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Can Someone Please Teach Anti-Gun Journalists How to Use Google?

“[Chicago 14th District Republican Committee Chairwoman Janine] Kateff said if America did ban the AR15 rifle, the gun used in many school massacres, that wouldn’t stop somebody from coming in with a machete, a knife, an explosive — and, she said, ‘Where would it end?'” columnist Rochelle Riley (above) writes at . . .

And that’s where Kateff ran off the rails. No trucks or machetes or explosives have been used in mass school shootings — and I hope these kinds of responses don’t give anyone ideas.

Hang on. Let’s Google “school bombing.”

School bombings (courtesy

Click on the image to get to the Wikipedia page for the live links. And note that the Columbine massacre was a bomb plot that didn’t go off as planned (thank God).

OK, now that we know such a thing as a school bombing exists, let’s Google “worst school bombing”.

First link: Wikipedia’s Bath School disaster. Which provides the following information:

The Bath School disaster, sometimes known as the Bath School massacre, was a series of violent attacks perpetrated by Andrew Kehoe on May 18, 1927, in Bath Township, Michigan, which killed 38 elementary schoolchildren and six adults and injured at least 58 other people.

Bath Consolidated School

Kehoe killed his wife and firebombed his farm, then detonated an explosion in the Bath Consolidated School before committing suicide by detonating a final device in his truck.

In fact, the Bath School massacre is the worst school homicide in U.S. history. And it was a bombing. In a state not very far from Illinois, in fact.

Yes, facts . . .

IMHO it’s not unreasonable to expect a professional columnist to research some basic facts before sneering at a gun rights advocate’s assertion that banning AR’s would not stop crazies and terrorists from attacking schools using other methods.

Which leaves us with two possible conclusions . . .

Either anti-gun rights journalists and columnists like Ms. Riley are too lazy to spend .4 seconds Googling for facts, or they refuse to do so out of willful ignorance. Knowing — on some level — that their position will not withstand rational analysis.

No matter how you slice it, one thing’s clear: gun control agitprop providers aren’t the most admirable people. Just sayin’ . . .

43 thoughts on “Can Someone Please Teach Anti-Gun Journalists How to Use Google?”

  1. Car and machete? Remember the Ohio State student a couple years ago, who ran some kid over, jumped out, and started attacking people with a knife? I still say he was just using jihad as an excuse to get out of exams.
    Also in Columbus today, the defense attorney for the Ohio State kidnapper/rapist/murderer guy is trying to use his “oppression” as a defense. As if it’s okay to rape and murder people because you’re black.
    ALSO, some kid in Hilliard (near Columbus) got suspended from his high school because he stayed in the classroom when the other drones were marched out to the school-enforced walkout.

  2. Expect journalists to actually do research and verify facts?

    You’re being wholly unreasonable.

  3. Lazy AND stupid. But that’s what passes for a “journalist” in Chiraq these daze. From the formerly conservative Chicago Trib 😩😖😧

  4. Hang on. Let’s Google “Next DOJ/FBI/FISA/Uranium 1 bombshell”

    ‘Cause that ahole SChitcago Tribune ain’t gonna cover it.

  5. the world’s largest printing press is called “freedom center” and they spend the vast majority of their psychobabbling trying to quash and suppress.

  6. I am unable to urge anyone who still has children or grandchildren in public schools any more than this: GET THEM OUT! They are being programmed by the evil system it has become. You can’t debrief them everyday to counteract it.

  7. Leftist propaganda minions do not want to educate themselves as it’s easier to push the agenda,can’t let truth or facts get in the way of the agenda.

  8. Whatever you do, don’t mention Columbine, where there WERE bombs used in the shooting, they just didn’t work as intended.

    • And, certainly don’t speculate that if the murderers had been prevented from buying guns, they might have made a greater effort to make sure that their only weapons did work as intended.

  9. “…AR15 rifle, the gun used in many school massacres…” I can only find two incidences where an AR-style firearm was used – and we are all well aware of each. Two is not “many”. Most school SHOOTINGS have been committed using pistols. Infact, if you combine semi-automatic and revolver handguns, their use outnumber the use of both long guns and shotguns combined by almost 70%

    Every loss of a child’s life is a tragedy. However emotion fueled hyperbole isn’t going to get us anywhere. She needs to stop demonizing an inanimate object and start venting her anger on ineffective strategies like “Gun Free Zones” and the U.S. mental health systems.

    By the way, the “school shooting that started it all” – Columbine – was also supposed to have been a school bombing. Their explosive devices failed.

  10. Anti gun response: Well bombs are a lot harder to make and a lot more likely to fail. And cars can’t go inside buildings, and knives are less leathal and require you to come into physical contact with the victims.

  11. Most of the journalists, bloggers, or what ever the heck they are these days have room temperature IQ’s….I should know; I work with a bunch of them at

  12. “No trucks or machetes or explosives have been used in mass school shootings — and I hope these kinds of responses don’t give anyone ideas.”

    Hang on. Let’s Google “school bombing.”

    But school bombings aren’t school shootings.
    “You are technically correct. The best kind of correct.”

  13. Am i the only one that thinks that this Bimbette looks like a dusky version of the Joker?

  14. She’s not dumb OR lazy, I’m going to say this like a broken record until this question Isn’t asked by Conservatives anymore.

  15. A big lie (German: große Lüge) is a propaganda technique. The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so “colossal” that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.”

  16. For most of the left there was nothing before that individual became “woke.” No history of any kind. It’s a sort of ideological big bang. You can jam the data into their faces and it simply won’t register. With each new “woke” lefty time eternal gets a reboot.

  17. She’s actually a Detroit Free Press columnist, not at the Chicago Tribune (the embedded-link redirects to Freep) Not saying Free Press is any better at all…but she is not a Chicago columnist.

  18. Not sure how any of her opinions preempted the right to defend ourselves but whatever…….

  19. I wonder if 1963 Birmingham rings a bell in her head. Yeah, I know that was a church.

  20. “Reggie Browning says:
    March 16, 2018 at 16:01

    Anti gun response: Well bombs are a lot harder to make and a lot more likely to fail. And cars can’t go inside buildings, and knives are less leathal and require you to come into physical contact with the victims.”

    And that’s all true. It’s a fool’s errand to pretend that bombs are a bigger threat than guns, given the ease of finding the latter compared to the former. If they were, these kids would be bombing schools. They’re not, because the ease of use for bombs is extremely low when you include the manufacturing difficulty. Low-grade ones are also difficult to conceal (if you’re an adult it’s easier to do all this, of course). And for everyone who thinks you can just figure out how to do it on the internet… the internet has been around for quite some time, as have ‘bomb making manuals.’ It’s not as easy as it looks. The Columbine idiots showed that.

    If you’ve got a lot of space and privacy, you might be able to figure out bombs. Otherwise a rifle is the obvious choice, just like it is for soldiers, cops, and regular people.

    • Bombs are hard to make and hide? O call BS on that. Fireworks for black or flash powder, pressure cooker or hardware store threaded pipe, cannon fuse or battery and Christmas tree bulb and you have a bomb. Every school kid has a backpack. Schools are full of metal trash cans and lockers. It would be much easier to bomb a school with zero bomb making ability than to procure a gun and ammo when underage.
      All the above bomb making was off the top of my head without any google search. Want more effective explosives? Head on over to YouTube for how to make anything from nitoglycerin, the stuff terrorists use made from peroxide, or any number of other nasty chemicals.

    • Bombs are hard to make and hide? I call BS on that. Fireworks for black or flash powder, pressure cooker or hardware store threaded pipe, cannon fuse or battery and Christmas tree bulb and you have a bomb. Every school kid has a backpack. Schools are full of metal trash cans and lockers. It would be much easier to bomb a school with zero bomb making ability than to procure a gun and ammo when underage.
      All the above bomb making was off the top of my head without any google search. Want more effective explosives? Head on over to YouTube for how to make anything from nitoglycerin, the stuff terrorists use made from peroxide, or any number of other nasty chemicals.

  21. Rochelle Riley graduated from The Jemele Hill School of Journalism at Grifter University.

    FYI, the Journalism School building is just across the Quad from The Jesse Jackson Divinity School which is right around the corner from The Maxine Waters School of Government.

  22. Without “journalism” thousands of idiots would have to turn to telemarketing to pay off their $80k of gov’t student loans (mostly blown on college lifestyle).

  23. Actually the use of gasoline and fire would probably kill more people than a gun would if one were so inclined to go for a high number of deaths. A mentally unbalanced individual can come up with many creative ways to commit murder if guns are not available!

  24. The anonymous comment regarding the Hilliard student who was suspended, he was suspended for not following directions, not for refusing to participate. The school gave students a choice, either participate or go someplace where they could be supervised…the commons area. He chose to remain in th classroom and be by himself. He also reportedly stated he understood there may be fallout for his choice. He isn’t a martyr, just a student who chose to not follow simple safety and supervision rules.

  25. Molotoff cocktails are simple to make, use and deadly. These types of people who are set on mayhem are not stopped by laws or decency .

  26. I vote for willful ignorance. There’s really no other good explanation. I think showing your ignorance regarding gun matters has become a form of coded virtue signalling. Intentionally getting the gun-stuff wrong is a way of identifying with the assumed moral superiority of other gun-controllers who see gun-knowledge as something so distasteful that even knowing about it is immoral.

  27. Janine Kateff? That’s a funny name for a funny looking guy or whatever that is, it’s probably related to that Janet Reno dude thing…. Pan Prior should have never born offspring….. Support Your Local Law Enforcement……Do the right thing turn in your firearms MAGA…… There is one country China cannot control- – RUSSIA – -/…. Made in China, help support Communism your dollars at work MAGA. …. The South made slaves of men, Global Economy makes slaves of us all…Divided we fall, Together we failed…..Long live the KING

  28. Gabe Rygard (Ax Men) may he rest in peace. Explained it as well as anyone ever has. “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks or a stupid dog anything”.

  29. It really makes no sense. I don’t come *here* and say “always” or “never” without checking my sources, and this is just a stupid comment on a scruffy little blog, not a nationally syndicated news column (nor a local one, for the matter). It’s almost like they’ve been taught that it’s only important that you *try* because there’s no right answer, it’s just “your truth.”

  30. Willy-B-Willy :
    I’d guess that she knows that, and likes it. Note the way she uses lip stick to emphasize h/zer huge evil grin, exactly as “The Joker” did in the comic books.

  31. What both Riley and TTAG need to google is the concept of “a hypothetical.” It doesn’t matter whether any schools have in fact been macheted, knifed, or bombed. What Kateff was saying — and what is entirely true — is that even if AR-15s are banned, there are alternative weapons that could be used. She made no claim that any of those weapons had already been used.

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