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Dr. Ignatius Piazza is like a dog with a bone. When he finds a media meme that justifies his “most everyone should be armed and extremely well-trained,” the Front Sight Firearms Training Institute founder and jeffe gnaws and gnaws on it, then gnaws on it some more. I’ve received yet another email from the pistol-packing Doc based on the idea that places of worship need to be armed encampments. We get the same list of “the most publicized attacks on churches” (third time lucky) and a letter of support from one Patrick Lengel. I think we’re talking about “Pastor Frank Lengal,” the founder of Biker Church USA, motorcycle-oriented cartoonist for the Baptist Press and member of the National Rifle Association (NRA). This quote gives that theory credence: “The other day I had the opportunity to sit down with a couple Jehovah’s Witnesses. I love blasting their ideas out of the water and winning the argument. I often times approach these discussions with the proverbial Clint Eastwood stare and an attitude saying, ‘Go ahead, make my day.'” Anyway, Preacher Pat is, as the Brits would say, tooled-up, and well down with Dr. Piazza’s pro-firearm philosophy.

Dr. Piazza,

I wanted to thank you for this offer you are making to churches and other places of worship. As a minister, an avid gun enthusiast and one concerned for the protection of my family and those around me, I have been very sensitive to the rising violence I have seen in places of worship.

At my former church, I encouraged law enforcement and those with their CWP to carry at church. We even spent time to ensure that individuals who did carry were spread out at different parts of the congregation – just in case.

Currently, I am starting a new church in South Carolina. I have completed my concealed weapons course and am sending the paper work in this month to obtain my CWP. I have also influenced two of our other ministers and they are either buying a new handgun soon, or recently purchased one. Both of these ministers have shot long guns, but are new to handguns, so I have been working with them.

I recently showed the DVD that I received from Front Sight to my wife and four young children. Your video helped my wife move from complacent about firearms to understanding the importance of them and proper training. She even gave me permission to buy a Glock 23 for my upcoming birthday so I can have a good “carry” gun (I have been saving for it for months). Her only question for me was…”What about me when you are not at home?” (I think I may have another firearm convert.)

Because of my background, I very much appreciate your willingness to give of yourself in order to help others defend themselves, their love ones, and others who are lucky enough to be near someone who values the lives of the innocent.

Thanks again,

Patrick Lengel

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