the .357 Magnum is going to deliver shot-for shot performance on par with the 10mm. But no matter how you slice it, 15+1 gives you a hell of a lot more performance than a 5- or 6-shot revolver.

      • If you look at full pressure ammo (Buffalo Bore, Double Tap, etc. which is NOT +p) you’ll find that the .357mag has a slight edge over the 10. Mostly it comes down to the 10 offering a slower, heavier and lower SD bullet vs. the lighter, faster and higher SD in .357. Pretty much a wash for self defense (barrel length considered on both sides) but for hunting the .357 has the edge. A 200 gr. 10mm bullet has about the same SD as a 158 gr. .357.

  16. “many FBI and other law enforcement agencies couldn’t handle the excessive recoil produced by the full-house loads”

    You refer to the affirmative action Copettes.

  17. Blah, 10mm has been making it’s reappearance every 10 years ever since the introduction of the Bren Ten.
    It has it’s niche but that’s about it and due to the expense of a box of 50 it’s not practical and The ammo isn’t as readily available at your local firearms store. Sure you can order it before hand but that’s not the point. “Readily available”
    So I’ll see you in 2032 to see another article written to tout the virtues of the cartridge and for someone else to write about 10mm on a slow Month or year or just can’t find anything else to write about.

  18. Any article about the 10mm cartridge needs to mention The Great Miami Shootout, as this is the reason the FBI adopted the round.

  19. “many FBI and other law enforcement agencies couldn’t handle the excessive recoil produced by the full-house loads”

    That is a mental problem, not a physical problem.

    Go shoot a real gun for a while and then you might notice a 10mm is pretty much a weenie auto pistol cartridge. It just happens to be less of a weenie cartridge than most other auto pistol cartridges.

  20. “Calibers for Beginners: 10mm Auto”

    …are words that I didn’t expect to see together
    (yes I know that’s not what the article means)

  21. What I really want to know is how Dacian feels about the 10mm auto. I find that gis comments are always helpful and inciteful

  22. The author fails to mention the early Glock 20 and 1911 blow ups that occurred with the 10mm. That’s what happens when you shoehorn a more powerful cartridge into an existing design without taking into account the increased pressures. The complete failure of the Bren 10 as a success brought to market, is a story all on its own.

  23. The issue I have with the Glock 20/29 in the Gen3 configuration was the grip was quite large. I have big hands and could not get comfortable with the pistol and with that i found the 10mm had a lot of recoil. Fast forward about 8 years and I recently picked up a Gen 4 Glock 40. With the slimmer frame, the gun fits my hand great. It is a blast to shoot (pun intended), tut really, I don’t find the recoil controllable shooting 180grn FMJ. I don’t really recommend it for a novice. I have .40 and .45. They are all fun to shoot

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