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California Legislator: Ban Boring Flamethrowers!

When Elon Musk isn’t busy changing the world with electric cars, solar cells and reusable rockets he is busy with his side business, accurately named The Boring Company.

Not because the company is dull. The Boring Company bores really big bores (and they cannot lie). Sometimes these big bores are called tunnels, which are great for alleviating traffic in heavily congested areas. Except Boston. But that’s not why we’re here.

The Boring Company also makes $500 flamethrowers. Yep, tunnels and flamethrowers. And people love ’em. The company somehow surmounted the old ennui to report that they sold 10,000 flamethrowers within 48 hours to not be exact.

The Boring Company is based out of California which hasn’t banned fire – yet. But they’re working on it!

Democratic State Assemblyman Miguel Santiago (seen above practicing his smile) wants to protect the children by banning The Boring Company’s flamethrower.

Mr. Santiago tweeted “If this is a joke, then it’s a terribly insensitive one given that we’re coming off of the worst wildfire season in history. Either way: NOT FUNNY. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.”

From the videos I have seen, the $500 flamethrower appears to have a range of about two feet. From Jeremy, who used to work for Elon, “he appears to have purchased a sense of humor.”

Not sure a little propane flame is going to cut it, though, anyway. If I was in the market for a flamethrower, which I was earlier this year, I would have picked up an Ion Productions XM42, which I did.

XM42 review is pending but I can tell you its range is 30 feet. Not boring at all.

33 thoughts on “California Legislator: Ban Boring Flamethrowers!”

    • He said he’d release a flamethrower if he sold 50K hats (baseball caps). The hats sold out and now he’s putting his money where his mouth is apparently.

      Pardon the pun, but he got flamed for this thing over on T&P because the picture is a toy with a propane torch attached to it (there’s a whole article on it over there). Supposedly the actual one will be an “upgrade” but… who knows… he’s pre-sold a bunch of them at like $600/each.

  1. Pretty soon California is going to ban things in advance. They’ll have a whole Pre-Ban agency just to find new things and ban them. It’s going to be like Minority Report for anything fun or useful.

    • When they stop you at the border now to check for produce and ammunition, they’ll go ahead and collect the fines in advance.

      • and Ferrets. They are illegal in the PRC as well. Definitely gotta’ filter for those evil destroyers of…something.

  2. Go get um california!!!

    Safe those californian’s from Mass Flamethrower attacks.

    Throwing flame is racist, sexist, and homophobic and must be stopped AT ALL COSTS!

    • Well, only if you are not antifa, or some other liberal protesting group. Then throwing flame is perfectly fine. The authorities will even be ordered to back off so you can burn at your own leisure.

  3. Musk’s ‘Flamethrower’ is a simple propane-butane type *torch* you can buy on its own for about $50.

    Now this is a WW-2 backpack napalm-type flawethrower you can buy for about $1,500, and throws one helluva lot more BTUs one helluva lot further downrange.

    As the movie character ‘Crocodile Dundee’ once (well, he should have) said – That’s not a flamethrower, now *this* is a flamethrower.”

    *snicker* 😉

  4. A friend of mine who lives in Massachusetts posted something in jest about buying one of these, and it took about ten minutes before one of his hyper prog said “Imagine Columbine or Newtown with one of these!”

    because obviously flame could not possibly be weaponized before this

    • I believe that Klebold and Harris actually had rigged up some sort of propane flamethrowers to use at Columbine. Or was it propane bombs? Anyway, they offed themselves before those were deployed.

      • Propane bombs, 99 to be exact. Fortunately none of them went off; the murderers plan to rival the death toll of the Oklahoma City bombing.

  5. As a Californian, I felt obliged to send the Congressthing’s spokesthing an email.

    “Dear Ms. Koenig:

    I have a question regarding Assemblyperson Santiago’s brave stand against the mortal peril posed to our great state’s firefighters and police officers by ridiculous looking, and ridiculously overpriced, butane torches.

    The question is “Did Assemblyperson Santiago’s mother have any children that lived, or were they ALL stillborn?”

    Very Truly Yours,

    Charles Applegate,
    An actual adult.”

    • “Get rid of the pistol grip and it should be NYS compliant”

      You sound like a guy I used to work with. We had a new boss un-ceremoniously dropped dropped in our laps who was proving to be a major pain in our collective asses. Unnecessarily making an already unpleasant job into something miserable, dropping daily changes to our job in the daily logbook along with “or else” threats.

      At shift change, he would come in, grab the book to read the changes and initial, and say :

      “You make it hard, I’ll make it easy.”

      We have to treat those Leftists the same way. They make a bullshit rule, we counter with innovation.

      A non-pistol grip flamethrower. “Featureless.”

      American innovation!

      GS650G, I salute your spirit! 😉

  6. California must be an above average State given how concerned politicians are for the safety of their constituents?

  7. Seriously a flamethrower? While not worth writing a bill over, these are not high on the good idea scale.

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